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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL DISASTER RK REDUCTION AND MANAGEMENT COUNOL XI [Door 210, LDL Bldg,, C.P Garcia Highway, Davao City (fronting Davao Intemational Airport) MEMORANDUM ORDER NO. s, 2023 To : ALL CONCERNED RDRRMC Xi MEMBER-AGENCIES AND P/C/MDRRMCs SUBJECT : ON STAND-BY STATUS OF APPROVED REGIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM (RIMT) AND RDRRMC XI REGIONAL RESPONSE CLUSTERS ICOW KADAYAWAN FESTIVAL CY 2023 ON AUGUST 10-21, 2023 DATE : 08 AUGUST 2023 4. The Kadayawan 2023 Regional Incident Management Team (RIMT) as established is hereby put on stand-by status from 10-21 August 2023. 2. The RIMT organization structure will be automatically activated in the event of any major untoward incidents due to natural and/or human-induced hazards that may occur during the celebration which is beyond the capacity of Davao City. The team is required to report to OCD-RDRRMC XI Operations Center to lead the regional consequence management response operations. 3. Further, to ensure the immediate availability of logistical and other resource requirements, the Regional Response Clusters are also put on stand-by status and enjoined to ensure prepositioning of its respective resources. 4. A final coordination meeting will be conducted via VTC on August 9, 2023 (time to be advised) together with Davao CDRRMC Local Incident Management Team to discuss respective preparedness measures and arrangements, 8. Attached is the approved RIMT Organizational Structure, for reference. 6. Mr. Franz N. Irag, Chief, Operations Section will be in continuous coordination with your office for any inquiries andior clarifications pertaining to this matter. He may also be reached thru telfax (082) 287-7915, OpCen hotline numbers 0917-178-9711 and thru email add: ocdregion i vot a, Officer-In-Charge, OCD Xi and Acting Chairperson, RDRRMC XI 7. For guidance and compliance, REGIONAL DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND VANAGEMENT COUNGL XI [Door 210, LDL Bidg., C.P Garcia Highway, Davao City (fronting Davao Intemational Airport) REGIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Mc Adrian Cobero PIO | Karlo Alexie Puerto | | ASST. PIO | | \ SOFR | | | | | Nestor Jimenez Incident Commander Jenny Mancenido DEPUTY FSC ‘Ara Rubio COST UNIT

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