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Grade 4- Science Activity Sheet

Name:____________________________ Grade/Section:________

Water Cycle
I. Objectives:
1. Understand the processes involve in water cycle.
2. Discuss the importance of water cycle.

II. Materials:
Materials of the activity are activity sheet and video presentation

III. Procedures:
1. Group yourselves into 6. Assign a group leader.
2. Watch the video presented.
3. Discuss with group members on what is observed in the activity.
4. Answer the activity questions.
5. Discuss to class your answers based on the assigned question by the teacher.

IV. Analysis Questions:

1. What is water cycle?
2. What is evaporation? How does it happens?
3. Discuss condensation.
4. Explain the process of precipitation.
5. Briefly explain the systematic processes involved in water cycle.
6. Why is water cycle important?

V. Generalization:
Based on my observation, I can say that ______________________________

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