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Effects of Classroom Social Interaction Towards the Academic Outcome

of Grade 12 Face to Face Senior High School Students in

Mindtechs Institute of Technology Incorporated

A Research Presented to the Faculty

Seminary Drive, Tagum City

In Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject


Ebra, Chrishelle Ben A.

Cosal, Abegail
Arancon, Christhyneth
Daming, Ronilyn T.
Fajardo, Angel Marry
Jugar, Dazelle Marie P.
Suganod, Paul John
Jugar, Gims


May 2023



Presented in this section are the results of the study which answered the

problems posted in Chapter 1. Results are presented and analyzed under the

following sub-headings: Level of Classroom Social Interaction of Senior High

School face to face students; Level of Academic Outcome of Senior High School

face to face students; and Correlation between Classroom Social Interaction and

Academic Outcome of Senior High School face to face students.

Classroom Social Interaction of

Senior High School Face to
Face Student

The level of Classroom Social Interaction of Senior High School Face to Face

Students is measured according to the following indicators: Student – Teacher

Interaction, and Student – Student Interaction.

Classroom Social Interaction. The level of Classroom Social Interaction

is presented in Table 2. Results show that among the two indicators under

Classroom Social Interaction, student – teacher interaction got the highest with a

mean score of 3.76 (high), and student – student interaction with a mean score of

3.71 (high). The overall mean of Classroom Social Interaction among Senior

High School face to face students in Mindtechs Institute of Technology

Incorporated is 3.73 which is described as high. Therefore, it can be interpreted

that the respondents of Classroom Social Interaction are within the high level.

Table 2. Level of Classroom Social Interaction of Senior High School Face

to Face Students.
Classroom Social Interaction n Mean Description
Student - Teacher Interaction 110 3.76 High
Student – Student Interaction 110 3.71 High
OVERALL 110 3.73 High

Legend Descriptive Equivalent
Range of Means
Very High
4.50 – 5.0

3.50 – 4.49

2.50 – 3.49

1.50 – 2.49

Very Low
1.00 – 1.49

Further, it can also be interpreted that the highest among the indicators under

Classroom Social Interaction is Student – Teacher Interaction. It further explains

that Classroom Social Interaction in Senior High School is mostly through

Student – Teacher Interaction.

Student- teacher interaction have displayed many advantages in the classroom.

The result of a strong student-teacher interaction is that it allows students to feel

confident through exploration and taking risks in their academic tasks. In short,

students who have a positive student-teacher interaction demonstrate a stronger

performance in the classroom (Fitzmorris et al., 2022).

The student – teacher interaction became the vital relationship that is always

present in a conducive learning environment. This may encourage a positive

communication as way of transferring knowledge in a learner-centered instruction

that is in sync with the educational pace of the students and this may lead to a

more favorable academic outcome of a students.

Student – Teacher Interaction has an impression on classroom management and

affects learning and growth. According to developmental perspective, the

establishment of a positive Student – Teacher Interaction aids a student’s

cognitive, social and emotional growth and enhances their mental well-being.

Also, student – teacher interaction impact productively on a student’s self-esteem

and enhance their skills. Further, student – teacher interaction is vital for the

event of the students’ academic self-concept and enhancing their enthusiasm

and success (Sen, 2021)

Moreover, positive student – teacher interaction aids the educational paradigm in

terms on developing a more indulgent, interactive, and cooperative environment

that prosper learning. It also gives emphasis on the students’ interpersonal

matters such as emotional and social aspects of learning and not just focusing on

the cognitive or knowledge acquisition aspects of the students.

On top of that, since the results show that student – teacher interaction is the

main key for a classroom social interaction. Students find the lesson activities

and strategies more effective if student – teacher interaction is present and

executed. This is evidently observed as per the students’ knowledge acquisition

and grades they acquire as an end product of the teaching and learning process.

Academic Outcome of Senior

High School Face to
Face students

The level of Academic Outcome was measured through 1st semester grades

average of Senior High School face to face students.

Academic Outcome. The results on the level of Academic Outcome in

terms of grades of the Senior High School Face to Face Students is presented in

table 3. The overall mean score of the first semester grade average of Senior

High School face to face students is 87 (Outstanding). This further indicate that

the respondent’s level of Academic Outcome is Outstanding.

Table 3. Level of Academic Outcome in terms of Grades of Senior High

School face to face students.

Academic Outcome n Mea Description

Grades 110 87.06 Outstanding
OVERALL 110 87.06 Outstanding

Grading Scale Descriptive Equivalent

90 - 100 Excellent

85 – 89 Outstanding

80 – 84 Satisfactory

75 – 79 Fair

Below 75 Poor

This result further indicates that the respondents acquire the indicator which is

grade and interpreted to be outstanding and have passed the standard criterion

of grading scale. This indicates that the majority of respondents were able to get

a favorable grade with the help of student – teacher interaction as the basis of a

positive classroom social interaction, which contributes to their generally

satisfying grades. The grades of the Senior High School Face to Face Students

is further indicated to be Outstanding.

The major reason for assigning grades is to create a public record of a student’s

academic achievement that can accurately and effectively communicate to the

other level of mastery of a subject a student has demonstrated (Airasian, 2001).

Furthermore, students will perform better academically because for a couple of

reasons, this includes the fact that they enjoy studying more when they can

interact with their teachers and co-students. They are more likely to get

motivated to engage in classroom activities in a physical manner whether it is a

quiz, assignments or physical activities and experiments which is one of the

reasons why they will have outstanding semestral grades.

The grading practices used by many teachers are designed to communicate

student’s performance in a number of areas, including both academic

achievement and behavioral factors such as student effort, conduct and attitude.

When teachers assign grades, especially final grades, they are communicating a

number of messages to students with single mark. Teachers often attempt to

communicate message that include; level of expectations, level of academic

achievement, encouragement and disappointment. Educators often use grades

as both a punishment for bad behavior and a motivational tool for good behavior

(Chiekem, 2005)

This means that the academic outcome of the Senior High School face to face

students in terms of grade is well acquired by the means of interactions that is

happening inside the classroom environment which become one of the factors for

the outstanding grade point average that they receive at the end of the semester.

On top of that, grades signify the certain level of academic mastery and

performance acquired by the students that was based on an objective and

subjective criterion. This gives meaning on the numbers given to the students as

a form of grades that represents their level of mastery in the concepts and skills

they have successfully mastered and on what areas that needs further

improvement. And this may lead to a more productive and utilized interactions

inside the classroom.

Correlation between Classroom Social Interaction

and Academic Outcome of Senior High
School Face to Face Students

Results in the relationship between Classroom Social Interaction and Academic

Outcome of Senior High School Face to Face Students is presented in Table 4.

The computed p value of 0.004 at 0.5 level of significance leads to the rejection

of the null hypothesis. The result followed that there is a relationship between the

Classroom Social Interaction and Academic Outcome of the Senior High School

Face to Face students.

Table 4. Significant Relationship Between Classroom Social Interaction and

Academic Outcome of Senior High School Face to Face Students

N SD Mean r p-value Decision

Classroom Social
110 0.45 3.7 Positive
0.26 0.004
Academic Outcome 110 4.59 87 p< 0.05
reject Ho


0.-0.19 No Positive Linear Relationship

0.2- 0.29 Weak Positive Linear Relationship

0.3- 0.39 Moderate Positive Linear Relationship

0.4- 0.6 Strong Positive Linear Relationship

Very Strong Positive Linear

0.7- 1
Very Strong Negative Linear
-0.70- 1

-0.4- -0.6 Strong Negative Linear Relationship

-0.3- -0.39 Moderate Negative Linear Relationship

-0.2- -0.29 Weak Negative Linear Relationship

0- 0.19 No Negative Linear Relationship

Furthermore, the r value is 0.26 which signifies a strong positive linear

relationship between Classroom Social Interaction and Academic Outcome of

Senior High School Face to Face Students. This indicates that 26% of the

Academic Outcome can be explained by Classroom Social Interaction, while the

remaining 74% can be explained by other factors not covered in this study.

This means that Classroom Social Interaction can affect the Academic Outcome.

Classroom social interaction between students is an essential and utilized part of

the education. Many studies have addressed that the social connection has any

association with his/her academic performance and develops understanding on

how learning relationships form inside the classroom and how it effects students’

learning outcomes (Nguyen, 2021).

Further, the grades as the basis of academic outcome of the students has been

proven to be affected by Classroom social interaction. Student – teacher

interaction in a classroom setting is defined as an interactive communication

strategy that specifically involves the students in the learning process in order to

comprehend and learn the subject material.

Students inside the classroom noted that social interaction positively impacted

their learning and they plan to carry on this concept. Active classroom social

interaction helps create a positive classroom environment and establish a

community of learners who support each other (Li & Bromly, 2008).

Therefore, one of the best learning methods that has the most impact on

students' academic outcome is the presence of positive and interactive

classroom social interaction. Students must take part in activities inside the

classroom setting that will help them enhance their grades and academic


On top of this, Classroom Social Interaction can greatly contribute on the

Academic Outcome by developing and executing positive student – teacher

interaction, and student – student interaction. This proves that Classroom Social

Interaction and Academic Outcome are significantly related as shown on the

results of this study.



This chapter presents the summary of the results of the study as well as the

conclusions drawn from the findings with its subsequent recommendations.


This study was conducted to determine the significant relationship between the

Classroom Social Interaction and Academic Outcome of the Senior High School

Face to Face Students in Mindtechs Institute of Technology Incorporated. The

study generated the following findings:

1. The level of Classroom Social Interaction of the Senior High School face

to face students in terms of Student – Teacher Interaction has reach 3.76

which is the highest of all the indicators under the Classroom Social

Interaction. Further, Student – Student Interaction has a mean score of

3.71. The overall mean of Classroom Social Interaction is 3.73. This can

be interpreted that the Senior High School Face to Face Students,

Classroom Social Interaction is within high level.

2. The level of Academic Outcome in terms Grades of Senior High School

Face to Face Students has reached the mean of 87 which is describe as

Outstanding. This further indicate that the respondent’s level of Academic

Outcome is Outstanding.

3. There is a significant relationship between Classroom Social Interaction

and Academic Outcome since the p value which is 0.005 is less than the

set 0.05 level of significance, also because there is 26%, from the r value

of 0.26. This indicates that Classroom Social Interaction has its effects on

the Academic Outcome of the students.


Based on the findings of the study, the researchers arrived at the following


1. The summary level of Classroom Social Interaction of Senior High School

face to face students in terms of Student – Teacher Interaction, and

Student – Student Interaction is within high level. This means that the

respondents are currently experiencing a high level of Classroom Social

Interaction that significantly contribute on their learning capabilities and

knowledge acquisition.

2. The summary level of Academic Outcome in terms of Grade of the Senior

High School face to face students is within the Outstanding level. This

means that the respondents have a Outstanding level of Academic


3. The result shows that there is a significant relationship between

Classroom Social Interaction and the Academic Outcome of the Senior

High School face to face students. This means that indulging in Classroom

Social Interaction highly contributes to the Academic Outcome of the



In view of the findings of the study, the researchers offer the following


Students – The result of this study enable the students to acclaimed the fact in

which classroom social connection remains fundamental to learning. The more

people you engage with, the more you learn and which aids in your development

and better understanding of yourself.

Parents – The result of this study helps the parents understand the importance

of Classroom Social Interaction on the students’ learning development which

occurs as a result of interactions between people inside the classroom

environment. The development of students is especially dependent on social

interaction. This is why it is crucial for parents to consider that socialization of the

students in schools is normal and important.

Teachers - The result of this study allows the Mindtechs Institute of Technology

Incorporated teachers to knowingly understand the situation in which the

sufficient Social Interaction inside the classroom helps both the student and the

teacher in maintaining and exchanging of knowledge which results in a more

favorable academic outcome.

School – The result of this study provides the school a stand point as to how the

learning environment is more than just a classroom or a school . It is a place

where students may freely engage with one another and with teachers. This

research undoubtedly yields reliable data that will aid in the development of parts

of the school that stimulate social Interaction not only for students, but also for

teachers, administration, and stakeholders.

Future Researcher - The result of this study will help the future researchers to

completely comprehend that classroom social interaction is not just our day-to-

day social environment but profoundly one of the integral component of the

transferring and acquiring knowledge. It is not merely on the teacher – student

interaction but also in student – student interactions that may help them justify

their own understanding and incorporate it with their peer perception.

Survey Questionnaire on Classroom Social Interaction

Name: ___________________________ Y r./Sec: ________________

Respondent No. ______
Dear Respondents:
Please Check the appropriate column corresponding the given rate (5,4,3,2,1)
according to your perceived Classroom Social Interaction.

Quantitative Description

5 The item statement is manifested at all times.

4 The item statement is frequently manifested.
3 The item statement is seldom manifested.
2 The item statement is rarely manifested.
1 The item statement is never manifested.

Student - Teacher Interaction

Item (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
No. Statement Always Often Sometime Rarely Never
1 I interact with my teacher
through class discussion.
2 I ask my teacher regarding
the topic I found difficult.
3 I can understand the
activities if my teacher
guides me.
4 I can understand my
lesson completely through
5 I always finish my school
activities inside the

6 I can do my activities if I
am in the presence of my
7 I only finish my activities if
my teacher told me to do
8 I am dependent on my
teacher in understanding
of my lesson.
9 My lesson understanding
depends on the extent of
my interaction with my
10 I have gain confidence in
my academic activities.

Student - Student Interaction

Item Statement (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
No. Always Often Sometime Rarely Never
1 I interact with my
classmate through class
2 I ask my classmate
regarding the topic I found
3 I am dependent on my
classmate in
understanding of my
4 I can do my activity
efficiently with my
classmate inside the
5 I help my classmate in
accomplishing our
6 I have a positive
relationship with my
7 I have developed my
cooperation with in terms
of finishing activity with the
help of my classmate.
8 I have developed my
interpersonal skills through
my interaction with my
9 I communicate directly with
one my classmate and it
helps me increase my
thinking capacity.
10 I have a positive attitude
towards my school
activities because my

classmate is helping me
understand the lessons.


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