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SMP Islam Al-Azhar Cairo Palembang

Kgs. Aidil Firmansyah Class
Grade : 7 Fase : D Learning objectives :
Students are able to identify the types of

adjectives in sentences
Topic :
Building your dream house
Element : Writing and Speaking
Knowledge and Skill : Creating and Showing
Pancasila Student Profile : Creative 27 Students
Method : Project
Class Type : Reguler and Offline Meeting
Assesment :Personal Project
W hils
a c


ti vitie

Students pray first before the class starts Students watch, listen and follow teacher tells

Students are checked by teacher for attendance list. his house

Students are informed about the indicator and learning
Students analyze about their house
objectives Teacher guides students to note part of house

Students are given questions that corellate with the topic

with detail thing insie of house
continue to the next material
Class Students practice to pronunce vocabulary which

connect to part of house

Students describe about part of house that they

Process dream which use Adjectives order


Students compare vocabulary to which connect


A c ti vit to part of house in English with their mother

Students compare the the pronunciation

vocabulary which connect to part of house with

another resources
Teacher reviews the material before the class finished Students use vocabulary which connect to part

Teacher asks to the students about the material until

of house outside of class and their daily lives

all the students can get what they have learned in this
and present the result of concept their dream

meeting house
Students write their own dream house adn

create a 3d Model by using 5 d Planner apps on

iPad and build their dream house

teaching material
Teacher’s Reflection :

O1 Discussion 1. Do students have difficulty in

writing, creating and presenting? How

02 Practical can the teacher handle it so that

students are maximized at the next

03 Scientific
2. Are there students who are not

focused in learning? How can the

04 Tips how to make your dream house in 3D Model

teacher handle it to make it more

Grading System

25% 50% 25%

Concept of your dream house
Writing Result, Grammar, 3D
Performance, Confidence,

with adjectiver order properly

Model are completely
Expression in Presenting the

and the use of vocabularies Connecting and Matching result

Students work Sheet

01 Pick the kind of house that you like MEDIA

iPad: Pages, Keynote, iBooks and 5D

02 Describe it using Adjectives Order Models

Electronic books/ online books

03 Write in 3 Paragraph !
Students’ Handbook: When English
04 Make it real by creating 3 D model Rings the Bell by goverment, and
Bring by Erlangga

O5 Present it after you finish!


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