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Chicago Manual of Style Guide

CMOS uses footnotes and a bibliography to cite sources.

You must cite a source any time you are quoting or paraphrasing someone else’s ideas.

To insert a footnote on a Mac: (option + command + f)

To insert a footnote on a PC: (ctrl + alt + f)

In-Text Citation:
Here is an example of a sentence needing a citation. 1
If you use a source more than once, use the following shortened citation after the first time. 2
If there are 2-3 authors, write the first author (last name, first name), then the following
authors using (first name, last name).
Separate authors by using and; don’t use an ampersand (&).
If there are 4 or more authors, give the name of the first author followed by et al.3

Bibliography Page:
List works alphabetically by author Last Name.
Sources without listed authors are listed by the Title.

Citing from a Book
Author’s Last Name, First Name. Book Title: Subscript. Place of Publication: Publisher, year.

Citing a Chapter from a Book

Chapter Author’s Last Name, First Name. "Chapter Title," in Book Title: Subtitle
of the Book, ed. Editor First Name/Initial Surname (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page

Citing from a Literary Journal

Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal. Volume #, issue # (year):
pages, add DOI or URL here if applicable.

Author First Name & Last Name. Title: This is the Subtitle. (Place of Publication: Publisher, year), page reference.
Author’s Last Name, Title, page #.
Author, et al. A Collection of Readings. (Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2022), page #.

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