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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Capiz
Ongol Ilaya, Dumarao, Capiz


School: ESTEFANIA MONTEMAYOR Grade Level: 10

Name of Teacher: JSAH MYRL H. HUMPAY Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Date and May 2, 2023 Quarter: THIRD
Time: 7:30-8:30 a.m. Duration: 1 HOUR


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an

understanding on how evolution through
Lamarck’s Theory can result in

B. Performance Standard Write an essay on the importance of

adaptation as a mechanism for the
survival of a species.

C. Learning Competency S10LT-IIIf-39

with Code

D. Learning Objectives At the end of the lesson the students will

be able to;

A. Identify the Theories developed by

Jean Baptiste de Lamarck

B. Describe Lamarck’s Theories

C. Relate Lamarck’s Theories in everyday



Topic: Biodiversity and Evolution

Subject Integrated: English

Values Integration: Cooperation and critical thinking skills.


A. Materials Needed Printed images, Tarpapel

B. References

B.1 Teaching Guide LAS

B.2 Learners Material Science Manual – Pages 299- 306

B.3 Additional Materials from Quarter 3- MELC 3- Week 5

Learning Resources (LR)

C. Other Learning Downloaded Videos


IV. PROCEDURES Introductory Activities (5 mins)

Good morning class!! The Good morning,

A. Prayer
Before we start our class, please all stand (The students will pray)
we will have a prayer.

Before you take your seats, please

arrange your chairs and clean your table.

B. Checking of the Attendance

Whose absent today? None ma’am

A. Reviewing previous C. Recapitulation

lesson What was our topic last meeting? Biodiversity and
Very good. To measure if you understood
our lesson last meeting, let’s have a
game. I have here eggs and these
contains questions about our previous
lesson. We are going to sing the science
song. Whoever holds the eggs when the
song is finished will be the one to answer
the questions. Are my instructions clear? Yes Ma’am

It is the change in inherited traits over

successive generation in population of Evolution

What are the two types of evolution?

Divergent and
Convergent Evolution
What are the 4 evidences of evolution?
Fossil Records,
Comparative Anatomy,
Development, and
Genetic Information
We have discussed two types of Fossil
Records. What are those? The two types of fossil
records are imprints
and compression.
What are the two methods to determine
the age of fossils? Relative Dating and
Radioactive Dating

Let’s move with the second evidence

which is the Comparative Anatomy. We Homologous,
have 3 types of structures. What are Analogous and Vestigial
those? Structure

Is our topic last meeting clear?

Do you have any questions or Yes Ma’am.
clarifications regarding the topic?
Okay very good!!! None Ma’am.

B. Establishing a purpose for Please read what is expected for you to A. Identify the Theories
the lesson learn after our lesson. developed by Jean
Baptiste de Lamarck

B. Describe Lamarck’s

C. Relate Lamarck’s
Theories in everyday
B. Presenting Examples/ Class, before we start our discussion, let
instances of new lesson me show you an image.

Can you tell what is in the picture? Adan and Eva with
other creations of God.
(Answer may vary)

Where did that information came from? The bible.

So according to the bible how was our God took 7 days to

world and all the living organisms create everything. On
created? the 1st day, God created
the night and the day,
on the 2nd day he
created the clouds and
oceans. On the 3rd day
he created land, plants
and trees, on the 4th day
he created sun, star
and moon; on the fifth
day he created the birds
and fishes; on the 6th
day he created man
and animals. On his 7th
day, he saw that
everything was good
and he rested.

Who was the first humans on earth Adan and Eve.

according to our biblical belief?

What do you believe in? Do you have

(Answers may vary)
questions in mind regarding our

In today’s lesson we’re going to find out

what are other theories which talks about
the evolution of organisms on earth.

ENGAGE Arrange the scramble letters into the

proper arrangements.

HEORTIES – an idea or set of ideas that

is intended to explain facts or events. THEORIES

TIONULVOE – any change in the

inheritable traits within a population EVOLUTION
across generation.

EXPLORE For our activity for today, I will group you

into three. Each group should have a
leader, a secretary and 2 reporters.

This is what you should do. I had

prepared here the materials that you will (The students will
be needing. All you have to do is follow perform the activity)
the procedures and answer the guide
questions. I will only give you 10 minutes
to perform the activity.
What are the things you should do in
doing your activity?

1. Cooperate
2. Minimize your voice.
3. Be careful
Is that clear, do you any questions? 4. Clean your area
Okay you may now start.
None Ma’am.
(See attached activity sheets)

EXPLAIN Are you done? Yes ma'am

Everyone posts your answer on the

board, share your answers to the class.
(Reporting Starts).
Let’s start with group one followed with
the group two and the last, group three.

Guide Questions (Group 1):

1. What have you noticed with the first

The first giraffe has
giraffe? Last giraffe?
short necks while the
last one has longer
neck. (Answer may

2. Where does the first giraffe take its

The first giraffe with
food? How about the last giraffe?
short neck consumes
grass that is from the
ground. While the last
giraffe consumes grass
that is from a tall tree.
(Answer may vary)

3. Write your conclusions as to how or The giraffes neck

started from short one
why giraffe’s neck became longer.
because of the need to
survive, they had to
stretched their necks to
reach their food.
(Answer may vary)
Guide Questions (Group 2):

1. What have you noticed with the The giraffes have

giraffes? different length of neck.
It started from short
ones then as time
passes by it develops to
be longer. (Answer may
2. What does the giraffe use to get its
food? The giraffe uses its
neck to get/reach its
food. (Answer may
3. Write your conclusions as to how or
why giraffe’s neck became longer. Giraffe’s neck became
longer because they
use it to get their food. It
shows that if an animal/
an organism uses a part
of its body it will
Guide Questions (Group 3): develop.

1. What have you noticed with the first

group of giraffes? Last group of giraffes? 1. The first group of
giraffes has short necks
while the last group has
longer neck. (Answer
may vary)

2. How does the giraffe before differ from 2. Giraffes before are a
the giraffe now? family of short necks
while the new sets of
giraffes have long
necks. (Answer may
3. Write your conclusions using the
3. The giraffes before
illustration above as to how or why
that have short necks
giraffe’s before are completely different tend to produce giraffes
from the giraffes that we have now. with short necks also.
The giraffe now which
has long necks passed
their acquired
characteristics with their
offspring. And those
with short necks didn’t
survive because they
are the ones who
cannot reach taller trees
for food. (Answer may
ELABORATE Based on the activity, what do you think is Theory of Evolution
our topic? proposed or developed
by Jean Baptiste
Lamarck. (Answer may

Jean Baptiste Lamarck

Very Good. Who is Jean Baptiste
developed the first
theories on how species
change. He concluded
that organisms of higher
complexity had evolved
from pre-existing less
complex organisms.

Theory of Need, Theory

What are the theories developed by of use and disuse and
Lamarck? theory of acquired
In this lesson we are going to use the
most common example which is the
giraffe to explain Lamarck’s theories of

Let’s first use Lamarck’s giraffe. What can

you say about the picture? The giraffe before has
short necks and
developed long necks in

Exactly! Now let’s discuss the 3 theories

using these giraffes.

What is Lamarck’s first theory? Please Theory of Need- states

read. that organisms change
in response to their
environment. Their
ability to survive helped
them developed
necessary for them to
adapt in a given

(The teacher will discuss further and state

other examples applicable in order for the
students to understand each theory.)
Theory of Use and
Let’s now move with the second theory of Disuse- states that
Lamarck. organs not in use will
disappear while organs
in use will develop and
become stronger.
Now what is the last theory developed by Theory of Acquired
Lamarck? Characteristics – states
that acquired
characteristics of the
parents such as the
lengthening of necks of
parent giraffes were
believed to be inherited
by their offspring and
propagated by the next
So that was the theory of Lamarck
explains to us. That was according to his
views that time. However, a lot of
experiments disproved his theories
especially the third one which is the
Acquired Characteristics.

Do you have something in mind why did

Petals of Flower
they contradict to his theory especially in
his third theory? Give me some examples.
Frequent Exercise
Tail of Mice
(Answers may Vary)
Very Good!

Generalization Who is the scientist who believed that Jean Baptiste de

organisms change over time? Lamarck

What are the Theories developed by Theory of Need, Theory

Lamarck? of Use and disuse and
Theory of Acquired
(Answers may vary)

Organisms change in
What does the theory of need explain to
response to their
environment. (Answers
may vary)

What about the theory of use and disuse? Lamarck tells us that an
organ in use will
develop and get
stronger while organs
not in use will
disappear. (Answers
may vary)
How about the theory of acquired
characteristics? What does it tell us? Whatever the parent
acquired during its
lifetime will be passed
on or be acquired also
by its offspring.
Excellent. Now let’s test your learnings.
(Answers may vary)

Evaluation Get a ¼ sheet of paper we have a short


Matching Type Directions: Match column

A with the corresponding item in column
B. Write the letter of your answer for each
Test | matching type
Column A Column B
1. B
1. This theory states A. Evolution
that an organism 2. E
changes in response
3. C
to their environment.
4. A

2. Who is the first 5. D

evolutionist to B. Theory of
believe that Need
organisms change
over time.
C. Theory of
3. This theory states
Use and
that an organ in use
will develop and
become stronger
while the organ not in
use will disappear. D. Theory of
4. It is any change in Characteristics
the inheritable traits
within a population
across generation.

5. This theory states E. Jean

that whatever a Baptiste de
parent acquired Lamarck
during its lifetime will
be inherited by the

B. Write TN if it talks about Theory of

Need, TUD if Theory of Use and Disuse Test II.
and TAC if it is theory of Acquired

1. The existence of Pelvis in Whales. 1. TUD

2. The lengthening of nose of elephants. 2. TN/TUD

3. The presence of white hair of an 3. TAC


4. Changing color of an iguana. 4. TN

5. Development of webbed toes in ducks. 5. TUD


Advance study about a Scientist named Charles Darwin and what is his theory about Evolution.

Presented to:


Cooperating Teacher



Group 1


Objective: Discuss Lamarck’s Theory of Need


Activity Sheet

Manila Paper

Pentel Pen

Procedure: Examine the illustration, think comprehensively and answer the guide questions that

Guide Questions:

1. What have you noticed with the first giraffe? Last giraffe?

2. Where does the first giraffe take its food? How about the last giraffe?

3. Write your conclusions as to how or why giraffe’s neck became longer.

You only have 10 minutes for this Activity 😊

Group 2

“Use it, or lose it”

Objective: Discuss Lamarck’s Theory of Use and Disuse


Activity Sheet

Manila Paper

Pentel Pen

Procedure: Examine the illustration, think comprehensively and answer the guide questions that

Guide Questions:

1. What have you noticed with the giraffes?

2. What does the giraffe use to get its food?

3. Write your conclusions as to how or why giraffe’s neck became longer.

You only have 10 minutes for this Activity 😊

Group 3


Objective: Discuss Lamarck’s Theory of Acquired Characteristics


Activity Sheet

Manila Paper

Pentel Pen

Procedure: Examine the illustration, think comprehensively and answer the guide questions that

Guide Questions:

1. What have you noticed with the first group of giraffes? Last group of giraffes?

2. How does the giraffe before differ from the giraffe now?

3. Write your conclusions using the illustration above as to how or why giraffe’s before are completely
different from the giraffes that we have now.

You only have 10 minutes for this Activity 😊

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