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Draft Vocabulary

Use a pencil unit 14

Rate /reɪt/: (noun) the speed at which something happens or changes, or the amount or number
of times it happens or changes in a particular period.
Synonyms: proportion, degree, scale, quota, valuation, cost per unit.
Translate: tasa, índice, tarifa, precio, ritmo, velocidad, clasificar, evaluar.

Suitable /ˈsuː.t̬ə.bəl/: (adjective) acceptable or right for someone or something. Being right or
correct for a particular situation or person.
Synonyms: fitting, proper, ready, and convenient.
Translate: apropiado, apto, adecuado, compatible.

Weak /wiːk/: (adjective) not physically strong. Not strong in character, so that you are not able to
make decisions or to persuade or lead other people.
Synonyms: delicate, puny, debilitated, soft, low.
Translate: débil, pusilánime.

Fill /fɪl/: (verb) to make or become fuller or full; to use empty space, to employ someone to do a
job, to do a job, to provide something such as a product or service that someone wants or needs.
Synonyms: enough, satiety, stuff, load, take up.
Translate: llenar, rellenar, surtir, completar, saciar, saciedad.

Task /tæsk/: (noun) a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with
Synonyms: assignment, chore, stint, duty, business, charge.
Translate: tarea, deber, trabajo.

Over /ˈoʊ.vɚ/: (preposition) above or higher than something else, sometimes so that one thing
covers the other; above, in a position that is covering something, across from one side to the
other, especially by going up and then down, more than, increasing to further than a particular
limit or point.
Translate: por encima de, sobre.

Narrow /ˈner.oʊ/: (adjective) having a small distance from one side to the other, especially in
comparison with the length, mainly disapproving limited to a small area of interest, activity, or
Synonyms: close, cramped, slender, slim, prejudiced.
Translate: angosto, estrecho, corto, reducido, limitado.

Slip /slɪp/: (verb) to slide suddenly and without intending to, to move easily and quietly so you are
not noticed, or to move something easily into position.
Synonyms: lapse, skid, misdeed, slide, stumble.
Translate: escurrirse, resbalarse, patinar, combinación.
Range /reɪndʒ/: (noun) a set of similar things, the level to which something is limited, or the area
within which something operates, Range is also the period of time within which something
happens, or the distance something travel.
Synonyms: limit, reach, span, expanse, scale, variety, progression.
Translate: oscilar, gama, rango, cordillera, cadena, alcance, cobertura.

Sheet /ʃit/: (noun) a large rectangular piece of cloth used to cover a bed, or a rectangular piece of
any material, such as paper, glass, or metal, a sheet is also a thin layer of something.
Synonyms: covering, bed linen, cloth, duvet cover, foil, leaf.

Pity /ˈpɪt̬.i/: (noun) a feeling of sadness or sympathy for someone else's unhappiness or difficult
situation, (verb) to feel sadness or sympathy for someone's unhappiness or bad situation.
Synonyms: sympathy, compassion, commiseration, mercy, kindness, mischance.
Translate: pena, compadecer a, lastima, compasión.

Wax /wæks/: (noun) a solid substance containing a lot of fat that becomes soft and melts when
warm, the soft, yellowish substance inside your ears.
Synonyms: glaze, gloss, luster, sparkle, increase, smooth, shine, spread.
Translate: cera, crecer, encerar, expandirse, depilarse.

It’s on the noticeboard unit 15

Arrangement /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/: (noun) a plan for how something will happen, an agreement
between two people or groups about how something happens or will happen.
Synonyms: classification, organization, putting in order, group, list, composition.
Translate: disposición, arreglo, adorno, acuerdo, planes, and organización.

Plumbing /ˈplʌm·ɪŋ/: (noun) the system of pipes and other devices that carry water in a building.
Synonyms: pipes, water pipes, sewage pipes, drains, lavatory.
Translate: fontaneria, plomeria, tuberias.

Heater /ˈhiː.t̬ɚ/: (noun) a device that produces heat, a device that heats esp. water or an enclosed
Synonyms: oil heater, gas heater, electric heater.
Translate: calefactor, radiador, caldera, calentador.

Envelope /ˈɑːn.və.loʊp/: (noun) a flat, usually square or rectangular, paper container for a letter, a
flat, usually square or rectangular, plastic container used for keeping papers in.
Synonyms: receptacle, mailer, cover, bag, container, case, holder.
Translate: sobre, capa, cubierta, envoltura, curva.

Cartridges /ˈkɑːr.trɪdʒ/: (noun) a small part with a particular purpose that can be easily replaced
with another similar part, used in a larger piece of equipment, a small tube containing an explosive
substance and a bullet for use in a gun.
Translate: cartucho.
Mug /mʌɡ/: (noun) a large cup with straight sides used for hot drinks.
Synonyms: vessel, stein, cup, face.
Translate: taza, tazon.

Amount /əˈmaʊnt/: (noun) a collection or mass, especially of something that cannot be counted,
the degree to which something is a lot or a little; how much something is.
Synonyms: sum, product, totality, cost, expense, price, volume, mass, value, result.
Translate: cantidad, importe, monto, suma total.

Scrap /skræp/: (noun) to not continue with a system or plan, to get rid of something that is no
longer useful or wanted, often using its parts in new ways, to get rid of something no longer useful
or wanted.
Synonyms: waste material, chips, cuttings, detritus, discards, fragment, piece.
Translate: trozo, fragmento, sobras, restos, chatarra, pelea, disputa.

Instead /ɪnˈsted/: (adverb) in place of someone or something else, rather than; as an alternative.
Synonyms: as an alternative, in preference, rather.
Translate: en lugar de, mejor.

Rather /ˈræð.ɚ/: (adverb) quite; to a slight degree, more accurately; more exactly, used to express
an opposite opinion.
Synonyms: certainly, indeed, naturally, fairly, somewhat, slightly, very, something, sooner,
Translate: bastante, preferir, mas, mas bien, por supuesto.

Bin /bɪn/: (noun) a container for waste, a large container used for storing things, to throw
something away.
Synonyms: box, hopper, crib, garbage can, trash can, dumpster, container.
Translate: contenedor, cubo de la basura, tirar.

Nasty /ˈnæs.ti/: (adjective) bad or very unpleasant, mean, unpleasant, or offensive.

Synonyms: foul, gross, offensive, rank, immoral, shameful, wicked, cruel.
Translate: canalla, desagradable, despreciable, molesto, repugnante, asqueroso, terrible, feo,

Alter /ˈɑːl.tɚ/: (verb) to change something, usually slightly, or to cause the characteristics of
something to change.
Synonyms: modify, adjust, remodel, tweak, develop, decay, evolve, transform, adapt, diverge.
Translate: ser cambiado, cambiar, ajustar.

Further /ˈfɝː.ðɚ/: (adverb) comparative of far: to a greater distance or degree, or at a more

advanced level, farther at a greater distance.
Synonyms: farther, at a greater distance, additional, extra, advance, promote, parent.
Translate: mas extensor, mas, extra, mas lejano, impulsar, promover, mas a fondo, además.

Ballgown /ˈbɑːl.ɡaʊn/: (noun) a formal dress that is often made from an expensive material and
usually has a long skirt.
Synonyms: bandage dress.
Translate: vestido de fiesta, vestido de gala, vestido de noche.

Removals /rɪˈmuː.vəl/: (noun) the act of taking something or someone away from somewhere or
something, the process of removing or getting rid of something, often something that is
considered to be harmful.
Synonyms: dismissal, discharge, eradication, relocation.
Translate: de mudanza, de traslado, extraccion, extirpacion, quitar.

Rubbish /ˈrʌb.ɪʃ/: (noun) garbage, trash waste material or things that are no longer wanted or
needed, something that you think is very low quality or not true, (verb) to criticize something.
Synonyms: litter, debris, waste, dross, drivel, bullshit.
Translate: basura, bote de basura, poerqueria.

Clearance /ˈklɪr.əns/: (noun) the process of removing waste or things you do not want from a
place, an occasion when people are forced to move away from the area where they live
permanently. Official permission for something or the state of having satisfied the official
conditions of something.
Synonyms: withdrawal, removing, ejection, approval, authorization, allowance, leeway.
Translate: altura, espacio libre, liquidacion, autorización, permiso, acceso.

Enquire /ɪnˈkwaɪr/: (verb) to inquire.

Synonyms: ask, query.
Translate: preguntar, inquirir.

Rear /rɪr/: (noun) at the back of something, (noun) the back part of something, (verb) to care for
young animals or children until they are able to care for themselves.
Synonyms: rump, arse, back seat, glutes, behind.
Translate: atras, trasero, parte posterior, parte trasera, criar, educar, retaguardia.

Branch /bræntʃ/: (noun) a part of something larger, one of the offices or groups that form part of a
large business organization.
Synonyms: outpost, member, tributary, chapter, arm, category, ramification, dependency.
Translate: rama, filial, sucursal, ramificacion, cornamenta.

Refreshment /rɪˈfreʃ.mənt/: (noun) (small amounts of) food and drink.

Synonyms: snack, light meal, treat, drink, food, bite, grub, picnic.
Translate: refrigerio, sentimiento reanimador.

Stall /stɑːl/: (noun) a large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a
public place, a small closed area within a farm building in which there is space for one animal to be
Synonyms: Stop working, break down.

Fitted /ˈfɪt̬.ɪd/: (adjective) made to fit the shape of someone or something.

Synonyms: adapted, apt, customized, appropriate.
Translate: ajustado, entallado, de pared a pared, adjustable, elastico, a medida.
Shed /ʃed/: (noun) a small building, usually made of wood, used for storing things, a large, simple
building used for a particular purpose.
Synonyms: shelter, outbuilding, hut, barn, outhouse, drop, slough, scatter.
Translate: cobertizo, caseta, mudar, hangar, establo, boyera, perder, repeler.

Broadband /ˈbrɑːd.bænd/: (noun) a system that makes it possible for many messages or large
amounts of information to be sent at the same time and very quickly between computers or other
electronic devices, a fast internet connection that does not use telephone lines.
Translate: banda ancha.

I’m working night’s units 16

Chambermaid /ˈtʃeɪm.bɚ.meɪd/: (noun) a woman employed in a hotel to clean and tidy bedrooms.
Translate: sirvienta, criada, mucama, camarera.

Involve /ɪnˈvɑːlv/: (verb) if an activity, situation, etc. involves something, that thing is a part of the
activity, etc. to include someone in something, or to make them take part in or feel part of it.
Synonyms: include, draw into, entangle, include, and affect, concern.
Translate: suponer, significar, implicar, involucrar.

Closely /ˈkloʊ (adverb) in a way that is directly connected or has a strong relationship,
carefully and paying attention to details.
Synonyms: similarly, exactly, strictly, nearly.
Translate: de cerca, cercano, atentamente, detenidamente, cuidadosamente, a fondo.

Duty /ˈduː.t̬i/: (noun) something that you have to do because it is part of your job, or something
that you feel is the right thing to do, a responsibility to do something because it is legally or
morally right to do it.
Synonyms: obligation, conscience, liability, charge, function, service, routine.
Translate: deber, obligacion, labor, function, impuesto.

Deal /diːl/: (noun) an agreement or an arrangement, especially in business.

Synonyms: settlement, compromise, agreement, bargain, pledge.
Translate: acuerdo, trato, transaccion, ganga.

Solely /ˈsoʊ (adverb) only and not involving anyone or anything else.
Synonyms: singly, only, exclusively, completely, totally.
Translate: unico, solamente, unicamente, solo, exclusivamente.

Foyer /ˈfɔɪ.ɚ/: (noun) a large open area just inside the entrance of a public building such as a
theatre or a hotel, where people can wait and meet each other.
Synonyms: hall, lobby, entrance.
Translate: vestibulo, recibidor.

Query /ˈkwɪr.i/: (noun) a question, often expressing doubt about something or looking for an
answer from an authority.
Synonyms: question, inquiry, doubt, request, feeler.
Translate: interrogar, inquirir, preguntar, indagar.
Paths /pæθ/: (noun) a route or track between one place and another, or the direction in which
something is moving.
Synonyms: trail, way, track, crosscut, footway, route, walkway, circuit.
Translate: vereda, camino, ruta, trayectoria,

Lounge /laʊndʒ/: (noun) a room in a hotel, airport, theatre, etc. where people can relax or wait, to
stand or sit in a relaxed way.
Synonyms: couch, divan, public room, hotel lobby.

Stock /stɑːk/: (noun) a supply of something for use or sale, if a shop or factory stocks something, it
keeps a supply of it.
Synonyms: trite, common, produce, routine.
Translate: acciones, existencias, suministro.

Log /lɑːɡ/: (noun) a thick piece of tree trunk or branch, especially one cut for burning on a fire, an
official record of something.
Synonyms: bole, timber, trunk, account, diary.
Translate: tronco, diario de vuelo, registro, talar.

Tray /treɪ/: (noun) a flat object, usually with raised edges, used for carrying food and drinks.
Synonyms: platter, plate, service, trencher, dish.
Translate: bandeja, charola.

What a pro knows, playing to win

Deaf /def/: (noun) unable to hear, either completely or partly.

Synonyms: hard of hearing, unaware, stubborn, blind.
Translate: sordo.

Tease /tiːz/: (verb) to laugh at someone or say unkind things about them, either because you are
joking or because you want to upset that person.
Synonyms: taunt, annoy, irritate, pull, irk.
Translate: burlar a, cargar a, molestar a, fastidiar a.

Willing /ˈwɪl.ɪŋ/: (adjective) not opposed to doing something; ready or eager to do something.
Synonyms: energetic, reliable, obedient, active, agreeable, ready, feeling, voluntary.
Translate: dispuesto a, estar dispuesto.

Strive /straɪv/: (verb) to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially
for a long time or against difficulties,
Synonyms: endeavor, attempt, try, struggle, against, contend.
Translate: esforzarse, luchar.
Rosa refuses

Folk /foʊk/: (noun) people, esp. those of a particular group or type.

Synonyms: nation, race, tribe, the masses, people.
Translate: gente, familias.

Dime /daɪm/: (noun) an American or Canadian coin that has the value of ten cents.
Synonyms: ten-cent piece, thin one, money.
Translate: moneda de diez centavos.

Fare /fer/: (noun) the money that you pay for a journey in a vehicle such as a bus or train.
Synonyms: passage.
Translate: precio del pasaje, tarifa.

Slight /slaɪt/: (adjective) small in amount or degree, (verb) to insult someone by ignoring them or
treating them as if they are not important.
Synonyms: insignificant, irrelevant, unimportant, limited.
Translate: poco, escaso, ligero, leve, Delgado, flaco, menudo, desprecio.

Charge /tʃɑːrdʒ/: (verb) to ask an amount of money for something, especially a service or activity.
Synonyms: entry, debit, credit, sale, cost, assessment, amount.
Translate: cobrar, pedir, facturar, recargar, debito.

Segregation /ˌseɡ.rəˈɡeɪ.ʃən/: (noun) the policy of keeping one group of people apart from another
and treating them differently, especially because of race, sex, or religion.
Synonyms: dissociation, separation, disconnection, exclusion, discrimination, apartheid.
Translate: segregacion, separarcion, marginacion.

Weather /ˈweð.ɚ/: (noun) the conditions in the air above the earth such as wind, rain, or
temperature, especially at a particular time over a particular area. (verb) to deal successfully with
a difficult situation or a problem.
Synonyms: climate, drought, tempest chilliness, dry, bleach, blanch, whiten, pulverize, cloudiness.
Translate: clima, tiempo, mal clima, soportar, erosionar, desgastarse.

Grand Canyon explorer

Huge /hjudʒ/: (adjective) extremely large in size or amount.
Synonyms: immense, colossal, king-size.
Translate: enorme, gigante, importante, gran.

Pocket /ˈpɑː.kɪt/: (noun) a small bag for carrying things in, made of cloth and sewn into the inside
or onto the outside of a piece of clothing, a container, usually made of cloth, that is sewn into or
onto a bag or attached to a seat or door in a vehicle.
Synonyms: tiny, small, miniature, little, cavity.
Translate: bolsillo, embolsar, de bolsillo.
Wounded /ˈwuːn.dɪd/: (adjective) offended or upset by what someone has said or done, people
who are injured.
Synonyms: injured, hurt, disable, bitten, stabbed, shot, attacked.
Translate: herido, lastimado.

Settler /ˈset.lɚ/: (noun) a person who arrives, especially from another country, in a new place in
order to live there and use the land, a person who goes to live in a new place where few people
have lived before.
Synonyms: planter, immigrant, pioneer, refugee, traveler.
Translate: colonizador, colono.

Hire /haɪr/: (verb) to employ someone or pay someone to do a particular job, rent to pay to use
something for a short period.
Synonyms: engage, take on, bring in, rent, lease, charter.
Translate: contratar, rentar, alquilar.

Onto /ˈɑːn.tu/: (preposition) used to show movement into or on a particular place.

Synonyms: toward, in contact with, against, over, above, upon.
Translate: en, sobre, en el juego, a las vivas.

Trouble /ˈtrʌb.əl/: (noun) problems or difficulties, a situation in which you experience problems,
usually because of something you have done wrong or badly, problems or difficulties caused by
something failing to operate as it should, problems in the form of arguments, fighting, or violence.
Synonyms: strain, stress, struggle, difficulty, obstacle, annoyance, bother, problem, fear.
Translate: dificultad, problemas, disturbio, molestia, preocupar.

Smashed /smæʃt/: (verb) to cause something to break noisily into a lot of small pieces.
Synonyms: wrecked, bombed, broken, cracked, destroyed, crushed, burst.
Translate: reventado, hecho pedazos, destrozado.

Brush /brʌʃ/: (noun) an object with short pieces of stiff hair, plastic, or wire attached to a base or
handle, used for cleaning, arranging your hair, or painting.
Synonyms: rub, tap, stroke, graze, scrape, scratch.
Translate: brocha, pincel, cepillo.

Ahead /əˈhed/: (adverb) in front, having more points, votes, etc. than someone else in a
competition, election, etc. making more progress than someone else.
Synonyms: advancing, going on, onward, forward.
Translate: delante de, en la delantera, al frente de.

Fell /fel/: (verb) past simple of fall, to cut down a tree, to knock someone down, especially in
Synonyms: cruel, chop down, deck, knock over.
Translate: talar, cortar, derribar, letal, mortal.

Steep /stiːp/: (adjective) (of a slope) rising or falling at a sharp angle, A steep rise or fall is one that
goes very quickly from low to high or from high to low.
Synonyms: precipitous, abrupt, sheer, difficult, severe, exorbitant.
Translate: empinado, escarpado, inclinado.

Angel of the battlefield

Clerk /klɝːk/: (noun) a person who works in an office, dealing with records or performing general
office duties.
Synonyms: salesperson, shop assistant, counterman, seller, floor manager.
Translate: vendedor, empleado, trabajador, clérigo, recepcionista.

Effort /ˈef.ɚt/: (noun) physical or mental activity needed to achieve something.

Synonyms: industry, force, trouble, energy, application, tension.
Translate: esfuerzo, intent, resultado.

Cradled /ˈkreɪ.dəl/: (verb) to hold something or someone gently, especially by supporting with the
Translate: mecer, sostener contra el pecho.

Limb /lɪm/: (noun) an arm or leg of a person or animal, a large branch of a tree.
Synonyms: member, branch, appendage.
Translate: extremidad, miembro, rama

Ailing /ˈeɪ.lɪŋ/: (adjective) experiencing difficulty and problems, weak and suffering from illness.
Synonyms: sickly, ill, unwell, diseased, poorly, peaky.
Translate: enfermo, descompuesto, que falla.

Heated /ˈhiː.t̬ɪd/: (adjective) made hot or warm, excited or angry.

Synonyms: cooked, baked, warmed, excited, angry.
Translate: acalorado, intense, climatizado.

Brick /brɪk/: (noun) a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and houses.
Synonyms: cube, adobe, cinder block, slab, stone, ingot.
Transate: ladrillo, block.

Lay /leɪ/: (verb) to put something in especially a flat or horizontal position, usually carefully or for
a particular purpose.
Synonyms: position, knock down.
Translate: extender, poner, hacer recaer, echar, cubrir.

Surgeon /ˈsɝː.dʒən/: (noun) a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations.
Synonyms: surgical expert, specialist in surgery, interventionist.
Translate: cirujano.

Bullet /ˈbʊl.ɪt/: (noun) a small, metal object that is shot from a gun.
Synonyms: pellet, ball, ball, gunshot, blank.
Translate: bala, municion.
Stooped /stuːpt/: (adjective) with the the top half of the body bent forward and down.
Synonyms: cancelled, cut short, interrupted, blocked, motionless,
Translate: obstruido, tapado.

Barely /ˈ (adverb) by the smallest amount.

Synonyms: almost, just, hardly, only just, by a hair.
Translate: apenas, escasamente, abiertamente.

Crew /kruː/: (noun) a group of people who work together, especially all those who work on and
operate a ship, aircraft, etc.
Synonyms: sailors, seamen, employees, troupe, company, troop.
Translate: tripulacion, equipo, grupo, tripular, pandilla.

Suffer /ˈsʌf.ɚ/: (verb) to experience physical or mental pain, to experience or show the effects of
something bad.
Synonyms: undergo, ache, be in pain, grieve, droop, flag, sicken.
Translate: sufrir, padecer, tener, ser victima de.

Hardship /ˈhɑːrd.ʃɪp/: (noun) (something that causes) difficult or unpleasant conditions of life, or
an example of this, a condition of life that causes difficulty or suffering.
Synonyms: misfortune, accident, sorrow, worry, burden, difficulty, burden, trouble.
Translate: adversidad, dificultad.

Moldy /ˈmoʊl.di/: (adjective) (of food, esp. old food, or objects that have been left too long in
warm, wet places) covered or filled with a soft green, blue, gray, or black growth, usually
undesirable but thought to add a desirable taste to some cheeses.
Synonyms: musty, dank, rotten, fusty, mildew.
Translate: mohoso, enmohecido.

Si se puede

Matter /ˈmæt̬.ɚ/: (noun) a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered.
Synonyms: stuff, body, subject, topic, interest.
Translate: materia, material, asunto, tema, situacion, problema.

Whether /ˈweð.ɚ/: (conjuction) (used especially in reporting questions and expressing doubts) if,
or not, (used to introduce two or more possibilities) it is not important if.
Synonyms: if, either, in case, if it follow that.
Translate: si, tanto si, aunque.

Defeat /dɪˈfiːt/: (verb) to win against someone in a fight, war, or competition, to cause someone
or something to fail, (noun) the fact of losing against someone in a fight or competition, or when
someone or something is made to fail.
Synonyms: beaten, crushed, dashed, fallen, floored, foiled, destroyed, undone.
Translate: vencer, derrotar, ganar, rechazo, frustrar.
Fairness /ˈfer.nəs/: (noun) the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is right or
Synonyms: justice, impartiality, justness, equity, integrity, decency, fair play.
Translate: legitimidad, juticia, imparcialidad, ecuanimidad, blancura.

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