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Your Speakers Tribe Membership 

Speakers Tribe is a non-for-profit initiative birthed out of the alumni of speakers that have attended a Bootcamp held
by Speakers Institute.

Our Vision is: To be a platform to ignite community, inspire learning & transform messages

Our Mission is: To empower leaders to become outstanding speakers

Our Values are:

- TRUTH: We are a Tribe that is true to our word and operate with absolute integrity
- BELIEF: We are a Tribe that believe in everything we do and everything we work for unequivocally
- PASSION: We are a Tribe that is passionate and enthusiastic towards learning
- COMMITMENT: We are a Tribe that is committed to producing extraordinary results
- EXCELLENCE: We are a Tribe that strives towards excellence for all our clients

Each month in each city, we operate in, Speakers Tribe members will meetup to share, speak and empower each
other towards growth in their speaking.

Each Speakers Tribe have a leadership team who have been appointed to serve the tribe and organise venues,
speakers, the run-sheet and everything else needed to ensure the operations of a successful Speakers Tribe
gathering. If you have any issues with the Speakers Tribe Leaders please get in contact with your Speakers Tribe
National Leaders Team at ​

To see if your city has a Speakers Tribe, and to get in contact with the Leaders in your city, please see the Speakers
Tribe website. ​


To be a member of Speakers Tribe you must have either;

1. Attended and been a paid student at a Speakers Institute Bootcamp. (This gives you a 12-Month
2. Paid your Annual Membership fee of $240 ($20 per month)

All NEW members get:

- A USB of valuable content worth $495
- A Membership Login
- Discounts to Speakers Tribe Conference and other special events

When you become a member you get to speak on stage at every Speakers Tribe monthly gathering as well as be a
part of the wider Speakers Tribe family. This means that you have access to every other Speakers Tribe in the world.

We are all super excited about your membership at Speaker Tribe and on behalf of the entire global Leadership

To your success

Sam Cawthorn
CEO & Founder Speaker Tribe
For more information please contact Speakers Tribe head office in Sydney Australia on:
Email: ​
Address: 7​t​ Floor, 36 Carrington Street, Sydney NSW Australia 2000.
Ph: +614 2 9279 2872

What happens at a Speakers Tribe gathering?
A Speakers Tribe gathering happens each month in many cities around the world. The core fundamentals of a Speakers Tribe is
that it is run for the Tribe by the Tribe. Your monthly Tribe gathering follows a runsheet that allows each Tribe Member to do their
Why This, Why Me, Why Now pitch as well as have a couple of Members do a longer keynote talk. Some Tribes then have
feedback for these keynote speakers. You will also learn a curriculum which takes you through a journey towards mastering
communication for influence. Most talks will always give valuable content which will help you in your speaking journey.

Do I still need to pay a membership fee if I’ve attended a Speakers Institute Bootcamp?
If you have paid for a Speakers Institute Bootcamp in the past, you automatically get a annual membership into Speakers Tribe.
You need to pay your annual membership fee after your first year, however you will need to still pay the amount for the gathering
on the night as door charge and food if applicable​.

If I’m a family friend or searching to see if this is something I want to join, can I still attend?
Yes, you can and you get one free visit. You will not have to pay the door charge however food you will need to cover if

If I’m a member and I’m speaking and wanting to bring potential clients, family and friends along to hear me speak,
can I?
In short no. Speakers Tribe is for the Tribe run by the Tribe. This means that it is not a showcase for you to show your speaking
skills to potential clients. It is not a forum for you to solicit, market your services or to sell. It is a gathering designed to share best
practice, build community and tribe and brush up on your speaking skills in a supportive environment.

Where does my membership money go to?

Speakers Tribe is a registered non-for-profit identity. It is a Speakers Institute initiative run by the tribe for the tribe. Your
Membership money goes to supporting the state leaders run their monthly gathering as smooth as possible. It helps compensate
for shortfalls of venue hire, catering and assists with the Tribe Leaders to do their volunteer roles to the best of their abilities as
well as any special events throughout the year.

If I want to become a Speakers Tribe Leader, or have suggestions for the leader, what do I need to do?
If you would like to become a Speakers Tribe Leader you would need to speak with your local Speakers Tribe Leader and request
to become a part of the Leadership Team. Your Speakers Tribe Leader will then speak with the National Speakers Tribe
Leadership Team and approve your application. Any suggestions please speak with your Speakers Tribe Leader, they will always
listen and note your suggestion.

Where do I pay my Membership Fee?

Please visit ​​ and there you will see how you can pay your Speakers Tribe Membership Fee. Please
ensure that you include your state in the application. When your payment has been processed, an automated email will be sent to
your local Speakers Tribe Leader. The National Speakers Tribe office will also be notified and will send you all the relevant
information and your USB in the post.

If I wanted to speak at a Speakers Tribe gathering, what do I need to do?

Only Members are allowed to speak at a Speakers Tribe gatherings. Visitors cannot speak on stage at a Speakers Tribe
gathering. Any Member that would like to do a keynote at a gathering must speak with their Speakers Tribe Leader. They will then
put you in the order of speaking at a gathering.

Do you have to attend every monthly Speakers Tribe gathering?

No, you do not. It’s important though to stay in the proximity of the Tribe as it helps you grow, keeps you match fit and helps you
to be a part of a tribe, to find your sense of belonging.

If I have a Membership and want to travel to a different city and attend their gathering, can I?
Yes, you can. We encourage all Tribe Members to travel to other Tribes and participate in the wider Speaker Tribe movement.

How long does my Membership last for?

If you are an Alumni of the Speakers Institute Bootcamp, you get a 12-month Membership of Speakers Tribe. If you are a paying
Member of the Tribe, your Membership also lasts for 12-Months. Then you will need to renew it.

For more information please contact Speakers Tribe head office in Sydney Australia on:
Email: ​
Address: 7​t​ Floor, 36 Carrington Street, Sydney NSW Australia 2000.
Ph: +614 2 9279 2872

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