Savage Pathfinder - Companion (v1.0)

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©2021, Paizo Inc. All rights reserved. Paizo, the Paizo golem logo, Pathfinder, and the Pathfinder logo
are registered trademarks of Paizo Inc.; the Pathfinder P logo, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game, and Pathfinder Lost Omens are trademarks of Paizo Inc. Used under license.
Savage Worlds, all unique logos, and the Pinnacle logo are © 2021 Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Inc.

LEAD DESIGNERS: Jason Bulmahn, James, Jacobs, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Russ Taylor, and Larry Wilhelm
ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS: Keith Baker, Wolfgang Baur, Jesse Benner, Clinton J. Boomer, Benjamin
Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Ryan Costello, Adam Daigle, Joshua J. Frost, Matt Goetz, Ed Greenwood, Stephen S.
Greer, Jeff Grubb, Tim Hitchcock, James Jacobs, Ryan Macklin, Colin McComb, Michael Kortes, Tito Leati, Mike
McArtor, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Eric Nelson, Richard Pett, Jeff Quick, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Leandra Christine Schneider, David Schwartz, Amber E.
Scott, Stan!, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Steven Townshend Greg A.
Vaughan, Jeremy Walker, and JD Wiker
COVER ARTIST: Svetlin Velinov
INTERIOR ART: Alex Aparin, Eric Belisle, Peter Bergting, Branko Bistrovic, Sam Burley, Jeff Carlisle, Concept
Art House, Julie Dillion, Vincent Dutrait, Carolina Eade, Jorge Fares, Gonzalo Flores, Grafit, Miguel Regodón
Harkness, Mauricio Herrera, Jon Hodgson, Andrew Hou, Imaginary Friends Studios, Tim Kings-Lynne, Mu
Young Kim, Damien Mammoliti, Jorge Maese, Warren Mahy, Jim Nelson, Tornstein Norstand, Christopher
Ocampo, Emiliano Petrozzi, Roberto Pitturru, Drew Pocza, Ryan Portillo, Steve Prescott, Dmitry Prosvirnin,
Maichol Quinto, Jason Rainville, Dave Rapoza, Wayne Reynolds, Lydia Schuchmann, Mac Smith, Craig J
Spearing, Bryan Sola, Florian Stitz, Christophe Swal, Francisco Rico Torres, Francis Tsai, Tyler Walpole, Eva
Widermann, Ben Wootten, Kevin Yan, Kieran Yanner, Ryan Yee, and Ilker Serdar Yildiz
ART DIRECTOR: Sarah E. Robinson
PATHFINDER FOR SAVAGE WORLDS CONVERSION: Michael Barbeau, Simon Lucas, and Shane Hensley
LAYOUT: Karl Keesler, Thomas Shook
PLAYTESTERS & PROOFERS: Christopher S. Warner, Donald Schepis, Jessica Rogers, Michelle Hensley,
Tracy Sizemore, Darrell Hayhurst, Michael Conn, Candace McAfee, Chelsea Kramer, Chris Landauer, Grace
Austin, Dave Beardmore, Abby Benjamin, Molly Cuddihy, Ian Goldsmith, Drew Olds, Cavan Helps, Darren
Meikle, James Hoppe II, Sam Shepardson, Glen Walker, Paul Brandenburg, Ty Fredericks, Rosalyn Helps, TJ Lea,
Chris Ott, Paul Starr, Jacob Stick, Dirk Warner, Stephen Whitten, Kwame Workman, Erica Balsley
PRODUCTION: Simon Lucas, Alexander Hau, Ryan Lee, Wallace Chui
LOGISTICS: Jodi Black, Christine Lapp, Chelsea Kramer, Jim Searcy

The Savage Worlds game system is not an Open Game License system and
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Fang Monistary���������������������������������������������� 72
INTRODUCTION5 Hellknights���������������������������������������������������� 74
Red Mantis ���������������������������������������������������� 77
THE PATHFINDER SOCIETY 6 Lesser Factions���������������������������������������������� 80

The Pathfinder Society������������������������������������ 6 ADVENTURING IN THE INNER SEA 82

THE INNER SEA REGION 12 Prestige Edges������������������������������������������������ 83
Weapons and Armor������������������������������������ 87
Inner Sea Timeline���������������������������������������� 14 Magic Items���������������������������������������������������� 88


Adventure Generator������������������������������������ 53 The Core Deities�������������������������������������������� 89
Other Gods �������������������������������������������������� 101
ADVENTURE GENERATOR 53 Outsider Demigods������������������������������������ 105


Aspis Consortium ���������������������������������������� 66
Eagle Knights ������������������������������������������������ 69 ARTIFACTS121


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Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document © 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
The Book of Fiends. © 2003, Green Ronin Publishing; Authors: Aaron Loeb, Erik Mona, Chris Pramas, and Robert J. Schwalb.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
Baphomet from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Jubilex from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Kostchtchie from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Marid from the Tome of Horrors III. © 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene.
Orcus from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Pazuzu from the Tome of Horrors Revised. © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Keith Baker, Wolfgang Baur, Clinton J. Boomer, Jason Bulmahn, Joshua
J. Frost, Ed Greenwood, Stephen S. Greer, Jeff Grubb, James Jacobs, Michael Kortes, Tito Leati, Mike McArtor, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Eric Nelson, Jeff Quick, Sean
K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Leandra Christine Schneider, David Schwartz, Amber E. Scott, Stan!, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, James L. Sutter, Greg A. Vaughan,
Jeremy Walker, and JD Wiker.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC. Authors: Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Russ Taylor, and Larry Wilhelm.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign. © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Ryan Costello, Adam Daigle,
Matt Goetz, Tim Hitchcock, James Jacobs, Ryan Macklin, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley
Schneider, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Stephen Townshend.
Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Core Rules. © 2021, Pinnacle Entertainment Group; Author: Shane Hensley.
Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Companion. © 2021, Pinnacle Entertainment Group; Author: Shane Hensley.

W elcome to the Pathfinder for Savage were viewed by Golarion's inhabitants. The
Worlds Companion. Within these pages chapter concludes with briefer descriptions of
you'll find additional information several less important organizations around
about Golarion and new rules to add to your the Inner Sea.
Savage Pathfinder games. Chapter Six covers some additional character
Chapter One gives a bit more information options for those adventuring in the Inner
about the Pathfinder Society, detailing a little Sea, providing new Prestige Edges as well as
background for this group of explorers and additional gear suitable for these new roles.
adventurers, as well as providing details Chapter Seven provides GMs and players
about the structure, ranks, and goals of the with a more in-depth look at the gods and
organization. religions of Golarion. The major deities and
Chapter Two describes the history of the the beliefs of their adherents get a little extra
Inner Sea region of Golarion (found on attention, providing some extra background
the map in the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds for clerics and paladins.
Core Rules). A comprehensive timeline of Chapter Eight takes a detailed look at the
important historical events Great Beyond: the fabric of all that is, and
Chapter Three details the major nations the planes of existence, for heroes seeking
of the Inner Sea region of Golarion. Each adventure beyond the prime material plane.
entry in the gazeteer outlines a little of the Chapter Nine deals with new artifacts,
nation's history, along with some details precious relics and magic items for
about it's geography, leadership, and political adventurers to seek out and prize.
importance in Golarion. Material for this Companion was largely
Chapter Four contains an adventure drawn from the Pathfinder Society Field Guide,
generator to help give GMs countless quick the Inner Sea World Guide, and the Ultimate
encounters or even ideas for longer scenarios, Campaign books from Paizo. GMs looking for
wherever the party wander throughout the even more information on these topics would
Inner Sea region of Golarion. be well-served looking in those books.
Chapter Five takes a closer look at several
important independent factions in Golarion,
including the dreaded Red Mantis assassins.
The faction descriptions cover important
background on the faction along with
details on the faction's goals and how they



T here are near limitless opportunities The rewards of academic study and glory-
for adventures in Golarion. Players can seeking aren’t enough for yet another type
devise any number of different motives of Pathfinder. There are those who take up
for their heroes, but the Pathfinder Society is a the trade seeking the simple thrill of perilous
natural fit for a. Those adventurers of a more adventure.
independent nature will still find members
of the Pathfinders to be valuable allies and
The Pathfinder Society was founded more
than 400 years ago by a consortium of
adventurers and scoundrels fond of working
THE PATHFINDER SOCIETY together and regaling each other with tales
of their exploits. As the group grew and
became more formalized, a governing council
Many of the greatest explorers of Golarion’s of 10 members was formed — the original
modern age record their victories in an Decemvirate.
ongoing series of chapbooks known as the
With the organization’s continued expansion
Pathfinder Chronicles. The amazing, often
in both popularity and wealth, the members
unbelievable, tales bound in these oft-
of the Decemvirate were eventually masked
traded volumes tell of lost gods and sunken
for their own safety. Today, the Pathfinder
continents, creatures older than the world
Society is ruled by a shadowy group of
who fell from the stars in the eldest days, and
masked individuals whose identities are
the fantastic ruins they left behind. These
unknown and unheralded.
volumes also tell the stories of people —
individuals who experienced some of the Operatives, known as venture-captains,
very best and worst Golarion has to offer. coordinate teams of Pathfinder agents in
their assigned regions. They tip them off to
The authors of these tales are members of
ancient legends, pass along newly discovered
the Pathfinder Society, a loose-knit group of
maps, and support efforts in the field. Each
explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers
venture-captain oversees the activities of
who search the globe for lost knowledge and
several different Pathfinder field agents, who
ancient treasures. While an honest desire
in turn conduct much of the exploration and
to unlock history’s secrets motivates some
adventure that fuels the Society as a whole.
Pathfinders, the promise of material fortune
and fame propels others who seek a sort of The Society’s chief resource is its vast
immortality in the publications of the Society. organization of operatives spread throughout
The Pathfinder Society
the Inner Sea region and beyond. Venture- carefully manicured lawns and monument-
captains in cities or especially remote strewn plazas are dotted with Pathfinders
locations usually run lodges where they trading information. At night the sounds
conduct Pathfinder business. Typically a of stories and songs resound along stone
house or building owned by the Society, a pathways lit gently by witchlights.
Pathfinder lodge is completely under the The most recognizable name among the
administration of the local venture-captain. Pathfinders is legendary Durvin Gest, author
Agents are welcome to stay at any lodge of many of the best-known tales from the first
as long as they’re on legitimate Pathfinder several Pathfinder Chronicles. Yet, the very
business. To deter freeloaders, lodges nature of the Pathfinder Society ensures that
rarely offer food or extensive free services. the organization attracts a host of oddball
Most venture-captains keep small stores of characters and impassioned adventurers
potions, scrolls, and mundane adventuring determined to make their mark on the face
equipment for sale to agents. Mercenary of Golarion. Many have become legends in
venture-captains charge exorbitant prices their own right.
for items if they believe their agents have A man named Ambrus Valsin currently
uncovered a treasure haul. As information serves as the steward of the Grand Lodge.
conduits, venture-captains also pass along He supervises all important duties within the
letters or messages through Pathfinder structure and keeps a long list of relatively
channels on agent request. safe but time-consuming jobs on file to keep
The original and greatest Pathfinder lodge is rookie Pathfinders busy.
located in Absalom. The structure is known
as the Grand Lodge, a massive fortress
complex located in the city’s Foreign Quarter.
The Grand Lodge is a place of wonder and
education. It’s a bastion of knowledge FIELD OPERATIVES
designed to inspire and organize all those Initiates who pass Confirmation become field
who live for discovery. During the day its operatives. Once initiated they’re considered

equal to any other Pathfinders below the THE DECEMVIRATE

rank of venture-captain. Field operatives are

the lifeblood of the Pathfinders. They’re the Above the venture-captains sits the
ones most commonly encountered by those Decemvirate, the 10 masked masters of the
outside of the Society. Pathfinder Society. In times past, they went
uncloaked, but a failed coup drove them into
Each new field operative joins an existing secrecy. No one outside the Decemvirate
team of agents. The venture-captain of knows their membership or how (and if)
the team takes responsibility for making new members are chosen, though rumors and
the best use of their talents and expertise. speculation run rampant.
These assignments aren’t for life; most
field operatives find themselves assigned Indeed, the very methods by which the
to a new venture-captain (even if only on a Decemvirate administers the lodge are poorly
temporary basis) at least once or twice in the understood and seemingly contradictory.
course of their lives as Pathfinders. Of course, A meticulously efficient venture-captain
Pathfinders who want to stay well-connected named Ambrus Valsin serves as both the
and perhaps even achieve publication in the Decemvirate’s representative and the steward
Pathfinder Chronicles (and that’s the vast of the Grand Lodge in Absalom. He assigns
majority of Pathfinders) do well to seriously field operatives deemed to be inadequately
consider requests made by any venture- busy with new missions. Usually he draws
captain, whether their own or not. tasks from his own personal list, but at
times he delegates tasks passed on from the
Field operatives have their own informal Decemvirate. He rarely lets on which is which.
hierarchy, largely based on prestige
accumulated through successful ventures
and contributions to the Pathfinder THE THREE BRANCHES
Chronicles. Those considered to be members
While many Pathfinder initiates favor one
in good standing receive room and board at
of these disciplines more than the other two,
Pathfinder lodges, and the ability to draw
those who wish to become full agents of the
funds to finance sanctioned missions (and
Society must gain the approval of all three
only sanctioned missions).
masters. The most devoted and dedicated
On the other side of the coin, field operatives travel to Absalom to seek the approval of the
known for failure, wasteful spending, or a lack Grand Lodge’s masters.
of meaningful contribution find themselves
Once all three approvals are secured, the
considered members in poor standing. Such
initiate takes one final, individual test —
unfortunates are only assigned the most
Confirmation. Each Confirmation is tailored
mundane or trivial of tasks if they remain
to the individual applicant, a test within
with the Pathfinders at all.
the initiate’s means but by no means trivial.
In essence, Confirmation is an initiate’s
VENTURE-CAPTAINS first mission as a Pathfinder. There’s no set
Venture-captains handle the day-to-day deadline for completing Confirmation. Some
administration of the Society. Each one initiates take years or even decades to do
minds her own cadre of field operatives and so. Only refusal to accept or finish the task
assigned area of responsibility, usually a constitutes failure.
country or portion thereof.
Where two venture-captains share territory, THE SCROLLS
their areas of concern don’t overlap. In More than any other branch of the Pathfinders,
matters of conflict, it’s usually clear who has the Scrolls value knowledge in all forms. True
ultimate authority. Some venture-captains adherents of the Scrolls seek to expand their
handle internal Pathfinder Society affairs knowledge beyond what holds obvious
instead. One example is the Three Masters benefit. In the field, one can never tell what
who oversee training at the Grand Lodge skill or bit of information might hold value.
in Absalom. In study, any random bit of unrelated
knowledge might lead to a breakthrough.

The Pathfinder Society
Many of the more adventure-minded application of magic, and surprisingly even
Pathfinders look down on compatriots includes a handful of non-spellcasters among
who favor the Scrolls, as a large portion of their ranks. Arcane casters, especially wizards,
their number rarely leaves the safety of the feel a particular kinship with this group, being
lodge. But the Scrolls maintain there’s more the most inclined toward magical research.
to be discovered in a week’s perusal of Followers of the Spells make excellent
understudied tomes than in a month traipsing leaders for missions expected to run afoul
about through muck after yet another soon- of magical creatures, traps, or unknown
to-be-shelved find. mystic forces, which arguably includes most
Most view their approach as an important Pathfinder operations. Though, Venture-
facet in the grand quest for knowledge. What captains frequently find themselves at
has been recovered must also be understood. odds with Spells who either conceal their
As for all aspects of the Pathfinders, the “why” discoveries or delay revealing them in the
may vary—pure research, financial gain, and hope of unmasking further revelations.
leads to the next adventure are only some The often brusque Aram Zey remains
the most common motivations. Certainly the Master of Spells at the Grand Lodge,
these Pathfinders do adopt the adventuring despite his apparent disdain for his students,
life at times, if only to be the first to gaze on particularly those who lack magical talent.
mysteries thought lost to the ravages of time. Initiates who impress him with their grasp
Not all Pathfinders who favor the Scrolls of esoteric arcane theory or their mastery
obsess over moldering manuscripts and of dweomercrafting may find themselves
ragged tomes. Some appreciate the Scrolls’ invited back for further study after passing
eclectic approach to learning but seek their Confirmation.
own knowledge from experience rather than Pathfinders drawn to the Spells often favor
books. They’re distinguished by a more the use of magic, particularly obscure or
thought-out approach to adventuring, rarely unusual forms of it.
favoring violence or magic where cleverness
might suffice. THE SWORDS
Tutelage of the Scrolls was briefly transferred
While it might seem obvious to characterize
to Drandle Dreng during Master of Scrolls the Pathfinder Society primarily as a
Kreighton Shaine’s three-month sabbatical scholarly organization, the truth is that the
in the Mwangi Expanse. Kreighton doesn’t Society needs a strong martial branch due
speak much of his experiences there. Since histo the nature of their interests. Even when
return, the previously flighty elf has resumedintriguing ruins or promising sites aren’t
his duties at the Grand Lodge. Though, now located within enemy territory, the route to
he has a pronounced limp and is always in reach such locations often lies through hostile
a decidedly prickly mood. As of late, he’s terrain. And, of course, the dangers of the
spent much of his time sequestered in study dungeons and ruins in which Pathfinders
with favored former students, leaving some delve often requires the aid of those who are
initiates fearful as to the quality of their hale and hearty.
education. Those working with Kreighton
rebuff any inquiries about their research, but As much as the more scholarly members
seem to spend a lot of time reviewing texts might hate to admit it, all Pathfinders need
about both Osirion and Shory. training in the art of surviving battle if they
want to truly excel in the organization. The
Pathfinders drawn to the Scrolls often favor Swords are some of the Society’s most skilled
investigation, exploration, and diplomacy. warriors. They focus on all aspects of victory
in skirmishes, including setting traps and
THE SPELLS ambushes, the fine art of knowing when to
The pursuit of magic arguably draws in run, and dirty fighting.
as many Pathfinders as any other reason, Stodgy codes of honor and notions of a
even greed or fame. These types concern fair fight find little purchase among the
themselves with both the theory and practical Pathfinders, where living to tell the tale

remains of paramount importance. Most cavalier attitude merely serves to keep his

Swords make it a point to practice and drill audience attentive to his teachings.
whenever they visit a lodge, both to hone Since the unmasking of the Shadow Lodge,
their own skills and to train their fellow Marcos has made every effort to heal the rifts
Pathfinders. among the Pathfinders. He takes a dim view
Venture-captains value field operatives who of the less tolerant within the lodge, a stance
follow the path of the Sword. Pathfinders that often causes conflict with other members
who know their way around a blade are of far of the organization.
more value than hired swords from outside Pathfinders drawn to the Swords often favor
the lodge. They can be counted on to not combat and military elements, particularly
blunder into obvious traps or endanger their when combined with exploration, stealth,
teams with foolish bravado. and adventuring goals. It’s unusual to see
Master of Swords Marcos Farabellus remains spellcasters working within this subgroup of
the most popular of the Three Masters of the the Society.
Pathfinder’s Grand Lodge. He’s well-loved
for his garrulous storytelling, lenient training,
and devil-may-care approach to combat.
Even so, at heart, he knows that each lesson Agents are expected to follow three primary
is a chance to save a Pathfinder’s life, and his duties: explore the mysteries of the world,
report their findings, and cooperate with
other agents to ensure the success of both.
Unfortunately, because of the loose structure
of the Society, conflicts are relatively common.
Agents are charged with writing up detailed
reports of their exploits to pass on to their
venture-captains, who then forward the
most compelling accounts to the Grand
Lodge in Absalom for consideration by
the Decemvirate. Periodically, the masked
leaders of the Society collect and publish
the most worthy exploits in new volumes
of the Pathfinder Chronicles, which are then
distributed to Pathfinder lodges throughout
the Inner Sea region.
Yet, for as long as the Pathfinders have
chronicled their adventures, the general
public has clamored for access to these tales.
Those that are published present exciting
and hair-raising tales. Among scholars
or competing explorers (particularly the
Aspis Consortium), copies of the Pathfinder
Chronicles are particularly valuable for their
routes to treasure, secrets of magic, and other
hints about how to navigate the far corners
of the world. Reproductions and counterfeit
copies are growing more and more common.

The Pathfinder Society is so loosely organized
that it’s difficult to identify it as having
a particular flavor or character. In most

The Pathfinder Society
cases, venture-captains are members of Society that governments who particularly
their communities and participate in local fear their citizens and rely on propaganda,
customs and habits. Since venture-captains misinformation, or similar exploitative
often maintain lodges, they tend to be more tactics often see Pathfinders as threats to their
responsible and, as a result, less unpredictable control of secrecy. A Pathfinder in such an
in their actions than the average Pathfinder. area must take extra care to avoid attracting
Though, exceptions always seem eager to the wrong sort of attention. Perhaps even
show otherwise. more disturbing are the rumors of a secret
Field agents are much more of a hodgepodge. “shadow lodge” within the Society that
The freedom for agents to be, do, and say seeks to take over and control its massive
anything they want is likely the organization’s magical resources. Both the Decemvirate and
most consistently distinct aspect. The liberty many vocal venture-captains dismiss these
of agents occasionally clashes with the desires unsettling rumors as utter hogwash.
or goals of specific venture-captains, but rarely The Pathfinder Society possesses a fairly
creates too deep of a rift for them to work loose hierarchy with few formal distinctions
together. The same cannot be said of fellow in rank. All Pathfinders began their journey
Pathfinder agents, and deep and even violent within the Society in the same fashion: by
rivalries are far from unheard of among their presenting themselves at a lodge (often the
ranks. Though the freedom to approach their Grand Lodge in Absalom) and passing the
duties as they see fit is a distinct advantage challenges, tests, and questions expected of
for most missions, it unfortunately appeals an aspiring applicant.
to a large number of individuals eager to Those who pass become initiates. These
abuse their perceived status as Pathfinders. initiates spend several years in training and
These bad apples have done little to promote service at their lodge under the able tutelage
the perception of Pathfinders as legitimate of taskmasters who fall into one of three
scholars and explorers. categories: Scrolls, Spells, and Swords. Scrolls
In certain areas where information is train initiates in knowledge and history,
seen as a commodity or weapon, such as Spells train them in the theory and lore of
Nidal, Cheliax, or Galt, Pathfinders are magic and enchanted items, and Swords train
often greeted with suspicion. So little is them in combat and survival.
known of the mysterious leaders of the



T he subcontinent of Avistan and the Ocean. This ocean’s eastern shores run along
northern third of Garund together are the coasts of Avistan and Garund, from
often referred to as the Inner Sea region.Varisia in the north to the outlying Horn of
Consisting of over 40 nations, empires, Droon in southern Garund. Not quite the
frontiers, and wildlands, the Inner Sea largest ocean on Golarion, the Arcadian is
region comprises a wide range of adventure certainly the largest to connect directly to the
opportunities. From the wild frontiers of Inner Sea region.
Varisia to the cosmopolitan streets of Absalom, As one approaches Azlant in the center of
from the cloying diabolism of Cheliax to the the Arcadian Ocean, submerged ruins of
hopeful independence of Andoran, any of that ancient empire grow more common, yet
these locations can host countless adventures. elsewhere, vast undersea cities populated by
The following pages take a detailed look aquatic elves, merfolk, sahuagin, and—in the
at these regions, focusing on the history, deepest reaches—the remnants of the aboleth
government, and sites of interest in each empire await discovery.
area. Each entry includes a short block of Eye of Abendego: Before the death of
information for the region being covered, Aroden, this sizable stretch of relatively calm
starting with a brief description of that waters was known as the Abendego Gulf.
region and including such vital stats as the Yet just over a century ago, a powerful and
overall alignment of the region’s populace, apparently perpetual hurricane churned to
its predominant religions and languages, the life within the gulf. The region is known now
name of its ruler and type of government, as the Eye of Abendego — for it’s the winds
and names and populations of its major and waves of this permanent hurricane
settlements and capital city. that are the region’s most dominant and
dangerous feature.
WATERWAYS While some brave and desperate ship
captains ply the outer reaches of the Eye,
While this chapter is most concerned with the none have yet successfully navigated
continents of Avistan and northern Garund, the hurricane’s depths. A few magical
a full exploration of the Inner Sea region investigations of the storm have confirmed
would be incomplete without at least a that at its center sits a large eye of calm waters
cursory examination of its major oceans, seas, thick with debris and other mysterious
and lakes. flotsam, yet the preponderance of undead,
Arcadian Ocean: Surrounding the island ghost ships, strange sea monsters, and
continent of Azlant is the vast Arcadian powerful creatures of elemental air make

such investigations dangerous at best. What the water “steams” with heavy layers of mist
may have formed the eye is a mystery that’s at night that slowly burn off each morning.
unlikely to ever be solved. Obari Ocean: The massive Obari Ocean
Inner Sea: The most important waterway separates the continents of Garund and
in the region is the eponymous Inner Sea. Casmaron. It’s northernmost extreme
Yet despite its import, this region is also the connects to the Inner Sea, while to the south

The Inner Sea Region

youngest waterway in the area, for until and east its extents are unknown to most of
Earthfall, when the strange rock known as the denizens of the Inner Sea region.
the Starstone plunged into Golarion, the Its shallows are often traveled by trade
continents of Garund and Avistan were vessels, particularly those hailing from Vudra
connected by a land bridge. or distant Goka on the western shores of Tian
The violence of Earthfall created a massive Xia. Few dare to sail the vast empty reach of
circular crater and sent powerful shockwaves the Obari’s heart, however, where rumors of
along the continental divide, collapsing much immense sea dragons, carnivorous mobile
of both into ruin and allowing the waters islands, and demon storms are but the least
of the Arcadian Ocean to flow east. Today, fantastic of the sea-terrors that prey on the
the Inner Sea shares its shores with the imaginations of sailors.
region’s most powerful nations, and serves Steaming Sea: With its northernmost reaches
as a trade route and war zone as the political often encased in ice during the winter, the
tides demand. Steaming Sea sits along the northern border
Lake Encarthan: One of the largest and of the Arcadian Ocean, sheltering it from the
most highly traveled bodies of water in harsh coastline of the Crown of the World.
Avistan, Lake Encarthan connects the nations The Steaming Sea’s actual boundaries
of Druma, Kyonin, Lastwall, Molthune, depend on the seasonal flow of currents, but
Nirmathas, Razmiran, and Ustalav with the Ironbound Archipelago and the island
a common coastline. The lake is home to nation of Hermea are typically thought of
many creatures as well, from numerous lake as existing within this waterway’s reaches.
monsters to ogrelike merrows, scrags, and Many scholars categorize the Steaming Sea
stranger creatures. as nothing more than a minor component of
Yet the lake’s greatest mystery lies at its center, the larger Arcadian Ocean.
for it’s here that the mysterious Isle of Terror
looms. Said to be where Aroden mortally
wounded the wizard-king Tar-Baphon in
896 ar, the Isle of Terror certainly earns its Tragedy, sorrow, and loss define Golarion’s
name with all manner of undead, nightmare- history. Cataclysms undo cultural and
spawned monstrosities, and violent storms technological advancements, periodically
that constantly wrack its shores. forcing human society into a state of relative
barbarism and flux. Earthfall, the catastrophe
Lake of Mists and Veils: The people of
that brought about the end of mighty Azlant
Brevoy know the vast Lake of Mists and Veils
and decadent Thassilon — two of the most
simply as “the Lake.” It defines the northern
advanced human societies ever to rise on
border of the land as well as dominates
Golarion — marks humanity’s greatest
Brevoy’s seasons and weather.
In the winter, fierce storms howl down
A thousand years of darkness, fear, and
from the foggy waters, driven between the
savagery followed Earthfall, during which
mountain peaks to pour freezing rain, sharp
time the magical, technological, and cultural
hail, and heavy snow drifts on Issia, and
successes of Azlant and Thassilon were lost.
slowed only slightly by the forest and the hills
Ever so slowly, though, humanity drew
around Rostland, before exhausting their fury
up from barbarism, as the great empires of
on the southern hills and plains.
Osirion and Taldor arose from the ashes in
The lake gets its name from its tendency to the Age of Destiny. Human civilization once
warm enough in the peak months of summer again spread across Avistan and Garund.
so that when the first chill of winter sets in,

A hundred years ago, humanity stood on the To the south, entire nations drowned as

edge of a new age. Prophecies spoke of the a vast and perpetual hurricane, the Eye of
return of the great god Aroden and, with him, Abendego, manifested and brought ruin.
a new renaissance for his chosen people in the The great prophecies failed, and humanity
modern empire of Cheliax. Instead, Aroden’s looked with apprehension on an uncertain
connection to his clerics grew silent, and the world. Thus was born the current era, the Age
Inner Sea region was plunged into weeks of of Lost Omens.
widespread storms and chaos. The current year is 4711 ar (Absalom
With Aroden’s death, mighty Cheliax fell Reckoning). As the calendar advances in
apart, its outer territories escaping from the real world, time also marches forward
its grasp in a series of revolutions and civil for the world of Golarion. This book was
wars. In the north, the walls between worlds published in the year 2011, with Golarion’s
shifted, and Golarion inched ever closer to corresponding year ending in the same two
the demonic Abyss with the opening of the final digits.


The ages before Earthfall (perhaps the most significant event to occur in the Inner Sea region
throughout recorded history) are often collectively known as the “Age Before Ages.” Details
of what occurred in these ages come not from recorded history as much as from mythology
and legends.

The creation of Golarion is a hotly debated subject among scholars and priests, with as
many theories attempting to chronicle such an ancient event as there are philosophies and
religions. Most of these theories agree that for uncounted ages, mortal life did not exist
on the world of Golarion. Yet even this primeval world was far from abandoned. If they
are to be believed, the aboleths ruled the oceans, while the land was the domain of even
more mysterious races, such as the unknowable Vault Builders. Eventually, mortal life
Unknown appeared — yet again, whether as a result of aboleth experimentation or divine creation,
the truth is unclear. Certainly, the gods themselves had a far more direct role in the world
in these early days, for it was during the Age of Creation that the deity Rovagug was
confronted and defeated by an alliance of gods and goddesses, primarily through the acts
of Sarenrae (who cut open the world and sealed Rovagug in a strange dimension at the
world’s core) and Asmodeus (who provided a lock and key capable of imprisoning a god).

Among the first of Golarion’s great empires was that of the serpentfolk. By the time Azlant
rose to power, the serpentfolk were already one of humanity’s greatest enemies.
The first, and arguably the greatest, of humanity’s civilizations was the continental empire
of Azlant, a realm of powerful magic and technology whose secrets are still valued today.
The empire of Thassilon rose near the end of the Age of Legend, founded by exiles from
Azlant and ruled by wizards known as Runelords. When the people of Azlant grew too
proud of their deeds, their old aboleth enemies decided to end things on their own terms
by destroying Azlant by using powerful magic to cause Earthfall.

The Inner Sea Region
Earthfall. The Starstone tumbles to Golarion, creating the Inner Sea and kicking off a
−5293 thousand years of darkness. Azlant and Thassilon are destroyed. The elves depart Golarion
via the Sovyrian Stone or retreat into the far north, the southern jungles, or the Darklands.
King Taargick founds the Kingdom of Tar Taargadth, uniting the dwarves in a common
cause to abandon the subterranean Darklands.
The orcs first emerge onto the surface world, fleeing vicious pogroms by righteous dwarves
tunneling toward a prophesied land of the open sky.
−4987 The dwarves fulfill the Quest for Sky, emerging for the first time on the surface of Golarion.
−4294 The Age of Darkness draws to a close. Humanity begins rebuilding civilization.
The gnome race, fleeing an unknown terror from the First World, arrives in various
−4202 locations throughout the Inner Sea region where the boundaries between dimensions have
worn thin.
−4120 Founding of the Jistka Imperium.
The Pit of Gormuz opens in central Casmaron, disgorging the Spawn of Rovagug on the
surface of Golarion for the first time.
−3708 Belkzen besieges Koldukar.
Old-Mage Jatembe and his Ten Magic Warriors bring the light of learning back to a
−3502 world overcome with fear and despair in the deep Mwangi Expanse. His discoveries will
eventually inspire the flying cities of the Shory empire.


−3470 Ancient Osirion is founded.
−3300 Betrayal by powerful outsider allies and raids from desert nomads weaken Jistka.
−3250 Desert nomads form the Tekritanin League.
−3047 The Song Pharaoh overthrows the Pharaoh of Forgotten Plagues and founds Shiman-Sekh.
−3000 Osirion is at its height under the reign of the God-Kings.
−2764 The Jistka Imperium collapses in a prolonged series of succession wars.
Shory aeromancers, working from thousand-year-old traditions begun by Old-Mage
Jatembe, establish Kho as the first of their legendary flying cities.
The Four Pharaohs of Ascension join forces to rule Osirion, initiating that empire’s Second
The armies of the Four Pharaohs break the Tekritanin League, absorbing some city-states
and razing others.
−1431 The power of the Four Pharaohs breaks, and Osirion again slips into decline.
−1281 Taldor is founded by descendants of Lost Azlant and indigenous primitive humans.
−892 Nex and Geb go to war.
Osirion fails to replace the assassinated governor of Thuvia, effectively ceding the province
to barbarism.
The Tarrasque, greatest of the Spawn of Rovagug, destroys Ninshabur and devastates
Avistan until it’s defeated and sealed away in a hidden cavern.
The Linnorm King Ulvass discovers Arcadia, establishing the colony of Valenhall as an
earthly paradise.
−43 Soldiers of Kelesh claim Qadira in the name of Padishah Emperor Adalan IV.
Aroden, the Last Azlanti, raises the Starstone from the depths of the Inner Sea and becomes
a living god. Absalom is founded.
23 First Siege of Absalom—Warlord Voradni Voon’s ill-planned siege fails catastrophically.
Taldor’s First Army of Exploration destroys the Goroth Lodge in the Verduran Forest and
charts the Sellen River as far north as Sevenarches.
166 Nex unsuccessfully sieges Absalom, creating the infamous Spire of Nex.
253 Nex captures the Isle of Jalmeray.
499 Taldor’s Second Army of Exploration pushes north beyond Lake Encarthan.
Khiben-Sald, the legendary Maharaja of Vudra, spends a decade on the Nexian Isle of
Jalmeray, bringing Vudran culture to the Inner Sea.
576 Nex vanishes from his capital in Quantium during a Gebbite attack that kills thousands.
632 Geb attempts to escape Golarion in an act of ritual suicide, but soon returns as a ghost.
Aroden mortally wounds the wizard-king Tar-Baphon on the Isle of Terror at the center of
Lake Encarthan.
1140 Artokus Kirran formulates the sun orchid elixir.
Taldor’s Third Army of Exploration conquers the northern shore of the Inner Sea; Corentyn
is founded.
Qadiran operatives topple the decadent Pharaoh Menedes XXVI, establishing the first in a
long line of foreign rulers over Osirion.

The Glorious Empire of Tar Taargadth collapses when orc raiders launch massive assaults
1551 against the Sky Citadels, conquering several of them and throwing the dwarves into
uncharacteristic chaos for several years.
The First Five Kings War erupts, engulfing all of the Five Kings Mountains and many of
the surrounding human settlements.
Taldor’s Fourth Army of Exploration maps and claims the lands that will one day become

The Inner Sea Region

Andoran is founded as a province of Taldor when General Khastalus of Corentyn clears
much of the Arthfell Forest and establishes Augustana.
1893 Norgorber passes the Test of the Starstone, following Aroden’s path to divinity.
Ulfen longships raid heavily along the west coast of Avistan and in the region now known
as Cheliax.
Taldor’s Fifth Army of Exploration expands throughout the River Kingdoms and brushes
against the wilds of Iobaria.
Taldor’s Sixth Army of Exploration loses a powerful magical siege engine known as the
Worldbreaker to the Gorilla King in a disastrous attempt to tame the Mwangi Expanse.
Taldor’s Seventh Army of Exploration pacifies the Isgeri tribe of Kellids inhabiting the
2133 valleys between the Menador and Five King Mountains, forming the protectorate of Isger
to capitalize on trade from Druma and inner Avistan.
2187 The teachings of Irori reach mainland Tian Xia.
The cult of Sarenrae flourishes in Osirion, threatening the Qadiran satrap, who banishes
the zealots to the western deserts.
The resurgent Cult of the Dawnflower vanquishes the satrap of Osirion, establishing an
independent dynasty of Keleshite sultans.
2332 The Kerse Accord is established in Druma.
2361 Varisian wanderers settle the region know today as Ustalav north of Lake Encarthan.
The Oath Wars begin in northwest Garund. The clergies of Nethys, Norgorber, and Sarenrae vie
for dominance.
2497 The demon Treerazer begins his perversion of the forests of Kyonin.
2555 The city of Azir exiles all clerics, burns their temples, and enacts the Laws of Man.
The bloody Oath Wars come to an end as the Laws of Man spread throughout the region.
The Red Mantis flees Rahadoum to establish a new base of operations on Mediogalti Island.
2632 The elves return en masse to Golarion via the Sovyrian Stone in Kyonin.
2664 In Tian Xia, Yixing courtiers perform the first chadao tea ceremony for their emperor.
The Choking Death spreads west from Iobaria, devastating human populations throughout
northeastern Avistan.
2765 In Absalom, Cayden Cailean drunkenly survives the Test of the Starstone.
2822 Vudrani rajahs wrest control of Jalmeray from the decadent Arclords of Nex.
2920 A violent earthquake rocks Qadira and Taldor, killing tens of thousands in both nations.
Daralathyxl, known as the Sixth King or Emperor of the Mountains, arrives at the Five
Kings Mountains.
3007 Cheliax is founded as the western frontier of Taldor.
3129 Assassins murder Grand Prince Jalrune of Taldor.
Tar-Baphon returns to life as the Whispering Tyrant. The lich king unifies the orc hordes
of Belkzen and terrorizes central Avistan.
3250 Katapesh becomes a nation.
The nation of Irrisen is born when the Witch Queen Baba Yaga conquers the eastern reach
of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.

The famed dwarven engineers of Jernashall, within Droskar’s Crag, create the first

successful and safe magmafall in the middle of their city.

In Tian Xia, the Perfect Swordswoman, Setsuna Kuga, leads the armies of the Minkai
3616 against the forces of the Teikoku Shogunate in the Battle of Eight Bridges. With the shogun’s
forces routed, Minkai’s armies march on the old capital and raze it.
3619 The Minkai Empire is established in Tian Xia. Kasai is named the new capital.
3754 Taldor launches the Shining Crusade against the Whispering Tyrant.
The Shining Crusade secures a beachhead on the northern shore of Lake Encarthan, in
3818 The Knights of Ozem summon Arazni, the warrior goddess Herald of Aroden.
3823 Tar-Baphon humiliates and kills Arazni.
3827 The Whispering Tyrant is imprisoned in Gallowspire.
The Shining Crusade officially comes to an end with the founding of Lastwall, a holding of
Taldor tasked with watching over the prison of the Whispering Tyrant.
Iomedae, heroine of the Shining Crusade, successfully attempts the Test of the Starstone
and becomes Aroden’s Herald.
Geb abducts Arazni’s corpse from the Knights of Ozem, reanimates her as a lich, and takes
her as his Harlot Queen.
Merivesta Olinchi of Nex, a famed satiric playwright, is assassinated during the premiere
of her masterpiece, The Conception Exception.
The Rending. Droskar’s Crag erupts, rocking much of southern Avistan and causing
3980 widespread destruction in Darkmoon Vale. Sections of Almas wash away in massive
4043 Kazavon drives the Belkzen orcs from western Ustalav.
4079 The Qadiran army crosses Taldor’s southern border.
Chelish King Aspex the Even-Tongued breaks from Taldor, claiming Andoran and the
winged folk of the Devil’s Perch by diplomacy and Galt and Isger by force. The decade-
long power grab becomes known as the Even-Tongued Conquest, and greatly undermines
Taldan influence throughout western Avistan.
4113 Karas “the Falcon” Novotnian enters Darkmoon Vale and begins pacifying the region.
Under the banner of the mad prince Haliad I, Cheliax unsuccessfully sieges Absalom for
4137 the first time. Gains in Garund, however, grant Cheliax complete control of the Arch of
Aroden, cementing a naval supremacy that remains to this day.
4138 Cheliax establishes the colony of Sargava on Garund’s western coast.
4142 Imperial Lung Wa is established in Tian Xia, uniting 10 of the 16 Kingdoms of Shu.
4217 The Yellowtongue Sickness ravages Avistan.
A powerful earthquake off the coast of Vudra causes devastating flooding in coastal areas,
killing thousands.
The efreeti warlord Jhavhul is imprisoned on the slopes of Pale Mountain at the conclusion
of the Genie Wars by the Templars of the Five Winds.
King Haliad III of Cheliax launches the Wars of Expansion to broaden the empire’s northern
4305 borders by claiming land in Molthune and Varisia. This lasts more than a century and spans
the reign of five Chelish monarchs, eventually becoming known as the Everwar.
4307 The Pathfinder Society is founded in Absalom.
4317 Pathfinder Durvin Gest explores significant portions of the ruins of Azlant.
Geb petrifies the invading army of the Pirate Queen Mastrien Slash, creating the Field of
4332 Durvin Gest casts the Lens of Galundari into the Nemesis Well near Osibu.
4338 Nidal falls to Cheliax.

Ordrik Talhirk murders his cousin and seizes the throne of the Five Kings, triggering the
Forge War.
4382 The Forge War ends with Ordrik’s triumph.
4407 Cheliax founds Korvosa in the northern frontier region of Varisia.
4410 Cheliax cedes territorial ambitions in Varisia and Belkzen, officially ending the Everwar.
4466 Ordrik’s theocracy crumbles.

The Inner Sea Region

4499 Choral the Conqueror carves Brevoy from the corpses of Rostland and Issia.
4507 The Chelish army at Korvosa forces the Shoanti barbarians to retreat to the Storval Plateau.
4508 Forest King Narven dies in the Arthfell Forest.
4552 Mengkare, the great gold dragon, begins his grand experiment on the Isle of Hermea.
4576 The first Hellknight order, the Order of the Rack, is founded in Westcrown.
4584 Chelish explorers from Korvosa settle Magnimar.
Alkenstar, fleeing persecution from Nex, enters the Mana Wastes and discovers Dongun
4601 The Duchy of Alkenstar is founded— construction of the Gunworks begins.
4603 Taldor and Qadira reach an uneasy peace.
King Gaspodar of Cheliax prepares for the prophesied manifestation of Aroden, foretold
to mark the advent of the Age of Glory.
Aroden dies, leaving the Empire of Cheliax without a divine mandate. The Eye of Abendego
forms off of Garund’s northwestern coast, drowning the nations of Lirgen and Yamasa. The
Worldwound opens in the north, consuming the barbarian kingdom of Sarkoris. Storms
wrack the Inner Sea region for several weeks.
4608 Thousands abandon Korvosa for Magnimar.
Osirians overthrow their Keleshite masters and Prince Khemet I takes control, citing a
4609 bloodline that dates back to the ancient pharaohs. Ulizmila, reportedly the granddaughter
of Baba Yaga, arrives in Darkmoon Vale.
4613 Baba Yaga installs her daughter Elvanna as sovereign of Irrisen.
The astrological philosophers of Lirgen take their own lives after evacuating their people
from what becomes known as the Sodden Lands.
The Gunworks of Alkenstar are completed — the first firearms begin emerging from
Alkenstar to be purchased by rich collectors and curious scholars.
4622 The faltering Church of Aroden launches the First Mendevian Crusade.
4632 The province of Molthune declares its independence from Cheliax.
4638 Drezen falls to Worldwound demons. The Second Mendevian Crusade begins.
Diabolists of the House of Thrune seize control of Cheliax, brutally ending 3 decades of
vicious civil war. A dark shadow envelops the empire.
4648 The northern half of Molthune rebels against the avaricious nobles in Canorate.
4655 The conflict in Molthune ends with the founding of Nirmathas. Irgal Nirmath is assassinated.
4661 Razmiran is established.
4665 The third Mendevian Crusade begins.
4667 The Red Revolution begins in Galt.
4669 The People’s Revolt transforms Andoran.
4672 Razmir founds Thronestep.

The pirates of the Shackles unite under one banner to harass the fleets and merchants of

the north.
4676 Shadow beasts first appear in Westcrown.
4682 Queen Domina of Korvosa gains the service of the Hellknight Order of the Nail.
A contingent of 173 heavy cavalry from Lastwall routs Warlord Graukrad’s force of 2,000
The Beast of Bloodcove, huge froghemoth, claims 204 victims over the course of a record
hot summer.
Gorilla King Ruthazek attacks Alkenstar and seizes the Gunworks’ largest bombard as a
4697 The Goblinblood Wars shake Isger.
4698 A terrible earthquake rocks Absalom.
The royal house of Rogarvia vanishes in Brevoy, leaving the nation in turmoil. House
4699 Surtova takes the contested crown. The great wyrm red dragon Daralathyxl makes his last
Over the course of the month of Rova, the eyeless bodies of 13 krakens wash up on the
western shores of the Isle of Kortos.
Gnolls surge from White Canyon in Katapesh, attempting to enslave the population of
The runelords stir to life in Varisia. In the sleepy town of Sandpoint, gifted artist Jervis Stoot
murders 25 men, women, and children.
The Night Terror, a Chelish merchant ship thought lost to the Eye of Abendego years ago,
is found adrift off the Andoren coast in pristine condition but with its entire crew missing.
White Estrid defeats Boiltongue and becomes a Linnorm King; her use of strange weapons
4704 that she claims were gifts from “earth spirits” enrages other rulers of the Lands of the
Linnorm Kings.
4705 The Gray Corsairs sink three Katapeshi slave galleons in the Inner Sea.
Followers of the Gorilla King behead 17 missionaries and Aspis Consortium merchants in
the Mwangi Expanse.
Adventurers reopen Bloodsworn Vale. Pharaoh Khemet III opens the ruins of Osirion to
foreign explorers.
An aging King Eodred retreats from rule of Korvosa, leaving his untested young wife,
Queen Ileosa, in charge of Varisia’s largest city.
A monstrous metal scorpion capable of spitting fire from its mouth and tail destroys several
4709 villages in western Numeria— the beast retreats into the Felldales after harvesting dozens
of living prisoners.
Many travelers of the Inner Sea report sightings of an immense blue dragon flying north
4710 from Thuvia toward Avistan—later that year, several remote villages in Isger, Druma, and
Molthune are mysteriously destroyed by fire and lightning.
4711 The current year.



T he Inner Sea region of Golarion is vast, the largest natural harbor on the Isle of
encompassing every type of terrain, from Kortos, in the eye of the Inner Sea, and thus
the frozen wastes of the north to the controls dozens of major shipping lanes. It is
sweltering jungles of the south. This chapter a critical stop on any voyage across that sea.
details the major civilizations of the Inner The confluence of mercantile, strategic, and
Sea. Each entry details the capital city of the religious influence in Absalom earns its title
area, the ruler or leaders of government there, as the City at the Center of the World.
languages spoken, and religions practiced. Absalom is ruled by a Grand Council chaired
There then follows a condensed history of by Lord Gyr of House Gixx, who enjoys the
the area, it's importance in Golarion, and titles of Primarch and Defender of Kortos. The
sometimes some details of local intrigue or Grand Council has 12 high seats (including
mysteries a GM can use as the basis of an the Primarch’s) and a varying number of low
adventure. seats. Religious figures, the aristocracy, and
These histories are necessarily abbreviated, powerful merchants fill the high seats—their
but the Inner Sea World Guide published by positions kept for as long as the members
Paizo contains a great deal more detail for maintain the support of their fellows. Low
GMs or players looking for more in-depth seat positions are voted on by the Grand
information. With all that said, the tour of the Council once a year, with candidates selected
Inner Sea begins with the City at the Center of from other public offices or notable families.
the World, Absalom. Above the High Council, the Primarch has
unique privileges giving him considerable
ABSALOM power. He can veto any political appointment
City at the Center of the World and has the sole power to call a Grand
Capital: Absalom (303,900) Council meeting, allowing him to hold the
Ruler: Lord Gyr of House Gixx, Primarch of council hostage by refusing to allow them to
Absalom, Protector of Kortos meet unless they agree to settle issues to his
Languages: Osiriani, Kelish satisfaction. The Primarch is also traditionally
the Sea Lord of Absalom’s navy, giving him
Religion: Abadar, Aroden, Calistria, Cayden
considerable military might, but Lord Gyr
Cailean, Iomedae, Irori, Nethys, Norgorber,
has instead named himself First Spell Lord,
Sarenrae, Shelyn with authority over the magical institutions
Absalom is the most famous of all cities, of Absalom.
and takes pride in being one of the largest
and wealthiest in the world. It also sits in

ANDORAN Languages: Orc

Freedom Religion: Lamashtu, Rovagug, Zon-Kuthon

Capital: Almas (76,600) Belkzen is a harsh region filled with badlands,
Ruler: His Excellency Codwin I of Augustana, thorny scrub, and dangerous peaks. Water is
Supreme Elect of the Free Peoples of Andoran scarce, concentrated primarily in the seasonal
Languages: — Flood Road, which serves as a caravan route
Religion: Abadar, Aroden, Cayden Cailean, during the dry season, and in the vast, salty
lake of quicksand known as the Dirt Sea.
Erastil, Iomedae, Shelyn
During the Age of Darkness, the ancient
Andoran owes its power to a consortium
dwarves finally fulfilled their Quest for Sky,
of political radicals, wealthy merchant lords,
driving their ancient enemies — the orcs —
and sympathetic aristocrats who seek to
before them as they pressed upward to reach
spread their political philosophy and open
the surface. For generations their violence
new markets throughout the world. Much of
stained northern Avistan red. In time, the
the nation’s impressive wealth comes from
dwarves pushed the hordes back into the dark
antiquities from other lands. Competition
corners of the world, particularly one isolated
for these resources grows fiercer by the year,
mountain valley. There the dwarves met
pitting agents of Andoran against those of
their match: an orc warlord named Belkzen.
enemy powers like Cheliax and Taldor.
Belkzen met the dwarven army head-on,
Years ago, revolutionaries of Andoran and took the dwarven fortress of Koldukar
emptied the nation’s prisons and freed all its and made it the center of his new nation.
slaves in an attempt to bolster the strength Unwilling to risk further loss, the dwarves
of the nation against its enemies (particularly retreated. Though Belkzen’s fledgling empire
Cheliax), and its people thereafter subscribed long ago collapsed into dozens of squabbling
to a militant abolitionism. Agents dispatched tribes, the region still bears his name.
from the capital city of Almas actively seek
The orcs of Belkzen have waxed and waned
to undermine the Inner Sea slave trade, with
with the ages. Yet whenever they grew too
Cheliax, Katapesh, Osirion, and Thuvia being
numerous, the combined might of neighboring
among the worst offenders.
armies (together with the orcs’ constant
The Supreme Elect of Andoran, currently treachery and infighting) inevitably saw the orc
Codwin I of Augustana, manages the menace decline into obscurity for a few centuries.
Executive Office, a huge bureaucracy that
The beleaguered kingdom of Lastwall has
handles most governmental affairs in the
found its northern border pushed back again
nation. The 350 citizen-representatives sit on
the marble benches of the People’s Council in and again by the savage hordes. Lastwall’s
the monument-laden capital of Almas. Many current border has held well due to an influx
of money and troops from the country’s
representatives once held noble titles, while
southern reaches, but officials know, unless
others rose from slavery or serfdom to speak
for their home shires in the assembly. something changes, it’s only a matter of time
before the orcs again turn their attention south.
An efficient, prosperous trade system; an
The orcs of Belkzen are a teeming, brawling
egalitarian government; and a benevolent
multitude of seminomadic tribes, from
tolerance of all goodly religions are the three
warbands of just a few families to massive
pillars of Andoran’s liberal republic.
armies stationed in valuable fortifications.
HOLD OF BELKZEN Though capable of forming alliances and
Homeland living in peace during the rainy seasons, the
orcs’ pugnacious tendencies and the region’s
Capital: Urgir (28,700)
meager resources keep any larger-scale
Ruler: Prominent orc champions and their organization from lasting long. Notable tribes
respective clans include Grask Uldeth of include the Black Sun, Blood Trail, Broken
the Empty Hand, Tulluk Clovenface of the Spine, Cleft Head, Empty Hand, Gutspear,
Haskodars, and Hundux Half-Man of the Haskodar, Murdered Child, Twisted Nail,
Murdered Child and Wingripper.

Inner Sea Gazeteer
BREVOY South of the Gronzi Forest lies Rostland, a
Struggle Between Feuding Noble Houses vast rolling plain of fertile grasslands, dotted
with farms and small villages, and serving
Capital: New Stetven (32,850)
as breadbasket of the north. The people of
Ruler: King-Regent Noleski Surtova
Rostland are mainly farmers, craftsmen, and
Languages: Draconic, Hallit, Skald, Varisian tradesmen. Whatever their station in life,
Religion: Abadar, Gorum, Pharasma they're obsessed with honor and personal
In the far northeastern reaches of Avistan, standing, and take offense at the slightest
the land and its people become harsh and provocation. One wrong word is likely to find
unforgiving. Winters are long and deadly the offender in front of the local magistrate
here. Common folk scratch out a meager or facing a prospective duel. But if outsiders
existence farming the near-frozen soil and take the trouble to learn their customs,
fishing its rivers and lakes while the lords of Rostlanders prove to be fast friends and
the land plot in their keeps and strongholds, staunch allies.
jealously eyeing their neighbors’ domains. This fierce pride dates back to the early
This is the nation of Brevoy. Taldan explorers who colonized the area
The northern half of Brevoy consists of the under the leadership of Baron Sirian First.
once-independent nation of Issia. A stark Baron Aldori issued an open challenge to
landscape of rugged hills, the region has poor anyone who could beat him in a duel of
soil, and little grows here. The people live swords. Thousands answered the challenge,
primarily on fish from the Lake of Mists and but Sirian defeated them all, cementing his
Veils, supplemented by food shipped from reputation as the greatest swordsman in the
Rostland or farther south. world. In time, Sirian selected a small group
Issians are a reclusive bunch. Outsiders find to train. He made them change their names to
themselves distrusted and shunned. Rumors Aldori and swear an oath not to reveal what
of bloody rituals and human sacrifice remain they learned to any outside the swordpact.
unsubstantiated, but in the faraway cities of Down through generations, Sirian’s pupils
Restov and New Stetven, people whisper became known as the Aldori swordlords, a
that the true masters of Issia remain hidden force feared across the continent.
beneath the waters of the Lake of Mists and
Veils, emerging in the dead of night to strike
terrible bargains with the villagers.

A decade ago, the delicate balance of power Despite losing almost half its holdings,

between Issia and Rostland changed forever Cheliax remains one of the largest nations
as a warlord named Choral the Conqueror on Golarion. The far-reaching influence
stormed into the region gradually welding the of Cheliax stretches north to the Lands of
states together to forge the nation of Brevoy. the Linnorm Kings, south to the nation of
Today, seven great noble houses dominate Sargava in Garund, and east into Taldor and
Brevoy’s political landscape. Most of Qadira. Elements of Chelish culture appear
these date back to before the arrival of the in all those places and more, mostly in the
Conqueror, when they existed as powerful ports and trading cities of dozens of nations—
tribes of raiders and barbarians. Choral indeed, art, theater, and music (particularly
apportioned lands and titles to those lords the opera) have seen a striking explosion in
willing to pledge fealty to him. popularity in modern Cheliax, if only because
the nation’s beleaguered citizens increasingly
In the middle of winter in early 4699 ar,
need an escape from reality.
every member of the ruling House Rogarvia
vanished without a trace. Rumors flew of The House of Thrune and much of Cheliax’s
palace coups and sinister plots, but it quickly nobility work with devils and other infernal
became clear that what had occurred was agents. Aristocrats from noble families
something altogether stranger than a mere old and new enter into arrangements with
rebellion. There was no evidence of foul play citizens of Hell, gaining from these deals
or struggle within the royal palace, nor in any incredible power for a sometimes-unclear
of the noble villas owned by the Rogarvias price. Not every noble house so eagerly
throughout the land — the nobles were welcomes the influences of Hell, but those
simply gone, leaving empty manors scattered that do not wisely remain neutral.
across Brevoy. A brief period of chaos and The government’s dissent-quelling policies
panic followed, but by the end of the year, the make the people untrusting and insular. Even
Surtovas had made their move. Today, King citizens with no investment in the diabolic
Noleski Surtova holds the Ruby Fortress and order turn in suspected traitors to achieve
the Dragonscale Throne, yet it remains to be wealth and social advancement. Those
seen how long he can maintain his rule over a unwilling to play along continue to suffer
kingdom growing increasingly fractious. constant torment and indignities.
The diabolists currently in charge of Cheliax
CHELIAX serve the empire as its new aristocracy. Many
Diabolical Empire in Decline of the ruling houses claim titles such as
Capital: Egorian (82,100) paracount or paraduke, with the loftiest titles
Ruler: Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail frequently going to those families who only
II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune gained nobility with the rise of House Thrune.
Languages: Infernal Noble Houses that existed before the death of
Religion: Abadar, Asmodeus, Erastil, Aroden for the most part retained their power
Iomedae, Zon-Kuthon and influence over the past century, though
those in favor with the House of Thrune saw
Aroden’s death just over a century ago
the greatest increase of prestige and wealth.
changed the empire of Cheliax forever, as
Despite their pretensions, questionable
vassal states rebelled and Cheliax fell into a
morality, and recent rise to power, the noble
bloody 30-year civil war that was quelled by
houses that currently rule Cheliax do so more
the kingdom’s current diabolical aristocracy—
effectively than their imperial counterparts
the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune.
prior to the civil war. Under the red-and-
Today, Cheliax is a nation without hope—a
black standard of Asmodeus, Cheliax once
decadent empire weakened by losses in
more claims its former glory, if not the
glory and colonial wealth but deluded with
righteousness of years past.
pretensions of greatness. It is a stain on the
face of Golarion and a mockery of what was
once the greatest kingdom of mankind.

THE DARKLANDS puzzled and concerned sages and scholars—
Tripartite Underground world how could such an extensive network of
underground caverns retain its shape over
Capital: None
the ages despite world-changing catastrophes
Ruler: None
such as Earthfall, volcanic upheavals, and
Languages: Aklo, Undercommon divine punishments? The answer lies in
Religion: Rovagug, archdevils, demon lords the deepest reaches of the Darklands, in
There is another world hidden below. A the region known as Orv, for here yawning
world that slumbers under city foundations, caverns the size of nations sprawl. Within
dreams beneath the deepest roots of the these logic-defying Vaults lie clues to the
oldest forest, and plots in hidden places as mysterious “Vault Keepers” said to be
far below the surface as the mountains rise responsible for the creation of these ancient
above it. The endless caves and twisting caverns. Of these creators, little is known

Inner Sea Gazeteer

caverns of this ever-nighted world are known today, but the fact that the deep Vaults and
by many names, but in the world above they tunnels of the Darklands continue to exist
are collectively known as the Darklands. and remain stable to this day speaks to the
The Darklands were sheltered in large part power these Vault Keepers wielded.
from the punishing doom of Earthfall and the Although the Darklands themselves have
Age of Darkness that followed. As a seemingly changed little physically over time, three
measureless region that reaches throughout major migrations have changed the political
Golarion, no one race rules the Darklands. landscape over the last 10,000 years. The first
The majority of these caverns and tunnels was the defeat of the serpentfolk by Azlant.
are true wilderness, with isolated city-states These serpentine humanoids once ruled vast
and nations within them ruled by diverse and reaches of the Darklands, but today, they
often warring denizens. While these specific dwell in isolated caverns; their strange cities
cultures have their own leadership structures, in ruins. The second was the Quest for Sky,
no centralized government exists for the where the dwarves drove the orcs up out of
caverns themselves. the Darklands, abandoning their ancestral
The fact that the tunnels and caverns of lands to reclamation by more sinister races.
the Darklands are so extensive has long The third was the transformation of the

elves—who fled below ground in the wake of ever-growing financial holdings inch them

Earthfall—into the drow. After a combination toward the ultimate goal of their philosophy.
of exposure to a mysterious force deep in Orv While it would seem that traveling “prophets”
and these elves’ own deteriorating sanity, of Druma would make tempting targets for
the drow began to colonize and claim great thieves and confidence men, knowledgeable
stretches of the central realm of the Darklands denizens of the underworld give them wide
once held by the serpentfolk. berth, knowing their untold wealth all too
often buys hosts of magical contingencies,
DRUMA powerful divinations, and vengeful assassins.
Merchants’ Religious Paradise Very little stolen from such a prophet stays
Capital: Kerse (18,300) stolen for long. The jewel-bedecked traders
Ruler: High Prophet Kelldor thus comport themselves with an arrogance
Languages: Dwarven and casual fearlessness that frequently grants
Religion: Abadar, Torag, Prophecies of them the upper hand in negotiations.
Kalistrade Such negotiations played a critical role in the
Known to its citizens as the “Kalistocracy rise of the prophets more than 2,000 years ago,
of Druma,” the rolling hills of this region when their mediation united the squabbling
host many of the most productive gem and dwarf nations of the Five Kings Mountains.
precious metal mines in Avistan, granting The Kerse Accord of 2332 ar also granted
its leaders — adherents to the Prophecies of these adherents significant control over the
Kalistrade — significant influence over the mineral resources south of Lake Encarthan.
politics and affairs of the entire Inner Sea As Druma’s dwarven lieges turn increasingly
region through their access to such riches. inward to their mountain vaults to the east,
the prophets of Druma consolidate their
The most potent prediction of the
domestic power by ensuring widespread
Prophecies concerns an imminent hour of
dedication to the Prophecies of Kalistrade.
victory, in which adherents leverage their
financial power to, in effect, “own” the world, Social status and cultural upbringing do
becoming its masters and achieving a sort of not matter to a Drumish merchant, so long as
immortality. Their constant expansion and the adherent is capable of generating wealth,
and thus proving her value to the world.

Many of those unable to do so instead join tirelessly beneath the mountains now
Druma’s justly infamous Mercenary League. flourished on the surface. To aid in their epic
The league is ruthless, highly trained, and war against the orcs, the dwarves founded
lavishly well equipped. Black uniforms mark ten magnificent Sky Citadels. For nearly a
the league’s members in stark contrast to thethousand years, they used these great citadels
white-clad merchants, but the mercenaries as bastions of civilization. The dwarves and
are as loyal as golems—and some say more orcs fought a savage, relentless war until orcs
deadly. Mercenary League members are captured Koldukar, a Sky Citadel in what is
remorselessly amoral in executing orders. known now as the Hold of Belkzen.
In addition to domestic guard duty, the Over time, the power of the dwarves waned
“Blackjackets” escort Drumish caravans and again. In 1551 ar, the central government of
traverse the Inner Sea on missions for their Tar Taargadth collapsed, and each Sky Citadel
masters. Wherever these squads go, the was forced to fend for itself. One by one, they

Inner Sea Gazeteer

prospect of wealth hovers nearby. fell to the orcs and other threats, until only
The merchant-lords in the Kalistocracy four of the fortresses remained. And while all
control the Resplendent Bureaucracy of four remain in control of the dwarves today,
Druma, but the wealthiest have no interest inHighhelm formed the seed for the greatest of
losing money to doing it full time. That job the new dwarven nations.
falls to aggressive middle-earners who use Within the Five Kings Mountains, five
the bureaucracy as a path to greater wealth. separate dwarven nations flourished, each
A few career bureaucrats grudgingly settle forled by a different brother. Unfortunately,
plateaued earning. High Prophet Kelldor fallseach had his own agenda, and the dwarf
into neither camp, atop his unique pyramid oflords feuded almost constantly. In 1571 ar,
merchants and politicians. Kelldor’s wealth these feuds escalated into the Five Kings War,
and connections make him one of the most a brutal civil war that would endure for seven
powerful men in the Inner Sea region. centuries. Eventually, the dwarven families
grew tired of the carnage, and brought in a
FIVE KINGS MOUNTAINS delegation from the Kalistocracy of Druma to
Fractured Dwarven Nation negotiate what became the Kerse Accord. This
Capital: Highhelm (39,917) treaty ended the civil wars and established a
Ruler: Council of rulers of Larrad, Highhelm, long-lasting peace for all inhabitants of the
Kovlar, Taggoret, Rolgrimmdur, and Five Kings Mountains.
Tar-Kazmukh In 3980 ar, Droskar’s Crag erupted. Entire
Languages: Dwarven cities and strongholds crumbled during this
Religion: Torag disaster, forcing the dwarves to abandon
The memory of the dwarves is long, yet several of their ancestral homes. Many moved
even they have forgotten much of their origin to the city of Highhelm, but this eruption,
under the Five Kings Mountains. Centuries known today as “The Rending,” had an
of hard toil in service to Torag carved their unforeseen effect: it destroyed the spirit of
underground kingdoms, but Torag provided the dwarven empire. The dwarves of the Five
them with a simple prophecy: when the Kings Mountains fell into sloth and apathy,
ground shook beneath their feet, they must losing their way and forgetting what it meant
press upward to the surface in the Quest to be the chosen people of Torag.
for Sky. The dwarves saw Earthfall as the In the 250 years since the fall of Droskar’s
fulfillment of this long-awaited prophecy. Kingdom, a period the dwarves call the
Those dwarves who ignored the Quest stayed Collapsed Era, no dwarf has come forth to
deep underground, eventually becoming the successfully unite his people in their old
evil duergar. The dwarves who pursued the holdings. The remaining four Sky Citadels
Quest climbed to the surface, driving before are robust metropolises, but none can claim
them their great enemy, the orcs. to be more than a city-state.
Upon reaching the surface, the dwarves Today, the Five Kings Mountains have
discovered the orcs they had fought so yet to reclaim any of their ancient glory as


a united nation — each of the various city- which to undermine the basic principle of the
states of the mountains functions as a free divine right of kings. The half-elf philosopher
city with its own monarchy and traditions. Hosetter took things even further: his Imperial
The various kings work together in a loosely Betrayal urged common folk to take up
defined “Gathering Council,” and the city of arms to defend their shared ideals. These
Highhelm serves as the region’s capital out of fiery words spread swiftly across the land,
tradition and honor for its status as one of the
and tales of Queen Abrogail’s cruelty only
four surviving Sky Citadels. added fuel to the flames. Dissent soon burst
into rebellion. Tens of thousands answered
GALT Hosetter’s call, coming together in rowdy
Eternal Revolution mobs to shatter any remnant of Chelish rule
Capital: Isarn (42,700) and drag the decadent nobles from their
Ruler: Citizen Goss, Chairman of the manors. Together with other heroes of the
Revolutionary Council people, Hosetter and Jubannich formed the
Revolutionary Council, one of the first acts
Languages: Hallit
of which was to commission the creation of
Religion: Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Erastil,
guillotines, known as the final blades.
Iomedae, Norgorber, Shelyn
The love of life that once characterized Galt
Galt has a long and colorful history filled became an endless thirst for blood. Those who
with brilliant artists, romantic brigands, and criticized the Revolutionary Council found
philosophers whose unorthodox ideas have themselves branded Chelish sympathizers
altered the landscape of modern political and set upon the tumbrel to face the final blade.
thought. Today, only one color comes to mind The united front of the revolutionary leaders
when people think of Galt: the bitter crimson soon shattered into paranoia and infighting.
of blood. The Red Revolution has held the Just five years after chairing the first session
land in its grip for more than 40 years, and of the Revolutionary Council, Hosetter was
shows no signs of ending. executed. Darl Jubannich fled to Andoran,
The seeds of the Red Revolution were and with his departure the last voice of reason
sown when House Thrune rose to power was drowned out by the hungry mob.
in Cheliax. The poet Darl Jubannich issued Galt has seen more than a dozen governments
the broadsheet series On Government, which rise and fall since Hosetter’s death, and all
used Thrune practices as the foundation from have shared bloodshed, chaos, and eventual

collapse. A handful of Galtan nobles have killing tens of thousands of people. Geb rose
taken refuge in the River Kingdoms. There, from the devastation by animating the bodies
the “Revenant Princes” amass mercenary of all of his slain subjects, sending them north
armies and dream of retaking their homeland. in vast legions of the walking dead.
Lord Halidan Tarne regularly leads raiding In 576 ar, Geb besieged the Nexian capital,
parties into Galt, while his cousin Casal and Quantium. Although thousands died in the
the Lady Dela Morgayn prefer to bide their attack, Nex was not among them; instead,
time and build their forces, waiting for the day he had withdrawn into his palatial fortress,
when they can overthrow the Revolutionary never to be seen again. Robbed of his victory,
Council once and for all. Geb lived the next several decades in anguish.
Citizen Korran Goss is the current chairman Eventually, the immortal necromancer ended
of the Revolutionary Council. He is a gifted his torment in an act of ritual suicide.
demagogue talented at redirecting the mob’s Death offered no respite for Geb, who

Inner Sea Gazeteer

rage, leading the masses to blame their returned to Golarion as a ghost, chained
neighbors for their hunger and poverty: to the world until he could be sure of his
While the Revolutionary Council is ultimate triumph. Thereafter, necromancy
wildly unstable, Galt has a reliable force took a prominent role in all of Gebbite
in the Gray Gardeners, who conceal their society. Neighboring nations swiftly took
identities behind hoods and veils of gray action, launching raids, naval blockades, and
silk. The Gardeners serve as justices and assaults that have plagued Geb for millennia.
executioners, and maintain the final blades. One such assault came in the century
As the anonymous face of bloody justice, the following the end of the Shining Crusade.
Gray Gardeners are wildly popular among Knights of Ozem sought to further their
the mobs. The leaders of the order, however, legend by defeating the ghost-king Geb.
have repeatedly refused to unveil and join They failed, and Geb reanimated the seven
the Revolutionary Council, recognizing that would-be assassins as grave knights in his
anonymous security is the best one can hope service. He ordered them north to Avistan
for in blood-soaked Galt. to bring him the venerated corpse of Arazni,
the knights’ demigoddess patron. Geb
GEB reanimated Arazni’s corpse as a lich and
Domain of the Dead took her as his Harlot Queen. Today Arazni
Capital: Mechitar (42,000) willingly sits enthroned in the city of Mechitar,
Ruler: Geb (ghost locked to the land until ruling with cruelty at Geb’s side as she has for
convinced of Nex’s death) the last 800 years.
Languages: Osiriani, Kelish Despite the hostility the entire world focuses
Religion: Nethys, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon upon it, Geb makes no war on its neighbors,
In the final centuries of the Age of Destiny, seeking to influence other nations through the
two immortal wizard kings named Nex and subtle tools of espionage. Because the ruling
Geb engaged in a legendary arcane struggle class of Geb no longer ages, the nation’s
that engulfed the east coast of Garund. The leaders can afford to weave plots that span
two archwizards battled on through the centuries.
early centuries of the Age of Enthronement, Long ago, most Gebbites were living
blighting one another with vicious magical humans, but today the undead essentially are
attacks. Signs of the epoch-spanning struggle Gebbite society. Mortal necromancers remain
with Nex are everywhere in Geb, especially in an important exception, guarded as they are
the northern, blasted no-man’s land known by spells, amulets, and rituals protecting
as the Mana Wastes. At the climax of their them from the undead. The most powerful
conflict, Geb used potent wish-magic to draw mortals in the land belong to the coterie of
the life from the land of Nex, turning that necromancers known as the Blood Lords,
country into a barren wasteland outside a few personal apprentices of Geb himself trained
magically protected cities. Nex responded by in the dark arts in Mechitar’s foreboding Ebon
calling down a series of cataclysms upon Geb,

Mausoleum and tasked with administering unblinking out the door from its perch atop a

the day-to-day affairs of the kingdom. small chair. Popular belief is the dolls contain
Most native spellcasters focus their efforts on the corrupted souls of stolen children, who
necromancy, a national expertise that draws leave their huts during the night to hunt and
death-obsessed mystics from all corners of murder travelers foolish enough to trespass
Golarion. Centuries of rule by the living dead into their mistress’s kingdom.
have made the nation’s libraries the foremost Every 100 years, the Queen of Witches
repositories of necromantic lore in the world. returns to reclaim her child and install a new
In recent centuries, Geb has withdrawn, daughter to rule for the next century. The
leaving much of the day-to-day operations of new ruling daughter quickly goes about
his kingdom to Arazni and the Blood Lords. installing her own children into positions
The curse that binds his spirit to Golarion of power throughout the kingdom. Males
forbids him from venturing beyond the assume the leadership of the queen’s fighting
borders of his land. forces, marshaling squads of ice trolls and
packs of winter wolves to protect the realm,
IRRISEN while females, even if quite young, see to
Land of Eternal Winter the government and administration of the
land. These granddaughters of Baba Yaga,
Capital: Whitethrone (24,900)
collectively known as the White Witches,
Ruler: Queen Elvanna, Fourteenth Daughter
command a level of respect and obedience
of Baba Yaga from their subjects bordering on worship.
Languages: Hallit, Skald
Queen Elvanna currently rules Irrisen with
Religion: Lamashtu, Zon-Kuthon
an iron fist. She rarely leaves her palace in
Nearly 1,400 years ago, an innumerable host Whitethrone, but with numerous children
of blue-skinned trolls and cold fey marched acting on her behalf in the settled areas of
down from the Crown of the World, led by the Irrisen, nothing happens in her kingdom
ghastly crone Baba Yaga. The self-proclaimed without her knowing of it sooner or later.
Queen of Witches quickly subjugated the
For centuries, an underground resistance
region, and the nation of Irrisen was born—a
group known as the Heralds of Summer’s
nation that has been locked in the heart of
Return has fought a guerrilla war of attrition
winter ever since.
against the White Witches and the unnatural
Symbols play an important role in Irrisen in winter that cloaks Irrisen. The Heralds’ stated
warding away bad luck and the ire of Baba aim is to overthrow the White Witches and
Yaga. Cat, dog, gate, and tree motifs can restore the normal course of seasons to the
be found throughout the nation, adorning ice-locked land, but they have yet to prepare
people’s doors, lintels, clothing, weapons, and a viable strategy to deal with Baba Yaga.
hearths. Cats and dogs and living symbols of
good luck in nearly every settlement; no home ISGER
ever lacks a gate through which these pets Thrall of Cheliax
can come and go. While ravens are popular
Capital: Elidir (11,900)
familiars and seen as noble and intelligent
Ruler: Hedvend VI, Steward of Isger
creatures, their smaller crow cousins are
seen as bad luck and are hunted and killed Languages: —
on sight. Woe be to the archer who, in his zeal Religion: Asmodeus, Erastil, diabolism
to slay a crow, publicly kills a raven instead! The history of Isger is one of conquest,
The borders of Irrisen are dotted by small dating to the empire of Taldor, back in 2133
huts. Resting atop closely grouped trunks ar. Taldor named its newest conquest Isger in
of trees, these huts, which closely resemble recognition of the Isgeri tribe, which fought
the Queen of Witches’ chicken-legged hut, sit against the Taldans with remarkable tenacity
atop their perches with a single open doorway before being overrun and pacified. Taldor
facing the lands of Irrisen’s neighbors. Within ruled over Isger for almost 2,000 years, until
the small single room of each hut, a porcelain Cheliax broke from Taldor and acquired
doll depicting a gray-haired crone stares Isger by force as the first holding in its new

and expansive empire. While several other In the shadow of the Goblinblood Wars,
lands conquered in that era eventually freed however, a new peril seems to be building
themselves, Isger was not among them, and it in war-torn Isger — a plague of undead.
remains in thrall to Cheliax to this day. Numerous small villages that border the
Isger’s appeal as a conquest is in large part wilderness have already fallen to various
due to the trade routes running through it plagues of unlife, and rumors persist that
providing access to Druma and the invaluable while the nation was distracted in the
markets ringing Lake Encarthan. Today, fight against the hobgoblins, powerful
Isger’s Conerica River serves as a well-used necromancers or priests of Urgathoa took
trade route that slashes across the state from advantage of the chaos to entrench themselves
Cheliax in the southwest nearly to Druma in various remote ruins and caverns.
to the northeast. Thanks to this strategic
importance, Cheliax requires Isger to
Kingdom of the Impossible

Inner Sea Gazeteer

maintain a small standing army to protect the
empire’s interests and keep the roads open. Capital: Niswan (10,300)
Despite the vital task placed upon it, Isger’s Ruler: Kharswan, Thakur of Jalmeray
army receives little material support and no Languages: Vudrani
training from Cheliax. Undermanned and Religion: Irori, Nethys, numerous Vudran
underarmed, Isger’s brave army nonetheless religions
proved its resolve against external threats
For thousands of years, the Vudrani
time and again.
have controlled this large island nation
Unfortunately for Isger’s army, hundreds in the Obari Ocean. A gift to the mighty
of hobgoblin tribes, augmented by legions Maharajah Khiben-Sald from the archmage
of goblin slaves and thralls, exploded from Nex, Jalmeray is the westernmost of Vudra’s
the forest of Chitterwood. The goblinoids so-called Impossible Kingdoms. Here, genies
murdered an untold number of travelers serve humans who live in massive gold and
and merchants along the Conerica River marble palaces, indoor fountains circulate
before their momentum carried them to the wine instead of water, and sprawling but
foothills of the Five Kings Mountains. In perfectly symmetrical monasteries of Irori
reaction, a small order of Hellknights from instruct hundreds of skilled monks.
Cheliax, a contingent of Druma’s Mercenary
The many impossible splendors of Jalmeray,
League, and a regiment of Eagle Knights of
while certainly spoken of by those who have
Andoran all coordinated efforts to strike back
seen them, are less well known across Avistan
at the goblinoid hordes. In the end, much of
and Garund than are the island nation’s
Chitterwood was put to the torch, forcing the
dozens of monastic orders. The three greatest
goblinoids that survived to seek refuge deep
monasteries on the island — collectively
in the twisted caverns below.
known as the Houses of Perfection —
Today, what remains of Isger’s army constantly spread word throughout the
remains depleted. Isger’s steward, Hedvend Inner Sea region of new forms of physical
VI, chose to allocate the remnants of his and mental discipline from the distant east.
forces entirely to the defense of the Conerica All who can survive the journey are welcome
River and the roadways that skirt its banks, to venture to Jalmeray and endure a series of
guarding the precious flow of trade goods. seemingly impossible challenges (race against
As a consequence, he surrendered much of a djinni, wrestle a shaitan, outwit an efreeti,
the surrounding hinterland to banditry. The or perform similarly difficult tasks). Those
steward posted bounties on brigand leaders, who pass all the challenges are accepted in
hoping to solve his problems on the cheap one of the Houses of Perfection, where they
by luring in adventurers. The verdict is still develop physical mastery, spiritual balance,
out as to whether Isger’s attempt to contract and an unusual magic of the opened mind.
out its security can improve its desperate
Even those who fail Jalmeray’s legendary
situation, but as long as trade along the river
challenges might find a lesser monastery or
continues to flow, the steward does not seem
overly concerned.
instructor willing to instruct them in one of Over the next few centuries, these two

the disciplined fighting styles. settlements endured raids, scorching

Kharswan, the smiling thakur of Jalmeray, droughts, devastating sandstorms, and other
understands all too well that his rule trials, but they did not give up their new
extends no farther than his voice carries. homes. In time, the Golden City was renamed
In truth, it is the ancient mystics, the noble Sandstar and the citizens of Sarenrae’s Bastion
Vudrani families, the strange masters of the renamed their home Solku. A powerful bandit
monasteries, and the complex ties of duty named Jade-Eye captured the city of Sandstar
to the powerful spirits of the Impossible and renamed it Katapesh. By this time, that
Kingdom itself that command the obedience city’s wealth and power had grown to such
of the people. an extent that Jade-Eye was able to annex the
region's other settlements, Solku included.
KATAPESH The region of Katapesh formally became a
Bazaar of the Bizarre nation in 3250.
Capital: Katapesh (212,300) There is only one law in Katapesh: Do as you
Ruler: The Pactmasters of Katapesh will, but do not interfere with trade. Business
Languages: Kelish, Osiriani, Vudrani, Tien is Katapesh’s lifeblood, as it has been for
centuries. The city’s busy markets sell all
Religion: Abadar, Irori, Nethys, Sarenrae
manner of goods, ranging from the mundane,
In 2217 ar, a number of Sarenrae’s faithful, prosaic, and familiar to the illicit, dangerous,
led by a devout priestess named Vedie, fled and outright bizarre. Buyers from all over
a pogrom in Osirion. In the wilds far south Golarion come to Katapesh’s great bazaars,
of Osirion, Vedie instructed her followers to which attract traders from as far away as
build a settlement called Sarenrae’s Bastion, Vudra, Tian Xia, and even other worlds. On
but a splinter group broke off to search for a any given street, one might meet a Katapeshi
“golden land.” This group discovered a lush gnoll slaver, a dwarven jeweler from Druma,
coastal valley surrounded by golden sands or an oni from Minkai.
and full of thriving plant life. A massive
Katapesh’s lax trade policies allow it to offer
sphinx stood at the center of the valley,
delights and wares unavailable anywhere else
but there was no other sign of habitation.
on Golarion, including its most iniquitous
They settled in the valley and named it the
Golden City. export: pesh, a powerful narcotic distilled

from the spoiled milk of a rare cactus. Even but for thousands of years the elves remained
life is for sale here—Katapesh is a cornerstone missing, leaving behind only a few stragglers
of the lucrative Inner Sea slave trade. Trade and stewards to watch over their former
in Katapesh generally avoids the nation’s homes during their long absence.
interior, moving in a circle around the borders In 2497 ar, the great demon Cyth-V’sug,
along the cities and towns found there. Lord of Filth and Pollution, exiled his minion
Power in Katapesh rests firmly in the hands Treerazer, the self-styled Lord of the Blasted
of a mysterious, inhuman merchant council Tarn, to the Material Plane in a fit of rage.
known as the Pactmasters, an elite ruling caste Suddenly finding himself among the lush,
who have never been seen to leave Katapesh. carefully tended trees of the southern Fierani
While they actively participate in Katapesh’s Forest, Treerazer began sucking the life from
diverse bazaars, the Pactmasters rely on hired the forest. At his touch, the wilderness grew
human agents and friendly merchant princes twisted and dark in southern Kyonin. As

Inner Sea Gazeteer

in their dealings with outside nations. These the demon pressed north, he learned of the
bizarre beings wrap themselves in flowing Sovyrian Stone, and set about trying to corrupt
veils and robes that completely cloak their it, to bring Golarion in line with the Abyss,
spindly, 7-foot-tall frames from head to toe. opening its gates to the demonic hordes.
Ornate masks conceal their featureless faces Far away, the elves felt the shift and took
and muffle their deep, alien voices. The action. In a great procession, they marched
Pactmasters devote much of their attention to back through the portal and into Golarion.
business and other more inscrutable pursuits, They descended on the corrupted woods,
leaving the day-to-day management of cleansing the land and driving Treerazer back
Katapesh’s affairs in the hands of their factor, into the southern reaches of the forest. There
Pactbroker Hashim ibn Sayyid. While he has the demon entrenched and despite their best
ambitions of his own, ibn Sayyid is content efforts the elves were unable to truly slay the
to serve the Pactmasters as long as their gold Lord of the Blasted Tarn. Instead, they wrote
continues to fill his personal coffers. off the tainted groves as lost, naming the dark
section of woods the Tanglebriar and setting
KYONIN guards to watch it, lest the demon attempt
Kingdom of the Elves to stray beyond the polluted vale’s borders
Capital: Iadara (56,340) once more.
Ruler: Queen Telandia Edasseril These days Kyonin is a standoffish realm, a
Languages: Elven serene place where the elves can seek refuge
Religion: Calistria, Desna, Nethys, several from a human-focused world. While gnomes,
obscure elven deities being closely tied to nature and the fey of the
Kyonin is the largest nation of elves on First World, are largely tolerated by the elves,
Golarion. Although even their own scholars the few visitors from other races allowed
are hard-pressed to say when and where within Kyonin’s borders are pointed toward
the elves first arose, all agree that the rolling the human-run community of Greengold.
fields and deep, vibrant forests of Kyonin Kyonin is ruled by Queen Telandia
are where their hearts lie. For countless Edasseril, the current bearer of the Viridian
thousands of years, the elves lived in harmony Crown. Although her serene beauty and
with the land, building elegant settlements calm authority cannot be questioned, there
that seemingly grew from the landscape are many within her elaborate councils and
itself. The ancient, abandoned ruins of these courts in Iadara who grow dissatisfied with
structures still dot the Fierani Forest north of the current state of affairs, urging the queen to
the Five Kings Mountains. These idyllic times reopen more of the ancestral holdings across
came to an abrupt end just before Earthfall, Avistan and Garund, or else pushing for a
when elves from across the world gathered more permanent solution to the problems
in Kyonin to step through the gate created of Treerazer and their dark cousins below
by the sacred Sovyrian Stone and abandoned the surface.
Golarion to the coming cataclysm. What
happened to them is unknown to outsiders,
LASTWALL Watcher-Lord Ulthun II has great ambitions

Watchful Border Nation to secure or even expand his nation’s borders.

Having already demonstrated valor on the
Capital: Vigil (9,780)
battlefield and vision and drive in leadership
Ruler: Watcher-Lord Ulthun II, Bearer of the
at just 22 years of age, the line of suitors for
Shattered Shield of Arnisant his hand often stretches well outside Castle
Languages: Varisian Overwatch in Vigil.
Religion: Gorum, Iomedae
Nearly a thousand years ago, Taldor LANDS OF THE LINNORM KINGS
launched the Shining Crusade against Frigid Viking Homeland
Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, who Capital: Kalsgard (72,080)
ruled central Avistan for 5 centuries from Rulers: Ingimundr the Unruly, Opir
his haunted domain of Ustalav. From all Eightfingers, Sveinn Blood-Eagle, White
of Taldor’s provinces along the Inner Sea Estrid
crusaders assembled, dedicated to destroying
Languages: Skald
the lich-king and his minions. Just outside
the rotting city of Gallowspire — the lich's Religion: Desna, Erastil, Gorum, Torag
capital —the Shining Crusade met the forces The Linnorm Kings rule, in name at least,
of the Whispering Tyrant in a final titanic Avistan’s extreme northwest — a frigid,
battle, in which Taldan General Arnisant rugged land of rich taiga, treacherous
sacrificed himself to imprison Tar-Baphon marshes, and great boulder-strewn moraines
beneath his own tower at the evil city’s heart. left by departed glaciers. The coastline is
With the Shining Crusade victorious at bracing and cool, and it rains half the year
last, Taldor decided in 3828 ar to create a and snows heavily during the rest. Further
permanent presence to watch over the lich’s to the east, the land grows colder, up to the
prison in Gallowspire’s haunted ruins. This frozen borders of Irrisen, which seized the
province became Lastwall — a bulwark eastern reaches of this domain 1,400 years ago
against one of the greatest evils humanity had and shows no intention of returning them.
ever known. Life is hard for the natives of this realm.
Over the last 700 years, Lastwall’s focus has What land is not frozen marsh is rocky and
shifted somewhat away from Gallowspire barren, and starvation is often a grim specter
in the depths of winter. As a result, many able-
and toward the savage hordes of Belkzen.
bodied adults engage in trade in the summer
Still, crusader doctrine holds that the
months, bringing from the south additional
troubles with Belkzen are simply the residue
food, luxuries, and various oddities of the
of the malice and menace of the Whispering
Inner Sea. Such travelers also pack their
Tyrant, and ensuring the seals on his prison
axes and small, circular shields, in case an
remain inviolate is the uppermost duty of
opportunity to plunder presents itself. Every
every crusader.
citizen is a viking at heart, and distant lands
Lastwall’s people are a hardy folk. Although are less dangerous than this cold homeland.
they live in the shadow of great evils, they
It is not only the cold and the creatures
are warm and friendly to outsiders, especially
of the wild that make this land so perilous,
those who have come to help hold the line
for rifts between Golarion and the First
against the orc menace of Belkzen. Yet
World run through this land. Fey creatures
in recent years, the number of knights-
are common here, along with gnomes,
errant and glory seekers visiting Lastwall
azatas, trolls, and nature spirits. The most
has greatly diminished, due in large part
dangerous of these otherworldly creatures
to the call to arms in Mendev against the
are the legendary linnorms, vast beasts said
growing hordes of demons that infest the
to be Golarion’s first dragons, and the beasts
Worldwound. Many in Lastwall’s capital
a warlord must slay if he is to become a
of Vigil grow concerned that they might
Linnorm King.
not have the strength to hold off the orcs
of Belkzen for much longer if this trend The Linnorm Kings themselves are a
continues. Nevertheless, the newly anointed collection of petty rulers who dominate the

Inner Sea Gazeteer
few large settlements in the region. They take conquerors. The hostile nature of the realm
their names from the tradition that only a and its natives has so far kept those who
king can carry the head of a linnorm through would seek to invade at bay.
the city’s gates. Each king is considered the Incredible rumors suggest that the beasts that
ultimate law within his domain, and conflicts make the realm famous somehow emerged
between the petty kingdoms are solved either from an impossible underworld with its own
by arbitration, the paying of weregild, or testsfalse sun, a savage microcosm of dinosaurs
of adventure by the various kings’ champions. and primitive humans. The Pathfinder
Sveinn Blood-Eagle is the oldest and most Society has mounted five expeditions to this
powerful of the current kings, and the skalds rumored inner world, but none have ever
whisper that soon he will step down and make returned from the country alive.
the journey to Valenhall in far-off Arcadia. Despite its remote location, the Realm of the
He is only waiting for a suitable candidate Mammoth Lords sees a great deal of travel
to come through his gates, bearing the from other lands. From the south come the
traditional head of a linnorm. Jockeying has orcs of Belkzen, seeking to capture mammoths
already begun among the younger warrior and other great beasts for use in their endless
princes, who both seek allies in court and wars. From the west come servants of the
hunt the wilderness for the elusive monsters. hated Witch Queen, who are constantly
seeking to expand Irrisen’s borders into this
REALM OF THE MAMMOTH LORDS realm. The greatest danger lies to the east,
Lost Land of the Distant North where the Worldwound pulses and slowly
Capital: None expands the borders of its Abyssal influence.
Rulers: Mighty Kuldor, Herdsman of the The Mammoth Lords do not possess a
Bearpelt Following central organization. Tribes gather along
Languages: Giant, Hallit family lines, combining with other tribes to
Religion: Desna, Gorum, Rovagug form “followings” of powerful warriors and
In the far, central north of Avistan stretches leaders. Upon the leader’s death, a following
an ancient land where prehistoric beasts chooses a new leader, seeks to join another
still roam. This region, the Realm of the charismatic leader, or breaks apart into
Mammoth Lords, is a savage no-man’s-land, smaller tribes. Leadership is determined
a wilderness as yet unclaimed by would-be

by great and risky deeds, guile, and acts of of Dongun Hold. Amid the scarred surface

heroism, so the turnover is high. buildings that had survived the centuries,
Currently, the most powerful of the he found others who had fled from the
Mammoth Lords is Mighty Kuldor of the magical persecutions of Nex, Geb, or even
Bearpelt Following. Mighty Kuldor makes farther abroad. In the ruined city these men
his winter home in the ranges southeast of and women survived against the strange
Icestair, and his followers profit greatly from monsters and unstable magic of the Mana
the trade that comes down over the Crown of Wastes. Alkenstar managed to organize these
the World. He is a muscular giant of a Kellid, desperate souls into what would soon come
even in a land that requires brawn to survive. to be known as the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar,
It is said that no human can match the heroic a place where those fleeing from magical
strength of Mighty Kuldor, who lords over enemies and supernatural oppression could
his savage followers from atop his woolly find safety.
rhino mount. In the years since Alkenstar's death, the
region that bears his name has thrived.
MANA WASTES It retains a careful balance of neutrality
Magic-Dead Wasteland between Nex and Geb. Its location along the
Capital: Alkenstar (53,600) Ustradi River, deep within a zone of dead
Ruler: Grand Duchess Trietta Ricia magic, makes it an ideal place for diplomatic
Languages: Dwarven, Kelish, Osiriani meetings not just between aristocrats of Nex
and Geb, but between any two powerful
Religion: Abadar, Erastil, Irori, Torag
groups that might fear magical treachery from
The ancient war between Nex and Geb did their counterparts. The Grand Duchy has
more than shatter nations—it shattered reality grown rich on tithes and taxes from offering
itself. Along the shared border between these “safe” diplomatic venues in this manner, and
two powerful realms, the nature of magical the current Grand Duchess prides herself on
assaults between them escalated steadily in her independence.
the centuries between −892 and 576 ar. What
began as traditional skirmishes bloomed MEDIOGALTI ISLAND
over the course of centuries of conflict into Lair of the Red Mantis
vast battles between wizard armies, legions of
Capital: Ilizmagorti (20,500)
constructs, potent summoned monsters, and
ravenous undead. Ruler: Blood Mistress Jakalyn
Languages: Infernal
Eventually, the war reached an apocalyptic
Religion: Achaekek, Besmara, Norgorber
climax — mere armies of magical creatures
and spell-slinging platoons were replaced by Mediogalti is the largest of the many islands
wish-powered devastations and necromantic off the coast of Garund. For many centuries,
cataclysms. When Geb sent his killing mist the island was little more than a remote
into the city of Quantium in 576, Nex vanished location that, despite its size, couldn’t be
and countless of his followers died in that found on most maps or nautical charts. Yet
abominable assault. Geb then retreated to with the formation of the Eye of Abendego,
his own capital to brood and worry that his the western trade routes have had to change
arch-rival might not have perished, but may their traditional course, sailing now not along
instead have escaped. A tremulous peace the western coast of Garund but swinging out
settled over the two nations, but not over the and around the permanent hurricane. In this
border they once shared. Here, a new land way, the Eye has dramatically increased trade
was born — a place of devastation and ruin, to Mediogalti. Yet an increase in trade is not
where magic, when it works at all, seems to something the island’s sinister rulers, the Red
writhe with a chaotic life of its own. This land Mantis assassins, sought.
is the Mana Wastes. The majority of Mediogalti is covered with
In time, a resourceful fugitive named lush tropical jungles, home to a large number
Alkenstar found his way to the northern bend of reptilian creatures. Anyone brave enough
in the Ustradi River. He came upon the ruins to explore the jungles finds thriving tribes

of kobolds and lizardfolk, not to mention an roaming their countrysides, joined with
abundant population of various breeds of the Iomedaean church to sponsor the first
dinosaurs, none of which are well disposed Mendevian Crusade in 4622 ar. After a second
toward trespassers. crusade, a string of rune-encrusted menhirs
The Red Mantis first came to Mediogalti in known as wardstones was constructed to keep
2559 ar, when their first leader, a priestess the worst of the demonic land’s inhabitants
named Ximena, received a vision from and influence from spreading. The stones
the Mantis God that spurred her to flee must be maintained with careful prayer and
Rahadoum just before the enacting of the ritual, and remain constant points of attack by
Laws of Man and to relocate her fledgling demons and their servants.
assassin’s guild on Mediogalti. There, she Today, Mendev is a land of duality, a shining
and her assassins began construction of the bastion of law and goodness hard up against
now-infamous Crimson Citadel, deep in the the Worldwound, a burgeoning sinkhole of

Inner Sea Gazeteer

jungle-choked interior of the island. evil that threatens all of creation. It is a land
Deciding they needed a major city to of pilgrims, crusaders, opportunistic rogues,
serve as a convenient point of contact with and a simmering clash of cultures from south
potential clients. Ximena founded the town and north. Foreigners engaged in the holy
of Ilizmagorti on the shores of the island’s wars against the blight of the Worldwound
northern lagoon, choosing the site already now outnumber the native people of Mendev,
favored by pirates and freebooters. Because who have been pushed aside and treated as
Ilizmagorti was kept free from the laws of an underclass by the nation’s new inhabitants.
neighboring countries, the pirates that had Queen Galfrey inspires hope that the Fourth
been using the lagoon for centuries started Crusade will return attention to the true
arriving in even greater numbers to restock enemy and the ideals of the crusade — and
their ships, sell their ill-gotten loot, and rid the north of the taint of otherworldly
generally enjoy all the benefits of a free port. evil. All the while, slowly but surely, the
reality-bending chaos of the Worldwound
Since then, Ilizmagorti has grown from a
consumes more of the world, spreading its
small seaside town into a thriving pirate haven
malign influence ever southward. Sooner
and a city in its own right. The reputation
or later, the wardstones will fail. Unless
of the Red Mantis is such that no sovereign
something changes soon, the Worldwound
nation has yet gathered the courage to attack
could eventually encompass all of Avistan.
the city in force, and the appearance of the Eye
of Abendego a hundred years ago has only MOLTHUNE
further strengthened Ilizmagorti’s defenses. Territorial Expansionists
MENDEV Capital: Canorate (27,450)
Crusader Theocracy Ruler: Imperial Governor Markwin Teldas
Capital: Nerosyan (64,700) Languages: Varisian
Ruler: Crusader Queen Galfrey Religion: Abadar, Erastil, Iomedae
Languages: Hallit Surrounded by strong neighbors, the nine
Religion: Iomedae General Lords of Molthune champ at the
bit to expand their nation. The devils and
Tales of demonic monstrosities spewing from
shadows to the south and west are hornet’s
the distant north spread swiftly throughout
nests Imperial Governor Teldas longs to
Avistan at the dawn of the Age of Lost Omens.
knock down, but the mountains ringing
As word spread of the demonic incursion, the southern half of the nation are both
crusaders took up the call to defend the land. defensive boons and offensive hindrances. A
The clergy of Iomedae led the way, stepping flurry of treaties maintains peace among the
out from the shadows of their bewildered three strong military powers, but Molthuni
masters in the faltering church of Aroden. diplomacy is always secondary to Molthuni
Nobles in Cheliax, Isger, and Andoran, conquest.
fearing growing domestic discontent fueled
Most residents of Molthune fall into one
by dispossessed nobles and idle mercenaries
of two distinct groups: city dwellers and

laborers. The city dwellers, almost all of Some of the oldest ruins in the world lie
whom live in Eranmas or Canorate, are throughout the interior jungles of Garund,
considered imperial citizens. Citizens may cracked through by powerful roots and
participate in local governance and foreign rubbed smooth by the passing of millennia.
trade and move freely about the country. The reclusive tribal inhabitants from whom
Most of the rest of the populace are laborers—
the forests and wildlands take their name
indentured servants who till the great fieldstrace their heritage to forgotten kingdoms,
of the central plains and perform the common and their glorious past remains a mystery.
work that powers the Molthuni economy. Chelish explorers first penetrated the
Imperial Governor Markwin Teldas recently Mwangi Expanse when the insidious Aspis
proclaimed that any laborer can become a Consortium established a beachhead at
citizen by serving in the armies of Molthune a scurvy port known as Bloodcove at the
for a 5-year period. While this decision enjoys
mouth of the powerful Vanji River, from
strong popularity with the working masses, whence its meticulous agents penetrated and
the elite consider it an abomination. Teldas’s
exploited the near-limitless exotic resources
plan is to swell the army’s numbers to allow of the vast Mwangi interior. Centuries later,
him to retake Nirmathas, deter potential during the reign of the expansionist Prince
Chelish and Drumish predation, and increase Haliad I, another wave of explorers arrived,
the nation’s wealth within few years if all establishing the colony that would come to
goes well, thus quieting his critics (or at least,
be known as Sargava.
some of them). The sea west of Garund was quieter in those
days. Outcast Mwangi and exiled pirate lords
MWANGI EXPANSE managed a mostly bloodless coexistence
Unexplored Jungle Wilderness in the Shackles, but had not yet developed
Capital: None into a serious naval threat. The vast wealth
Ruler: None suddenly traveling north from Bloodcove,
Languages: Polyglot, regional dialects Senghor, and Eleder, however, attracted
Religion: Angazhan, Gozreh, Lamashtu, more and more pirates, and the coming of the
Ydersius, ancestor worship, demon lords, the Eye of Abendego in the first weeks of the Age
Green Faith, regional traditions

of Lost Omens largely cut off the colonization created a personal demiplane; a domain the
effort from the rest of the world. wizard-king dubbed the Crux of Nex. The
Stories of those early explorers and colonists immortal archmage carved a shard from the
still filter north to the ears of opportunistic Crux to erect the impossible spire from which
merchants, excitement-starved treasure- he launched an unsuccessful siege of Absalom,
seekers, and wily Pathfinders. The tales speak and again at his palace in Quantium to form
of lost cities and gorilla kings, of religions the mysterious Refuge of Nex, a last-resort
grown ancient by the time of Earthfall, and bunker to shelter himself from his enemies.
of riches undreamed of by the most fecund Nex vanished after a disastrous Gebbite
minds of the civilized north. No accurate attack bathed his capital in a cloying,
maps of Garund’s interior exist, and the poisonous fog more than 4 millennia ago.
Mwangi human, elf, lizardfolk, and less- Somehow, the confused remnants of his
recognizable tribes of the Expanse seldom authority managed to keep Geb at bay. In the

Inner Sea Gazeteer

declare formal borders. Some nomadic groups centuries since, the nation of Nex has fallen
wander the jungles and valleys without ever into the hands of a succession of arcane
settling anywhere for long. Several locales fraternities and cults of personality that
within the trackless wilds attract potent purport to represent the departed archmage’s
malevolent spirits, sentient plant colonies, plan for the subjects he left behind. The
juju zombie cults, or similar hazards, making contentious Council of Three and Nine is
them shunned by right-thinking natives and an attempt to build consensus within Nex’s
explorers alike. infamous factions, and while the nation
remains characteristically crippled with
NEX bureaucracy, it nonetheless has never been
Monument to a Lost wizard-King conquered, despite the best efforts of Geb and
Capital: Quantium (60,000) political forces from within and without.
Ruler: The Council of Three and Nine The ancient war with Geb left an eternal stain
Languages: Kelish, Osiriani, Vudrani upon Nex and its culture, but open warfare
Religion: Abadar, Calistria, Irori, Lamashtu, with the necromancers of the south faded
Nethys, Norgorber, Pharasma into reluctant trade centuries ago, and these
days Nex imports most of its foodstuffs from
Nex boasts one of the most cosmopolitan and
Gebbite plantations worked by zombie slaves.
refined cities of Garund’s east coast, with the
Obstinate factions in the capital, notably the
capital at Quantium rivaling the extravagance
star-crossed Arclords of Nex, argue that the
of Oppara in Taldor. Monumental palaces
current state of détente would enrage the
and impossible spires crowd the city’s
wizard, but Nex last appeared on the world of
chaotic streets, which also wind past hanging
Golarion centuries ago, and history marches
gardens, open-air mazes, and bustling souks.
ever forward without him.
The crumbling statues of the archmage Nex
who gave his name to the kingdom and the NIDAL
ancient heroes who traveled with him look Shadowy Servitor State
out upon the city’s roofs and balconies.
Capital: Pangolais (18,900)
In his time, Nex traveled the world and the
Rulers: The Umbral Court
Great Beyond, established important tenets
of magical theory, and enriched his nation. Languages: Shadowtongue, Varisian
Territorial ambitions in the south eventually Religion: Asmodeus, Desna, Zon-Kuthon
brought Nex into conflict with another arcane Ruled by divine decree enforced with
warlord, the calculating necromancer Geb, lethal powers of darkness and horror,
inheritor of a rich magic tradition tied to a Nidal is almost perfectly controlled by the
lost colony of ancient Osirion. Umbral Court. Eternally fearful of losing its
Nex’s conflict with Geb spanned centuries, mandate from the Midnight Lord, the court
with each wizard-king extending his life tightens its grip ever more firmly around the
repeatedly. As the war dragged on, Nex blasphemers who sing praises to Desna, who
finally achieved true immortality when he

trade in diabolical secrets, or who would dare In the north, roving wild among the foothills

usurp the supremacy of Zon-Kuthon. near Conqueror’s Bay, hidden agents of the
When Earthfall cast Golarion into a thousand goddess Desna toil to undo the black works
years of darkness, the warrior clans of ancient of Zon-Kuthon’s faithful. If the humble
Nidal cried out for the protection of their devotees of Luck and Dream can break the
long-forgotten gods. Their pleas instead stranglehold of the Umbral Court, it is hoped
reached the ears of a powerful being from that the Midnight Lord himself will be swept
the Plane of Shadow known as Zon-Kuthon, back into his prison in the Great Beyond, as
who offered the terrified humans succor in shadows retreat before the dawn.
exchange for unquestioned obedience for
eternity. Thus did the rulers of Nidal become
War-torn Wilderness
shadowbound to the Midnight Lord.
For centuries after their humiliation in the Capital: Tamran (9,730)
Everwar, the folk of Nidal bristled at Chelish Ruler: Forest Marshal Weslen Gavirk
occupation and influence. During the struggle Languages: Varisian
for the throne following Aroden’s death, the Religion: Erastil, Gorum, Iomedae
Umbral Court threw its support behind the During the years of turmoil following
House of Thrune, which rewarded the act the collapse of Cheliax, the governor of
by withdrawing Chelish agents from Nidal Molthune claimed all the Fangwood to the
once its own power was assured. Now Nidal then-current southern border of Lastwall
stands once again as its own sovereign entity, as part of his newly independent nation.
yet remains intimately entwined with the Soldiers from the regional capital at Canorate
darkness at Egorian. ensured political stability, but the woodsmen,
rangers, trappers, artisans, and fisherfolk
who depended on the forest’s bounty soon
realized that, just as Cheliax had pillaged the
region of resources while providing little in
return, the new mandates from Canorate
were simply changing the flow of exploitation
from one city to another. Resentment flared
as the promise of a new era collapsed, and
what started as a few minor acts of sabotage
soon blossomed into a guerilla war for
Spilled blood and chaos defined the early
years of the fledgling nation’s revolt against
Molthune, with bands of woodsmen
and other irregular troops acting
independently. This changed when Irgal
Nirmath, a half-elf trapper, united several
separate groups into one sizable force. As his
victories accumulated, his legend spread, and
Nirmath drew more rebels to his banner. After
seven years, a border of sorts solidified, and
the rebels declared victory and independence.
Yet on the very night of Nirmath’s triumph,
an assassin’s blade took his life. His followers
named their newborn nation Nirmathas
in honor of their fallen hero. In the years
since, Molthune has repeatedly invaded its
wayward province, but every time, its armies
have eventually been forced back across the
Marideth River.
The people of Nirmathas are fiercely city of Starfall, and the bizarre knowledge
independent, defining themselves largely by and technology gained from its honeycomb
opposition to their former masters in Cheliax of intact chambers is the basis for the Black
and Molthune. Generosity and charity of Sovereign’s firm control of the region.
spirit abide in Nirmathas, but the ideals of Numeria is famous in the more civilized
freedom, self-sufficiency, and liberty reign southern lands as the primary source of
above all else. To infringe upon individual skymetals, seven rare metallic alloys sheared
rights and freedoms is to invite blood feud. from the fallen fragments. All are useful in
Prominent Nirmathi leaders and soldiers the creation of unique weapons and artifacts
gather every 4 years to elect a Forest Marshal and each has its own distinct properties. Of
these, adamantine is the most common, and
to lead their military forces. As a civil ruler,
the Forest Marshal is no more than a symbol word of the wonders of “Numerian steel”
or figurehead. Actual governance is entirely spread far and wide.

Inner Sea Gazeteer

a local affair, from village elders or exiled Decades ago, Kevoth-Kul was a great
nobility to the oldest, wisest, wealthiest, warlord, a warrior many Kellids pointed to
or most eloquent speakers — there is no as the finest example of their kind, forging
organized system of rule spread throughout alliances between the many tribes. Yet when
Nirmathas. Some Nirmathi advocate for Kevoth-Kul sought to make the city of Starfall
a leader skilled in diplomacy, trade, and his capital, he found himself listening to the
negotiation, but in an unstable land where whispers of the Technic League, a band of
freedom, liberty, and individuality are powerful and debased arcanists who sought
paramount, centralized leadership and the to unlock the secrets of the Silver Mount.
common good are elusive concepts. Although the arcanists possessed only the
barest understanding of most of the secrets
NUMERIA they uncovered, it was enough, and with
Savage Land of Super-Science their alliance, Kevoth-Kul’s power in Starfall
Capital: Starfall (32,400) became absolute. Something shifted within
Ruler: Kevoth-Kul, the Black Sovereign of the warlord, then, and rather than continue
Numeria his conquest, the barbarian king grew dark
Languages: Hallit and brooding, naming himself the Black
Religion: Desna, Gorum, Iomedae, Nethys Sovereign and devoting his time to pleasures
of the flesh.
Abutting the northernmost banks of the
Sellen River system, the harsh plains of Since the sudden emergence of the
Numeria possess a stark, majestic beauty. The demonic hosts in the region now known
greatest of the River Kingdoms, Numeria was as the Worldwound, Numeria has found
a rising power in Avistan, a warlike nation its population swelled by large numbers of
poised to unite several of its neighbors under holy warriors from southern lands bound for
its rough banner. With the fall of Sarkoris Mendev to join the crusades. Although their
and the coming of the demonic Worldwound, influence is somewhat disruptive, bringing
however, Numeria’s momentum was broken, strange faces and ideas to the barbaric
and today it is a land of grim barbarians and Kellids of the region, the Black Sovereign
dark magic, its fierce people ruled over by a and his allies, the Technic League, happily
cabal of tainted magicians. welcome the pilgrims for the coin they bring,
making sure to relieve them of as much of it
Long before Numeria’s recorded history, the
as possible before sending them north to their
local Kellid tribes witnessed a metal mountain
inevitable glorious deaths.
falling from the sky in a great fireball. This
cascaded down to earth in what the tribes OSIRION
call the Rain of Stars. All across the plains Land of the Pharaohs
of Numeria, chunks of strange materials
buried themselves in the rocky earth. The Capital: Sothis (111,989)
largest of these fragments, known as the Ruler: The Ruby Prince Khemet III
Silver Mount, looms over Numeria’s capital Languages: Osiriani

Religion: Abadar, Irori, Lamashtu, Nethys, uncontested power ended with his death, the

Norgorber, Pharasma, Rovagug, Sarenrae throne passed to his eldest son, Khemet II, the
Crocodile King. He was in turn succeeded by
History remembers the pharaohs, the
his son, the Ruby Prince, Khemet III. The full
God-Kings of Ancient Osirion, as tyrannical
character of the Ruby Prince’s rule has yet
heralds of progress, ushering in the Age of
to be established. He is as withdrawn as his
Destiny. As Osirion ascended to supremacy,
grandfather, and like the first Forthbringer, is
so too did its need to expand. Osirion once
already widely feared. He rarely takes advice
controlled much of what are now the nations
from his court of advisors, preferring instead
of Thuvia, Rahadoum, and Katapesh, and the
to consult with Janhelia, his ever-present
kingdom of Geb was once an Osirian colony.
fire elemental companion, whose agenda is
Osirion is the home of one of Golarion’s most still unknown.
expansive deserts, luckily punctuated by the
famed River Sphinx. The River Sphinx serves QADIRA
as a lifeline for huge swaths of Osirion’s Gateway to the East
population, but also brings many trials to
Capital: Katheer (132,450)
test the people who live along its banks,
Ruler: Xerbystes II, Satrap of Qadira
including black-scaled crocodiles known
as hetkoshu and seasonal flooding. Beyond Languages: Kelish
the River Sphinx lie endless dunes of harsh Religion: Irori, Nethys, Pharasma, Rovagug,
sand, constantly reshaped by the powerful Sarenrae, elemental lords
storms that wrack the region. Despite these An ancient kingdom of arid deserts and
physical hardships, it is here that civilization exotic cities, Qadira is the westernmost
in the Inner Sea region began to regroup and satrapy of the Padishah Empire of Kelesh.
flourish after the cataclysmic setback caused All along the coasts, the ships of Qadira ply
by Earthfall in the Age of Darkness. their trade, carrying goods brought by camel,
Five thousand years of pharaonic rule ended caravan, and flying carpet from lands farther
when Qadiran agents from across the Obari east: silks, spices, and salt, as well as the exotic
Ocean infiltrated the corrupt bureaucracy magical luxuries for which Qadira is so well
underpinning Pharaoh Menedes XXVI’s known. Qadira is not the wealthiest of lands
regime and quietly neutralized it. Unable to in the Keleshite empire, but even its relatively
respond effectively, Osirion soon experienced enormous frontier cities possess marvels that
a series of empire-wide slave revolts, each much of Avistan can only wonder at, from its
clandestinely engineered by the Padishah peacocks and flowering trees to its animated
Empire of Kelesh. The revolts forced Menedes siege engines and well-disciplined elemental
into hiding while Kelesh staged a mock mercenaries.
rescue and subsumed Osirion as a satrapy. In the waning years of the Age of Destiny
After centuries of rule by Keleshite merchants first led Keleshite war parties to
sultans, the powerful cleric Khemet I, the Qadira, claiming the land in the name of
Forthbringer, emerged, claiming to trace his Padishah Emperor Adalan IV. Formalizing
lineage to the Azghaadi Dynasty of Osirion’s their rule in −43 ar, Kelesh installed its first
First Age. He was quickly instated in a tidal satrap, Cerush, and began bringing the rest of
wave of populist enthusiasm. Khemet’s brief the region under its heel.
demonstrations of his divine ability to recruit It took the Keleshites less than a century
the elder elementals of Osirion’s desert to to settle the Plains of Paresh and expand
his banner persuaded the remaining sultans northward to the border with Taldor, sparking
to evacuate and return to their homeland, a series of minor conflicts. During the Age of
paving the way for a near-bloodless coup. Enthronement, Qadira’s satraps again sought
The Forthbringer secured control of Osirion, to expand the power of the Padishah Empire.
reinstated Sothis as the nation’s capital, and This led to the conquest of the mountain
constructed the city’s now-famous white- settlement of Gurat, further skirmishes
walled palace. The Forthbringer’s power was with the Taldans, and eventually one of
unquestioned, and after his 40-year reign of Qadira’s most legendary achievements—the

subjugation of the nation of Osirion. A time
of relative peace settled over Qadira, broken
periodically by uprisings in Osirion and a few
notable natural disasters.
Qadiran armies crossed the northern borders
in 4079 ar with a force of more than 40,000
Qadiran and Keleshite soldiers. This proved
a greater force than Taldor could contend
with, and the northern empire lost much of
its influence in the area over the next decade.
Taldor and other nations on the Inner Sea and
Obari Ocean fear the ambitions of the current
satrap of Qadira, young Xerbystes II.

Inner Sea Gazeteer

The Kingdom of Man
Capital: Azir (72,370)
Ruler: Malduoni, Keeper of the First Law
Languages: Osiriani
Religion: None (see below)
Visits to Rahadoum are strictly regulated, Rejecting religion has made Rahadoum few
for the so-called “Kingdom of Man” tolerates allies. Nonetheless, the free ports draw their
no devotion to the divine within its borders. share of merchants from around the Inner
Foreigners must submit to a thorough search Sea. Money talks louder than most preachers,
by the Pure Legion, a group of trained although the most superstitious sailors
soldiers who watch for signs of faith in the won’t even set foot on Rahadoum docks for
gods. The black markets of Rahadoum do fear of divine disfavor. A lively appreciation
a brisk business selling and buying divine of philosophy also draws scholars to the
magical items, but such activities are risky. nation’s universities and observatories.
Possession of contraband (such as holy
Rahadoum’s enduring atheistic nature has
texts or symbols) results in heavy fines and
had another, invisible side effect. Outsider
potential exile, while preaching religious
servitors of gods use Azir as a neutral ground.
doctrine earns imprisonment or worse.
The gods certainly watch their dealings there,
For centuries Rahadoum has charted a but without open followers on the ground,
resolutely secular path. No one denies the the gods lack agents to enact their agendas,
existence or power of the gods, but their aegis leaving room for plain negotiations.
comes at too high a price for the people of
Philosophy and rhetoric are valued traits in
Rahadoum. The lack of religion has brought
Rahadoumi culture, as well as self-discipline
the region the peace it so desperately desired,
and family loyalty, especially among the
though it has also brought its own costs.
nomads. With no external powers to provide
Plague has ravaged Azir and Botosani three
spiritual guidance, the Rahadoumi are serious
times in the past 500 years, and the prospect
about their responsibilities to themselves
of famine hovers over the fragile land like a
and each other. They expect no mercy from
shroud. A century ago, Manaket was among
Pharasma after death, so they work very hard
the lushest ports of the Inner Sea. Today, it is
to make mortal life worthwhile, collectively
choked by encroaching desert sands, and its
and individually.
famous gardens are a memory of the distant
past. While few dare speak it aloud, nervous
whispers abound that the gods have finally
decided to punish the people of Rahadoum
for their insolence. Still, the Rahadoumi
resolutely hold to their ancient laws and
avoid any contact with religion.
RAZMIRAN The faith’s ruthless priests control every facet of

Theocracy of the Living God the state and economy from behind their iron
masks (worn in imitation of their god). While
Capital: Thronestep (17,340)
the common folk toil at their fields or meager
Ruler: Razmir, the Living God, Lord of the
trades, the true faithful take a portion of the
31 Steps commoners’ work known as the Tithing Step.
Languages: Hallit The higher-level clergy, meanwhile, enjoy a
Religion: Razmir (false god—see below) life of comfort, with their station in the faith
For centuries, this land was part of the unruly granting them a great deal of power and wealth.
River Kingdoms, changing hands dozens of Those who dare to defy the faith face severe
times. All of that changed 47 years ago, when punishment — imprisonment, exile, or even
the living god Razmir came to the shores and execution. This leads many to join the faith as
claimed his dominion in the world of mortals. a path of prosperity, regardless of their belief.
Razmir first appeared to the people of Xer A council of high-ranking “priests” known
(then part of the Arch-Duchy of Melcat) as the Visions handles the actual governance
and told them of his power. He claimed of Razmiran. These gold-masked priests carry
to have taken the Test of the Starstone in out Razmir’s erratic mandates, each in their
faraway Absalom, and to have attained unique way. Razmir himself consults with
divinity through this test. The truth, however, his Visions from atop a 31-stepped throne—a
is hidden from even his most trusted reference to the 31 steps he supposedly took
followers — for Razmir is not in fact a to achieve divinity. From there, he hides his
god. Although powerful, he is simply mortality behind an ornate ivory mask. As
a man, and one whose mortal end age has enervated him, his greed and lust for
grows closer with every day. power have only increased. He has recently
In the months following his (and secretly) sent agents to Thuvia in
takeover of Xer, Razmir’s faith hopes of staving off his mortality
spread across the arch-duchy with a dose of the sun orchid elixir.
until it reached the capital of Should this information come to
Aerduin on the border of the light, his entire kingdom could
Vergan Forest. The forces crumble around him.
of Melcat refused to bow
to Razmir’s faith, and RIVER KINGDOMS
Independent Realms of
on 17 Erastus, Razmir
Low Character
himself came to the city.
He made three requests Capital: None
for fealty to Duke Melcat— Rulers: Various bandit kings and
each one was refused. That petty lords
night, a terrible cloud of Languages: Hallit
fire and smoke descended Religion: Calistria, Cayden
upon the city and screams Cailean, Desna, Erastil,
echoed through the night. Gorum, Gyronna, Hanspur,
By morning, the entire
Lamashtu, Norgorber
city had been reduced to
ash and Razmir’s takeover The massive Sellen River
was complete. In the years basin drains all the
since, Razmiran — as the eastern lands, carrying
theocracy came to be called — waters from the Lake of
has expanded its borders five Mists and Veils north of Brevoy,
times at the expense of various the massive Lake Encarthan, and
River Kingdoms. lakes and rivers all over Galt,
Numeria, and Ustalav down to
Today, Razmiran is a society
the Inner Sea.
governed by force and
A true history of the River Kingdoms could When Cheliax collapsed into civil war,
fill a number of tomes, for the kingdoms Sargava was isolated from the empire, no
that currently thrive or struggle here are but longer cut off by just its distance, but also by
the most recent. Dozens, if not hundreds, of the addition of the newly formed perpetual
kingdoms have risen and fallen in this region hurricane, the Eye of Abendego. Desperate to
over the past several thousand years—some, remain in the empire’s favor rather than be
like Razmiran, have managed to stabilize and left adrift, Sargava’s appointed ruler, Baron
become their own nations, while others have Grallus, gathered much of the colony’s
faded forever into obscurity. All share one treasury. He then sent it in several shipments,
code of justice called the Six River Freedoms. sailing wide around the Eye and then north
The six freedoms are summarized below. to Cheliax to finance House Davian. Grallus,
Say What You Will, I Live Free: Everyone is however, backed the wrong house and House
entitled to speak their own words. of Thrune ripped apart House Davian in the

Inner Sea Gazeteer

Battle of a Hundred Kings near Corentyn.
Oathbreakers Die: Any who swear an oath—
particularly of fealty to a River King — and Once Thrune firmly secured its hold over
break them can expect a painful fate. Cheliax and the throne, Her Majestrix Queen
Abrogail I turned her attention to her more
Walk Any Road, Float Any River: Freedom
distant colonies, dispatching a flotilla of
to travel is fundamental. No kingdom may
Chelish galleons to Sargava. However, the
bar traffic, save in times of active warfare.
Free Captains struck a decisive blow against
Courts Are for Kings: The law is always the invading fleet that would become the
malleable. Who you know and can count as colony’s defining moment. Cheliax’s defeat
friends are more important than what the was total, their galleons wrecked on desolate
law says, and a lord can change laws in his shores or left resting on the ocean floor. The
territory at will. price for the Free Captains’ cooperation was
Slavery Is an Abomination: Slavers may not cheap. Baron Grallus promised not only
visit the River Kingdoms, but taking or Sargava’s remaining coffers, but a significant
holding slaves there upsets the many people portion of its future bounty as well. As such,
who were once slaves themselves. in exchange for the continued protection of
You Have What You Hold: Property laws the Free Captains, Sargava pays a continual
are weak in the River Kingdoms. Taking if not exhaustive flow of tribute to the pirates.
something openly by force is different from Rarely a day goes by that the steep price
stealing, and those who can’t protect their of Sargava’s autonomy is not called into
property don’t deserve to keep it. question, yet the prevailing view remains that
no cost is too high.
SARGAVA In the meantime, Sargava rots from within.
The Lost Colony With empty coffers and no support from the
Capital: Eleder (8,900) motherland, the colonists’ ability to control
Ruler: Baron Utilinus, Grand Custodian of the native population continues to degrade.
Sargava With the death of Aroden and the loss of the
Languages: Polyglot powers he granted the colonial clerics, the
Mwangi tribesmen have stepped up their
Religion: Abadar, Gozreh, Iomedae, Shelyn
efforts to reclaim their ancient lands. The
The lush plains of Sargava carve a swath of Sargavan military has so far managed to
civilization out of the western coast of the suppress the native revolts, but each time the
dense jungles of the Mwangi Expanse. Once threat grows a little greater.
dominated by Mwangi tribesmen, Sargava
Today, Baron Utilinus rules Sargava as an
was first settled by Chelish colonials in 4138
independent nation by default, employing
ar, under the ambitious whims of the mad
the faux-modest title of Grand Custodian.
prince Haliad I. A jewel of the empire, distant
Unfortunately, he finds his nation cracking
Sargava stood as a symbol of Cheliax’s sheer
at the edges. Despite his able efforts, it is
might at the height of its power.
unclear how long he can continue to hold
Sargava together.
THE SHACKLES among the most treacherous sandbars and

Treacherous Pirate Isles reefs at the fringes of the Eye of Abendego.

Capital: Port Peril (43,270) The majority of those who dwell in the
Ruler: Captain Kerdak Bonefist, the Shackles are human, although half-orcs and
Hurricane King half-elves are more common than elsewhere.
In the wilder regions of the isles, goblins
Languages: Polyglot
inhabit many of the scattered ruins of the
Religion: Besmara, Calistria, Cayden Cailean,
Shackles, as do the race of savage cannibalistic
Gozreh, Norgorber, Pharasma degenerates called kuru, humans believed
The pirate lords of the Shackles sail from to be possessed by the spirits of the ruins’
an assortment of outlaw ports, hiding their original inhabitants. Lizardfolk raiders also
illicit activities behind the cover of the make occasional sorties from the swamps of
massive hurricane, the ravenous Eye of the Sodden Lands to the north. The waters of
Abendego. Forgotten ruins of the ancient the Shackles are home to sharks, enormous
civilization of Ghol-Gan dot the island chain cephalopods, and scattered communities of
and treacherous coastline, their crumbling locathahs. Sahuagin villages are present near
stone walls carved with horrible depictions of the western isles, particularly around Ollo,
cannibalism and blood sacrifice. So disturbing while water nagas dwell on the mainland’s
are these images that when Chelish explorers southern coast. Farther west, feared dragon
discovered these ruins 600 years ago, they turtles prey upon ships making the dangerous
marked the region as cursed and haunted on passage around the Eye of Abendego.
their maps and continued south to found the A rumor currently making its rounds
colony of Sargava.
suggests that one of the Free Captains has
Before long, raiders began to prey upon the offered to safely pilot a Chelish fleet to the
lucrative trade between Sargava and Cheliax, Shackles in exchange for immunity for past
using the countless natural harbors among crimes. Whether this is true or just a ruse
these islands to hide from Chelish warships. to discredit one of the lords of the council,
These pirate havens soon grew into small it’s a well-known fact that Cheliax would
communities that eventually even accepted like nothing more than to see the pirate
legitimate merchants and businesses. confederacy eradicated.
The Shackles today consist of a motley
collection of bandit and slave ports, where THE SODDEN LANDS
freebooters find safe harbor and trade Hurricane-Ravaged Wasteland
their ill-gotten plunder with unscrupulous Capital: None
merchants. Their populace is mostly runaway Ruler: None
criminals, escaped slaves, and buyers seeking Languages: Polyglot
proscribed goods such as drugs, poisons, Religion: Gozreh, Norgorber, various cults
and other disreputable wares. A powerful
More than 100 years ago came the Eye. In
Free Captain rules each port, divvying the
4606 ar, at the precise moment the god
loot from recent raids and dispensing pirate
Aroden died, the greatest hurricane Golarion
justice as needed.
has ever known suddenly formed in all its
The overlord of the Shackles is the Hurricane fury just off the west coast of Garund. Within
King Kerdak Bonefist, captain of the man-o’- days, the Eye of Abendego, as the hell-storm
war Filthy Lucre, flagship of the Shackles fleet soon came to be named, had completely
and one of the few ships in the Inner Sea region destroyed the coastline of the neighboring
to be fully outfitted with Alkenstar cannons. nations of Lirgen and Yamasa. From there,
Most Free Captains command only a single the pulsing floodwaters pressed ever farther
ship or small flotilla, and are beholden to one inland, forcing a massive and unprecedented
of the more powerful pirate lords who control evacuation. Today, a century later, the Eye
the various ports and islands of the Shackles. continues to howl, and that which remains
These lesser captains have the opportunity of the nations it destroyed is known as the
to increase their station by entering the Free Sodden Lands, a perpetually storm-battered
Captain’s Regatta, a grueling annual race
region, largely uninhabitable by the likes of various leaders from the Linnorm Kingdoms,
humanity but a haven for savage beasts. but such acquisitions often revert to
The Sodden Lands no longer possess large- independence when a given leader dies.
scale, unifying leadership. Instead, the tiny More than half of the hidden fjords
pockets of civilization that remain bow to and bays in the Ironbound Archipelago,
their own rulers, typically a local chieftain, with their terraced mountain farms and
a mad warmonger, or a powerful priest or impregnable redoubts, are claimed by the
cult leader. clans of the Linnorm Kings. The rest are
inhabited primarily by dour, independent
STEAMING SEA men and women who recognize no nation,
Remote Northern Islands committed to their homes and rarely worth
Capital: None any kingdom’s trouble to root out with fire
Ruler: None and sword. When the longboats approach,

Inner Sea Gazeteer

Languages: Azlanti, Elven, Hallit, Skald the residents melt into the mountains, or rain
fire from the sea cliffs until the attackers turn
Religion: Desna, Erastil, Gorum, Gozreh,
south toward softer lands.
In the southern Steaming Sea, the gold
The portion of the Arcadian ocean situated
dragon Mengkare has made Hermea his
just off the northwestern coast of Avistan,
home. To his island he brought volunteers
the Steaming Sea stretches from Cheliax’s
from among humanity’s best and brightest to
border up into the frozen reaches of the
participate in what he dubbed “the Glorious
Crown of the World, where glaciers the size
Endeavor.” A magnanimous, high-minded
of nations shatter upon each other and low-
creature by nature, he decided to make the
hanging mists give the sea its name. Despite
perfection of the human race his personal
its abundant marine life and relatively
mission. His utopian dream began with the
temperate lower reaches, the Steaming Sea is
founding of the island’s only city, Promise.
a forbidding place where fast-moving squalls
Here, safe from warfare and ideological
can swallow even the largest ships. Many
struggle, these paragons of the human race
who set out to cross its waves never make it
could attain perfection. Under the dragon’s
more than 50 miles from Avistan’s shore.
No single nation rules the whole of the
Steaming Sea, and for most residents of the
region’s lonely shores and scattered islands,
its waters are neutral territory, belonging
solely to those who fish them. Some of their
havens are little more than wave-swept
rocks, yet several notable settlements exist
here, and many of those who make their
home so far from the mainland’s sheltering
embrace have been doing so unchanged for
thousands of years.
By far the largest grouping of land masses in
the Steaming Sea, the Ironbound Archipelago
extends from the westernmost arm of
the Kodar Mountains, rising up from the
seafloor to form a chain of massive islands
more than 300 miles long. While it contains
innumerable unnamed and uninhabitable
islets, many of the islands are large enough to
support multiple small fishing and whaling
villages, and even full-fledged agricultural
communities. Over the centuries, many of
these communities have been claimed by

careful (and unchallenged) guidance, the glory, a declining empire that seems destined

small population has grown and thrived. for little more than a footnote in the ultimate
Life is easy and fulfilling in Hermea — or so annals of history unless something can be
its ambassadors claim. done to reverse its fate.
The shores of Hermea are heavily defended, The first half of the Age of Enthronement
and outsiders are only rarely allowed access was the Golden Age of Imperial Taldor. It
beyond the carefully regulated trading docks. was in this era that Taldor formed the first of
The only way for an outsider to become a its now-legendary Armies of Exploration —
citizen is to be recruited by one of the nation’s instrumental to Taldor’s expansion
traveling undercover scouts, who follow throughout southern Avistan and the Sellen
the exploits of every nation’s heroes and River basin. The first five of these expeditions
report back to the Council of Enlightenment, expanded Taldor's power far and wide. The
delivering invitations to those foreign sixth however ended in disaster in the jungles
notables deemed worthy. These invitees are of the Mwangi Expanse.
granted a one-time offer to join the nation’s As time passed, Taldor’s colonial endeavors
slow march toward perfection and live a life in Avistan brought unparalleled wealth and
of comfort and security. All that’s required in influence to its people. They also brought
return is for the applicant to cede all personal Taldor into conflict with the Keleshite
authority to Mengkare, agreeing to abide by kingdom of Qadira to the south. Taldor’s
the dragon’s wisdom in all matters. affluence and success led to self-indulgence,
Life in Hermea, whether in Promise proper and Taldor’s culture grew more decadent
or on one of the farms that support it (for and detached from the outside world. Old
agriculture has its innovators as well), is just rivals sought to take advantage of Taldor’s
as wonderful as the stories tell. And if those profligacy, culminating in a massive
few sailors allowed to trade there whisper invasion of Taldor by Qadira in 4079. Corrupt,
of an undercurrent of fear, of rebels hiding weakened, and unable to fight a war on two
in the forests on the far side of the island or fronts, Taldor focused its waning might on
infiltrating the Council of Enlightenment its ancient enemy in the south. It successfully
itself, then they must surely be mistaken. repelled the Qadiran invasion, but over
the next decade, it lost most of its colonial
TALDOR holdings — including Andoran, Galt, and
Decadent Failing Empire Isger — to the nascent empire of Cheliax.
Capital: Oppara (109,280) Even the church of Aroden abandoned Taldor
Ruler: Grand Prince Stavian III, Emperor of to its mercurial obsessions and debauched
Taldor appetites at this time, moving the center of
Languages: Kelish the religion to Cheliax. Taldor’s imperial
ambitions were shattered, never to recover.
Religion: Abadar, Aroden, Calistria, Cayden
Cailean, Norgorber, Sarenrae, Shelyn Grand Prince Stavian III is emperor of
Taldor, but the awkward and bitter sovereign
The mighty empire of Taldor once stretched
is as dissolute as his empire. Surrounding
from the Arcadian Ocean to the border of the
himself with grandiose titles and sycophantic
Padishah Empire of Kelesh. Aroden himself
courtiers, he dallies in whatever takes his
was said to walk among the people of Taldor,
fancy. Meanwhile, the bloated ranks of
and his religion, a shining beacon unto the
the aristocracy send representatives to the
world, radiated outward from Taldor’s gilded
ineffectual senate to argue endlessly over
capital of Oppara. Taldor’s ancient Armies
trivial matters. In the end, the actual daily
of Exploration established footholds for the
management of Taldor is left in the hands
empire throughout Golarion, and during
of its overtaxed bureaucracy — a sprawling,
the Shining Crusade, its mighty phalanxes
labyrinthine organization, with different
marched for thousands of miles to beat back
bureaus squabbling over jurisdiction.
the Whispering Tyrant and imprison him
in Gallowspire. Yet despite these legacies, Grand Prince Stavian has no male heir. His
modern Taldor is a stunted remnant of its old only child, Princess Eutropia, is disgusted
with the stagnation of Taldan society and
decided in her recent youth to force Taldor to The lords of the newborn nation met
join the modern world. She has grand plans in council with Artokus. The council
to restore Taldor to its former glory. acknowledged that the elixir could bring
Taldor’s influence continues to wane, as prosperity to their harsh and arid land, but
it has for some time. And yet, many of the their religious leaders warned of the dangers
nations that now rule Avistan were once a of immortality. It was decided that only one
part of its great empire—without Taldor, they citizen of Thuvia should ever partake of
themselves would not exist. And so one of the the sun orchid elixir: the alchemist Artokus
oldest and most powerful human empires himself. Artokus accepted this as his destiny
in Avistan continues its gradual slide into and his burden. The cities joined forces to
oblivion—most likely for centuries to come. build the mighty Citadel of the Alchemist
where it is said that Artokus remains within
THUVIA to this day, continuing to produce the elixir

Inner Sea Gazeteer

Desert Land of Eternal Youth that brings foreign gold to the wastes of
Thuvia. Only six vials of elixir are produced
Capital: Merab (56,870)
each year, each sold by auction for exorbitant
Rulers: Ilepodus, Patron of Merab; Prince
sums. The five Thuvian cities take turns
Zinlo of Aspenthar; Zamere, Queen of hosting these auctions, which draw wealthy
Lamasara; Kharane, Defender of Duwwor; visitors from across the world.
Guldis, Emir of Pashow
Such is the demand for this elixir that rulers
Languages: Osiriani, Polyglot from nations throughout the Inner Sea and
Religion: Gozreh, Nethys, Pharasma, beyond strive to support this nation and its
Sarenrae, Usij (cult of Ahriman) leaders with tithes and gifts. Those who rule
Although consisting primarily of desert Thuvia know that if the secrets of the elixir
wastes haunted by powerful outsiders and were to fall into other hands, their nation
deadly monsters, the land of Thuvia is a could collapse — making the methods of
prosperous and vital nation thanks to a single creating the sun orchid elixir one of the Inner
rare plant —the sun orchid. Sea region’s most fervently guarded secrets.
Thuvia was an ancient kingdom that had
fallen to dust long ago. The ruins and haunted USTALAV
Fog-Shrouded Land of Gothic Horror
remnants of this ancient civilization still haunt
the desert wastes. In 1140 ar, an alchemist Capital: Caliphas (15,640)
named Artokus Kirran developed a formula Ruler: Prince Aduard Ordranti III
that combined various alchemical substances Languages: Skald, Varisian
with the nectar of the sun orchid — a rare Religion: Desna, Pharasma, Urgathoa
flower that bloomed only in the burning
Cursed with a history of tragedy and
heart of the Thuvian desert. Through his
faded glory, the Immortal Principality of
experiments, Artokus produced a
Ustalav clings to its legendary past even as it
potion that temporarily halted struggles to forget centuries of horrors. From
the process of aging. the fog-shrouded cliffs of Lake Encarthan to
His home city of
the tangled maze of the Shudderwood, the
Merab sought the fractious nation bears an infamous
help of neighboring reputation as a place of birth
desert cities to protect and rebirth for tyrants.
this valuable discovery
in return a for a share In the Age of
of the proceeds. The Enthronement, the
cities forged and blade of the legendary
alliance, reforming hero Soividia Ustav
the nation under drove the brutal Kellid
it's ancient title tribes and their heritage
of Thuvia. of obscene magic from the lands
surrounding the Hungry Mountains, and

claimed the region as a new homeland for his superstitions, strict cultural traditions, and

wandering people. For more than 500 years, grim faith.

the newly risen Kingdom of Ustalav followed Although Prince Aduard Ordranti III rules
the horned crown of the Ustav line, yet as as Ustalav’s sovereign, the counts of the
generations passed, the clannish Varisians realm’s heartland hold the most immediate
quarreled endlessly over territory, familial and forceful influence over the nation and
rights, and the honor of long-dead ancestors. its people. Able to act without oversight or
In the face of civil war, King Kaldemov reprisal, Ustalav’s ruling families have each
divided the nation into 16 counties, formally transformed their corner of the nation as befits
establishing the domains of the land’s most their ambitions or their petty vices. Although
influential families and granting them broad each count is sworn to serve the throne,
administrative powers, so long as they generations of courtly manipulations bind
remained loyal to and met the demands of even the Prince’s hands against interference
the crown. in all but the most outrageous county edicts.
The country enjoyed several brief centuries
of peace after its division, but unknown to the VARISIA
rulers of the nation, Ustalav was a poisoned Wild Frontier Region
land, tainted by the immortal remains of the Capital: None
wicked warlord Tar-Baphon, who, in 3203 ar, Ruler: None
resurrected as the vile lich-king known as the Languages: Shoanti, Varisian
Whispering Tyrant. Religion: Abadar, Calistria, Cayden Cailean,
Raising orc hordes from the brutal lands Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Lamashtu, Norgorber,
of Belkzen and calling upon legions of the Pharasma, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon
ancient dead, the lich-king unleashed his
A sprawling region caught between the
vicious military and arcane genius upon
southern nations of Taldor’s old empire and
the unprepared lands of Ustalav. While the
the northern lands ruled by the Linnorm
people waged a desperate defense, every
Kings, Varisia has long been considered a
fallen soldier bolstered the strength of the
backwater, but this was not always the case.
undead ranks, and by 3206, Ustalav was a
realm dominated by the dead. For more than Before Earthfall, this was the site of one
600 years, the Whispering Tyrant ruled an of humanity’s most powerful civilizations:
empire of abominations. When the Shining the empire of Thassilon. Founded by exiles
Crusade at last succeeded in imprisoning from Azlant and ruled by wizards known as
the dreaded immortal within his fortress of runelords, the nation of Thassilon enslaved
Gallowspire, the victorious knights freed giants to build vast monuments to its own
the lich’s living slaves and returned the ego. When Earthfall ushered in the Age of
principality’s shattered counties to the few Darkness, Thassilon — already teetering
beleaguered survivors. from its own decadence and corruption —
Reestablished and rechristened as the fell as well.
Immortal Principality of Ustalav, the country The region remained wild for thousands
was slow to recover, beset by infighting and of years, inhabited only by barbarian tribes
weak rulers. The land, too, had changed. of Shoanti and Varisian wanderers until
Although the Whispering Tyrant had been the frontier finally came to the attention of
defeated, his minions proved subtle and expansionist Cheliax. It was at this time that
unnaturally patient, hiding themselves amid the ancient frontier came to be known as
the darkest shadows and haunting ruins left Varisia. Since then, the area has become the
in the wake of an age of anguish. Inner Sea region’s fastest-growing realm—a
place of new opportunity, while still heavy
Although the past generations have seen the
with ancient mystery and the promise of
repopulation of Ustalav and its rise as a hub
undiscovered riches.
of civilization on the often-savage northern
shores of Lake Encarthan, the scars of death’s Although a relatively large stretch of Varisia
grip still linger. These circumstances have has been settled by Chelish colonists and
bred a suspicious people ruled by ageless Varisian natives, the region is still primarily a
Inner Sea Gazeteer
dangerous wilderness. Legendary monsters, into that empire. The second-largest regional
ranging from sinister local stories (such as the city, cosmopolitan Magnimar is in an era
elusive Sandpoint Devil) on up to regional of growth, while Korvosa stagnates in its
tales of terror (like deadly Black Magga, or hard-set traditional values. Farther north, in
the mythical Oliphaunt of Jandelay) have the region’s third-largest city of Riddleport,
given the wilderness a singular menace. crime is actively encouraged, resulting in a
More dangerous still are the numerous rapidly growing den of pirates, thieves, and
Thassilonian monuments that still dot the scoundrels.
land. Built by armies of stone giant artisans
under runelord command, these monuments THE WORLDWOUND
were preserved and protected by magic. Expanding Demonic Invasion
Only today is this preservative magic Capital: None
beginning to fail, allowing the ancient Ruler: None
monuments to slowly suffer the indignities of Languages: Abyssal, Hallit
erosion and trophy seekers. In many of these Religion: Lamashtu, demon worship
monoliths lurk hidden dangers — immortal (particularly Deskari)
monsters trapped for centuries, enticing
A century ago, the death of Aroden
vaults of treasure protected by traps, and
transformed the culture and politics of the
(some whisper) the slumbering runelords
Inner Sea nations. In the distant north in a
themselves, who wait patiently to awaken
land once known as Sarkoris, it changed
from their centuries-long sleep to reclaim a
the world itself, knocking Golarion out of
land rightfully theirs.
metaphysical alignment in the direction of
Although no central government controls the Abyss, a nightmare realm in the Great
Varisia, three major city-states have emerged, Beyond, screaming with wicked souls and
any of which could some day soon claim vicious demons. The Worldwound is a mile-
control over the region. The eldest and largest wide cosmic blight limned in black flame
of these city-states is Korvosa, a city of Chelish southwest of the barbarian city of Iz. The
loyalists ruled by a monarchy but cleaving closer one approaches to the Worldwound,
close to Cheliax in a bid to be reabsorbed the more the physical world itself becomes

unpredictable. Terrain changes before The first efforts to pacify the Worldwound

the eyes, shifting form with a torturous met with considerable success: the demonic
deliberation that seems to cause pain to the hosts were driven back and the crusaders
earth itself. stood sentinel over the land. The malign,
Until the world split open and demons almost sentient chaos of the Worldwound,
emerged to raze and ruin the entire nation, however, was not content to stay within its
Sarkoris was a sprawling scrubland north carefully proscribed borders. The northern
of Numeria known for its fierce, painted crusader city of Drezen formerly stood
warriors and bizarre witchery. Yet even before within the borders of Mendev, but in 4638
the end, Sarkorian mystics spoke of a growing ar, the counterstroke of the demon-hordes
chaose, sentered around the cult of the demon overwhelmed its guardians and protective
lord Deskari, who had long tormented the enchantments, and the entire city fell under
people of Sarkoris. One of Aroden’s many the influence of the Abyss. Tens of thousands
miracles as a mortal wandering Golarion was of pilgrims and warriors drowned in the
his defeat of Deskari and his cult, driving the demonic wave that followed, depleting the
cultists and their demonic patrons into the armies of Mendev and necessitating the
Lake of Mists and Veils. Second Mendevian Crusade.
Just over a century ago, strange signs that The new influx of crusaders helped to
the cult had returned to the region manifested. stabilize a new front line along the Sellen
The people of Sarkoris worried, but were River in the wake of this disastrous reversal,
confident that Aroden would return to the and the creation of the first bulwark of
world to put a final end to the cult. As all magical defenses, known as wardstones,
soon came to realize, no such return would helped to contain the demon horde’s growth.
occur. When Aroden died and the world Further crusades followed, some more
suffered under the wrath of weeks of storms, successful than others, and the struggle
Sarkoris entered its final dark hours. Vile continues today as brave warriors hurl
abominations quickly overran the Sarkorian themselves against the unending demonic
clan-holds, scattering their inhabitants and tide. Along with the warriors and devoted
spreading tales of an insidious taint in the clerics come those with less pure motives,
north, centered on the Worldwound. Foul rogues and ruffians intent on profiting
creatures spewed from the madness at the from the horrors in the north. In perhaps
center of the blight, monstrosities from the the greatest betrayal, a growing number of
depths of the Abyss; almost overnight they humans and other humanoids have pledged
became the undisputed masters of Sarkoris. loyalty to the demon host, often in return for
As word of Sarkoris’s swift and dramatic fall their own eventual transformation into half-
spread, the church of Iomedae was equally fiends or full demons.
swift to react. Still reeling from the loss of And above all else looms the vile architect
their deity’s patron, an obvious threat like of the Worldwound itself — the demon lord
a demonic incursion was precisely the thing Deskari. Deskari’s interest and eventual plans
that the Iomedaean faithful needed to stave for the Worldwound, aside from bringing
off true despair—her champions and priests the Abyss to the Material Plane, remain
threw themselves into the crusade against the unknown, yet increasing reports of sightings
Worldwound with reckless abandon, not only of the demon lord himself being active
to blunt their own horror at Aroden’s death, within the deepest rifts of the Worldwound
but also because they believed it was their are disturbing indeed. Whatever his plans
responsibility to pacify Sarkoris and seal the might be, as far as the nation of Sarkoris is
Worldwound—to finish the job that Aroden concerned, Deskari’s mantle of Usher of the
had started so many centuries ago with the Apocalypse is all too apt.
first defeat of Deskari’s cult.



P athfinder Adventure Paths like Rise of the the kinds of distractions and obstacles that
Runelords provide a complete campaign might hinder their progress.
that guides a character from Novice to To use the tables, draw a card from a freshly
Legendary with everything fleshed out and shuffled Action Deck for each element of
described for the GM. Sometimes, a GM will the adventure: Objective, Obstacle, and
want to add her own flavor to the heroes' Complication. Both the suit and the value
quests and create her own epic tales for her play a role in determining the exact outcome.
players to experience. If you want a little extra challenge for your
Creating your own adventure can seem a group, draw more than once on the Obstacle
little daunting, with so many ideas to choose or Complication tables to make things
from and so many options. With a little tougher, or throw in some of the encounters
guidance, however, you should be able to from the relevant terrain tables.
focus on one or two compelling hooks and We recommend determining all the elements
craft a fun and memorable story for you of the scenario with the Adventure Generator
players. This adventure generator is intended first, then figure out how they fit together.
to provide that guidance and help you quickly The results might not seem to make sense
put together anything from a brief encounter at first, but take a moment and see if some
to the seeds of a whole campaign! connections appear. Imagination and a little
thought and practice can often turn seemingly
bizarre draws into your most memorable


Regardless, if a draw doesn’t work for you,
draw again — or just pick a different result.
The Adventure Generator on the following You can also skim the tables for ideas, picking
pages provides a range of hooks and ideas and choosing what appeals to you at the time.
you can use to create your own tales. Take However you go about it, by weaving
the various elements they give you as a the disparate elements into a story — and
springboard for your own ideas, tailored for embellishing the bare bones presented here
your players and your own overall story. with little details that tie in your player's
The Encounter Tables give you a good idea characters — you can quickly fashion a
of the threats and environment explorers are compelling tale that places your heroes at the
likely to encounter in any given terrain, and center of events and ties them to Golarion's
rich history.


The card’s suit determines how the heroes get drawn into the adventure, and the value decides
what the objective of the adventure is.
„ CLUBS (Wrong Place & Time): The heroes stumble onto the action—or it stumbles onto them.
„ DIAMONDS (There’s Money In it): The party meets a patron seeking to hire their services.
„ HEARTS (The Hero’s Journey): One of the adventurers’ Hindrances or past actions draws the
party into the adventure.
„ SPADES (Friend or Foe): An old acquaintance seeks out one of the heroes, but not always with
his best interests at heart.
Interrupted!: The heroes have their attempt at a little Downtime interrupted, rudely and
probably violently!
Object of Power: The party must recover an artifact, relic, piece of arcane lore, or other object.
Three This item might be hidden or long-lost, or it might be in the possession of another group.
There is almost always somebody else looking for the object, too.
Swords for Hire: A powerful individual needs protection from his or her enemies. It may be
Four her home or current location that needs defending, or it may be that she requires an escort
on a dangerous journey.
Riches Beyond Belief!: The Pathfinders hear of a trove of strange artifacts or enormous wealth
Five just ripe for the taking. Reaching the location might not be easy, of course, and others may
have heard the same rumor.
Bounty Hunters: There’s always money to be made tracking down outlaws or pirates and
Six bringing them to justice. Maybe the target is innocent, or maybe he’s got help, but it’s rarely
as easy as it sounds.
Seven Rescue: The party must finding missing innocents and rescue them.
Siege: Whether it’s a castle surrounded by a besieging army, a band of brigands terrorizing
Eight a town, or the heroes themselves who are encircled, the situation is dire and the adventurers
must break the siege (or break out of it!).
Messenger: Parcels or messages entrusted to the party or someone they care about must be
Nine delivered. Time is of the essence, and there’s someone with a vested interest in ensuring the
delivery never takes place.
Pathfinders: The heroes are blazing new trails, mapping uncharted territory, opening new
trade routes, or discovering forgotten civilizations.
Arcane Research: The party must either seek out and discover eldritch secrets from a difficult
to reach location or protect one or more magical scholars while they do.
The Go-Betweens: Two powerful groups are on the brink of violence and the heroes are
Queen in the middle. The parties might be rival kingdoms, warring tribes, or competing secret
organizations, but the heroes must try to find a way to negotiate an agreement between them.
Scouting: The adventurers are tasked with sneaking into hostile territory to gather
King information. It may be learning the plans of an enemy warlord or determining the size of a
dragon’s hoard, but getting caught means disaster, not only for them but also others.
CHARGE!: The adventurers suddenly find themselves in the middle of a raging battle. Draw
another card to determine what the other combatants want with each other.
Pawns in the Game: The heroes’ quest is just a ruse to distract them while someone advances
their real agenda. Draw twice more— once for the distraction and once for the true objective.
The heroes must discover they’ve been duped before they can thwart their foe’s true goal.
The Enemy of My Enemy: The threat of demon invasion or some other powerful peril forces
major antagonists, villains, or nemeses to put aside past issues and unite. Draw another card
to determine what existential threat caused this temporary truce, ignoring the suit.

The second card determines who or what opposes the heroes. The suit gives an indication of
that party’s main motivation.
„ CLUBS (Violence): Tempers run high and all parties are ready for conflict.
„ DIAMONDS (Resources): Greed and want are constant companions throughout Golarion.
Scarcity and famine or greed and riches feature in the story.
„ HEARTS (Health): Healing or disease motivate the villain’s actions. Maybe he’s attempting
to spread a disease, seek resurrection for an ally, or immortality for themselves.
„ SPADES (Power): The villain is driven by a lust for power or a fear of losing influence.

Simple Folk: The heroes find themselves facing a group that’s clearly no match for a powerful
group of adventurers, like a farmer and his family, a lone wizard, or a group of largely
peaceful natives. Hopefully, the adventurers have some moral qualms about abusing their
obvious advantage.
Merchant Prince: The party is opposed by a rich and influential merchant or trader who sees
Three their efforts as a threat to his profits or power. The rival may rely on the local law to resist the

Adventure Generator
party but is willing to resort to violence if necessary.
Legal Problems: The heroes fall afoul of some legal issue such as a peace treaty, trade
Four agreement, or other bureaucratic problem. Whatever form it takes, it requires tact or diplomacy
rather than brute force.
Natural Phenomena: The adventurers are hit by the full force of a natural disaster. The exact
Five nature of the disaster depends on the heroes’ location (tsunami at the coasts, severe drought
in farmlands, blizzards in the mountains, etc.).
Hired Swords: Someone has brought in mercenaries to block the party’s progress. These
Six hirelings are better equipped than the average bandit. While money is their primary concern,
the mercenaries have a reputation for not betraying their employers to protect.
Rivals: Another group of adventurers smells money, either on the party or its objective. The
Seven heroes must pay them off, fight them, or otherwise dissuade them from getting involved in
some situation. The rivals are as powerful as the party and capable of holding their own.
Eight Monstrous Creature: A large and powerful beast rampages.
Wandering Monsters: A pack of monsters or tribe of lesser foes is rampaging in the area the
Nine heroes must enter to achieve their objective. The adventurers must deal with these interlopers
before they can reach their goal.
Torches and Pitchforks: Locals get it into their heads the heroes mean trouble and take to the
streets to exact revenge. Maybe the perceived slight is justified and the Pathfinders can make
amends, or perhaps it’s a case of mistaken identity. The mob must be dealt with, then reasoned
with, dissuaded, or the true culprits revealed.
Brigands: A gang of bandits terrorizes a region and impacts the heroes’ efforts to reach their
Powerful Elites: The heroes get on the wrong side of a shadowy secret society, a powerful
Queen noble, or ruler of a city or state. This enemy has access to considerable resources and the
adventurers must tread carefully or find a way to right the wrongs they did.
King Big Trouble!: A major threat stands in the heroes’ way, like an angry king, a lich, or dragon.
Fanatics: The party’s goal is tied to the ideological or religious beliefs of a band of religious or
Ace political zealots. They could be devout paladins, ardent crusaders, or anarchists, but they’re
not known for reasonable discourse.
Black Double Trouble: Things go from bad to worse. Draw twice more. The heroes must face both
Joker obstacles.
Pick a Side: The party finds itself between two obstacles. Draw twice more. The first card
represents their obstacle. The second represents an opportunity the heroes can exploit to
counter the first. If they fail, the party must face both obstacles instead.


The final card represents any additional hurdle the party has to overcome to complete their
mission. The card’s suit determines the general nature or origin of the trouble, and the value
identifies the specific problem.
„ CLUBS (Hardship): The complication makes everything harder than it should be. Any skill
rolls made to overcome it face a −2 penalty.
„ DIAMONDS (Treasure): Money is tight and the complication makes everything worse. Any
costs required to overcome the complication are doubled and the heroes find no treasure
until it is resolved.
„ HEARTS (Relationships): The complication involves one or more party members’ Hindrances,
or another powerful source of emotional conflict, like a former lover, old friend, etc. Until it
is resolved, passions run high and tempers are frayed.
„ SPADES (Dark Past): An old enemy or past secret comes back to haunt the heroes. It remains
behind the scenes, at least initially, to thwart the party’s efforts and throw obstacles in their
Mistaken Identity: A party member is mistaken for someone else. Whether a famous hero,
vicious outlaw, or vile warlock, the identity comes with plenty of its own baggage.
Missing Missive: A crucial piece of info was lost, delivered to the wrong recipient, or
Three intercepted by enemies. Whatever the heroes need most is not available to them, and their
foes have an advantage.
Voyage: The adventure requires the Pathfinders go on a journey spanning a long distance—
Four they must cross at least one large and hostile region—either enemy territory or inhospitable
Shortages: The adventurers run low on fuel, provisions, magical items, or ammunition
unexpectedly. Getting resupplied becomes a priority.
Nonlethal: The adventurers must restrain their most bloodthirsty instincts: their objective
must be achieved without resort to deadly force.
Misdirected: A guide, expert, or piece of information the party relies on turns out to be
completely wrong.
Sands of Time: Time is the enemy. Within 2d4 days, some event occurs that spells failure
for the entire mission if the party has not achieved their objective.
Mishap: An important piece of equipment malfunctions, breaks down, or just goes missing
at the worst possible time.
Outbreak: A virulent illness plagues the region —and the heroes. Each day, the characters
Ten must make a Vigor roll or gain a level of Fatigue. The disease can be treated, but not until
the party completes its mission.
Shocking Revelation: Events unearth unexpected information. It may be something merely
Jack embarrassing about one of the adventurers, or it might threaten a powerful individual or
Celebrity: An important personality somehow gets mixed up in the heroes’ affairs. It could
be a hero or a villain, but either way it’s a huge distraction.
Doublecross: One of the adventurers’ trusted allies is revealed to be invested in their
failure — probably at the worst possible time.
Sudden Death: A benefactor or useful ally dies suddenly, throwing the party’s plans into
Ace turmoil. The characters must work to replace their former friend and find out if the death
was caused by foul play.
Nothing But Trouble: Things just keep getting worse. Draw twice.
Tables Turned: It turns out the heroes’ opponents are actually trying to achieve something
useful or good (though perhaps for nefarious reasons). The party must choose a side, and
maybe even oppose the good act, for fear of their foe’s long-term aim.

Once you have the basics, call a short break
ENCOUNTERS so you can customize the encounter to your
When the party travels through an area and resources and the party’s interests. Taking
you don’t have a specific encounter planned, a minute to add your own touch to the
you can use the tables below. ideas below can make the scenario far more
interesting and memorable!
Draw a card from the Action Deck once per
day for most areas; or two or three times a day ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY
in particularly dangerous areas.
Pathfinder for Savage Worlds features encoun­
A face card or higher means an encounter ters created to reflect the natural — or in
takes place. The card’s suit determines the some cases unnatural — organization of
type — Enemies, Strangers, Treasure, or an the characters or creatures listed. That
Obstacle. If a Joker is drawn, draw twice more means your group had best be warned that
and combine the results — such as Enemies encounters aren’t always fair or balanced
and an Obstacle or Strangers and Treasure. for their abilities. Sometimes a horrific
Next roll appropriate Encounter Table for abomination simply needs to be avoided, or
your terrain type. You’ll find monster or the player characters need to come up with
character profiles in the Pathfinder for Savage some clever tactics.

Adventure Generator
Worlds Core Rules or the Bestiary.

1–4 2d6 Giant Crabs 2d4 Centaurs Treasure Arcane Society
5–8 2 Swarms (Crab) Scandalous Pirates Shelter Epidemic
9–10 1d6+ 2 Dire Rats Thieves’ Guild Food Ruthless Brigands
11 3d6 Zombies (Pirates) Brutal Slavers Cursed Storm
12 1 Wildcard Bunyip and Carnival Death Cult Detour
2 Bunyips
13 3 Giant Stag Beetles Slayer’s Guild Lost Treasure Tainted Water
14–15 1 Goblin Wildcard and Corrupt Guard Trap Heat
3 Goblins per hero
16–20 Orc tribe (3d8 Orcs Bronze Dragon Abandoned Mine Battlefield
and 1 Orc Chieftain)

1–4 1 Skaveling and 2 Medusa Food Drought
Swarms ( undead bats)
5–7 2 Gelatinous Cubes Wererat Death Cult Tainted Water
8–12 2 Driders and 2d4 Drow Noble Shelter Corrupt Guard
Drow slavers 2d6 Drow
13–14 2 Swarms (Centipede) 2d8 Kobolds Trap Trap
15 Black Pudding Penitent Abandoned Mine Detour
16 2d8 Darkmantle Wanderer Lost Treasure Penitent
17–19 1d6+ 2 Rust Monsters Thieves’ Guild Treasure Wanderer
20 Purple Worm and 2d6 Sinspawn Cursed Abandoned Mine
fleeing bystanders



1–6 1 Dire Boar Dryad Abandoned Mine Abandoned Mine
2d4 Boars
7–8 1d4 Green Hags Merchant Caravan Death Cult Battlefield
9–12 2d6 Ettercaps Merry Outlaws Treasure Drought
13–18 3 Large Cats (Tigers) Ruthless Brigands Cursed Ruthless Brigands
19 1d4 Swarms (Wasps) Hunting Party Lost Treasure Epidemic
20 Green Dragon Sinister Cult Shelter Tainted Water

1–4 Ice Linnorm Trapped Food Storm
Water Mephit
5–7 3d4 Mammoths Shelter with Treasure Blizzard
1d4 Townsfolk
8 2d6 Frost Giants Refugees Death Cult Ruthless Brigands
9 3 Ice Golems Penitent Cursed Battlefield
10–16 2d6 Yeti 1d4 Merchants Lost Treasure Detour
(Use Townsfolk)
17–20 Wendigo Ship Abandoned Mine Abandoned Mine

1–2 Red Dragon Fang Monastery Lost Treasure Blizzard
3–4 4 Giant Eagles Penitent Food Tainted Water
5 2d4 Fire Giants Death Cult Cursed Demon Knights
6 2d4 Hill Giants Corrupt Guard Treasure Epidemic
7–8 1 Savage Ogre and Hunting Party Thieves’ Guild Detour
2d6 Ogres
9–14 2d6+ 3 Orcs Refugees Shelter Ruthless Brigands
2 Orc Captains
15 1d4 Cloud Giants Brutal Slavers Abandoned Mine Abandoned Mine
16–20 Silver Dragon Arcane Society Trap Blizzard

1–2 2d4+ 2 Sharks Haunted Ship Lost Treasure Epidemic
(Use Ghost)
3–6 2 Great White Sharks Brutal Slavers Food Storm
7–8 2d4 Bunyips Ship Ship Tainted Water
9–10 3 Swarms (Jellyfish) Refugees Treasure Scandalous Pirates
11–12 1d6+ 2 Pirates 1d6 Merchants Death Cult Storm
(Use Elite Guards) (Use Townsfolk)
13–16 3 Water Elementals Scandalous Pirates Shelter Heat
17–19 1d4 Sea Hags Sharks Wanderer Ship
20 2d6 Giant Crabs Wanderer Cursed Sharks

1–6 2d4 Mammoths Penitent Trap Blizzard
7–8 1d6+ 1 Large Cats Merry Outlaws Abandoned Mine Battlefield
9–12 2d4 Elephants Merchant Caravan Wanderer Savage Marauders
13–18 1d6+ 2 Cockatrice Hunting Party Treasure Heat
19 2d10 Gnolls Arcane Society Food Detour
20 3d6 Aurochs (if 10 Carnival Cursed Epidemic
or more, they are

1–6 1d6 Tatzlyrms 1d4 Pixies (Playful Shelter Storm
and Mischievous)
7–11 1d4 Minotaur Brutal Slavers Lost Treasure Epidemic

Adventure Generator
12–16 2 Tendriculos Ruthless Brigands Abandoned Mine Blizzard
17–18 3d6 Giant Spiders Wanderer Cursed Detour
19–20 Snake Nest 2 Wildcard Treants. Food Heat
2d4 Snakes

1–6 Revenant Sinister Cult Shelter Secret Society
7–8 2 Swarms (Rat) Arcane Society Death Cult Corrupt Guard
9–12 Wererat and 1d3 Slayer’s Guild Lost Treasure Epidemic
Swarms (rats)
13–18 2d6 Dogs Regal Court Abandoned Mine Tainted Water
19 1d6+ 2 Dire Rats Death Cult Thieves’ Guild Diabolical Church
20 3d6 Townsfolk Carnival Food Drought
(Angry Mob)

1–4 1d8+ 3 Redcaps Penitent Shelter Heat
5–6 2d6 Goblin Dogs Refugees Food Tainted Water
7 Shambling Mound Demon Knights Cursed Epidemic
8–10 1d3 Satyr Thieves’ Guild Treasure Nature’s Scourge
11–12 2 Dire Bears Treant Settlement Death Cult Detour
1d6 Bears 2d8 Treants
13 2d4 Basilisks Brutal Slavers Lost Treasure Blizzard
14–17 1 Werewolf and 2d4 Wanderer Abandoned Mine Abandoned Mine
18–20 1d3 Taiga Giants Hunting Party Trap Drought

ENCOUNTER DESCRIPTIONS per group). A Critical Failure means the

wandering character falls into a crevasse or

Abandoned Mine: Once a lucrative delving, canyon (2d12”deep). Blizzards cause a −4
now the place has been left deserted. Perhaps penalty to Agility-based skills like Driving,
the precious minerals were mined out or Piloting, Riding, and Shooting. A typical
perhaps the miners unearthed or attracted blizzard lasts 1d20 + 5 hours.
some monstrous terror and fled (or worse).
When listed as Treasure, the mine leads into Brutal Slavers: When the adventurers return
a deeper dungeon filled with possible riches. to a nearby village after an adventure, they
discover the town burned to the ground.
Arcane Society: The hamlet’s esteemed — Examination of the charred structures reveals
and normally kind and gregarious — mayor far too few bodies to account for all of its
has begun speaking nonsensically during inhabitants. As the heroes track down the
public appearances, and he sometimes arsonists, they discover an entire organization
seems lost and bewildered. Many of the that has been stealing people and selling them
townspeople whisper that he’s been cursed. as slaves in distant lands for years.
Some blame the local hedge witch; others say
his strange behavior began when a group Carnival: The party arrives in a new town
of traveling arcane scholars passed through where everyone already seems to know—and
town, and still others have their own theories. hate — them. Careful investigation reveals
Regardless, his condition is only worsening. they lost days or weeks between their visits to
The town’s deputy mayor has reached out to civilization. The town authorities eventually
the party for help. They are hired to find out accuse them of stealing a local treasure,
what’s going on—and who might profit from forcing the heroes to either flee or attempt
the mayor’s decline. to clear their names. Rumors reveal that
the town knows them as part of a traveling
Battlefield: The heroes stumble across a field carnival, rather than as lone adventurers. If
of battle. Either a scene of current carnage, or the heroes track the carnival, they finally
the haunted remnants of an ancient conflict. discover the truth: the performers’ mesmeric
Blizzard: Those caught in a blizzard must mistress seized control of the adventurers
make a Fatigue roll (−2) every hour until weeks ago to supplement her crew and
they find shelter (Survival at −4, one roll provide convenient scapegoats for her crimes.

When she achieved her insidious aims, she Detour: A bridge is out, a sudden downpour
lifted her hypnotic spell over them, leaving washes out the road, a landslide blocks the
them with no memory of these dealings. trail or waterway. The heroes spends 1d4
However, she came to regret abandoning days finding a route around it. Who knows
such adept minions once they departed. Now what trouble awaits once they stray from the
the party has returned, she’s quite keen to beaten path
reassert her control over her former puppets. Diabolical Church: When a local temple of
Corrupt Guard: The guard protecting a a hero’s religion loses the rights to its land,
powerful magic item, a priceless work of property, or the public observation of its key
art, or an object central to the heroes’ quest tenets, it is swiftly besieged by forces from
has questionable morals. The item could be the diabolical church, who demand that it
evidence that the guard has confiscated, or evacuates the region. The adventurers are
the centerpiece of a high-stakes auction the summoned to help defend the temple, and
guard captain is being well compensated must discover how to gain access to the
to defend. The party might not be the only restricted site, challenge the Asmodeans’
people looking to steal the prize, and they claims, and ensure that the temple’s priests
might have to deal with an unskilled group and worshipers are protected.

Adventure Generator
of robbers who slip up and place the guard Drought: The locals aren’t getting nearly
on even higher alert, or a masterful group of enough water. Unless the party brought their
thieves who could outwit the adventurers if own, see Thirst in Pathfinder for Savage Worlds.
they aren’t careful.
Epidemic: The heroes’ location or the town
Cursed: The heroes find a prized magic over the next rise is stricken by disease.
item or relic of great power. Unfortunately, Consider it a Debilitating Disease (see
the item is cursed and has an dangerous or Pathfinder for Savage Worlds). Medicine is
unpredictable negative power. Worse still, available, but not locally.
the item cannot be simply discarded and the
Fang Monastery: A town in a mountain
party must discover a way to end the curse
valley not far from Fang Monastery comes
before they can be rid of it.
under attack by a demonic incursion. Fang
Death Cult: Part of a treasure hoard the Monastery offers its services in fighting off
heroes looted holds special significance to the the monsters, but it also demands unfettered
cult. While the heroes dismiss it as a curiosity access to ruined serpentfolk catacombs under
or simply valuable loot, the cult takes action, the city in exchange. What will become of
either sending fevered raveners that show up the citizens if monastery agents are allowed
in the night to slay the party and recover the in their midst? Can the adventurers offer a
artifact or relying on diplomacy, stealth, or better deal, or can they even stave off the
other means—whatever the cultists think is demons on their own?
likeliest to earn them their prize.
Food: Whether it’s plentiful game or fish, a
Demon Knights: A force of demon knights is convenient apple orchard, an ale barrel that
leaving burned ruins across the countryside. fell from a wagon, or good Samaritans willing
Few survivors are left in their path, and the to share their fare, the party need not roll
knights’ normal attempts at recruitment Survival to eat their fill today.
seem half-hearted. The demon knights may
Heat: The temperature skyrockets above 90
have some other motivation: perhaps they
degrees for 1d6 + 1 days. See Heat and Thirst
are seeking an artifact or another powerful
in Savage Worlds.
item, or maybe they are looking for a specific
individual who could help them fulfill their Hunting Party: Use Townsfolk stats but they
goal of demonic rule. It may even be that have Shooting d8.
some runaway from the group has stolen an Lost Treasure: A moldering skeleton hiding
item of great importance from the Merciless a tattered map, letter, or scroll leading to a
Balor himself. A nearby village pools its treasure — and danger. The loot may be
resources and hires the party to investigate. valuable or it may be fool’s gold. Either way,
Can the adventurers uncover the demon the danger remains.
knights’ plans before the village is razed?
Merchant Caravan: Soon after arriving in a supernatural creatures. Perhaps the attackers

new locale, one or more of the adventurers are cruel oppressors, or perhaps their
are accused of being corrupt merchants and hostility is well-founded and the refugees are
ripping off the populace. In the effort to clear harbingers of some dark purpose.
their names, the confused heroes eventually Regal Court: The queen’s champion
discover that members of the merchant approaches the party and makes her case that
caravan have used disguises (both mundane the queen is the true ruler of the kingdom.
and magical) to masquerade as the party The queen is about to make her move to place
while running con games. herself back on the throne and needs a group
Merry Outlaws: After a string of bandit of capable adventurers to aid in her plan.
attacks in a local forest, few guards remain Ruthless Brigands: The characters arrive in
willing to escort Trade Queen Hakutar’s a rural, secluded place where the local noble
wares to market, and her profits are is having trouble with the brigands. The
plummeting. In desperation, she enlists the ruthless mercenaries are attacking much of
adventurers to protect her merchandise on its the trade that comes this direction, choking
journey through the forest. When they arrive off commerce and denying the people badly
within the wood, the locals inform them of needed goods. To make matters worse,
the wrongs that Hakutar has committed in merchants are now refusing to continue
the pursuit of profit and urge them to turn trading there until something is done about
over her merchandise to the Merry Outlaws, the outlaws. The noble, desperate to put a
local bandits that the villagers praise as stop to it, beseeches the characters (or hires
heroes. Whether or not the heroes decide to them) to aid him by finding the outlaws’
comply, the Merry Outlaws confront them, camp and dispersing them.
giving the party a chance to learn that the
Savage Marauders: An enigmatic warrior
Merry Outlaws aren’t quite what they seem.
woman and an entourage of haughty fighters
Nature’s Scourge: Nature’s Scourge has in spiked armor ride into town, demanding
been threatening an isolated frontier town that a tribute be paid within 4 days or else
for months. It has destroyed buildings, killed a tribe of savage marauders will lay siege
livestock, and kidnapped hunters who on the walled town. The price they demand,
ventured too far into the woods. Shortly after however, is outrageous, and the town council
the party arrives to investigate, the heroes asks the party to go to the marauders’ camp
and everyone around them begin to take and negotiate a payment of a more acceptable
on animalistic features. The source of the size. The shrewd guard captain urges
transformation is the atavistic reversion occult the heroes to assess the marauders’ troop
ritual that the leaders of Nature’s Scourge composition and numbers while visiting the
are performing a few miles outside of town. camp. A secret anonymous letter the heroes
The adventurers have only a few hours to receive before the negotiation, however, tries
investigate, find the site of the ritual, and stop to persuade them to enter the marauder camp
the participants before the transformations under the pretense of peaceful negotiations
become permanent. Fortunately, Nature’s while they look for a chance to kill the
Scourge has left behind clues at several of marauders’ leader.
the sites of its previous crimes. If the heroes
Scandalous Pirates: The heroes’ ship could
manage to calm the agitated townsfolk, the
be the target of the pirates’ raids or they
latter offer whatever assistance they can to aid
may come on the aftermath of such a raid,
the investigation.
at which point they might be approached
Penitent: A paladin crosses the heroes’ path by survivors who beg them to track down
on a mission of redemption for past misdeeds. and recover anything from a lost family
Perhaps the paladin’s devout aims are at odds heirloom to a kidnapped family member,
with the heroes mission or perhaps they can destined to be sold into slavery or suffer
help. They are led into danger, regardless! a worse fate at the hands of the pirates. Of
Refugees: The heroes find a defenseless course, if the heroes are themselves captured
destitute group uprooted from their or pressed into service aboard a pirate ship
homes surrounded by hostiles, bandits, or only to escape, they may well seek revenge
for themselves against the scandalous pirates D12 SHIP TYPE
that humiliated them! 1 Merchant Galleon
Secret Society: When the parents of an 2–3 Merchant Galley
impressionable young heir learn that she has
4–5 Pirate Sloop
become involved with a secretive club, their
attempts to investigate backfire, and she 6–9 Merchant Sloop or Fishing Keelboat
disappears into its highly protected grounds. 10–11 Longship
Concerned for her safety and reputation, 12 Warship
the parents hire the heroes to infiltrate the
club and rescue her. Can the party maintain
Sinister Cult: The sudden rise of an
their cover identities long enough to gain
influen­tial aristocrat seems to coincide with
an invitation to one of the club’s parties,
increased cultist activity and disappearances
and what will they do when they discover
of people all over town. Clues indicate that
the heiress is no naive innocent, but rather
the cultists have a new leader and are about to
a purveyor of vile perversions and occult
open a doorway that will allow an unnamed
entity and its servants to return to the world,
Sharks: See Pathfinder for Savage Worlds. bringing madness and death. The entity the

Adventure Generator
Shelter: Warm shelter is its own reward. The cult worships may not consider the cult its
heroes come across a cave, cabin, or campsite ally, and such a campaign could culminate
all set to go, appropriate to the region and in the cult’s destruction by the very entity its
safe from the elements. Perhaps the original members venerate, leaving that creature’s
occupants came to an ugly end, or perhaps defeat up to the party.
they are still lying in wait. Slayer’s Guild: A politician is growing in
Ship: Roll on the table below to determine popularity and influence, causing tremors in
the vessel. the halls of government. Perhaps he’s pushing
for reform of a corrupt government, or maybe
his personal hobbies and tastes are causing
scandals. Worried about attempts on his life

by those desperate to cling to power, his Most Agility-based skills suffer a −2 penalty,

aides hire the party as bodyguards while he including Driving, Piloting, Riding, and
completes his final round of public speeches. Shooting rolls (due to slippery ground,
As election day approaches, however, fears poor visibility, and high winds). When a
become reality when masked archers launch character’s Action Card is a black Joker, that
a coordinated attack on his entourage. In the adventurer horse or vehicle is struck by
confusion, a few overheard conversations lightning for 2d10 damage, AP 10.
between assassins suggest that the heroes’ Tainted Water: The adventurers discover a
sponsor may be behind the attack. Will the watering hole, but its contents are tainted. If
party prevent the politician’s assassination, or the heroes are forced to drink from the water
will they have to deal with the repercussions hole must make a Vigor roll at −2 or gain a
of their failure while simultaneously level of Fatigue for 1d4 days.
attempting to bring his killers to justice?
Thieves’ Guild: Someone — either the
Storm: A thunderstorm reduces visibility typical mysterious stranger or someone the
to 12”, imposes a Dark Illumination penalty adventurers have dealt with before who
(−4), and turns the ground into a quagmire. might not be completely on the up-and-up —
Running characters must make an Agility needs the heroes’ particular skill set for a
roll or fall prone and become Vulnerable. challenging but rewarding job. Whatever
the task is, the party find themselves double-
crossed at the end and publicly blamed for
the crime. The guild, of course, is ultimately
behind the setup.
Trap: The heroes come across a dangerous
room or obstacle designed to kill them. If
listed as a Treasure, the trap protects a
valuable artifact or relic.
Treasure: The heroes find a pouch, sack,
or chest containing 1d10 × $1000 in local
or foreign currency or precious stones.
Needless to say the money belongs to
someone and they want it back.
Wanderer: The party finds am itinerant
priest, potions seller, or soldier of fortune.
The individual may appear friendly at first,
but harbors a dark secret and has a malign
task he or she must fulfill.



W hile nations and major religions can monastery, the tough and pitiless Hellknights,
command vast resources and control and the deadly and distinctive Red Mantis.
large swaths of land or huge numbers In addition, the rest of this section takes a
of people, they’re not alone in competing look at a handful of smaller organizations
for loyalty. In addition to church and state, that nonetheless exert enough influence to be
many people feel influence from other known beyond a single city, nation, or region.
numerous groups.
These factions can vary wildly in size and
purpose, from local thieves’ guilds interested
only in filling the pockets and bellies of their The five major factions presented on the
members to vast international commercial following pages each open with a short block
conglomerates armed with their own private of information following the faction’s name.
armies. The largest of these organizations Alignment: The overall alignment of the
compete with lesser (or sometimes middling) organization and its leaders. Variations occur
sovereign nations in wealth, power, and among lower-ranking members.
influence. In some cases, such as with Headquarters: The group’s headquarters,
Cheliax’s Hellknights, sovereign nations go and the region where it’s located.
so far as to rely on these powerful groups
from time to time. In other cases, such as Leader: The faction’s current leader.
with the Red Mantis, even nations bow to Prominent Members: The names of several
their power. prominent members within the organization.
Smaller groups, while lacking in resources, Structure: This entry provides a brief
can nonetheless occasionally inspire even description of the way the group is organized.
greater zeal from their members. Those that Scope: This lists whether the organization
strive to grow in size, influence, or wealth is national (active primarily in one or two
frequently attract more dedicated and nations), regional (active in the entire Inner
motivated members. Sea region), or global (active throughout all
This chapter looks at five of the most of Golarion). A faction with a national scope
influential and important factions in the might have some agents active beyond its
Inner Sea region: the mysterious and slightly borders but they generally don’t maintain
sinister Aspis Consortium, the earnest extensive holdings beyond those borders.
and sometimes annoying Eagle Knights of Resources: A brief list of significant
Andoran, the mysterious and corrupt Fang resources the organization controls.

but are issued only loose terms dictating a

ASPIS CONSORTIUM task’s specifics or methods—thus distancing

Consortium members from any misdeeds.
Above such hired hands, true agents of the
Alignment: Evil Consortium fall into three tiers, distinguished
Headquarters: Ostenso, with numerous by small amulets, badges, or rings they carry.
Bronze Aspis Consortium agents are skilled
regional headquarters
mercenaries, former professional soldiers, and
Leaders: A. X. Adrius, Jaydis Milon Malddis
educated members of the mercantile classes.
IV, and board of patrons Sometimes lesser nobility with particular skill
Prominent Members: Cirildimina sets or knowledge of a given topic or region
Alasbhallas, Lord Pairo Gavhaul, Mr. Khayn, also make up the tier. All possess an ambition
Professor Tantis Mais driving them to profit and power, as well as
Structure: Multinational corporation skills exploitable by those of higher ranks.
Scope: Regional These low-tier members have little influence
Resources: Real property, other material, and beyond the specific operations meted out by
liquid assets worth tens of millions of gold their superiors.
piece across Avistan and Garund Silver agents coordinate operations and
Nearly 200 years ago, a Chelish ship put into sift through intelligence gathered by their
port at the Osirian capital of Sothis, its sails lessers. They possess a degree of autonomy
marked with the emblem of three intertwined to direct their underlings as they please, so
asps. There it opened its hold to the cheap long as their endeavors profit their superiors.
folk and broken curios of the desert, dazzling While they rarely devise new operations or
poor craftsmen and smirking con artists with expand the Consortium’s interests beyond
a rain of silver coins. an assigned field or territory, they typically
oversee multiple underlings. They often
Yet during the vessel’s journey to Westcrown,
serve as local bosses and physical faces for
a miraculous change took place. Offloading
operations in limited regions, urban quarters,
shining arks and pillowed cases amid
or small cities.
a festival of anticipation, these trifles
transformed into the treasures of antiquity, Above them, gold agents either control
the heirlooms of pharaonic dynasties, operations within entire regions (not
mysteries with meanings lost to time, and necessarily confined to distinct national
relics even grander. borders) or bend their cunning to projects on
which the syndicate places particular value.
The Osirion-obsessed nobility of the day
Such masterminds possess or are provided
never balked at the only fittingly grandiose
with the resources, wealth, and manpower
prices called during the treasures’ much-
to manipulate numerous operations over a
promoted auction. On that evening, the
wide area. Ultimately, they report only to the
venture’s three financiers each made modest
Consortium’s board of patrons.
fortunes, and the Aspis Consortium was born.
Mystery, misinformation, and slander
surround the leaders of the Aspis Consortium.
STRUCTURE AND LEADERSHIP Rumors exist attributing the organization’s
The organization of the Aspis Consortium leadership to dark cultists, alien beings,
is structured to assure the organization’s masked villains, or stranger menaces.
survival over that of any single operation In truth, the Aspis Consortium answers
or member. At its lowest tier are contractors, to multiple leaders. There’s a body of eight
mercenaries, and other hired experts with no shareholders often simply referred to as the
commitment or allegiance to the Consortium Patrons and two executives. The executives
beyond the duties they’re paid to provide. are scions and two of the group’s three
Such freelancers make up the majority of founders: the often-absent playboy Jaydis
those in service to the organization. They’re Milon Malddis IV and the syndicate’s icy
paid exorbitant sums on a job’s completion public face A. X. Adrius.

While the board and two executives transformed into the largest and most varied
supposedly share control, none can claim business venture in both Avistan and Garund.
to know all of the Consortium’s myriad Trade and uninterrupted ties to a host of
dealings. This approach to organization former Chelish holdings have allowed the
has also allowed the group to be distanced company to flourish through war, imperial
from past scandals by publicly dismissing decline, and what once appeared to be the
and condemning patrons, absolving the very end of the world.
organization of any wrongdoing with a Though Andoran, Nidal, Sargava, Varisia,
complex but well-rehearsed dance of public and other lands have gained independence
manipulation. from Chelish rule, few sought freedom
Beneath the Consortium’s leadership, from the goods and fineries of the old
several other experts hold great influence empire. Luxurious Consortium vessels are
within the syndicate. There’s the notably reliably made available, and Consortium
flamboyant but deft spy mistress Cirildimina merchants are only too pleased to charge
Alasbhallas, the smug fleet master Lord Pairo exorbitant prices.
Gavhaul, the stoic chief of headquarters
security Mr. Khayn, and the obsessively
focused but ingenious head of the mysterious
“Conference Z” operation Professor Today, most of the world views the Aspis
Tantis Mais. Consortium as a wide-ranging group of
The Aspis Consortium has numerous merchants and non-landed nobility with
regional headquarters, along with a private army of agents, mercenaries,

Factions Of The Inner Sea

storehouses, banking operations, and and cheap labor. They look at their
associated workhouses, and businesses along
the coasts of Avistan, Garund, and the Inner
Sea. The syndicate’s first and oldest auction
house — still the seat of much business,
recruiting, and oversight — is the Vira
Majestica in Westcrown. The faction’s
headquarters and the meeting place of its
leaders remains at the towering, pyramid-
roofed Aspis Building in Ostenso.
Sizable regional offices can be found in Azir,
Eleder, Magnimar, Oppara, Sedeq, Sothis,
and several other busy port cities. Among
other operations—both legitimate and extra-
legal — the Aspis Consortium currently
holds an intense interest in exploring the
Mwangi Expanse, developing trade with
Jalmeray and distant Vudra, recovering
relics from fallen Azlant and beyond the
Arcadian Ocean, and researching new
opportunities and discoveries in Numeria,
the Crown of the World, the Darklands,
and even more exotic locales.

What began as a private trading
endeavor with a canny eye
for profit, a flair for
theatrics, and few
scruples has since
black-and-white-sailed trading ships with the group fantastically, the development

equal measures of respect, envy, and worry. of Cheliax’s former holdings into nations
The majority of Consortium agents are unto themselves has decreased the need for
consummate mercenaries — interested only Chelish goods while the availability of such
in personal profit, paying their association luxuries increases.
dues, and little else. Even so, the organization This development has forced the Consortium
has made an undeniable name for itself to diversify its trading operations toward
as expensive but unquestionably reliable two objectives: discovering and being
brokers in international trade. They are many the first to exploit new wealth and new
markets’ only source for numerous rare and resources, and manufacturing a need for
extremely valuable commodities. existing commodities. While such mandates
This penchant for the exotic ingratiates the might seem innocuous enough, the Aspis
company with the nobility of many nations, Consortium pursues these goals with a
even as its agents wander largely unimpeded tenacity and ruthlessness that’s notorious in
with sellswords, guards, and hired experts in many parts of the world.
tow. The Consortium’s mostly positive public The moral ramifications of exploiting
image ensures that no matter what nation native populations, theft, warmongering,
it operates in, most of its labor force and profiteering, and outright slaughter mean
mercenary support is local, recruited from little to Consortium members — so long as
among the native populace. these acts don’t impact their greater prestige.
Yet for all their profitable opportunities Amid the cultured nations of the Inner Sea, all
and once-in-a-lifetime ventures, rumors of illicit dealings are conducted with a degree of
unscrupulous dealings, merciless practices, surreptitiousness.
and bloody betrayals form an undercurrent Yet, as civilization gives way to barbarism, so
of suspicion regarding the Aspis Consortium. too does the subtlety of Consortium agents
While the volatile times following the wane, giving way to open violence and cruel
collapse of the Chelish empire enriched entitlement.

watchtower overlooking the Andoren

EAGLE KNIGHTS countryside. The column is ancient, and prior

to its restoration 150 years ago, it was part
of a sprawling, cyclopean ruin discovered
and explored by Eagle Knights. They carried
Alignment: Good the column back, piecemeal, as a spoil of
Headquarters: Golden Aerie, Almas conquest to the greater glory of Andoran.
Leader: General Reginald Cormoth
The exact location of that ruin and the
Prominent Members: General Andira circumstances behind its discovery aren’t
Marusek, Marshal Helena Trellis, General entirely clear outside of the Eagle Knights’
Hedrik Traxxus higher echelons. Following the column’s
Structure: Military hierarchy restoration, the Knights erected a golden
Scope: National statue of Talmandor atop it in honor of their—
Resources: Numerous castles, citadels, and and Andoran’s — celestial patron. Rumors
fortresses across Andoran persist that the column and the ruins in which
The Eagle Knights of Andoran are viewed it was found might be connected to an ancient
by some as a shining example of the best center of agathion influence on Golarion, or
of humanity in the face of a dark and cruel that they might have some deeper connection
world populated by tyrants and filled with to the legendary avoral.
injustice. Others see them as benevolent but Cormoth has held his position within the
misguided ideological imperialists. Aerie for a decade. Before that, he served as a
Based within the nation of Andoran, the high-ranking member of the Andoren military

Factions Of The Inner Sea

Eagle Knights find inspiration in its creed of and, most importantly, the unacknowledged
common rule by the people, free mercantilism, operational leader of the Eagle Knights’
and the respect of individual liberty. In many Twilight Talons. In his present role, Cormoth
ways, they’re best characterized as a military serves as the hand behind the Eagle Knights’
order devoted to the preservation and spread operations within Andoran and as an elite
of Andoran’s philosophical tenets. adjunct to the standard Andoren military.
He oversees foreign and covert activities,
Eagle Knights often appear as soldiers with each areas’ operational management
or paladins dressed in the blue-and-white delegated to his three under-marshals.
regalia of the order and clad with the hallmark
golden epaulets. Even the lowest foot soldier Below Cormoth, General Hedrik Traxxus
within the Eagle Knights’ ranks stands among of the Golden Legion, General Andira
the best of the Andoren military, from which Marusek of the Steel Falcons, and the publicly
most of their number are initially recruited. unnamed Marshal Helena Trellis of the
Twilight Talons control the three branches of
Not all Eagle Knights are so open in their
the Eagle Knights’ operations. Collectively,
self-identification, though, nor are they all
any ranking member of the order is known
recruited from the upper tiers of the Andoren
as an Eagle Knight, with the member’s
military. Some aren’t even Andoren at all.
respective branch added to his title for formal
address. For instance, General Traxxus is an
STRUCTURE AND LEADERSHIP Eagle Knight of the Golden Legion.
The order’s current leader is General Reginald
Cormoth, a paladin of Iomedae and a sitting GOALS
Executive Consul of the Andoren People’s Frequently operating beyond the borders
Council. Cormoth serves as the Eagle Knights’ of Andoran, the Eagle Knights recruit
public face as well as its commander. nontraditional soldiers, many of them
Officially known as the Guardian Tower from the diverse ranks of adventurers and
of the Golden Aerie, the Eagle Knights’ others equally at ease battling enemy troops,
headquarters is a massive, seven-story performing diplomatic missions, or delving
column of white marble. Its interior was into crypts beneath ruined cities. Bards,
quarried and converted into a gigantic rangers, and rogues find equal opportunity
alongside fighters and paladins so long as In fact, the Gray Corsairs — a fleet of

they hold to the same philosophical and unmarked ships infamous for sinking a trio of
nationalistic beliefs. Katapeshi slave-galleons and dozens of allied
Barbarian and druid Eagle Knights are pirate vessels — are crewed, supplied, and
exceedingly rare. Clerics and arcane directed by the Steel Falcons. In recent years,
spellcasters are actively recruited into the the Steel Falcons have launched operations
organization’s fold, bypassing the typical against inland interests of Katapesh’s faceless
military origins of their fellows. Clerics of overlords, pirates of the Shackles, and
allied churches often straddle a line of loyalty, suspected mercenary proxies of the Cheliax-
though within Andoran this is generally not based Aspis Consortium.
problematic, as both institutions are wont to Hoping to spread their ideology to other
cooperate to achieve their shared goals. nations, the Steel Falcons even provided a
Wizards and sorcerers are prized for their small number of military advisors to the
diverse and powerful abilities. Diviners are fragile government of Nirmathas. They
especially valued for their abilities to plumb helped mold that nascent land in Andoran’s
the future and provide detailed information image while keeping it free of Molthune’s
that oftentimes eludes agents on the ground, control. Warfare aside, the Steel Falcons have
even deep-cover sleepers. made numerous exploratory forays to exotic
locations. The results of one recent attempt to
Within Andoran, the Eagle Knights of the
reach and map the ruins of the legendary Kho
Golden Legion operate alongside the
are still unknown.
nation’s military as elite adjunct
units, doubling as field commanders Operating in secret, the Twilight Talons
and trainers depending on the needs are the Eagle Knights’ spies, saboteurs,
of a particular area. The Golden deep cover agents, and — at
Legion guards Andoran’s borders times — assassins. They abstain
and its interior trade routes and keeps from donning the uniforms,
a watchful eye on the nation’s wilder symbols, epaulets, and other
regions. In the infamous Darkmoon overt regalia of their kindred
Vale, for example, the Knights. The Twilight Talons
Diamond Regiment operates utilize a covert system of
under Commander Ingrid hand signals and passwords
Odeber, the woman many say to recognize one another and
General Traxxus is training to prevent their discovery by
take his place. the same groups they seek to
infiltrate. As a final identifying
Not simply bound to
stamp, each Twilight Talon
serve as defenders of
operative is marked with a
Andoran proper, the
magical tattoo. The symbol
Eagle Knights of the
is normally invisible under
Steel Falcons act beyond
ordinary circumstances but
their patron state’s borders,
can be revealed by speaking a
spreading Andoren
command word unique to the
philosophy like armed
individual tattoo.
missionaries. Though the
Steel Falcons don’t openly Known officially only to General
acknowledge it, their Cormoth and Marshal Helena
foreign activities include Trellis, the Twilight Talons have
guerrilla, shadow, and agents among the governments
proxy warfare. Such tactics and militaries of Andoran’s
are directed against groups rivals—Cheliax, Taldor, Katapesh,
threatening Andoren the Shackles, and Nidal. They’re
security and those widely speculated on
holding hostile ideologies, with great paranoia by
particularly the slave trade. their affected targets,
though. These spies primarily collect While the knights’ crusade against slavery
information, rather than risk breaking and the promotion of open trade between
their cover to act in more immediately nations is supported by the merchant lords of
disruptive ways. Druma, some within the mercantile oligarchy
More open action is provided by Twilight worry about undue foreign influence from
Talons who infiltrate groups without Andoran’s more radical political elite arriving
state support. Independent slave traders, by way of their smiling, always well-armed
pirates, mercenary hirelings of the Aspis missionaries.
Consortium, and foreign, puppet extensions
of the diabolist churches of Cheliax are often
handled more directly. The Twilight Talons
report their findings to and pinpoint targets
of opportunity for the larger forces of the
Steel Falcons.

Despite their noble intentions and the
prestigious light in which the citizens of
Andoran hold them, the Eagle Knights
aren’t always held in high regard outside
their patron nation’s borders. Realms such

Factions Of The Inner Sea

as Cheliax and Nidal are noted for being
beholden to infernal powers and seeking to
expand the mortal dominion of their distant
masters—the collective lords of Hell and the
god Zon-Kuthon, respectively.
In these nations, reactions to an Eagle Knight
range from cold tolerance at best to anger
and eventual violence at worst. To the east,
paranoid bureaucrats serving the crumbling
empire of Taldor see Eagle Knights as rabble-
rousers or even would-be anarchists.
The support of the Eagle Knights often
comes to those who need it along with a push
to adopt Andoran’s social and governmental
model. Even enlightened nobles who share
the Eagle Knights’ hatred of slavery feel a
creeping worry that their own success and
entrenched social power might be threatened
by Andoran’s waxing ideological tide.
This perception is more likely than the open
hostility of diabolists and slave traders to
stunt and inhibit the Eagle Knights’ goals
in the world at large. Some suspect that the
Eagle Knights are compromised by loyalties
divided between Andoren nationalism and
their founding philosophy as inspired by the
legendary Talmandor.
Perhaps such concerns are correct, and
perhaps they’re overinflated by the Eagle
Knights’ rivals, but they exist nonetheless.

length and aren’t above destroying anyone

FANG MONISTARY who gets in their way. Monks from the

monastery sometimes venture to outlying
villages and towns, spreading the word of the
First Fang and seducing the weak, poor, and
Alignment: Evil desperate to join them.
Headquarters: Hidden somewhere in the
New acolytes face constant physical and
mental training to prepare them for a rite
Leader: The First Fang of passage, which occurs once they’ve
Prominent Members: Fang Monastery spent six months at the monastery. In this
Master, Monastery Shadow, Monastery ceremony they symbolically shed their
Mystic old lives and travel through pain to a new
Structure: Fang Masters rule over the beginning as kindred of the serpentfolk. The
monastery. First Fang exposes them to an artifact that
Scope: Unknown triggers a poisonous transformation. Many
Resources: Secret monastery base and die gruesome deaths which, the First Fang
numerous serpentfolk artifacts. claims, results from lack of faith. Those who
survive the anguish and sickness become
Fang Monastery is an institute of discipline
full members of the monastery and continue
and self-improvement — but also great evil.
their training.
It bases its doctrines on the legacy of the
serpentfolk who ruled the world when it Most become monks or guards, but some
was still young. This focus on the obscure train as assassins or learn to use magic in the
knowledge of an ancient race arose from the serpentfolk tradition. A select few emerge
teachings of a fanatic martial arts master who from their torpor with serpentine features,
they now call the First Fang. which the students at the monastery regard
as a great blessing.
He saw in these sinister and imperialistic
creatures a model for a society based on order
and authority. The serpentfolk spread far and STRUCTURE AND LEADERSHIP
wide during the millennia that they reigned.
The eldest monks of Fang Monastery are
They left behind temples, monasteries,
revered and feared masters. They teach
shrines, and cities that survived the fall of
newer acolytes the ways of the serpentfolk
their empire.
and administer punishments to those unfit
These monumental ruins inspire obsession to train, conditioning them into wardens
with the ideals the serpentfolk embodied and through tactical psychological and emotional
the near limitless power they commanded. abuse. By the time acolytes complete training
Yet Fang Monastery sees that these ruins their former identities are stripped away and
teach cautionary lessons as well, serving to they’ve pledged themselves fully to obeying
mark the folly and hubris of a mighty empire. their teachers.
The First Fang founded Fang Monastery The masters of Fang Monastery use their
in the village of his birth. He increased the considerable knowledge to research potential
size and influence of his organization over sites of interest for excavation and pillaging
time to form a faction of fanatical worshipers of serpentfolk artifacts. These shrewd and
dedicated to his cult. They follow the belief knowledgeable monks act as masterminds
that they’re playing a crucial role in the for entire groups of enforcers and infiltrators.
rebirth of a great empire. He eventually They use ascendants as field officers to report
moved the headquarters to their current successes and failures.
citadel: an abandoned serpentfolk ruin in the
Fang Monastery masters are so vital to the
nearby mountains.
operations of the monastery that they have
Enemies of Fang Monastery who elude its their own personal guards. To serve directly
spies for too long often become targets of under a Fang Monastery master is considered
the First Fang’s personal assassins. They’re a great honor. Yet, it’s also a duty that carries
ruthless killers who pursue their prey to any
great risk should a personal guard earn his etched stone wall offers tantalizing insight
master’s displeasure. into a nearly forgotten history.
Together, the masters serve as an advisory Though the goals of Fang Monastery are
council to the First Fang. Since he prefers to imperialistic, the members move and act
focus on uncovering lost serpentfolk treasure within the shadows, knowing that they don’t
and teachings, the masters are in essence quite possess the true strength of the ancients.
the day-to-day rulers of the monastery. The First Fang believes his monastery is just
They adjudicate disputes, vet potential new now becoming strong enough to start fulfilling
recruits, dole out discipline and rewards, its destiny of expansion, conquest, and the
set the training and work schedules for the proliferation of his poisonous doctrine.
other inhabitants of the monastery, and plan
expeditions to sites of interest.
The masters of Fang Monastery are wary of
the ascendants, whose spellcasting power is Most Fang Monastery operations are
outside their expertise and therefore beyond clandestine. Monks try to quietly recruit
their complete control. Many ascendants acolytes and assassins strike a few prime
have thought to rise to join the masters in their targets from the shadows.
leadership. Those who are overly ambitious
often take a mysterious and fatal fall in the
still of the night or find themselves expelled
in violation of some rule that no one at the
monastery was aware existed.

Factions Of The Inner Sea

Should their training ever lead them away
from the physical world and into a spiritual
space, certain acolytes who prove adept in
manipulating supernatural energies can
become mystics. Some disciples of Fang
Monastery devote themselves body and soul
to the idea of resurrecting the serpentfolk and
their empire. They believe their souls cling
to the Ethereal Plane around the monastery.
These ascetics focus their training inward,
unlocking supernatural powers within
themselves that they feel enlarge their spirits
and loosen the bonds tying the serpentfolk to
the spirit world.
These mystics hope that even their own
deaths can help break down the boundaries
between the material and spiritual
worlds and allow the souls of long-dead
serpentfolk to freely walk the world and
guide the monastery. Fang Monastery
mystics occasionally work as operatives for
ascendants and other high-ranking members.

The First Fang wants to usher in such a grand
empire again. He teaches that the ruins of
these once-great places tell the fragmented
story of the serpentfolk’s rise and fall. Each

concerned with results. If people cannot be

HELLKNIGHTS trusted to obey the law out of their own senses

of civility and social righteousness, then they
will be treated like beasts and taught to obey
out of fear of a master’s stern hand.
Alignment: Good, Neutral, Evil (strongly
Though severe, the Hellknights aren’t an
skewed toward Neutral)
evil group. There are certainly numerous
Headquarters: Varies by order
evil members — particularly among the
Leader: Varies by order upper echelons of power — but the majority
Prominent Members: Lictor Uro Adom, of members are neutral. Members of all
Lictor Richemar Almansor, Lictor Severs alignments fill out the ranks of each order.
“Boneclaw” DiViri, Lictor Resarc Ountor, To strengthen their resolve, Hellknights
Lictor Rouen Stought, Vicarius Giordano study the methods, laws, tactics, and
Torchia, Lictor Toulon Vidoc atrocities of Hell. They train with summoned
Structure: Multiple orders of crusading devils until battles with mortal foes seem like
law-bringers welcome dalliances. Through soul-shaking
Scope: National (Cheliax) horror, they seek to purge themselves of
Resources: Varies (individual orders’ emotion, replacing it with steely discipline.
resources vary from 12,000 gp to multiple Hellknights learn to make sacrifices for the
million gp) greater good, obey draconian regimens of
They are law without exceptions, justice military conduct, commit to encyclopedic
without mercy, punishment without memorization of the laws of their orders
recourse. They are the weapons of and local governing bodies, and undergo
desperate times and soldiers with the constant drills to temper both body and mind.
force of will to do whatever must be
done. They are intimidation,
relentlessness, and
unwavering conviction. All Hellknight orders have
They are the black- unique methods and interests.
gauntleted fist of The Order of the
absolute order. They are the Chain: The Hellknights
Hellknights. of the Chain believe the
backs of others are stepping-
stones to power. Fugitive
GOALS slaves, escaped convicts,
Grim-armored law and runaway indentured
enforcers uninterested servants are their
in social goodliness favored quarry. Though,
and exceptions to the freedom fighters,
rules, Hellknights exist revolutionaries, and —
to enforce and stringently on a more altruistic
maintain order. In their note — slave owners
iron-handed exaction of law — who keep their servants
specifically, the codes of their past a prearranged term
varied orders and their home also capture the chain-clad
country of Cheliax — Hellknights’ attentions.
Hellknights emulate Unlike many of its brethren, the
the most organized Order of the Chain rarely executes
and effective armies in all the planes: the those who offend its code. They
legions of Hell. either return quarries to their
They’re not concerned with morality. proper bondages, resell them as
They’re not concerned with methods. They’re slaves, or permanently detain

them in the order’s prison-headquarters
of Citadel Gheradesca on the cliffs outside HELLKNIGHT TITLES
Corentyn. Master of Blades Mardinus is
Hellknight orders are first and foremost
the former slave of the order’s Osirion-born
military organizations, and as such, they
Lictor Uro Adom, and holds himself as an
share a system of ranking individuals
example of the heights one can attain through
based on their skills, experience,
obedience to the social order.
and exemplary enforcement of their
The Order of the Gate: From its redoubt order’s tenets.
Citadel Enferac in the western Menador
Lictor: A general of a Hellknight order.
Mountains, the secluded Order of the Gate
deals and bargains with fiends in ways that Vicarius: A scholarly leader of a
give even the other Hellknight orders reason Hellknight order.
to dread. The crimson-cloaked signifers Master/Mistress of Blades: A marshal
of the order outnumber the rank-and-file commander of a Hellknight order,
Hellknights three to one and they claim to be second to a lictor and equal in rank to
granted otherworldy knowledge of egregious a Paravicar.
crimes before they’re committed. Paravicar: A leader of a Hellknight
While the signifers’ infernal servants wreak order’s signifers, equal in rank to a
their will in the world beyond, the order’s Master or Mistress of Blades.
actual members turn their efforts toward Paralictor: A high-ranking Hellknight
gleaning knowledge from the planes and officer.
the guardianship of some vague charge. The
Maralictor: A mid-level Hellknight

Factions Of The Inner Sea

Hellknights of the Gate have no lictor and are
officer, similar to a lieutenant.
instead overseen by the ever-masked Vicarius
Giordano Torchia. Signifer: A Hellknight arcane or
religious spellcaster.
The Order of the God Claw: The pentomic
Order of the God Claw extols variations Hellknight: A typical soldier in a
and virtues of five lawful deities, distilling Hellknight order.
select tenets into a dogma far from any one Armiger: A Hellknight in training; a
god’s faith. Though the God Claw venerates squire.
aspects of Abadar, Asmodeus, Iomedae, Irori,
and Torag, it’s unclear from which of these
gods it draws its power. It’s even possible that
its own convictions grant it divine strength. Lictor Severs “Boneclaw” DiViri — so
Where other orders of Hellknights enforce nicknamed for the distinctive gauntlet he
their visions of law out of a sense of duty and wears to cover his fire-withered left hand —
grim necessity, the God Claw does so out of commands the order. He proves markedly
religious fervor and a belief that the world open to requests for his Hellknights’ aid.
must forcibly be set on a righteous path. The Order of the Pyre: The Hellknights of
The sharp-tongued Lictor Resarc Ountor the Pyre view faith as the clearest window
preaches his order’s iron-shod doctrine from into the darkness of the heart. Seeking out
its fortress Citadel Dinyar at the headwaters cults of imaginary gods, crude shamans, and
of the River Iseld. backwater witches, the order sees heathenish
The Order of the Nail: The Order of the Nail belief as an impediment to civilization and an
relocated to Citadel Vraid in the Mindspin excuse for lawlessness.
Mountains near Korvosa 26 years ago. It’s the Hunts for practitioners of godless faiths
only major order with headquarters outside often lead the Hellknights far from their
of Cheliax. Tenacious hunters of brigands home in Citadel Krane outside the port of
and crusaders against savagery, the order’s Ostenso — particularly into the depths of
interests often parallel those of local law Garund. A strict atheist, Lictor Rouen Stought
enforcers. eyes the strange religions of Jalmeray with
particular distaste. While wise enough not

to provoke the Vudrani on their island home, well worth striving toward — even at the

her followers frequently hound travelers sacrifice of some freedoms.

from the Impossible Kingdom. Countries and rulers beset by criminal
The Order of the Rack: The Hellknights of elements are sometimes known to invite
the Rack contend that knowledge can wound Hellknights into their lands, leaving the
as deeply as any blade. With this in mind, they business of law enforcement to an already
seek out and cleanse dangerous knowledge loathed third party. Convincing them to
wherever they find it. What qualifies as leave once they’ve been welcomed sometimes
unlawful information varies from the unholy proves problematic.
texts of demonic cults, to revolutionary prints
from Galt, to many of the more egalitarian
philosophies of the ancient Azlanti.
The order takes the rack, an example of
dangerous learning, as its symbol and
often puts it to use to prove the danger of
misguided invention. On the second Oathday
of every month, Lictor Richemar Almansor
hosts public burnings of confiscated texts in
the shadow of Citadel Rivad near Westcrown.
The Order of the Scourge: With anon­
ymity and no threat of consequences,
everyone is destined to become a criminal.
The Order of the Scourge combats the lawless
tendencies within mortal hearts through ever-
present watchfulness and brutal reminders
that no crime goes unpunished.
It employs a vast network of informants,
pays significant bounties for substantiated
accusations, and publicly metes out grim
punishments to perpetrators. Under the
perfectionist Lictor Toulon Vidoc, the
Hellknights frequently travel from Citadel
Demain near Egorian to patrol crime-ridden
slums and annihilate criminal organizations.
Lesser Orders: Numerous lesser orders exist,
though few are known outside the borders of
Cheliax. For example, Egorian’s Order of the
Scar stalks murderers and assassins, while
the Whisperwood’s Order of the Pike hunts
down monsters that flourish in civilized
lands. These smaller orders are only slightly
less feared than their better-known peers.

While widely feared and respected, most
Hellknights join their order out of a sense of
duty and a desire to be a part of something
greater. They see a world ruled by just law
and free of rampaging beasts, cheating
thieves, and lawless murderers as a future

kill with a sacred sawtoothed sabre, so

RED MANTIS victims often drown in their own blood before

their hearts cease beating. No palace, fortress,
hidden safe house, or underground cavern is
secure enough to keep out the Red Mantis.
Alignment: Evil
A hundred years ago, they killed Duke
Headquarters: Crimson Citadel, Mediogalti
Kotaros of Cheliax. History is replete with
Leader: Blood Mistress Jakalyn
tales of generals and heroes slain in their own
Prominent Members: Individuals are not tents by the Red Mantis the night before a key
noted battle. Victims of the Red Mantis stay dead—
Structure: Religious cult/assassins’ guild no matter what.
Scope: Regional
Resources: City of Ilizmagorti and all industry
and defenses located there, vast collection
of information and ancient magic kept at The Red Mantis headquarters is the Crimson
Crimson Citadel, dozens of safe houses and Citadel, a castle hidden in the jungles of the
caches scattered throughout most major cities Garundi port city of Ilizmagorti on the island
in the Inner Sea region of Mediogalti. While the Red Mantis power
base is centered on the city of Ilizmagorti,
Some say the Red Mantis are death cultists.
they maintain cells and individual agents
Others believe they’re members of an ancient
ensconced in nearly every major city, as well
and incredibly secretive thieves’ guild. Some
as in many small towns.
think they’re fiends from some dark plane

Factions Of The Inner Sea

beyond our ken. The truth is, the Red Mantis Members of the Red Mantis have contact
are the most tenacious and efficient assassins with many of their fellows. They may even
the world has ever known. The timeline of interact with the Vernai (the “High Killers”),
recorded history is stained with the blood of a cabal of assassin lords who lead the
their victims. organization and interpret the will of the
Mantis God. Though there are no strict rules
One rarely has to wonder if an assassination
preventing men from becoming Red Mantis
is the work of the Red Mantis. They usually

assassins, it’s exceptionally unusual to either in gold or in conscience, than they

achieve the rank of Vernai. While the Vernai originally thought.

retain their names, to anyone outside of this Getting the attention of the Red Mantis
high echelon of killers they’re known only by is no simple task, either. There’s no one
their titles. sure method to contact them directly. One
The only member of the organization’s has to spread word in the seediest, most
leadership whose name is known beyond this disreputable quarters and wait for the Red
strata is the Blood Mistress. She’s the ultimate Mantis to take notice (if, indeed, they ever do).
authority on the will of He Who Walks in On the other hand, individuals who might be
Blood and the only person with access to the in need of the assassins’ services sometimes
Sarzari Library. The current Blood find themselves approached by a business-
Mistress is Jakalyn. No one knows like agent who presents an offer for the Red
her exact age, but she’s old enough Mantis’s assistance. How the Red Mantis
that those who follow the actions of come by this information is unknown,
the Vernai are already speculating on but they seem to have a supernatural
who should succeed her when she joins way of knowing the name and details
the Mantis God in the Great Beyond. of anyone wronged or offended in a
Blood Mistress Jakalyn heads manner that calls for revenge.
the organization, but she serves The Red Mantis take on
mostly as a resource for the assassinations of any kind,
Vernai. The council of High save one. They don’t commit
Killers doesn’t have a specified regicide against a rightfully
number of members. Any Red sitting monarch. It’s said
Mantis assassin who proves that this is because
skilled, knowledgeable, and kings and queens,
canny enough to draw the Mantis due to their divine
God’s attention is invited to join right to rule, are
the cabal. the closest mortal
Traditionally there are 13 approximations of
members of the Vernai, but the gods. Since the
this number is flexible — it Red Mantis’s own deity
has dipped as low as seven works for the gods as
or risen as high as 23 in the an assassin, it would be
past. Below the Vernai, the blasphemous to strike
organization breaks into cells down a ruler whose
and hierarchies that change as the rule has holy sanction.
current assignments and needs of Princes, princesses,
the order require. dukes, and all other
royal personages are
considered viable
GOALS targets, though, as are rulers of
As reliable as they are, even the non-monarchies and any other sort of
most desperate plotters think twice leader. The prohibition is as specific
before calling on the Red Mantis. One as it is sacrosanct.
never knows how much it costs to hire Once an assignment is accepted,
them — it varies widely based on the the Red Mantis stop at nothing
client and the target. They might request to locate, isolate, and strike down
a handful of coins, a priceless artifact, or an their target. They have, either
unspecified favor to be redeemed at a future openly or covertly, connections in
date. In every case, the price is nonnegotiable. nearly every government, guild, religious
Even those who get apparent bargains often order, and merchant group throughout
end up feeling that the price cost more, Avistan and Garund. There’s practically
no piece of information so obscure or well
guarded that they cannot learn it. And the greater the society’s fame and notoriety
once the target is found, they do anything extends. Of course, those who disrespect
necessary to ensure their death. No decoy, the sawtooth sabre by wielding it poorly
magical duplicate, or sacrificial lamb fools in combat are often visited with the same
them for long. brutal punishments as any who would dare
What’s more, the Red Mantis see to it that besmirch the Red Mantis legacy.
anyone they mark for assassination not only Red Mantis agents favor mobility and finesse,
dies but also remains dead. Through means and thus most Red Mantis assassins prefer
mundane and magical, they keep track of leather armor over other forms of protection
their victims, and if by some happenstance (though mithral armor is valued when it can
one of them returns from the land of the dead, be had). One signature piece of gear most
the Red Mantis mark the target again and Red Mantis assassins utilize is the notorious
pursue him with renewed vigor. mantis mask. As much as they’re veils to hide
Assassination isn’t merely a job or even an the assassins’ identities, these insectile masks
artistic endeavor as far as they’re concerned. are tools of murder and death. Only the most
It’s a holy calling, for they don’t assassinate egotistical and notorious Red Mantis eschew
purely for monetary gain. Since the group is the use of these masks.
dedicated to the worship of the Mantis God High-ranking members of the Red Mantis
Achaekek, He Who Walks in Blood, their are also often granted draughts of the
assassinations are more of a holy ritual or potent elixirs of shadewalking so they can
offering to their violent patron. more swiftly infiltrate an enemy’s domain
Unlike lesser orders of assassins, the undetected.

Factions Of The Inner Sea

Red Mantis don’t dabble in other forms Though the society is a guild of killers for
of skullduggery. In fact, they take it as a hire, not every member of the Red Mantis
personal affront if a client even inquires has the rogue Class Edge the Red Mantis
about any other services. It occasionally assassin Prestige Edge. Some are specialists
strikes an enterprising villain that while they in other venues, such as divine magic, arcane
are performing an assassination, it would spellcasting, outright warfare, or unarmed
be child’s play for the Red Mantis to gather combat. All members of the society are
information and perform other sorts of minor expected to worship Achaekek, though levels
espionage. of faith can vary from the most devout cleric
Anyone who actually suggests this finds his down to the most pragmatic of rogues.
assignment turned down (if the Red Mantis Members of the Red Mantis come from all
haven’t already accepted it). In addition, the nations and walks of life. They give up their
Red Mantis never perform assassinations former names and stations when they join.
without being paid. It’s part of their They take on new names that they strive to
sacred bond. keep secret from outsiders and preserve their
old names and identities only as convenient
disguises or aliases when needed.
PUBLIC PERCEPTION Red Mantis assassins are adept at
When on a job, a typical Red Mantis wields blending into any situation in which they
two cruel blades called sawtooth sabres. They find themselves. They take on completely
use a distinct fighting style in which the blades believable roles, perfect down to the accent,
are held point down so that the assassin’s mannerisms, and taste in food. They never use
arms resemble the claws of a praying mantis. the same cover identity twice, so it’s possible
While the sawtooth sabre is as much a symbol to meet the same Red Mantis operative
of the Red Mantis as are their distinctive red several times and never even know it.
and black uniforms or their insectoid helms
and masks, the Red Mantis don’t particularly
mind the spread of sawtooth sabre use
throughout the Inner Sea region. To the Red
Mantis, the wider this deadly symbol spreads,

Azlant, are still very much a part of modern

LESSER FACTIONS legend, but others have fallen into utter

obscurity. One such civilization was the vast
and powerful empire of the serpentfolk, one
of Azlant’s greatest enemies.
The following smaller groups—organizations,
cults, families, and businesses — exert some Yet, Azlant prevailed over them. The
small amount of power in Avistan and victory was so great that knowledge of
Garund. Most of these groups have relatively the underground empire has been all but
narrow zones of influence and few are known lost. There are some who maintain that the
to the common folk of the Inner Sea region. serpentfolk are only sleeping, waiting for
someone to rediscover and awaken them into
Blackfire Adepts: When foul magic rends
a world ill-prepared for their revival. Those
the veils between planes, Golarion burns
who seek this end are the secret members of
with an insidious black flame. A mysterious
the Coils of Ydersius, a hidden cult composed
cadre of outcast mystics, demonologists,
of rare spirits of the serpent reincarnated into
and arcane explorers collectively known as
the flesh of modern man.
the Blackfire Adepts tracks this ebon flame
wherever it’s found. They venture through The Eldritch Order of the Palatine Eye:
these wounds in the multiverse to explore Little is known of this mysterious order,
Outer Rift landscapes as they brush against reputedly based somewhere in the nation
the reality of the Material Plane. of Ustalav. They’ve long stood against the
Whispering Way, but are best known for their
Those who return are often changed in spirit
involvement with those who brought about
and body, possessing fell powers granted by
the defeat of the blue dragon Kazavon, Lord
or stolen from otherworldly entities. Rank-
of Scarwall.
and-file adepts usually adorn themselves
in red robes with fiery black trim, while the Free Captains: To an outside observer or a
inscrutable leaders of the group hide among merchant whose ship has been looted or sunk,
academics and world travelers. the pirates of the Shackles may seem like a
disorganized scourge. In truth, these pirates
The adepts once enjoyed great influence
are bound by a complex code of mutual
as a ruling faction of Nex, but their exile in
recognition that it’s always good to have
the dying days of the Age of Enthronement
allies on the high seas.
scattered them to the secret corners of Golarion.
The Shackles are ruled by a council of pirate
Bloatmages: It’s often said that magical
lords who call themselves the Free Captains.
ability runs in the blood. To bloatmages, this
As they sail the southern Arcadian Ocean,
is no less than the literal truth. By overloading
they follow their own code of rules when it
their circulatory systems and forcing them
comes to who can be raided and what can be
to produce as much blood as possible, these
sunk. At times, to their victims, those rules
arcanists are able to achieve great leaps in
sometimes seem capricious and arbitrary.
magical ability.
The Harbingers: The Harbingers were
Yet, such power doesn’t come without a price.
founded 60 years ago by Lord Garron, an
In addition to becoming morbidly swollen
ousted noble of Cheliax living in Absalom
and obese, the bodies of bloatmages are
who found the Book of One Thousand
always pushed close to their breaking point.
Whispers. The book contains prophecies that
In order to survive, these practitioners must
should have been resolved during the Age of
carefully regulate their blood pressure with
Lost Omens. It mentions places and nations
constant leeching. Those deprived of such
that simply don’t exist.
methods quickly fly into an insane rage due
to pressure exerted on their brains, attacking Lord Garron’s Harbingers believe that the
those nearby indiscriminately before bleeding Age of Lost Omens is a mistake on a cosmic
to death in a gruesome spectacle. level. To them, every major event of the past
century is compounding that fault. They
The Coils of Ydersius: Many of Golarion’s
believe that all of the book’s prophecies are
civilizations have risen, flourished, and
about the world as it should be.
died. Some, like ancient Thassilon or mighty
Lord Garron became convinced after dependable. The tests of the Norns are almost
reading the book that he could trigger the always inscrutable. Most who survive their
missing Age of Glory if he could only cause trials don’t realize until afterward—if ever—
the conditions of just one of the prophecies that they even faced a challenge.
from the book to occur. He died pursuing his Riftwardens: Riftwardens are sworn
insane goal, but his daughter, Lady Arodeth, enemies of the Blackfire Adepts. Legend
continues his work. Her Harbingers seek out holds that they first came to Golarion from
people, places, and things that might meet elsewhere in the Great Beyond, drawn to
the terms of any of the prophecies written in this world by their villainous enemies in
the book. a relentless effort to close planar rifts and
Of course, the drastic steps and actions gateways. Today, mortals and extraplanar
the Harbingers take in their increasingly allies alike bear the Sign of the Seeker’s
desperate attempts to right this cosmic wrong Spiral and raise arms and magic against their
only seem to make matters worse. As failure hated foes.
mounts, the group drifts farther and farther Riftwardens travel the Great Beyond and
from Aroden’s teachings and deeper into know some measure of its secrets, making
utter madness. them sought-after guides in arcane cities like
Lion Blades: The Lion Blades are a secret Quantium, Egorian, and Absalom. Those
organization committed to protecting the who assume the secretive Riftwardens are
interests of Taldor and the emperor. They pure simply because they align themselves
oppose Taldor’s many enemies, foreign and against evil are terribly mistaken. The
domestic, through a program of infiltration, obscure leaders of the Riftwardens surely

Factions Of The Inner Sea

assassination, and espionage. serve otherworldly interests.
One of the major goals of the Lion Blades is Sczarni: The Sczarni are a loosely organized
keeping a rein on corruption in the empire association of Varisian bandits, smugglers,
(unless it’s useful to them). Another is and thieves. Though only a small fraction of
keeping any one faction of the imperial court Varisians have Sczarni ties, these criminals
from becoming powerful enough to upset are notorious enough that their activities are
the status quo and topple Grand Prince in large part the genesis behind the stereotype
Stavian III. Through its shadow schools, the they have as untrustworthy thieves.
Lion Blades intensively train new recruits, The Sczarni are organized into tightly knit
preparing them for the high level of initiative families. Each has little to nothing in common
and latitude with which they will be vested. with Sczarni bands in other locations beyond
Norns: The Norns are hooded fey women their shared skills, techniques, and pursuits.
who travel in groups of three (known as Their crimes tend to focus on thievery, scams,
triumvirates). They venture throughout the pickpocketing, and other forms of relatively
Lands of the Linnorm Kings and, at times, nonviolent acts. Since these crimes often
into neighboring realms. Many sages assume spiral out of control, violence often ensues
a triumvirate represents one soul split into nevertheless.
three bodies. The trios always speak in perfect
unison and killing one drastically weakens
the other two.
Norn triumvirates frequently appear to lost
travelers and questing adventurers. Young
heroes seeking linnorms often encounter
Norns who test their resolve and wisdom,
rewarding an abundance of those traits with
cryptic prophecies.
Their prognostication seems tied to the
mysterious Eldest of the First World. In an
era where the old prophecies have failed, the
omens of the Norns seem at times almost



T he Inner Sea region is a land ripe Katapesh and Qadira, bards can be seductive
for adventure, but what role do the courtesans collecting powerful secrets or
adventurers themselves play in this dervishes trained in graceful fighting styles.
realm? What special talents, tricks, items, Cleric: Though their titles and doctrines vary,
and magical spells can a hero or villain of clerics are found almost everywhere sentient
the Inner Sea hope to master or discover? creatures dwell. It might be more useful to
Where can heroes of different stripes most delineate where clerics aren’t. Rahadoum
commonly be found, and what functions do bans all religion and religious trappings,
they serve? as does Hermea. Extremely few clerics
Barbarian: Barbarians occupy areas where reside in either land — the rare native who
civilization surrenders to the savagery finds religion often leaves quickly to avoid
of marauders and the unyielding rigors persecution. In the theocracy of Razmiran,
of nature — places like the Realm of the only the worship of Razmir is allowed. The
Mammoth Lords and the Storval Plateau. false god has no power to grant spells: his
Noble Ulfen clans battle dragons in the Lands priests are sorcerers and other spellcasters.
of the Linnorm Kings, while the barbarians Druid: Druids are found wherever nature
of Numeria fight for their very souls on the is. Woodland druids serve the Green Faith
fringes of the Worldwound. Further south, and protect their plant-filled homes from
the deserts of northern Garund are home to despoilers and lumberjack axes whenever
nomads astride horses and dromedaries. In possible. Yet druids can also be found in
the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, entire other regions. They can be spotted roaming
kingdoms of fierce barbarians are said to the snow-swept plains of Irrisen, the ragged
dwell in vast, ruined cities. mountains of Belkzen, or the sinking swamps
Bard: Bards hail from every region of every of the Sodden Lands. Where druids are
nation on Golarion. One thing draws them rarest, though perhaps most needed, are
together: an audience. Bardic schools in places where nature has become twisted: the
places like Absalom, Oppara, and Egorian Worldwound, the Mana Wastes, and demon-
teach various crafts of performance, tasks haunted Tanglebriar.
every bit as grueling as swinging a sword all Fighter: Every nation needs soldiers and
day. In the harsh northern reaches of Avistan, constabulary, so fighters can hail from any
bards fight side by side with barbarians, part of Golarion. On the edges of civilization,
bolstering spirits and chronicling legends. this role is often shared with barbarians and
In Kyonin, elven bards work to master their rangers. Even “savage” cultures produce elite
art and strengthen their elven traditions. In fighters, wielding unconventional weapons

and armor. In addition to the various national Daggermark. There, assassins are formally
armies and local militias, a number of trained in silent death-dealing, especially
paramilitary groups exist. The Hellknights are with poisons and other debilitating toxins.
an extremely lawful order that operates out of Absalom, Manaket, Korvosa, Oppara, Port
Cheliax and southern Varisia. In Rahadoum, Peril, Sedeq, and Westcrown all host large,
the Pure Legion keeps the Kingdom of Man influential thieves’ guilds as well.
free of religious speech and paraphernalia. Sorcerer: Areas that have seen a great deal
Arguably the most famous fighting schools of magic over the years tend to produce
are found in southern Brevoy, the birthplace more sorcerers than their neighbors. Many
of the Aldori swordpact. sorcerers from Geb profess descent from
Monk: The orders of monks in Avistan and undead bloodlines, a claim rejected by most
Garund exist mostly in remote corners of the traditional scholars. Neighboring Nex also
world and at the edges of civilization. They’re has a large number of sorcerers. Varisia, once
typically expected to travel the world and not the center of a magical empire, produces
tie themselves to a single monastery. In the many of them despite its sparse population,
north, merchants and exiles from faraway especially among the native Varisians
Tian Xia bring their own styles and traditions (who can commonly be found in nearby
to the region. An increasing number of Ustalav as well).
temples devoted to Irori also train monks, Wizard: Many magical institutes operate
and it’s through these temples the martial arts throughout Avistan and Garund. Necro­
have spread across the region. mancers study at the schools of Geb, while
Paladin: Paladins are a rare breed. Few the factories of rival Nex produce some of
people volunteer for a life of hardship and the finest transmuters in Golarion. Chelish
peril in the service of their religion. Not all schools, as well as the Acadamae in Korvosa,

Adventuring In The Inner Sea

of the Inner Sea’s faiths maintain orders of concentrate on conjuration. The wizards
paladins, with the faiths of Abadar, Erastil, of Nidal specialize in shadow magic in
Iomedae, Sarenrae, and Torag being the most honor of their dark patron, and the colleges
prominent of those who do. Vigil, in Lastwall, of Rahadoum teach a pragmatic form of
hosts perhaps the largest concentration magic devoid of overt spirituality. The
of paladins thanks to the massive training thaumaturgical colleges of Kyonin teach
facilities in the Holy Citadel of Light. There, magic in the elven tradition, while Absalom
young knights practice the arts of war battling is home to a variety of prestigious magical
hordes of orcs from Belkzen. Andoran also institutes.
provides training grounds for holy warriors,
many using their faith to underscore political
ideology as members of that nation’s famous
(or infamous) Eagle Knights.
Ranger: Rangers are particularly common
in Avistan. Since the fracturing of Imperial
Cheliax, many of its former holdings have
been reclaimed by the wild. It’s only the work
of rangers that keeps many trade routes from
disappearing. Most armies employ a handful
of them to act as scouts, but the armies of
Andoran, Kyonin, Molthune, Nirmathas,
and the River Kingdoms rely more heavily
on their assistance.
Rogue: Rogues are rather common. They
operate across Avistan and Garund. Larger
than average concentrations of them operate
in the Shackles, Varisia, and Katapesh, where
the law is less stringent (or nonexistent).
Rogues are also frequently found in Nidal and
a harrowing, laying out the cards to reveal

PRESTIGE EDGES the secrets of the past, present, and future,

and using that knowledge to manipulate the
strands of fate.
Numerous prestige Edges exist on Golarion, More information about the Hellknights
including those detailed in Pathfinder for and Red Mantis can be found on
Savage Worlds, but three are unique to the pages 74 and 77.
Inner Sea region. These include the harrower
(a mystical reader of fortunes), the Hellknight HARROWER
(a remorseless champion of law), and the Red REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, Occult d6+,
Mantis assassin (a highly-trained murderer Performance, d6+, Arcane Background
from Mediogalti Island). (Any) or Mystic Powers (Any)
The harrowing is one of the most mysterious The harrower uses her fortune-telling ability
and mystical Varisian traditions. Using a to see the future, applying that insight to
special deck of cards known as a Harrow deck, influence the course of battle.
a harrower uses the ancient art of fortune-
Once per encounter, as a free action, a
telling to harness destiny and augment her
harrower gains a benefit based on her Action
abilities. A skilled harrower can perform
Card’s suit. The benefit is listed below and
has a Duration of five rounds.
„ SPADES: Choose an enemy in line of sight.
The harrower gains a +2 bonus to attacks
against the target.
„ HEARTS: The harrower gains +2 on Support
„ DIAMONDS: The harrower gains +2 Parry.

„ CLUBS: The harrower gains a free reroll on

Soak rolls.

REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Harrower
The harrower can summon a shimmering,
translucent harrow deck made of force that
she can manipulate and attack with.
As an action, a harrower can make a ranged
attack using Athletics (throwing) to fling a
force card (Range 4/8/16, Damage 2d6, AP 1).
Once per encounter, as a limited free action,
a harrower can modify her force card attacks
based on her Action Card’s suit. The benefit is
listed below and has a Duration of five rounds.
„ SPADES: If the attack hits, place a Small
Blast Template over the target. Everyone in
the template suffers 2d6 damage.
„ HEARTS: Ignore 2 points of penalty on the
first attack with a force card.
„ DIAMONDS: The force card now has AP 4.

„ CLUBS: The force card's damage roll can be

rerolled once for free.

REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Harrower REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Hellknight II
The most powerful harrowers are able Once a Hellknight is in pursuit of a
to manipulate the cosmos and adjust the criminal, justice is inevitable. Hellknights
outcome of events in their favor. augments their weapons and armor with
Before cards are dealt in the first round of terrifying powers.
an encounter, the harrower may look at the As a limited action the Hellknight can grant
top five cards of the deck and discard any any weapon he wields the Elemental (fire),
number of those cards before putting the rest Vicious, or Brutal enchantment. This doesn’t
back in any order. The harrower decides in stacks with enchantments of the same name
what order Action cards should be dealt for already on the weapon. The Hellknight can
this round. maintain any one of these enchantments
as long as he likes and is within 100 feet of
HELLKNIGHT the weapon. The Hellknight can change the
granted enchantment as a limited action.
In addition, the Hellknight gains the
Intimidation d8+, Notice d6+, Occult, d8+,
following benefit while wearing his armor
must slay a devil
Upon joining the Hellknights, the initiate Immunity: Fire.
is granted a special suit of armor known as
Hellknight armor (see Weapons and Armor
on page 87). The recruit has use of the
armor for as long as he’s part of the order.
The infernal suit protects the Hellknight so he

Adventuring In The Inner Sea

can focus on dispensing swift justice.
While wearing Hellknight armor, the
character gains the following benefits.
Fearsomeness: +2 to Intimidation rolls.
Infernal Sight: This character ignores all
Illumination penalties.
Vigilance: −4 damage from acid, cold, fire.

REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Hellknight
A Hellknight knows he must use every tool at
his disposal when dealing with the corrupt.
Not only do they employ the tactics of the
fearsome creatures of Hell, some recruit
hellish monsters to accompany them,
lending an even more terrifying
aspect to their intimidating
The Hellknight gains the aid
of a faithful hellhound (see the
Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Bestiary)
that is Very Resilient to aid him in his
quest for justice. If this companion is slain, the
Hellknight may summon another hellhound
for free on his next Advance.

RED MANTIS A Red Mantis assassin gains the ability

to shroud herself in a veil of red mist once

REQUIREMENTS: Seasoned, per encounter as a limited free action. The
Intimidation d6+, Notice, d6+, Stealth, d8+ shroud remains even in high winds, and has
Trademark Weapon (sawtooth saber), Two- a Duration of five rounds. While protected,
Weapon Fighting she may make a free Soak roll whenever
Assassins of the red mantis kill with the she’s Wounded.
"prayer attack," a signature move among their If she’s slain while this ability is active, she
secret society. To initiate a prayer attack, she can choose whether to remain corporeal
holds her sawtooth sabre (or sabres) out, or to disintegrate into a cloud of red mist
point down, and weaves the blade in the air. that leaves behind only her gear in order to
She must be within 5” (30 feet) of and visible deprive her enemies of access to her remains.
to her victim.
Once per encounter as a limited action, RED MANTIS III
the assassin Tests her target with Fighting,
REQUIREMENTS: Heroic, Red Mantis II
opposed by Spirit. If successful, her target
is Stunned (or Paralyzed with a raise), as he Not even the walls of a fortress can stop
is enthralled by the Red Mantis assassin's the Red Mantis who has mastered her craft.
movements. Note that Stunned creatures are Able to bypass her target’s defenses, the Red
not considered helpless, and so cannot be Mantis assassin is death made manifest.
dispatched with a Finishing Move. Mystic Powers (Red Mantis): As a limited
free action, the red mantis can invoke one of
RED MANTIS II the following powers: disguise, intangibility,
mind wipe, and teleport. All except mind
REQUIREMENTS: Veteran, Red wipe are self only, but the Red Mantis
Mantis gains no benefit from the Limitation.
As a gift from their mantis god, The red mantis has 10 dedicated
Red Mantis assassins are able to Power Points that recharge normally.
generate a mysterious red shroud She automatically activates the power
around their bodies. This effect with success for its regular cost, or
allows them to survive longer with a raise for 2 additional Power
in combat while ensuring Points. She may use applicable
that if slain, they cannot Power Modifiers if desired. See
be identified or used to Chapter 5 in Pathfinder for Savage
betray the secrets of Worlds for more information on
their organization. specific spells.
Mystic Powers doesn’t
grant access to Edges
that require an Arcane
Background. If the Red
Mantis also has an Arcane
Background, none of its Edges or
abilities can be used with Mystic
Powers (and vice-versa).

Bladed Scarf Str+d4 d4 1 12 ­AP 1, Two Hands
Kusarigama Str+d6 d6 3 12 AP 1, Two Hands, Reach 1
Ogre Hook Str+d10 d10 10 24 AP 2, Two Hands, Rending Attack
Sawtooth Sabre Str+d6 d6 4 35 −1 to Incapacitation rolls.
War Razor Str+d4 d4 3 25 +1 bonus to Stealth rolls to conceal
Hellknight Armor
Breastplate (torso) +4 d10 30 500
Vambraces (arms) +4 d10 10 250
Greaves (legs) +4 d10 10 500
Heavy Helm (head) +4 d10 4 250
Heavy Helm, Enclosed (head) +4 d10 8 300

Adventuring In The Inner Sea

WEAPONS and must make a Vigor roll at the start of
„ BLADED SCARF: Knowing that seductive their next turn. Failure causes the victim
performances can bring out the worst to take a Wound. Success prevents the
in watchers, some Varisians craft rows Wound but the roll must be made again on
of razor-sharp blades into their scarves. the victim’s next turn. A raise or successful
This deals Str+d4 damage to any creature healing stops the bleeding.
successfully grappled while wielding the „ SAWTOOTH SABRE: The signature weapons
scarf. of the notorious Red Mantis, sawtooth
„ KUSARIGAMA: This weapon has a single sabres are cruelly efficient weapons. Their
kama or sickle held in the off hand, attached curved, serrated blades are can cause deep
by 10 feet of fine chain to a weighted metal wounds.
ball. The sickle can be used to slash while Anyone Incapacitated by a sawtooth sabre
the ball is whipped around at high speeds subtracts 1 from their Incapacitation roll.
and then smashed into the opponent, or „ WAR RAZOR: To all appearances, a war
used to tangle an opponent’s sword or razor is an oversized razor or flip knife. As
spear, allowing the wielder to then attack the razor folds into the handle, no sheath is
with the sickle. required, making the weapon easy to hide.
„ OGRE HOOK: A huge, crude crook of
sharpened metal, an ogre hook takes its ARMOR
name from the savages who most typically Hellknight Plate: These distinctive suits of
employ it. Usually created by ogres, these armor are a special type of plate that, when
weapons are especially brutal, granting the worn by a character with the Hellknight
wielder the Rending Attack ability. Prestige Edge, grants additional effects
Rending: Anyone Shaken or Wounded (see page 85).
by an ogre hook attack from a Size 1 or
larger creature begins to bleed profusely


MAGIC ITEMS A small magical device

patterned off ancient Azlanti
relics, a wayfinder is a
Over the ages, countless strange and compact compass typically
wonderful magical items have been invented made from silver and
by spellcasters, but just as many have been bearing gold accents. A badge
lost to the passage of time. The magic items of office for agents of the Pathfinder Society,
presented here represent a sampling of items a wayfinder is as much a handy tool as a
associated with the Inner Sea region. status symbol.
With a command word, the wayfinder
MASK OF THE MANTIS shines as the light power. It can also act as a
A mask of the mantis is the nonmagical (magnetic) compass, granting the
traditional headgear of the Red user a free reroll on Survival (navigation) rolls.
Mantis assassin. Designed both All wayfinders include a small indentation
to obscure the wearer’s identity designed to hold a single ioun stone. An ioun
while on a job and enhance the stone slotted in this manner grants you its
wearer’s ferocious appearance, normal benefits as if it were orbiting your
the mask has three daily charges head; some ioun stones can grant additional
that can be used for the following powers once they are fitted into a wayfinder.
purposes: The wearer can spend a charge The following list shows the common effects
as a free action to gain darkvision to a range for some slotted ioun stones, though there
of 10” (60 feet) detect arcana, or a free reroll on may be others at the GM’s discretion.
failed Notice rolls.
„ CLEAR SPINDLE: Once per day as a limited
Each effect has a Duration of five rounds. action, the wearer can cast minor deflection
Multiple effects can be active simultaneously. on himself.
Charges replenish automatically in 24 hours.
„ DEEP RED SPHERE: The wearer has the
Cost: 6,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb. Brawler Edge as long as he have this ioun
Craft: Darksight, invisibility; 3,000 gp. stone slotted.
UNGUENT OF REVIVIFICATION day as a limited action, the wearer can cast
This foul-smelling gray paste is typically minor darksight on himself.
stored in a bone container. When smeared „ DARK BLUE RHOMBOID: The wearer suffers
on a corpse, it preserves it’s state of decay for no penalties to Notice rolls while asleep.
five days. „ IRIDESCENT SPINDLE: The wearer benefits
If smeared on a corporeal undead creature, it from environmental protection as long as this
restores that creature’s living appearance for ioun stone is slotted.
five days. This has no effect on the creature’s „ PALE GREEN PRISM: Once per day as
abilities, but does allow it to appear as a a limited action the wearer removes 1
living creature and imparts a −2 penalty on Fatigue.
Occult rolls to identify what type of undead
„ VIBRANT PURPLE PRISM: Once per day, the
creature it is.
wearer can gain 2 Power Points as a limited
Unguent of revivification is particularly action.
popular in Geb, where many of that nation’s
movers and shakers view it as a vanity item to Cost: 500 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
mask the hideous truths of their undead flesh. Craft: 250 gp.
Cost: 300 gp; Weight: 1 lb.
Craft: 150 gp.



N othing inspires greater passion or divinities were Abadar, Apsu, Asmodeus,

leads to greater conflict than religion. Calistria, Dahak, Desna, Dou-Bral, Erastil,
The practices of faith are particularly Gozreh, Pharasma, Sarenrae, and Torag. Even
important when the gods play active roles more gods died in these battles, though no
in not just the grandest world-changing records exist of their names, and those who
events but also the simplest day-to-day tasks supported Rovagug are forever forgotten.
of living. Those who dedicate their lives When Rovagug was finally defeated,
to serving the gods are the most obvious Sarenrae chose Golarion as his tomb. She cut
manifestations of divine power, but the open the world and cast the defeated but not
power of the deities touches the lives of dead god into a prison realm hidden inside or
everyone living on Golarion. behind the Material Plane. It would come to
be known as the Dead Vault.
Once the Rough Beast was imprisoned, the
THE CORE DEITIES surviving gods nursed their wounds and
returned to their homes in the Great Beyond.
During this time new gods emerged, such
Golarion’s prehistoric eras are the subject of as Shelyn, sister of Dou-Bral. For unknown
myth and legend — no written documents reasons they quarreled and Dou-Bral went
exist from such ancient times. Some scholar- beyond to the spaces between the planes
priests and mages have managed to piece and was transformed by something outside
together some bits of information, but these reality called Zon-Kuthon. The slain mortal
visions and glimpses of the past tend to raise Urgathoa fled Pharasma’s Boneyard and
far more questions than they answer. And so returned to the world as a goddess and
one must turn to parable and the myths of the the first undead. And demonic Lamashtu
faithful to glean what happened so long ago. ascended from the Abyss, a transformation
By cross-referencing various legends with made possible by her murder of a minor god.
divinatory glimpses of the past and strange Earthfall brought an age of strange godly
whispers of ancient races, a picture can be births. Zon-Kuthon fulfilled the conditions
constructed for the modern mind to grasp. of his banishment and reclaimed an aspect of
At the dawn of mortal life, the Rough Beast his old powers. Orcs emerged on the surface
Rovagug was already ancient. He was a force world and battled humans. The god Gorum
of entropy and destruction responsible for the made his first appearance (though which side
wrack and ruin of countless worlds. The other he favored in those wars is hotly contested).
gods opposed Rovagug. Among these ancient
Then came the Age of Enthronement. The physical and metaphysical sense. Even more

Last Azlant Aroden became a living god so than the mortals, the gods themselves
when he raised the Starstone from the Inner were stunned that one of their own might
Sea. The existing gods did nothing to prevent die for unknown reasons and completely
this usurpation of their divine prerogative unexpectedly.
with mortal magic. As a result, the following For ages they were guarded, and then
millennia saw the ascension of Norgorber, reticent, and then the gods knew fear. Were
Cayden Cailean, and Iomedae to godhood, they doomed to sudden and unpredictable
with the help of the Starstone. Irori became a destruction? With the loss of prophecy, none
god seemingly without any help at all. of them knew… except Pharasma, for death
And finally, as the Age of Lost Omens began, is her domain, but she has little to say on
the death of Aroden rocked the world in a the subject.

Cities, law, Earth, Nobility,
Abadar Neutral Light crossbow
merchants, wealth Protection, Travel
Contracts, pride, slavery,
Asmodeus Evil Evil, Fire, Magic Trickery Heavy mace
Calistria Neutral Lust, revenge, trickery Knowledge, Luck, Trickery Whip
Good Ale, bravery, freedom, wine Good, Strength, Travel Rapier
Desna Good Dreams, luck, stars, travelers Good, Luck, Travel Starknife
Family, farming, Animal, Community,
Erastil Good Longbow
hunting, trade Good, Plant
Destruction, Glory,
Gorum Neutral Battle, strength, weapons Greatsword
Strength, War
Air, Animal, Plant, Water,
Gozreh Neutral Nature, the sea, weather Trident
Honor, justice,
Iomedae Good Glory, Good, Sun, War Longsword
rulership, valor
History, knowledge, Healing, Knowledge, Rune,
Irori Neutral Unarmed strike
self-perfection Strength
Madness, monsters, Evil, Madness, Strength,
Lamashtu Evil Falchion
nightmares Trickery
Destruction, Knowledge,
Nethys Neutral Magic Quarterstaff
Magic, Protection, Rune
Greed, murder, Death, Evil, Knowledge,
Norgorber Evil Shortsword
poison, secrets Trickery
Death, Healing,
Pharasma Neutral Bird, death, fate, prophecy Dagger
Knowledge, Water
Destruction, disaster, Destruction, Evil,
Rovagug Evil Greataxe
wrath War, Weather
Healing, honesty, Fire, Glory, Good,
Sarenrae Good Scimitar
redemption, the sun Healing, Sun
Shelyn Good Art, beauty, love, music Air, Good, Luck, Protection Glaive
The forge, protection,
Torag Good Earth, Good, Protection Warhammer
Death, Evil, Magic,
Urgathoa Evil Disease, gluttony, undeath Scythe
Strength, War
Zon-Kuthon Evil Darkness, envy, loss, pain Death, Destruction, Evil Spiked chain

THE FIRST VAULT ome say when the world was forged,

Asmodeus wrote the contract of creation.
badar dwells in the perfect city of Axis,
His faithful followers believe this contract
where he watches over the First Vault. Its
holds the key to their lord’s final victory,
halls hold a perfect copy of every object
ushering in a new age under his infernal
ever made. Abadar is a patient, calculating,
reign. Asmodeus believes in strict discipline,
and far-seeing deity who wishes to bring
unwavering obedience, and the strong ruling
civilization to the frontiers, order to the wilds,
the weak. He loves the art of negotiation and
and wealth to all who support the law.
delights in deals that appear fair but actually
His primary worshipers are judges, give one party a distinct advantage.
merchants, lawyers, and aristocrats, all of
The Prince of Darkness expects and
whom benefit from established laws and
appreciates flattery, though he recognizes
commerce. Those who are poor or who have
it for what it is. Frequently shown as a red-
been wronged also worship him, hoping he
skinned human with black horns, hooves,
helps to reverse their ill-fortune.
and a pale aura of flames, Asmodeus often
He expects his followers to abide by the appears as a foil in art depicting good deities.
laws (though not foolish, contradictory, or In his temples, such roles are reversed, with
purposeless laws) and work to promote order the Prince of Darkness standing tall over the
and peace. Abadar is shown as a clean, well- other deities as they bow before him.
dressed man. From his gold breastplate to his
Temples to Asmodeus thrive in Cheliax,
richly embroidered cloak, everything about
though secret shrines are scattered across
him is refined and cultured. He also always
Golarion. Asmodeus’s impeccably clean and
carries an ornate gold key.
orderly clerics dress in dark tones, usually
Clerics of Abadar spend much of their time black with red accents. Many ceremonies
helping the community thrive and grow. feature horned masks or helms. His faithful
They care less about morals and more about abound among slavers, bureaucrats, tyrants,
helping the culture to continue expanding. and even silver-tongued nobles.
Despite this, their efforts generally trend
Temples built in his image look and feel
toward the advancement of all. Examples
distinctly diabolical. Many are actually

include taming the wilderness, passing laws,

temples of other gods that were abandoned
and eliminating disease.
or purchased and then redecorated to suit
Formal garb for religious ceremonies their new master. They’ve been rededicated
includes white silk cloth trimmed with with rituals designed to blaspheme what was
gold thread, a belt or necklace of gold links once practiced there. His doctrine is recorded
bearing a golden key, and a half-cloak of a in the Asmodean Disciplines, though that work
deep yellow or golden color. Temples are is greatly simplified and relies on numerous
elaborate buildings with rich decorations and appendices and supplementary volumes.
high, thick, stained-glass windows. These
Asmodeus is the most powerful of Hell’s
windows feature vivid yellow glass that
archdevils. He’s the only one of that realm’s
casts a golden hue on everything within the
rulers to claim the title of deity. The eight other
church. Worshipers’ holy book is Abadar’s
archdevils have long sought Asmodeus’s
Order of Numbers.
throne, but to date, none of them have been
Abadar makes his will known to the faithful able to displace the Prince of Darkness. Of all
via sudden windfalls of cash, while those the evil gods, the other deities find Asmodeus
who have angered him meet with sudden the easiest to bargain and deal with.
mounting expenses leading to destitution.



T he Savored Sting speaks to the mercurial,

detached nature that makes elves. Some
favor her as a trickster goddess, while
others appreciate her lustful, audacious
spirit. Ever scheming and planning her next
L egends say Cayden Cailean never meant
to become a god. As a hired sword,
Cayden was renowned for taking on any
job, so long as the cause was just and the coin
was plentiful. One night, in an intoxicated
conquest, Calistria is always maneuvering to stupor, a fellow drunk dared him to take on
attain a more advantageous position. the Test of the Starstone. He accepted, and
Spies, prostitutes, and thrill-seekers are often three days later emerged from the Starstone’s
followers of Calistria. Iconography of the cathedral as a living god.
faith depicts her as the ideal of elven beauty, Amazed that he passed the tests, he was
dressed in revealing gowns and having long, unable to remember how he pulled it off.
graceful ears, slender limbs, and a suggestive He continued in his godly life much as he
smile playing across her lips. Giant wasps, did as a mortal — fighting for just causes,
her favored creatures, commonly appear enjoying various alcohols, and doing what
beside her. Wasps can sting again and again he wanted to do.
without dying—which represents Calistria’s This simple philosophy appeals to many
vindictiveness. mortals both high and low. Adventurers,
Temples to Calistria often host a lively philanthropists, revelers, and freedom
community of sacred prostitutes, each with fighters all claim him as their patron god. In
his or her own contacts in the community. art, Cayden Cailean appears as he did in life,
The resulting hotbed of gossip and double- as a bronze-skinned man carrying a tankard
dealings assure the cult’s growing popularity. of ale in one hand. Some depictions of the
In elven lands, her temples are more like Drunken Hero display broken shackles about
thieves’ guilds. They cater to suspicious his wrists, representing Cayden’s escape
lovers and wealthy folk wishing to escalate from the concerns of mortal life.
feuds and only secondarily serve as a place Members of Cayden’s faith make excellent
for carnal release. guides and explorers, quick to smile at danger
Formal clothing among her followers is and always willing to have fun even in dire
very scant. They typically wear yellow silk circumstances. His festive temples resemble
that covers little and conceals even less and common ale halls and attract members of
are often augmented with henna dyes on the all social classes. Many are actual alehouses
palms of their hands and in narrow bands on bearing a shrine to him above the bar.
their arms. Her holy text is The Book of Joy, a Formal raiment of his followers is a simple
guide to many passions. brown tunic or robe with a wine-red stole
Calistria’s promiscuity is documented in bearing his ale-mug symbol. His simple holy
many religious texts (including her own), but text is the Placard of Wisdom. It condenses his
often these accounts seem to be at odds. This divine philosophy into a few short phrases.
indicates that some of her supposed trysts The faithful of Cayden Cailean often carry
may be little more than wishful thinking on tankards with them for luck or pause before
the parts of other gods and goddesses. particularly dangerous or stressful tasks
Calistria shows her favor by granting to pour a splash of ale out on the ground.
sudden runs of luck in attempts to find He shows his approval through followers
companionship. Those who displease her stumbling on fresh bottles of wine, but in
often find themselves plagued by wasps with cases where mortals have drawn his ire, they
an unerring ability to sting in sensitive places. invariably taste of vinegar or raw sewage.


W hile the other gods created the world,

legend holds that Desna was busy
placing stars in the heavens above. She
was content in allowing the other deities to
create a world full of wonders for her and her
W orship of Erastil dates back to before
the Age of Darkness when early man
began to domesticate and dominate
his natural surroundings. Pastoral legends
claim that Old Deadeye crafted the first bow
faithful to explore. Since that day, all those as a gift to mortals so they might learn to hunt
who look up to the stars find themselves and survive in the dangerous world.
wandering in the endless mysteries of the sky. Many—if not most—of his worshipers have
Trailblazers, scouts, adventurers, and sailors never set foot in a city. They choose instead
praise her name, as do caravaneers. Her luck to live simple lives in rustic villages, lonely
also makes her a favorite of gamblers and shacks, or quiet towns. He appears as an old
thieves. Desna often appears as a comely human trapper with bow in hand or as a tall
elven woman, clad in billowing gowns with humanoid with the head of an elk. These
brightly colored butterfly wings on her back. images often depict Erastil fighting off wild
Delicate clouds of butterflies frequently animals and other beasts.
accompany her image. Erastil’s faithful are found in most small
Wanderers at heart, the faithful of Desna villages and towns, administering to the
travel the world in search of new experiences, people less through sermons and more by
while trying to live life to its fullest. Their deed. His clerics are often called on to help
temples are light, open affairs, with a build homes, birth children, oversee trade,
significant number of astrological charts to and bless crops. Shrines to Erastil are almost
help track the stars and mark celestial events. always simple wooden buildings that serve
Formal attire for most of the priesthood is rural communities as gathering places.
a flowing white robe with black trim and Even in large cities, his temples are usually
a matching silken cap. Though, ranking just large houses converted for church use,
members of the church often add more offering visitors a place to pray and sleep.
decorative elements. Her temples also Formal raiment is practical—usually a leather
double as celestial observatories or at least or fur shoulder-cape, sometimes branded
have one room partially open to the sky. with his symbol or affixed with a wooden

In rural areas, they often offer services to badge bearing his mark. His book, Parables of
wandering travelers. Her holy text is called Erastil, gives homilies on strengthening family
The Eight Scrolls. bonds, almanac-like advice on planting, and
Desna is one of Golarion’s oldest deities, hunting lore.
and she’s changed little since the dawn of Erastil manifests his approval through
civilization. Her worship has always been bountiful hunts or harvests. He also works
strongest in the regions known today as through the actions of all manner of hoofed
Varisia and Ustalav. Despite the fact that she mammals, particularly caribou, deer, elk, and
doesn’t generally appear Varisian, she seems moose. He indicates his disfavor through
to identify most strongly with them. omens such as broken arrows and failed crops.
Desna often shows her favor through the While Erastil’s faith is traditionally common
manifestation of butterflies, particularly in rural areas in the northern reaches of
bright blue swallowtails. She keeps several Avistan, it’s become increasingly entangled
palaces throughout the Great Beyond, with civilization. Conflicts over jurisdiction
including one called Cynosure. It’s known as and representation with the church of Abadar
the star around which all other stars dance. seem to be on the rise as a result.



G orum’s clerics say the Lord in Iron was

forged in the first great battle between
orcs and humans. When the dust from S ailors claim that Gozreh dwells at the
horizon, where the sea meets the sky.
Born of the ocean’s fury and the wind’s
the conflict finally settled, all that was left was wrath, Gozreh is a fickle deity. Those who
one suit of iron armor. From that day forward, ply the waters or rely on the rains know this
dying warriors and victorious knights and are sure to placate Gozreh and honor him
sometimes swear they see Gorum delivering when the winds and waves are favorable.
their deathblow or charging alongside them. Gozreh has two aspects, equally depicted in
Warriors from across Avistan and beyond art. When at sea, or over water, Gozreh is a
call out to Gorum to strengthen their blades woman, with wild, flowing green hair whose
and aid them in upcoming battles. This body transforms into endless waves. In the
sometimes leads to both sides of a conflict sky and over land, Gozreh appears as an aged
carrying the standard of Gorum, but the Lord man with a long white beard, emerging from
in Iron favors the battle more than either side. a mighty storm cloud. Temples in port cities
The Lord in Iron commonly appears as a often venerate both images.
suit of terrible, spiked plate mail possessing Male priests are expected to grow long
a pair of fiery red eyes, with no visible flesh. beards, and female priests must keep long
His followers believe when there are no more hair. Both weave dried seaweed, strands of
battles to fight, Gorum will collapse and rust white cloth, and other decorative items into
away, having lost all will to continue. His their hair. Formal garb is long, flowing robes
faith is strongest among warrior cultures and of sea-green, storm-gray, or sky blue, offset
“barbaric” folk. with coral and pearl jewelry.
His priests wear functional heavy armor. Gozreh’s temples always open to the sky
Followers claim that the spirit of Gorum above and often contain some sort of pool
lives in all iron and they take great care to or open water. Travelers preparing for a
polish and maintain the artifacts of war. His long ocean journey frequently seek the
temples are more akin to fortresses than counsel of her clerics, who also bestow an
places of worship, made to withstand any annual blessing on farmers before the spring
assault and stockpiled with armor, weapons, planting. Gozreh’s Hymns to the Wind and the
and preserved rations. He has no sacred text, Waves is a collection of prayers and rules for
but a collection of seven heroic poems called behavior and respect for the natural world.
the Gorumskagat explains the church’s creed. The majority of druids follow philosophies
Gorum is a headstrong and impatient deity, instead of worshiping a deity, yet some turn to
prone to impulsive and emotional outbursts. deities for guidance and inspiration. Of these
His first reaction to an unexpected situation druids, Gozreh is the most common choice.
is violence, and when he sees something he Signs of Gozreh’s favor include a sudden
likes, he takes it. His priests often emulate but gentle, warm breeze carrying the scent
these traits, and as a result, there are more of flowers, unexplained sounds of waves
evil followers of Gorum than good. on a distant beach, and dreams of specific
Gorum shows his favor through iron armor animals (such as a white wolf). Signs of her
or weapons that shed blood when touched. displeasure include being shrieked at by wild
His anger most often manifests in sudden birds or beasts, sudden rainstorms localized
patches of rust, often enough to completely over a specific building or individual, or an
ruin an item. unending taste of blood in the mouth.


A s a mortal, Iomedae rose to prominence in

the Shining Crusade, leading the Knights
of Ozem in victories over the Whispering
Tyrant. Success in the Test of the Starstone
later granted the valiant swordswoman a
F ollowers of Irori claim he was once a
mortal who achieved physical and mental
perfection, thus attaining divinity. While
many Avistani are wary of his strict adherents,
the disciplined regimen of Irori is gaining
spark of divinity and the attention of Aroden, popularity among those who seek order in
who took her on as his herald. these troubled times.
Today, Iomedae devotes a great deal of There’s a minor rivalry between his faith
focus to the Mendevian Crusades against and those of Cayden Cailean, Iomedae, and
the horror of the Worldwound. Followers of Norgorber, for he became a god without
Iomedae have a strong sense of justice and the help of a magical artifact. Irori is rarely
fairness and an even stronger dedication to depicted in art because his faithful believe
swordcraft, statesmanship, and bringing that any icon cannot hope to live up to his
civilization to “savage” people. Her clerics perfect image. Instead, they describe him as
have a reputation for trustworthiness that a flawless Vudrani man, with no hair save a
serves them well in political affairs. Iomedae long braid, simple robes, and wooden sandals.
appears as a fierce Chelaxian mistress of Irori’s priests have no formal garb other
the sword, complete with full battle armor, than a long rope of braided hair tied in a
heraldic markings, and a resplendent shield. loop around their necks like jewelry. His
The formal raiment of her followers is a temples are sprawling complexes with rooms
white cassock with gold or yellow trim and for prayer, sleep, and exercise and aren’t
a matching mitre. Her temples are bright, generally open to the public. His faithful
whitewashed buildings that double as courts study and train constantly in an endless
and living space for holy knights. Her holy quest to achieve perfection and purify their
text is The Acts of Iomedae (usually called The ki, or life force. Those who rise to the rank of
Acts). It’s a recounting of 11 personal miracles master are said to go to Irori’s side when they
performed in ancient times by Iomedae as die to serve him forever. Those who fail are
demonstrations of Aroden’s power. reincarnated to begin the journey anew.
Having absorbed most of her dead patron’s His holy text is called Unbinding the Fetters.

followers, she informally enforces his It’s a lengthy tome describing physical
teachings. Though, she’s more forward- exercises, meditation, diet, and other
looking and doesn’t let herself be constrained methods that transcend the limitations of the
by the events of history. Likewise, her mortal form. Many of his followers are monks
followers use converted churches of Aroden who dedicate their lifestyles to simplicity
as well as her own unique temples. and purity in order to perfect themselves.
Iomedae most commonly shows favor in He’s also worshiped by scholars, sages,
the form of mundane objects reshaping into and those who seek to impose order on the
sword-like forms, mysterious white or golden chaos of magic.
lights on a person or object, or a compass- Irori respects all deities and teaches similar
like pull on a longsword or other long metal tolerance to his followers. He dislikes those
weapon. She shows her displeasure by who tear down the accomplishments of others
flickering lights, damaging weapons against and has an ongoing feud with Asmodeus as a
inferior materials, and causing gold or silver result. He shows his displeasure with sudden
items to become dull and heavy. cramps, fatigue, or setbacks in the form of
unexpected illness or madness.



G nolls claim that when Lamashtu first saw

a hyena she took it as her consort, and
thus the first gnoll was born. A thousand A ncient Osirian texts mention a powerful
God-King named Nethys, whose mighty
sorceries allowed him to see all that
such stories abound about all manner of transpired, even across the planes of the
creatures, each citing the Mother of Monsters Great Beyond. The knowledge he gained
as the beast’s progenitor. through these visions fueled his divinity, but
Lamashtu’s worshipers seek out deformity shattered his psyche as well.
in themselves and others. Scarring rituals and Ever since, Nethys has been of two minds—
mutilation are common among the faithful. one set on destroying the world and another
Though typically venerated by monstrous pledged to protect it. The church of Nethys
races, like gnolls and medusas, some human tries to balance the god’s two aspects, but
cults practice her dark litanies in secret. individual temples might lean one way or
Lamashtu’s crude depictions usually paint the other.
her as a jackal-headed woman with long His followers are those who desire magical
feathered wings, taloned feet, and a great knowledge or power, regardless of how they
swollen belly. Such images frequently include want to use it — whether to destroy, invent,
a multitude of monsters gathering to her call, or protect. Nethys is often shown with both
with the favored rising above the rest. Ritual his aspects in action. One side is burned
garb includes a jackal mask made of leather and broken, unleashing terrible magic on
or precious metal, a cloak of black feathers, the world. The other half is calm and serene,
and a pair of swords or knives decorated to using magic to heal the sick and protect
resemble the Demon Queen’s own weapons. the innocent.
Places of worship are often simple flat rocks Formal ceremonies in the church require an
but might include a ring of stones, pillars, elaborate robe, skullcap, mozzetta, and hood,
trees, or wooden blocks. Some might have a all in similar colors. The color range is chosen
deep hole or access to a chasm, representing by each temple. Depending on its focus,
an entrance to the underworld realm. Her places of worship might look like fortresses,
holy “text” is the Skull of Mashag, a magical sanctuaries, wizard towers, or even small
skull that recites the goddess’ doctrine. palaces. All are staffed by knowledgeable
Lamashtu is one of countless demon lords, people unfazed by loud noises and strange
quite possibly the most powerful. One of her appearances.
monikers reflects this level of power — the His bible is The Book of Magic, a comprehensive
Demon Queen. Yet Lamashtu doesn’t seek tome that discusses guidelines for channeling
to rule the Abyss or bend the other demon magic and the moral ramifications of its use
lords to her will. She maintains wars with and misuse. Its words are always written on
some (such as her archnemesis Pazuzu) and the temple’s interior walls, but most priests
is rumored to be the lover of others (decadent also carry it as a book or scroll bundle.
Socothbenoth often brags of the children he’s Nethys isn’t known for showing favor or
sired with her). Her true interests lie beyond wrath to his followers or enemies, a fact in
the petty squabbles of the demon host. which many of his worshipers take pride.
Lamashtu’s favor appears as violent They’re quick to point out to other faiths that
dreams, sudden deformities, or unexplained their god doesn’t patronize or coddle them
pregnancies resulting in the painful birth of a with frustrating dreams or bizarre omens.
deformed child. She shows her disfavor in the Such traits generally don’t endear the faithful
form of painful welts or nightmares. to members of other churches.


L ittle is known of Norgorber’s life in

Absalom before he ascended to godhood
through the Test of the Starstone.
Members of his debased faith go to great
lengths to keep his life a secret, using murder
S itting atop an impossibly tall spire,
Pharasma’s Boneyard awaits all mortals.
Once there they stand in a great line,
waiting to be judged and sent to their final
reward. Only the unworthy end up in her
if necessary to obscure Norgorber’s origins. graveyard, their souls left to rot for all eternity.
Some believe if the Reaper of Reputation’s Legends claim that Pharasma knew
true nature was discovered, he would be Aroden’s death was approaching and even
undone. Of the known Ascended gods, he’s judged him, but didn’t warn her followers,
the only evil one. Norgorber’s cult splits into many of whom were driven mad by the event.
four groups, each focusing on one aspect and Pharasma is depicted as a midwife, a mad
ignoring the others. They often wear masks prophet, or a reaper of the dead. Pregnant
both as a symbol of their devotion and to women often carry tokens of her likeness on
keep their identities a secret (even in Absalom, necklaces to protect the unborn and to grant
where their faith is nominally tolerated). it a good life. Her followers are midwives,
Some worshipers even carry additional expectant mothers, morticians, and diviners.
masks to portray different emotions or
Pharasma’s temples are gothic cathedrals,
signals, holding them in front of a simplified
usually located near a town’s graveyard.
mask they only remove in private.
Single bleak stones in empty fields or
Those who call him the Reaper of Reputation graveyards can also serve as shrines. Her
venerate him as the god of secrets and are faithful dress in funereal clothes for religious
typically spies or politicians. Thieves’ guilds ceremonies, always black and accented with
often idolize him as the Gray Master and silver and tiny vials of holy water.
look to his skills as a thief. Many alchemists
They despise the undead as abominations to
and assassins know him as Blackfingers
the natural order. Her holy book is The Bones
and see his work in every poisoned meal
Land in a Spiral, written long ago by a prophet.
and venomous beast. Yet his most notorious
Many of its predictions are so vague there’s
and dangerous cultists are murderers and
debate about what events they foretell. Other
maniacs. These cultists know him as Father
sections were added later and deal with

Skinsaw and believe that with every murder

safe childbirth, proper disposal of the dead,
the future is sculpted according to their dark
methods of performing auguries, and so on.
god’s unknowable plan.
Pharasma manifests her favor through
The ceremonial colors of his followers are
the appearance of scarab beetles and
black and brown, and their clothes usually
whippoorwills, which act as psychopomps to
follow current fashion so the wearer can blend
guide departed spirits to the Boneyard. Black
in with those outside the faith. Elaborate
roses are thought to bring good luck.
masks, often with colored lenses and hinged
jaws, are used to invoke the mysteries of the Pharasma sometimes allows the spirit of
divine in Norgorber’s various aspects. someone who died to send short messages to
living kin to comfort them, expose a murderer,
Temples dedicated to Norgorber are often
or haunt enemies. Her displeasure is signified
hidden in businesses, transformed at night so
by cold chills down the spine, bleeding
the faithful can plot and pray. His clerics are
from under the fingernails, an unexplained
master imitators, stealing others’ identities
taste of rich soil, the discovery of a dead
and using them to cover up dark deeds or to
whippoorwill, or the feeling that something
destroy other organizations from within.
important has been forgotten.



I n the dawn of prehistory, Rovagug was born

to destroy the world, but the other gods
stood against him. Sarenrae sliced open
the world to imprison him within. Asmodeus
bound him there, keeping the only key.
W hen the primal forces created Golarion,
Asmodeus planted an evil on the world
under cover of perpetual darkness.
The doctrine of Sarenrae’s faith tells that the
Dawnflower brought light to the world, and
Rare images of Rovagug depict him as a with it came truth and honesty. Those who
terrible monster of unimaginable size and had turned to evil saw their wickedness and
power. In the wild lands, various monsters were forgiven by the light of Sarenrae.
pay homage to him, including orcs, ropers, The clergy of Sarenrae are generally peaceful,
and troglodytes. Many of his faithful believe administering to their flock with a gentle hand
that Earthfall awoke their god and the time of and wise words. Such kindness vanishes
his freedom is fast approaching. when the church is stirred to action against an
Foremost among the signs of his stirrings evil that cannot be redeemed — particularly
are the Spawn of Rovagug. They’re immense the cult of Rovagug.
beasts who periodically surge from the Pit Her faith attracts those with kind hearts, but
of Gormuz, the site of the Rough Beast’s are willing to harden them when kindness is
imprisonment. The legendary Tarrasque dangerous. Religious art depicts the goddess
is the most powerful and terrifying of the as a strong woman with bronze skin and a
Spawn, though several others have left their mane of dancing flames. One hand holds the
mark on history. light of the sun, the other grasps a scimitar,
Rovagug’s priests wear shaggy coats dyed in to smite those who won’t change their ways.
strange colors and hideous masks depicting The formal attire of her followers includes a
horrid beasts, melted faces, or maddening long white chasuble and tunic decorated with
shapes. Few religions are despised more by red and gold thread depicting images of the
civilized people than Rovagug’s. His temples sun. Officiating priests usually wear a golden
are banned in nearly every city, driving his crown with a red-gold sunburst device on top.
followers to erect secret shrines. Such rare Scimitars inlaid with gold sunbursts or gems
temples are built in caves or dungeons and are common ceremonial implements.
have some monster as the focus of worship, Temples in her name are open to the sky,
hand-fed by the priesthood to keep it tame. sometimes with large brass or gold mirrors
Rovagug has no holy text, but his monstrous, situated on high points to reflect more light
primitive thoughts press themselves on his toward the altar. Sarenrae’s holy book is The
worshipers. They flood them with a desire to Birth of Light and Truth. Most copies contain
break, destroy, and rend, and to find a means extra pages for the owner to record uplifting
to end his imprisonment. stories and experiences in order to repeat
Rovagug rails against the other gods, but his them to others. Swordplay, particularly with
hatred for Sarenrae eclipses all others. Even the scimitar, is a form of art for her followers.
before the Dawnflower cast him down, their Sarenrae signifies her favor with sightings of
wars were legendary. It’s said that Sarenrae doves, or through symbols of ankhs appearing
placed the fire of the sun in the world’s core to in unexpected places. Her displeasure is
constantly burn him. Volcanic eruptions and often made apparent through unexplained
earthquakes are said to be indications of him sunburns or periods of blindness that can
twisting in his sleep, and storms are evidence last anywhere from a few moments for minor
of his breath coursing from the dark places of transgressions to a lifetime for mortal sins.
the world.


A n ancient story tells of how Shelyn stole

the glaive of Zon-Kuthon (her half-
brother) in an attempt to redeem him
from the alien influence possessing his mind.
This attempt failed, but she hasn’t given up
T he dwarves believe that Torag created the
world at his great forge, striking it again
and again with his hammer to get the
shape he desired. As the rocks tumbled and
the sparks flew the dwarves were born, made
hope. Out of love for him, she retains the of stone with bellies full of fire.
so-called Whisperer of Souls as her favored Torag appears as a powerful and cunning
weapon despite its malign influence. dwarf, busy at his forge hammering at a
Her story inspires mortal friends and lovers weapon or shield. He’s the consummate
to persevere in adverse circumstances, bards planner, with a contingency for nearly every
to craft epic songs and tragedies, and artists situation. His faithful are skilled architects,
to create works that touch the soul. All artisans, and military planners. Guardians
depictions of Shelyn, regardless of race or and city watch sometimes offer up prayers
ethnicity, show her as a youthful woman, to the father of creation, hoping he protects
with eyes of blue or silver (or sometimes both). them as they watch over their charges.
Shelyn’s ankle-length chestnut hair bears Formal dress for the clergy is a work-worn,
several strands colored bright red, green, and heavy, leather, knee-length smithing apron,
gold. She wears tasteful clothing and jewelry often with a large blacksmith’s hammer. Some
that accentuates her beauty without revealing priests affix rivets, plates, or badges to their
too much. Shelyn preaches that true beauty aprons to commemorate significant events.
comes from within and favors relationships Temples tend to be circular, built around
not based solely on carnal desires. a large, central, and functional forge, with
Formal garb of her worshipers are leggings anvils used for even mundane tasks. Every
and a long tunic for men and a calf-length act of smelting and smithing is considered
dress for women, cut to make the wearer a prayer to Torag. His holy book is Hammer
attractive yet demure. Red is her primary and Tongs: The Forging of Metal and Other Good
color, accented with silver, though blue is Works, and is usually bound in metal.
also acceptable. Clerics must endeavor each Burrowing animals are sacred to the faithful
day to create something of beauty—typically of Torag, as are all animals that dwell in caves

a work of art or music but applying other and mountainous areas. Flying creatures
skills might be appropriate. that live in such regions are viewed as
Her temples are roomy places surrounded abominations and freaks—bats, in particular,
by gardens and statues, decorated inside are hated by the church of Torag.
with paintings and sculptures, and always He sometimes sends messages in the form of
filled with song and music. Her prayer book cryptic riddles that appear on stone surfaces
is Melodies of Inner Beauty, most of which for a short period of time. Earthquakes are
consists of songs. the ultimate indication of his displeasure, but
Shelyn sometimes sends messages to her those who survive are thought to be blessed.
followers directly by means of short but The followers of Torag hate the cult of
precise whispers in their ear. Songbirds are Rovagug, for his spawn have long seethed
sacred to the sect; their presence is considered and squirmed in the deep corners of the earth.
good luck. Common manifestations of her Despite this loathing, Torag’s followers don’t
displeasure are brief glimpses of a repellent get on well with those of Sarenrae, whose
reflection in a mirror, a lover’s quarrel, a willingness to forgive and devotion to the sun
drab-colored bird, and wilted rose beds. seems to be an indication of weakness.



S ome claim that Urgathoa was a mortal

once, but when she died her thirst for life
turned her into the Great Beyond’s first T he beauty goddess Shelyn once had a
half-brother. His envy over her talents
led him to abandon her for a journey
undead creature. She fled from Pharasma’s into unknown regions beyond the edge of
endless line of souls and back to Golarion, the Great Beyond. There, he encountered
bringing disease with her to the world. something that changed him for the worse.
She appears as a beautiful, raven-haired When he returned, he had become a new god
woman from the waist up. Below that, her form entirely, a deity of pain, suffering, and loss.
begins to rot, until only blood-covered bones He committed terrible acts against those who
remain at her feet. Urgathoa is worshiped by tried to redeem him, particularly his father
undead as well as necromancers and those and his half-sister. He was banished for his
hoping to become undead. As such, her crimes to the Plane of Shadow for as long as
clerics must often keep their activities a secret. the sun hung in the sky. That time came to an
Some who are sick with the plague make end on Golarion during the Age of Darkness,
offerings to the Pallid Princess in hopes and Zon-Kuthon returned, weeping tears of
of alleviating their illness. The occasional hateful joy.
gluttonous prince might make offerings to In time, his influence declined, but he and
Urgathoa as well, be it for more food, women, his worshipers remain ready to surge across
or other carnal pleasures. She and Calistria the world with lash and chain. His horrid
vie for control of their overlapping interest, affection attracts evil sadists, demented
with the elven goddess representing lust and masochists, and those whose spirits are so
the undead one representing physical excess. wounded only overwhelming pain distracts
Ceremonial clothes in her church consist of them from their sorrows.
loose, gray, floor-length tunics with a bone- His appearance often changes, with wounds
white or dark gray shoulder-cape clasped on different parts of his body and clothing
at the front. Traditionally, the lower half of cut to reveal them. He often wears a metal
the tunic is either shredded or adorned with crown that distorts his flesh into an obscene
strips of cloth or tassels to give the appearance sunburst. Mortal representations of Zon-
of increased damage as it approaches the Kuthon are usually simplified to show a pale
floor, mirroring the goddess’s own decay. man in black with one significant wound.
Her temples are built like feast halls, with Zon-Kuthon’s temples look like torture
large central tables surrounded by chairs chambers, and many are actual torture
serving as altars. Most are adjacent to chambers converted for church use. In smaller
private graveyards or built over crypts, locales, the church might be a secret cave
often inhabited by ghouls. Her sacred text is or basement. His followers have no official
Serving Your Hunger, penned by Dason, her formal garb, though their self-mutilation and
first undead knight-commander. use of black leather make them identifiable.
Urgathoa sometimes rewards female clerics His book of laws is Umbral Leaves, penned by
who serve her by transforming them after a mad prophet of his church.
death into hideous undead creatures called Zon-Kuthon’s faithful have carved out a
the daughters of Urgathoa. She has also nation of their own. Founded at the height
been known to lend support to the daemon of the Age of Darkness, the people of
Horsemen from time to time, for many of Nidal venerate the Midnight Lord as their
their goals closely match her own. savior and king.

Achaekek (He Who Walks in Blood): Also

OTHER GODS known as the Mantis God, Achaekek serves

many of the gods as an assassin, sent to
murder those who’ve risen in power and
in some way challenge the gods. Not all of
Listed here are 12 additional deities who have
Golarion’s deities approve of these heavy-
relatively widespread worship yet haven’t
handed methods, yet neither have any of the
become so ubiquitous that their names and
gods stepped in to directly oppose Achaekek.
faiths can be found throughout Avistan or
Garund. In some cases, this is because their The Mantis God doesn’t actively seek
worshipers don’t actively seek out new worshipers, but he has them nonetheless. He
members of their faith, in others it’s the deity Who Walks in Blood is the divine patron of
who discourages growth. Beyond these, still the Red Mantis assassins, a group of infamous
more deities exist, but those are generally murderers who use the methods and themes
focused on specific races or regions of the of the Mantis God to strengthen their own
world and have not yet expanded beyond notoriety. Achaekek’s symbol is a pair of red
their relatively narrow confines. mantis claws clasped together as if in prayer.
Worshipers of these deities generally consist Apsu (The Waybringer): All good dragons
of relatively specialized groups (such as revere Apsu, though few are the sort who
the Red Mantis), are more or less localized practice divine magic. Most leave that to their
in certain regions (such as Gyronna and smaller mortal allies and servants, some of
Hanspur of the River Kingdoms), or simply whom forsake humanoid gods to worship
have cults that are either not particularly the Waybringer. As Apsu’s primary goal is
interested in increasing their numbers or are the destruction of Dahak, mortals with no ties
actively hunted by other organizations (such to the world of dragons have little need for
as Ghlaunder, Groetus, and Zyphus). his church. Apsu’s symbol is a silver dragon
whose descending tail encircles a mirror.

Achaekek Evil Assassination, the Red Mantis Death, Evil, Trickery, War
Glory, good dragons, Creation, Good, Scalykind,
Apsu Good Bite or staff
leadership, peace Travel
Besmara Neutral Piracy, sea monsters, strife Trickery, War, Water, Weather Rapier

Destruction, evil dragons, Destruction, Evil,

Dahak Evil Bite or whip
greed, treachery Scalykind, Trickery
Droskar Evil Cheating, slavery, toil Evil, Trickery Hammer
Air, Animal, Destruction,
Ghlaunder Evil Infection, parasites, stagnation Spear
Groetus Neutral Empty places, oblivion, ruins Destruction, Madness, Void Heavy flail
Gyronna Evil Extortion, hatred, spite Destruction, Evil, Madness Dagger
Hanspur Neutral River travel, rivers Death, Travel, Water Trident
Community, Good, Strength,
Kurgess Good Bravery, competition, sports Javelin
Good, Healing,
Milani Good Devotion, hope, uprisings Morningstar
Liberation, Protection
Knowledge, Madness, Magic,
Sivanah Neutral Illusions, mystery, reflections Bladed scarf
Rune, Trickery
Accidental death, Death, Destruction, Evil,
Zyphus Evil Heavy pick
graveyards, tragedy Plant, War

Besmara (The Pirate Queen): Pirates rarely him dead, certain ruined temple forges still

have the time or patience to dedicate their carry whispered prayers. Droskar’s symbol
lives to worship, but all buccaneers know of is a fire burning under a stone arch.
Besmara the Pirate Queen. Said to sail the Ghlaunder (The Gossamer King): The
turbulent seas of the Maelstrom in her grand cult of a demigod of parasites and infection,
ship Seawraith, Besmara’s raids on places as Ghlaunder’s faith is a foul and festering blight
diverse as Elysium, Axis, Heaven, and Hell that often takes root in small rural areas. As
are legend among certain circles of pirates. with the parasites they venerate, cultists of
Yet few honestly worship her until their Ghlaunder often prey on others. Such a cultist
deaths loom large. At which point even the might serve a village as priest, posing as a
most callous pirate suddenly finds faith and faithful follower of an obscure cult or pagan
prays to Besmara for just one more day of life. religion while slowly encouraging worship
Besmara’s actual priests are most commonly practices that bring the locals unknowingly
found in the waters off the Shackles or on the closer to the Gossamer King.
waterfront boardwalks of Ilizmagorti. Those Cultists of Ghlaunder don’t bleed their
found at sea generally serve double duty flocks dry, but rather protect and aid them
as priest and captain, and their reputations so they’re always there for sustenance. When
on the seas are among the most notorious. exposed, cultists of Ghlaunder preach of the
Her symbol is the jolly roger, a black flag necessity of parasites and infection, lest the
decorated with a skull and crossbones. weak and old overrun the world.
Dahak (The Endless Destruction): Dahak Said to have been accidentally freed from
holds no love for his creations, having killed a cocoon on the Ethereal Plane by Desna,
and maimed many of them in his joyous Ghlaunder manifests as an immense,
rampages. Most dragons hate him in return. mosquito-like monstrosity when he appears.
He can offer them power and immortality, He often pays secret visits to feed on the
though, and this tempting offer has swayed blood of his favorite followers. He favors
many dragons to his service. Ugly, spiked, drinkers of blood and fungoid creatures, and
and scarred, Dahak hates his father Apsu and his symbol is a blood-fat mosquito.
wishes to destroy him. Dahak’s symbol is a
Groetus (God of the End Times): The
fiery-red falling star.
god of the end of the world, Groetus has
Droskar (The Dark Smith): Droskar once no organized faith. Most of his worshipers
held promise as the greatest of Torag’s are loners — either madmen who live on
students. Day after day he labored at the the street and prophesying the end of the
forge. The designs he produced brought world, or more dangerous megalomaniacs
wonder and delight to all who beheld them. who actively seek to bring about the end of
Droskar’s greed for power and respect existence.
outstripped his good sense, though, and
Groetus doesn’t really care about his flock.
Torag soon uncovered the truth: Droskar’s
When he has his way, they’ll all be gone. He
works were copies.
knows all things must end, whether or not he
He’d kidnapped, imprisoned, and tortured a has worshipers. Some speculate that he might
talented smith for the designs that garnered not even know he has worshipers.
so much admiration. Torag’s wrath was great,
The God of the End Times plays a small role
but rather than slay Droskar outright, he cast
in Pharasma’s worship, for in her Boneyard,
the cheat out of his kingdom and cursed
it’s said that Groetus looms as a gibbous and
him to struggle forever in a fruitless quest to
huge moon in the sky above. No one knows if
produce an original work.
this “moon” is actually Groetus, his shell, or
Droskar recruited worshipers by promising simply the object on which he dwells.
salvation in return for ceaseless toil, or
The few explorers who have braved this
enslaved them and forced them to labor, but
moon and walked on its surface without
his followers couldn’t inspire Droskar to
vanishing invariably return to the world as
originality. His presence gradually faded from
Groetus’s newest insane cultists. The other
Golarion, and while most scholars believe
gods likely know Groetus’s secrets, but refuse
to speak of them. Groetus’s symbol is a full competitions, and it’s said that Cayden
moon with the faint image of a skull seen in Cailean and Desna themselves raised him to
the pattern of craters that decorate its surface. godhood for his deeds.
Gyronna (The Angry Hag): This goddess In the last 300 years, rumors that Kurgess
only allows females into her priesthood. has returned to Golarion to attend festivals
People fear her clergy for their ability to anonymously, either to participate and win
poison the minds of others with hate, turning or to protect those who compete, have seen
friends against each other and making his faith rising and spreading throughout
enemies out of allies (though they’re not southern Avistan. Kurgess’s priests are
above simply knifing someone in an alley generally travelers who carry small portable
if it suits their purposes). Her symbol is a shrines, but tournaments, fairs, and
bloodshot eye. competitions are their temples. Kurgess’s
Hanspur (The Water Rat): Some legends symbol is a flexing muscular arm with a
say that Hanspur was once a mortal priest of golden chain gripped in the fist.
Gozreh. After he was murdered in his sleep Milani (The Everbloom): For many
by a traveling companion, his god raised him centuries, the Inner Sea region was dominated
as an unstable guardian of the waterways. by the sprawling Empire of Cheliax. This
His symbol is a rat walking on water or changed drastically only 100 years ago
standing on a log. with the death of the nation’s patron deity,
Kurgess (The Strong Man): Legends hold Aroden. In the years that followed, the Thrice-
that Kurgess was born somewhere in Taldor. Damned House of Thrune regained control of
He was a farmer’s son who grew into a tall, the nation’s core, but several outlying regions
strapping young lad. One day, a merchant’s seceded, with varying degrees of success.
carriage ran off the road near Kurgess’s These times of upheaval were dark and grim,
home, and Kurgess single-handedly lifted and in many cases only hope carried the
the carriage out of the ditch. The grateful unfortunate citizens through. Many of them
merchant offered Kurgess a chance to turned to new faiths, seeking guidance from
become famous. any who offered it. In the years immediately
He brought Kurgess to Cassomir, entering
him in competitions and events. Kurgess won
each of them, splitting the money with his
sponsor. They went on the road, entering
one competition after the other.
Kurgess’s victories mounted
until his fame grew too
great — with each win, he

left in his wake bitter and

jealous rivals. Finally, his
enemies caught up with
him and rigged the event
so that there was no way
for anyone to win. Yet
when the truth became
clear, Kurgess managed
to save most of the other
competitors from death,
at the cost of his own life,
becoming a martyr.
In the decades that
followed, people took to
calling on his memory
for luck and favor during

following Aroden’s death, charlatans and Sivanah works her deeds through reflections

con artists were thick among these faiths. in mirrors and the surface of water. It’s said
One faith, in particular, rose not only to she speaks to some of her followers through
give the downtrodden hope, but to aid in their own shadows. Her ultimate goals are
organizing their rebellions in ways that could secrets even to her most faithful followers.
rebuild society rather than damn it to eternal Such concealment ironically prevents her
barbarism. This was the faith of Milani. faith from growing much more beyond the
Until Aroden’s death, Milani was nothing level of a cult.
more than a minor saint, one of dozens Worship of Sivanah is relatively strong
associated with the Last Azlanti. The patron of in parts of Nex and Irrisen, and among
partisans and rebels alike, Milani became one illusionists throughout the world. Her
of Aroden’s widest-reaching inheritors, yet worship is expressly forbidden in Nidal,
never quite reached the popularity of Iomedae. for she’s said to be one of Zon-Kuthon’s
This is perhaps because Iomedae still retained greatest enemies and views his use of
a valuable connection to humanity through shadows as corruption and enslavement.
her relatively recent ascension into divinity, Sivanah’s symbol is seven drab-colored veils
but more likely because Iomedae’s faith had knotted together.
already spread wide before Aroden’s demise. Zyphus (The Grim Harvestman): Not every
Today, Milani’s worshipers are generally death makes sense. Those who have strong
small congregations in oppressive nations faith often seek to explain unexpected death as
where hope and uprisings are the only chance the “will of the gods,” yet for many, this holds
at a better tomorrow. little sway. To them, tragic deaths can only
Her faithful have come to terms with the fact be explained by the influence of a malevolent
that once an uprising is successful, the need force — something that seeks to bring ruin
for hope fades — they understand this, and and sadness into the world. Unfortunately,
wait patiently in their small village chapels there’s some truth to this belief, thanks to the
for the time when they shall be called on again godling known as Zyphus.
to defend the common man from oppression. Zyphus is known as the Grim Harvestman
Milani’s faithful are currently most active and the harbinger of unexpected tragedy.
in struggling Galt and some of the more His followers hold that their god was formed
unstable River Kingdoms. Her symbol is a from the enraged soul of the first mortal to die
rose growing to bloom between the cobbles a hollow, meaningless death. Each additional
of a bloody street. accidental death is said to add to Zyphus’s
Sivanah (The Seventh Veil): While myster­ strength so that someday he can become
ious Nethys is widely accepted as the greatest powerful enough to engineer the death of his
god of magic, other deities claim control over most hated rival—Pharasma.
certain specific foci in magic. Some of these, The true believers of Zyphus preach that
like Urgathoa’s mastery over necromancy, those who are slain by accidents they engineer
are well known. Other such deities are more don’t travel on to Pharasma’s Boneyard, but
obscure, but none are quite as mysterious as are instead captured by the Grim Harvestman,
Sivanah, the patron of illusionists, tricksters, their souls consumed and absorbed by this
and those who work to preserve secrets malignancy. His cultists are widespread but
and mystery. relatively small in number. They hold court in
None can say what Sivanah’s true form is, graveyards that have fallen from favor or no
though most agree that she’s female. Legend longer sit on hallowed ground.
holds she dresses in seven veils, and each of Even in well-used and relatively safe
six veils is tied to a different race: cyclops, graveyards, it’s not uncommon to see
elf, gnome, halfling, human, and naga. Some carvings depicting Zyphus or his symbol on
claim she can appear as any of those races gate arches or vault roofs, warding against
while wearing the appropriate veil, but that the Grim Harvestman. Zyphus’s symbol is a
she’s of an unknown seventh race, the identity heavy pick made of a femur, skull, and rib.
of which is masked by the seventh veil.

and jagged glaciers. His whispers are brought

OUTSIDER DEMIGODS to cultists through the buzzing of flies.

Barbatos: The current ruler of Avernus, the
uppermost Hell, Barbatos holds the keys to
A number of powerful, unique outsiders the gateways into Hell. He has dominion over
exist who, while not true gods, still have birds that feast on the recent dead.
the capacity to grant spells and are served Belial: Desire and adultery are the areas of
on Golarion by cults of devoted worshipers. concern for Belial. He’s ruler of the molten
There are certainly more outsider demigods layer of Hell’s fourth circle, Phlegethon.
than those listed here, both in established Dispater: The immense, iron-walled city of
groups like archdevils, the Eldest of the Dis is ruled by Dispater. He’s Hell’s greatest
First World, and especially the demon lords, politician and jailer.
but also in entirely different categories that
Geryon: The stinking swamps of Stygia are
generally don’t have large cults on Golarion.
the dominion of the Serpent, Geryon. He’s the
source of all great heresies and the venomous
ARCHDEVILS treachery of the snake’s fatal kiss.
There are nine circles to Hell, each of which Mammon: Hell’s treasurer and accountant,
is ruled by a different archdevil and serves Mammon lurks in the dark and dreary sewers
a different role in the punishment of sinful below Dis, a lightless realm called Erebus.
mortals. The lord of Hell and ruler of its Mephistopheles: Silver-tongued Mephi­
deepest circle is Asmodeus, a god in his own stopheles rules the Hanging Garden of Caina.
right. The other eight Lords of Hell bow He’s the keeper of many of Hell’s greatest
before him and exist to serve him even as secrets and contracts.
they scheme among themselves for methods Moloch: Mighty Moloch, Lord of Malebolge,
of gaining power. trains Hell’s infernal army and wages
Cultists of these other eight archdevils are his eternal war on Heaven and goodness
uncommon outside of Cheliax, and even throughout the Great Beyond.
there they tend to exist in the shadow of the
church of Asmodeus. Often, a worshiper of an
archdevil is a lone cultist who keeps a small,
usually hidden shrine, and lives another life Whereas there are only nine archdevils, the
as an upstanding citizen. It’s said that these number of similarly powerful demons is
cultists bear hidden marks on their bodies, beyond knowing. The Outer Rifts of the
proof of their pledge to Hell. Abyss fall away into infinity, and the legions
Baalzebul: The Lord of Flies rules Cocytus, of demons and their realms are endless.

the seventh Hell, a frozen realm of icy seas Nonetheless, certain demon lords have risen
above their kin to become known and feared
beyond the endless realms of the Abyss.

Baalzebul Evil Arrogance, flies, lies Air, Death, Evil Spear
Barbatos Evil Animals, corruption, gateways Evil, Magic, Travel Quarterstaff
Belial Evil Adultery, deception, desire Destruction, Evil Ranseur
Dispater Evil Cities, prisons, rulership Evil, Nobility, Trickery Heavy mace
Geryon Evil Forbidden lore, heresy, snakes Evil, Strength, Water Heavy flail
Mammon Evil Avarice, watchfulness, wealth Earth, Evil Shortspear
Mephistopheles Evil Contracts, devils, secrets Evil, Knowledge, Rune Trident
Moloch Evil Fire, obedience, war Evil, Fire, War Whip


Abraxas Evil Forbidden lore, magic, snakes Evil, Knowledge, Magic Whip
Angazhan Evil Apes, jungles, tyrants Animal, Evil, Plant Spear
Baphomet Evil Beasts, labyrinths, minotaurs Animal, Evil, Strength Glaive
Cyth–V’sug Evil Disease, fungus, parasites Earth, Evil, Plant Scimitar
Deformity, sea monsters, the
Dagon Evil Destruction, Evil, Water Trident
Deskari Evil Chasms, infestation, locusts Destruction, Evil, War Scythe
Amphibians, boggards,
Gogunta Evil Death, Evil, Water Whip
Chaos, Evil, Strength,
Kostchtchie Evil Cold, giants, revenge Warhammer
Nocticula Evil Assassins, darkness, lust Evil Hand crossbow
Orcus Evil Necromancy, undeath, wrath Death, Evil, Magic Heavy mace
Sky, temptation, winged
Pazuzu Evil Air, Evil, Trickery Longsword
Destruction, Evil,
Shax Evil Envy, lies, murder Dagger
Socothbenoth Evil Perversion, pride, taboos Evil, Travel Quarterstaff
Zura Evil Blood, cannibalism, vampires Death, Evil, Madness Rapier

Abraxas: Master of the Final Incantation, horns. He wields a magical glaive made of
Demon Lord of Forbidden Lore and Magic. rare red adamantine in battle.
Abraxas is a hideous creature, with the head Cyth-V’sug: Prince of the Blasted Heath,
of a deformed and fanged bird and two Demon Lord of Fungus and Parasites. The
writhing vipers in place of legs. He’s believed hideous Cyth-V’sug dwells on a layer of
to know countless magical formulae, spells, the Abyss that consists of a single, massive
and secrets, particularly those that cause colony of parasitic fungus that transforms all
great devastation and pain — including the it touches into an extension of its own vile
“Final Incantation,” a potent word that, when consciousness. Cyth-V’sug’s most powerful
uttered, strips away and destroys magic. spawn, a unique demon called Treerazer,
Angazhan: The Ravener King, Demon Lord recently established a domain on the Material
of Apes and Jungles. Angazhan appears as a Plane. It’s a move that raises concern that the
towering blood-red ape with six long, thin Prince of the Blasted Heath may be closer to
fingers, tusk-like teeth, and relatively small, his goal of total assimilation than many think.
bloodshot eyes. His presence is strongest Dagon: The Shadow in the Sea, Demon Lord
within the Mwangi Expanse, where his of the Sea and Sea Monsters. Dagon dwells in
chattering brood, the simian charau-ka (ape- the depths of the Abyssal sea of Ishiar. Not
men), hold court amid the ruins and feast on quite fish or octopus or eel, the Shadow in the
the flesh of human cattle. Sea often sends his spawn into the depths of
Baphomet: Lord of the Minotaurs, Demon Material Plane oceans to serve as high priests
Lord of Beasts and Labyrinths. Baphomet is for vicious oceanic monstrosities. His cult is
one of Lamashtu’s favored consorts. While also strong along remote coastlines. There,
the original minotaurs were the children of societies of humans or marsh giants mix
the Demon Queen, an increasing number with ichthyic visitors, taking them into their
have come to view Baphomet as their true homes in exchange for good fishing or gifts of
lord. Baphomet looks like a hulking, muscular strange gold jewelry.
minotaur with sharp teeth and immense

Deskari: Lord of the Locust Host, Demon Orcus: Prince of Undeath, Demon Lord of
Lord of Infestation and Locusts. Thought Necromancy and the Undead. Mighty Orcus
to be the son of Pazuzu, Deskari is believed is perhaps one of the most widely worshiped
by many scholars to be the Usher of the demon lords throughout the countless
Apocalypse. The insectoid demon long worlds of the Material Plane. His cults still
plagued the northern nation of Sarkoris, remain relatively small on Golarion because
where his cultists were eventually driven of competition from those dedicated to his
into the Lake of Mists and Veils by Aroden. rivals, Zura and Urgathoa. He appears as
Yet with Aroden’s death, the manifestation an immensely fat humanoid with a ram’s
of the Worldwound and the demonic armies head, bat-like wings, cloven feet, and a long
that emerged speak to Deskari’s growing stingered tail. His legendary weapon, the
influence over this reach of the Material Plane. Wand of Orcus, is never far from his hand.
Gogunta: Song of the Swamp, Demon Lord Pazuzu: King of the Wind Demons, Demon
of Boggards and Swamps. Gogunta is an Lord of the Sky and Winged Creatures.
immense batrachian monstrosity, believed Pazuzu appears as a wiry human with eagle’s
by the boggards to be the source of their race. legs and talons, a demonic avian head, two
Scholars of the demonic believe she was a pairs of bird wings, a scorpion tail, and a
hezrou in Dagon’s service who ascended to writhing snake in place of his genitals. Pazuzu
the role of demon lor. She certainly favors the is fond of possessing mortals and using them
hezrous as guardians and lovers, and often as tools to work his evils on the world. It’s
sends them to guard or even lead boggard said Pazuzu can hear his name when an
tribes on the Material Plane (particularly innocent speaks it unknowingly, and this
tribes in Varisia’s Mushfens, swamps in the may be all that’s needed to invite possession.
River Kingdoms, or in the Sodden Lands). Shax: The Blood Marquis, Demon Lord of
Kostchtchie: The Deathless Frost, Demon Lies and Murder. Cruel and sadistic, Shax
Lord of Cold and Giants. Born an Ulfen man revels in the act of torture and murder. He’s
possessed of a legendary temper and hatred of
women and giantkind, Kostchtchie bargained
with Baba Yaga for immortality. The result of
his bid for eternal life saw his body twisted
and deformed into a hideous giant.
Kostchtchie found eternal life only by
becoming what he hated most. His hatred
has since shifted to humanity, and he leads
wars against the northern tribes of Iobaria as
often as possible. He does so through proxies

and priests when he’s unable to do so in

person. His current goal is the destruction
of the nation of Irrisen, the next step in his
vengeance against Baba Yaga.
Nocticula: Our Lady in Shadow, Demon
Lord of Darkness and Lust. As seductive
and beautiful as she is cruel and sadistic,
Lady Nocticula is the patron of succubi and
assassins alike. She appears in whatever form
the observer most desires, shifting gender
and race and appearance with unsettling
speed. Her true form is that of a shapely
succubus with three tails and hoofed feet
that drip with molten metal. Her worship is
strong among those who live by treachery
and murder. Many cities unknowingly host
assassin guilds devoted to her glory.
particularly fond of eating the eyes of his „ MESTAMA: The Mother of Witches, Lord of

living victims. His cultists are killers and Deception.

warmongers who invoke his name for glory „ NURGAL: The Shining Scourge, Lord of
and luck in their bloody acts. Shax appears as Senseless War.
a human man with a dove’s head and bird-
„ SHIVASKA: The Chained Maiden, Lord of
like legs and an immense collection of knives
and other bloodstained weaponry.
„ SIFKESH: The Sacred Whore, Lord of
Socothbenoth: The Silken Sin, Demon Lord
of Perversion and Taboos. Brother and lover
to Lady Nocticula, deviant Socothbenoth „ URXEHL: Trollfather, Lord of Storms.

views all the world as having been created for „ XOVERON: The Horned Prince, Lord of
him to take pleasure in. His tastes (and those Gluttony.
of his faithful) are violent and destructive. „ YHIDOTHRUS: The Ravager Worm, Lord of
Though fond of changing his appearance Time.
on a whim to aid in whatever pleasures he
„ ZEVGAVIZEB: The God of the Troglodytes,
currently seeks, in his true form he appears as
Lord of Reptiles.
a lithe, handsome human man with black eyes,
long, brown hair, large, pointed ears, and
numerous body piercings of metal and bone. ELDEST
Zura: The Vampire Queen, Demon Lord While no one truly rules the First World, there
of Cannibalism and Vampires. Gothic and are entities so powerful that they command
beautiful, Lady Zura is said to be the first respect and obedience from other residents,
vampire, an Azlanti Queen who succumbed and even the land itself. These personalities go
early to that people’s growing decadence. by many names—the fey-lords, the shapers—
Tales of her cannibal feasts and baths of blood yet to most they are simply the Eldest.
persist today as vague legends. Zura often
Count Ranalc: Count Ranalc is a primal
assumes the form of a voluptuous maiden.
being of darkness and the chaos of creation.
In her true form she appears as an almost
He was exiled from the First World to the
skeletal woman with bat-like wings instead
Plane of Shadow millennia ago by the other
of arms, blood-red eyes and hair, immense
Eldest, and since vanished completely.
fangs, and taloned feet.
Scholars have long been intrigued that all
Other Demon Lords: No less powerful mention of Ranalc ceases at almost exactly
than the demon lords presented in greater the same time as the archwizard Nex laid
detail above, these additional demon lords siege to Absalom.
generally have smaller or more remote cults.
The Green Mother: This tall, beautiful
„ ALDINACH: She of the Six Venoms, Lord of woman with shocking green hair resembles
Scorpions. a cross between a nymph, an elf, and a dryad.
„ ANDIRIFKHU: The Razor Princess, Lord of Within her forest bower, she’s the most
Traps. seductive and manipulative creature in the
„ ARESHKAGAL: The Faceless Sphinx, Lord First World.
of Greed. Imbrex, the Twins: Whether the entity
„ FLAUROS: The Burning Maw, Lord of known as the Twins is truly a pair of siblings
Volcanoes. or simply one creature split into two bodies
is a question that may never be answered.
„ HAAGENTI: The Whispers Within, Lord of
Hundreds of feet tall, the vaguely reptilian,
statue-like humanoids refer to themselves
„ JEZELDA: Mistress of the Hungry Moon,
collectively as Imbrex.
Lord of Werewolves.
The Lantern King: If the First World has
„ JUBILEX: The Faceless Lord, Lord of Sloth.
a trickster god — no easy feat in a world
„ KABRIRI: Him Who Gnaws, Lord of Ghouls. where capricious, reality-bending mischief
„ MAZMEZZ: The Creeping Queen, Lord of is standard practice for many—then the title
Vermin. belongs to the will-o’-wisp-like Lantern King.
The Lost Prince: Also called the Melancholy Sinashakti: The dawn-skinned Walker of
Lord, this gaunt, dark-haired Eldest is a Worlds, Sinashakti sprints through the planes,
morose and dour individual. While his eager to see and learn the ways of all people.
servants expound on his good works, the Valani: Where Valani, the Father of Islands,
truth is that the Lost Prince attempts to passes, new lands are born. His whispers lead
remain neutral in most matters, keeping to people to shelter, while his screams bring
himself in his ever-crumbling tower. storms and prove that nothing lasts forever.
Magdh: Capable of seeing farthest into other
realms and down lines of probability and fate,
the three-faced entity called Magdh is the
prophetess and seer of the Eldest. The fiendish lords of the foul plane Abaddon
Ng the Hooded: If Ng the Hooded has a face, are known collectively as the Horsemen.
no one has ever viewed it. Some whisper that They’re not represented by organized faiths
the gloves that are his only visible body part or churches on the Material Plane — rather,
hide whirring clockwork, others that he’s the their worshipers venerate them out of fear
mouthpiece of a distant god. or ignorance. Their clerics are usually found
among the monstrous races of the world.
Ragadahn the Water Lord: Also known as
the Serpent King, the World Serpent, and Apollyon: The Horseman of Pestilence is
(somewhat heretically) the Father of Dragons, known also as the Prince of Locusts. He’s a
Ragadahn claims to be the progenitor from hulking, ram-headed monstrosity that dwells
whom all linnorms are descended. on the carcass of a dead god.
Shyka the Many: Time is fickle in the First Charon: Perhaps the most powerful of the
World, and Shyka knows this better than any. Four Horsemen, Charon’s realm is the River
Over the eons, many have borne this title — Styx. He’s the Horseman of Death, and the
and continue to. For in all of his incarnations, ferryman for lost souls that travel to the
Shyka the Many is a master of time. Outer Rifts.
Szuriel: Szuriel, the Horseman of War, is a
black-winged woman with bleeding eyes and
EMPYREAL LORDS ragged teeth. She’s the harbinger of countless
Just as there are powerful and unique fiends battles and conflicts.
who rule portions of the Outer Rifts and other Trelmarixian: The youngest of the four,
dark corners of the Great Beyond, so too are Trelmarixian is the Horseman of Famine.
there paragons of good in the brighter reaches He’s a jackal-headed man with crystal teeth
of the Outer Sphere. These powerful angels and an unending hunger.
are known collectively as the empyreal lords.
Andoletta: Always sharp-tongued and stern,

wrinkled Grandmother Crow watches over

the innocent, chides the wavering, and raps
on the wicked with her walking stick.
Arshea: Alternately depicted as male or
female, silken-skinned and androgynous
Arshea dances amid colored veils, comforting
the weary and freeing the repressed.
Korada: Korada sits within the Dream
Lotus of Nirvana, balancing the spheres of
existence in his mind and communing with
enlightened spirits.
Ragathiel: Five-winged Ragathiel leads a
legion of spirits, among whom number some
of the greatest heroes in history.


Count Ranalc Neutral Betrayal, exiles, shadows Nobility, Travel Rapier
Carnivorous plants, intrigue,
Green Mother Evil Evil, Earth, Plant Sickle
Community, Earth,
Imbrex Neutral Endings, statues, twins Dire flail
Laughter, mischief,
Lantern King Neutral Madness, Trickery Dagger
Forgotten things, sadness, Knowledge, Madness,
Lost Prince Neutral Quarterstaff
solitude Nobility, Repose
Magdh Neutral Complexity, fate, triplets Knowledge, Rune Scythe
The seasons, secrets, Knowledge, Magic,
Ng Neutral Gauntlet
wanderers Travel, Weather
Ragadahn Evil Linnorms, oceans, spirals Evil, Scalykind, Water Whip
Death, Destruction,
Shyka Neutral Entropy, reincarnation, time Light Mace
Madness, Magic
Consolation, respect, Good, Knowledge,
Andoletta Good Quarterstaff
security Protection
Freedom, physical beauty,
Arshea Good Good, Liberation, Strength Flail
Good, Magic, Healing,
Korada Good Foresight, forgiveness, peace Unarmed
Ragathiel Good Chivalry, duty, vengeance Destruction, Good, Nobility
Sinashakti Good Journeys, joy, messengers Good, Travel Shortbow
Valani Good Change, growth, primality Earth, Good, Weather Club
Air, Darkness,
Apollyon Evil Pestilence Scythe
Destruction, Evil
Death, Evil,
Charon Evil Death Quarterstaff
Knowledge, Water
Szuriel Evil War Evil, Fire, Strength, War Greatsword
Earth, Evil, Madness, Spiked
Trelmarixian Evil Famine
Weather gauntlet



T he Great Beyond exists as a tremendous, Yet even these worlds are not the only ones
layered, nesting sphere. Every plane within the universe of the Material Plane.
within the Great Beyond is part of an Other stars with other worlds exist, drifting
unimaginably immense hollow sphere of in the dark with wonders and horrors all their
varying thickness and diameter. At the heart own. Despite the separation, these remote
of the sphere lies the Material Plane. cousins occasionally prove to be the source of
beings both benevolent and malignant, who
have in the past —or even now—influenced
THE INNER SPHERE events on Golarion.
At the center of the Multiverse, the planes Between these stars, in the dark and empty
collectively known as the Inner Sphere hang places, stranger life lurks — this region is
suspended within the Astral Plane like the known as the Dark Tapestry, and what dwells
core of a ripe fruit. The Elemental Planes—Air, in this nightmare realm can rival the liveliest
Earth, Fire, and Water—act like the skin of this awfulness found in the deepest of the Outer
core, layered one inside the other, physically Rifts. Fortunately, the vast physical distances
bordering one another in a churning dance. between the Dark Tapestry and the well-lit
Within the borders formed by the Elemental worlds help to keep these opposing elements
Planes reside the Material Plane, the First of existence apart.
World, and the Shadow Plane, with the misty
Ethereal Plane bordering between all of them.
Buried deepest within the Inner Sphere are
Ethereal Plane
the Positive and Negative Energy Planes — The fluid, shifting mists of the Ethereal Plane
twin poles of creation and destruction. overlaps the planes of the Inner Sphere like a
shallow river between very different shores,
with distorted, hazy visions of neighboring
Material Plane planes visible as if through frosted glass. The
Golarion orbits its yellow star with nearly a Ethereal Plane’s position allows for travel
dozen other worlds in a small, isolated corner between the Inner Planes.
of the Material Plane. It’s here that mortal In places, the boundaries grow thin, because
life lives and loves and wars and dies. While of both natural variation and magical
Golarion, with its great oceans and diverse influence. Caution is urged, however, as
continents, is certainly a cradle of mortal the Ethereal Plane is by no means an empty
life, it’s not alone in this respect among its no-man’s land between antithetical realms.
neighboring spheres.

Legends also tell of stranger things within
Shadow Plane

the ethereal fog: paths to other worlds within

the First World, the Material Plane, or the Isolated on the far side of the Ethereal mists,
Shadow Plane; doorways to the Outer Sphere the Shadow Plane exists as a twisted reflection
constructed eons ago by unknown beings; of the Material Plane. Like a funhouse mirror
and even a hidden pocket-plane, sequestered or a broken, warped pane of glass looking
by the gods as a repository for their unwanted out into a caged menagerie, the Shadow
but beloved mistakes. Plane emulates the Material Plane’s life.
Unfortunately, it only manages to produce
The First World and populate itself with hollow perversions.
Where cities appear on the Material Plane,
Lurking within many of Golarion’s darker
the corresponding region of the Shadow Plane
and more fantastical myths and fairy tales
might hold crumbling ruins or a metropolis
are references to the so-called First World. A
swarming with its own creeping life. Deserts
place untouched by mortal civilization and
on the Material exist on the Shadow as syrupy
possessed of a life all its own. The First World
seas of leaking, wind-blown darkness and
is something more animate and dramatically
oceans as open, bottomless pits in the world
distinct from the warped shadow presented
of their dark reflections. The correlation is
by the Shadow Plane.
imperfect, and distances are grossly skewed
While the Shadow Plane exists as a pale, from one plane to the other, making venturing
mocking reflection of the Material Plane, the there and back a useful, if treacherous,
Material does the same for the First World, method of travel.
for the First World is a vibrant “rough draft”
of reality fashioned in the dim dawn of
the cosmos. Negative Energy Plane
Regardless of its origin, the First World A jealous, hollow twin to the Positive Energy
exists out of phase with the Material Plane, Plane, the Negative Energy Plane cannot
overlapping its boundaries yet existing create. It can only consume and destroy. This
entirely independently of the Ethereal and devouring void forges twisted mockeries
Shadow Planes. Unlike the Shadow Plane, of the Material Plane’s denizens, with the
the First World does not mimic Material cities Shadow Plane as the greatest expression of
and landmarks. this warped emulation.
Magic can provide transportation between Largely sterile and desolate, the Negative
the two planes, but only in places where their Energy Plane is, however, populated by
boundaries already run thin. Areas such as great numbers of undead, especially the more
the wild places untouched by civilization, or powerful and intelligent, as well as stranger
those rare places the fey see fit to mark as insectoid creatures that traverse the realm
theirs, placing mounds, stones, and rings of like strange fish in a night sea.
earth or mushrooms like boundary fences
between the planes.
Within the First World stand ancient
Positive Energy Plane
forests as tall as mountains, living lakes and This realm is spoken of by some as the embers
rivers, traveling faerie courts alternatively of creation’s forge, blown and tended by the
benevolent or sadistic, and landscapes of all gods, or something that existed even prior to
manner separated by rolling, animate banks the deities. The Positive Energy Plane is the
of memory-eating and time-shifting fog. source of vitality and souls themselves.
Ruling over all in this realm are powerful Pretty metaphysics aside, however, the raw
entities known only as the Eldest. It’s from vitality of the plane proves overwhelming
this realm that fey creatures, the dread to mortals and even most immortals,
linnorms, the mysterious gnomes, and yet incinerating their bodies within seconds
stranger beings hail. of unprotected exposure. Because of this
effect, little is known of its interior, save for

barely intelligible fragments learned with
extreme caution from the rarely seen beings Plane of Earth
of luminous energy who call the plane home. A place of solid, eternal rock, the Plane of

The Great Beyond

Earth is riddled by caverns the size of planets,
Plane of Air mineral veins like rivers, and hollow geodes
like pocket crystalline seas. Unlike mundane
The Plane of Air surrounds the Material Plane caves and mineshafts burrowing into the
like an idealized expression of the skies from earth on Material Plane worlds, the Plane
any number of Material worlds. Sparkling of Earth is not a lightless place, though it is
blue vistas mingle with regions of churning possessed of vast blackened reaches.
thunderheads, gently drifting snow, and
Many of its caverns and open places are lit
massive banks of white clouds.
by phosphorescent crystals, miniature stars
Regions of storms grow increasingly crafted and suspended by the magic of the
frequent near the border with the Plane of shaitan genies, and glowing fungus that
Water. It’s not rare to find massive globules feeds off the slow trickle of water from the
of water filled with all manner of marine bordering Plane of Water.
life intruding into its neighboring plane like
Precious stones, valuable ores, and pure
incongruous floating seas.
veins of every metal imaginable riddle the
This plane is scantly populated compared plane’s vast expanses. The plane’s natives
to the other Elemental Planes, with only realize this, and approach their wealth with
a fraction of the non-native populations differing perspectives.
present in the other three, largely due to
the lack of solid ground except for drifting
chunks of ice and the occasional magically Plane of Fire
created platform of stone. The Plane of Fire is a plane of deadly beauty.
Still, the plane is home to the djinn From its border with the Plane of Earth to
(who reside in floating cities of their own the edges of the Astral Plane, it encompasses
creation), air mephits, elementals, and a seas of flame, “snowfall” of burning embers,
surprisingly large population of constantly rivers of molten iron, scorching white skies
warring dragons.

Outer Sphere The Abyss Plane Plane

of of
Heaven Elysium Water Fire



Material Plane

Astral Plane
Positive Energy Plane
The Boneyard
A stral


The Maelstrom


Ethereal Plane
The Abyss

Plane Shadow Plane Plane

of of
Earth Negative Energy Air

Inner Sphere

dotted with ash-filled clouds, and sheets of hospitable of the Elemental Planes when it

flame oscillating with a panoply of colors like comes to populations of adapted non-natives
burning rainbows. and the ease with which mortal visitors can
Outside of the animalistic fire elementals, find survivable conditions. Situated as it
the most recognizable natives are the is between the Plane of Earth and Air, bits
tyrannical efreet. Ruled by their grand of both neighboring planes occasionally
Sultan Hakim Khalid Suleiman XXIII, Lord break away and intrude into the eternal sea.
of Flame and Khan of Magma. They dwell These providing stable ground and pockets
within grandiose palace cities that float of breathable atmosphere, sometimes in
atop the flames on hemispheres of iron and conjunction when they collide.
steel, and — for their imperial capital — on a
hemisphere of gleaming brass. THE OUTER SPHERE
The City of Brass is the plane’s most notable
After stretching for such incredible distances
location. Without the protection of personal
that the Inner Sphere’s light is no longer
might, great wealth, or official status as a
distinct, the silver void of the Astral Plane
trader or diplomat, outsiders are quickly
ends at the edges of the planes that comprise
enslaved by the notorious efreet. For those
the Outer Sphere.
seeking shelter from the plane’s worst
conditions, or wishing to do business or Arranged like a gigantic shell that surrounds
gather information, the City of Brass offers a the Astral Plane and the entire Inner Sphere,
dangerous and often treacherous harbor. the Outer Planes range from heavenly
paradises to infernal hells, domains of
chaos or regimented law, and everything
Plane of Water in between. They are places of wonder and
A vast liquid shell between the Planes of horror, the domains of Golarion’s gods and
Air and Earth, the Plane of Water alternates beings stranger still, each plane existing like
between immense stretches of saline seas and an island within the shifting wilderness of the
freshwater oceans. A world illuminated by chaotic Maelstrom.
filtered light exists near the border with the
Plane of Air, while the regions bordering the
Plane of Earth fall into a perpetual twilight in
the murky depths of silt and mud where the The waste of Abaddon is as the source of the
planes bleed and merge more fully. river Styx and the native plane of a race of
fiends known as the daemons. Dominated
Paramount among the natives of the Plane
by the competing courts of the four godlike
of Water, the marid genies rule a vast but
Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the remainder
fractured empire that extends from the
of the plane is filled by unclaimed wastelands
border with the Plane of Air down to the
and the fiefdoms of many minor lords and
twilit depths touching the Plane of Earth. The
vassals to the Four.
self-demarcated rule of their various clans
ends only with the reach of the light and the Like a land in the bleak aftermath of total
territorial claims of the great brine drakes depopulation by war or plague, the landscape
and krakens. is filled by an unnatural hush. A cold, cloying
black mist shrouds the ground, and the sky
Bordering the marids’ domain, and
overhead feels heavy and rotten, shrouded
largely coexisting peacefully with them,
as it is by the weird perpetual twilight of a
are entire nations of sahuagin who long
solar eclipse.
ago fled their homes on the Material Plane
to become adoptive natives, along with Daemons are one of the youngest of the
smaller kingdoms of tritons, merfolk, water fiendish races, born from the souls of
mephits, and all manner of mundane sea and evil mortals who perished in particularly
freshwater life. gruesome or violent manners. They are
dependent on the existence of mortality, but
Despite the inability of most mortal creatures
they view its existence as a curse. Corruption
to breathe there, the Plane of Water is the most

and domination mean nothing to them, nor sky on the opposite side of the original chasm.
does physical pain and destruction. Everything is local, everything is meaningless,
The daemons of Abaddon instead feast on and pain is part and parcel of the land.

The Great Beyond

mortal souls, existing as personifications of The rifts that open up in the surface of the
the worst ways to die. The Four Horsemen Outer Sphere rarely lead to a layer claimed by
of the Apocalypse rule this race of fiends. one of the various demon lords and queens.
They were the first of daemonkind to appear, Instead they lead to unclaimed territory, and
manifesting as four great scourges designed frequently into regions of the Abyss currently
to bring about the deaths of mortals by the in flux or claimed by multiple fiendish lords.
thousands. The opening rifts change and shift without
Ram-headed Apollyon, the Horseman of rhyme or reason, belching forth marauding
Pestilence, rules the Plaguemere — a vast, armies of demons from their depths or else
continent-sized region of swamps and eerie, desolate silence in the aftermath of
flooded forests. The river Styx feeds the demonic struggles on the other side.
Plaguemere and filters out into the other There are two primary races of fiends
Lower Planes and the Maelstrom before dwelling within the Abyss — the ancient
pooling below Pharasma’s spire—this realm qlippoth and the fecund demons. These two
is ruled by Charon, the Horseman of Death, races act almost as metaphysical bookends to
who represents death from old age. Black
winged but coldly beautiful, Szuriel resides
over the Cinder Furnace as the Horseman
of War. And the Lord of Wasting, jackal-
headed Trelmarixian the Black, rules as the
Horseman of Famine.
Rumor holds that a mysterious fifth
horseman, an archdaemon of vast power,
rules over these four, while others hold that
the Four murdered their one-time leader, on
whose perpetually regenerating flesh they
now dine in a perverse sacrament.

The Abyss
Winding through the Outer Planes are the
bottomless chasms known as the Outer
Rifts — the entrances to the infinite horror
of the Abyss. Unlike a mundane canyon or
volcanic rift on the surface of a Material Plane
world, the gargantuan chasms of the Abyss
are not bound by the normal laws of reality
as most mortals conceive of them.
Once over the yawning lip of a particular
crack in the Outer Sphere, gravity is local,
twisted, or in some cases nonexistent. Each
chasm opens into a different layer of the
Abyss: some dump the unwary into
burning netherworlds or acidic seas with
no visible connection to the chasm just
plunged into, while others might
open into enormous forested
regions with a land of exploding
volcanoes hanging above like a

the races of the Outer Sphere, for the qlippoth Of all the Astral Plane’s visitors, only the

are possibly the oldest of these races, while souls of dead mortals are truly a constant.
demons are without doubt the youngest. Carried along by currents within the silvery
When the Abyss first opened into the Outer haze, these souls group together and swim
Sphere as a result of strange experiments into within the many branches of the vast River
the nature of reality at the hands of protean of Souls. The plane’s natives tend to give
explorers, the qlippoth were already ancient. these spirits a wide berth, though many seem
With the introduction of sinful mortal souls, incapable of perceiving them, potentially
the daemons undertook a fateful experiment— because of some natural law of the Multiverse
by infusing the raw nature of the Abyss with or deific fiat.
these sinful souls, they triggered the creation Beyond this natural protection and the safety
of the first demons. of numbers the souls possess within the river,
As if the Abyss had learned a dreadful it’s not uncommon to see the river shadowed
new trick, the assimilation of chaotic and and watched over by protective natives of
evil mortal souls quickly outpaced the the Outer Planes. These Outer Planes natives
daemons’ ability to control it, and now the might desire the safety of the souls out of
myriad demons are the most populous of benevolence or enlightened self-interest in
all the fiendish races. Greatest among their ultimately receiving those souls due to them,
kind are the demon lords, powerful entities their god, or their plane. Of course, these self-
like Abraxas, Cyth-V’sug, Dagon, Nocticula, appointed guardians frequently come into
and Pazuzu, who possess unique forms and conflict with one another, despite a collective
godlike powers. desire to see the souls reach their appointed
The demon queen Lamashtu exists as a
paragon of her kind by having actually
claimed the mantle of true divinity, Axis
temporarily transcending her jealous kindred
Axis, the plane of rigid perfection and
in their eternal struggles.
unyielding Law, rests at the base of the Great
Spire of Pharasma. Composed of a single,
Astral Plane massive city, Axis sprawls outward toward
its neighboring planes, separated from them
Viewed from its exterior, the whole of the
by the shifting borderlands of the Maelstrom.
Inner Sphere resembles nothing so much
Such is the antipathy of Axis’s denizens
as a great and burning star, clad as it is by
to disorder that more ferocity is given to
the Plane of Fire. Beyond its surface, a great
guarding over those walled borders than to
and vast void surrounds the Inner Sphere,
the waters of the Styx that lap against the base
stretching out to the limits of sight and to
of Pharasma’s spire.
virtually unimaginable distances beyond,
ultimately reaching the edge of the Outer Axis holds idealized versions of houses,
Sphere as the far shores of this gulf. public institutions, barracks, factories, and
temples, while massive spires of crystal and
By no means, however, is this void empty.
stone rise above the skyline, carved with
Like the rushing air of a forge bellows, or theorems and equations: the laws of Axis and
the solar wind of a true star, the flames of thus of reality. There are no shortages of labor
the Plane of Fire whip and churn the Astral or raw goods, no social disorder.
Plane’s metaphysical substance, casting it
The native population possesses a selfless,
out into the void as thin clouds of drifting
almost hivemind mentality. Everything
silver haze. As these winds near the Outer
moves according to the best interests of
Sphere, some of them collide and aggregate,
universal order: the discovery of laws and
solidifying into nascent demiplanes formed
the promotion of the collective will of Axis
and defined by the influence of the portion
for what its natives view as the obvious
of the Outer Sphere they drift toward, or by
betterment of the Great Beyond.
the diffuse mental whispers of the memories
of the dead.

Unlike the similarly ordered planes of explorers, guardians, guides, and even
Heaven and Hell, Axis is not ruled by any soldiers in times of need.
single race. The outer walls are watched over

The Great Beyond

by legions of construct-like inevitables, while
other groups of that race are regularly sent out
to battle the forces of the Maelstrom across Elysium is a plane of good unhindered by
the planes. Their creators, a race known as the law, a land of unrestrained passions and
axiomites, dwell among them. emotions, and a land where the creative spark
Axiomites appear as humanoids of many is coaxed and adored with all the force of a
different races — seeming to correspond benevolent storm. A land of many terrains,
to the original race of the soul that birthed Elysium encompasses a wide variety of
them — but with distinct differences. When climes ranging from thick evergreen forests
they move, axiomites disperse into moving, to jagged mountain ranges and lush — if
hive-like clouds of fine, golden crystalline isolated—river valleys, all presenting a place
dust, resolving into moving patterns of of unplanned, wild beauty.
equations before they finally coalesce back To the unprepared, Elysium might
into their bodily forms. seem harsh and uninviting, with little
of civilization’s trappings, but a deeper
understanding of the plane reveals its true
The Boneyard character. Elysium and its native inhabitants
Every soul passing through the Astral Plane desire two things: selfless cooperation and
migrates toward a great spire rising up from hardy self-sufficiency.
the surface of the Outer Sphere that physically More often felt than seen, the native
reaches into the silvery void, attracting the celestials operate with little regard for order
swirling current of souls like a mundane and structure, constantly moving about and
lightning rod in the center of a storm. eschewing cities or large, formal settlements.
Situated at the top of the spire, the deific Foremost among them are the beautiful
domain of the goddess Pharasma sprawls as a azatas, of which the bralani, ghaele, and
vast necropolis filled with solemn courtyards, lillends are the most common and well known.
graves, monuments, and forums teeming Omnipresent across the plane, they usually
with the souls of the newly deceased awaiting appear as beautiful humanoids, though many
judgment — be it self-imposed or external. also have shape-changing abilities and may
Each vast court bears the motifs and styling of appear as formless balls of colored light or
the plane to which it corresponds, containing localized weather phenomena.
celestial or infernal heralds who await the The exception to this rule of wandering
arriving dead, and gates allowing for souls’ impermanency is the titans. These towering,
egress once their fate is determined. regal humanoids dwell in hidden castles atop
The souls in the Boneyard are each assigned the highest, most isolated peaks, and higher
to their ultimate destination within the Outer still in floating palaces in the clouds. Their
Sphere, be it Heaven, Hell, Elysium, the true history is an open question, and while
Abyss, or any other plane or god’s domain. they are not native to Elysium, and indeed
When the ownership of a soul is in dispute, behave almost as if exiled from another
deific representatives petition them to settle realm, they arrived there eons ago and
their claims, though in the case of souls bound have established some agreement with the
by contract to an archfiend or similar planar celestials of Elysium.
entity, Pharasma plays the determining role.
Far beyond Pharasma’s palace and the
surrounding necropolis, the souls of the
neutral dead are transformed into strange The celestial mountain of Heaven rises high
entities of a dualistic nature—these creatures above the landscape of the Outer Sphere,
are the aeons. They serve Pharasma and the nearly to the heights of Pharasma’s spire,
Boneyard as advisors, arbiters, caretakers, situated as the bulwark of enlightened order
and the redoubt of organized compassion.
Surrounded by glittering walls of glass and

gold, magically tempered to the strength

of iron, its gates are guarded by the native The domain of the god-fiend Asmodeus, the
archons who shepherd arriving souls to the Prince of Darkness, Hell is a constructed
region on the slope that best reflects their plane rather than one claimed fully formed or
character and, when at all possible, reunite coaxed from the wilds of the Maelstrom. Best
them with loved ones or comrades who wait described as multiple planes stacked within
for their arrival. and on one another, Hell is a labyrinth of
Heaven is divided into seven distinct planned and calculated evil in which each gate
regions, with each watched over by a single, swings wide to an even deeper truth revealed
unique archon granted power by a deep to those deemed worthy enough to breach it
spiritual communion with the plane. The or corrupt enough to perceive the path.
regions begin at the outer gates leading It’s here that the nefarious fiends known as
onto Heaven’s slopes and end with the area devils rule. Each layer of Hell is ruled over
surrounding—but not including—the peak. and administered by one of the archdevils,
Though not rulers of the plane’s souls in paragons of their kind and suzerains of the
the strictest sense, these unique archons act god-tyrant. Eight layers are known and feared,
as shepherds to the spirits of dead mortals but the palace of Asmodeus resides beneath
and beloved commanders to the archons. them all, in a ninth layer so dark and deep
The archons are those souls who, on entry that few have seen it and fewer still wish to.
into Heaven, climbed the mountain on their The Iron Wilderness of Avernus is the first
own in response to what they collectively layer of Hell as seen from the borderlands of
describe as a voice calling to them by name, the Maelstrom and the walls of Axis. Here, the
asking them to serve for the common good. archdevil Barbatos rules, the newest addition
Having listened to that voice, they vanished to the caretakers of Hell.
into the heights and then later descended,
The court of Dis supplies a constant stream
transfigured and given a place within the
of soldiers to the layers above and below.
archons’ ranks.
Inside the burning walls of Dispater’s

garrison-cities, the wrathful dead are trained away from the stabilizing anchor of the
and transformed by combat alongside the borderlands, eventually falling back into
most elite souls of the other seven courts. the mutable freedom of perpetual change in

The Great Beyond

The searing sewers of the city of Dis a vast churning sea of possibility called the
compose the third circle of hell — darkened Cerulean Void.
Erebus. Here at the eternal counting house The Maelstrom defies the efforts of
of Mammon, Hell’s material fortunes of mapmakers, as its very character shifts and
conquest are listed, its supplies catalogued, flows like the tide of an unseen ocean, to
and its outbound soldiers equipped. which the borderlands are but shores and
The Burning Legions of Phlegethon refer calm shallows. Crystalline forests melt like
to both a place and a thing. Here, amid the candle wax into shallow brine seas with
clang of hammers and the stench of burning jewel-like icebergs, and then sublimate to vast
flesh, souls are melted down, purified of parched deserts, all within the stretch of days.
weakness and rebellion, and recast into the Still, islands of stability do exist within
forms of devils according to the will of Hell’s the depths of the Maelstrom. Petty gods,
rapacious forgemaster, Belial. exiled fiends, and fallen celestials rule such
Housing temples to the base sins and the islands, and even the rare stronghold of a
libraries of diabolic scholars, Stygia is where mortal wizard or priest-king can be found
the sages of Hell scribe new lies to inflict on here, holding itself against the metaphysical
mortals to lead them astray. Serpents rule lapping tide.
these swamps, and are in turned ruled by Creatures wandering in from the structured
Geryon, one of Hell’s most accomplished planes, long since grown native, populate the
tempters, a creature whose whispers may Maelstrom’s borderlands, often possessing
have spawned more heresies than any other. characteristics and behaviors at odds with
Deeper still lies the layer of Malebolge, a their origins. Deeper still, the mysterious
smoldering forest covered in a constant snow serpentine proteans thrive within an
of white ashes, where the damned are falsely environment of plastic potentiality.
rewarded within Moloch’s palaces of silver Claiming to be the first children of the
and stone. Outer Planes, the proteans worship alien,
In the seventh circle of Hell, Baalzebul, godlike beings they refer to as the Speakers
the Lord of Flies, rules over a realm of of the Depths, whom scholars speculate to be
frozen oceans and razored glaciers known something akin to a pair of conjoined gods or
as Cocytus. a single dualistic entity.
Below these frigid reaches lies Caina, a
realm of iron and steel cages suspended Nirvana
above an almost living darkness. Mortal
Rolling pastoral hills, breathtaking moun­
souls hang from the ramparts and bridges
tains, and lush forests of every clime fill
of Mephistopheles’ domain, at the center of
Nirvana’s idyllic expanse, with the landscape
which rises his vast palace.
encountered by travelers curiously matching
Of the deepest circle of hell, a searing their expectations of a restful, physical
volcanic desolation known as Nessus, very paradise. Beyond appearances, though, lies
little is known beyond the fact that here, in both mystery and majesty.
Hell’s fundament and genesis, rules the
Nirvana’s native celestials are the agathions.
greatest devil of all: Asmodeus, the Prince
Each race of agathion follows the teachings of
of Darkness.
a single, elder member of its kind, collectively
said to be the first mortal souls to reach
The Maelstrom Nirvana, each of whom transcended to
some greater existence. These elders, having
When viewed from the edge of another
witnessed Nirvana’s hidden secrets openly
plane, the Maelstrom’s features appear
in those primal days, willingly returned to
much like that of its adjacent neighbor. The
guide all those who came after them.
differences grow more profound farther
Greater incarnations of good can be found The Dimension of Time: A plane defined by

here as well — angels prepared to martyr speculation and purely hypothetical theory,
themselves on the Material Plane, within the the Dimension of Time’s existence has yet
Maelstrom, and even in the Lower Planes to be solidly confirmed. Untold power and
themselves in the defense of universal horror await those who could access and
benevolence. While most angels dwell on travel this mythical realm.
Nirvana, it’s not uncommon for those more The Immortal Ambulatory: This mobile
closely aligned with law or chaos to be found demiplane appears as a massive globe filled
among the entities of Heaven or Elysium. with drifting stars and floating islands as it
moves from plane to plane. This singular
OTHER PLANES plane is the home of Apsu, god and perhaps
source of all the worlds’ dragons.
The Great Beyond contains far more planes
Leng: If the Dimension of Dream was built
than those mentioned here. Listed below are
by slumbering mortals’ nocturnal musings,
several additional minor planes known to
then Leng arose from their nightmares.
have strong connections to Golarion.
Lodged somewhere between dream and
The Dead Vault: Reputed to be yet another reality, the inhabitants of this malevolent
layer of the metaphysical “onion” that is realm have a disturbing interest in those who
the Great Beyond, the Dead Vault is said to dwell on the Material Plane and often travel
lie within Golarion’s molten core. This is a there in strange ships to gather slaves.
prison realm discovered long ago by the
gods and used to contain one of their great
enemies—the Rough Beast Rovagug.
The Dimension of Dream: Hidden within
the deepest mists of the Ethereal Plane
lies a strange realm known as the
Dimension of Dream, a plane
forged by the slumbering minds
of mortal life, yet existing
on its own beyond
the knowledge of its
unwitting creators.



A rtifacts are extremely powerful. Rather permanently reduces their Vigor one die type
than merely another form of magical the first time they attempt to do so.
equipment, they are the sorts of legendary A book of infinite spells contains 10 pages.
relics that whole campaigns can be based The nature of each page is determined by a
on. Each could be the center of a whole set d6 roll: 1–3 arcane; 4–6 divine. Determine the
of adventures —a quest to recover it, a fight exact spell on each page randomly.
against an opponent wielding it, a mission to Once a page is turned, it can never be
cause its destruction, and so on. flipped back — paging through a book of
Unlike normal magic items, artifacts are infinite spells is a one-way trip. If the book
not easily destroyed. Instead of construction is closed, it always opens to the page it was
information, each artifact includes one on before. When the last page is turned, the
possible means by which it might be book vanishes.
destroyed. Once per day, the owner of the book can cast
Artifacts can never be purchased; they the spell to which the book is opened without
are the stuff of legends. When placing an spending any Power Points. If that power is
artifact in your game, be sure to consider its listed in the character’s Arcane Background,
impact and role. Remember that artifacts are she can cast it up to four times per day.
fickle objects, and if they become too much The pages cannot be ripped out without
of a nuisance, they can easily disappear or destroying the book — the magic is bound
become lost once again. within the very being of the tome.
Each time a spell is cast, the page auto­
MINOR ARTIFACTS matically turns on a d6 roll of 1.

Minor artifacts are not necessarily Weight: 3 lbs.

unique items, but arise through peculiar Destruction: The book of infinite spells can
circumstances and cannot be created by be destroyed when the current page contains
normal means. the dispel power, by casting the spell on the
book itself.
This mysterious work allows anyone to cast
spells directly from its pages, whether they A deck of many things, both beneficial and
have an Arcane Background or not. Those malign, is usually found in a box or leather
who can’t already use powers, however, pouch. Each deck contains a number of cards
or plaques made of ivory or vellum, engraved


The character must change to a different alignment. If she fails to act
Balance Two, spades
according to the new alignment, she suffers Energy Drain (Spirit).
If the character single-handedly defeats the next hostile monster or
Comet Two, diamonds
monsters encountered, she gains an Advancement.
The character is immediately imprisonment—either by a powerful
Donjon Ace, spades spell or by some powerful being (GM’s call). In addition, all gear is
stripped from the victim in any case. Draw no more cards.
The character suffers a permanent curse (e.g. –1 to Soak rolls, GM’s
Euryale Queen, spades
call) that only the Fates card or a deity can remove the curse.
The character may avoid a single event, as the fabric of reality unravels
and respins. This doesn’t enable something to happen, only stop
The Fates Ace, hearts
something from happening or reverse a past occurrence. The reversal is
only for the one who drew the card; others have to endure the event.
Gain an Outsider (GM’s call) as an enemy. The enmity of the outsider
Flames Queen, clubs can’t be ended until one of the parties has been slain. The outsider
ttacks the character (or plagues her life in some way) within d20 days.
Lose the most recent Advance, immediately. Draw again. This card is
Fool Joker, trademark
always discarded when drawn, unlike all others except the Jester.
Gain 25 pieces of jewelry or 50 gems. The jewelry is worth 2,000 gp
Gem Two, hearts
each, and the gems are worth 1,000 gp each.
Idiot Two, clubs Reduce Smarts by one die type. Draw again, if desired.
Gain one Advance OR draw up to two more cards. This card is always
Jester Joker (plain)
discarded when drawn, unlike all others except the Fool.
Gain a magic weapon appropriate for the hero (GM’s call). It suddenly
Key Queen, hearts
appears out of nowhere in the character’s hand.
Gain a loyal ally —a Seasoned fighter (same ancestry as the hero). The
Knight Jack, hearts
fighter appears out of nowhere and serves loyally until death.
Gain 1d4 uses of wish. This card bears the image of a moon with its
phase indicating the number of wishes (full = four; gibbous = three; half
Moon Queen, diamonds
= two; quarter = one). These wishes must be used within a number of
minutes equal to the number received.
One of the character’s friends is totally alienated and made forever
hostile. The GM can choose to substitute some powerful personage (or
Rogue Jack, spades
community, or religious order). The hatred is secret until the time is
ripe for it to be revealed with devastating effect.
Ruin King, spades When drawn, all nonmagical possessions of the drawer are lost.
A wraith appears. The character must fight it alone—if others help,
Skull Jack, clubs they get dread wraiths to fight as well. If the character is slain, she’s
slain forever and cannot be revived, even with wish.
Star Jack, diamonds Gain +2 to all rolls for a Trait he has at least a d4 in already (GM’s call).
Sun King, diamonds Gain one Advance and a strong magical item that’s useful(GM’s call).
When this card is drawn, every magic item owned or possessed by the
Talons Ace, clubs
character is instantly and irrevocably lost, except for the deck.
The character gains +2 to Persuasion rolls. Gain a small stronghold
Throne King, hearts (GM’s call). The stronghold appears in any open area she wishes (but
the decision where to place it must be made within 1 hour).
The character can call on a source of wisdom to solve any single
Vizier Ace, diamonds problem or answer fully any question on her request. The query or
request must be made within one year.
This black card spells instant disaster. The character’s body slips into a
coma, but her psyche is trapped in a prison somewhere—in an object
The Void King, clubs
on a far plane. A wish does not bring the character back, instead merely
revealing the plane of entrapment. Draw no more cards.
with glyphs, characters, and sigils. As soon citizens speak of them as if they are people. In
as a card is drawn from the pack, its magic speaking of a condemned prisoner, someone
is bestowed on the person who drew it, for might say, “He’ll lie with Bloody Jaine before
better or worse. the sun falls.”
A user must announce how many cards she Only a Large or smaller helpless (or
will draw before she activates the item. Cards willing) creature can be executed by a final
must be drawn within one hour of each other, blade. When a final blade scythes down, its
and a character can never draw from the deck supernaturally sharp blade decapitates the

any more cards than she announced. target, killing him immediately.
If she does not willingly draw her allotted A creature slain by this artifact has their
number (or if she’s somehow prevented soul bound to the blade. A final blade has no
from doing so), the cards flip out of the deck limit to the number of souls it can hold. It’s
on their own. If the Idiot or Jester is possible to release a soul from a final blade
drawn, the possessor of the deck to allow that creature to be resurrected,
may elect to draw additional cards but the ritual involved is a closely
(see below). guarded secret known only to the
Each time a card is taken from Gray Gardeners.
the deck, it’s replaced (making it Weight: 1,000 lbs.
possible to draw the same card Destruction: Though the final blades are
twice) unless the draw is the Jester minor artifacts, they can be destroyed
or the Fool, in which case the card by damage. They all have
is discarded from the pack. Hardness 20. When one
A deck of many things contains is destroyed, the trapped
22 cards (you can use real tarot souls explode in a wave of
cards if you like, as indicated necromantic power — some
in the second column of the of these souls manifest as
table below). If no tarot deck incorporeal undead and
is available, substitute ordinary immediately attack all
playing cards instead (indicated living creatures in sight.
in the third column) and redraw The number and
as needed. nature of these angry
The effects of each card are described on souls varies.
the table.
Weight: —.
Destruction: The deck of many things can This rare substance appears to be an ordinary,
be destroyed by losing it in a wager with a piece of sooty, blackish rock. If the stone is
deity of law. The deity must be unaware of broken open (Hardness 14) however, a cavity
the nature of the deck. is revealed at the stone’s heart. The cavity
is lined with a magical type of quicksilver
that enables anyone with at least a d6 in
FINAL BLADES Academics to transmute base metals (iron
The guillotines known as the final blades and lead) into silver and gold. A single
have become symbols of Galt and the bloody philosopher’s stone can turn up to 5,000
excesses of the Red Revolution, yet the first pounds of iron into silver (worth 25,000 gp),
of these horrific devices were actually built or up to 1,000 pounds of lead into gold (worth
to serve the cause of justice. 50,000 gp). The quicksilver becomes unstable
The final blades were originally designed once the stone is opened and loses its potency
to provide a condemned prisoner a swift within 24 hours, so all transmutations must
and painless death, but also to prevent the take place within that period.
resurrection of said victim by trapping her The quicksilver found in the center of the
soul within the guillotine’s blade on execution. stone may also be put to another use. If mixed
Every blade has a unique appearance and with any healing potion while the substance

is still potent, it creates a special oil of life takes 2d6 × 1 0 points of damage. Dispel

that acts as resurrection for any dead body it’s magic and mage’s disjunction have no effect
sprinkled on. on a sphere.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Destruction: The philosopher’s stone can be STAFF OF THE MAGI
destroyed by being placed in the heel of a A long wooden staff, shod in iron and
titan’s boot for at least 1 entire week. inscribed with sigils and runes of all types,
this potent artifact contains many spell
SPHERE OF ANNIHILATION powers (using Smarts or Spellcasting) and
other functions. Unlike a normal staff, a staff
A sphere of annihilation is a globe of absolute
of the magi holds 50 charges and cannot be
blackness two feet in diameter. Any matter
recharged normally. Some of its powers use
that comes in contact with a sphere is instantly
charges while others don’t. A staff of the
sucked into the void and utterly destroyed.
magi does not lose its powers if it runs out
Only the direct intervention of a deity can
of charges.
restore an annihilated character.
The following powers don’t use charges:
A sphere of annihilation is static, resting
in a spot as if it were a normal hole. It can • Detect Arcana
be caused to move, however, by mental • Light
effort (a mundane form of telekinesis). A The following powers drain 1 charge per
character’s ability to gain control of a sphere usage:
of annihilation (or to keep controlling one) • Dispel
is based on a Spirit roll at −4 (an action). If • Blast with AP 4 (fireball)
the successful, the character can move the • Blast with Lingering Damage (ice storm)
sphere (perhaps to bring it into contact with • Bolt with Damage (lightning bolt)
an enemy) as a limited free action. • Invisibility
Control of a sphere can be established • Barrier with Damage (6” long (26 foot) wall
from up to 6” (12 yards) away. Once control of fire)
is established, it must be maintained by • Protection
continuing to make control checks each These powers drain 2 charges per usage:
round. For as long as a character maintains
• Growth (The target gains +3 Size)
control in subsequent rounds, he can control
• Planar travel
the sphere from a distance of 10”. The sphere
• Summon ally (sentinel)
is Pace 3 (4 with a raise on the Spirit roll).
• Telekinesis
If a control check fails, the sphere slides
Additional Abilities: A staff of the magi
2” (12 feet) in the direction of the character
gives the wielder the Arcane Resistance
attempting to move it. If two or more creatures
Edge. The staff can also be used to absorb
vie for control of a sphere of annihilation, the
arcane spell energy directed at its wielder,
rolls are opposed. If none are successful, the
as a rod of absorption does. Unlike the rod,
sphere slips toward the one who rolled lowest.
this staff converts Power Points into charges
See also talisman of the sphere. rather than retaining them. If the staff absorbs
Weight: —. enough Power Points to exceed its limit of 50
Destruction: Should a gate spell be cast on a charges, it explodes as if a retributive strike
sphere of annihilation, there’s a 50% chance had been performed (see below). The wielder
(01–50 on d%) the spell destroys it, a 35% has no idea how many Power Points are cast
chance (51–85) the spell does nothing, and at her, for the staff does not communicate this
a 15% chance (86–100) a gap is torn in the knowledge as a rod of absorption does. (Thus,
spatial fabric, catapulting everything within a absorbing spells can be risky).
180-foot radius into another plane. If a rod of Retributive Strike: A staff of the magi can
cancellation touches a sphere of annihilation, be broken as an intentional and retributive
they negate each other in a tremendous strike. This takes an action but no roll is
explosion. Everything within a 60-foot radius

necessary. All charges currently in the staff When held by an arcane spellcaster
are instantly released in a 6” (12 yard) spread. concentrating on controlling a sphere of
Every being in a Large Blast Template annihilation, a talisman of the sphere grants
takes Xd6 damage, where X is the number of the wearer +4 to their Spirit roll.
charges left in the staff. This can be Evaded, If the wielder of a talisman establishes
but those who evade still take half damage. control, he only needs to check for control
The character breaking the staff rolls a d6. every other round thereafter. If control is
On a 4 + , he’s safely shunted to another plane not established, the sphere moves toward

of existence (and must then find his own way him. Note that while many spells and effects
back). On a 1–3, the staff’s incredible energy of cancellation have no effect on a sphere of
disintegrates him. annihilation, the talisman’s power of control
can be suppressed or canceled.
Weight: 5 lbs.
Destruction: A staff of the magi can be broken Weight: 1 lb.
for a retributive strike. Such an act must be Destruction: A talisman of the sphere can
purposeful and declared by the wielder. only be destroyed by throwing the item into
a sphere of annihilation.
A good, divine spellcaster (someone who
uses Faith as their arcane skill) who possesses An evil divine spellcaster (someone who uses
this item can cause a flaming crack to open at Faith as their arcane skill) who possesses this
the feet of an evil divine spellcaster who is item can cause a flaming crack to open at the
up to 100 feet away. The intended victim is feet of a good divine spellcaster up to 100
swallowed up forever and sent hurtling to the feet away. The intended victim is swallowed
center of the earth. up forever and sent hurtling to the center of
the earth.
The wielder of the talisman must be good,
and if he’s not exceptionally pure in thought The wielder of the talisman must be evil, and
and deed, the evil character gains an Evasion if she’s not exceptionally foul and perverse in
check to leap away from the crack. The target the sights of her evil deity, the good character
must be standing on solid ground for this may make an Evasion roll to leap from harm’s
item to function. way. The target must be standing on solid
ground for this item to function.
A talisman of pure good has six charges.
If a neutral divine spellcaster touches one A talisman of ultimate evil has six charges. If a
of these stones, he takes 3d6 damage per neutral divine spellcaster touches one of these
round of contact. If an evil divine spellcaster stones, she takes 4d6 damage every round of
touches one, he takes 6d6 damage per round contact. If a good divine spellcaster touches one,
of contact. All other characters are unaffected she takes 6d6 damage per round of contact. All
by the device. other characters are unaffected by the device.

Weight: —. Weight: —.
Destruction: The talisman of pure good can Destruction: If a talisman of ultimate evil is
be destroyed by placing it in the mouth of a given to the newborn child of a redeemed
holy man who died while committing a truly villain, it instantly crumbles to dust.
heinous act of his own free will.
Major artifacts are unique items — only one
This small adamantine loop and handle is of each such item exists. These are the most
typically fitted with a fine adamantine chain potent of magic items, capable of altering
so that it can be worn about as a necklace. A the balance of a campaign. Unlike all other
talisman of the sphere is worse than useless magic items, major artifacts are not easily
to those unable to cast arcane spells — such destroyed. Each should have only a single,
individuals take 3d6 damage merely from specific means of destruction.
picking up and holding a talisman of this sort.

This is a dwarven waraxe (Str+d6 + 1 , AP D4 EFFECT

3, Accurate, Damaging, Throwing, Bane Natural Fury: An intense storm and violent
(goblin), Keen). Any dwarf who holds it earthquake erupts around the reader for
doubles the range of his or her darkvision. one minute (This could cause a Dramatic
Task, GM’s call).
Any nondwarf who grasps the Axe subtracts
2 from their Persuasion rolls while the axe is Fiendish Vengeance: A gate opens and
1d3 + 1 balors, pit fiends, or similar evil
held. The wielder of the axe can summon an 2
outsiders step through and attempt to
elder earth elemental to aid him (Duration 20 destroy the owner of the codex.
rounds) once per week. Ultimate Imprisonment: The reader’s soul
Weight: 12 lbs. is captured in a random gem somewhere on
the plane while his or her body is entombed
Destruction: The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords beneath the earth.
rusts away to nothing if it’s ever used by a
goblin to behead a dwarven king. Death: The reader utters a wail of the
banshee and is then subject to the effects of
4 having opened the codex for the first time.
CODEX OF THE INFINITE PLANES This repeats every round for 10 rounds
until the reader is dead.
The codex is enormous — supposedly, it
requires two strong men to lift it. No matter Weight: 300 lb.
how many pages are turned, another always Destruction: The Codex of the Infinite Planes
remains. Anyone opening the codex for the is destroyed if one page is torn out and left
first time takes 10d6 damage (Evade for on each plane in existence. Note that tearing
half damage) and is utterly annihilated if out a page immediately triggers a catastrophe.
Incapacitated. Those who survive can peruse
its pages and learn its powers, though not
without risk.
Each of these fabled orbs contains the
Each day spent studying the codex allows
essence and personality of an ancient dragon
the reader to make an Occult roll at −4 to learn
of a different variety (one for each of the
one of its powers (choose the power learned
major ten different chromatic and metallic
randomly; add a +1 bonus on the roll per
dragons). The bearer of an orb can, as an
additional day spent reading until a power
action, dominate dragons of its particular
is learned). However, each day of study also
variety within 600 feet (as puppet). The dragon
forces the reader to make a Spirit roll (−1 per
subtracts 4 from its Spirit rolls to resist.
day of study) to avoid being driven insane
(the effect is chosen by the GM but should Arcane Resistance is not useful against this
be severe). effect. Each Orb of Dragonkind bestows the
Armor bonus listed in the Special Abilities
The powers of the Codex of the Infinite
section of the dragon within. This value
Planes are as follows: Banish, blast (elemental
replaces whatever value the character would
eruption), intangibility, mind wipe, teleport
otherwise have, whether they are better or
with the Gate modifier, summon ally (the ally
worse, and cannot be modified by any means
is from another plane), planar binding, and
short of ridding the character of the orb.
planar travel. Using any of these powers is a
limited free action when used by the owner A character possessing an Orb of Dragonkind
of the codex (assuming he or she has learned is immune to the breath weapon — but
how to access the power). only the breath weapon — of the dragon
variety keyed to the orb. Finally, a character
Activating a power requires a Spellcasting
possessing an Orb can herself use the breath
roll at −2. Failing the roll is a Catastrophe —
weapon of the dragon in the Orb three
roll on the table below.
times per day.
All Orbs of Dragonkind can be used to
communicate verbally and visually with
the possessors of the other orbs. The owner

of an orb knows if there are dragons within THE SHADOWSTAFF
10 miles at all times. For dragons of the
orb’s particular variety, the range is 100 This artifact was crafted ages ago, weaving
miles. If within one mile of a dragon of the together wispy strands of shadow into a
orb’s variety, the wielder can determine the twisted black staff. The Shadowstaff makes
dragon’s exact location and age. the wielder slightly shadowy and incorporeal,
granting him a +2 bonus to Toughness and
The bearer of one of these orbs earns the Evasion rolls. However, in bright light (such
enmity of dragonkind forever for profiting

as that of the sun, but not a torch) or in
by draconic enslavement, even if she later absolute darkness, the wielder suffers a −2
loses the item. Each orb also has an individual penalty on all Trait rolls.
power that can be invoked once per round.
The Shadowstaff also has these powers.
„ BLACK DRAGON ORB: Major fly.
„ SUMMON SHADOWS: Three times per day
„ BLUE DRAGON ORB: Major speed with
the staff may summon three shadows (see
Quickness power modifier. the Bestiary). They appear within Smarts
„ BRASS DRAGON ORB: Major teleport with Range and loyally serve the wielder unto
the Greater Teleport power modifier. their death.
„ BRONZE DRAGON ORB: Minor scrying. „ SUMMON NIGHTSHADE: Once per month,
„ COPPER DRAGON ORB: Major puppet. the staff can summon an shadow of
„ GOLD DRAGON ORB: The owner of the gold greater power, that serves the wielder until
Orb can call on any power possessed by destroyed (the GM chooses what Advances
one of the other orbs—including the puppet or abilities this powerful creature has).
and breath weapon abilities but the Armor „ SHADOW FORM: Three times per day the
bonus or breath weapon immunity. She wielder can become a living shadow. He’s
can only use an individual power once per effected by major intangibility.
day. She can cast puppet (using Smarts or „ SHADOW BOLT: Three times per day the
Spellcasting) on any other possessor of an staff can cast bolt with the Damage power
orb within one mile. modifier (cold damage; uses Smarts or
„ GREEN DRAGON ORB: The owner can suffer Spellcasting).
1 Fatigue to create a spectral hand. He can Weight: 1 lb.
move this intangible hand at Pace 10 and Destruction: The Shadowstaff fades away to
can cast spell with a range of touch through nothingness if it’s exposed to true sunlight for
it. The owner can touch the spectral hand to a continuous 24 hour period.
absorb it, recovering 1 Fatigue. The spectral
hand is destroyed if targeted with dispel,
forcing the owner to create a new one.
„ RED DRAGON ORB: Minor barrier with the
Damage power modifier (Wall of fire).
„ SILVER DRAGON ORB: Major healing.

„ WHITE DRAGON ORB: Major environmental

protection (cold only).
Weight: 5 lbs.
Destruction: An orb of dragonkind imme­
diately shatters if it’s caught in the breath
weapon of a dragon who is a blood relative
of the dragon trapped within. This causes
everyone within 15” (90 feet) to be struck by
the breath weapon of that dragon, released as
the orb explodes.


Abadar 91 Deskari 107 Katapesh 32 Pharasma 97
Abaddon 114 Desna 93 Korada 109 Philosopher’s Stone 123
Abraxas 106 Dimension of Dream 120 Kostchtchie 107 Plane of Air 113
Absalom 21 Dimension of Time 120 Kurgess 103 Plane of Earth 113
Abyss 115 Dispater 105 Kyonin 33 Plane of Fire 113
Achaekek 101 Droskar 102 Lake Encarthan 13 Plane of Water 114
Adventure Generator 53 Druma 26 Lake of Mists and Veils 13 Positive Energy Plane 112
Age of Eagle Knights 69 Lamashtu 96 Qadira 42
Anguish 15 Edges, Prestige 84 Lands of the Linnorm Ragadahn the Water
Creation 14 Harrower 84 Kings 34 Lord 109
Darkness 15 Hellknight 85 The Lantern King 108 Ragathiel 109
Destiny 16 Red Mantis 86 Lastwall 34 Rahadoum 43
Enthronement 16 Eldest 108 Leng 120 Razmiran 44
Legend 14 The Eldritch Order of the Lion Blades 81 Realm of the Mammoth
Lost Omens 19 Palatine Eye 80 The Lost Prince 109 Lords 35
Serpents 14 Elysium 117 The Maelstrom 119 Red Mantis 77
Aldinach 108 Empyreal Lords 109 Magdh 109 Religion 89
Andirifkhu 108 Encounter Descriptions 60 Magic Items 88 Riftwardens 81
Andoletta 109 Erastil 93 Mammon 105 River Kingdoms 44
Andoran 22 Ethereal Plane 111 Mana Wastes 36 Rovagug 98
Angazhan 106 Eye of Abendego 12 Mask of the Mantis 88 Sarenrae 98
Apollyon 109 Factions 65 Material Plane 111 Sargava 45
Apsu 101 Fang Monistary 72 Mazmezz 108
Sczarni 81
Arcadian Ocean 12 Final Blades 123 Mediogalti Island 36
The Shackles 46
Archdevils 105 The First World 112 Mendev 37
Shadow Plane 112
Areshkagal 108 Five Kings Mountains 27 Mephistopheles 105
The Shadowstaff 127
Armor 87 Flauros 108 Mestama 108
Shax 107
Arshea 109 Free Captains 80 Milani 103
Shelyn 99
Artifacts 121 Galt 28 Moloch 105
Shivaska 108
Major 125 Geb 29 Molthune 37
Shyka the Many 109
Minor 121 Geryon 105 Mwangi Expanse 38
Sifkesh 108
Asmodeus 91 Ghlaunder 102 Negative Energy Plane 112
Sinashakti 109
Aspis Consortium 66 Gogunta 107 Nethys 96
Sivanah 104
Astral Plane 116 Gorum 94 Nex 39
Socothbenoth 108
Axe of the Dwarvish Gozreh 94 Ng the Hooded 109
The Sodden Lands 46
Lords 126 The Green Mother 108 Nidal 39
Sphere of Annihilation 124
Axis 116 Groetus 102 Nirmathas 40
Staff of the Magi 124
Baalzebul 105 Gyronna 103 Nirvana 119
Steaming Sea 13, 47
Baphomet 106 Haagenti 108 Nocticula 107
Barbatos 105 Hanspur 103 Norgorber 97 Szuriel 109
Belial 105 The Harbingers 80 Norns 81 Taldor 48
Besmara 102 Heaven 117 Numeria 41 Talisman of Pure Good 125
Blackfire Adepts 80 Hell 118 Nurgal 108 Talisman of the Sphere 125
Bloatmages 80 Hellknights 74 Obari Ocean 13 Talisman of Ultimate Evil 125
The Boneyard 117 Hold of Belkzen 22 Orb of Dragonkind 126 Thuvia 49
Book of Infinite Spells 121 Horsemen 109 Orcus 107 Torag 99
Brevoy 23 Imbrex, the Twins 108 Osirion 41 Trelmarixian 109
Calistria 92 Immortal Ambulatory 120 Other Planes 120 Unguent of Revivification 88
Cayden Cailean 92 Inner Sea 13 The Outer Sphere 114 Urgathoa 100
Charon 109 Inner Sea Region 12 Pathfinder Society 6 Urxehl 108
Cheliax 24 History 13 Three Branches 8 Ustalav 49
Codex of the Infinite Timeline 14 The Scrolls 8 Valani 109
Planes 126 Waterways 12 The Spells 9 Varisia 50
The Coils of Ydersius 80 The Inner Sphere 111 The Swords 9 Wayfinder 88
Count Ranalc 108 Iomedae 95 Goals 10 Weapons 87
Cyth-V’sug 106 Irori 95 Public Perception 10 The Worldwound 51
Dagon 106 Irrisen 30 Ranks 7 Xoveron 108
Dahak 102 Isger 30 The Decemvirate 8 Yhidothrus 108
The Darklands 25 Jalmeray 31 Field Operatives 7 Zevgavizeb 108
Deck of Many Things 121 Jezelda 108 Venture-Captains 8 Zon–Kuthon 100
Deities 89 Jubilex 108 Structure and Leadership 6 Zura 108
Demon Lords 105 Kabriri 108 Pazuzu 107 Zyphus 104

This page inserted for easier double-sided printing.

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