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  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   1



Welcome Remarks:
Dean, Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia
Dr. Adrianus Laurens Gerung Waworuntu, S.S., M.A
Distinguished speakers and participants,

I am pleased to welcome you to the first International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics,

which is held in our faculty.

Linguistics, the study of language, is one of the studies which is learnt by many, not only because
it explains phenomena in our society, but also because it is part of our life. Many aspects of life are
related to language, and many fields are observed with it, such as education, law, geography,
semiotics, health, and even architecture. So we chose the theme of the conference as “The Role of
Language in All Aspects of Human Life” .

This conference is a forum for all researchers of various disciplines who are interested in linguistics.
Therefore we welcome all studies on linguistics, such as psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics,
neurolinguistics, language teaching, translation and interpreting studies, and philology. We also
embrace studies that link to language, such as law, geography, semiotics, education, health, and

I would like to thank all of the keynote and plenary speakers who have travelled to Indonesia for
their willingness to share their thought, ideas, and works on linguistics. My appreciation also goes
to all of the speakers and participants who join us here. This conference is organized by the
Department of Linguistics, which is one of the biggest departments in our faculty. Please let me
extend my gratitude to all of the conference committees.

Enjoy the conference, and I hope this forum will expand not only our knowledge on linguistics but
also our network.

2   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Welcome Remarks: 
Conference Director of ICTL 2018

Dr. Bernadette Kushartanti, M.Hum.

Dear Distinguished Speakers and Participants,

Welcome to the Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia, and to the first International
Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics which is held by the Linguistics Department Faculty
of Humanities Universitas Indonesia.

We have held many seminars on linguistics, nationally and internationally, in different areas such
as lexicology and lexicography, translation and interpreting studies, sociolinguistics, discourse
analysis and semiotics, and educational linguistics. The purpose of these seminars is to provide an
opportunity for the linguistic researchers to present their latest research results. In addition, those
seminars aim to develop interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary linguistic

This year, the Linguistics Department of FIB UI aims to unite all those seminars into a Scopus-
indexed international conference. The main topic of the conference we propose is: “The Role of
Language in All Aspects of Human Life”. This conference will present speakers from Indonesia
and abroad, which also aims to provide an opportunity for discussion and to enhance professional
networking in various studies in linguistics and other relevant disciplines.

The main theme of this conference is meant to open our horizon that linguistics is not only a science
analyzing language structure and meaning. As an independent discipline, linguistics has the chance
to play a role as a research analysis instrument in various aspects of human life. Whenever language
is used in the practice or implementation of any profession, at that moment linguistics plays a role.
This big theme is elaborated into many subthemes relevant with linguistic development and national
issues, which need to be solved through the aspect of language.

On behalf of the committee, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all of those
who supported our conference: The Rector of Universitas Indonesia, the Dean of Faculty of
Humanities, our honorable keynote, plenary, parallel speakers, all of the reviewers, and all of the

I wish you have a pleasant and fruitful discussion during the conference, new insights on linguistics
studies, and broader networking on these areas.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   3




Welcome remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia 2

Welcome remarks by the Conference Director 3
Table of Content 4
Conference schedule 5
Conference schedule Day 1 6
Conference schedule Day 2 10
Conference schedule Day 3 13
Session guidelines 14
Abstracts of keynote speakers 15
Abstracts of plenary speakers 18
Abstracts of presenters 25
Organizing committee 55
Map of the venue 56

4   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life



International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018

“The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life”
Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
October 10—12, 2018 
  10—12 October 2018
Time  Wednesday,  Thursday, Friday, 
10 October 2018  11 October 2018  12 October 2018 
09:00—10:00  Registration +  09:00—10:00 Snack &  08:30—09:00  Snack & Coffee 
Snack & Coffee  Coffee  (ROOM 1102) 
(ROOM 1102)  (ROOM 1102) 
10:00—10:15  Opening  09:00—10:20  Plenary 2
Ceremony  (ROOM 1103) 
(ROOM 1103)  Plenary 1 
10:15—11:30  Keynote 1  (ROOM 1103)  10:30—11:30  Parallel 6
(ROOM 1103)  (ROOM 1103, 
11:30—11:40  Photo Session 
11:40—13:00  Lunch  11:50—13:00  Lunch 
(ROOM 1102)  11:30—13:30 
(ROOM 1102)  (ROOM 1102) 
13:00—14:00  Parallel 1 
Parallel 4 
(ROOM 1103,  13:30—14:45  Keynote 2
(ROOM 1103, 4101, 4112, 
4101, 4112,  (ROOM 1103) 
14:15—15:15  Parallel 2  14:45—15:00  Closing
Parallel 5 
(ROOM 1103,  (ROOM 1103) 
(ROOM 1103, 4101, 4112, 
4101, 4112, 
15:15—15:30  Coffee Break  Coffee Break
(ROOM 1102)  (ROOM 1102) 
15:30—16:15  Parallel 3 
(ROOM 1103, 
4101, 4112, 

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   5



International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018
“The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life”
Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
October 10—12, 2018
DAY 1/ Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Registration  ROOM 1102
09:00  10:00  + Snack & 
Opening  ROOM 1103
10:15  Ceremony 
10:00  Dr. Adrianus Laurens Gerung Waworuntu, S.S., M.A. 
Dr. Bernadette Kushartanti 
Keynote 1  ROOM 1103

10:15  11:30   
Prof. Dr. James T. Collins 
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat 

11:30  11:40                  Photo Session

11:40  13:00  Lunch  ROOM 1102

  ROOM 1103 ROOM 4101 ROOM 4112  ROOM 7103‐
    Moderator:  Moderator:  Moderator:   
Andika Wijaya  Putu Pramania  Harumi Manik  Moderator: 
Adnyana  Ayu Yamin  Filia 
Parallel 1  Errors in the  Representation  The Use of  Study of 
English‐ of Patriarchy in  Group  Semantic‐
Indonesian  Korean Children  Discussion  Pragmatic: 
Translation   Songs  Based on  President 
  Personality  Mahmoud 
Type and  Abbas’ 
    Student  Response 
13:00  14:00    Speaking Skills  Speech About 
in Teaching  Jerusalem 
Haru Deliana  Putu Pramania  Dian Kurniasih  Hasrul Azmi, 
Dewi, Andika  Adnyana  Wahyusari,  Abdul Muta'ali 
Wijaya, Rahayu  Sisilia Setiawati 
Surtiati Hidayat  Halimi 

6   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


  Investigating  Self‐Repair in  The Impacts of  Imperative 

Students’ Views  Japanese  Self‐ Based on 
of Translation  Speech  Assessment in  Declarative 
Theory Subject: A  Performed by  Building  and 
Case Study  Parents to  Discussion Skills  Interrogative 
Children Aged  and Learner  Sentences 
2‐3 Years Old  Autonomy  (Pragmatic 

Suwarni Wijaya  Filia, Nissa  Harumi Manik  Fulaivila 

Halim  Devita Riyani  Ayu Yamin  Faizatun Naili, 
Lubis  Wiwin Tri 
Translating Code‐ The  The Use of  Sequences of 
switching in the  Representation  Mind‐Mapping  Directive 
Indonesian  of Beauty in the  in Writing  Utterances to 
Version of der  Advertising of  English  Japanese 
Boxer  Nivea in  Narrative Texts  Children Aged 
German Critical  2‐5 Years Old 
Dias Rifanza Salim Catharina Dian  Aisyah  Filia, Khansa 
Ikawati Susilo  Nurdianingsih P  Nadhifa 
A, Sisilia  Mazaya 
Parallel 2  ROOM 1103 ROOM 4101 ROOM 4112  ROOM 7103‐
Moderator: Haru  Moderator:  Moderator: F.X.   
Deliana Dewi  Ismi Putri  Rahyono  Moderator: 
Rahmah  Apipuddin 
The Effectiveness  Students’  Eco‐Lexicon  Critical 
Between Two  Perceptions  Meanings  Discourse 
Translation  toward  Contained in  Analysis on 
Assessment  Teacher’s Talk  The  Joko Widodo’s 
Models for  in EFL  Conservation  Depiction in 
English to  Classroom of  News Texts  Indonesien 
Indonesian  Indonesia  Published in  Unerfahrener 
14:15  15:15  Translation  Senior High  Mass Media  Hoffnungstrae
School  ger 
Students: A 
Case Study 
Haru Deliana  Erly Mulfias  Tommy  Matasha 
Dewi, Rahayu  Yuli  Yuniawan,  Azura 
Surtiati Hidayat  Fathur  Hertasning, 
Rokhman,  Afdol Tharik 
Rustono  Wastono 
Rustono, Hari 

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   7



  Translation  The Effect of  Multimodality  Discourse 

Methods in  Indonesian  of Internet  Analysis of 
Political  Language Use  Meme as Social  Translation 
Speeches: A Case  in English  Criticism on  Shift from The 
Study of English  Listening Tests  Instagram  Word Al‐Quds 
Translation of  for High School  to Jerusalem 
    President Joko  Students  on Republika 
Inaugural Address 
Muhammad  Ismi Putri  Majid Ariyoga,  Aryana 
Ersan Pamungkas  Rahmah, Sisilia  F.X. Rahyono  Rahman, 
Setiawati  Apipuddin 
  Equivalent Words  Improving the  A Diachronic  Discourse 
of Fictive Kinship  Sixth Grade  Study of  Analysis on 
Terms from  English  Changes in  Prime 
Arabic to  Reading  Lexical  Minister of 
Indonesian in the  Comprehensio Meanings in  Lebanon 
Qur`anic  n Using  Bahasa Melayu  Sa`Ad Al‐
Translation  Concept  Nusantara at  Hariri’s 
    Mapping  Syntactic Level  Resignation 
Siti Aisyah Adri,  Annisaa  Dewi Puspita  Yuli 
Wiwin Triwinarti  Paradisa, Sisilia  Setianingsih, 
S. Halimi  Abdul Muta'ali 

15:15  15:30  Coffee Break  ROOM 1102

Parallel 3  ROOM 1103 ROOM 4101 ROOM 4112  ROOM 7103‐
Moderator:  Moderator:  Moderator:   
Lea Santiar   Muzainah  Mifta Huzaena  Moderator: 
Nurazijah  Abdul Muta'ali 
Memaafkan (To  Expressions of  Interjection of  Linguistic 
Forgive) in the  Love in  Indonesian  Politeness of 
Novel Hujan dan  Sundanese  Language at  Qatari Emir’s 
Teduh  Language: A  The Beginning  Political 
Study of  of the 20th  Speech Sheikh 
Emotion and  Century and  Tamim Bin 
15:30  16:15  State of Mind  The Early of the  Hamad Al ‐ 
21st Century:   Thani About 
Comparison of  Qatar’s 
The Use of  Diplomatic 
Interjection in  Relation 
Popular Literary 
Izhatullaili Muzainah  Dimas Zhafran  Muhammad 
Nurazijah,  Afdal, Untung  Fauzi, Abdul 
Hermina  Yuwono  Muta'ali 

8   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


The Meanings of  The Influence  The Function  Language 

Loli and Lolita in  of Mianzi  the Word Yang  Politics by 
Japan and  Concept  in Classical  Japan (1942‐
Indonesia  (面子)and  Malay to  1945): Anti‐
Guanxi  Indonesian  Dutch 
Concept  Language (the  Sentiments, 
(关系)On  XVI‐XXI  Dynamics of 
Business  Century)  the Dutch 
Success of  Language and 
    Chinese  Indonesian 
Descendants in  Language. 
Lea Santiar, Afif  Rahadjeng  Mifta Huzaena,  Fajar 
Windy  Pulungsari  Frans Asisi  Muhammad 
Septiansyah  Hadi, Raden  Datang  Nugraha 
Ayu Moza 

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   9



DAY 2/Thursday, 11 October 2018

09:00  10:00  Snack &  ROOM 1102
10:00  11:50  Plenary 1  ROOM 1103
      Sisilia S. Halimi, Ph.D.
Dr. Kohei Watanabe 
Dr. Mohammed Al‐Batineh 
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Multamia R.M.T. Lauder 
11:50  13:00  Lunch  ROOM 1102
13:00  14:00  Parallel 4  ROOM 1103 ROOM 4101 ROOM 4112  ROOM 7103‐
Moderator: Ami  Moderator:   
Pramesti Jewalani  Margareta  Moderator: 
Aulia Rachman  Ivo Novita 
Written Phrase  Languange,  Move Analysis  How Lecturers 
Understanding  Gender and  on ELT  and Students’ 
from The Variation  Power Relation  Research  Justify Their 
of Lexical  in Pesantren  Articles: Across  Judgment on 
Activation and  Journal  Grammaticali‐
Selection  Affiliation  ty 
Ami Pramesti  Mina Elfira Arif Husein  Clara Herlina 
Jewalani, Myrna  Lubis, Eri  Karjo 
Laksman‐Huntley,  Kurniawan 
Harwintha Yuhria   

Cognitive Aspects  Men as  Graduate  Video Usage 

of Icons and  Leaders of  Theses Trends  in Teaching 
Symbols in The  Linguistic  at Linguistics  Grammar for 
Interpretation of  Change: Case  Program,  Pre‐Secondary 
German Idioms  of Tlemcen  Universitas  Students 
Speech  Indonesia: 
Community  Study of 
Data and Text 
Mining 2005 – 

Setiawati  Hussein Ali  Muhamad  Ivo Novita 

Darmojuwono  Obeidat  Prabu Wibowo,  Silalahi, Sisilia 
M. Hanif  Setiawati 
Inamullah,  Halimi 
Aulia Rachman 

10   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


      A Cognitive  The  Motivation  Improving 

Perspective on  Representations  Study between  Students’ 
the Arabic Spatial  of Taiwan’s First  German  Writing Skills 
Noun fawqa  Language  through Peer 
President in the 
Applying The  Education and  Feedback in 
Principled  German  Indonesian 
Polysemy Model  Literature  Universities 

Zaqiatul Mardiah,  Yasmine  Dwi Putri  Audrey 

Afdol Tharik  Anabel  Ningsih  Gabriella 
Wastono, Abdul  Panjaitan  Titaley, 
Muta'ali  Setiawati 

14:15  15:15  Parallel 5  ROOM 1103 ROOM 4101 ROOM 4112  ROOM 7103‐

Moderator:  Moderator:  Moderator: 
Rosalina Febrianti  Frista Nanda  Winasti Rahma 
Dessy Irawan 
Lakoff's theory on  Word  Intercultural  An 
Women's  Comprehension  Aspects in  Understandin
Language  in Children with  Teaching BIPA:  g on Pattern 
Features  A Case Study at  of Dictionary 
Institution X  Defining 
Process: A 
Case Study of 
KBBI Usage 
Rosalina Febrianti Sansiviera  Winasti Rahma  Dessy Irawan, 
Mediana Sari,  Diani, Sisilia  Totok 
Harwintha  Setiawati  Suhardijanto, 
Yuhria  Halimi  Dien Rovita 
Domestication of  Comparing  Comprehension  Agricultural 
Song Lyrics AKB48  Pleasant and  The Influence of  Terms in Rice 
Into Bahasa  Sad  Figurative  Production: A 
Indonesia For  Experiences in  Geolinguistic 
Mastery and 
JKT48  Written  Study 
Short Story 
Narratives by  Reading 
Indonesian  Motivation 
  School‐aged  towards 
Children  Students’ 

Rifka Alfi  Bernadette  Yudi Juniardi,  Multamia 

Hidayawati, Lea  Kushartanti,  Endah  RMT Lauder, 
Santiar  Raina Dellani  Yuniartiah  R.A. Disyacitta 
Johanna, Fitria  Nariswari 
Rahma Dewi 

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   11



        The Ability of  A Corpus‐
Children Aged  assisted Critical 
10‐11 Years in  Discourse 
Complex, and  Representation 
Compound‐ during the 2018 
Complex  British Royal 
Sentences  Wedding on 
BBC and The 
New York Times 
Online News 

  Frista Nanda  Fathimah 
Pratiwi, Niken  Salma Zahirah,
Felicia N. 
15:15  15:30  Coffee Break  ROOM 1102


12   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


DAY 3/ Friday, 12 October 2018 
08:30  09:00  Coffee &  ROOM 1102
09:00  10:20  Plenary 2  ROOM 1103
      Dr. Tom Hoogervorst 
Prof. Gladys Tang (Skype Conference) 
Moderator: Mohammad Umar Muslim, S.S., M.A., Ph.D 
10:30  11:20  Parallel 6  ROOM 1103 ROOM 4101
Moderator:  Moderator: 
Ulfa Kurniasih  Doni Jaya 
Understanding the Reading Span  The Quality of Rhyme and Rhythm 
of Dyslexic Readers: A Case Study  in Song Lyric Translation 
on 8‐year‐old Dyslexic Child 
Angkita Wasito Kirana, Anita Risma  Haru Deliana Dewi, Aulia Fitri, 
Pratiwi  Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat 
Listeners’ Comprehension on The  Foreign Language Translation in 
Utterances of Individuals With  Bram Stoker’s Dracula: A Case 
Autism Spectrum Disorder  Study 
Ulfa Kurniasih, Harwintha Yuhria  Doni Jaya, Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat
Anjarningsih, Myrna Laksman‐
11:20  13:30  Lunch  ROOM 1102
13:30  14:45  Keynote 2  Prof. Theo Van Leeuwen 
Moderator: Dr. Untung Yuwono 
14:45  15:00  Closing  Dr. F.X. Rahyono 
Photo Session

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   13




 As a courtesy to the presenters and participants, please switch off (or put on silent mode)
all beeping devices (mobile phones, etc.) during all sessions.

 To ensure all conference activities are done according to the schedule, presenters have a
fair share of time (10-15 minutes) to present their papers. A Q&A session (15 minutes) will
be given after all presenters in each parallel session have given their talks.

 For parallel sessions, one moderator has been selected from panel members. The moderator
is responsible for the time management of the session.

 The moderators are asked to liase with the panel members before their sessions about the
time allocation, announce the presentation order and format to the audience at the beginning
of the session, alert presenters if they are running out of time, and manage the question and
answer session. A student helper will be in each room to assist

 A laptop and an LCD projector are provided in each room. Please make sure your
presentation materials are compatible, or you may have a backup in case of any technical

 Please arrive at the venue at least 5 to 10 minutes before your session to prepare for your

 Please wear your conference badge at all time during the conference.

!!Conference Update Notice!!

Any changes done during conference activities will be posted on conference update notice boards
placed in front of Building 1 (the main venue).

14   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life



  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   15



Prof. Dr. James T. Collins
Institute of Ethnic Studies/Institute of the Malay World and Civilization
National University of Malaysia

Global eras and language diversity in Indonesia: Transdisciplinary projects towards

language maintenance and revitalization

Indonesia stands out as a country of hundreds of languages. That striking diversity emerged
from the social impact of three momentous global eras: Prehistoric migrations out of Asia,
Intensification of commerce and conquest six centuries ago, and Rapid shifts in demography and
communication in this century. Nonetheless, we are now witnessing a dramatic diminishment of
language diversity in Indonesia. Although apparently some Indonesians disparage the language
diversity of their country, the survival and maintenance of heritage languages (local languages) in
the archipelago’s complex language network is widely recognized as a critical component of the
national identity of Indonesia.
Parallel to the rapid loss of heritage languages is the ecological crisis that is impacting the
seas, the rivers, the forests and mountains of Indonesia. Just as in the nineteenth century the
scientific articulation of modern linguistics was linked to the parallel development of the biological
sciences, the contemporary study of endangered languages must be linked to the contemporary,
international concern about global ecology. Along with the biological heritage of Island Southeast
Asia, is its language heritage. Nettle (1999) pointed out that those areas of the world with the
highest biological diversity are also the same area with the highest language diversity. Any study
of endangered flora and fauna in this region should go hand in hand in hand with the study of
endangered languages and dialects.
In this presentation we will explore how transdisciplinary planning can yield not only
broad-based knowledge about our region, its ecological systems and its language communities but
also about how this knowledge can bridge the gap between academia and society to sustain
ecological systems and language networks.  

16   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life



Prof. Theo Van Leeuwen
University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Function and identity in multimodal discourse analysis

Drawing on a range of examples from educational and corporate communication, the

lecture will argue for a two-pronged approach to multimodal discourse analysis that combines
‘functional design analysis’ and ‘identity design analysis’. It will be argued that functional design
is increasingly global, functional and homogenized while identity design is increasingly diverse,
aesthetic, and oriented towards meanings and values. It will also be argued that while functional
design analysis is grounded in grammatical systems and generic conventions, identity design
analysis requires a parametric approach and an element of creative interpretation.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   17




18   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Prof. Gladys Tang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 
Sign Language Acquisition of Deaf Chldren

Sign language was once the language of communication between and among deaf children
and their teachers who could also be deaf and signing. However, the ban on sign language at the
Milan Congress in 1880 had given way to the acquisition of spoken languages by deaf children as
well as their ability to lip read. This speech-only ideology has been further entrenched with the
introduction of speech and language therapy and cochlear implantation in recent decades. Yet, the
emergence of sign linguistics in 1960s rekindled the quest for how deaf children acquire language
as a cognitive system through input from sign language, leading to philosophical questions of
whether gesture is a preamble for sign language development and whether deaf children can acquire
sign language and spoken language at the same time. Placing sign language acquisition research
within the paradigm of linguistics, one can readily draw parallels between deaf and hearing
children’s language development, albeit in different modalities, oral versus signed. Research shows
that deaf children acquiring sign language and hearing children acquiring speech demonstrate
similar stages of development. For example, signing and speaking children go through the same
maturational timetable, including babbling (7-12 months), the first word stage (1-14 months), and
the two-word stage. The errors that children make in the course of acquiring sign language are also
comparable to those made by hearing children as they acquire speech. These findings provide strong
evidence that the human propensity for language is not modality-dependent, but independent (Baker
and Woll 2009, Chen Pichler 2012, Petitto, 2000). Also, a critical period exists for deaf children to
acquire language, as research shows that the ultimate grammatical competence in signing attained
by a deaf user depends largely on how early the onset of acquisition takes place and this language
foundation corelates with his literacy achievement in spoken languages (Mayberry 2010). In
other words, it is possible that late language onset may result in deaf children losing sensitivity
towards certain morphosyntactic properties of natural languages, as demonstrated by the classic
study by Newport (1988). While the debate on oralism versus manualism continues, recent research
on bimodal bilingual acquisition indicates that it is futile to assume that deaf children can only
acquire one language at a time, and priority is given to speech as a first language. In fact, deaf
children can acquire both a sign language and a spoken language simultaneously at an early age,
similar to hearing children acquiring two spoken languages (Tang et. al. 2014, Tang and Li 2018).
From a linguistic perspective, these findings suggest that exposure to sign language triggers
the acquisition of linguistic properties shared by natural languages, and crosslinguistic interaction
lays the foundation for the development of the cognitive module responsible for language, thus
refuting the common misconceptions that acquiring sign language by deaf children impedes their

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   19



spoken language development. In HK, this insight from bimodal bilingual acquisition research has
been applied to developing a form of sign bilingual programme in an inclusive environment, namely
‘sign bilingualism and co-enrollment in education” (The SLCO approach). It encourages both deaf
and hearing children to become bimodal bilingual in HKSL and Cantonese/English through
providing bilingual input in the classroom on a daily basis by native speakers and native or near-
native signers. It not only removes barriers of communication, it also facilitates the education of
young children, and deaf children in particular.

20   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life



Dr. Kohei Watanabe

Teikyo University, Japan

Toponymy - where Geography meets Linguistics

Toponymy is a study of place names, or names of geographical features. The scale of the
object can be as big as continents or oceans, or as small as a street corner or a peculiar rock outcrop.
Toponyms reflect human beings' perception of the natural and man-made environments as well as
social relationships between communities.
The presenter has an academic background of engineering and geography, but the United
Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) provided him an opportunity to
collaborate with linguists. In the presentation, the activities and the current discussions at
UNGEGN will be explained, with some emphasis on issues dealt in the Working Group on
Exonyms under UNGEGN, for which the presenter acts as the convenor.
Exonyms are names used in the language outside the area where the named feature is
located (e.g. Belanda for Netherlands in Bahasa Indonesia). At one point, they were perceived to
be problematic, as when UNGEGN was established in 1967 to promote and assist the
standardisation of geographical names, initially the ideal was to have one standardised name used
across all languages for each geographical feature. However, in the 50 years' discussion, many
difficulties became clear. A geographical feature can be shared culturally, if not physically, among
several communities using different languages and different names for the given feature.
Place names, including exonyms are an important component of a language, and they
convey the cultural heritage of the community that uses the language.  

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   21



Dr. Mohammed Al-Batineh
Yarmouk University, Yordania

Translation as Inspiration: Latent Semantic Analysis and Corpus Linguistics for

Investigating the Impact of Translating Activity on Original Writing

The present study empirically investigates the stylistic and thematic relation between
creative writing and translating as two activities carried out by Denys Johnson-Davies (J-D), a
British creative writer and an Arabic-English translator. The study attempts to show the extent to
which translating activity affects creative writing and vice versa in the case of J-D. This study
makes use of two data analysis techniques. The first method is Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA),
which is an information retrieval technique that is applied to Natural Language understanding
problems. LSA is used in this study as an automated method to conduct thematic similarity analysis
in three corpora of short stories produced by J-D: 1- a corpus of short stories translated before the
production of creative writing, 2- a corpus of creative writing short stories and 3- a corpus of short
stories translated after the production of creative writing. The second method of analysis is Corpus
Linguistics (CL), which is a research approach used to reveal language patterns in a large collection
of texts. CL is used to analyze the translational and authorial style of J-D in his translations and
creative writing to reveal the extent to which J-D’s style as a translator impacted his style as a
creative writer. The stylistic corpus and the thematic LSA analyses suggest that J-D’s style as a
translator impacted his style as a writer. In addition, it was evident that translation helped J-D
develop his writing skills and style. Indeed, the translating activity served as a source of inspiration
and intertextuality for his creative writing. As for the interaction between J-D’s creative writing and
the post-creative writing translations, the findings show that J-D’s creative writing impacted the
selection of short stories he translated after the production of his creative writing, which revolved
around themes he developed as a creative write.

22   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Sisilia S. Halimi, Ph.D
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

Rethinking the Teaching of Foreign Languages In Education 4.0

This presentation discusses a framework for the teaching of foreign languages in Education
4.0. It shows how a theoretical approach based on foreign language teaching principles,
sociocultural and constructivist theories, and concepts taken from research on multimodality and
new literacies, can influence the teaching of foreign languages in Education 4.0. Some trends that
stand out in many discussions about Education 4.0 will be presented before examining how these
trends are translated into the design of tasks for foreign language teaching in Education 4.0. Finally
it looks at how the design was implemented in practice by focusing on a number of issues such as
use of multimodal tools, peer to peer learning, and how students’ performance is assessed.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   23



Dr. Tom Hoogervorst
Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies Leiden, Netherland

From Chinese to Malay and back: Sino-Indonesian literature and colonial-era


Much can be learned from the historical sociolinguistic landscape of Indonesia’s Chinese
population. China’s earliest travelers to Indonesia quickly adopted the local practice of using Malay
to communicate with people from other linguistic backgrounds. Whether or not their children and
grandchildren retained fluency in Hokkien and/or other Sinitic languages largely depended on their
financial situation, cultural orientation, and the availability of Chinese teachers in their region. Yet
for most, colloquial Malay had become the primary language of literary expression, as was also the
case with other communities of partly external origins. The Malay used in Chinese-Indonesian
circles contained numerous unique linguistic features, setting it apart from the linguistic repertoires
of other Malay-speaking groups. The lexical and grammatical character of the numerous late-
colonial books, newspapers and other publications written by Indonesia’s prolific Chinese-
descended journalists offer lively illustrations of this “pre-Indonesian” variety of Malay.

24   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life



  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   25



The Use of Mind-Mapping In Writing English Narrative Texts

Aisyah Nurdianingsih P. A., Sisilia Setiawati Halimi

Universitas Indonesia;

In writing English narrative texts, 4th grade students as young learners had difficulties in expressing ideas
related to topics assigned by teachers. Mind-mapping was considered to solve the problem. This study aimed
to investigate the implementation of mind-mapping technique in writing English narrative texts for 4th grade
students, find out the obstacles encountered, and know the students’ perceptions about the implementation of
mind-mapping. This study was a classroom action research using a combination of quantitative and
qualitative methods. The design was a collaborative study between the researchers and the English teacher
who worked together in planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting on the implementation of mind-
mapping. Data were collected through classroom observations, questionnaire, interview, and writing activities.
The results showed that mind-mapping was effective in improving the students’ ability to write English
narrative texts. The use of mind-mapping as a prewriting strategy at the stage of composing and writing text
successfully helped students express ideas so that they could produce narrative texts with appropriate content
and structure. This study also revealed that students’ perceptions towards mind-mapping were positive.

Keywords: English narrative texts, mind-mapping, writing skills, young learners.

Written Phrase Understanding from the Variation of Lexical Activation and Selection

Ami Pramesti Jewalani, Myrna Laksman-Huntley, Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih

Universitas Indonesia;;

This study examines how Indonesian speakers process word definitions by observing their lexical selection.
To elicit the data, the participants were given written definitions and asked to name the words representing
them in 15 seconds. The study uses Christiansen and Chater’s (2016) chunk and pass in data processing and
Frame Semantics theory in data analysis. The result shows that one definition can elicit various words that
do not deviate far from the targets, indicating that there are some components of concepts from the definitions
that are accessed that influence the participants’ selection of words. This is against Baker, Ellworth, & Erk’s
study (2007) in respect with the existence of frames activated by the readers outside of words in the passage.
Furthermore, although the responses vary, the majority of responses in a definition congregate in a particular
concept constructing the definition, supporting the study of McCauley, Isbilen, & Christiansen (2007)
regarding the consequences of chunking at the lower level towards the higher level, suggesting that one part
of a concept formulating the definition is activated more than the others if a person has limited time to select
words based on the definition. This finding can be utilized in vocabulary enrichment activities in children and
adult language teaching.

Keywords: Frame semantics, lexical selection, written text processing, conceptualization.

26   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Understanding the Reading Span of Dyslexic Readers: A Case Study on 8-year-old Dyslexic

Angkita Wasito Kirana, Anita Risma Pratiwi

Universitas Airlangga;

The main goal of reading is understanding the text that is being read by understanding all of the details stated
in the text. However, due to their lacking ability in processing the details, Dyslexic readers tend to fail in
recalling some of the sentence details. Thus, this research aimed to point out the reading span of a dyslexic
child as well as the tendency of his answers when being asked about the sentence details. A battery of 51
sentences that consisted of evenly distributed information details such as Noun (as the Subject and Object of
the sentence), Verb (as the predicate), Adjective, and Adverbs was constructed. It was accompanied by 219
comprehension questions related to each details presented in the battery. Result showed that the participant
tends to make more incorrect answers as the number of details increases. In addition, Participant tend to be
able to correctly recalled details that were placed in later parts of the sentence.

Keywords: Dyslexia, reading comprehension, reading span

Improving the Sixth Grade English Reading Comprehension Using Concept Mapping

Annisaa Paradisa, Sisilia S. Halimi

Universitas Indonesia

EFL students often have difficulties in comprehending English texts. Such case is experienced by a class of
sixth grade students in a private school in Bogor. Concept mapping is a tool that can be used to improve
students’ reading comprehension. This study aims to understand whether Concept Mapping can be utilized
as a learning tool for sixth graders to improve their reading comprehension. It also aims to investigate
students’ perceptions toward the use of Concept Mapping. This is a quantitative and qualitative study that
uses a classroom action research design. Data for the study was collected in three cycles for nine weeks
involving a class of 17 sixth grade EFL students. Field notes, observation sheets, reading comprehension
tests, questionnaires and interview questions are used as research instruments to collect data. The data are
analyzed using descriptive statistics and interpretive analysis. Based on the results of the reading
comprehension tests, the study finds that students made a slight improvement in comprehending texts.
Moreover, the test scores mean shows that there is a progress after the implementation of Concept Mapping,
which means these young students are able to utilize it. They also respond positively toward the use of
Concept Mapping. However, they require a certain scaffolding strategy to use it.

Keywords: Concept mapping, EFL learners, reading comprehension, scaffolding.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   27



Move Analysis on ELT Research Articles: Across Journal Affiliation

Arif Husein Lubis, Eri Kurniawan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia;

Despite the prominence of the rhetorical competence in constructing Findings and Discussion section as the
benchmark for the journal managers to accept and publish a manuscript, journals whose affiliations are from
“mainstream” countries has to date remained a prime choice of many researchers for international publication
and citation purposes, regardless of the rhetorical moves quality in the research articles from other non-
Anglophone countries. In addition, empirical analyses unpack the rhetorical moves between articles from
“mainstream” countries only. Thus, this study aims to explore the manifestation of rhetorical moves and
patterns in articles’ iterative F&D section from three journals with different characteristics: IJAL (Scopus-
indexed Indonesia-based), OELTJ (Scopus-indexed UK-based), and TEFLIN Journal (national-accredited).
Embracing the content analysis, the researcher analyzed twelve research articles (four RAs from each journal)
by using a synthesized model of three internationally used models, i.e. Dudley-Evans (1994), Ruiying and
Allison (2003), and Pho (2008). Dataset discloses two main points. First, deep argumentation driven by
thinking becomes the major concern reflected in the obligatory status of Move 4, i.e. commenting on results
and its constituent steps, without neglecting the other three moves. Second, although randomized pattern in
some parts of the F&D section of some RAs is identified, it does not necessarily represent the whole structure.
This study can become a reference not only for novice writers or higher education students to construct their
F&D section but also for local researchers to revisit the rhetorical awareness as the basis for selecting a journal
regardless of its affiliation. Recommendations for further studies to address the topical and methodological
limitations are also highlighted.

Keywords: Discourse analysis, rhetorical moves, findings section, research article, journal affiliation.

Discourse Analysis of Translation Shift from The Word Al-Quds to Jerusalem on Republika

Aryana Rahman, Apipuddin

Universitas Indonesia;

The use of word that associated to Palestine becomes the background of this research. The Qur'an and other
holy books use the word Palestine equivalent of the term Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa, the blessed country, the holy
city, the promised land, and darussalam (Jerusalem). However, lately in the global world, social media, and
international forums, the Palestinian capital has tended to be agreed with the title of Jerusalem alone. Whereas
Jerusalem is one of many that has the associated meaning in Palestine and its capital. This study aims to
understand and analyze the shift in meaning and the discourse that was built in it. The data contained in this
study comes from the Qur'an, hadiths of the prophet, the old and new covenant books and documents from
Daily Republika or Republika online. This study uses critical discourse analysis theory from Norman
Fairclough and the theory of translation shift. From the analysis, it is concluded that the Al Quds or Jerusalem
allegations are inseparable from the geopolitical dominance of Israel and the mastery of the media and mass
media information which is more oriented towards Israel or Palestine. In addition, if it is equated linguistically,
Jerusalem is a translation of the word Darussalam. Darussalam in the terminology of the Qur'an is a land full
of blessings so that it cannot be said the use of the word of Jerusalem is wrong in terms of linguistics.

Keywords: Al Quds, Jerusalem, semantic change, Critical Discourse Analysis.

28   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Improving Students’ Writing Skills through Peer Feedback in Indonesian Universities

Audrey Gabriella Titaley, Setiawati Darmojuwono

Universitas Indonesia;

The current difficulty of Indonesian people to be open to criticism and suggestion and to show respect for
diversity of opinions encourages the need for the development of academic culture in Indonesia, especially
in universities. The development of open-mindedness is necessary. Therefore, this research suggests the use
of peer feedback in the writing class. This study aims to examine the openness of German learners at level
B2 to peer feedback and the effect of the feedback to the improvement of writing skill. The finding of this
mixed study proves the openness of learners to peer feedback by considering and using the feedback in the
writing improvement. Thus, their writing skills increased significantly. The learners were also able to provide
feedback delivered facilitatively to appreciate the opinion of the text writer. The finding of this study also
reinforces Hyland's (2004) view about the role of peer feedback which encourages the creation of interactive,
mutually supportive and open inter-learner communication and the improvement of learners' writing skill. In
addition, the result of questionnaires shows the positive attitude of the learners, the benefits of peer feedback
and the desire to get the feedback in the future.

Keywords: Writing skills, Teaching German, Peer feedback, Facilitative feedback, Academic culture.

Comparing Pleasant and Sad Experiences in Written Narratives by Indonesian

School-aged Children

Bernadette Kushartanti, Raina Dellani Johanna, Fitria Rahma Dewi

Universitas Indonesia;

The present paper discusses Indonesian school-age children’s written narratives on pleasant and sad
experiences. Two questions to be addressed are: 1) how do children show their mastery in composing
narratives on their experiences in written form; and 2) do different themes influence the composition of the
components in the narratives? The aims of this study are to explain children’s ability to produce narratives in
written forms, focusing on the structures, and to compare the structures of narratives on pleasant and sad
experiences. We apply Labov & Waletzky’s (1997) theory to analyse the components. Differences in themes
and the tendencies are examined quantitatively. Participants in this study are third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders
of elementary school, aged between 8 and 11 years old (N=131). All children had two writing tasks: “I would
like to write about my pleasant/sad experience”. We identified the components of narratives and we classified
them into complete, incomplete, complex, singular and plural narratives. It is found that these children are
already capable to write cohesive stories, but still some of them skip certain components of the narratives.
We also found that these children tend to write complex structure more frequent in pleasant story, and
incomplete structure in sad story.

Keywords: Narrative, writings, narrative components, narrative structure, Indonesian school-age children.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   29



The Representation of Beauty in the Advertising of Nivea in German Critical Discourse


Catharina Dian Ikawati Susilo

Universitas Padjajaran

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) sees language as a social practice and hence relies exclusively on naturally
occurring language. Multimodal discourse analysis considers how the text draws on modes of communication
such as pictures, film, video, images, and sound in combination with words to make meaning. The subjects
of this study were Nivea beauty ads from Germany. In the frame of structuralism, which identifies the
behaviour, mindset of the characters, and the myths surrounding the beauty contained in these advertisements,
researchers use the theory of Fairclough, Van Leeuwen and Roland Barthes. The method used in this research
is the analytical descriptive method using an objective approach. Data analysis is based on facts that exist
empirically in several ads analyzed. The results show that women have no power over themselves. Beauty
often describes as a female quality. The researcher interested in the representation of beauty in the product
commercial with semiotics method and critical discourse analysis. Beauty is no longer a taboo for male
species, but still, identical with the female, or femine side.

Keywords: Beauty, CDA, semiotics, cosmetics product.

How Lecturers and Students’ Justify Their Judgment on Grammaticality

Clara Herlina Karjo

Bina Nusantara University

Grammaticality judgment test is usually used to test L2 speakers’ linguistic competence. This test involves
deciding whether a construction is grammatical or ungrammatical, i.e. following the grammatical rules or not.
 In such test, participants make an intuitive judgment on the accuracy of form and structure in individual
decontextualized sentences. This study was conducted by performing a GJT towards 20 students and 20
teachers of English Department in Bina Nusantara University. The test consists of 20 unrelated English
sentences for which they had to decide whether the construction was grammatical or not. To access their
grammatical knowledge, they were also instructed to provide corrections for the sentences that they judged
as ungrammatical. The results varied from unanimous decision on ungrammaticality for sentence like She
aren’t care for me, and a divided response on others, such as I bought three mouses at the computer store.
However, teachers tend to decide more sentences as ungrammatical, while the students considered more
sentences as grammatical. As for the corrections, students tend to create more ill-formed sentences rather than
making corrections.

Keywords: Grammaticality judgment test, correction, grammatical sentences.

30   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


An Understanding on Pattern of Dictionary Defining Process: A Case Study of KBBI Usage

Dessy Irawan, Totok Suhardijanto, Dien Rovita

Universitas Indonesia;;

A dictionary usually contains a number of words or terms along with explanation of definitions. Definition
becomes a very important part of dictionary microstructure because an understanding of a word or term is
usually acquired in a comprehensive defining process. Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is a standard
monolingual dictionary compiled by the Language Development and Fostering Agency, Ministry of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. In KBBI, which is the only highest reference of standard
Indonesian vocabulary, there are entries and sub-entries of category based on field. KBBI the Fifth Edition is
published in three versions at once: print, online, and offline. One of the data in KBBI which is interesting to
discuss is the terms in computer field. In the online version of KBBI the Fifth Edition, the number of entries
and sub-entries of computer field which labeled by Komp are 961. Based on the defining process pattern, a
number of computer field entries and sub-entries can be grouped into several types of definitions. The
diversity of these types of definitions can affect the dictionary readers’ understanding. By using qualitative
method, this research aims to discuss the understanding of the dictionary readers on the pattern of defining
process of computer field terms in the online version of KBBI the Fifth Edition. The results show that the
more elements used in defining, the easier it is for the reader to understand the meaning of an entry or sub-

Keywords: Definition, computer terms, KBBI, lexicography, dictionary users.

A Diachronic Study of Changes in Lexical Meanings in Bahasa Melayu Nusantara at

Syntactic Level

Dewi Puspita
Universitas Indonesia

One of the etymology studies of a language is the study of the linguistic changes experienced by the language
vocabulary. These changes can occur due to the influence of external factors of the language as well as the
language's internal factors. The internal factors in question are linguistic aspects which affect each other when
one of the aspects changes. The morphological changes of a word, for example, can also make changes in
semantic or syntactic aspects. This paper aims to find out the linguistic aspects which are changing as a result
of changes in lexical meaning in Bahasa Melayu Nusantara, and to know the role of the meaning or semantic
changes of the vocabulary on the concept of transitivity in the syntactic aspects occurring over time. The data
of this study are verbs of Bahasa Melayu Nusantara which are still used in Indonesian language to date. The
change of meaning is analyzed from the diachronic corpora from the 1300s to the 2000s. The results of this
study will produce a pattern of semantic changes at the syntactic level which can contribute to etymological
information of Bahasa Melayu Nusantara vocabulary.

Keywords: Semantic change, transitivity, etymology.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   31



The Use of Group Discussion Based on Personality Type and Student Speaking Skills
in Teaching Speaking

Dian Kurniasih Wahyusari, Sisilia Setiawati Halimi

Universitas Indonesia;

This research is an attempt to improve students' speaking skills through the group discussion method based
on personality type and speaking skill of individual students. The research was conducted at one state
university in East Java involving 35 students. Researchers focus only on introverted students who have low
speech skills. The type of research used is action research which is done in 6 cycles. Initial personality type
data were collected using a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality questionnaire, whereas
preliminary speaking skill data for introverted students were assessed using the scoring rubric taken during
group discussion activities. Students are divided into 3 groups according to the equality of personality type
and speaking skills. The results showed that: 1) there was a significant increase in speaking skills of
introverted students who had low speech skills, 2) introverted students who had low speech skills experienced
the highest increase in both the first and second phases were when students were grouped with groups
consisting of 2 high-scoring extroverted students and 1 moderately scoring extroverted student and 3) students
showed positive perceptions of the use of group discussion methods based on personality type and speaking

Keywords: group discussion method, personality type, speaking skills, student speaking scores.

Translating Code-switching in the Indonesian Version of der Boxer

Dias Rifanza Salim

Universitas Indonesia

Code-switching is the use of more than one language in an utterance. Within a narrative work like comics,
code-switching can be used to show exoticism, character identity, or dramatic effect. Translating such a
speech pattern poses a challenge to a translator. This paper discusses how a translator covert speeches that
code-switch to three foreign languages “English, Yiddish, and Hebrew” in the German comic der Boxer by
Reinhard Kleist into Indonesian. Translation units such as words, phrases, and sentences in the target text
will be compared to its counterparts in the source text to note the procedures used by the translator. The data
gathered will then be analyzed to observe which utterances are kept in their foreign form, kept with additional
information, or translated functionally and literally. Each procedure taken has its effects on the target text.
Some preserve story elements such as surprise effect and otherness, while some preserve the readers’
immersion in the story. The procedures taken show that one needs to consider the context of each unit in
translating and that not only one procedure can be applied as a panacea in translating every unit in a code-
switching language pair.

Keywords: Code-switching, German comic, foreign language, foreignization, domestication.

32   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Interjection of Indonesian Language at the Beginning of the 20th Century and the Early of
the 21st Century: Comparison of the Use of Interjection in Popular Literary Works

Dimas Zhafran Afdal, Untung Yuwono

Universitas Indonesia;

According to linguists, one of them Harimurti Kridalaksana (1998), interjections are a part of speech that
serve to express feelings that are owned by the speakers. As one of the spoken language identifier, allegedly
the use of interjection is dynamic and changing from time to time. In the context of the use of Indonesian
language interjection development, the use of interjections have been recorded in the Hikayat Amir Hamzah
that is expected to be issued under the year 1388, for example, wah and aduh. This paper shows how the use
of interjections in two distinct periods, in the early of the 20th century and early of the 21st century. To obtain
the data interjection, two popular literary works are used, namely Bunga Roos dari Tjikembang (1927)
representing the early of the 20th century and Manusia Setengah Salmon (2011) representing the early of the
21st century. By using the theory of interjection from Harimurti Kridalaksana (1998), Hasan Alwi (2000),
and Abdul Chaer (2008), this study used a qualitative descriptive method. The results showed differences
concerning the use of form and function of interjection that occur in the two different times.

Keywords: Interjection, Indonesian language, form, function, popular literary works.

Foreign Language Translation in Bram Stoker’s Dracula: A Case Study

Doni Jaya, Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat

Universitas Indonesia;

Foreign language (FL) is any language in a source text (ST) and/or a target text (TT) which is neither the
source language (SL) nor the target language (TL). Foreign language can be employed by an author to produce
certain connotations, such as exoticism. This poses a challenge to translator because the FL may be readily
understood by source readers (SRs), but not by target readers (TRs). This research aims to analyze the
translation of foreign expressions in Bram Stoker’s Dracula in terms of translation strategies and its
influencing factors. This qualitative case study features a text analysis which involves a comparison between
a translation and its source text. Data consist of 33 pairs of English ST and Indonesian TT which involve FL
used in the novel. Six foreign languages were identified: Latin, French, German, Romanian, Slavic, and Greek.
This research found that foreign expressions in Dracula were translated using several generic strategies, from
the most foreignizing to the most domesticating ones: strategies oriented towards FL (with or without notes),
strategies oriented towards TL (either literal or contextual), and a strategy oriented towards no language (zero
equivalent). Furthermore, those strategies are applied due to various factors, such as deliberate exoticism,
presence of information, contextual help, coherence, and lack of equivalent. Such broad range of seemingly
arbitrary strategies can be perceived as both inconsistency and creativity on the translator’s part, the latter
being justifiable due to the literary nature of the text. Our findings provide future translators with a range of
possible strategies for dealing with FL in literary works.

Keywords: Literary translation, foreign language, foreignization, domestication.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   33



Motivation Study between German Language Education and German Literature Major

Dwi Putri Ningsih

Universitas Indonesia

Motivation is one of the factors that significantly influence the level and success in learning second or foreign
language. It is defined as an attempt to acquire language because of the desire to do so and also gain
satisfaction from learning the target language (L2) itself. As Gardner and Lambert longitudinal study (1972),
there are two kinds of orientation in motivation, they are Instrumental and Integrative orientation. Orientation
means reasons or purpose for learning, but motivation refers to the intensity of one’s impetus to learn. This
paper aimed to identify the level of learning motivation from the first year student of two different majors,
German Language Education and German Literature and to find out whether there is a different level of
Instrumental and Integrative orientation between first year students from these two majors. The finding
revealed that, the mean score of Instrumental orientation from both majors are in moderate level. Meanwhile,
the mean score of Integrative orientation from both majors are in high level. These showed that the learner’s
reason from both majors to learn German language is to get involved with the people and the culture of the
target language. Anderson (2018) stated that Integrative orientation is a major component necessary to
motivate the learner in language learning. However, the overall mean score of the Instrumental and Integrative
orientation from both major has shown that they have a high level of motivation to learn German language
(for German Language Education - for German Literature).

Keywords: Motivation, Integrative and Instrumental Orientation, German Language, Adult Learner.

Students’ Perceptions toward Teacher’s Talk in EFL Classroom of Indonesia Senior

High School Students: A Case Study

Erly Mulfias Yuli

Universitas Indonesia

This study is a case study to investigate students’ perceptions toward teacher’s talk in EFL (English as a
Foreign Language) classrooms. It is conducted for two months on a single entity as the research subject, ie
on the students of three Eleventh-grade classes with varying English language skills. Since it focuses only on
a certain entity, the results of the study cannot be generalized to the broader context. The study uses a
qualitative approach by showing data from the results of questionnaires, observations and interviews with
research samples. The study focuses on a research questions on how Eleventh graders' perception on teacher’s
talk in EFL classrooms. Regarding to the research question, it aims to determine the thoughts of students on
teacher’s talk, so that the teacher can organize and modify the class based on the perceptions that can implicate
the learning process by reducing students’ anxiety. It provides students opportunities to be able to process
information or lessons learned more comfortably, thus it reduces obstacles in learning. The findings of the
study show that the majority of students of Eleventh-grade want to fully use English although they still have
difficulties in understanding and feel less confident in using English.

Keywords: students’ perception, teacher’s talk, reason, attitude, first language.

34   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Language Politics by Japan (1942-1945): Anti-Dutch Sentiments, Dynamics of the Dutch

Language and Indonesian Language

Fajar Muhammad Nugraha

Universitas Indonesia

There is much historical evidence that could describe the Japanese’s tactics of stealing the Indonesian
people’s attention, by scapegoating the Dutch that would consequently corner them, and eventually bring the
people to willingly "accept" the existence of Japan in the country. One of them is through language politics.
Alisjahbana mentioned that the improvement of Indonesian language’s position after Japan invaded the
country is an undeniable matter (Alisjahbana 1949: 389). Groeneboer in the Weg tot het Westen: Het
Nederlands voor Indië 1600-1950 says that the unsuccessful spreading of the Dutch language in Indonesia
is also due to the language politics that never supported the spread itself (Groeneboer 1995: 32). Through the
Japanese language politics (1942-1945), the dynamics of the Dutch language in Indonesia during the Japanese
occupation are interesting to note. The position of the Dutch and Malay/Indonesian language at that time is
also an interesting question to be answered. Using historical and language politics approach, this research
shows that the position of Dutch language and Indonesian language in 1942-1945 were very dynamic.
Gradually and yet significantly, the position of the Indonesian language advanced, and on the contrary the
Dutch language’s position in Indonesia came sliding down during that period. Japan’s language politics had
facilitated the society to make Indonesian language as priority, but some community groups, especially from
the elite/upper middle class, had faced difficulties, because they have been accustomed to and grew up with
Dutch as lingua franca and as official language in the public sphere.

Keywords: Language politics, Anti-Dutch sentiments, language position, Japanese occupation, Indonesian

A Corpus-assisted Critical Discourse Analysis: Meghan Markle’s Representation during the

2018 British Royal Wedding on BBC and The New York Times Online News

Fathimah Salma Zahirah, Aceng Ruhendi Saifullah

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia;

This paper reports a comparative analysis regarding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wedding in two
national media, namely British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and The New York Times (NYT). Based on
corpus linguistics methods, two small corpora with a total of 10,480 words were compiled with Sketch Engine
software. This comparative study of the two corpora aimed to seek the trend of content words, Meghan
Markle’s image representation through the collocation lines patterns, and verbs attached to the bride as the
subject and the object of the collected data. The results show that the two corpora shared different most
frequent lemmas; BBC corpus has ‘prince’ as the most frequent content word while NYT corpus has ‘Markle’.
Both corpora tend to see Markle as a world fashion influencer. Nonetheless, both news present Meghan
Markle as a relatively active participant in the royal wedding event.

Keywords: Meghan Markle, Corpus Linguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, Collocation, News.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   35



Sequences of Directive Utterances to Japanese Children Aged 2-5 Years Old

Filia, Khansa Nadhifa Mazaya

Universitas Indonesia;

This study reviews sequences of directive utterances in Japanese speech to children aged 2 to 5 years old.
The sequences of directive utterances are delivered by parents. The data sources used are conversational
videos between parents and children uploaded on Youtube. The reason for choosing such data sources is that
the videos are recorded impromptu, and thus, they show the realization of directive utterances to children.
There are, in total, five videos observed. From the videos, it is revealed that there is a combination between
direct and indirect directive utterances. The study also identified 5 patterns in the directive utterances. Based
on the results, the combination of utterances generally consists of 3 to 6 sequences of directive utterances. In
other words, speakers use directive utterances to children more than once and even repeatedly. Indirect
directive utterances are delivered to children in the age range of 2 to 5 years old productively. It seems that
those children are able to understand indirect directive utterances. Out of five videos, three videos (data (3),
(4) and (5)) showed that indirect directive utterances are effectively used. The children performed their
parents’ requests after their parents used indirect directive utterances.

Keywords: Sequence, utterance, directive, parents, children, Japanese.

Self-Repair in Japanese Speech Performed by Parents to Children Aged 2-3 Years Old

Filia, Nissa Devita Riyani Lubis

Universitas Indonesia;

This study aims to elucidate self-repair in Japanese speech that performed by parents to their children aged
2-3 years old. The sources used in this study are repair utterances in five conversational videos between
parents and their children. The videos were transcribed using program ELAN (EUDICO Linguistic
Annotator). Based on the analysis, self-repair is classified into five types, namely (i) repair with a substitution
of interrogatives and an addition of lexical-grammatical items; (ii) repair with an omission of lexical items;
(iii) repair with an omission of lexical items and a substitution of grammatical items; (iv) repair with an
addition of lexical and grammatical items; and (v) repair with an omission of lexical items and an addition of
lexical-grammatical items. In other words, this study concludes that repair is performed by using (i)
substitution; (ii) omission; and (iii) addition of either lexical or grammatical items.

Keywords: Repair, utterance, lexical, grammatical, Japanese.

36   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


The Ability of Children Aged 10-11 Years in Writing Compound, Complex, and
Compound-Complex Sentences

Frista Nanda Pratiwi, Niken Pramanik, Felicia N. Utorodewo

Universitas Indonesia;;

The purpose of this research was to identify the language abilities with respect to the production of compound,
complex, and compound-complex sentences in writing among children, aged between 10-11 years. This
research also identified the effect of gender on each pattern found in all three sentences. The total respondents
were 63 boys and 63 girls attending Grade 5 of a Primary School with an A accreditation in the City of Depok.
The sources of data were written data obtained through direct communication techniques. The methods used
in this research was mixed-methods. The data in this research were analyzed based on Kridalaksana (1999)
approach. The comparison of findings of each sentence pattern was statistically analyzed using Statistical
Package for the Social Science (SPSS) software. The results of this research showed that the average value
of compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences production is higher in girls than boys. The
probability value in the production of the three sentences is also significant. However, gender-based
differences in each pattern found in the three sentences have varying mean and probability values.

Keywords: Compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences, writing, boys, girls.

Imperative Based on Declarative and Interrogative Sentences (Pragmatic Analysis)

Fulaivila Faizatun Naili, Wiwin Tri Winarti

Universitas Indonesia;

This research focuses on the imperative meanings in the cartoon movie series Ṣalāḥuddin al-Ayyubi "al-Baṭal
al-Usṭūrah" episode 5. Speech means imperatives can be composed in imperative, declarative, and
interrogative sentences. In this research, the author specifically examines the speeches constructed based on
the formal form of declarative and interrogative Arabic. The theoretical basic used by the author as a reference
is the theory of formal form of declarative and interrogative  sentences in Arabic according to Syamsul
(2010) and imperative pragmatic form according to Rahardi (2005). The method used is qualitative method
with descriptive-analysis description. The purpose is to describe meaningful imperative speeches constructed
declarative and interrogative sentences in the cartoon movie series Ṣalāḥuddin al-Ayyubi "al-Baṭal al-
Usṭūrah" episode 5 then categorize those meanings based on pragmatic aspects. The results of this research
found six imperative pragmatic meanings: (1) orders, (2) requests, (3) prohibitions, (4) solicitation, (5) threats,
and (6) instructions.

Keywords: Imperative, declarative, interrogative, pragmatic, cartoon movie series Ṣalāḥuddin al-Ayyubi
"al-Baṭal al-Usṭūrah" episode 5.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   37



Errors in The English-Indonesian Translation

Haru Deliana Dewi, Andika Wijaya, Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat

Universitas Indonesia;;

The present research focuses on translation and language errors discovered in English-Indonesian translation
results. This study aims to investigate the types of errors mostly made by Indonesian novice translators. The
data were obtained from a translation practice assigned to the undergraduate students of the English Study
Program of the Faculty of Humanities (FIB), Universitas Indonesia (UI), who were taking the basic translation
compulsory course in the Even Semester from February to May 2018. The respondents, who were native
Indonesian speakers, were asked to translate two paragraphs from a given text in class for one hour and send
their translations to the graders via email. The graders then marked the errors they found in the students’
translations using the 2017 ATA’s Standardized Framework for Error Marking. The results of the study show
that the most frequent errors made by the participants were spelling and terminology errors, which might be
simply caused by sloppiness or by the participants’ lack of knowledge of the proper official Indonesian
spelling, known as EYD, and which could be due to their ignorance of the proper terms.

Keywords: Translation errors, language errors, English-Indonesian translation, the ATA Framework, novice

The Quality of Rhyme and Rhythm in Song Lyric Translation

Haru Deliana Dewi, Aulia Fitri, Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat

Universitas Indonesia;

This research is the development of Low’s theory (2008) on assessing the quality of song lyric translation.
The objective of the study is to discover the quality of rhyme and rhythm of song lyrics from the album We
Love Disney, which have been translated from English to Indonesian. Low’s theory has been applied in the
present study to measure the song lyric translation quality with three translation methods, i.e. communicative,
free, and semantic. The study employs a qualitative approach through comparative analysis. Data in the
analysis are the song lyrics and the translation, and their rhymes and rhythms will be analyzed. From the
comparative analysis, the values of the rhyme and rhythm will be obtained. The findings reveal that song
lyrics translated using a communicative translation method will have a higher rhyme value than the original
song lyrics; in contrast, the lyrics translated with a free method will yield a rhyme value with a considerable
difference. As for rhythm assessment, a song translated using a free method shows a substantial difference in
value compared to the other methods.

Keywords: Quality of song lyric translation, translation methods, rhyme, rhythm.

38   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


The Effectiveness Between Two Translation Assessment Models for English to

Indonesian Translation

Haru Deliana Dewi, Rahayu Surtiati Hidayat

Universitas Indonesia;

This present study investigated the effectiveness between two assessment models which are very different,
one using a holistic approach and the other using the error analysis approach. The research has been conducted
on several languages pairs, including the Indonesian-English translation, but it has never been done on the
English-Indonesian translation. The research aims to discover whether there is a substantial improvement
using both assessment models and whether one model is more effective than the other. The study was
conducted in basic translation classes of the English Study program of the Faculty of Humanities (FIB),
Universitas Indonesia (UI) for undergraduate students of Semester 6. The respondents were asked to do
translation in class and then after three weeks their works were returned with feedback from both models.
After that they were asked to do revisions of their translation results. The outcome of the analysis shows that
there is great improvement in the translation results because of the two assessment models, but there is no
significant difference of effectiveness between those models.

Keywords: The LBI Bandscale, the ATA Framework, assessment models, effectiveness.

The Impacts of Self-Assessment in Building Discussion Skills and Learner Autonomy

Harumi Manik Ayu Yamin

Universitas Indonesia

This study investigated how self-assessment might help Indonesian university students build their English
discussion skills and learner autonomy. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires, analyzing student
self-assessment forms, observing classes, and conducting semi-structured interviews. The results showed that
most students enjoyed using self-assessment and perceived it as a useful tool for fostering their learner
autonomy and learning through their reflection. Assessing their own performance by using a self-assessment
rubric helped them focus on specific discussion skills, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and plan their
action to address their problems. The conclusion arrived at this study is that self-assessment can help students
to learn discussion skills and learner autonomy. Furthermore, implementing self-assessment along with peer
assessment and teacher assessment will make the discussion assessment thoroughly comprehensive not only
for students but also for teachers.

Keywords: Self-assessment, discussion skills, learner autonomy.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   39



Study of Semantic-Pragmatic: President Mahmoud Abbas’ Response Speech About


Hasrul Azmi, Abdul Muta'ali

Universitas Indonesia;

The research is based on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' political speech at the Organization of
Islamic Cooperation Summit on December 13, 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey containing semantic and pragmatic
elements. This research focuses on the analysis of semantic meaning relation and the act of speech illocution
used by President Mahmoud Abbas in speech of OKI 2017 Summit. This research uses qualitative method
with descriptive approach. While the theory is used as a foundation in the theory of semantic relation and the
theory of speech act Searle (1979). The results of this study indicate that speech acts used by President
Mahmoud Abbas in his speech cannot be separated from the context of the problems faced by the Palestinians
after US President Donald Trump declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Based on a speech which lasted
for one hour, the authors successfully identified 44 propositions containing semantic and pragmatic elements
that have been reviewed. From the findings, 35 propositions contained an act of illustrative speech and the
majority of them were expressive speech acts with 19 propositions, and the least of which were declarative
with a proposition. This shows the fact that President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinians are only able to
express the form of condemnation and the inability of their nation in facing the US unilateral decision. In
addition, at least the declarative speech in the speech indicates that Palestine has not been able to declare
itself as an independent nation over the occupation of Israel.

Keywords: Speech, Mahmoud Abbas, semantic, pragmatic.

Men as Leaders of Linguistic Change: Case of Tlemcen Speech Community

Hussein Ali Obeidat

Yarmouk University

Gender as a social variable has played a major role in the explanation of linguistic variation (Fischer 1958 ;
Trudgill 1974; Macaulay 1977-1978; Milroy & Milroy 1985- 1992; Eckert 1991; Swaie 1994; Habib 2005,
2010; Dendane 2013). Most of Arabic data on gender distinction through language, like many other western
studies, result in the fact that ``women adapt to prevailing prestigious forms more than men`` (Dittmar, 1976:
237) and that they initiate and are the leaders of linguistic change (Labov 2001; Eckert & McConnell-Ginet
2003). However, this generalization is not to be applicable along the Arab world for there can be some
exceptions as is the case of Tlemcen speech community where males depart from social norms and are leaders
of dialectal change towards the rural whereas females keep being conservative to the old-fashioned-urban
native dialect though it is stigmatized. For the purpose of this study, a convenient sample of 122 informants
aged between 5 and 85 years old of the two sexes living, studying, or working in Tlemcen City was selected
and a triangulation of methods has been opted for to collect primary data. Our findings prove that Tlemcenian
males (from adolescence on) initiate regional dialect change by adopting and accommodating to the
supralocal rural vernacular characterized mainly by the studied variant [g] after shifting from and stigmatizing
their local urban [ʔ].

Keywords: Gender, age, variation, dialect change, stigmatized.

40   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


The Effect of Indonesian Language Use in English Listening Tests for High School Students

Ismi Putri Rahmah, Sisilia Setiawati Halimi

Universitas Indonesia;

Listening comprehension is an important skill for High School English learners in Indonesia to possess.
Unfortunately, mastering it is not an easy task. The English test results show that many students receive low
score for listening. This research intends to understand the extent of High School English learners’ listening
skill by comparing the results of two tests: one with the answers written in Indonesian, and the other with the
answers written in English. The research shows that these learners find it difficult to answer the test in English
as supported by their test results. The test answered in Indonesian receives better scores than the one answered
in English. Moreover, the post-test questionnaires distributed to the students provide positive feedback on the
use of Indonesian language. This shows that the learners actually have good listening skills and that their low-
test scores are mostly due to their difficulty in expressing their thoughts in English.

Keywords: Indonesian Language Use, Listening Comprehension Skills, Listening Skills.

Agricultural Terms in Rice Production: A Geolinguistic Study

Multamia RMT Lauder, R.A. Disyacitta Nariswari

Universitas Indonesia;

Indonesia is the world’s third largest producer of rice, yet the country still needs to import rice to meet its
needs due to a large and growing population. The country’s ministry of agriculture has for a number of
decades run training courses (penyuluhan) to support rice farmers and help them improve their productivity.
Its policy is framed within the developmental goal of food security and poverty reduction. The training is
well-motivated and performed by advisors with adequate professional experience. Yet, its success is
dampened to some extent by an unexpected phenomenon, that of a language barrier that occurs when people
who speak different languages need to communicate with each other. Advisors in the field have found that
many of the farmers’ first language is one of the country’s many indigenous regional languages (bahasa
daerah). The advisors have had difficulty in explaining many agricultural terms and concepts because they
use Indonesian and English, which the farmers don’t know very well. Naturally, if we understood what
language the farmers are using and what the local language terms for the important agricultural concepts were,
it would help improve communication between the advisors and the farmers. One solution to this is to do
geolinguistic research that reveals language area boundaries and also gives accurate data on what agricultural
terms are found in the local languages in these areas. This article presents a report of research done in
Karawang, a regency in West Java where three regional languages are used: Sundanese, Javanese and Betawi.
One expected outcome is to produce a glossary or word list of the local language words used by local farmers
and their Indonesian and English equivalents. The results of the research will be of practical use in developing
further education programs by making the communication of agricultural knowledge smoother and more
acceptable to the farmers. This is a use of linguistics which will support rice production and poverty reduction.

Keywords: Geographical linguistics, agricultural terms, local languages, rice production, communication in

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   41



Memaafkan (To Forgive) in the Novel Hujan dan Teduh

Universitas Indonesia

The main character of the novel Hujan dan Teduh named Bintang reflects his always forgiving attitude. The
concept of forgiveness is manifested through the words maaf (forgiveness or forgive), memaafkan (to forgive),
maafin (forgiving), and dimaafkan (to be forgiven). The concept of forgiveness exists in many cultures, both
in Indonesia and elsewhere. The purpose of this study was to determine the kind of emotion or state of mind
the word maaf is included in based on the five classes of emotion from Santangelo (1995) and to construct
the component parameter of meaning from the word maaf based on its class using Nida's theory (1975).
Another goal is to express the social emotions of Indonesian society represented in the data from the novel
Hujan dan Teduh. The results of this study will reveal that the concept of forgiveness in Indonesian culture
can contain various emotions. The significance of this research is to enrich the repertoire of research in the
field of emotion especially associated with the concept of forgiveness for the people of Indonesia. This study
focuses on the analysis of state of mind and thoughts expressed in the novel. The theory used to perform the
analysis is Santangelo's emotional theory. The research data is sourced from the text of the novel Hujan dan
Teduh. The data is in the form of the word maaf (forgiveness or forgive), memaafkan (to forgive), maafin
(forgiving), and dimaafkan (to be forgiven). To obtain the expression of state of mind which is reflected in
the four data words, a classification of data into the types of emotions based on the context that accompanies
it is performed. This research uses literature method and the results of the analysis are descriptive qualitative.

Keywords: Positive emotions, negative emotions, memaafkan (to forgive).

The Meanings of Loli And Lolita in Japan and Indonesia

Lea Santiar, Afif Windy Septiansyah

Universitas Indonesia;

This research idea sparked from onset of a debate arising from the controversial use of the word loli and lolita
on social media platforms in Indonesia. This research is intended to display the meanings of the word loli and
lolita in Japanese and Indonesian language by analyzing verbal and non-verbal utterances containing the
words loli and lolita in social media posts on Facebook and Twitter, and in anime, manga, and novels limited
to a timeframe from early 2010 to early 2017. The contexts inside those utterances, such as visual aids and
the speaker background, are analyzed to then be used to determine the meaning of the words loli and lolita in
conceptual utterance. Through the analysis, it is found that in Japan and Indonesia, the word loli tends to hold
the denotative meaning “kawaii” or “cute”, “young girls”, and “sexual objects”, while the word lolita tends
to mean “fashion subculture”, with some data demonstrating the words containing other meanings. Both
words can be concluded having different denotative meanings. By understanding these meanings and their
context of use, there is a chance for society to be more open to the word loli and lolita, and to other foreign
words absorbed into a certain culture or local language.

Keywords: Loli, lolita, meaning, Japan, Indonesia.

42   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Multimodality of Internet Meme as Social Criticism on Instagram

Majid Ariyoga, F.X. Rahyono

Universitas Indonesia;

This study discussed internet meme in the field of Social Semiotics, particularly Multimodality. In this case,
internet meme as social criticism contains certain event represented by verbal and visual modes. The research
data were internet memes obtained from 9gag’s account on Instagram. The data were internet memes which
contain context of interaction between teacher and student. A total of 20 data were obtained based on the
observation technique. This study had a question “How do verbal and visual modes of internet meme interact
to convey represented event as social criticism?” Based on that question, the purpose of this study was to
reveal represented events as social criticism contained in the internet meme. This study applied transitivity
system analysis by Halliday and Matthiessen (2014), representational meaning analysis (visual grammar) by
Kress and Van Leuween (2006), and Logical Inter-semiotic relations by Liu and O’Halloran (2009). The
results showed that there are five represented events found in this study, namely Delinquency, Innocence,
Misfortune, Nervousness, and Saturation. The Misfortune is the most frequently found, while both Innocence
and Saturation are the fewest among others. Through this study, the readers are expected to understand both
wisdom and un-wisdom message of social criticism in internet memes.

Keywords: Multimodality; Social Semiotics, Internet meme; Instagram.

Critical Discourse Analysis on Joko Widodo’s Depiction in Indonesien Unerfahrener


Matasha Azura Hertasning, Afdol Tharik Wastono

Universitas Indonesia;

Newspaper article is one of the ways for media spread an opinion or discourse to public, especially when it
talks about an important figure that has big influence. This research will focus on an article entitled
Indonesiens unerfahrener Hoffnungstraeger written by Christoph Hein for german newspaper Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung, which published in the newspaper’s website on October 25th, 2014. Based on van Dijk’s
critical discourse analysis theory and Brinker’s text structure theory to analyse discourse and its linguistic
elements within the article, this research aims to discover on how Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung shows
President Joko Widodo’s figure as Hoffnungstraeger (ray of hope). The research findings conclude that the
journalist has pessimistic view on President Joko Widodo, which shown by the usage selection of nouns,
adjectives and phrases, also the thematic from every paragraph that contains pessimistic view, whether it is
written explicitly or implicitly.

Keywords: Critical discourse analysis, Joko Widodo, German mass media.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   43



The Function the Word Yang in Classical Malay to Indonesian Language (the XVI-XXI

Mifta Huzaena, Frans Asisi Datang

Universitas Indonesia;

This research discusses the development of functions of the word yang from Classical Malay to Indonesian
language (from the 16th century to the 21st century). Using a descriptive method, the research looks into data
sources obtained from (1) Hikayat Amir Hamzah, (2) Hikayat Abdullah, (3) Layar Terkembang, and (4)
Laskar Pelangi. Based on the analysis of this research, it is perceived that yang, from time to time had three
functions: the expansion conjunctions (konjungsi perluasan), an article-forming noun (artikel pembentuk
nomina), and a conjunction-introductory object (konjungsi pengantar objek). In the formation of those
functions, there are several constructions of yang which under went changes throughout time while some
others remain the same. In fact, in the modern Malay or Indonesian language, the function of yang as a
conjunction-introductory object was no longer found. Thus, through the analysis of the function of yang in
this study, it is apparent that the functions of the word yang in Indonesian has under gone some alterations
compared to classical Malay as its root.

Keywords: Function, Indonesian Language, Malay Language, word yang.

Language, Gender and Power Relation in Pesantren

Mina Elfira
Universitas Indonesia

This paper topic is about language, gender and power relation in daily life of pesantren, an Islamic
educational institution. Structurally, Pesantren, at least, has three main related elements: Kyai(leader and
teacher), santri (students), and pondok (dormitory). The interaction of these elements is known as Pesantren
tradition. In the beginning, pesantren tradition did not involved women in its social and religious affairs, and
the full authority was in the hand of Kyai (owner and leader of Pesantren). Through figures of Nyai (wife, or
daughters of Kyai) women have started helping Kyai in managing pesantren’s daily life. Based on a
qualitative research data, collected from fieldwork in selected pesantren around Indonesia between 2015 and
2017, this paper argues that from naming, labeling, and calling among pesantren’s members can be seen how
gender and power relations work in this community. This paper also argues that pesantren’s women play with
these language activities to strengthen their power within pesantren’s web of power.

Keywords: Gender, language, power relationship, pesantren, Indonesia.

44   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Graduate Theses Trends at Linguistics Program, Universitas Indonesia: Study of

Data and Text Mining 2005 – 2017

Muhamad Prabu Wibowo, M. Hanif Inamullah, Margareta Aulia Rachman

Universitas Indonesia;;

This research analyzes the trend of graduate students’ theses (Master’s and Ph.D) in Faculty of Humanities,
Universitas Indonesia from 2005 to 2017. The purpose of this study is to provide a description on the trend
and development of research topic conducted by postgraduate students of Linguistics Program in Faculty of
Humanities, Universitas Indonesia between 2005 and 2017. This study uses quantitative research approach
with bibliometric analysis and data and text mining method to analyze the data. The data of students’ theses
and dissertations were collected from UI Library’s online catalog ( for publications before 2013
and Unggah Karya Ilmiah UI ( for publications after 2013. 230 data of theses and
dissertations are collected and analyzed using tabulation and data & text mining applications. The finding of
this research describes the trend and pattern of key words or topic of theses and dissertations produced by
Linguistics Program, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia in 2005 to 2017. The findings indicate
that from the data collected, the trends of the topic fluctuate each year. It is dominated with Indonesian
Language, English Language, Translation, Annotated Studies, and Novel. Furthermore, this research
also describes the productivity of supervisors (as corresponding author of thesis and dissertation) at this
program. This research is expected to become a reference for evaluating Linguistic Program’s curriculum and
teaching as well as a reference for planning students and lecturers’ research program.

Keywords: Linguistic program, bibliometric analysis on graduate theses, data analysis, data and text

Translation Methods in Political Speeches: A Case Study of English Translation of

President Joko Widodo’s Inaugural Address

Muhammad Ersan Pamungkas

Universitas Indonesia

Translating political speeches poses its own challenges and difficulties, with one of the reasons being the fact
that political speech is often regarded as a special kind of genre. This paper seeks to investigate translation
methods used in translating an inaugural address of President Joko Widodo done by a professional Australian
translator from Indonesian into English. The aim of the research is to find out the most appropriate translation
method that can be used to translate a political speech. Translation methods referred to in this research are
the ones proposed by Newmark (1988). This research adopts a qualitative method with a comparative
conceptual method. The result of the research shows that translation methods used in translating the
researched political speech are semantic, communicative, and faithful translation methods, in which the
semantic translation method is the most dominant one. The adoption of the semantic translation method used
in translating political speeches is the right strategy because through the adoption of the method, it is not only
the messages contained in the speech that is transferred from the Source Text (ST) into the Target Text (TT)
but also other features such as sentence structures and cultural features of the ST that are retained in the TT.
In addition, the communicative translation method is also adopted to translate other parts of the speech, such
as greetings and salutation.

Keywords: Translation, political speeches, translation methods, semantic translation method.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   45



Linguistic Politeness of Qatari Emir’s Political Speech Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al -
Thani About Qatar’s Diplomatic Relation

Muhammad Fauzi, Abdul Muta'ali

Universitas Indonesia;

This research is based on Qatari Emir’s speech, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, on 21 July 2017 that
still preferred a polite language after Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Egypt discontinuing
their diplomatic relations with Qatar and embargoing it on 5 June 2017. This situation requires the Qatari
Emir to speak cautiously during his speech, so he does not sound threatening in front of the “face” of his four
neighboring countries. According to Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory (1987), the Qatari Emir’s effort
is aimed to respond on the action of its four neighboring contries, yet still maintains their “face”. The result
of this analysis using Brown and Levinson’s theory showed that Qatari Emir used on record with redressive
positive politeness to recreate a harmonious circumstance with the four neighboring countries, on record with
redressive negative politeness to respond and consider on their move, on record without redressive-baldly
politeness to place the four neighboring countries in order to suggest them doing what Qatari Emir is
requesting and off record politeness utterance to offend. The data analyzed in this research is the Qatari Emir’s
Arabic text speech on 21 July 2017 for 17 minutes which obtained from the government of Qatar’s official
website. The purpose of this research is to analyze the politeness strategy of the Qatari Emir’s speech and
explain its intention in the context of Qatar’s diplomatic relations crisis.

Keywords: Politeness, Qatari Emir.

Video Usage in Teaching Grammar for Pre-Secondary Students

Ivo Novita Silalahi, Sisilia Setiawati Halimi

Universitas Indonesia;

This paper discusses the effectiveness of video usage as a teaching medium in a pre-intermediate grammar
class in Tangerang, Indonesia. The grammar point taught was simple past tense. This research is a quasi-
experimental research with post-test control group design. Data were obtained from pre-test, post-test,
questionnaire of student perception towards the use of video in teaching, and interview. The results show that
the scores of students who learned from video are higher than the scores of students learning from textbooks.
The learning-style-questionnaire results reveal that learning with videos proved to be enjoyed by the learners.
Therefore, the use of video as one of the grammar-teaching medium in a classroom is highly recommended.

Keywords: English Tenses, Video.

46   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Expressions of Love in Sundanese Language: A Study of Emotion and State of Mind

Muzainah Nurazijah, Hermina Sutami

Universitas Indonesia;

Emotion as an inseparable part of human life is expressed in physical and non-physical forms. Verbal
expression is the non-physical form of expression of emotion. These verbal expressions of emotion are the
focus of this study. The type of emotion which will be observed in this study is the emotion of
love in Sundanese language. Sundanese as the official language in West Java has a variety of words which
show the emotion of love. The object of this study is a short story written in Sundanese in an online magazine
Manglè. Data obtained from this magazine include the words: cinta, bogoh, resep, tineung, nyaah, asih,
deudeuh, lebar, tresna, beuki, sedep, deudeuh, and suka. This study aims to determine the kind of emotion of
love in various relationships, such as family relationships, friends, men-women, and possession of goods.
The research method used is qualitative research by the meaning components theory. This study is in the field
of semantics by involving socio-cultural elements of Sundanese society as one component of meaning to be
analyzed. Besides being useful for Sundanese semantic research in the field of emotion, this research is also
useful in the field of translation of the term of emotion in Sundanese. This research will also enrich the
research on the emotion of love in Sundanese. By using two main theories of emotion, which are the theory
of emotion by Santangelo (1995), in which the term emotion is analyzed based on the analysis of texts of
emotion, and the theory of meaning component analysis of Nida (1979), the main parameters of meaning
component of the emotion of love in Sundanese language based on socio-cultural society as well as analysis
of component of meaning, especially on the word resep, will be generated.

Keywords: Emotion, language, love, sundanese, semantics.

Representation of Patriarchy in Korean Children Songs

Putu Pramania Adnyana

Universitas Indonesia

This research discusses the representation of patriarchal culture in Korean children songs through its verbal
signs. Along with Confucianism, Korea is called a nation that embraces patriarchal culture in an extreme.
Men are always considered superior, while women are considered inferior. Moreover, Korean women are
obligated to obey to three things in their life which are father, husband and son. This cultural value is reflected
in various life aspects of Korean and popular culture is no exception. Thus, it is believed that this cultural
value also appears in Korean children songs. This research used Korean popular children songs listed in Naver
Junior website and it is limited to family-themed Korean popular children songs which are as much as 56
songs. The purpose of this research is to explain patriarchal values appear in Korean children songs. The
method used in this research is descriptive analysis with critical discourse analysis approach. The result shows
that the figure of “father” appears to be in stronger and higher position than figure of “mother” as “father”
collocates with words related to job, greatness and money. Meanwhile, “mother” is described as the one who
give comfort in the family, without mentioning words related to job or money. However, women’s power can
also be seen in Korean children songs in the form of mother power. Although “father” is in stronger position
financially, the mother power makes it possible for women to interfere decision and play important role in
the family.

Keywords: Patriarchy, Children Songs, Korean, Discourse Analysis.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   47



The Influence of Mianzi Concept (面子)and Guanxi Concept (关系)on Business

Success of Chinese Descendants in Indonesia

Rahadjeng Pulungsari Hadi, Raden Ayu Moza Tammy

Universitas Indonesia;

There is a phenomenon of business success experienced by Chinese descendants in various countries,

including in Indonesia. This study aimed to analyze the foundation affecting the success of their business in
Indonesia by using cultural approach through the concept of mianzi and guanxi. These two concepts were
deeply rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy and their application was widespread among Chinese descendant
businessmen. The method of analysis through the concept of mianzi and guanxi was applied to find the
influence of these two concepts in business run by Chinese descendants. The concept of mianzi referred to
credibility, dignity and reputation. The concept of guanxi referred to mutual connection or relationship. In
addition, researchers also conducted interviews to collect data. The application and the influence of these two
concepts can be seen on the success of business run by Chinese descendant in Indonesia. This research was
expected to contribute ideas for business continuity among entrepreneurs, especially in Indonesia.

Keywords: Business Culture, Chinese Philosophy, Chinese, Guanxi, Mianzi.

Domestication of Song Lyrics AKB48 into Bahasa Indonesia for JKT48

Rifka Alfi Hidayawati, Lea Santiar

Universitas Indonesia;

This article discusses domestication (translation adapting culture and language of the Target Language) in
the translation of the song lyrics from Japan AKB48 into Bahasa Indonesia. This research aims to demonstrate
domestication in the translation that refer to the background of the Indonesian social, cultural, and traditional
condition. The method employed in this research is descriptive analysis. Data is obtained from the AKB48
song lyrics translated into the Bahasa Indonesia used during JKT48 concerts. This research is done by
analyzing 10 data contained in eight resources AKB48 and JKT48 songs using translation domestication
theories, culture theories and semantics theories. There were four domestication groups namely words within
religious context, geography, social, and language. The most frequent domestication are for words within
religious and geography context. Benefits gained, is providing an illustration on the process of translating, in
particular translation that use domestication theories related to the language and culture of the country’s
background. Translation work is to be well received by another country then it is necessary to observe the
translation of the language and its culture should be adapted to the country target to avoid misunderstanding
and loss of meaning.

Keywords: AKB48, JKT48, translating, domestication, meaning.

48   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Lakoff's Theory on Women's Language Features

Rosalina Febrianti
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to analyze the features of women's language, specifically used by female
politicians, to identify the effect of gender and power in the selection of language. By means of qualitative
approaches, this study identified the women’s language features used by Pudjiastuti on interviews using two
languages, i.e. Bahasa Indonesia and English. The interviews were transcribed from data collected on
YouTube. The result showed that not all the women’s language features appeared on the data. The features
found in the data were lexical hedges, rising intonation on declaratives, intensifiers, hypercorrect grammar,
and avoiding strong swear words or the use of euphemisms. Furthermore, interruptions and overlaps that
occurred on same-sex interview were found to be form of support and cooperative strategy between the
interviewer and the interviewee, while on opposite-sex interview showed the opposite result, where the
interviewer interrupted and overlapped to show dominance and power.

Keywords: Women’s language features, interruption, overlap, gender and power

Word Comprehension in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Sansiviera Mediana Sari, Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih, Myrna Laksman-Huntley

Universitas Indonesia

This research stems from the semantic deficit hypothesis in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD;
Rapin & Allen, 1983; Boucher, Bigham, Mayes & Muskett, 2008; McGregor, Berns, Owen, Michels,
Bahnsen & Lloyd, 2012). In the field, based on observations at the Cahaya Didaktika inclusive school,
children with ASD seem to possess word concepts. Therefore, this research seeks to describe ASD children’s
ability in comprehending word meanings through a noun definition task. The research subjects are two mild
ASD children aged 16 and 11 years old who are undergoing schooling programs at Cahaya Didaktika. Data
is obtained by asking them to define 17 nouns with Age of Acqusition of five years using open-ended
questions. The definitions they give are then classified based on Hadley, Elizabeth, Dickinson, Hirsh-Pasek,
and Golinkoff (2017) and De Deyne and Storms (2008). The results show that only some definitions are
meaningfully accurate, supporting earlier findings about ASD children’s semantic deficits in word meaning
comprehension. However, the subjects describe word meanings accurately using sensory-motoric abilities,
functional descriptions, and gesture. Our results contribute to the teaching of nominal meanings to moderate-
mild ASD children in Indonesian schools that can further be adapted to the teaching of other parts of speech.

Keywords: Children with autism; ASD children; semantic deficit; word comprehension.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   49



Cognitive Aspects of Icons and Symbols in The Interpretation of German Idioms

Setiawati Darmojuwono
Universitas Indonesia

Ancient Greek philosophers in the dialogue Cratylus which examines whether the connection is natural or
based on a concensus between interlocutors. According to cognitive linguistic the structure of a language
reflects the formation of its speakers'concept of cognition. The study focuses on the cognitive process of
interpreting German idiomatic expressions students who come from Indonesian cultural background. This
study seeks to find out extent to which the iconic and symbolic nature of idiomatic expressions can assist the
students in interpreting the expressions and the extent to which those students' cultural background may
influence their interpretation. Our research material consists of 25 idiomatic expressions taken from
Verstehen Sie Deutsch?, an online German language forum. Our respondents consist of 34 students of the
German Study Program with German proficiency equivalent the B2 level of the Common European
Framework of Reference (CEFR). Data were obtained from the respondents through questionnaires. This
qualitative study is exploratory and descriptive in nature and is mostly based on Keller's theory of linguistic
signs (1998) and Schwarz's concept of cognition within the area of cognitive linguistics (2008). Result shows
that the meanings of iconic idiomatic expressions are more easily interpreted, provided than the expressions
are not related to specific German cultural features or historical event. Meanwhile, the meaning of symbolic
idiomatic expressions are more difficult to interpret because the meaning of a symbol greatly depends on the
meaning convention pertaining the particular language community. Our research results may contribute to
the development methods for teaching German to foreign language speakers who come from different cultural
backgrounds. This is particularly relevant to teaching idiomatic expressions which are not easy to teach, but
constitute part of standard learning materials in German course books. According to my findings, idiomatic
expressions should be taught in stages by taking according of the cognitive process where students from
different cultural background must undergo interpret the meaning of certain linguistic signs.

Keywords: Idiomatic expression, cognitive linguistics, icon, symbol, cultural background.

Equivalent Words of Fictive Kinship Terms from Arabic to Indonesian in the Qur`anic

Siti Aisyah Adri, Wiwin Triwinarti

Universitas Indonesia;

This research discusses fictive-kinship terms in Arabic and its equivalent in Indonesian, contained in the
Qur’an. This research uses qualitative method with descriptive design. The data in this study were obtained
from the-Qur’an with the Indonesian translation published by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the
Republic of Indonesia in 2012. The result of this study is that in certain verses in the Qur'an, there are several
kinship terms that have derived meanings. Moreover, in the translation of the Qur’an in Indonesian, the term
used in referring to real kinship is similar to fictive-kinship. The context of a verse which distinguishes the
meaning of the term.

Keywords: Terms, kinship, fictive, rendition, Arabic, Indonesian.

50   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Investigating Students’ Views of Translation Theory Subject: A Case Study

Suwarni Wijaya Halim

Universitas Bunda Mulia

In any practical fields, there are always tensions between group who views theoretical study as either
necessary or pointless. Such tension also exists in the area of translation. Translation is often perceived as a
field which puts heavy emphasis on practical aspects. As a result, the theoretical aspect of translation is often
marginalized in the professional setting. Nevertheless, in the area of translator training, translation theory is
viewed as an essential area that needs to be studied and explored further. This research aims to investigate
the views of the 5th and 7th semester students of English Department on translation theory subject. Theory
of Translation class is the only class which largely discusses translation theories. Information acquired in this
research would be useful for considerations in creating new syllabus for Theory of Translation class. The
researcher used questionnaire in acquiring the data needed to answer the research questions. The results of
this discussion revealed that most students of 5th and 7th semester have positive perception on translation
theory subject. They believed that translation theory subject is essential because translation theory is
perceived as a foundation of translation activities. Moreover, they also thought that translation theory can
provide solutions for translation problems.

Keywords: Translation theory, students’ views, case study.

Eco-Lexicon Meanings Contained in The Conservation News Texts Published in Mass


Tommy Yuniawan, Fathur Rokhman, Rustono Rustono, Hari Bakti Mardikantoro

Universitas Negeri Semarang;;

The purpose of this research is to analyze the eco-lexicon meanings contained in the conservation news texts
published in mass media. There were language expressions in the conservation texts in mass media related to
the environment and the ideology. Theoretically, reciprocal relationship between environment and language
was studied in eco-linguistics at the level of lexicon. This research employs an eco-linguistic design. The data
sources are mass media found at, Suara Merdeka, and Kompas published from March, 2010
until March, 2017 containing the conservation news texts. The data are collected through listening,
documentation, and interview techniques. The data are then analyzed using distributional, referential, and
interactive analysis technique. The research findings cover four dimensions of meaning: (a) ideological
meaning; (b) sociological meaning; (c) biological meaning; (d) cultural meaning. Therefore, the results of
this study can contribute theoretically and practically in the field of linguistics, language learning, journalism,
and public policy.

Keywords: Conservation news text; eco-lexicon meaning; eco-linguistics.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   51



Listeners’ Comprehension on The Utterances of Individuals With Autism Spectrum


Ulfa Kurniasih, Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih, Myrna Laksman-Huntley

Universitas Indonesia

This research is an extension of previous research investigating children with Autism Spectrum Disorder’s
(ASD) spontaneous speech (e.g., Manolitsi & Botting, 2011) in relation with aspects of discourse that
influence a spoken discourse’s cohesion and coherence (e.g., Bishop, 1999). The addition lies in the judgment
by listeners demonstrating their comprehension of what is spoken about. The primary data comes from the
spontaneous speech of 2 adults with ASD and 6 typically developing children. The recorded speech is then
rated by 12 neurologically intact adults for topic maintenance, and how that influences their comprehension.
The judgment then becomes the secondary data. The research aims to: (1) describe listeners’ comprehension
towards the unity of spontaneous speech elicited with and without a picture; (2) to observe the overall
structure of a verbal interaction if listeners do not comprehend the message; and (3) investigate whether there
are differences in listeners’ comprehension towards verbal interactions of individuals with ASD and those of
typically developing children. Results show that listeners’ comprehension is closely related to a speaker’s
ability to maintain the topic(s) of the verbal interaction. Frequent topic shift and topic drift are found in the
speech of the participants with ASD that influence its comprehension by the listeners.

Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder; verbal interaction; listener’s comprehension.

Intercultural Aspects in Teaching BIPA: A Case Study at Institution X

Winasti Rahma Diani, Sisilia Setiawati Halimi

Universitas Indonesia;

Foreign language teaching that promotes the intercultural dimension aims to make learners to be intercultural
speakers. By mastering intercultural competencies, students are expected to master foreign languages and be
able to position themselves based on the background of their origin culture and culture they learn in
intercultural situations. This study aimed to see how teaching intercultural competencies were run in the
course of Indonesian as a Foreign Language (BIPA), especially at beginner level. In this study, the researchers
looked at intercultural teaching through textbooks, classroom observation, cultural program, and assessment
used in Institution X in a beginner course. The results of the analysis show that the textbooks used contain
themes of intercultural learning for the survival needs of the novice students. The results of class observation
also show that intercultural teaching is well executed. However, the result of the field trip observations that
were part of the cultural program shows that the activities were not integrated with language learning. In
addition, the result of the assessment analysis also indicates that the exercise book and the test used have not
considered the intercultural aspects. This research is expected to provide input for intercultural teaching in
BIPA courses, especially at beginner level.

Keywords: Assessment, class observation, cultural program, intercultural learning, textbooks.

52   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


The Representations of Taiwan’s First Female President in the Media

Yasmine Anabel Panjaitan

Universitas Indonesia

As the first female president in Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen’s actions and words are crucial to the advancement of
gender equality within the Chinese patriarchal society. Likewise, the media also have a role in shaping gender
discourse which may or may not support the president’s attempt at empowering women in politics and other
sectors of life. This paper examined the linguistic strategy used by President Tsai to represent herself as a
strong female leader through her official statements and how the media represented her in their reports. The
data were collected from local news reports and international news portals, and from her speeches as quoted
by the media, starting from the year she was elected in 2016 to 2018. Using Fairclough’s Critical Discourse
Analysis, it was apparent that President Tsai struggled with her role as a female leader in politics, with critics
from persisting patriarchal society and pressure from emerging new values in Taiwan. The media, on the
other hand, was divided in making representations for and against Tsai. The conclusion of this research is
hoped to give a general description of gender and political dynamics under the new era of Tsai Ing-wen.

Keywords: Female president, gender equality, representation, Taiwan.

The Influence of Figurative Language Mastery and Short Story Reading Motivation
towards Students’ Reading Comprehension

Yudi Juniardi, Endah Yuniartiah

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

The aim of this study is to answer the following questions (1) does figurative language mastery influence
reading comprehension? (2) Does short story reading motivation influence reading comprehension? And (3)
Does figurative language mastery and short story reading motivation influence reading comprehension? In
this study, the writer implemented quantitative study. This research was conducted twice, first 26th April
2017 and second 3rd of May 2017. The first meeting was for assessing the students’ reading comprehension
and the second was for assessing the figurative language mastery and reading motivation. In reading
comprehension test the researcher used the narrative text (short story) which consists of 30 items in multiple-
choice forms. In assessing the figurative language, the researcher also used 20 items of the multiple choices
to know how far the students know about types of figurative language. In assessing reading motivation, the
researcher used the test proposed by Linda B. Gambrell, et. al. (1996). This study proposed following
conclusion; (1) figurative language can significantly influence reading comprehension with coefficients
correlation around 54.3%. (2) the short story reading motivation can significantly influence reading
comprehension although it is not linear with the coefficient correlation around 64%, and (3) figurative
language mastery and short story reading motivation can significantly influence the reading comprehension
with the contribution level around 45.8 %.

Keywords: Figurative Language, Reading Comprehension, Short Story.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   53



Discourse Analysis on Prime Minister of Lebanon Sa`Ad Al-Hariri’s Resignation Speech

Yuli Setianingsih, Abdul Muta'ali

Universitas Indonesia;

This study is established on Sa`ad Al-Hariri’s resignation speech as Prime Minister of Lebanon on 04
November 2017. In his speech, there are utterly meaningful utterances and redactions to be studied in terms
of semantics and pragmatics. This study aims to analyse how the semantic form and pragmatic speech of acts
contained in Sa’ad al-Hariri's speech. This study uses the approach of Critical Discourse Analysis model of
Norman Fairclough, 1995 and Theory of Speech Acts of Searle, 1979. The data contained in this research is
sourced from mass media of Al-Jazeera online newspaper, literature readings, articles, and some documents
from mass media. The method used in writing this article is qualitative method with descriptive approach.
From the results of data analysis, there are several propositions which show that in Sa’ad Al-Hariri's speech,
although he resigned, the editorial is quite declarative at the same time. Additionally, in his speech he revealed
the reasons for his resignation and also appealed to the Lebanese people to support him. This research is
expected to be a reference for further researchers whose an interest in the field of discourse analysis and
speech acts or from other relevant disciplines.

Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, acts of speeech, Sa`ad aAl-Hariri, Lebanon.

A Cognitive Perspective on the Arabic Spatial Noun fawqa Applying The Principled
Polysemy Model

Zaqiatul Mardiah, Afdol Tharik Wastono, Abdul Muta'ali

Universitas Indonesia;; moeta'

In many instances, the Arabic spatial noun fawqa shows a broad range of meanings. Generally, this lexeme
is similar to the central meaning of the English preposition above, that encodes UP DOWN schema with
distance. In this paper, we show how the framework of cognitive linguistics (CL) based on Principled
Polysemy Model (PPM) of Tyler and Evans (2003) can be applied to analyze the spatial semantic of the use
of preposition fawqa in the horizontal and vertical axes, and to design semantic network of the primary sense
and the extended senses of that preposition. The study takes a large amount of corpus data. The result reveals
that the cognitive investigation of fawqa justifies the use of this preposition in many situations and many
cases to seemingly capture non updown-related spatial relations, and non-physical relation, which exactly
relate to the its primary sense.

Keywords: Arabic spatial, cognitive linguistics, Up down schema. 


54   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life


Steering Committee:
Prof. Dr. Setiawati Darmoyuwono
Prof. Dr. Rahayu S. Hidayat
Prof. Dr. Multamia RMT Lauder
Prof. Dr. Hermina Sutami
Scientific Committee:
Dr. F.X. Rahyono
Dr. Afdol Tharik Wastono
Dr. Untung Yuwono
Manneke Budiman, Ph.D.
Conference Director:
Dr. Bernadette Kushartanti
Haru Deliana Dewi, Ph.D.
Wiwin Triwinarti, M.A.
Mulyani, S.E.
Silvi, S.E.
Nur Wahidah, S.E.
Pratidina Sekar, M.Si (Han)
Annisa Haq, S.Hum.
Committee Members
Harumi Manik Ayu, M.Hum
Yasmine Anabel Panjaitan, M.Hum
Adhika Irlang Suwiryo, M.A.
Hana Nurul Hasanah, M.Hum.
Accommodation and Transportation:
Dr. Filia
Julia Wulandari, M.Hum.
Dien Rovita, M.Hum
Dwi Rahmawanto, M.Hum
Yasroni, S.H.
Publication and Documentation:
Muhamad Prabu Wibowo, M.S.
M. Hanif Inamullah, M.Si.
Dr. Bernadette Kushartanti (coordinator) Dr. F.X. Rahyono
Prof. Dr. Rahayu S. Hidajat Dr. Afdol Tharik Wastono
Prof. Setiawati Darmoyuwono Dr. Untung Yuwono
Haru Deliana Dewi, Ph.D. Dr. Lilie Roosman
M. Umar Muslim, Ph.D. Dr. Filia
Harwintha Y. Anjarningsih, Ph.D.

  International Conference on Transdisciplinary Linguistics 2018   55




56   The Role of Language in All Aspects of Human Life




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