Final Assessment

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Final Examination

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the Letter only of the correct answer below

every number labeled answer on its side.

1. A personal choice and decision of looking what is right and wrong

a. moral b. Ethics c. culture d. Norm


2. Types of norms that are highly scripted ceremonies of interactions that follow a

specific sequence of action

a. Laws b. Rituals c. folkways d. mores


3. A tendency to believe that one’s ethnic or cultural group is centrally important and

that all other group are measured in relation to one’s own

a. Cultural relativity b. Ethnocentrism c. xenocentrism d. Cultural universalism


4. A movie where true relationship was developed through the constant practice of

moral character like care for and respect with each other

a. Beauty and the beast c. Snow White

b. Winnie the Pooh d. Pandora


5. A movie where the main character possesses a positive attitude in order to fulfill her

dream of opening her own restaurant

a. Princess and the frog c. Finding Nemo

b. Hercules d. Princess of Ar

6. A movie of different types of animals recognizing different skills and abilities____

a. Zootopia b. Brother Bear c. Mulan d. enchanted kingdom


7. A working principle that everyone try to achieve the greater good

a. Pragmatism b. Personalism c. positivism d. relativism


8. A cardinal virtue is based on intelligent and careful moral decision which distinguish

right from wrong and evil from false and knows someone’s priorities

a. Fortitude b. Prudence c. justice d. temperance


9. An inner voice of telling us what is right and wrong thus a good argument for the

existence of God

a. Conscience b. Emotions c. feelings d. Sentiment


10. James and Stuart Rachel presented a controversial case somewhere in florida

1992, an anencephalic infant, “babies without brains” who can survive only for 9 days

but while still alive parents volunteered with doctor’s approval to donate baby theresa’s

organs to those thousands of children need it through transplant but it did not happen

because of the non-moral argument

a. Florida law forbids the removal of organs until the donor is dead

b. It is wrong to use people as means to other people’s ends

c. Transplanting the organs would benefit the other children without harming baby


d. Being alive is better than being dead


11. August 2000, woman discovered carrying conjoined twin in the lower abdomen

fused with one heart and one lungs between baby jodie and baby mary and without

intervention only hope was to operate and separate them and one stronger will survive

and the other will be sacrificed, which is moral argument

a. Parents refused permission to operate and believed if it is God’s will that both their

children should not survive, then so be it.

b. Save one or let both die

c. Sanctity of human life

d. It is not always wrong to kill innocent human beings unless provided with sufficient

reason and justification


12. Tracy Latimer, a 12 year old victim of cerebral palsy,”brain disease” killed by her

father, Robert Latimer, with exhaust fumes while the rest of the family were at church

and the father was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Did he do wrong, what he did was

an act of mercy? Which argument is moral

a. Handicapped people should be given the same respect and the same rights as

everyone else

b. Tracy was not killed of her cerebral palsy but because of her pain and suffering and

because there was no hope for her.

c. Slippery slope argument of mercy killing

d. The wrongness of discriminating against the handicapped


13. A person in distant past have shared moral courage by standing up to his people the

negro color to get equal rights

a. Martin Luther King Jr. c. Muhammad Ali

b. Susan B. Anthony d. Mahatma Gandhi


14. An element of moral courage which anyone can stand firm for

a. Principles b. Endurance c. Danger d. fear

15. Which of these acts repeatedly done exhibits moral courage

a. Lying or cheating c. doing homework or chores without being reminded

c. Walking away in someone in need d. Breaking a promise


16. A Philosophy developed by Aristotle and other ancient Greeks__

a. Virtue ethics or teleological c. deontological or duty

b. Utilitarianism or happiness d. Egalitarianism or equality


17. A principle of morality by Immanuel Kant is achieved by doing one’s____

a. Duty b. Virtue c. utility d. justice


18. It is the quest to understand and live a life of moral character___

a. Virtue ethics b. Duty c. justice d. utility/happiness


19. Morality and imperatives is based on one’s sense of duty___

a. Kantianism b. Socialism c. utilitarianism d. economism


20. It is moral or good when it produces the greatest amount of good for the greatest

number of people____

a. Utilitarianism b. Egalitarianism c. kantianism d. Socialism


21. A Moral Standard is based on eternal, unchangeable and through conscience____

A. Objectivism

B. Relativism

C. Culturalism

D. Consequentialism


22. Which is not a Moral Standard____

A. the decision of the majority to choose the right political leader of a nation
B. the Matter that seriously injure or benefit human beings

C. to be preferred to other values including self-interest

D. Unbiased universalizable point of view of the observer


23. An example or situation of moral standard where values is more

preferable including self interest____

A. Honesty than passing cheats in exam

B. Elected political leader is the right leader choosen by the majority

C. Committing suicide than destroy credibility

D. Murder and prostitution justify universal


24. You access and hack the information in the computer of your friend without asking

permission and discover that he has an anomaly in the company where both of you are

employed. Do you tell the anomaly of your friend to your boss and also telling that you

access his email ad without asking first his permission?


A. Organizational

B. Structural

C. Personal

D. Institutional


25. Which of the concept of freedom where we are accountable of the


A. Choice

B. Freewill

C. Liberty

D. Rights

26. Type of freedom where we are slave by our own passion and ignorance_____

A. Internal

B. External

C. Self

D. Political


27. A kind of Responsibility where we are held liable for our action_____

A. Role

B. Causal

C. Liability

D. Capacity


28. An immoral act when it comes to religion and ethics___

A. Disobedience to God

B. Religious people do evil in the name of religion

C. International terrorists destroy structures and human lives

D. All of the above


29. As a result of God’s interactions with the world describes it as a single world


A. Unity

B. Purpose

C. Value

D. Destiny


30. The central theme of christianity which differ from other religious traditions____

A. Compassion

B. Harmony

C. Law
D. Love


31. The positive effect of religion that teaches the value of sharing in order to receive

plentiful of blessings____

A. Charitable

B. Inner strength

C. People togetherness

D. Political Life


32. A situation where somewhere in Mindanao a city’s structures was totally destroyed

and paralyzed economic, social and political activities____

A. ISIS terrorists attacks

B. New People Army counter attacks

C. MILF siege

D. Cult bombings


33. In today’s global situation where the dominating culture of the west imposes their ethical standards
on another person’s culture all over the world______

A. Ethical imperialism

B. universalism

C. cultural relativism

D. culture adaptation

34. A concept of moral principle where course of action maximizes good for the greater number of

A. teleological

B. deontological

C. ontological

D. theological


35. The everlasting covenant of divine revelation_____

A. Moses

B. Abraham

C. David

D. Jesus


36. An overview of religion where both believe in one God but its theme is on


A. Islam

B. Buddhism

C. Christianity

D. Hinduism


37. In making good decisions is shaped by our____

A. Choices

B. values

C. nature

D. character


38. The first step for us to be a responsible person____

A. Admit

B. understand
C. apologize

D. promise


39. An act when repeatedly done exhibits moral courage_____

A. Lying or cheating

B. doing homework or chores without being reminded

C. Walking away in someone in need

D. Breaking a promise


40. A guiding principles or importance placed on something or someone by a


A. Ethics

B. Values

C. Morals

D. Integrity


41. A Moral Standard is based on eternal, unchangeable and through conscience____

A. Objectivism

B. Relativism

C. Culturalism

D. Consequentialism


42. At first glance, we look at anyone’s beauty based on their____

A. Appearance

B. Character

C. Feelings

D. Emotions



F 1. Divine Command a. a set of beliefs, customs, and shared values in a

Theory community or location

O 2. Beauty b. A social heritage of people that are communicated

constantly among a set of people who share a common

way of life.

L 3. Moral dilemma c. are what a society believes is right and wrong

D 4. Morality d. principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between

right and wrong

E 5. Utilitarianism e. advocates maximizing the amount of good for the largest


A 6. CULTURE f. states that God is the origin and regulator of morality.

G 7. Religion g. it has great influence on everything from government to

Social order and family relationships

D 8. Moral h. a good argument for the existence of God and an inner

voice of telling what is right and wrong.

I 9. Freedom i. the power or right to act, speak or thinks as one want without hindrance or


N 10.Impartiality j. a life lived in virtue

M 11.Character k. doing the right thing even at the risk of inconvenience, ridicule, punishment loss

job or security.

C 12.Ethics l. a situation where there is no clear “best choice” between two or more

K 13.Moral Courage m. like a tree and reputation

J 14.Happiness n. a principle being free from bias, fraud, injustice or taking advantage of

H 15.Conscience o. a description of one’s internal and external qualities

III. Essay:

1. How do Character, Moral Agents, Culture, ,Principles, Standards, Freedom, Dilemma, Religion,
Happiness, Beauty and the Will of God relevant to morality? Why?

The Relevance to Morality

Morality is a must for each and everyone as it is our basis in doing what is good and straying far
from doing bad things that could hurt the people that surrounds us or ourselves. There are 11 words
that are relevant to morality in which we could say that without these a person would have a hard time
doing what is good. Character, moral agents, culture, principles, standards, freedom, dilemma, religion,
happiness, beauty and the will of God are relevant to morality as these shows to each and everyone
what is wrong and right. Each word has their own uniqueness in which one has not the same definition
or meaning but they are inline when it comes to choosing what is right. To further explain the relevance
of character, moral agents, culture, principles, standards, freedom, dilemma, religion, happiness, beauty
and the will of god let us explore it one at a time.

First is character in which it is relevant to morality through portraying who we truly are and by
displaying the correct actions and decisions in life as the people that surrounds us monitors our moves
and some might do the things that we are doing especially the children, in line with this character is
what can be describe to an individual which is why we should do what is good rather than wrong.
Secondly is the moral agents in which it is the one that guides us in doing what is good rather than bad
where in the result could be terrible if we choose the wrong one and it could hurt ourselves as well as
the people that surrounds us, in line with this by choosing the good and right path it is relevant to
morality. Third is culture in which there are things that would question our morality as we widen our
perspective we tend to be observant and assume that something is wrong but through morality we try
to analyze, respect, and understand different cultures rather than being close minded, by the use
morality in culture we sometimes abolish a certain culture that would hurt a person since we all know
what is right and wrong. Forth is the principle in which it is truly connected with morality since it is our
guidelines on whatever we do in our day to day life, we strictly follow our principle because it is right
and if our moral is low our principles might be bad, close minded, or might potentially hurt the people
that surrounds us. Fifth is the standards in which it is our basis on how far we would do something good
such as setting the standard high would mean that whatever we do things in life should be good since a
low standard would mean low morality and low morality would result to poor and bad decision making.
Sixth is freedom where in we should use our morality in which low moral would turn a person in to a
chaotic and devastating behavior that would result to irresponsible actions that could hurt their
surroundings as well as themselves, with morality in freedom the people would understand on how they
should use their power which is the freedom to what is good rather than bad. Seventh is dilemma in
which we all know that everyone of us suffers from decision making and it would test on how we can
analyze things in life that would lead to good decision making, without morality in decision making a
person would be troubled and they might choose the incorrect path that may ruin their career in life
that’s why morality place a huge role by being a guide in terms of hard times. Eighth would be religion in
which we all know that religion promotes good and right conduct specially Christianity that teaches us
on how we should treat other, we could see that a person that is religious often do something good as it
is what teaches them in religion and morality is doing good that’s why morality and religion are like two
peas in a pod. Ninth is happiness wherein people that have high morals tend to be happy as they’re the
ones who do something good as hurting other wouldn’t give anyone pleasure nor joy, in line with this it
is because moral in which we do something good that we are blessed and given countless blessings in
life where in it is the reward for all the hardships and troubles we’ve been to which is overcoming evil
and temptation. Tenth is the beauty where in it shows that a person that has high morals and do what is
right are the ones who are beautiful and those who are abusing and hurts their surroundings are the
ones who are ugly, it is because of morality that a person isn’t judge from their physical appearance but
the inside is what truly matter. Last but not the least is the will of God in which it is the decision of the
higher entity to do what is good rather than indulge our self into temptation and wrong doings where in
it is believed that the things that we are doing especially good ones are commanded by God, in line with
this it is one of the strict rules to do what is right and good in order to live in a paradise after death.

In conclusion Character, Moral Agents, Culture, Principles, Standards, Freedom, Dilemma,

Religion, Happiness, Beauty and the Will of God are relevant to morality as all of these encourages and
helps everyone to do what is right rather than wrong. The mentioned above are connected to morality
as it is the ones that helps an individual do and choose what is right rather than engulfing oneself in
temptation and evil. These 11 chooses and in line with doing what is good which is the same in morality
that teaches an individual to do what is good for themselves as well as the people that surrounds them.
Remember that conclusion Character, Moral Agents, Culture, Principles, Standards, Freedom, Dilemma,
Religion, Happiness, Beauty and the Will of God can help an individual to overcome what they are as of
now as the more that they do what is good the more that people would adore them. Choosing the right
path isn’t always the easiest but with these 11 words would greatly boost our morality in which we
could end in a brighter and luxurious life.

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