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Sir Win – Accounting Lectures

Jokes Tagalog
Stories Legit Professor
Life Lessons

Accounting Cycle: Journal Entries w/o Chart of Accounts

The following transactions occurred during July 2021 for

Joyce Amador in her bar and restaurant business:

July 1 The owner invested constructed building for
business use, 3,500,000

2 Utilities for the month of June 2021 have been paid,


3 Bought computer paying 20,000 cash representing

20% of the total purchase price. 50% of the total
purchase price is on account and the balance is
through 15% note.

4 Borrowed 100,000 cash from the bank with 2%

interest per month

5 Bought kitchen supplies paying cash, 80,000

7 Bought bond papers, folders, envelope for office use

paying cash, 9,000

8 Bought calculator and stapler for office use on

account, 5,000
Sir Win – Accounting Lectures
Jokes Tagalog
Stories Legit Professor
Life Lessons

12 Returned some of the kitchen supplies bought on

July 5, 20,000

15 Incurred transportation cost in order to bring the

computer bought in July 3 in the business premises
paying cash, 2,500

16 Rendered services to clients paying cash, 80,000. The

amount represents a 10% of total services rendered
to clients.

20 Received 25% advance payment for services to be

rendered next month. The total contract price for the
service is 300,000

21 Paid salaries of employees less 500 for vale of

employees last month, 7,500

22 Billed customers for services rendered, 24,873.13

24 Advance payment for advertising expense next

month, 6,000

28 Some of the folders were damaged by flood

amounting to 387.22

28 Made partial payment of loan for 25,000

representing the principal and 1,800 for interest
using owner’s personal fund
Sir Win – Accounting Lectures
Jokes Tagalog
Stories Legit Professor
Life Lessons

30 Paid municipal licenses and taxes for the month,


30 The owner take some kitchen supplies for personal

use, 6,500.

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