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Definition Position

In the beginning of a sentence

as subject or after verbs as
direct object, indirect
object, subject
complement, object
A noun is a word that names something, Maria is happy.
such as a person, place, thing, or idea. Direct Object/ indirect
Give the books to her.
subject complement
Mary is a teacher.
object complement
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.

After subject

Verbs are words that represent actions

that are external (run, jump, work) and Ali considers the offer as a
internal (love, think, consider) lottery ticket.

usually placed before the nouns

Adjectives are words that modify nouns. they modify
placed after linking verbs

Before adjectives
He speaks very fast

Before another adverb


She drives safely

An adverb is a word that describes an
adjective, a verb, or another adverb. After verbs
They sing beautifully
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
defeat defeatist
/dɪˈfiːt/ [C, U] /dɪˈfiːtɪst/
failure to win or succeed demonstrating
expectation or
She was a woman who hated acceptance of failure.
to admit defeat.
defeatism defeat [T]
We have a duty not
/dɪˈfiːtɪzəm/ [U] to be so defeatist.
to win a victory over
the attitude of expecting not to
succeed, and showing it in a
someone in a war, defeated
competition, game /dɪˈfiːtɪd/
particular situation.
etc SYN beat sad and unable to X
We must not give in to defeatism. deal with problems
We must be optimistic.
They hoped to
defeatist defeat the enemy at He looked lost and
/dɪˈfiːtɪst/ [C] sea. defeated.
someone who believes that they
will not succeed

A defeatist at heart, the coach

didn’t really believe in his team, so
he didn’t even push them to go
for the win.
2 endangered dangerously
danger endanger /ˈdeɪndʒərəsli/
/ˈdeɪndʒər/ /ɪnˈdeɪndʒər/ [T] t /ɪnˈdeɪndʒərd/
in a way that is
[C, U] the possibility that o put someone or at risk of no longer
likely to harm or
something bad will happen something in existing.
danger of being
somebody, or to
The danger of a fire in the hurt, damaged, or The sea turtle is an
home increases during the destroyed damage or
endangered species .
holidays. destroy
Smoking during something
pregnancy endan dangerous
gers your /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ She was
baby’s life. standing
able or likely to
harm or kill you → close to the fire.
harmful OR involving
a lot of risk, or likely
to cause problems
SYN risky

It’s dangerous
for a woman to
walk alone at
3 unfailingly
fail fail failed /ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋli/
/feɪl/ /feɪl/ /feɪld/
[C] an unsuccessful result in a NOT SUCCEED, not achieving its end
test or examination OPP pass not do what is or not lasting; in a reliable or
expected, needed, unchanging
or wanted OR NOT way; always.
I got a fail in history.
I set out the failed
The staff are
lack of success or unsuccessful
Doctors failed to
save the girl’s life.
unfailing polite.
person/thing /ʌnˈfeɪlɪŋ/
always there, even in
Successful people often aren’t times of difficulty or
very good at dealing with trouble
I’d like to thank you
failing all for your unfailing
/ˈfeɪlɪŋ/ [C] support.
a fault or weakness

I love him, despite his failings.


magic /ˈmædʒɪk/
/ˈmædʒɪk/ [U] [only before noun
the power to make impossible used in magic or
things happen, a special, working by magic;
attractive, or exciting quality or having or apparently
the skill of doing tricks having supernatural
powers people OR
Do you believe in magic? British English
spoken wonderful; magically
exciting SYN great /ˈmædʒɪ kli/
using or as if by
magic or in a
This is a book beautiful or
X of magic spells delightful way.

magician A card seemed

magical to appear
/məˈdʒɪʃən/ [C] /ˈmædʒɪkəl/ magically in his
a man in stories who can relating to, using, or hand.
use magic SYN sorcerer, wizar resembling magic or
d OR beautiful or
an entertainer who performs ma delightful in such a
gic tricks SYN conjurer way as to seem
removed from
The little magician did take seven everyday life.
I love that magical
evening we spent
protection protect protected protectively

/prəˈtekʃən/ /prəˈtekt/ /prəˈtektɪd/ /prəˈtektɪvli/

the action of protecting, or the [I, T] to keep a protected animal, in a way that is
state of being protected. someone or plant, area, or intended to
B vitamins give protection against something safe fro building is one that protect or that
infection" m harm, damage, it shows a wish to
or illness is illegal to harm or protect
protector damage somebody/some
/prəˈtektər/ [C] Are we doing OPP unprotected thing.
someone or something that enough to protect
protects someone or something the environment? Spotted owls are She clutched her
else a protected bag protectively.
But after seeing species.
that motor cyclist, she may need
a protector. protective
[only before
noun] used
or intended for prote

She’s wearing
protective clothing
safe save safe safely
/seɪf/ [C] /seɪv/ [T] to make /seɪf/
strong metal box or cupboard wi someone or NOT IN /ˈseɪfli/
th special locks where you keep something safe fro DANGER [not in a way that
money and valuable things m danger, harm, before noun] not is safe
or destruction → re in danger of
This is the money that banks scue being harmed, lost, Drive safely!
keep in or stolen OPP unsa
their safes or tills for everyday us She was fe
e. determined to
save her marriage. She doesn’t feel
safe in the house
safety on her own.
someone or something
is safe from danger or harm
We were able to watch the lions
in complete safety.
For your own safety, please
do not smoke inside the plane.
7 Successfully
success succeed successful in a way that
/səkˈses/ /səkˈsiːd/ /səkˈsesfəl/ accomplishes a
the accomplishment of an aim or achieve the desired desired aim or
purpose. aim or result.
achieving what you result
The experiment was a big "keep trying and OPP unsucc
wanted, or having
success. you will eventually the effect or result y essfully
succeed" ou intended She has
OPP unsuccessful successfully
The operation was completed her
successful. mission"
1. The socialist party suffered a crushing defeat in the elections.
2. 5. Pessimism is the easiest way of self defeatism.
3. He is a pessimist and a defeatist.
4. We were defeated by 3 goals to 2.
5. Go over your defeatist attitude
6. She looked defeated, quite unlike her normal self.
7. There is a danger that museums will attempt to entertain rather than educate.
8. The pilot refused to endanger the lives of his passengers by making an unscheduled landing.
9. The giant panda is an endangered species.
10. The business is in a dangerous financial position.
11. I was worried because he was running dangerously close to the cliff edge.
12. He writes every week without fail.
13. I always felt a bit of a failure at school.
14. For me this was a hard-won lesson, based on my own failings in this direction.
15. Firms that fail to take advantage of the new technology will go out of business.
16. I was going downhill and my brakes failed.
17. She battled against cancer with unfailing good humour
18. Paris has lost some of its magic for me over the years.
19. He has got magical powers
20. He played magically"
21. This law provides protection for threatened animals and plants.
22. He sees himself as her protector.
23. Physical exercise can protect you against heart disease.
24. Regions are also allowed to change the boundaries of protected areas
25. Sunscreen provides a protective layer against the sun’s harmful rays.
26. The birds’ nests are high up, safe from predators.
27. He saved the child from drowning.
28. I think we can safely assume that she will pass the exam.
29. Scientists claim they have succeeded in finding a cure for cancer.
30. Were you successful in persuading him to change his mind?

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