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Evaluation Guideline

Cognitive, Affective, and Linguistic Aspects of students of the 1st elementary course.
Name: ___________________________________________.

Date: _____________________________________________.

Evaluation criteria

Consolidated: the criterion is developed very adequately. No errors or omissions are evident.
Good: the criterion is not presented or is insufficiently developed.
In progress: the criterion is adequately developed but with some shortcomings.

EVALUATION CRITERIA Consolidated: Good In progress


Analyse the Cognitive, Affective, and

Linguistic Aspects of students in 1st
elementary course.
Describe an activity in which they did
not consider the cognitive, affective,
or linguistic aspects, and for this
reason, this activity did not obtain the
expected results.
Express their opinion on one of the
responses of one of your classmates in
the forum to enrich the training action
through interaction.


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