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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351

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Idealisation of soil–structure system to determine inelastic seismic

response of mid-rise building frames
Hamid Reza Tabatabaiefar a,n, Behzad Fatahi b
School of Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Federation University Australia, Australia
Centre for Built Infrastructure Research, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), Australia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, a novel and enhanced soil–structure model is developed adopting the direct analysis
Received 19 January 2012 method using FLAC 2D software to simulate the complex dynamic soil–structure interaction and treat
Received in revised form the behaviour of both soil and structure with equal rigour simultaneously. To have a better judgment on
7 August 2014
the inelastic structural response, three types of mid-rise moment resisting building frames, including 5,
Accepted 9 August 2014
10, and 15 storey buildings are selected in conjunction with three soil types with the shear wave
Available online 28 August 2014
velocities less than 600 m/s, representing soil classes Ce, De and Ee, according to Australian Standards.
Keywords: The above mentioned frames have been analysed under two different boundary conditions: (i) fixed-
Dynamic soil–structure interaction base (no soil–structure interaction) and (ii) flexible-base (considering soil–structure interaction). The
Seismic behaviour
results of the analyses in terms of structural displacements and drifts for the above mentioned boundary
Inelastic structural response
conditions have been compared and discussed. It is concluded that considering dynamic soil–structure
Mid-rise moment resisting frames
interaction effects in seismic design of moment resisting building frames resting on soil classes De and Ee
is essential.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction soil–structure interaction problems. Since 1990s, great effort has

been made for substituting the classical methods of design by the
Soil–structure interaction includes a set of mechanisms account- new approaches based on the concept of performance-based
ing for the flexibility of the foundation support beneath a given seismic design. Also, the necessity of estimating the vulnerability
structure, and resulting in altering the ground motion in the vicinity of existing structures and defining reliable methods for their
of the foundation compared to the free-field. It determines the retrofit have greatly attracted the attention of engineering com-
actual loading experienced by the soil–structure system resulting munity in most seismic zones throughout the world.
from the free-field seismic ground motions. The seismic excitation According to the available literature, generally when the shear
experienced by structures is a function of the earthquake character- wave velocity of the supporting soil is less than 600 m/s, the
istics, travel path effects, local site effects, and soil–structure effects of soil–structure interaction on the seismic response of
interaction (SSI) effects [1]. The result of the first three of these structural systems, particularly for moment resisting building
factors can be summarised as “free-field” ground motion. Structural frames, are significant (e.g. [2,3]). These effects can be summarised
response to the free-field motion is influenced by SSI. In particular, as: (i) increase in the natural period and damping of the system,
accelerations within the structure are affected by the flexibility of (ii) increase in the lateral displacements of the structure, and
the foundation support and variations between foundation and (iii) change in the base shear force depending on the frequency
free-field motions. Consequently, an accurate assessment of the content of the input motion and dynamic characteristics of the soil
inertial forces and displacements in the structure requires a rational and the structure. Thus, for ordinary building structures, the
treatment of SSI effects. necessity of a better insight into the physical phenomena, involved
The importance of SSI both for static and dynamic loads in SSI problems, has been recognised.
has been well established and related literature spans at least During the past two decades, various analytical formulations
30 years of computational and analytical approaches for solving have been developed to solve complex practical problems assum-
ing linear and elastic SSI (e.g. [4]). However, effects of nonlinear
behaviour of the supporting soil and inelastic seismic response of
Correspondence to: Lecturer in Structural Engineering, Federation University
structures have not been fully addressed in literature. Thus, in this
Australia, Office Y231, Building Y, Mt Helen Campus, PO Box 663, Ballarat, VIC 3353,
Australia. Tel.: þ61 3 5327 6718. study, a state-of-the-art soil–structure model is developed adopt-
E-mail address: (H.R. Tabatabaiefar). ing direct analysis method using FLAC 2D software in order to
0267-7261/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
340 H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351

consider dynamic soil–structure interaction as accurate and rea- according to a prescribed constitutive model in response to the
listic as possible. The model can accurately take into account applied forces or boundary restraints.
inelastic behaviour and geometric nonlinearity of the structure in To model soil–structure system in direct method, a novel and
dynamic analysis. Employing fully nonlinear method enables the enhanced soil–structure model is developed in FLAC 2D to
model to precisely simulate the soil nonlinearity in dynamic simulate all aspects of complex dynamic soil–structure interaction
analysis of soil–structure systems and follow any prescribed non- in a realistic and rigorous manner (Fig. 1).
linear constitutive relation. Adopting the new developed model, The soil–structure model comprises beam structural elements
SSI effects are investigated on the performance level of three to model the structural components, two dimensional plane-strain
structural models comprising five, ten, and fifteen storey moment quadrilateral elements to model the soil medium, and interface
resisting building frames constructed on various soil types includ- elements to simulate frictional contact between the soil medium
ing soil types Ce, De, and Ee according to Australian Standards. and the structure. Rigid boundary condition is assigned to the
bedrock and lateral boundaries of the soil medium are assumed to
be quiet (viscous) boundaries to avoid reflection of the outward
2. Inelastic seismic analysis and design propagating waves back into the model. Quiet boundaries are
coupled to the free-field boundaries at the sides of the model to
Practising civil engineers usually use inelastic analysis methods account for the free-field motion which would exist in the absence
for the seismic evaluation and design of existing and new build- of the structure. Different components of soil structure model
ings. The main objective of inelastic seismic analysis is to predict are illustrated in Fig. 2. Idealisation of the soil–structure system
the expected behaviour of the structure against future probable components and boundary conditions will be described in the
earthquakes more precisely. This has become increasingly impor- following sections.
tant with the emergence of performance-based engineering (PBE)
as a technique for seismic evaluation and design using perfor-
mance level prediction for safety and risk assessment ([5]). 3.1. Structural elements
Since structural damage implies inelastic behaviour, traditional
design and analysis procedures based on linear elastic techniques Structural elements of building frames including beams, columns
can only predict the performance level implicitly. By contrast, the and foundation slabs are modelled using “Beam Structural Elements
objective of inelastic seismic analysis method is to directly (beamSELs)” in soil–structure model (Fig. 2). Beam structural
estimate the magnitude of the inelastic deformations and distor- elements are two-nodded, straight, finite elements with six degrees
tions (performance level). Performance levels describe the state of of freedom per node comprising three translational and three
structures after being subjected to a certain hazard level and are rotational components. The structural element logic is implemented
classified as: fully operational, operational, life safe, near collapse, with explicit, Lagrangian solution procedure. By default, each beam-
or collapse. Overall lateral deflection, ductility demand, and inter- SEL behaves as an isotropic, linearly elastic material with no failure
storey drifts are the most commonly used damage parameters limit; however, one can specify a limiting plastic moment to model
([6,7]). The above mentioned five qualitative performance levels inelastic behaviour of the structure. Large displacements, including
are related to the corresponding quantitative maximum inter- geometric nonlinearity, can be accommodated by specifying a large-
storey drifts (as a damage parameter) of: o0.2%, o0.5%, o1.5%, strain solution mode; and the full dynamic response of the system in
o2.5%, and 42.5%, respectively. the time domain can also be obtained with the dynamic-analysis
Thus, inelastic seismic analysis and design method is employed option.
in this study to directly estimate the performance level of the As mentioned earlier, inelastic structural analysis has been
structural systems. In the inelastic analysis and design of a employed in this study. The generic process of inelastic analysis
structure, the ultimate load of the structure as a whole is regarded is similar to conventional linear procedures in which engineers
as the design criterion. This method is rapid and provides a develop a model of the building or structure, which is then
rational approach for the analysis of the structure. It also provides subjected to a representative, anticipated seismic ground motion.
a cost effective design since the sections required by this method The primary difference is that the properties of some or all of the
are smaller in size than those required when elastic method is components of the model include plastic moment in addition to
adopted. The plastic moment is used to determine the plastic the initial elastic properties. These are normally based on approx-
behaviour of the column and beam elements. imations derived from test results on individual components or
theoretical analyses.
In this study, inelastic bending is simulated in structural
3. Idealisation of soil–structure system in direct method elements by specifying a limiting plastic moment. If a plastic
moment is specified, the value may be calculated by considering a
The governing equations of motion for the structure incorpor- flexural structural member of width b and height h with yield
ating foundation interaction and the method of solving these stress σy. If the member is composed of a material that behaves in
equations are relatively complex. Therefore, direct method, the an elastic-perfectly plastic manner, the plastic resisting moments
method in which the entire soil–structure system is modelled in a MP for rectangular sections can be computed as follows:
single step is employed in this study. The use of direct method !
requires a computer program that can treat the behaviour of both bh
M ¼ σy
soil and structure with equal rigour simultaneously ([8]). Thus, 4
finite difference software, FLAC 2D V6.0, is utilised to model the
soil–structure system and to solve the equations for the complex where b is the section width, h is the section height, and σy is the
geometries and boundary conditions. Fast Lagrangian Analysis of yield stress of the structural material.
Continua 2D (FLAC) is a two-dimensional explicit finite difference Present formulations adopted in this study assume that the
program for engineering mechanics computations. This program structural elements behave elastically until reaching the defined
can simulate behaviour of different types of earth and building plastic moment. The section at which the plastic moment (MP)
structures. Materials are represented by elements which can be is reached can continue to deform, without inducing additional
adjusted to fit the geometry of the model. Each element behaves resistance.
H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351 341

Fig. 1. Soil–structure model simulated in FLAC 2D.

Beam Structural

Plane-Strain Soil Elements Interface Elements

Quiet Boundary Coupled Quiet Boundary Coupled

with Free-Field Boundary with Free-Field Boundary

Rigid Boundary

Fig. 2. Components of the soil–structure model.

3.2. Soil elements elements are four sided elements while their most commonly used
shapes contain four nodes located at the vertices and are bilinear in
Soil medium beneath the structure is simulated using two a rectangular configuration.
dimensional plane-strain grids. The finite difference soil grids FLAC's formulation in finite difference scheme for two dimen-
composed of quadrilateral elements is shown in Fig. 2. Quadrilateral sional plane-strain soil grids follows the approach of Wilkins [9].
342 H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351

In this scheme, the solid body of soil is divided into a finite The incremental relative displacement vector at the contact point
difference mesh consisting of quadrilateral elements. Internally, is resolved into the normal and shear components, and total
FLAC subdivides each element into two overlaid sets of constant- normal and shear forces are determined by
strain triangular elements.
F ðtn þ ΔtÞ ¼ F ðtÞ ðt þ 0:5ΔtÞ
n kn Δun L ð4Þ
Mohr–Coulomb model has been adopted in the present study
as the constitutive model in the soil–structure model in order to
simulate nonlinear behaviour of the soil medium. Mohr–Coulomb F ðts þ ΔtÞ ¼ F ðtÞ ðt þ 0:5ΔtÞ
s ks Δus L ð5Þ
model is an elastic-perfectly plastic model that has been employed where ks is shear spring stiffness, kn is normal spring stiffness, L is
by many researchers (e.g. [10,11]) for modelling dynamic soil– effective contact length, Fs is total shear force, Fn is total normal
structure interaction to simulate soil behaviour under seismic force, us is the incremental relative displacement vector in shear
loads in soil–structure systems. direction, un is the incremental relative displacement vector in
Mohr–Coulomb model, in FLAC 2D, is explicated in terms of normal direction, and Δt is the time-step.
effective stresses based on plane-strain conditions. The failure
envelope for this model corresponds to a Mohr–Coulomb criterion 3.4. Lateral boundary conditions
(shear yield function) with tension cut off (tensile yield function).
Chopra and Gutierres [14] suggested that a fixed condition may
3.3. Interface elements be assumed at the numerical grid points on the soil side bound-
aries in the vertical direction while free condition can be assumed
The foundation facing zone in numerical simulations is sepa- in horizontal direction. These kinds of boundaries are called
rated from the adjacent soil zone by interface elements to simulate Preliminary Boundaries. In static analyses, preliminary boundaries
frictional contact. The interfaces between the foundation and soil can be realistically situated at some distance from the centre of the
is represented by normal (kn) and shear (ks) springs between two structure. In dynamic problems, however, such boundary condi-
planes contacting each other and is modelled using linear spring tions could cause the reflection of outward propagating waves
system, with the interface shear strength defined by the Mohr– back into the model and do not allow the necessary energy
Coulomb failure criterion (Fig. 3). radiation. To avoid reflective waves produced by the soil lateral
The relative interface movement is controlled by interface boundaries, Roesset and Ettouney [15] proposed an alternative as
stiffness values in the normal and tangential directions. Normal the best solution to the problem and introduced quiet (viscous)
and shear spring stiffness values for interface elements of the soil– boundaries. They reached to this conclusion after a comprehensive
structure model are set to ten times the equivalent stiffness of the study on the performance of different types of soil boundary
neighbouring zone based on the recommended relationship by conditions for dynamic problems.
Rayhani and EL Naggar [11] and Itasca Consulting Group [12] for Thus, for lateral boundaries of the soil medium, quiet bound-
the isotropic soil medium as follows: aries (viscous boundaries) proposed and developed by Lysmer and
" #
K þ 43G Kuhlemeyer [16] are utilised in this study. The proposed method is
ks ¼ kn ¼ 10 ð2Þ based on utilisation of independent dashpots in the normal and
shear directions at the model boundaries. The dashpots provide
where K and G are bulk and shear modulus of neighbouring zone, viscous normal and shear tractions given by
respectively, and Δzmin is the smallest width of an adjoining zone T n ¼  ρC p vn ð6Þ
in the normal direction.
Current numerical model employs contact logic which is T s ¼  ρC s vs ð7Þ
described by Cundall and Hart [13] for either side of the interface.
where, Tn and Ts are normal and shear tractions at the model
The code keeps a list of the grid points (i,j) that lie on each side of
boundaries, respectively; vn and vs are the normal and shear
any particular surface. Each point is taken in turn and checked for
components of the velocity at the boundary respectively; ρ is the
the contact with its closest neighbouring point on the opposite
material density; and Cp and Cs are the p-wave and s-wave
side of the interface. During each time-step, the velocity ðu_ i Þ of
velocities, respectively.
each grid point is calculated. Since the units of velocity are
Numerical analysis of the seismic response of surface structures
displacement per time-step, and the calculated time-step has been
requires the discretisation of a region of the material adjacent
scaled to unity to speed up the convergence. The incremental
to the foundation. The seismic input is normally represented by
displacement for any given time-step is
plane waves propagating upward through the underlying material.
Δui ¼ u_ i ð3Þ Ground responses that are not influenced by the presence of

Interface Elements

Ks Ks Ks Ks

Plane Strain Quadrilateral Soil Elements

Fig. 3. Interface elements including normal and shear stiffness springs.

H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351 343


Free Field

Free Field
Soil Medium

Viscous Dashpots Viscous Dashpots

Seismic Input

Fig. 4. Simulating lateral boundary conditions for soil–structure model.

structures are referred to as free-field motions ([8]). In the condition for the bedrock is assumed to be rigid. With respect to
developed soil–structure model in this study, the boundary con- the previous studies mentioned, rigid bedrock boundary condition
ditions at the sides of the model account for the free-field motion is adopted in soil–structure numerical model in this study. In
which would exist in the absence of the structure. Free-field addition, the earthquake acceleration records are directly applied
boundaries have been simulated using a developed technique, to the grid points along the rigid base of the soil medium mesh in
involving the execution of a one-dimensional free-field calculation the present study.
in parallel with the main-grid analysis.
As shown in Fig. 4, the lateral boundaries of the main grid are 3.6. Distance between soil boundaries
coupled to the free-field grid simulated by viscous dashpots
representing quiet boundaries at the sides of the model, and the Rayhani and Naggar [11] concluded that the horizontal distance
unbalanced forces from the free-field grid are applied to the main of the soil lateral boundaries should be at least five times the
grid boundary. width of the structure. In addition, Rayhani and Naggar [11], after
Both conditions which were applied to the left-hand boundary undertaking comprehensive numerical modelling and centrifuge
are expressed as in the following equations: model tests, recommended 30 m as the maximum bedrock depth
F x ¼  ½ρC p ðvm in the numerical analysis as the most amplification occurs within
x  vx Þ  σ xx ΔSy
ff ff
the first 30 m of the soil profile. In addition, modern seismic codes
F y ¼  ½ρC s ðvm
y  vy Þ  σ xy ΔSy
ff ff
ð9Þ (e.g. [5,21]) evaluate local site effects just based on the properties
of the top 30 m of the soil profile. Therefore, in this study, the
where Fx and Fy are unbalanced forces from the free-field grid maximum bedrock depth is 30 m while the horizontal distance of
applied to the main grid boundary in the x and y directions, the soil lateral boundaries is assumed to be 60 m (five times the
respectively, ΔSy is the mean vertical zone size at boundary grid width of the structure which is 12 m). It should be noted that in
point, vm
x is x-velocity of the grid point in the main grid, vy is
this study authors assume that the length of the structural block
y-velocity of the grid point in the main grid, vfxf is x-velocity of the (into the page) is much greater than the width of the structure,
grid point in the free field, vfyf is y-velocity of the grid point in the and the structure is built on strip footing, thus plane-strain model
free field, σ fxxf is the mean horizontal free-field stress at the grid may be used. However, it should be noted that according to Luco
point, and σ fxyf is the mean free-field shear stress at the grid point. and Hadjian [22], when deep bedrock is present, the representa-
Similar expressions may be written for the right-hand boundary. tion of the three-dimensional soil–structure interaction system
Thus, plane waves propagating upward undergo no distortion by two-dimensional models may lead to underestimation of the
at the boundary because the free-field grid supplies conditions maximum response.
identical to those in an infinite model. It should be noted that if
the main grid is uniform, and there is no surface structure, the
lateral dashpots are not exercised because the free-field grid 4. Dynamic analysis of soil–structure systems
executes the same motion as the main grid.
Several efforts have been made in recent years in the develop-
3.5. Bedrock boundary condition ment of analytical methods for assessing the response of struc-
tures and supporting soil media under seismic loading conditions.
Kocak and Mengi [17] elucidated that rigid boundary condition There are two main analytical procedures for dynamic analysis
is the most appropriate and realistic condition for modelling of soil–structure systems under seismic loads; equivalent-linear
bedrock for dynamic soil–structure analysis. Dutta and Roy [18], and fully nonlinear methods. The standard practice for dynamic
in their critical review on the soil–structure interaction ideal- analysis of soil–structure systems is traditionally based on the
isation, concluded the same. In addition, in numerical analyses equivalent-linear method. However, practical applications of fully
conducted by other researchers (e.g. [19,20]) the boundary nonlinear analyses have increased in the last decade, as more
344 H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351

emphasis is placed on reliable predictions in dynamic analysis of is not appropriate to be used in dynamic soil–structure interaction
complex soil–structure systems ([23]). analysis as it does not directly capture any nonlinearity effects due
The equivalent linear method has been in use for many years to to linear solution process. In addition, strain-dependent modulus
calculate the wave propagation (and response spectra) in soil and and damping functions are only taken into account in an average
rock at sites subjected to seismic excitation. In equivalent-linear sense, in order to approximate some effects of nonlinearity.
method, a linear analysis is carried out with some assumed initial Byrne et al. [23] concluded that the most appropriate method
values for damping ratio and shear modulus in the various regions for dynamic analysis of soil–structure system is fully nonlinear
of the model. Then the maximum cyclic shear strain is recorded for method. The method correctly represents the physics associated
each element and used to determine the new values for damping with the problem and follows any stress–strain relation in a
and modulus, referring to the backbone curves relating damping realistic way. In this method, small strain shear modulus and
ratio and secant modulus to the amplitude of the cyclic shear damping degradation of soil with strain level can be precisely
strain. Some empirical scaling factors are usually utilised when captured in the modelling.
relating these strains to the model strains. The new values of Considering the mentioned priorities and capabilities of the
damping ratio and shear modulus are then used in the next stage fully nonlinear method for the dynamic analysis of soil–structure
of the numerical analysis. The whole process is repeated several systems, this method is employed in dynamic analysis of soil–
times, until there is no further change in the properties and the structure systems in this study in order to attain rigorous and
structural response. At this stage, “strain-compatible” values of more reliable results.
damping and modulus are found, and the simulation results using
these values is the best possible predicted response of the real site.
Rayleigh damping may be used in this method to simulate energy 5. Simulation process
losses in the soil–structure system when subjected to a dynamic
loading. The method employs linear properties for each element 5.1. System characteristics
remaining constant throughout the history of shaking which as
explained are estimated from the mean level of dynamic motion In this study, three structural models, consisting of 5, 10, and
([24]). 15 storey models, representing conventional types of mid-rise
Fully nonlinear method, adopted in this study, is capable of moment resisting building frames have been selected in conjunc-
precisely modelling nonlinearity in dynamic analysis of soil– tion with three soil types with the shear wave velocities less than
structure systems and may follow any prescribed nonlinear con- 600 m/s. The selected soils comprise one cohesionless and two
stitutive relation. In addition, structural geometric nonlinearity cohesive soils, representing classes Ce, De and Ee, according to the
(large displacements) can be accommodated precisely in this classification criteria listed in Section 4 of [28] (earthquake action
method. During the solution process, structural materials could in Australia).
behave as isotropic, linearly elastic materials with no failure limit Dimensional characteristics of the above mentioned frames are
for elastic analysis, or as elasto-plastic materials with specified summarised in Table 1.
limiting plastic moment for inelastic structural analysis to simu- Structural sections are designed according to AS3600 [29]
late elastic-perfectly plastic behaviour. For the dynamic analysis, (Australian Standard for Concrete Structures) after undertaking
the damping of the system in the numerical simulation should inelastic dynamic analysis as described in Section 3.1 under the
reproduce, in magnitude and form, the energy losses in the natural influence of four different earthquake ground motions, as the fixed
system subjected to the dynamic loading. In soil and rock, natural base model resting on soft soil class Ee (most adverse condition)
damping is mainly hysteretic ([25,26]). Hysteretic damping algo- considering cracked reinforced concrete sections according to
rithm which is incorporated in this solution method enables the ACI318 [30].
strain-dependent modulus and damping functions to be incorpo- In order to perform a comprehensive investigation on seismic
rated directly into the numerical simulation. response of structure models, two near field earthquake accelera-
Byrne et al. [23] and Beaty and Byrne [27] summarised the tion records including Kobe, 1995 and Northridge, 1994 and two
above mentioned methods and discussed the benefits of the fully far field earthquake acceleration records comprising El-Centro,
nonlinear numerical method over the equivalent-linear method 1940 and Hachinohe, 1968 are selected and utilised in time-history
for different practical applications. The equivalent-linear method analysis. It should be noted that the selected acceleration records
are bedrock records and have been chosen by the International
Association for Structural Control and Monitoring for benchmark
Table 1 seismic studies [31].
Dimensional characteristics of the studied frames. The characteristics of the earthquake ground motions are
tabulated in Table 2. These earthquakes have been chosen by the
Reference Number of Number Story Bay Total Total
name stories of bays height width height width International Association for Structural Control and Health Mon-
(m) (m) (m) (m) itoring for benchmark seismic studies and represent two near field
and two far field earthquakes [31]. Performance level of the
S5 5 3 3 4 15 12 structural models is considered as ‘life safe’ level in this design
S10 10 3 3 4 30 12
S15 15 3 3 4 45 12
indicating that the maximum inter-storey drifts of the model are
less than 1.5%.

Table 2
Earthquake ground motions used in this study.

Earthquake Country Year PGA (g) Mw (R) T (S) Duration Type Hypocentral distance (km) Record type

Northridge USA 1994 0.843 6.7 30.0 Near field 9.2 Bedrock record
Kobe Japan 1995 0.833 6.8 56.0 Near field 7.4 Bedrock record
El Centro USA 1940 0.349 6.9 56.5 Far field 15.69 Bedrock record
Hachinohe Japan 1968 0.229 7.5 36.0 Far field 14.1 Bedrock record
H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351 345

The compressive strength of concrete ðf c Þ, the yield strength of merits over the assumed parameters which may not be completely
steel rebar ðf sy Þ, and the unit weight are assumed to be, 32 MPa, conforming to reality. In addition, it is assumed that water table is
400 MPa, and 23.5 kN/m3, respectively. The modulus of elasticity below the bedrock level.
of concrete (Ecj, MPa) was calculated according to clause 3.1.2.a of The shear wave velocity values, shown in Table 3, have been
AS3600:2009 [28] (Australian Standard for Concrete Structures) as obtained from down-hole test, which is a low strain in-situ test.
follows: This test generates a cyclic shear strain of about 10  4 per cent
qffiffiffiffi where the resulting shear modulus is called Gmax. In the event of
Ecj ¼ ðρc Þ1:5  ð0:043 f cÞ ð10Þ an earthquake, the cyclic shear strain amplitude increases and the
shear strain modulus and damping ratio, which both vary with the
Plastic resisting moments, (MP), for each rectangular concrete cyclic shear strain amplitude, change relatively. Damping and
section of the moment resisting building frames have been tangent modulus are appropriate to the level of excitation at
determined according to Eq. (1) and assigned to the sections each point in time and space which is called hysteretic damping
considering the yield stress of concerete material (σy) equal to algorithm. As mentioned earlier, fully nonlinear method adopts
0 hysteretic damping algorithm which captures the hysteresis curves
the compressive strength of concrete ðf c Þ.
Characteristics of the adopted soils are shown in Table 3. and energy-absorbing characteristics of the real soil. Small strain
The subsoil properties have been extracted from actual in-situ shear modulus and damping degradation of the soil with strain
and laboratory tests ([32–34]). Therefore, these parameters have level can be precisely considered in the modelling.

Table 3
Geotechnical characteristics of the adopted soils in this study.

Soil type Shear wave velocity Unified classification Maximm shear modulus Poisson's SPT Plasticity c0 (kPa) ϕ0 (deg) Reference
(AS1170) Vs (m/s) (USCS) Gmax (MPa) ratio index (PI)

Ce 600 GM 623.4 0.28 N 450 – 5 40 [32]

De 320 CL 177.3 0.39 30 20 20 19 [33]
Ee 150 CL 33.1 0.40 6 15 20 12 [34]


G / G max


0.2 Seed et al.(1986)

---- Adopted in this study for γref = 0.06

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Cyclic Shear Strain (%)


Seed et al.(1986)
20 ---- Adopted in this study for γ ref = 0.06
Damping Ratio



0.0001 0.001 0.10 0.1 1
Cyclic Shear Strain (%)
Fig. 5. (a) Relations between G/Gmax versus shear strain and (b) relations between material damping ratio versus cyclic shear strain.
346 H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351


G / G max


Sun et al. (1998)
---- Adopted in this study for γref = 0.234
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Cyclic Shear Strain (%)

Sun et al. (1998)
20 ---- Adopted in this study for γref = 0.234
Damping Ratio



0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Cyclic Shear Strain (%)
Fig. 6. (a) Relations between G/Gmax versus cyclic shear strain and soil plasticity and (b) relations between material damping ratio versus cyclic shear strain.

12 m

15 m (Model S5)

H 30 m (Model S10)

45 m (Model S15)
12 m

15 m (Model S5)

H 30 m (Model S10) 30m

45 m (Model S10)


Fig. 7. Numerical Models; (a) Fixed base model and (b) flexible base model.
H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351 347

There are several built-in tangent-modulus functions in FLAC to et al. [37] for clayey soils are adopted, respectively. Figs. 5 and 6
implement hysteretic damping by representing the variation of the illustrate the adopted backbone curves in this study.
shear modulus reduction factor and damping ratio with cyclic In numerical analyses conducted by other researchers (e.g.
strain (γ) using fitting parameters. Those numerical fitting para- [16,38,18,39]) regarding 2D versus 3D modelling of soil–structure
meters can generate backbone curves for sand and clay as systems, the difference between the final results of 2D plane strain
required. In this study, the model presented by Hardin and and 3D models were negligible where artificial rigid bedrock was
Drnevich [35], known as Hardin model is employed. This model adopted. For instance, Seo et al. [39] developed three-dimensional
is defined as follows: frequency-dependent elements for soil–structure interaction
1 analysis and compared the analytical results of their 3D model
Ms ¼ ð11Þ with three other 2D plane strain models from the past studies.
1 þ γ =γ ref
They indicated that although good results were obtained using
where Ms is the secant modulus (G/Gmax), γ is the cyclic shear the 3D elements; there were limitations to deal with structures
strain, and γref is Hardin/Drnevich constant. having complex geometries and 2D plane strain predictions
In this study, γref ¼0.06, and γref ¼0.234 representing the back- are in good agreement with three dimensional results. The real
bone curves suggested by Seed et al. [36] for sandy soils and Sun building models utilised in this study are assumed to be long in

Acceleration (g)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)

Acceleration (g)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)

Acceleration (g)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (sec)

Acceleration (g)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (sec)

Fig. 8. Utilised earthquake ground motions in this study; (a) Northridge earthquake (1994); (b) Kobe earthquake (1995); (c) El-Centro earthquake (1940); and (d) Hachinohe
earthquake (1968).
348 H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351

perpendicular direction. Therefore, plane strain assumption is the structural models while they are applied to the base of the
valid and 3D effects are negligible. Thus, each frame model used soil–structure models at the level of the bedrock.
in 2D modelling procedure represents the same attributes as the
entire parallel building frames in perpendicular direction. Similar
approach to this paper has been employed by several other
6. Results and discussions
researchers such as Zheng and Takeda [19], Galal and Naimi [3],
Tabatabaiefar et al. [40,41].
In order to have a comprehensive comparison between the
results and draw a clear conclusion about the effects of subsoil
5.2. Numerical analysis rigidity on the inelastic seismic response of the mid-rise moment
resisting building frames, average values of inelastic lateral deflec-
In this study, fully nonlinear time history dynamic analysis tions and inter-storey drifts under the influence of four mentioned
method is adopted to simulate dynamic soil–structure interaction earthquakes (Fig. 8) are determined. The average maximum lateral
using FLAC 2D (Version 6.0) to determine inelastic seismic deflections and inter-storey drifts for 5, 10, and 15 storey models
response of the concrete moment resisting building frames sub- are shown in Figs. 9–11, respectively.
jected to earthquake loading. Dynamic analysis is carried out for 5, Lateral deflections illustrated in Figs. 9–11a represent average
10, and 15 storey models (Table 1) in conjunction with three soil values of the maximum lateral deflections of each storey derived
types representing soil classes Ce, De and Ee with geotechnical from FLAC 2D deflection history records. Inter-storey drifts shown
characteristics presented in Table 3 for two different systems: in Figs. 9–11b are determined from the corresponding average
(i) fixed-base structure on the rigid ground (Fig. 7a) and (ii) structure values of the maximum lateral deflections (Figs. 9–11a) for each
considering subsoil using direct method of SSI analysis as the two adjacent stories using Equation 6.7 (1) of AS 1170.4 [28]
flexible base model using new developed soil–structure model (Earthquake action in Australia) as follows:
described in Section 3 (Fig. 7b). drif t ¼ ðdi þ 1  di Þ=h ð12Þ
The four tabulated bedrock earthquake ground motions in
Table 2 (Fig. 8) are applied to both systems in two different ways. where di þ 1 is deflection at (i þ1) level, di is deflection at (i) level,
In the case of modelling the structures as the fixed base models and h is the storey height. In practical designs, it is often assumed
(without soil), the earthquake records are applied to the base of that the storey deflection is equal to the horizontal displacement

Fixed base
Soil Type Ce
4 Soil Type De
Soil Type Ee
Storey Number

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Maximum Lateral Deflection (mm)

Fixed base
Soil Type Ce
4 Soil Type De
Soil Type Ee
Storey Number

Life Safe 1.5%


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Inter-storey Drift (%)
Fig. 9. Average results of inelastic dynamic analyses of model S5 (5 storey model) for two cases of fixed base and flexible base resting on three different subsoils; (a) lateral
deflections and (b) inter-storey drifts.
H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351 349

Fixed base
Soil Type Ce
8 Soil Type De

7 Soil Type Ee

Storey Number

0 200 400 600
Maximum Lateral Deflection (mm)

Fixed base
9 Soil Type Ce
8 Soil Type De

7 Soil Type Ee
Storey Number

Life Safe (1.5%)


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Inter-storey Drift (%)
Fig. 10. Average results of inelastic dynamic analyses of model S10 (10 storey model) for two cases of fixed base and flexible base resting on three different subsoils;
(a) lateral deflections and (b) inter-storey drifts.

of the nodes on the level which may be due to translation, is no longer adequate to guarantee the structural safety for the
rotation, and distortion. mentioned mid-rise moment resisting building frames. Design
Comparing the results for lateral deflections and inter-storey engineers need to carefully take the effects of dynamic SSI into
drifts of the fixed-base and the flexible-base models resting on soil account in their design particularly for construction projects on
classes Ce, De, and Ee, it is observed that lateral deflections and soft soils.
corresponding inter-storey drifts of the flexible base models It can be noted that by decreasing the shear wave velocity
resting on soil class Ce (Vs ¼ 600 m/s) have increased by only 2% and consequently rigidity of the subsoil, the difference between
and 4% in comparison to fixed-base models for models S10 and the vibration period in both cases (i.e. structures with flexible and
S15, respectively, while model S5 experiences no changes in lateral fixed bases) increase; therefore, the effects of soil–structure
deflections and inter-storey drifts. Thus, performance level of interaction for soil classes De and Ee are quite significant while
studied mid-rise moment resisting building frames resting on soil for relatively rigid grounds (soil class Ce), it is negligible. Taking SSI
class Ce remains in life safe level and dynamic soil–structure effects into account, the spectral displacement Sd increases con-
effects are negligible. Lateral deflections and drifts of the flexible siderably due to lengthening of the natural period. Therefore, such
base models resting on soil class De (Vs ¼320 m/s) increase by 2%, increase in the natural period dominantly alters the response of
7%, and 15% in comparison to fixed-base models for 5, 10, and 15 the building frames under the seismic excitation. In the case of
storey models, respectively. Those increments, for 10 and 15 storey adopted mid-rise moment resisting building frames resting on soft
models are potentially safety threatening as they may change the soil deposits, natural period lies in the long period region of the
performance level of the mentioned building frames from life safe response spectrum curve due to the natural period lengthening for
to near collapse. such systems. Hence, the displacement response tends to increase,
For the models on soil class Ee (Vs ¼150 m/s), lateral deflections and eventually performance level of the structures may change
and drifts of the flexible base models have increased by 7%, 31%, from life safe to near collapse or total collapse.
and 67% in comparison to the fixed-base models for models S5,
S10, and S15, respectively. Performance levels of S10 and S15
models change from life safe to near collapse level as shown in 7. Conclusions
Figs. 10 and 11b. Such a significant change in the inter-storey drifts
and subsequently performance level of 10 and 15 storey models In this study, a novel and enhanced soil–structure model
resting on soil class Ee is absolutely dangerous and safety threa- is analysed in the direct method using state-of-the-art capabilities
tening. Therefore, the conventional design procedure excluding SSI of FLAC 2D simulating the complex dynamic soil–structure
350 H.R. Tabatabaiefar, B. Fatahi / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 66 (2014) 339–351

14 Fixed base
13 Soil Type Ce
12 Soil Type De
11 Soil Type Ee

Storey Number
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Maximum Lateral Deflection (mm)

Fixed base
13 Soil Type Ce
12 Soil Type De
11 Soil Type Ee
Storey Number

10 Life Safe (1.5%)

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Inter-storey Drift (%)

Fig. 11. Average results of inelastic dynamic analyses of model S15 (15 storey model) for two cases of fixed base and flexible base resting on three different subsoils;
(a) lateral deflections and (b) inter-storey drifts.

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