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How to improve your trading

If you do it right, trading is the most rewarding business in the

world. But most traders don't know how to win consistently for 3+

7 hacks to improve your trading by 10x:

1. Focus on risk, not money

- Most traders focus 100% on money, take big risks, blow big
- Focus on risk per trade, WR and RRR to improve your
- Money is just the tool to get more money

2. More trades =\= More gain

- Many traders think you'll have more opportunities if you take

more trades
- The truth is that you don't need to catch every market movement
- Patience for the best opportunities is the best trading skill

Wait for trading areas. Focus 100%. Win.

3. Plans, Systems, Rules

Become a master of your weapons:

- Plan like a genius

- Execute systems like a robot
- Follow rules like a soldier

In trading there are no crystal balls or magic tools.

4. Focus on the long term, not the short term.

- You won't be a successful trader in 1 day, 1 week or 1 month

- Every loss, mistake and failure is a step to be successful in
2-3-4 years
- If you can overcome the learning curve, you can do anything

Remember, Rome wasn't built in 1 day.

5. Mistakes, journal, lessons

- Use mistakes to become a better trader

- Journal trades to understand your mistakes
- The lessons you learn from mistakes are your best teachers
You can't succeed in 3-6 months. Experience is not that cheap.

6. Thinking in probability

- Trading is a different business: 0% certainty. 100% uncertainty

- You fight uncertainty with edges, systems, data, rules, risk
- Everyone can win 1 trade. Everyone can lose 1 trade.

Every successful trader thinks in probabilities.

7. Shape your mindset

- 90% waiting, 10% execution

- Plans, systems, rules are your trading weapons
- Mistakes, journal, lessons are the fuel to improve your weapons
- Thinking in probabilities is the hack to control emotions

Your mindset is your most important trading asset.

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