Pre Competency

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1. Why do people communicate?

- Base from my previous knowledge people communicate in order to express

what they feel towards another individual. We also communicate to share
what we know in order to prevent various scenarios that could endanger
someone’s life.
2. What might happen to the world if communication does not exist?
- If communication didn’t exist I believe that the human civilization would’ve
never developed as various technologies are created so that the people could
communicate easier, if people cannot communicate cellphones and other
gadgets would’ve never been invented. We would also be in a constant
argument as people would fail to express what they feel, confusion and
misunderstandings would be a huge problem.
3. Why do miscommunication and misunderstanding happen? Cite one incident in your life
when someone misunderstood you and explain how you resolve it.
- In my opinion miscommunication and misunderstanding happen due to the
lack of information and the complexity of the message that is sent by the
sender in which I believe it is the reponsibility of the sender to send a
message complete and easy to understand. The incident in which someone
misunderstand my message would be the time when I sent my father a
message “ dad, mom and jade are already back in our house” I didn’t specify
which house I was referring to since we have two house, the first is located
at south centro while the second can be found in manangle, my dad is
currently in manangle that time so he went home early and to his dismay my
mom and my brother was nowhere to be found, since the message that I
sent was incomplete and I thought I was referring to our house at south
centro it lead to a minsuderstanding.I resolved this incident by sending my
father another message with complete information inorder to avoid another

4. What is the image saying about the world?

- From the picture I can say that our world became a better place because of
communication. Humans that are scattered all around the globe are
connected because of communication even though we speak in different
languages. We share and notify every individual on what is happening in our
environment, showing the importance of communication in our world.
5. What do you think has contributed to the easy access and exchange of information
these days? Why?
- Base from my observation the thing that has contributed to the easy access
and exchange of information these days would be the internet and media.
Internet can be easily access in which no matter how hard the question is we
could obtain countless information in a matter of seconds as well as use it to
share different ideas towards another individual or a group that is also using
an internet. The media is one of the reasons why we are knowledgeable in
our surroundings, most people nowadays would watch television and use
their phone or other gadgets, in which it is reliable because the information
that are being shared is currently up to date.

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