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Illustrated Course Guide Microsoft Office 365

and Excel 2016 Intermediate Spiral bound
Version 1st Edition Wermers 1305878507
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Excel Module 11: Performing What-if Analysis

A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:
We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom
activities and a cohesive module summary.

This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in blue that you see in the textbook. Under each
heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the section, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab
Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their
critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software.

In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources Site also contains PowerPoint Presentations, Test
Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.

Table of Contents

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Excel 2016 Instructor’s Manual Page 2 of 7

Module Objectives
250: Define What-if Analysis 1
252: Track What-if Analysis with Scenario Manager 2
254: Generate a Scenario Summary 3
256: Project Figures Using a Data Table 4
258: Use Goal Seek 4
260: Setup a Complex What-if Analysis with Solver 5
262: Run Solver and Summarize Results 5
264: Analyze Data Using the Analysis ToolPak 6
End of Module Material 6

Module Objectives
Students will have mastered the material in Excel Module 11 when they can:
⚫ Define what-if analysis ⚫ Use Goal Seek
⚫ Track what-if analysis with Scenario Manager ⚫ Set up a complex what-if analysis with Solver
⚫ Generate a scenario summary ⚫ Run Solver and summarize results
⚫ Project figures using a data table ⚫ Analyze data using the Analysis ToolPak

250: Define What-if Analysis

• Develop guidelines for performing what-if analysis
• Define what-if analysis terminology

• Define the terms what-if analysis, model, input cells, and dependent cell.
• Explain the rationale for performing what-if analysis (as opposed to creating multiple versions of the
same worksheet).
• Review the guidelines for performing what-if analysis.
• Refer to Figure 11-1 for the worksheet model used in the example.
• Point out the changes made to the cells in Figure 11-2.

Explain how what-if analysis can be helpful. For example, if a team is meeting to determine if it makes
economic sense for its company to push to sell more of a certain product, what-if analysis can be used to
show impact, in real time during the meeting, so business decisions can be made based on data. Point out
what-if analysis is a dynamic model.

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1. Assign a Project: Ask students to open an existing worksheet and formulate two questions what-if
analysis could answer. Have them identify the input cells and the dependent cells.

2. Quick Quiz:

1. A what-if analysis in a worksheet is generated by ________ the value in one or more input cells
and observing the effects in other dependent cells. (Answer: changing)

3. Critical Thinking: You would like to purchase a new automobile. What types of what-if questions
would you want to ask?

252: Track What-if Analysis with Scenario Manager

• Create scenarios to analyze Excel data
• Analyze scenarios using Scenario Manager

• Define the terms scenario, variable, and changing cells.
• Describe the Scenario Manager and discuss its purpose.
• Demonstrate how to add a scenario.
• Show students how to view the results of a scenario.
• Explain how to merge scenarios from other worksheets.

Emphasize to students that it is a good idea to add a scenario that uses the original changing cell values to
provide an easy way to return those values to the worksheet. Mention that if you name the changing cells
and the result cells, Excel uses these names in the dialog boxes and reports

1. Quick Quiz:
1. True/False: A scenario is a set of values you use to forecast worksheet results. (Answer: True)
2. True/False: You cannot delete a scenario once it has been entered into the Scenario Manager.
(Answer: False)

2. Critical Thinking: People often use spreadsheets to analyze data from the past. Why might a
company use spreadsheets to try to predict the future?


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Excel 2016 Instructor’s Manual Page 4 of 7

1. Have students use the Scenario Manager to add two scenarios for their automobile purchase.

254: Generate a Scenario Summary

• Display scenarios in a scenario summary report
• Format a scenario summary report

• Define the term scenario summary.
• Explain that naming cells makes a summary easier to read.
• Demonstrate how to name cells.
• Show students how to generate a summary report.

Emphasize to students that the summary report is completely independent from your data. If you change
any of the scenario values or calculations, the summary report doesn’t update. You would need to recreate
it. The scenario summary report appears in the form of a worksheet outline.

1. Class Discussion: Poll the class to see if they think it is easier to read a cell reference or a cell name.

2. Quick Quiz:

1. True/False: When you generate a scenario summary, it appears on the same sheet as the
changing and result cells. (Answer: False)
2. True/False: A scenario summary is an Excel table that compiles data from the changing cells
and corresponding result cells for each scenario. (Answer: True)

1. Have students generate a scenario summary for the scenarios they previously defined.

256: Project Figures Using a Data Table

• Develop a data table structure
• Analyze options using a data table

• Define the terms data table and one-input data table.
• Use Figure 11-9 to explain the data table structure.
• Demonstrate creating a one-input data table.
• Discuss how to create a two-input data table.
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Excel 2016 Instructor’s Manual Page 5 of 7

Emphasize that data tables allow for easier comparison of results of a what-if analysis, whereas scenarios
only show one set of data at a time. You can arrange a one-input data table vertically or horizontally.

1. Critical Thinking: Ask students for examples of when they might use a two-input data table.

2. Quiz:
1. A ____ ____ is a range of cells that simultaneously shows the varying resulting values when you
change one or more input values in a formula. (Answer: data table)

1. Have students generate a scenario summary for the scenarios they previously defined.

258: Use Goal Seek

• Determine input values for a desired result using Goal Seek
• Answer questions about data using Goal Seek

• Define the terms goal seek, backsolving, and goal cell.
• Describe the contents of the Goal Seek dialog box.
• Demonstrate how to use goal seek.
• Point out the changes made to the worksheet.
• Review the set of data analysis tools that Excel provides. Collectively, these are called Business
Intelligence (BI).

1. Assign a Project: Ask students to open an existing worksheet, specify a solution they want to
obtain, and write down the information they would have to enter in the Goal Seek dialog box.

2. Critical Thinking: Identify one situation where what-if analysis would be a better solution to a
problem and one situation where goal seek would be the better solution.

3. Quick Quiz:
1. Backing into a solution to find the input value that produces the answer you want is
sometimes referred to as ________.
a. backing up
b. reverse solving
c. backsolving
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Excel 2016 Instructor’s Manual Page 6 of 7

d. goal reverse
(Answer: c)

260: Set up a Complex What-if Analysis with Solver

• Define solver terminology
• Set up a worksheet analysis using the Solver Parameters dialog box

• Define the terms add-in, target cell, objective, and constraints.
• Demonstrate how to install an add-in.
• Use Figure 11-15 to illustrate the worksheet set up for a complex what-if analysis.
• Show students what parameters to enter in the Solver Parameters dialog box.

The Solver add-in is a product from Frontline Systems, Inc. Although it comes as part of Excel, they sell
enhanced versions of the program as well. Check out to find out more.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. What is the target cell in the Solver Parameters dialog box? (Answer: Total_Budget)

Assign a Project: Have students open an existing worksheet and come up with a problem that has
several inputs. Have them write down the information they would have to enter in the Solver
Parameters dialog box.

262: Run Solver and Summarize Results

• Run Solver using the parameters in the Solver Parameters dialog box
• Create an answer report using solver

• Demonstrate how to run Solver.
• Demonstrate how to create a worksheet summary of the solution.
• Discuss the three sections of the Answer Report.

1. Quick Quiz:
1. How can you restore a worksheet to its original state after running Solver? (Answer: Click Save
Scenario, enter Adjusted Budgets in the Scenario Name text box, click OK, in the Solver Results
dialog box click the Restore Original Values option button, then click OK to close the Solver Results
dialog box.)

264: Analyze Data Using the Analysis ToolPak

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Excel 2016 Instructor’s Manual Page 7 of 7

• Create a summary statistics worksheet

• Analyze worksheet data using descriptive statistics

• Use Figure 11-21 to describe the Descriptive Statistics dialog box.
• Show how to add the summary statistics to a new worksheet.
• Analyze worksheet data using descriptive statistics.
• Explain how to predict trends using Forecast Sheet tool.

Remind your students that once you install an add-in, it remains active until you remove it.

1. Critical Thinking: Ask students how they would calculate mean, median, and mode on a group of
numbers by hand.

2. Assign a Project: Ask students to use the mean (average), median, and mode functions on a group of
numbers in a worksheet. Remind them to use the Insert Function dialog box for assistance.

End of Module Material

• Concepts Reviews consist of multiple choice, matching, and screen identification questions.
• Skills Reviews provide additional hands-on, step-by-step reinforcement.
• Independent Challenges are case projects requiring critical thinking and application of the module
skills. The Independent Challenges increase in difficulty, with the first one in each module being
the easiest. Independent Challenges 2 and 3 become increasingly open-ended, requiring more
independent problem solving.
• Independent Challenge 4: Explore contain practical exercises to help students with their everyday
lives by focusing on important and useful essential skills, including creating photo montages for
scrapbooks and photo albums, retouching and color-correcting family photos, applying layer styles
and getting Help online.
• Visual Workshops are practical, self-graded capstone projects that require independent problem

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