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A R C H I T E U T H I S A play by R J Hackett

Dramatis personae Act I, sc. i Act I, sc. ii Act I, sc. iii Act I, sc. iv Act I, sc. v Act I, sc. vi Act II, sc. i Act II, sc. ii Act II, sc. iii Act II, sc. iv Act II, sc. v Act II, sc. vi Act II, sc. vii Act III, sc. i Act III, sc. ii Act III, sc. iii Act III, sc. iv Act III, sc. v Glossary River rafting Millers apartment Skinners office On the road to Jacksonville The sheriffs office The sheriffs office/ On the trail Hickies Mr Kellys welcome The escape Joes story Searching for clues Meeting at the forests edge Kelmans cabin The hunters are hunted Kelmans last stand Millers call Mystery at the morgue News broadcast 3 4 6 7 9 14 18 20 22 24 25 28 30 32 36 39 44 45 47 49

DRAMATIS PERSONAE Character Description Role size

Gary Paul Adam Neil Dave Pete Joe Kelly Mr Kelly Miller Tully Skinner Sheriff Jalepino Secretary (Kevin) The mayor Bobby George Jack Harold Fairburn Ike Kelman News Broadcaster

All rafters of high school age

All small

A rafter of high school age Joes father F.B.I. Investigator Millers F.B.I. partner An F.B.I. Assistant Director Sheriff in Jacksonville Sheriffs secretary

Large Medium Large Large Medium Large Small Small


All small

Hospital mortician A Native American trapper

Small Medium Medium

[ACT ONE] [SCENE ONE] The rafting trips end

On a large rubber river raft: Gary, Paul, Dave, Neil, Adam, Joe and Pete. (The sound of white water) Dave: Rafters: Neil: Rafters: Gary: Paul: Joe: Rafters: Dave: Pete: Paul: Pete: Paul: Joe: Gary: Pete: Paul: Gary: Adam: Pete: Paul: Hang on boys! Here come rapids! Paddle! (Screaming) Ahhhhhhh, Yehaaaa, woohoo... Waterfall! (More screaming) Petes overboard! Gumbi! Hang on, Pete. (More hollering) Wow! That was cool! Im cool too. youre lucky Im stinking hot. Then jump in and join me. Na, Im all right Bags not helping to drag Pete on board. Want some help Pete? Remember itll cost ya. No-more punches on the shoulder ay boys? Dont worry we wouldnt hurt a big marshmallow like you. Much. I guess its my turn to pull him up. Man your heavy Pete. Somethings holding me down! Your weight.

All: Pete: Adam: Joe: Pete: Dave:

(Laughter) Its wrapped around my leg! Sure. Probably a giant eel. Better watch out. It might bite your toes off. Im being pulled down! Good one. (Pete goes under)

Joe: Adam: Paul: Dave: Neil: Joe: Neil: Paul: All:

Pete! Whered he go? Cant see him. Maybe thers an undercurrent. Hes not on my side either. Im gonna dive in. Me too. Wait. Whats that? Weve hit something. Somethings moving under the raft. Pete? (All sit in silenc and suspence. The lights go out as the raft tips and the boys scream.We hear, splashing and yells for help followed by an eerie silence on the river.) (The X-Files theme music)

[SCENE TWO] A briefing with Skinner. Miller and Tully step up to Skinners office.


So this is Skinners new office. I bet he gets a good view from up here. (Miller reads the door plaque slowly and deliberately) Assistant Director J. Skinner F.B.I. Skinners going up in the world. Hes got his door title written in gold. Jealous, Miller? What? Have his job and be trapped in meetings all day? No thanks. Ill stick with my anonymous little room in the basement and a plastic name tag. (Tully knocks on the door)

Tully: Miller:

Skinner: Miller: Skinner:

Come in. Whats up Skinner.

Agents have a seat; Miller, pay attention. One week ago seven boys from Jacksonville College in Oregon failed to return on time from a rafting trip down the Monasa river. When the local sheriff went looking for the boys he found three bodies. Three other rafters are presumed dead So there was a survivor. He got out of hospital yesterday. What were his injuries? Mostly minor cuts and abrasions; probably caused by his running home from forest undergrowth. If his injuries were minor then why was he kept in a hospital? By the time he had run from where his raft capsized to his fathers farm it was very dark. He fell over a bank and broke his leg. Talk about bad luck.

Miller: Skinner: Tully. Skinner: Tully. Skinner: Miller:

Skinner: Having seen photos of those killed in the accident I would say he was exceedingly lucky. Tully: Skinner: Could I see those photos? Certainly. Heres the case file. Id have liked to have given you a fuller briefing, but you were late and Ive got another meeting in four minutes.

Youll just have to catch up on the rest of the facts on your way to Jacksonville. Miller: Skinner: Tully: Skinner: When do we leave? One hour. Here are your tickets. Before we go, is there anything that might be important that isnt in the file? A word of caution. When you get into Jacksonville youll contact Sheriff Jalepino, hes man who likes to get his own way; at least he was when I knew him. He doesnt care about sticking to the letter of the law if it helps him get the results he wants. Watch your back when youre around him. When did you know him? The army. Dont underestimate him, hes stubborn but not stupid. Good luck. [SCENE FOUR] In a car going to Jacksonville. Miller looks bored; Tully drives. Later they pick up a hitch-hiker called Kelman. Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: This is always the worst part of the job. What? These long boring trips. Its not every day that you get to fly across the width of the country from Washington DC to Salem. The scenery was stunning. I guess I must have slept through it. You did. You slept for hours and youve been grumpy ever since. I thought you liked travelling. Not when the air conditioning has stoped working in our rental car! I told you we should have hired a Japanese car; statistically they are the most reliable.

Miller: Skinner:

Miller: Tully: Miller:

And statistically they are less safe. Not true. Pound for pound theyre just as safe. Its just that on average American cars are bigger. Fine. You pick the cars from now on. (Five seconds of silence- nothing but road noise)

Tully: Miller: Tully: case Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller:

We should be getting to Jacksonville soon. If youre bored you could drive. No thanks. I have a good chauffeur. In that case the chauffeur suggests you could take another look at the file. I guess. Oh, and there are some fresh mints in the glove box; could you open the bag for me? Ok. (Miller gets the lollies and starts to chew one of them. He and Tully talk with lollies in their mouths.) Here you go. Thanks. Mm. Chewy. Look Tully, sorry Ive been irritable; I just dont see why we needed to make this trip. Theres nothing in the file that shows this case to be any more abnormal than this years school yard shootings. There are a hundred other agents in the Bureau that could have been given this case. Why did we get it? I dont know but I cant shake off the feeling that Skinner didnt tell all he knew. What gives you that idea?

Tully: Miller: Tully:

Take a close look at the photographs. See how the victims were disfigured? Ouch! So you think were hunting a man hater? What did you make of the photos Tully?



Not much. Ill know a lot more when Ive completed an autopsy. Hopefully Ill be able to identify the weapon or weapons used to inflict the whip-like lacerations and bruising. I should also be able to work out whether the injuries occurred postmortem or premortem. Lets hope that Skinner told the Sheriff to keep the bodies on ice till you arrived. Look out for the dog!


(Screech of brakes as the car stops. Car doors open as the agents get out to look for the dog) Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully. Miller: Kelman: Miller: Kelman: once Tully: Kelman: as Miller: Kelman: Miller: Kelman: Tully: I didnt feel a thud. You must have missed it. Just keep looking. Its probably run home by now. Over there. Its ok Tully. Its not a dog. How was your nap Mr? Kelmans my name. My siesta was very restful Mr... Miller. Nice to meet you. As for being mistaken for a dog, thats happened or twice before, but I think the creature that your companion so skilfully avoided ran off that way. You saw it then. Sure. As Ive got older my hearings got worse but my sense of sight is sharp as it ever was. Mr Kelman meet Dan Tully. My partner. Hi ya Dan. Does your business take you to Jacksonville? Sure does; like a lift? That would be kind. Ill just pick up my pack. Just wait here and well bring the car to you. (Whispered) Why did you offer him a lift? You know I dont like picking up hitch-hikers?



Relax. I dont think that our murderer used his walking stick to batter his victims to death.

(Doors shut and Tully drives to Kelman. Kelman gets in the car. A car door opens and shuts) Kelman: Tully: Kelman: Nice car. You must be F.B.I. agents. Howd you work it out? There is a filing box sitting on the back seat. The box has a sticker on it that reads If lost please return to the F.B.I. I reckon you must be here to find the river monster. Were here to investigate the rafting deaths. Same thing. Dont you know that Joe Kelly, the survivor, said that he had been attacked by a river monster? You mean like the Loch Ness monster? Nessie is a lake creature.

Tully: Kelman: Tully: Miller:

Kelman: I dont think Joe saw a Beaver State Nessie. He claims he saw Hsquanthe; the River Demon. Twelve years ago four fly fishermen were found half eaten. That was less than two miles down the river from where the rafters were attacked. Some of my people said that the attack was the work of Hsquanthe. Tully: Kelman: What do you say? I am just an old Indian trapper. I know is that the sheriff believed that the deaths were the work of a pack of wolves and I know that a week later a group of hunters killed a pack of wolves. The hunters said that they had been attacked. The case was closed. Do you agree with the sheriff? Not often, I dont know what ate the anglers but I am certain that wolves didnt attack a river raft What can you tell me about the River Demon? Not much. Just a legend. The legend says that the demon was called up/ created by Modoc Shamen near the end of the Modoc war. The demon

Miller: Kelman: Miller: Kelman:


was meant to kill the white men but the Shamen couldnt control it. There is a poem about it. Miller: Kelman: only Go ahead. All right, but the poem will lose some of its meaning when and I can remember the last verse. Ahem. For a hundred summers Hsquanthe has stalked the earth, For twenty hot summers it has killed, The weapons of men it treats with disdain, it has no fear of death, Only when the greatest hunter comes will it return to the blackest depths and be seen no more. Miller: Kelman: Tully: Kelman: What does it mean? It means stay out of Hysquanthes way. This message is a bit clearer Welcome to Jacksonville, The Beaver City, founded in 1874. I didnt know Jacksonville was a city. Jacksonville was officially recognised as a city just last week but the Mayors had the sign made ready months ago. Hes already trying to change the towns name. You dont sound to happy about the progress the town has made. Bigger is not always better. Both coal and diamonds are made of carbon and yet a handful of diamonds is worth far more than a truckload of coal. Sometimes small things are more valuable. So your a poet and a philosopher. I just live on the outside of town. Sometimes outsiders see the clearest. You can let me out here. The rest of my journey is out of your way. I you happy hunting and hope you find that an animal is to blame for the river deaths; it is often a lesser crime to kill or cage an animal than to kill or cage a man. What about the river demon. Ha.Kill it or it will kill you. (Kelman gets out of the car and the door

Tully: Kelman:

Tully: Kelman: wish

Miller: Kelman: slams).


[SCENE FIVE] Talking with the Sheriff. Miller and Tully wait for Sheriff Jalepino in the police station while the sheriff talks to the mayor. The agents sit in the foyer next to the secretarys office. Miller: Tully: the Miller: trout Tully: It sure is humid out here in Jacksonville. (Slap) Blasted mosquitoes. Your right (Slap). With all of these blood-sucking mosquitoes around trout are probably the only ones enjoying this weather. Tully, if trout eat mosquitoes that have fed on us and then we eat the does that put trout above us or below us on the food chain? I dont know Miller. All I know is that this place could use air conditioning even more than our car. Youd better change the car when you get a chance. Ok, but Im not going to hire a Japanese econo-box. (Slap) How long have we been waiting? More than an hour now. His secretary said that Jalepino was talking with the mayor. Looks like the mayors coming out now. Shhh. Maybe we can here what theyre saying. (The mayors conversation can just be heard clearly over the office noise) Mayor: Remember Jalepino, the town cant afford bad publicity. This town needs all the tourist dollars it can get. Im counting on you to complete this investigation as quickly and quietly as possible. You can count on me Mayor. (They shake hands) Im sure I can. If this is over soon, come up to the club and well discuss upgrading your work vehicles over a game of golf. You do know how the game is played? Ive played it once or twice before, Im sure I can pick it up again. Excellent. See you on the golf course Karl.

Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully:

Sheriff: Mayor:

Sheriff: Mayor:


Sheriff: Secretary: Miller: Secretary: Tully: Sheriff:

Likewise Mayor. (Pause) Kevin I can see the F.B.I. now. Send them in. Sheriff Jalepino can see you now. If you could just put your paper coffee cups in the bin that would be really helpful. Sure. Not a problem. Tully allow me to take your cup as well. What a nice young man. I bet hell make some woman happy. It would certainly take some woman to be happy with Miller. Welcome to Jacksonville Miller and Tully. Come on in. Pull up a seat. Sorry to have kept you waiting but the mayor insisted on seeing me. Im really pleased that you could get here so early because I can use every man I can get. So whats the problem Sheriff? You look worried. The problem is the size of our search area. A man with survival experience could hide out in the forest for weeks. Its like trying to find a flea on a bears behind. It would take an army to search the forest properly. So youre convinced that a man was responsible for the killings. Absolutely. Do you haver any suspects? Not yet, but were checking for marijuana plantations in the forest; sometimes trampers get shot at if they get too close to a crop. Were also interviewing the families and friends of victims to try and find a clue but processing those interviews will take some time. Frankly conventional investigation is getting us nowhere slowly and I need results fast. So where do we fit in? I called in a favour from my old buddy Will Skinner because I heard that he had people working for him that could get things done. It wasnt easy getting you two; I really had to twist Skinners arm. Do you know why he sent us? Nope. I presume that you two must either be the best agents that he has to offer or the most expendable. I guess well see which guess is correct

Miller: Sheriff:

Tully: Sheriff: Tully: Sheriff:

Miller: Sheriff:

Miller: Sheriff:


Any questions? Miller: Sheriff: Could the rafting accident have been caused by a wolf attack like the one responsible for deaths here twelve years ago? Sheesh, you sure do your homework.. No. Ive seen the results of bear and wolf attacks; the injuries we found on the kids werent made by a forest animal. What about something from the river? Weve got some pretty hungry trout around here but I dont think theyre to blame. Weve been told that the witness said that the raft was attacked by a river monster. (Sheriff laughs) I wouldnt take much faith in that boys cockamany stories. Just between you and me, I like Joe. Ive known his family since before he was born. Joes not a particularly bad kid but hes been known to tell whoppers to get out of trouble. So you think that the boy is in some way involved with the deaths. Not in a criminal way. I think that he hassnt got a clue as to what really happened; interviewing him wasnt much help to my investigation. Did you record that interview? Of course. Youll find we do things by the book around here. Heres the tape. Thanks but Ill also need to interview Joe in person. How can I contact him? Do you expect to find something that Ive missed Mr Miller? Its standard practice for us to reinterview eye-witnesses in cases like this. Really? So be it. If you really must talk to him he lives with his Dad on a small farm half an hour out of town. Just drive north down the main till you come to Oldtown road on your right. Go down that road about five miles and youll come to Mr Kellys place.

Miller: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff:

Tully: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff: Tully: Sheriff: street


Miller: Sheriff: Miller: Tully:

Thank you Sheriff, youve been a great help. I doubt it but if there is anything you need, just let me know. We will.

Actually Sheriff there is one more thing. I need to examine the bodies of the teenagers you found in order to ascertain how they died and what caused their injuries. The quicker I get started the more accurate my findings will be. Im sorry I cant help you there. The town held a memorial service for boys last night. But surely you knew we would need to do autopsies on the bodies. I took photos and video footage of the injuries. When I talked to the F.B.I. no-one mentioned that you would need the bodies. Could we exhume the bodies? Unfortunately no. All three bodies were cremated according to the families wishes. Sorry I cant help you folks more. Well keep in touch. (The exit/entry doors to the station open and close.) Do you get the idea that the sheriff doesnt want us to find out what happened to those rafters? It seems to me that hed be happy to bury the investigation. Or even better, incinerate it. [SCENE SIX] Fifteen minutes later.

Sheriff: the Tully: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff: Tully:

Miller: Tully:

Miller and Tully are driving. Sheriff Jalepino and his secretary (Kevin) are in the station. (Kevin knocks on the sheriffs door) Sheriff: Secretary: What is it? (Excited) Ike Kelman just called. Hes found a body trapped in willow.


Sheriff: Kelman: Sheriff: Kelman: Sheriff: Kelman: Sheriff: Kelman: Sheriff: Kelman: Sheriff: again.

Ha. Trapped in a poaching net more like it. Put him through. Hello Kelman are you there? Yes. Got yourself in a tangle this time didnt ya boy. Wheres the body? I found it caught in some tree roots by the river just past Stonies gold mine. Is it still there? No. I moved it onto the bank. Could you come and collect it soon. It stinks. I have to stay up wind of it. Ill be there soon. Where are you calling from? The top of Stonies Gold Mine. The reception for my cell phone was no good down by the river. A yuppie phone? Youre not doing too bad for a man who lives off the land. Dont you know? There is a phone and call plan to suit everyone these days. Bull. But they might be ok for poachers eh? Dont worry Kelman I wont be making a fuss. Stay with the body till I arrive and dont touch it I dont want your finger prints all over it. (Click. End of call.) Kevin. Call Bobby and tell him to go and see Kelman. I want Bobby to secure the area and keep the press away from the body. When youve done that put me through to our F.B.I. friends. Id better let them know the good news.


Sure thing boss. (Millers cell phone rings)

Miller: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff.

Hello? Is that agent Miller? Yeah. What can I do for you Sheriff. Where are you folks?


Miller: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff:

Were on our way to the Kellys farm. Well turn your car around and head back to town quick smart. Why? It seems you folks got lucky. Another bodys been found in the river. Tell Mr Tully to grab his scalpel. Weve found him a corpse to examine. Tullys gears in the car. Just tell us where the body is and well meet you there. Not a good idea. Youll need a four-wheel-drive to get to the body. Im sending a deputy to the river to secure the area around the body. Ill take you to the site in my Jeep as soon as you get back. See you in ten minutes. (Click) What was all that about? Ill explain the conversation on our way back to town. When we do get back remind me to swap this rental car for a four-wheel-drive. [ACT TWO] [SCENE ONE] In the forest Miller, Tully, and the sheriff are examining the rafters body.

Miller: Sheriff:

Miller: Tully: Miller:

Sheriff: Miller: Tully.

Im going to have to leave you two to it. Ive got to ask the local who found the body a few questions. Ill be back shortly. (Exit Sheriff) Phew, what a stench. I havent seen and smelt anything as rotten and bloated since visiting my grandfathers sheep farm. Well in this heat its not surprising that the corpse has decomposed rapidly; especially as it appears that many of the soft internal organs have been removed. We were lucky the river is low; the body didnt have a chance to float far down river before being snagged. Then the bodies of the other rafters could be near by?



Tully: Miller: Tully:

Could be. The sheriff said that the other boys were found just a quarter mile up-stream. What happened to the skin. The body looks like its covered in hundreds of hickies. I dont think so Miller, although the bruising could have been caused by suction. There is a puncture mark in the centre of each bruise. Its almost like the skin was hit with a knife attached to a small rubber plunger. But the marks are all of different sizes. And the marks seem to run in lines across the body. The bruises and cuts at the ends of the lines are smaller. Dont octopus leave marks like this? No. Squid sometimes have horny hooks on their tentacles but not octopus. I doubt that a cephalopod could adapt to life in fresh water. Perhaps a young one got bored and decided to travel inland from the Pacific Ocean. Unlikely. Anyway last time I checked people ate squid not the other way round. Ill send some photographs and skin samples back to forensics for the lab boys to examine. In a day or two we should know whether the marks are genuine. The marks look real enough to me. To a casual observer they would look real but theyre too big. So what do you think caused the injuries; a man in a rubber octopus suit? Its always Halloween for some people. I want to find out what sort of weapon we should be looking for. (Enter Sheriff) I should be getting to the hospital with this body. Ill be in the morgue for a few hours. You could contact the Kellys while I conduct the autopsy. Good idea Mr Tully. You can use my Jeep to take the body to the and then Miller can pick up his car from the station. Ill catch a with Bobby when Ive finished here. Good plan. Lets go Tully.

Miller: Tully. Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully:

Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully:

Sheriff: hospital ride home Miller:


Tully: Miller: Sheriff:

Wait, Miller, before you get comfortable in the drivers seat you can help me put the body into a bag and hoist it into the Jeep. All right. Good luck with your interview. I dont think youll get much from the Kellys though. Joes Dad has lived a hard life since his wife left him; he dont take kindly to strangers. Im sure hell like me Sheriff. (The body thumps into the bag and is zipped up.) [SCENE TWO] The Kellys house Miller tries to interview Joe and Mr Kelly (Miller pulls up in a pick-up truck and then knocks on the Kellys door)


Miller: Mr Kelly: Miller: Mr Kelly: Miller:

Hello is anybody in? (Door opens) Yeah. Who are you? You a reporter? No, Im from the F.B.I.. My name is Fox Miller. I would like to speak with Joe. Oh. The sheriff told me to expect a visit. Id like to help you but youre too late Joes gone off. Thats too bad Mr Kelly, because I really need to talk to your son. Would you mind putting down that shot-gun? Honest Im not a reporter. Makes little difference to me, but Ill lower my gun. Im sorry you wasted a trip. Phone me later and if Joes back Ill tell you and you can come around and give him an interview. Do you know where I could find him? No. Some of his friends picked his up. He aint here and I dont know when hell be getting back. Sometimes he stays out all night. Its hard to keep track of what he gets up to these days. Goodbye Mr Miller.

Mr Kelly:

Miller: Mr Kelly:


(Enter Joe) Joe: Mr Kelly: Miller: Joe: Mr Kelly: Joe: Mr Kelly: Dad who is it? No-one now get back to bed. This gentleman was just leaving. Hows your leg Joe? Its mending, but its damned itchy under the plaster where I cant scratch. Dont you go cussing in my house, boy, now get back to your room. Lighten up Dad. Dont give me lip boy or those rafting bruises wont be the only ones youve got. Mr Miller here was just leaving. Mr, I know youve a job to do but youre just going to have do it without our help. Whatever you need to know you can find out from the Sheriff. Mr Kelly, be reasonable, there have already been four deaths. If there is any chance of finding the missing boys alive then we have to find them quickly. So you found another body. We found Gary Adders body in the river today. Shame. He was a real nice kid. Mr Kelly, I need to find out how the rafters were killed and where the accident happened. I need the talk to your son. Im a reasonable man Mr Miller. Joes done all he can. Weve got nothing new to say to you, the sheriff, or the press. You all think that you can just waltz up to my house and upset my child with your damned questions. If youre a reasonable man Mr Miller then youll get off my property before my trigger finger slips in this hellish heat. Id hate to accidentally shoot your feet off. Ok. Ill leave, but take my card; its got my cell phone number on it. me if you change your mind.


Joe: Miller: Mr Kelly: Miller: Mr Kelly:

Miller: Ring

(Miller drives off, then brakes heavily. Joe opens the passenger side door and slams it shut.)


Miller: Joe:

What are you doing? Dad aint gonna tell me what to do. Ive been couped up in that dingy house for days. Im gonna help you. (Mr Kelly fires his shotgun) Drive! ( Millers truck roars down the road.) [SCENE THREE] Millers truck Miller interviews Joe.

Joe: Miller: Joe: Miller: Joe: Miller: Joe:

So who pays for the damage when you return this truck all scuffed up from shotgun pellets? Uncle Sam. Youre lucky. So are you. What happened on your rafting trip. Well, Mr Miller... Call me Miller. Ok. Call me Joe; my mates do. We were doing the same rafting and fishing trip we did last year. The trip was slow and easy except that there was less water flowing over the rapids and we got knocked about more. The fishing sucked though. Why is that? This is the hottest and driest summer for over a decade. Fish dont thrive in muddy, weed choked water; theres too much algae and not enough oxygen in the water. Then why do you eat the fish? Heck I just catch them for fun. Others aint so fussed on what they eat. (Millers cell phone rings)

Miller: Joe:

Miller: Joe:


This is Petes Pizzas can I have your order please?


Mr Kelly: Molder:

Mr Miller, bring Joe back this instant! Im sorry but home deliveries are not available until after six.

Mrs Kelly: I want him brought home right now. Youve got no right to take him. Miller: Mr Kelly: Miller: Joe: Im sorry but that delivery is not available at this time. Ive had enough of your lip boy. I dont take kindly to kidnappers and neither does Sheriff Jalepino. (Click) I guess your father doesnt like pizza. You should have offered him free beer. You know my Dads gonna ring Jalepino. Perhaps you should take me back. I dont wanta cause you any trouble. Dont worry. Sometimes youve got to bend the rules to get at the truth. Someone said you saw a river monster, Hsquanthe. I dunno.the thing that pulled my friends screaming into the water was solid; no phantom. I panicked and swam straight to shore. Im the second best swimmer in my age group at school. When I turned around I couldnt see anyone. Just the deflated raft surrounded by inky black water. What do you mean by inky black. I mean there was ink on the water. I got some ink on my clothes. Do you still have them? Na. They got torn and Dad burnt them. Was there any ink on your friends clothes when they were found? I dont know. I didnt look at the bodies. I wanted to remember my friends the way they were when they were alive. Was there any ink on Garys clothes this morning. He was naked. Weird.

Miller: Miller: Joe:

Miller: Joe: Miller: Joe: Miller: Joe:

Miller: Joe:


Miller: Joe:

Strange. Do you know where the first bodies were found? Yeah. Searchers found three of the bodies heaped up under a willow tree just upstream from where the raft was attacked. Parents would still be searching except that the Sheriff has banned unofficial searches. Why? Hes scared one of the searchers might get killed. (The car phone ring several times) Im not going to answer it. Petes Pizzas how can I help you? Miller? Its Tully. Finished the autopsy? Yes and I think the attackers human. The wounds and organ removal appear to have been done with a scimitar shaped blade. What about the bruising, have you found any evidence of latex? Not yet. The lab results will be in tomorrow. Listen Tully, Joe Kellys with me and hes convinced that an animal attacked his friends. Im going out to the accident site while its still light. Checking out the accident site sounds like a good idea. Hold on; Sheriff Jalepino wants to talk to you. Why did you ring with him around? Here he is. Miller, If youre gonna search the accident site then I guess youre planning on taking the main forestry road. Thats right. Stop now. Youll never make it in a car.wait for my jeep. We shouldnt more than an hour behind you. You just wait for us. Is that clear. Crystal.

Miller: Joe: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller:

Tully: Miller: Tully: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff: be Miller:


Sheriff: Miller: Joe:

Glad to here it. See you in an hour. (Click.) He hung up. Should turn back around and wait for the Sheriff? Na. He can wait for us. [SCENE FIVE] Searching by the river Miller and Joe investigate the scene of the rafting accident.

Miller: Joe: Miller: Joe: Miller. Joe: Miller: Joe: Miller: Joe: Miller: Joe:

The river at last. That forestry road was so bumpy and slow. If wed waited for the sheriff wed be searching in the dark. Theres no way Id be down here at night. Its creepy enough in the day. You dont have to stay here. You can go back to the truck if you want. No. Ill help if I can. I owe it to my friends. Sometimes I feel guilty that they were taken and I survived. Ive experienced similar feelings but Ive learned that theres no shame in being alive. Better a live dog than a dead lion. Then why do you do a risky job? Id rather live like a lion than a dog. If you want to make your friends deaths worth something then make the most of your life. I guess. What are we looking for? Part of the raft, clothing, strange track marks, bits of monster. Or bits of my friends. Possibly, are you sure that youre up to searching? If theres a chance that Adam or Paul are still alive then Ill do whatever I can for them, but its not easy to search for clues when your walking on crutches. Who said Id seen a monster? A man named Kelman. Old Man Kelman; the poacher?

Miller: Joe:


Miller: Joe:

Could be, he told us he was a trapper. Well he is kinda, cept trappings been illegal in the forest for years. Not that he cares. He says that his people have hunted in the forest for centuries and that he has a customary right as a Native American to take food from the forest. The sheriff put him in jail a couple of times for it, the last time he was in jail Kelman called the local TV and radio stations. They made a big thing of it. I bet the sheriff didnt like that. You bet right. Since then the laws turned a blind eye to Kelmans trapping, and to be fair he does only take what he needs. He sometimes comes into town to trade for flour, coffee, tools and maybe a bottle of whisky, but hes pretty self sufficient. But he must need some money. Dont we all. Ive heard that he sellsfish on the black market to restaurants in town but I doubt hell be making much money from that year. I wonder why I found him on the other side of town. Maybe he was coming back from somewhere. Maybe he was leaving.

but Miller: Joe:

Miller: Joe: this Miller: Joe: Miller.

Joe: Na. Kelmans always lived here and always will. He says he has got a spiritual bond with the land. Some people say that his father was a Shaman from one of the sea going tribes and that he was born so ugly that his mother died from fright. Just goes to show that you cant believe everything you hear. Miller: Joanne: Miller: Joe: Miller: Do you know where he lives? Not far from here I think. Ouch. What is it? I just stood on a thorn. Thats not a thorn.


[SCENE SIX] At the edge of the forest. Sheriff Jalepino and Tully wait for Miller and Joe. Sheriff: Tully: Sheriff: Where is the fool? Ive been waiting half an hour. Perhaps he took a wrong turn. Someones coming out of the forest. (Sound of a four wheel drive) No-ones been allowed in that forest since the murders. If our killers trying to sneak out of the forest at sundown hes going to be in for a nasty surprise. (The sheriffs rifle clicks ready for firing). I suggest that you get out your peace-maker too Mr Tully. Wed be safer if we waited behind the jeep. Dont be a wuss. (Millers pick-up comes into view and starts honking its horn.) Tully: Sheriff: Tully: Miller: Joe: Tully: Joe: Tully: Miller: Sheriff: Its Miller. What the blazes! You didnt tell me that your partner had a four-wheeldrive! He didnt. Miller, what have you been up to? Joe showed me the area where the raft capsized and we found a few interesting things. Joe meet my partner Tully. Take a look at what I found. Claws? We found the rafts wooden fishing tackle box. These claws were stuck in the box. Sheriff, look at these. Did you find anything else? No. What do you make of the claws? Could be wolf, bear, or even wolverine claws. An animal probably just found the washed up tackle box, smelled the fish bait inside and tried to break into it.

Tully: Sheriff:


Joe: Miller: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff: Tully: Sheriff: mindless Miller: Scully: Miller:

No, it couldnt be that. We were fly fishing. We didnt carry bait. And those dont look like the claws of any forest animal that I know of. So what are they then? Squid claws. Are you nuts? Are you paying attention? Its the only explanation that fits all of Joes testimony and all of the physical evidence weve gathered so far. What about the scimitar shaped cuts? Claws like these ones could have been used to make the wounds we saw. Well what about the organ removal. Are you gonna tell me that a squid has become an amateur surgeon? I havent said that a man is not involved in these murders. What I am saying is that we now know that squid claws were used to kill the rafters. Do you have any idea as to who may have used the claws? Claws, teeth, and blood have long been used in shamanistic rituals. Sheriff, do you know of anyone local who could tell us about rituals that might involve the use of these kinds of claws. There is one old vulture who pretends to be a medicine man. I wouldnt mind rattling his cage. His cabins not far from here. Joe! Yes Sheriff. Does your father know youre out here? Of course. Do you think I could sneak out of the house on crutches? Dad said it was fine. He practically pushed me out of the house; said looking after me all day was driving him nuts. He was gonna ring you and tell you. You can ring him if you want. I will. (The sheriff rings and gets no answer) No-ones home. Dads probably just playing poker and drinking with his mates. They get together every week.

Sheriff: Joe: Sheriff: Joe:

Sheriff: Joe:


Tully: Sheriff:

Youll just have to stay with us until your dad gets back. All right. Joe and Scully, you can ride with me. Mr Molder, you can follow us up to the cabin. [SCENE SEVEN] Kelmans cabin Miller, Tully, and the sheriff seek out Kelman while Joe waits.

Joe: Sheriff: Tully: Joe: Sheriff:

Is that light on the hill Kelmans cabin? Well be there in a minute. Id better turn off my lights. There, can you see it through the trees? It used to belong to his father. Looks like Kelmans let it run down a bit. It looks evil. Its an eye-sore all right. He should pull it down. Well stop back here with any luck Kelman hasnt seen or heard us coming. Joe, I want you to stay in the car while me and the agents have a little chat with Mr Kelman. I dont want to be left alone! Well be just inside the cabin. If you get scared honk the horn and well come to you. Nothings going to happen to you. Here are my car keys; listen to the radio. Just dont play it loud! Ok.

Joe: Tully: Sheriff: Joe:

(Joe tunes the radio until a suitable song is found. The tune plays for a line or two and then fades out. The agents are now at the cabin. The characters talk quietly) Tully: Miller: Sheriff: Its quiet. Sounds like were close to the river. Hi guys, shall we go in? Sure, we were just waiting for you to catch up. (Tully knocks on the cabin door.) Miller: Whats the rifle for? You cant shoot rabbits in the dark.



In case you havent noticed Mr Miller, the forest isnt exactly a safe place at the moment. I didnt survive Nam by taking unnecessary risks and Im not going to start now. Oh, and just to set the record straight, I can shoot in the dark. This rifle is fitted with an infra-red scope, so even at night I can hit a bats behind at a hundred yards. Really? Would you like me demonstrate? Guys, we have an interview to do. Lead the way Tully. (Scully knocks on the door again.) No-ones answering the door but a dim lamps on. Maybe Kelmans gone skinny dipping. I doubt hes expecting visitors. He wouldnt leave a lamp on if he was going to be out for long. Ill check the sheds and out-house while you check the cabin. Right. (Creaky door) Its open. What a pigs sty. Shine your torch over here. Look at all this rotting food. Obviously Kelman doesnt employ a house keeper. Its worse than your apartment. Phew! Miller, whats that smell? Smells like rotten ham; theres a leg of it covered in mutton cloth. Dont touch it Miller; its not ham! Look up! Ive finished checking out side. Found anything? Hells teeth! Help me cut those boys down!

Miller: Sheriff: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Sheriff: Miller:

Tully: Miller: Tully: Sheriff :

(Sound of chairs stacking and rope cutting and bodies thudding to the ground) Sheriff : Joe: Sheriff: Damn that butcher Kelman! Ill kill him. Ill kill him! AAAAAAA! AAAAAAA! AAAAAAA! Im coming!

(Joe screams and blasts the car horn while the other characters run outside to help him.)


Miller: Joe: Miller: Joe: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Sheriff: Tully:

Joe. What is it? There was a naked man in the trees. Where? Over there. He was watching the cabin and when I screamed he ran towards the river. Stay here. (The sound of running as Miller chases the figure) (Tully rushes through forest) Wait up Miller. I cant see you through the trees. Cant stop. Heading for the river. Stop! F.B.I.. Stop or Ill shoot. (Two shots) Missed! In the river! (Sound of the river) Miller, dont jump in! (Sound of swimming and splashing) Ive got him. Arrgh! Let go of him Miller; I need clear shot! Cant. Tully! Miller! (Two large gun blasts).

Argg! Youre crazy! You shot me! Relax Mr Miller; Kelman who got the worst of it. Then where is he? Are you sure you shot him?


Damn it! I know I shot him. He was here. (Shouting to the forest) Your hides mine Kelman !Youll pay; eye for eye and wound for painful wound. I swear it ! Miller: Hold still. Ill do a proper pressure bandage when we get back to the Jeep.


Tully: Youre lucky the bullet only nicked you. I direct hit would have shattered your shoulder.


Molder: Sheriff: alive. Miller: Sheriff:

Or my head. Jalepino you couldnt hit a bears behind if it squatted on your barrel. Next time keep out of my line of fire Mr Molder. Be thankful youre Youll recover. Ive experienced worse. You mean that one of your buddies in the army shot you. Something like that. But unlike the gentleman who shot me, I was trying to save the life of the man I shot. Mr Tully as much as it pains me to say this youd better get Mr Miller to the hospital. When you get to the car call for my deputies to meet me down here. If were lucky Ill bag Kelman tonight. How are you Miller? Ive felt better. My shoulder hurts like wild fire but on the bright side youre going to have to do all the paper-work on this case. You get all the breaks. Ill take Joe back to the station and get you to the hospital A and E. Yeah. I promised Id have Joe back in time for supper. Itll be a late supper. A midnight feast. Tully, look up ahead. The Jeeps gone. AAAAAAA! (The horn blares)

Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Joe:

[ACT THREE] [SCENE ONE] The forest. Two hours till dawn. Tully, Miller, Sheriff Jalepino and his deputy George are looking for Kelman. (A truck pulls up.) Tully: Miller! When I left the hospital you said you were going to rest your shoulder.


Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller:

No need, my arms patched up and pumped full of pain-killers. If I keep my arm in its sling I cant feel a thing. Ive brought you a gift. The tow truck? No thats for Jalepinos jeep. Your surprise is in the bag. What is it? Cold chicken sandwiches, hot coffee, chocolate cake and fresh torch batteries. Great Ill start with the new batteries. Sun up is still hours away. Theres not much moonlight under these trees is there. Want some coffee? (Miller pours the coffee) Thanks. (Tully sips his coffee) Well done Miller. Youve even made decent coffee for once. Its my own special energy drink. Italian espresso boosted with vitamin-B, carbohydrates, anti-oxidants, guarana and taurine. I find it gives me a real hit on long stake outs.

Tully: I bet! Theres speculation that guaranas sometimes mixed with ephedrine for a greater energy hit. Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: probably Miller: Ephedrine, isnt that like a derivative of speed? Yep, lucky youre not a professional athlete. Yeah, because I think my pitching career is over. Would you prefer water? Not tonight, but Ill try some cake. Mmm, delicious. So hows Sheriff Rambo over there? Has he shot anyone else lately? Youre not still sore over that are you? My shoulder is. I thought the drugs made it painless. Get over it Miller the sheriff saved your life. How is Joe? Hes fine. He only needed a few stitches and his concussion wasnt as bad as we first thought. Poor kid.


Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: to Tully: Miller: Tully: That Miller:

He must have got spooked. Lucky that tree stoped her slide down the bank. Yeah, he has a funny kind of luck though. Any sign of Kelman? A couple of times but so far hes slipped past our searchers. I still dont think Kelman will last past sunrise. I wouldnt bet on it. Kelmans spent his whole life in this forest. Hell die in it too if its not one of us that finds him. The deputies are as trigger happy as Jalepino. I agree. If we are going to find out the truth then we have to get Kelman a fair trial. Take a look at the bruising around my waist. Are these from your tussle with Kelman? Yep. The bruising pattern is similar to what I found on the rafting victims. confirms that Kelman is our killer. Im not so sure. The man I chased didnt have a weapon on him. Like Joe said he was buck naked. What I tackled in the water pulled me down with tentacles. Or you failed to see the weapon that Kelman was using. Whats your point? I think that Kelman is Hysquanthe. Really? He doesnt look two-hundred years old. He may not need to be. My guess is that the original Hysquanthe was a mutant and that the mutant gene has passed down the family line. Improbable. Why? Well, for one thing youre suggesting that a human a vertebrate can change its bodily structure into that of an invertebrate; a mollusc. Even that were possible, why has Kelman only started killing now? Hes an man. Werewolves dont wait sixty years before starting to kill.

Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: if old


Miller: Tully: Miller:

True, but Kelmans not a werewolf. Perhaps he hasnt needed to kill in the past; perhaps he just hasnt been caught. So why start now?

All carnivores kill to eat and to protect the territory in which they hunt. Joe said that the fishing this summer has been the worst for about a decade. Kelman told us that four anglers were eaten at about the same time. I think that Kelman becomes cannibalistic when he cant catch enough fish to meet his nutritional needs. Perhaps he should try vitamin supplements. If all Kelman needs is extra protein then why doesnt he just buy or kill livestock from the local Im not sure. Kelman hasnt been eating entire bodies, just selected organs perhaps there are compounds in the organs he harvests that his mutated body cant synthesise. Or he just wants an interesting stir fry. Actually what yousuggest isnt totally unprecedented. In Transylvania a genetic disease of the blood was common. The defect gave sufferers red eyes, red teeth and skin that was acutely sensitive to sunlight. Sufferers of the condition only ventured out of doors on a full moon when they could see by the light of the moon. I know the story. Doctors would treat their patients by feeding them The symptoms and treatment of the disease when misunderstood by superstitious peasants resulted in vampire legends. Right. Which would make Kelman a man who uses his medical condition to justify murder and uses tribal superstition to cover his crime. Maybe. Quiet. Listen. (Running sounds) (Shouting) Sheriff! Sheriff, I can see something floating in the river! (Shouting) What is it George? (Shouting) I dont know, I cant see well in this light. Could be a log, or could be a body, Ill just get closer! Wait! (A tentacle whips sound)

Tully: farms? Miller:


Miller: blood Tully: Miller: Tully: George: Sheriff : George: Sheriff:


George: Sheriff:

Arrgh. Help, its pulling me...! George! (The sound of running and splashing water) [SCENE TWO] Its night but dawns coming.

Miller, Tully, Sheriff Jalepino, and deputies Bobby, and Jack are hunting for a killer. Tully: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff: Miller: Sheriff: Miller: or Sheriff: Im sorry. Hes dead Sheriff. Are you ok? Ive seen death before. Its just that its been thirty years since someone in my unit got killed. This isnt war. Kelmans still the enemy. Steady. Youre letting your emotions cloud your judgement. Dont preach to me about judgement. Youre the one living in a la la land of legends and river monsters. Ill do as I damn well please. Then remember that I warned you not to kill Kelman without just cause Ill make sure that you are you are prosecuted for murder.

Shut your wining liberal trap Mr Miller. If you dont like the way Im handling the situation then take a hike back to Washington DC . George might only be a statistic to you, just part of one more case to file away, but he was a husband, father and friend as well. Look, I understand... No you dont. You dont have to explain to his family how he got killed while under your direction. You dont have to live with the grief and loss that will be felt in this community long after youve used it to build your next promotion. (Sheriff turns to a deputy) Bobby! Sheriff! Come here!

Miller: Sheriff:

Bobby: Sheriff:


Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Sheriff: Tully: Bobby: Sheriff:

Miller, I want you to get my equipment from the sheriffs jeep before its towed away. It looks like the drivers about to go. Cant you get it? I need to talk with the Sheriff. Ill be back soon. (Exit Miller) Sheriff, Id like to take George out of the mud and clean him up if thats ok with you. I suppose youll want to examine his injuries too. Yes, but I wont do an autopsy unless it is absolutely necessary. Sheriff, what do you want? I want you to call everyone down to the river. Tell them to form two squads and to search both sides of the river. Put them in pairs and make sure that they all know that Kelman killed George. It if they see something moving they are to shoot it first and read it its right later. Will do. Ill help you get George onto the back of a pick-up. For his wifes sake I hope you wont need to hack him open. I think a surface examination will suffice. Good. (The sound of a body being dropped onto the back of a truck)

Bobby: Sheriff: Tully: Sheriff:


Well as they say in Australia I had better rattle my dags. Ive got a rabid dog to shoot in self defence. (Exit Sheriff. Enter Miller) Heres your gear. Should I go with him? No. He hates you almost as much as Kelman. He might even confuse head with Kelmans. True.

Miller: Tully: your Miller:


Tully: Miller: Tully: only Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully. Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully:

You can assist me for a while. Miller, would you swivel that search light around and shine it on the body. Like this? A little to the right. Stop. Much better. His clothes are a mess but the marks on the body are around the face and neck. Hes definitely not not missing any internal or external organs. Kelman wouldnt have had time to remove them. This wasnt a planed attack. He was acting defensively. He still managed to kill a man in the time it takes to shout for help. Looks like he hit the deputy with a high tackle. Youre not far wrong. The skin and tissue damage isnt substantial. I think the deputy died from a fractured spine and asphyxiation. You mean Kelman broke the deputys neck and drowned him. The squid attacks are hoaxes. Ive been thinking on that. Remember one of the last things that Kelman said to us in the car? Not clearly. He advised us to kill the demon. Hes evil, but no demon. Hes just a con-man trying to send us off on the wrong track. Dont be fooled by his poetry. He wasnt going to say Youre F.B.I. thats great you can arrest me for the murder of six teenagers right now and if youre lucky I might confess to the murders of four anglers as well. (In the distance) Freeze! Lets go. Over here! Dont move or Ill shoot. I said stay down! (Two shots fired) (pause)

Bobby: Miller: Bobby:

Sheriff: Bobby:

Bobby, Whats happened? I got him Sheriff. I saw him move behind those rocks.


Miller: Jack: Sheriff: Bobby: is Sheriff: Miller: Tully: Miller: Sheriff:

Is he alive? Not unless he breathes through bullet holes. Come take another look Bobby. That aint Kelman, its just a big octopus. Stop fooling sheriff. (shocked) I tell you he was right where that animal now. He was right there. Get your eyes tested Bobby. The rest of you keep searching. Kelman cant be far away. But youve got the killer right here. The squid. Miller, you know that Kelman killed the deputy! This is Kelman! Youre nuttier than a fruitcake Miller. As far as Im concerned this is just a bad practical joke on Kelmans part. If you care for this sushi filling so much, take it into town. Bobby can assist you. Perhaps they can sell plate sized squid rings at the Summer wine and food festival this year. Just throw the beastie onto the back of a pick-up and take it into town. I bet youd get fifty dollars for it from the Japanese restaurant on James St. Mr Tully, I need you to stay and help with the search for Kelman. Tully has to have a chance to examine the squid. Get real. I believe that Millers wrong about the squid but I do have to examine the animal while its fresh. It may still be connected to Kelmans murders. Look Mr Tully, Im stretched for resources as it is. I need your expertise in the field. Mr Miller can get the squid stored at the hospital morgue. If we havent found Kelman by sun-up then you can go back to Jacksonville to get some rest and do your examination. Deal? Deal, but I dont want the squid damaged. Dont worry. Bobby will give it, Molder and George a safe ride into town. All right people keep searching; Kelmans got to be close. (Exit Sheriff and deputies) Miller will you be all right?

Miller: Sheriff: Tully: Sheriff:

Tully: Sheriff:




Yeah but we both know that the sheriff is hunting for a man who no longer exists.

Tully: Ill admit that I cant explain how a squid of this size got into the river but I still think that Kelmans attachment to the squid has more to do with abusing a tribal myth than DNA. Ill examine the squid this afternoon; before that I need to try to bring Kelman in alive; its our best chance of finding whats really been going on and its not a chance the sheriffs deputies are keen to give him. Miller: Bobby: Miller: Bobby: Miller: See you this afternoon at the morgue. (Exit Tully) So Bobby, what do we do now? Ive winched the squid onto the truck and covered it with a tarpaulin so that the birds cant peck at its flesh. Sounds like youve seen War of the Worlds. I read the book. You want to drive? Sure. I always wanted to try and drive a stick shift single handed. (Miller shuts the truck doors and the drives the truck away) [SCENE THREE] Tullys hotel room. Miller rings Tully. Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: (The phone rings)(Said yawningly) Hello? Miller here. Did I wake you? Id almost managed to nod off. What is it? You need to come to the hospital. Not now. I said Id check out the squid later this afternoon. Someones checked out the squid for you; its been stolen. You sure? I doubt a 200 pound squid got mixed up with dirty linen.


Tully: Miller: Tully. Miller:

Have you checked the kitchen? Yes; I found some suspiciously old sour cream but not much else. (Sigh) Ill be over in fifteen minutes. Meet me at the hospital security office.

[SCENE FOUR] The Hospital Morgue Tully and Miller interview a mortician called Fairburn. Miller: Fairburn: Tully: Punctual as usual Tully. Meet Harold Fairburn; he was the mortician on duty when the squid disappeared. Pleased to meet you Mr Tully. What happened Harold, how could you lose a body?

Fairburn: Its not my fault. About an hour ago I went to get a diet coke from the cafeteria machine and my money jammed in the machine. I spent fifteen minutes waiting to get my coke or my money back. Tully: Fairburn: it Tully: Fairburn. Miller. Then what happened? I got a free coke in a cup, but that stuff always tastes watery, and half of was ice. Yes, but what happened after your break. Oh, my paid break wasnt for half an hour. I just needed a drink. You wont tell the managers. Not if you answers become helpful. When did you notice that the squid was missing.



When I got back I did a routine check on the condition of the bodies in cold storage. The squid had disappeared. The really weird thing is that there was a body in the chiller where the squid had been. A human body. Yeah. A big one, male. The body had three gun shot wounds; one in each arm and another that had almost taken the left ear off. I left the morgue to find out where the body had come from. I found Mr Miller in the lobby and told him what had happened. When we got back to the morgue the body and one of my favourite lab coats had disappeared. I had fifty dollars in that jacket. Did you check all of the coolers? Absolutely. My jacket wasnt in any of them. I checked too. No squid either. I really hope that you find who did this. I had that coat tailer made. Really? Yeah, its a one of a kind with a white PVC outer layer so all those yucky body and embalming fluids wipe straight off and a mauve silk lining for comfort. Thanks for your help Harold. Well let you know if we find your coat. All right. See ya. (Exit Fairburn) Well Miller Im not sure what is stranger; the missing squid or Harolds designer lab wear. Go easy on the guy hes had a hard day.

Tully: Fairburn:

Tully: Fairburn: Miller: Fairburn: Scully: Fairburn:

Miller: Fairburn: Tully: Miller: Tully:

So have I. Im tired, hungry and grumpy so lets find the squid. Im sure Harold thought that he saw a human body but from the smell of his breath Id bet that he hasnt just been taking diet soda today. He probably misplaced the squid. Its not like anyone could just walk out the front door with it. Thats what I thought but take a look at this. (The sound of a video tape going into a machine and playing)



This is the security camera tape from the front lobby of the hospital. Heres where Harold meets me in the lobby. I get up and go with him. Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: What am I supposed to be looking for? In a few seconds youll see a guy come on screen wearing a white lab coat. Thats not uncommon in a hospital. Is that him in the top right corner? Yes. He walks straight out of the hospital and doesnt re-enter. No staff were due for a break or checked out for another sixteen minutes. This is our thief. Are you sure? Rewind the tape. Look at the size of the man. This lab assistant might be playing hooky from work but its obvious that hes not carrying a giant squid under his arms. No, but look who the guy is. I dont recognise him, this security recordings of shocking quality. I think its Kelman. It cant be. I think Bobby and I gave him a lift in the back of the pick-up. Youre still convinced that Kelman and the squid are one. Yes. Look closely at this freeze frame. Tell me what you see. A man in a white coat. His face is too blurry for me to make an ID. What do you see? A man wearing a coat thats too small for him and whos walking around in bare feet. My eyes are tired. I cant tell. Get the tape analysed by the video enhancement team. Man or beast, I hope Kelmans caught soon; I need to sleep. Kelman isnt human. Hell fight run and hide until hes killed.


Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully: Miller: Tully :



[SCENE FIVE] One month later. A Radio News Broadcast. Welcome to IPC National News. Police today ended the search for suspected mass murderer Ike Kelman. Kelman was apprehended in the geothermal area of Oregon state forest. A spokesperson for the combined police and military operation said that police surrounded Kelman and called for him to give himself up. Kelman refused to do so, instead, to the horror of those watching, the fugitive threw himself headlong into a boiling sulphurous pit. One young deputy described it as being just like that Scottish short story called Acid. The screaming was terrible. There was nothing left of the man. Reactions to the news of Kelmans death have varied widely. Friends and family of Kelman along with some civil libertarians question whether police had any real intention of taking Kelman alive and allowing his case to go to trial. The law enforcement watch dog PALL, which initially supported the decision to use military personnel and equipment in the search for Kelman, today called for the search to continue. PALL argues that the search should continue until it is proven beyond reasonable doubt that the person who fell into the geothermal pit was indeed Kelman. In reply to the allegations made by Kelmans family and PALL a local Sheriff said It is unfortunate that we dont have Kelman alive to put on trial for the atrocities he committed and it is unfortunate that his family has been denied the opportunity to give him a decent funeral but once Kelman chose to dive into a cauldron of natural battery acid he sealed his fate. We tried to dredge out his body but there was literally nothing left of him to dredge out. We were just lucky that we could identify him from the clothes hed been wearing. Others are less unhappy with the investigations result. Lance Wood, leader of a support group for the families of Kelmans victims, vocalised the sentiments of many when he told reporters I think that natural justice prevailed in this case. Im glad that Kelman got what he deserved, that the families he destroyed were spared the anguish of a trial, and that taxpayers were spared the expense of a trial. Another search was called off today when a whale watcher met an ironic death. The marine research vessel Typhon was observing the feeding habits of sperm whale when the ships elderly cook fell overboard in rough seas. The cook survived the fall and was wearing a life jacket. As the vessel turned around to rescue the man a large whale surfaced, grabbed the man in its mouth and dived. Marine biologists say that the whales are not usually aggressive towards humans and that this is only the second


death of its kind recorded this century. No body has been found. The cooks name will be released once the mans next of kin has been contacted. In sport, Super Bowl organiser Geoff Swansea cried foul over allegations that he was involved in rigging the last...(Fade out into the X-files theme music to finish) Glossary Allegation Apartment Asphyxiation Atrocities Carnivores Cephalopod Synonyms and definitions accusation, claim, declaration, statement, assertion. a flat, living accommodation. Suffocation. behaviours that are wicked or ruthless, acts of extreme cruelty. Animals that only eat meat. Any of various marine molluscs characterised by well-developed head and eyes and a ring of sucker-bearing tentacles, including the octopuses, squid, and cuttle fish.

Civil libertarian Someone who is concerned about preserving the rights of individuals, especially the right to be free from control or restriction by government. Cockamany Disdain DNA F.B.I. Geothermal Guarana Brazil. Infra-red scope Slang for: crazy, made up, and wildly exaggerated. A feeling or show of superiority and dislike, contempt, scorn. Deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is responsible for the transmission of hereditary characteristics. For example: eye colour. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Geo = earth thermal = caused by, or generating heat. Rotorua is famous for its geothermal areas. A caffeine-containing substance derived from a wild berry in An expensive telescopic gun sight that enables a shooter to see in the dark.


Marijuana Mollusc Moronic Mutated

Cannabis. The dries leaves and flowers of the plant are used as a drug, especially in cigarettes. Invertebrates having a soft unsegmented body and often a shell. Slugs, snails, clams, mussels, octopus and squid. Stupid like a moron. Moron = A foolish or stupid person. A person with an IQ of 50-70. A change in the chromosomes or genes of a cell which may affect the structure and development of resulting offspring eg. a three legged frog or disease resistant rice plants. A city famous for its witch trials. Read Arthur Millers play (or see the movie of) The Crucible. Priests of shamanism or medicine men of similar religions, especially among certain tribes of North American Indians. A rest or nap, usually taken in hot afternoons, as in hot countries. Slang for amphetamine; a drug used to stimulate the central system. To create a chemical compound by a series of chemical reactions. Diabetes mellitus occurs when a persons body cannot synthesise enough insulin for its needs. A sulphur containing amino acid found naturally in the body. A sheet of heavy water-proof fabric. A declaration (statement) of truth or fact. Part of an organism made up of similar types of cells. For example: nerve tissue, skin tissue, and muscle tissue. A monster/giant of Greek mythology. Slang for lies. A large musteline mammal of Eurasia and North America. Also called: glutton. Musteline mammals include the stoat and

Saelem Shamen Siesta Speed nervous Synthesise

Taurine Tarpaulin Testimony Tissue Typhon Whoppers Wolverine weasel.


Yuppie were Vitamin-B

An eighties stereotype of young business executives. Yuppies characterised as ambitious, materialistic, shallow, and self centred. Any one of a large group of vitamins including: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and cyanocobalamin (B12)

Architeuthis Plot Summary. Act I, sc. i River rafting A group of seven teenagers are rafting down the Monasa river in Oregon on a hot summers day. The rafters are only hours from Jacksonville when their raft is capsized by an unseen assailant. Act I, sc. ii Millers apartment Miller has spent the weekend in Mexico looking for an alien. The alien turned out to be a hoax organised by medical students. Tully gets Miller up at 6.30 am and tells


Miller to get cleaned up for a meeting with F.B.I. Assistant Director Skinner. Miller showers, shaves and dresses while Tully waits. The agents have breakfast at a Starbucks cafe. Act II, sc. iii Skinners office The agents arrive late to Skinners new office. Skinner briefs the agents on the rafting accident; three bodies have been found, three boys are still missing and one boy called Joe survived the attack relatively unscathed. Skinner hands the agents their plane tickets to Oregon and warns them to watch their backs around Jacksonvilles sheriff. Act I, sc. iv On the road to Jacksonville The agents talk about their trip and examine the case file. Tully swerves to avoid running over a dog. While looking for the dog the agents find an old man called Ike Kelman. Miller offers Kelman a lift to Jacksonville and on the way Kelman tells the agents the local legend of Hysquanthe the River Demon. Kelman also describes the history of Jacksonville including deaths attributed to wolves. As he has no wish to visit the police Kelman walks home from the city boundary. Act I, sc. v The sheriffs office The agents wait an hour in the police stations foyer before seeing the sheriff because the sheriff is in a meeting with Jacksonvilles mayor. Sheriff Jalepino offers the agents help but seems to have destroyed or discredited much of the available evidence. The agents leave the sheriffs office to visit Joe Kelly; the only rafter who survived the raft attack. Act I, sc. vi The sheriffs office/ On the trail Ike Kelman rings the sheriff to say that he has found a body in the river. The agents are called back to the sheriffs office so that the sheriff can take them to the body by four-wheel-drive. Act II, sc. i Hickies Tully and Miller examine the body; which is covered in cuts and bruises that appear to have been made by a tentacle like weapon. Tully takes the body from the forest to the morgue at Jacksonvilles hospital. Miller catches a ride into Jacksonville with Tully and hires a pick-up before driving out to see Joe Kelly. Act II, sc. ii Mr Kellys welcome Mr Kelly greets Miller with a shotgun and lies about Joe being away from home. Miller is about to leave when Joe comes to the front door. Mr Kelly threatens to shoot Miller if he doesnt leave. Miller leaves but as the pick-up moves off Joe hobbles into the car and orders Miller to drive off. Mr Kelly shoots at the truck as it speeds away. Act II, sc. iii The escape Joe tells Miller about the local ecology as they drive to the forest. Mr Kelly rings Miller on his cell phone and threatens to charge him with kidnapping.


Act II, sc. iv Joes story Joe tells Miller about his river rafting experiences. Tully rings Miller and tells him that the victims wounds were man made. The sheriff is with Tully and tells Miller to wait for him and by the forests edge. Miller ignores the sheriffs request. Act II, sc. v Searching for clues Joe tells Miller about Ike Kelman while they search for clues at the attack site. Joe finds claws stuck in the rafts fishing tackle box. Act II, sc. vi Meeting at the forests edge Miller is late to his rendezvous with the sheriff. The sheriff prepares to shoot at a truck coming out of the forest which he believes may be the murderers. The sheriff is shocked to see Miller in a four-wheel-drive with Joe Kelly. Both Tully and the sheriff are sceptical about Millers hypothesis that Joes claws belonged to a squid. As Joes father is not home the sheriff takes Joe and the agents to Ike Kelmans cabin. Act II, sc. vii Kelmans cabin Kelman is not home. Joe waits in the Jeep while the agents investigate Kelmans cabin and the sheriff checks out Kelmans sheds. Tully discovers the bodies of the missing rafters in the cabin. Joe sees a man watching the cabin and screams. Miller chases the naked man down to the river and wrestles with him. Miller is being dragged under water when the sheriff shoots at the man and ends up shooting Miller in the shoulder. The attacker has disappeared. Tully takes Miller back towards the vehicles. Joe and the Jeep have disappeared. Act III, sc. i The hunters are hunted Joe crashes the jeep and is taken to the hospital with Miller. Miller gets his wound seen to at the hospital and then joins the sheriff, deputies and Tully in a search for Kelman. Kelman kills the deputy, George, and escapes again.

Act III, sc. ii Kelmans last stand Tully and Miller examine Georges wounds. Bobby thinks that he sees Kelman and shoots. The body shoot turns out to belong to a large squid. Miller and Bobby drive the squid and George to the Morgue while Tully continues to search for Kelman. Act III, sc. iii Millers call After many hours of unfruitful searching Tully returns to his motel room with the aim of getting some sleep. Tully receives a phone call from Miller. Miller explains that the squid body has disappeared. Act III, sc. iv Mystery at the morgue


Tully interviews the mortician who was on duty at the time of the squids disappearance. The morticians story is that a human body appeared where the squid had been and then the human body disappeared. Miller shows Tully a blurry surveillance recording which shows a man leaving the hospital in a lab suit like the one belonging to the mortician. Tully goes back to her motel to sleep while Miller sends the security tape to the F.B.I laboratories for examination. Act III, sc. v News broadcast Kelman is reported to have committed suicide after being cornered in the forest by a joint army and police search team. There is a wide range of opinion about the role of the law in his death. Another news story tells of a man who in a freak accident, was eaten by a sperm whale.

Inter-Subject Skills and Knowledge Challenge. COMPLETE QUESTIONS TO THE VALUE OF 50 POINTS. YOU MUST ANSWER THE LITERATURE, DETECTIVE, AND DEBATING SECTIONS. map reading (2 marks) A. B. How far from Washington DC is Salem? Which ocean borders Oregon? ( 2 marks)

History A.

What was happening in New Zealand at the time of the Modoc War?



Why is Oregon called the Beaver State? (3 marks)

Social Science

A. Describe customary fishing rights and some of the issues to do with customary fishing. Tourism (7 marks)

A. Plan a detailed travel itinerary for the F.B.I. agents. How long would it take to travel from Washington DC to a town 100 miles away from Salem? Allow for comfort stops and time delays eg picking up luggage from the airport and hiring a car. (3 marks) B. Do you think that the travel time allowed for in the play are realistic, to fast, or to slow? Give reasons for your answer. (1mark) C. How could a different travel time effect the plot of the play? (2 marks) (1 mark)


A. What famous American monster is said to live in the forests of the Pacific North-West ? Physics (5 marks) Force equals mass times velocity squared

A. If a 2000kg American pick-up truck hits a 1000kg hatch-back at 50 km/h how much force does it hit the hatch-back with? B. C. If the truck is doing 100 km/h with what force does it hit the car? If the car hits the truck at 100km/h with what force does it hit the truck?

D. What is infra-red light? How do night-vision binoculars or an infra-red scope work? E. Crash test dummies record the forces exerted on different body parts in a crash. The more force that a body has to absorb in a crash the more it will be maadged. List ten passive and active safety features available in modern cars. Active safety features help drivers avoid an accident eg. Anti-lock -braking -system A.B.S. Passive safety systems help passengers to survive a crash eg. Air-bags. Biology (9 marks)


A. B.

Architeuthis is the name of this play. What does the title stand for? What is the name of the disease that helped to create the myth of vampires? How would the disease be treated today? (2 marks)

C. How large was the largest squid to be found in New Zealand? How long would the squid have been in relation to your classroom? D. Choose two of the organs that Kelman may have removed from his victims and briefly describe the biological function of those organs. E. What is an energy drink? How is an energy drink different from a sports drink or soft drink? What are the main ingredients in smart drinks and what are the effects of these chemicals on the body? (2 marks) F. Why is it easier to believe that a man could transform into a wolf than it is to believe that a man could change into a giant squid? Consider tradition and body structure in your answer. (2 marks) Economics ( 9 marks) A. Give two reasons why insurance companies might charge owners of pick-up trucks more for vehicle insurance than for cars of the same value. B. Design and conduct a survey to find out the top three reasons for people buying energy drinks. Use at least two types of question in your questionnaire and survey at least thirty people. (4 marks) C. Summarise your survey findings in a short paragraph. (2 marks)

Justice has a price. D. Find out the cost of running a murder trial. You may use an overseas example if you wish. E. How much does it cost to keep a person in prison for a year?

Literature (7 marks) A. i. Name the characters that you think are involved in the following conversation. Ii. State where in the play you think this conversation would fit best and explain why it would fit there. iii. Explain why the author might have chosen not to include this conversation in the final script.



Ive finally found a hair product that sets in seconds, is waterproof, has smell and lasts up to 48 hours. Sounds great. Where did you get it from?

It was leaked to me from a source high in the military. The aim of the product is to keep army hair cuts stuck down close to the scalp. The military theory is that spiky hair makes US soldiers more visible and therefore easier targets for enemy soldiers to hit. Of course the military denies having stocks of a hold force 12 hair chemical in its possession. Are you sure that the product wasnt created for use by aliens? Dont be ridiculous. Aliens are bald. B. Which Scottish writer wrote the story Acid? (2 marks)

C. What happens to the Martians at the end of H.G.Wells story War of the Worlds? D. What do the Martians look like in the story War of the Worlds? (12 marks: 3 marks per question)

Statistics A.

What are the most, and least, reliable cars in the US?

(Warning: Questions B and C contain is 7th form level statistics. Handle with care.) B. What is the probability that Mr Kelly will be dealt a straight flush when playing a game of poker with his mates? C i. If each of seven rafters has a one third chance of falling out of a raft every time the raft goes over rapids, what is the probability that three out of the seven rafters fall out of the raft on the first set of rapids? ii. What is the probability that the same three rafters also fall out on the second set of rapids? Law A. B. (7 marks) What is the role of the F.B.I. in American law enforcement? What does the term natural justice mean?


C. D.

In what American states do sheriffs operate? Name at least one American state that has the death penalty for murder.

E. Does the death penalty still exist for some crimes in New Zealand? Who was the last person to be executed by the State and when did he die? F. If you could rewrite New Zealands laws would you reintroduce the death penalty? Write a paragraph that outlines why you would or would not reintroduce the death penalty. (2 marks) Debating (2 marks)

A. Kelman says that It is often a lesser crime to kill or cage an animal than to kill or imprison a man. Do you agree with this statement? Mind-map your views on Kelmans statement and include facts and opinions that support your opinion. Detective work (9 marks)

A. Use quotes from the play to support your answers to the following questions. i. How did Skinner meet Sheriff Jalepino? ii. How well do Skinner and Sheriff Jalepino get on? iii. How do you think Jalepino managed to twist Skinners arm. How do you think Jalepino might have earned a favour from Skinner? B. There are four main theories as to what type of creature Kelman is:

1. Rational Scientific theory: Kelman is a cunning and cannibalistic mass murderer. 2. Science Fiction theory: human. Kelman is a mutant who kills to survive, he is not

3. Theory based on legend: Kelman is Hysquanthe the river demon. A creature that some legends say was created in the Modoc war while others say that it exists in ancient legends. 4. Theory based on tradition: Kelman is a Shaman like his father. He acts to protect and provide for the Hysquanthe. i. List the evidence from the play that supports each theory. (4marks) ii. What kind of creature do you think Kelman is? (2 marks) Home economics (6 marks)


A. B. C. D. E.

What is sushi? How is sushi made? Is squid sometimes used in preparing sushi? What part of the squid are squid rings made out of? What species of squid are commonly eaten in New Zealand? How expensive is squid to buy? What is the taste and texture of squid like?

Radio plays A story that an actor reads and records on tape is not a radio play. A radio play may be based on a novel, short story or play but is not simply a reading of a story. A radio play sounds similar to a television programme or film soundtrack. If you try listening to a film you will hear sound effects such as people walking or explosions. You will also hear the voices of different actors playing different characters; you may occasionally hear some narration. Narration Novels use narration as their main way of describing settings and characters. This allows characters dialogue to be shorter and more realistic than in radio plays. The dialogue in a radio play must provide listeners with most of the information about characters and setting. Characters in radio play tend to 'think out loud'. Visual aids The more reliant a film or play is on visually telling a story the less dialogue is needed. Television programmes and movies can tell their stories without using any dialogue or sound because viewers are able to read the body language and facial expressions of characters and see the settings. For this reason film based on a novel will seldom need to contain any narration. A play will usually contain more dialogue than a film based it because the play must use simpler visual images and often less sophisticated costumes, props, settings, sound and visual effects. An audience viewing a play often cannot see actors facial expressions and subtle body language. The dialogue of a play must sustain an audience's interest and build belief in the settings and the characters. A radio play builds up an audience's belief completely through what its audience can hear. Voice The voices of characters also provide information about characters. Voices can help to describe: how old a character is, the feelings a character has (tone), their nationality and background (accent), and their personality type. Voice is more important to stage actors than film actors as voice is used to convey emotions to an audience that may not be able to see the emotions on a stage actor's face. QUESTIONS: Male actors with memorable voices include: Laurence Olivier, James Earl Brown, Yul Brynner, Jerry Lewis and Jack Nicholson; what makes their voices


memorable? Which female actors have memorable voices? Are vocal skills and voice quality less important in modern acting? Dialogue In a radio play a character will tend to think aloud; characters describe their surroundings, other characters, and the action around them so that listeners have enough information to imagine the scene. For example: John, calm down. mood.) (This dialogue provides the name one character and his (The name of another character is given and the provided.) (Information

Get back Edith or Ill shoot you action taking place against him is

We can sort things out. Just put that pistol back in its cupboard. about the weapon and some of the setting is provided.)

If you try to listen to (without viewing) a programme like The X-files you will understand how little information is provided by dialogue in some television stories. The plot of a radio play will often quicken as the play progresses; one reason for this is that in the early sections of a play a playwright needs to build up an audience's knowledge of characters, settings and important information. After creating a background for the plot in the early sections of the story the author can concentrate on using dialogue to further the plot. Sound effects Stage plays usually use simple live sound effects combined with some prerecorded sound effects and music. Plays do not need to use many sound-effects as some sounds such as foot steps, occur naturally on stage. It is also difficult to choreograph live moves to a complex prerecorded sound track. Sound effects and music can be edited to fit television or radio recordings precisely. Activity: Recording sound effects - portable dictaphones are far more useful than small tape decks for recording sound effects and interviewing. Here are some sound effect sources. Thunder: A wobble-board (a big sheet of steel). Horse's hooves: Coconut cups. White water and rapid: Radio static. Type writer: Choose an old fashioned and noisy type writer Bird calls: Record an owl or morpork for night scenes Cars starting and driving off: Record the get starter motor, a rev-up, and the sound of tires on road/ gravel. Cars braking: Record a car with squeaky brakes. Truck sounds: Record a diesel for its distinctive rattle. Body going into a black plastic body-bag: A school bag zipped slowly.


Flies: Find flies around cow-pats, dead animals or garbage. Theme music: record it off the start of a television programme. Gun shots: Record at a rifle range or of television (try a western) Phone noises: Record phone conversations using phones? Gun noises: Use a gun or the click of a large hole punch. Video player: Record with a dictaphone. Loud speaker: Speak through a loud speaker. News music: Record off television or radio. Crowd background noise: Mumble (do not chant) rhubarb, vegimite, custard as a group. Whipping sounds: A belt. Recording sounds of television is difficult because unwanted sound will be recorded along with the desired sounds. Creating a believable setting Radio plays use sound effects to help create the setting for a story: the sound of an owl creates the impression of night, the sound of train wheels the impression of travelling on a train, the sound of waves crashing on a beach gives the impression of being near the sea. Sometimes, in less familiar settings, sound effects need to be supported by dialogue. A character at the sea might say I always come to my batch at Smugglers Cove for my summer holiday. Later on in the play it may only be necessary to use the sound of waves to set the scene again. Sound effects not only provide information; they also provide realism. It is far easier to believe that a character is travelling on a train if you can hear sounds that you associate with train travel. A radio play without sound effects is comparable to a silent movie; you understand what happens but it lacks realism. Music Music is used to create mood and to accentuate the genre of a play. What kinds of music do you associate with the following genres?: Western, science-fiction, horror, romance, action, and comedy. Changing scene In movies a change of scene will be associated with change in the visual setting (unless only the time has changed in which case a the same setting may be used). In a play a change of scene may be identified by a change in lighting, music, props or characters. A radio play relies on changes in background sounds to show a change of setting. Often a few seconds of sound (such as waves crashing on a beach) is played to set the scene before characters begin to talk. Scenes may also be punctuated by short music segments. This music may also be used to set the mood for the coming scene. Narration


Radio plays are often based on short stories; these plays will often use the main character as narrator allowing the listener to know the main character's thoughts. Narration, if used, will be used sparingly.

Radio plays-Draft aims and objectives. Assessment focus: Close reading/ Processing information/ Presenting

Processing information: Record a production diary which focuss on your groups work. Clearly record the way decisions were made in your group, what decisions were made and the progress made towards group goals. COMPLETION Exploring language/ Processing information/ Presenting: Complete a chart that compares the structures of short stories, short films, and radio plays. Match the sheet of language terms to their meanings. COMPLETION Processing information/ Presenting/ Transactional writing: Record a scene (and record dialogue only). Describe the emotions and feelings that your character was feeling during that scene and why your character was feeling that way. Describe how you tried to convey your characters emotions by how you spoke. Marks speech technique and characterisation. Processing information/ Presenting: In your group produce another scene of the play using sound effects. Marks for use of production techniques and the effectiveness of the recording




Close reading/ writing: Answer the short answer questions about the play script. Demonstrate your understanding of the importance of the plot, theme, characters, and settings to the story. 6. Exploring language: Spelling test.
5. 7.

Exploring language: Short answer test on a comparison of genres and terms and meanings in order to check that students have a vocabulary and context with which to understand and describe the language is used in a radio play. Transactional writing/ Processing information: Research activity.



Spelling words 1. Occurred 2. Boundary 3. Blurry 4. Foyer 5. Tentacle 6. Rendezvous 7. Sceptical 8. Disappeared 9. Deceived 10. Similar 11. Tarpaulin 12. Protein 13. Mollusc 14. Source 15. Thief 16. Possession 17. Vertebrae 18. Necessary 19. restaurant 20. Operation 21. Personal 22. Personnel 23. Until 24. Cauldron 25. Operate 26. Perceives27. Instigator 28. Philosopher 29. Skilfully 30. Oregon 31. Curtesy 32. Warrant 33. Community 34. Vietnam 35. Travelling 36. Choreograph 37. Describe38. Actors 39. Monologue 40. Dialogue 41. Playwright 42. Necessary 43. Caffeine 44. Similar 45. Battalion 46. Feasible 47. Administrator 48. Systems 49. Finance 50. Actually 51. Disappearance 52. Fiance 53. Advertising 54. Correspondence 55. Humid 56. Responsibilities 57. Description 58. Applications 59. Enabling60. Equipping 61. Monitoring 62. Examining 63. Recently64. Tentacle 65. Occurrences 66. Vessel

Archetuthis Year 9-10 Length; 3 weeks Title Archetuthis: X-files Play Topic: Production of a Radio Play Duration: 3 weeks 12, 50 minute periods. Main strands: Oral Language. Supporting strands: Transactional writing, reading and listening to texts.

Achievement objectives: Students will:


Speaking using Texts: Use of technology: Dictaphone, tape recorder, editing, dubbing, sound effects Group work Speak confidently and effectively in a group performance recording situation using the radio play as a text. They will organise material effectively and use different techniques of speech and delivery to interpret possible meanings. (Try one scene two different ways) Listening to texts Evaluate their own recordings with the aim of improving their speaking skills. Close Reading Discuss the language, meanings and ideas in the play and relate their understanding to similar written, oral and visual texts and relate their understanding to personal experience, purposes, audience, and other texts. Transactional Writing Write clear and logical explanations and factual accounts and argue a point of view linking main and supporting ideas and structuring material in an appropriate style in an authentic context. Exploring Language aims:

1. For students to become familiar with using terms relating to the production of a radio play. 2. For students to describe the oral and written features of a radio play. 3. For students to be able to compare the conventions, structures and language features of radio plays to those used in novels, theatre, television and film and explain how conventions are adapted to suit each type of text.

For students to identify language features used in the text, their effects and their relationship to meaning purpose and audience.

Processing information Research: Background and supporting information for the text. Aims: 1. For students to select appropriate library sources from which to retrieve information 2. For students to seek advice from experts sourced within the school and wider community in order for students to work out answers.


3. Students will record the formulas, sources and processes that they used to retrieve information. 4. Students will assemble information from a range of sources and record it clearly and coherently through the use of transactional writing. Thinking Critically Students will analyse the themes, characters, and plot structure of radio plays ( both recorded plays and a play in script) in order to evaluate the credibility of the information in the play and the credibility of different interpretations of the plot and characters. Attitudes and values. Students will identify the attitudes and beliefs of characters in the play and compare them to those of other characters in texts and students own attitudes and beliefs. Specific Learning Objectives: 1. Record a production diary which focuss on group work and how group goals were achieved. The diary should clearly records the way decisions were made in the group, what decisions were made and the progress made to group aims. 2. The production of an scene of the play in order to gain production skills and work on voice control. 3. Short answer assignment on the play script based on School C type questions. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of the plot, theme, characters, and settings to the story. 4. Short answer test to check your ability to understand and describe how language is used in a radio play. 5. Research exercise. Record all sources of information that you used. Resources and equipment The play Archetuthis by M.W. Wallis. One tape recorder and tape per group. One portable dictaphone per group.(Optional but very useful.) A recording of an X-file Television programme. Radio plays such as War of the Worlds adapted from the H.G.Wells story.


Issues raised in the play Racism Sexism (Co-Ed version only) Animal rights Partnerships Good parenting Justice -Natural justice - Revenge -Interpreting evidence Customary fishing rights Vehicle reliability and safety The healthiness of energy drinks Protecting the environment Major theme Justice -Natural justice - Revenge -Interpreting evidence

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