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Interactive –Faculty (programming)

I was a game developer from my first job and I used to make mobile games and then I was also a trainer
in that company which is where my “maybe teaching is interesting” feel started. After that I went
freelance for a while then I started teaching in Benilde and now I am the CEO of a start-up called cats

I mostly teach the programming cluster in game design, math subjects specifically game development
math and a few business subjects. In games, which are divided into two tracks: the art track and the
programming track. Programming is the more technical side, how you make mechanics flow, how you
respond to user input, how this work in the game and the math side is what happens if one jumps, fires
an arrow and more recent subjects on the business side particularly on the game industry. At first I was
teaching because I wanted to impart my knowledge. I come from the industry and I noticed that a lot of
newly hired staff didn’t have that much background so I became a trainer and then I wanted to bring that
to the college level and then eventually that started to transform into I teach because it’s fun. It’s fun to
interact with students; it’s a very personal experience to see them all the way from first year to fourth
year and graduating and imparting everything I can to them and I think that’s where the fun part is. So I
teach now mostly because it’s very fun.

Series of shot suggestions:

• Teacher in the classroom

• Teacher teaching game design with pcs
• Show shots of actual game design development being done on the pc
• Students doing programming codes on pc
• Show technical aspect of the course
• Teacher interacting to students inside and outside of the classroom
• Teacher walking down the hallway with students
• Actual work of teacher – actual games

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