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Circulation Research


Macrophages, Metabolism and Heterophagy in

the Heart
José A. Nicolás-Ávila , Laura Pena-Couso , Pura Muñoz-Cánoves, Andrés Hidalgo

ABSTRACT: The heart is a never-stopping engine that relies on a formidable pool of mitochondria to generate energy and propel
pumping. Because dying cardiomyocytes cannot be replaced, this high metabolic rate creates the challenge of preserving
organelle fitness and cell function for life. Here, we provide an immunologist’s perspective on how the heart solves this
challenge, which is in part by incorporating macrophages as an integral component of the myocardium. Cardiac macrophages
surround cardiomyocytes and capture dysfunctional mitochondria that these cells eject to the milieu, effectively establishing
a client cell–support cell interaction. We refer to this heterologous partnership as heterophagy. Notably, this process shares
analogies with other biological systems, is essential for proteostasis and metabolic fitness of cardiomyocytes, and unveils a
remarkable degree of dependence of the healthy heart on immune cells for everyday function.

Key Words:  exopher ◼ heart ◼ heterophagy ◼ macrophages ◼ myocardium

he heart features remarkable metabolic activity and examine paradigms that we propose can be translated
relies on a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients to other organs.
to keep beating. A decline in heart function is broadly
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detrimental for the organism, not only due to direct loss

of tissue oxygenation but also because it compromises MACROPHAGES AS METABOLIC
the long-term function of other organs, such as the kid- GUARDIANS
neys. This creates secondary alterations in fluid homeo-
stasis that exacerbate cardiac stress, ultimately leading Tissue-Resident Macrophages
to a vicious cycle ending in heart failure.1 Identifying the Macrophages are a diverse group of immune cells
mechanisms that ensure long-term cardiac fitness is, broadly characterized by high phagocytic activity.6 Even
therefore, critical for global organismal health. in the absence of inflammation, populations of macro-
Similar to the heart, the immune system exerts global phages are present in virtually every tissue, where they
influence on daily tissue function. Immune cells, and par- adopt tissue-specific molecular features and functions
ticularly macrophages, are important constituents of most tailored to support organ homeostasis.3,7 For example,
tissues, including the heart.2 While macrophages are microglia in the brain remodel neuronal synapsis and
accountable for tissue injury (including inflammation and enable survival8,9 and bone marrow macrophages par-
fibrosis), they are now equally recognized as regulators ticipate in red blood cell maturation and maintenance
of key homeostatic processes across multiple tissues.3 of the hematopoietic stem cell niche.10,11 Depletion
Paradoxically, their actual contribution to heart homeo- studies in mouse models have revealed essential roles
stasis has remained enigmatic, with immunologists only of tissue-resident macrophages (TRMs) in normal tis-
recently starting to focus on the heart beyond the context sue function, as well as the description of pathological
of disease.4,5 Below, we discuss aspects of the biology of conditions caused by tissue-specific defects in TRMs
cardiac macrophages as they relate to maintenance of survival or function, such as alveolar proteinosis12 or
cardiomyocyte metabolism and contractile function and heart dysfunction.13,14

Correspondence to: Andrés Hidalgo, PhD, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Area of Cell and Developmental Biology, Calle Melchor Fernandez
Almagro, 3, Madrid 28029, Spain, Email or José A. Nicolás-Ávila, PhD, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Area of Cell and
Developmental Biology, Calle Melchor Fernandez Almagro, 3, Madrid 28029, Spain, Email
For Sources of Funding and Disclosures, see page 428.
© 2022 American Heart Association, Inc.
Circulation Research is available at

418   February 4, 2022 Circulation Research. 2022;130:418–431. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.319812

Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

understanding the true contributions of TRMs to organ

Nonstandard Abbreviations and Acronyms physiology and pathology.
In summary, the term macrophage encompasses a
cMac cardiac-resident macrophage broad array of cells with unique tissue-tailored identi-

CSF colony stimulating factor ties that are dictated by specific transcriptional networks,
ERK extracellular signal regulated kinase dependent in part on their ontogeny (embryonic- versus
EV extracellular vesicle adult-derived) and are supported by distinct environ-
IGFBP7 insulin-like growth factor–binding protein 7 ments or niches.19,20 The diversity of cells and signals that
IL interleukin
support the fate and maintenance of TRMs in the heart
remain poorly defined, yet these niche elements may
LC3 light chain 3
hold the key to support cardiac health throughout life.
LXR liver X receptor
NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
PPARγ peroxisome proliferator activated recep- Cardiac-Resident Macrophages
tor γ The primary task of the heart is to pump blood that deliv-
TAM Tyro3/Axl/Mer ers a continuous supply of oxygen and nutrients to the
TNFα tumour necrosis factor α rest of tissues. Pumping is a highly specialized function
TRM tissue-resident macrophage and is energetically expensive. Hence, the heart contains
v-ATPase vacuolar ATPase cells dedicated to contraction, the cardiomyocytes, which
account for 25% to 35% of all cardiac cells, as well as
other cell types that support the health and function-
Macrophages derived from yolk sac-erythromyeloid ality of cardiomyocytes in one way or another. Among
progenitors or from fetal liver precursors seed several tis- the nonmyocyte cells, cardiac resident macrophages
sues during early embryonic stages and are maintained (cMacs) represent 6% to 10% of the cells present in the
throughout life with little or no dependence on adult healthy adult myocardium.2 Although originally described
hematopoiesis. In contrast, other tissues, such as the decades ago,26 it was not until 2012 that cMacs were
intestine, feature continuous replenishment by monocyte- formally characterized.27
derived macrophages through adult life.15,16 Under local32 From an ontogenic perspective, several groups of
or remote17 stress, however, embryo-derived TRMs are macrophages populate the heart: embryo-derived cMacs
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normally lost and are replenished through engraftment by arise from yolk-sac erythromyeloid progenitors and
monocytes with yet-to-be-defined implications for tissue enter the heart as early as  embryonic days E9.5-E10.5,
function. Although this repopulation is not always effi- whereas fetal liver-derived macrophages infiltrate at
cient,18 the new macrophages largely acquire the identity later developmental stages28 and are involved in cardiac
of their embryonic counterparts,3,15,19 except in the central development.29,30 After birth, embryo-derived cMacs self-
nervous system.20,21 Further, TRMs retain plasticity and replenish and persist in the adult heart longer than in
can adapt to new environments, as illustrated by studies other tissues,28 but are progressively replaced by mono-
showing that peritoneal macrophages can become alve- cyte-derived macrophages at different rates, depending
olar-like macrophages upon intratracheal transfer, even if on the subset.28,31–33 Embryo-derived cMacs have been
they retain part of their original peritoneal identity.19 proposed to participate in homeostatic processes,13,14,29,34
Irrespective of their cellular origin, macrophage den- while those of monocytic origin would mediate inflamma-
sity and tissue-specific identity are regulated by the so- tion.33,35 cMacs can be also classified by their expression
called niches, a functional scaffold of cells and matrix of different markers and location: embryo-derived cMacs
that provides survival signals and further imprints tissue are Timd4+ CCR2neg, while monocyte-derived cMacs
identity onto TRMs.18 These niches exert part of these are Timd4neg CCR2+.28,29,33,36,37 Further, CCR2neg cMacs
survival effects by producing cytokines such as IL34 reside near the myocardial wall while CCR2+ cMacs pre-
(interleukin-34) and CSF1 and CSF2 (colony stimulat- dominate around trabecular projections of the endocar-
ing factors 1 and 2) which are required for macrophage dium.29 Other classifications and distributions have been
maturation and proliferation.22 This niche model has reported, for example for Lyve1hi macrophages in perivas-
been illustrated by elegant recent studies in the liver cular areas38 and Gata6+ cells in the pericardium.39 This
and spleen,23,24 which revealed prominent niche roles for heterogeneity in origin, location, and marker expression
tissue-resident fibroblasts. In this light, it is not surprising may reflect functional diversity in yet undefined ways.
that macrophages and fibroblasts reciprocally regulate A broad variety of functions have been assigned to
their numbers through exchange of factors affecting the cMacs in the healthy heart, including coronary develop-
other cell type.25 Immune niches represent a key emerg- ment,29 electrical conduction,14 postnatal proliferation of
ing concept for immunologists, and while they will not be cardiomyocytes,40 and extracellular matrix remodeling.39
discussed here in detail, they have broad implications for We recently described that cMacs additionally support

Circulation Research. 2022;130:418–431. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.319812 February 4, 2022   419

Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

metabolic stability to cardiomyocytes, as discussed in by oxysterols58 and which in turn activate cholesterol
more detail below.13 Thus, cMacs are not passive or mere efflux pathways.59 Critically, these receptors are also part
immune elements of the heart, but rather cells with an of a feedback system that stimulates phagocytosis by
extensive toolkit of specialized functions; this notion has upregulating the expression of key phagocytic receptors,

revitalized the interest of immunologists and cardiolo- such as Mertk.60 Internalization, storage, and efflux of lip-
gists for these cells. ids by macrophages contribute significantly to vascular,
organ and systemic metabolic homeostasis.61 Similarly,
iron homeostasis is supported by macrophages in the
Macrophages as Metabolic Regulators liver, bone marrow, and spleen, mainly through uptake of
Macrophages are intimately integrated to tissue and senescent erythrocytes. Disruptions of such mechanisms
organismal metabolism. Nutrient-derived metabolites lead to iron overload syndromes, immune activation, and
can act as drivers of immune reprogramming during poor health, as recently reviewed.48
disease, thus modulating key effector functions.41 Mac- Macrophages can additionally regulate metabolite
rophages adopt distinct metabolic profiles and have availability and influence tissue metabolism by compet-
diverse requirement for nutrients upon activation.42 This ing for and degrading specific substrates. This is particu-
so-called metabolic reprograming enables macrophages larly relevant in nutrient-restrictive microenvironments,
to fuel anabolic and catabolic pathways needed to sus- in which they take up and compete with surrounding
tain effector functions, a process that is typically referred cells for metabolites.42 For example, they compete with
to as immunometabolism (for recent reviews on this topic endothelial cells for glucose, and the glycolytic versus
please see41,43–45). Beyond their own metabolic programs, oxidative metabolism of macrophages dictates glucose
macrophages help to maintain the metabolic homoeosta- uptake by endothelial cells and angiogenesis.62 In the
sis of several tissues, for example by participating in the adipose tissue, sustained PI3K activity in macrophages
homeostatic regulation of essential metabolites, includ- increases lipid uptake, catabolism and expression of the
ing iron, bilirubin, calcium, lipids, and amino acids.46–49 By scavenger macrophage receptor MARCO (macrophage
both controlling the levels of metabolites and respond- receptor with collagenous structure); dual MARCO and
ing to them, immune cells—and macrophages in par- myeloid PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog) defi-
ticular—are important hubs for organismal metabolism, ciencies prevent the lipid-buffering properties of macro-
as summarized in Figure 1 (and discussed below). Not phages on adipose tissue and cause metabolic disease.63
surprisingly, rodent models that lack Csf1R (colony Another example is the control of the nicotinamide ade-
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stimulating factor 1 receptor) (and therefore most TRM nine dinucleotide (NAD) by CD38, a NADase exoenzyme
populations), display global metabolic alterations.50 expressed by inflammatory macrophages. In this context,
Primary regulation of organismal metabolism occurs organismal aging and cellular senescence induce expres-
at the intestinal mucosa, where a dense network of mac- sion of CD38 by macrophages, resulting in reduced NAD
rophages largely derived from circulating monocytes levels and enhanced aging-like phenotypes in the white
control multiple aspects of intestinal homeostasis, from adipose tissue and the liver.64 Finally, macrophages in the
gastrointestinal peristalsis51 and maintenance of the epi- brown adipose tissue regulate catecholamine and norepi-
thelial barrier integrity,52 to dynamic scanning of absorbed nephrine levels directly by synthesis65 or degradation,66,67
fluids for pathogenic substances.53 Macrophages also ultimately regulating thermogenesis and lipid expenditure.
influence global metabolic control by recycling metabo- Another exciting mechanism by which macrophages
lites from dying cells. Indeed, billions of cells are elimi- modulate organismal metabolism involves the release
nated daily from a healthy organism, and the homeostatic of extracellular vesicles (EVs) loaded with microRNAs.
clearance of these involves their engulfment and pro- For example, macrophages in the white adipose tis-
cessing by macrophages (as well as other phagocytes54). sue of obese individuals release microRNA-155 and
This process is fundamental for removing inflammatory microRNA-29a, which inhibit PPARγ (peroxisome pro-
by-products of dying cells (damage-associated molecu- liferator-activated receptor γ) in adipocytes, myocytes,
lar patterns) that would otherwise cause inflammation,55 and hepatocytes, thereby increasing the levels of fast-
while at the same time allows the recycling of essential ing blood glucose and serum insulin.68,69 In contrast,
lipids and bioelements, such as iron. Clearance of apop- microRNA-690 released in exosomes by M2-polarized
totic cells often involves massive uptake of cellular con- bone marrow-derived macrophages can improve glu-
stituents56 and triggers transcriptional programs devoted cose-insulin homeostasis in obese mice by inhibiting
to manage metabolite degradation and export. For exam- expression of the NAD+ kinase Nadk.70
ple, the vast amount of apoptotic cell-derived lipids and Macrophages are major producers of cytokines that
cholesterol must be appropriately handled to avoid toxic- can exert local or systemic effects on target cells to regu-
ity57 and to redistribute these important components to late metabolic outputs. In the liver, macrophages produce
other cells. For lipids, this is partly achieved by LXR (liver IGFBP7 (insulin-like growth factor–binding protein 7),
X receptors), which are transcription factors activated which binds the insulin receptor to induce lipogenesis and

420   February 4, 2022 Circulation Research. 2022;130:418–431. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.319812

Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

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Figure 1. Metabolic regulation by macrophages.

Macrophages regulate local and organismal metabolism at different levels. At the organismal level, macrophages control metabolite availability by
regulating nutrient absorption in the intestine, hormone production in endocrine glands and activity of highly metabolic organs. At the tissue level,
macrophages control metabolism of other cells either directly, through production of cytokines and miRs, or indirectly, by regulating metabolite
availability through recycling, production, degradation, and competition. In metabolic syndrome, for example, many of these processes are altered
due to macrophage activation and inflammatory signaling, causing anomalies in the metabolite pool and loss of metabolic homeostasis in tissues.

gluconeogenesis via activation of ERK (extracellular sig- secretion of VEGF-B (vascular endothelial growth factor
nal regulated kinase) signaling, thereby impacting systemic B).74 Finally, macrophages have been suggested to regu-
metabolism.71 In the brain, microglia can release proinflam- late lipolysis in adipocytes,46 at least in part through release
matory cytokines, including TNF-α (tumour necrosis factor of GDF3 (Growth Differentiation Factor 3), a PPARγ-
α), IL-1β, and IL-10,72 which act locally and can influence dependent cytokine that suppresses ATGL (adipose tri-
central responses to insulin and leptin in the hypothala- glyceride lipase) expression and lipolysis in adipocytes,
mus73; this in turn controls anorexigenic and adipostatic resulting in fat accumulation and insulin resistance.66,75,76
signals in peripheral tissues. In the adipose tissue, macro- TRMs residing in the pancreas and white adipose
phages can also regulate lipid accumulation by endothe- tissue control central physiological aspects of these
lial cells, and obesity-associated hypertension through the organs; however, increased macrophage accumulation

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Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

associated with over-nutrition is considered a driv- other parenchymal cells exist that eject damaged mate-
ing force in the development of insulin resistance and rial out of the cell to be collected and disposed by neigh-
the so-called metabolic syndrome.77,78 The central role bouring phagocytes, an extrinsic mechanism that may
of macrophages in global metabolic homeostasis has support long-term cell fitness. We model this process by

been substantiated by multiple studies demonstrating defining client cells that are fully viable but choose to
that (1) reduced infiltration and accumulation of mono- eject their intracellular waste, and support cells endowed
cyte-derived macrophages blunts insulin resistance,79,80 with phagocytic capacity that are in charge of eliminat-
(2) macrophages can control insulin production and ing the heterologous material, in a process somewhat
promote pancreatic β-cell apoptosis through secretion comparable to the trash-collecting systems of modern
of IL1β,81 and (3) macrophages can amplify inflamma- cities. We refer to this interplay of client and support
tory circuits through release of inflammatory cytokines cells involving the exchange of material as heterophagy,
(eg, TNF-α and IL-1b) that block insulin action on adi- a term that extends the phenomenon of autophagy to
pocytes leading to insulin resistance.77,82,83 reflect the heterologous nature of the degraded material.
In summary, macrophages are major regulators of
organismal and local metabolism, a notion that mecha-
nistically links inflammation with metabolic dysregulation Quality Control Mechanisms and Metabolic
and has prompted the search of additional mechanisms Fitness
through which these immune cells influence tissue ener- Macromolecules and organelles in cells carry out key bio-
getics in organs subjected to intense metabolic demands, logical functions, and maintenance of cell fitness demands
such as the heart. a healthy pool of these structures. This is achieved
through several mechanisms. For example, quality control
mechanisms are in place to assist nascent polypeptides
to fold properly, clear misfolded molecules, respond to
accumulation of protein aggregates and deposit poten-
NEW FINDINGS tially toxic conformers in designated sites to maintain
Certain types of cells are unique in that they are postmi- protein homeostasis (proteostasis).91 Two main protein
totic, have low or no renewal capacity and feature very degradation systems have been described in eukary-
long lifespans, including cardiomyocytes and neurons. otes, the ubiquitin–proteasome system and autophagy.
Maintaining the life-long health of these cells is chal- In ubiquitin–proteasome system, ubiquitin-tagged pro-
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lenging, particularly as they are under strong metabolic teins are targeted by a multi-subunit protease complex,
demands. A critical question is are there additional quality the proteasome.85,92 Misfolded, damaged and short-lived
control systems that support the survival and functional proteins undergo ubiquitination by a multi-step process
properties of these cells? Canonical quality control sys- that requires several enzymes and consumes ATP.92,93
tems such as autophagy or mitophagy (for mitochondria) Ubiquitinated proteins are then targeted, unfolded, and
have crucial roles in preserving cellular heath and func- degraded in the proteolytic chamber of the proteasome.94
tion.84–86 However, autophagy is energetically demanding Autophagy (eating of the self) is an evolutionarily
itself and requires the dynamic formation and intracel- conserved catabolic process in which excessive, defec-
lular transport of organelles for degradation,87,88 which tive or otherwise harmful intracellular components are
is arguably complicated in tightly packed cells such as delivered to lysosomes for degradation and recycling
cardiomyocytes. It is, therefore, reasonable to propose of metabolites.95 Autophagy provides a critical quality
that noncanonical mechanisms beyond autophagy are control system that helps cells to maintain proteostasis
in place for these cells, as hinted by studies examin- under basal conditions by removing damaged compo-
ing mice lacking genes involved in different forms of nents. In addition to its housekeeping function, autoph-
autophagy.89,90 agy can be stimulated in response to various stresses
We have recently discovered an alternative mecha- including nutrient deprivation, mitochondrial damage and
nism that promotes cardiomyocyte fitness, and involves toxic protein aggregation, thus exerting a cytoprotective
the local network of cardiac TRMs (cMacs). In brief, our role.96 Autophagy comes in different forms, depend-
studies found that healthy cardiomyocytes eject dys- ing on the nature and processing of the material to be
functional mitochondria (as well as other cellular com- degraded. Typically, organelles, proteins, and other mac-
ponents) through large vesicles called cardiac exophers. romolecules are sequestered within a double-membrane
Ejected exophers are efficiently captured and eliminated vesicle termed autophagosome, whose formation relies
by neighbouring cMacs, thereby preventing inflamma- on autophagy-related components (encoded by Atg
some activation, accumulation of dysfunctional mito- genes) and that subsequently fuses with lysosomes. This
chondria in cardiomyocytes, and global alterations in pathway is coined macroautophagy (herein, autophagy)
cardiac metabolism.13 It is likely that this phenomenon and can either proceed in a nonselective, bulk manner
is not restricted to cardiomyocytes, and we propose that or selectively eliminate individual targets, a process that

422   February 4, 2022 Circulation Research. 2022;130:418–431. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.319812

Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

is highly dependent on the inducing factors.97 In other daughter cells.113 But how do nonreplicative cells like
instances, proteins and organelles are sequestered by cardiomyocyte deal with this problem? Indeed, despite
invaginations or protrusions of the limiting membrane evidence of low proliferative rates,114–116 cardiomyocytes
of late endosomes or lysosomes in a process known as in mammals are largely quiescent and, therefore, rely

microautophagy.98,99 Lastly, proteins can simply be trans- heavily on quality control mechanisms such as autophagy
located into lysosomes, which is referred to as chaper- and mitophagy to ensure long-term mitochondrial fitness
one-mediated autophagy.100 Other types of autophagy and cell function.84,95,117,118 Mounting lines of evidence,
exist that degrade specific cellular components, such however, point to the existence of noncanonical quality
as mitophagy, in which autophagosomes that only con- control pathways, as hinted by analyses of mutants that
tain mitochondria and the membrane-associated protein lack key components of mitophagy, (eg, Parkin89) or gen-
MAP1 LC3 (light chain 3) are selectively formed and eral autophagy (eg, Atg5/790), suggesting that there are
then fused to lysosomes for degradation.101 alternative mechanisms to recycle unfit mitochondria.
Autophagy-mediated delivery for lysosomal degra- Recent studies in neurons,119,120 cardiomyocytes13 and
dation is a major quality guardian that helps to main- other cell types have described a phenomenon involv-
tain cellular homeostasis. Lysosomes are highly motile ing ejection to the extracellular milieu of morphologically
membrane-bound organelles containing ≈60 types of damaged mitochondria and other wasted components
hydrolytic enzymes capable of breaking down proteins, packed within particles which are then captured by neigh-
DNA, lipids and glycogen, and sit as the end point of bouring phagocytes (eg, astrocytes and macrophages).
several pathways, including endocytosis, phagocytosis Remarkably, in cardiomyocytes this mechanism has been
and autophagy.102 Lysosomal hydrolases require an estimated to account for more than half of the degraded
acidic pH (4.5) to function optimally, a microenviron- mitochondrial pool, and to be important for mitochondrial
ment that is produced and maintained by the v-ATPase and metabolic fitness of the heart.13 Collectively, these
(vacuolar ATPase), a membrane-spanning proton recent findings demonstrate the existence, at least in
pump.103 Within muscle fibers, lysosomes are predomi- neurons and cardiomyocytes, of mechanisms distinct
nantly involved in the removal of damaged or dysfunc- from canonical autophagy that enable elimination of
tional cytoplasmic proteins and organelles, as large unwanted material.13,120–122 They also raise the critical
myofibrillar proteins organized in sarcomeres cannot concept that cell proteostasis and tissue fitness demand,
be engulfed by lysosomes.104 under certain scenarios, the existence of a network of
Failure to maintain proteostasis leads to the accumu- phagocytes to degrade the ejected waste.
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lation of damaged organelles and structurally abnormal

proteins that become toxic and disrupt cell and tissue
function.105 This is a typical hallmark of aging in long- Heterophagy, a Different Mechanism for Quality
lived and highly metabolically active cells such as car- Control?
diomyocytes and neurons, which feature high oxidative We define heterophagy (or eating of the nonself, in
phosphorylation and mitochondrial content.106,107 One contraposition to autophagy) as the (phago)lysosomal
rationale behind this is that mitochondria do not burn degradation of material derived from another cell, either
substrates cleanly and therefore generate metabolic taken up from the milieu or through direct contact with a
waste than can damage proteins and organelles. Thus, client cell. This term was previously used to refer to elimi-
the maintenance of a healthy population of mitochon- nation of material from apoptotic cells through phago-
dria is key to preserve metabolic stability and requires cytosis, endocytosis, micropinocytosis or trogocytosis,123
a finely tuned balance between mitochondrial biogen- and analogous terms such as transmitophagy or trans-
esis and degradation through different quality control cellular mitophagy have been proposed when it involves
mechanisms.108 transfer and degradation of mitochondria.120 Consistent
with this conceptual framework, it is now accepted that
viable cells can release considerable amounts of material
Quality Control Mechanisms in Cardiomyocytes to the extracellular milieu, including protein aggregates
Accumulation of damaged mitochondria with age results and organelles.13,119,122 Heterophagy would then repre-
in metabolic imbalance and pathology, as seen in neu- sent a previously undefined mechanism that preserves
rodegenerative disorders and cardiac or skeletal muscle proteostasis yet critically differs from canonical pathways
dysfunction.109–111 Hence, it seems reasonable to think in that it demands heterologous interactions with a sup-
that the massive mitochondria pool of cardiomyocyte port cell endowed with high phagocytic capacity.
(estimated to represent up to 30% of the cell volume106) Examples of cells engaged in heterophagy-like part-
demands specialized mechanisms to support its fitness. nerships have been known for decades. Perhaps the most
For proliferating cells, this problem can be partly solved prominent examples are the elimination of photoreceptor
by removal of cells with accumulated defects by cell outer segments from photoreceptor cells by the retinal
competition112 or dilution of the damaged material among pigment epithelium,124,125 and the uptake of erythroblast

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Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

nuclei by macrophages in bone marrow126,127 (for a list of mechanism, and we reserve the term heterophagy to those
heterophagy-like behaviours reported in the literature see that involve degradation of the cargo. Indeed, there are
Table). These examples illustrate that heterophagy events examples of material exchange between cells that involve
take place in defined anatomic structures and serve to dif- subcellular particles but whose final purpose is not degra-

ferent purposes, from maintaining organelle fitness and dation (Table, bottom). These examples of cell cooperation
cell function (photo-reception,128) to functional matura- may not fit the concept of heterophagy but are still relevant,
tion (erythrocyte enucleation and male germ cell matura- since particles mediating the transfer could have the same
tion129,130). The evidence that similar heterologous interplay origin as those observed in heterophagic partnerships.
also occurs under physiological conditions in defined areas
of the brain120 and heart13 suggests that this mechanism Heterophagy in the Heart
is multipurpose, and that it is a broadly adopted biological
Although cardiomyocytes can beat autonomously in
strategy when large elements of a client cell must be elim-
culture,131 nonmyocyte cells are essential for optimal
inated. An appealing analogy of heterophagy with canoni-
contractile function of the myocardium. These include
cal autophagy is one in which cardiomyocyte-surrounding
fibroblasts, vascular, and immune cells.132 Macrophages
macrophages function as support lysosomes recruited ad
comprise the majority of immune interstitial cells in the
hoc around the client cells, such that the overall process
heart in the steady-state,2 and their relevance in normal
and purpose would remain equivalent for autophagy or
cardiac physiology is highlighted by depletion studies
heterophagy (Figure 2).
showing that elimination of macrophages leads to func-
Heterophagy in the mammalian heart was identified
tional impairment, including defective electrical con-
through the presence of cardiomyocyte-derived parti-
duction and metabolic derailment.13,14 Additionally, the
cles of large size that contained damaged mitochondria,
finding that in vivo interference with phagocytic activity
which accumulated in phagolysosomes of the surround-
(by removing only the involved receptors, as discussed
ing cMacs.13 While exophers are prominent in the heart,
below) causes similar dysfunction of parenchymal cells
equivalent elements may differ from tissue to tissue and
provides strong evidence of active heterophagy in myo-
not necessarily appear as free particles in the extracellular
cardium. We summarize below emerging mechanistic
space. Along this line, and although the exact origin and
insights on heterophagy in heart, and delineate the roles
name of these structures may vary depending on the tissue
of each cellular or subcellular element in this process.
(Table), we propose that structures analogous to exophers
are found in each context and reflect the transport func-
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The Client Cell (Cardiomyocytes)

tion of these structures. Hence, various processes across In the myocardium, the presence of a quantifiable
tissues may be manifestations of the same physiological number of exophers as transfer particles13 provides a

Table.  Examples of Cells Engaged in Heterophagy-Like Partnerships

Examples of heterophagy-type pairs

Tissue Client cell Transferred particle Support cell Reference

Heart Cardiomyocyte Exopher Macrophage 13

Retina Photoreceptor Photoreceptor outer segment particles Retinal pigment epithelium 121,124,125

Retina Ganglion cell Axonal evulsion Astrocyte 120

Central nervous system Neuron Exopher/axonal evulsion Astrocyte 119,120

Central nervous system Neuron Synaptosome Astrocyte/microglia 9,156,157

WAT Adipocyte Mitochondrial loaded EV Macrophage 152,153

Tumor Cancer cell TRAP; cytoplast Macrophage 158,159

Bone marrow, fetal liver, spleen Erythroblast Pyrenocyte Macrophage 11,126,127

Testis Germ cell Residual body Sertoli cell 160–163

Embryo Primordial germ cell Lobes Endodermal cell 164

Cell cooperation involving material transfer but no degradation

Tissue Support cell Transferred particle Client cell Reference
Skin/hair Melanocyte Melanosome-containing Keratinocyte 165

Muscle Body wall Muscle cell Exopher Oocyte 137

Lung Mesenchymal stem cell Mitochondrial loaded EV Macrophage 166

Top: Examples of heterophagy across tissues. Client cells release material within EVs that are transferred to support cells for degradation. Bottom: Other examples of
cell cooperation involving material transfer for cellular support, but whose purpose is not degradation. EV indicates extracellular vesicle; TRAP, tumor released autophago-
some; and WAT, white adipose tissue.

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Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

Figure 2. Heterophagy vs autophagy.
Top, Autophagy (macroautophagy) occurs in a series of steps that include: (1) tagging dysfunctional proteins and organelles for degradation;
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(2) formation of a double-membrane structure, the so-called phagophore or isolation membrane, that sequesters cytoplasmic material tagged for
degradation; (3) expansion of the phagophore around the cargo and formation of a sealed, double-membrane vesicle known as the autophagosome;
(4) fusion of the autophagosome with the lysosomes (auto-phagolysosome) that leads to the degradation and recycling of the cargo.154,155 Bottom,
Modeling of the same process in the context of heterophagy. Although the pathways involved in exopher production (exophergenesis) remain
unknown, it is conceivable that they involve the release of maturing autophagosomes, or particles extruded directly from plasma membrane.

simple metric to explore mechanisms of production and Cardiomyocytes can exchange mitochondria and
heterophagy. Using this criterion in combination with mitochondrial components among each other using dif-
genetic mouse models, the contribution of the autopha- ferent EVs and nanotubes.134 EV-mediated transfer of
gic machinery of cardiomyocytes for exopher produc- mitochondria from progenitor cells to cardiomyocytes
tion (exophergenesis) became evident. Indeed, exophers has been also reported and is associated with therapeu-
contain LC3, a protein involved in cargo selection during tic effects in the ischemic myocardium, where it restores
the formation of autophagosomes.133 Importantly, phar- bioenergetic levels.135 In the context of heterophagy, how-
macological stimulation of autophagy with rapamycin ever, heterologous transfer of material appears to have
increases exopher numbers whereas genetic ablation the unique purpose of degradation, since cardiomyocyte-
of Atg7 specifically in cardiomyocytes halts their pro- derived mitochondrial proteins and DNA become rapidly
duction.13 Although other elements of the autophagy or undetectable in cMacs when these cells are isolated
mitophagy machinery of cardiomyocytes have yet to be from the tissue and tracked ex vivo.13 Degradation of the
explored, these findings reveal marked commonalities transferred material is also consistent with the observa-
between heterophagy and autophagy in the heart. Fur- tion that the mitochondria present in exophers feature
ther, these findings suggest that cardiomyocytes have aberrant morphology, reduced membrane potential and
developed mechanisms to tag dysfunctional mitochon- impaired ATP generation, and are, therefore, unlikely to
dria but may use different strategies for routing them into be usable for the recipient cells.
autophagosomes for fusion with internal lysosomes, or to
expel them out of the cell. Whether this model is accurate The Transfer Vesicles (Exophers)
and which are the molecular drivers of the distinct routes The first description of exophergenesis was made in
are currently unknown. Identification of the mechanisms neurons from C. elegans, in which similar structures to
involved in exopher production will be essential to define the ones identified in the myocardium of mice mediate
bona fide client cells in the future. the extrusion of protein aggregates and mitochondria

Circulation Research. 2022;130:418–431. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.319812 February 4, 2022   425

Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

from these cells (Melentijevic et al119). These findings the location of tagged mitochondria in lysosomes in
suggested that there are functional and structural simi- cardiomyocytes or cMacs suggest that heterophagy
larities of these particles across tissues and species. accounts for the recycling of up to 60% of all mito-
While an accurate definition of exophers beyond func- chondria in the healthy myocardium,13 which high-

tion or cargo will require a more precise knowledge of lights the magnitude of this clearance mechanism and
the molecular processes leading to their formation and its relevance for the silent removal of mitochondria
ejection, comparison with other types of EVs highlights in healthy hearts. These findings further underscore
the unique properties of exophers in terms of size (in the what could be canonical properties of client cells in
range of microns), cargo (large organelles), mechanism the context of heterophagy.
of formation (nonendosomal origin), and purpose (inter- Another salient finding was that exopher numbers
cellular transfer).13,119,136,137 This differentiates them from increase in mice upon isoproterenol treatment (which
other EVs such as exosomes,138–141 microvesicles,138–141 induces reactive oxygen species production by mito-
and apoptotic bodies142 (Figure 3). chondria145), but that this increase is blunted when
Heterophagy in the mammalian heart is unique in mitochondria are genetically protected from oxidative
that exophers are phagocytosed and degraded by damage. Myocardial infarction also elicits increased
proximal cMacs, thus coupling the cell-autonomous levels of exophers, but this appears to be restricted
phenomenon of cargo selection and ejection from to the viable myocardium adjacent to the dead zone.13
the cell with macrophage-dependent degradation. Importantly, functional anomalies associated with cMac
This is important because mitochondrial proteins and depletion are reversible and diastolic parameters return
DNA are well-known damage-associated molecular to normal when cMacs repopulate the tissue. These
patterns that are highly inflammogenic.143,144 Consis- findings suggest that exophergenesis by cardiomyo-
tently, depletion of cMacs leads to accumulation of cytes is adaptable to stress, requires actual organelle
free mitochondria in the extracellular space and acti- damage and may represent a strategy to recover cell
vation of the inflammasome.13 Estimations based on fitness after an insult.
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Figure 3. Features of exophers vs other extracellular vesicles (EVs).

Exophers have properties that differentiate them from classical extracellular vesicles, including size (in the range of microns), cargo (large
organelles), mechanism of formation (nonendosomal origin), and purpose (transport cargo out of living cells for disposal). These properties
differentiate them from other EVs such as exosomes, microvesicles, or apoptotic bodies. ER indicates endoplasmic reticulum; and ESCRT,
endosomal sorting complexes required for transport.

426   February 4, 2022 Circulation Research. 2022;130:418–431. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.319812

Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

The Support Phagocytes the knowns. We briefly comment here on 2 specific

cMacs have important features that are relevant for their directions, highlighting questions and hurdles that will be
role as support phagocytes in the myocardium. One is important to address as the field moves forward.
their pervasive distribution in the tissue, where they form a (1) Crosstalk between the immune system and the

dense network that surrounds cardiomyocytes, and estima- heart. Macrophages are global regulators of tissue physi-
tions based on imaging studies revealed that, on average, ology, yet the discovery of these immune cells as central
each cardiomyocyte is served by ≈5 macrophages.13 Fur- players of mitochondrial homeostasis in the myocardium
ther, although cMacs are in a low proliferative state under opens remarkable opportunities for research and therapy
homeostatic conditions, we have found that they rapidly in numerous fronts. Conceptually, it spurs the question
enter into cycle and display fast recovery kinetics after of whether derailment of the immune pool, for example
depletion, revealing the presence of active cues and niches during senescence and age,150 is mechanistically associ-
for the maintenance of these cells in the healthy myocar- ated with anomalies in cardiac metabolism and function
dium (Nicolás-Ávila and Hidalgo unpublished, and28). It will that are typically seen in aged individuals.110 For devel-
now be critical to define the actual nature of the cellular opmental immunologists, it raises the fascinating issue
niches and the cytokines that dictate the distribution and of when and how this partnership is established, as well
number of cMacs to understand whether and how altera- as the identification of putative niches for cMacs in the
tions associated with age or disease (eg, cardiomyopathies) myocardium, particularly in light of the marked switch in
compromise the network of cMacs during the natural or metabolism that this organ undergoes after birth.110 Ulti-
pathological decline of cardiac function. Although different mately, focusing on immune cells may enrich the diag-
subsets of cMacs co-exist in the heart,28 and major special- nostic palette for cardiomyopathies of unknown origin,
ization has been described across anatomic regions of the and allow the design of new types of therapies targeting
same tissue,146 it is currently unclear whether specific sub- the immune system.
sets of cMacs are differentially involved in exopher uptake. (2) Heterophagy beyond the heart. It will be particu-
Finally, studies that tracked the fate of exophers and larly important to explore whether similar client-support
mitochondria in the myocardium demonstrated that phagocyte partnerships occur in other tissues. Evidence
absence of the receptor Mertk was sufficient to reca- for mitochondria transfer from white adipocytes to adja-
pitulate cardinal features seen in hearts depleted of cent macrophages151–153 and imaging-based demon-
cMacs, including accumulation of dysfunctional mito- stration of transfer between neurons and neighbouring
chondria inside and outside of cardiomyocytes, exag- astrocytes120 suggest that heterophagy may be a broad
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gerated glucose uptake and loss of cardiac contractile phenomenon. Thus, it will be important to search for het-
function.13 Of note, Mertk also mediates debris clear- erophagy-type partnerships in other tissues, particularly
ance in the infarcted myocardium.147 Mertk is a tyrosine those subjected to a high metabolic demand and that
kinase receptor on the surface of phagocytes that medi- have high mitochondria turnover, such as brown adipose
ates recognition of phosphatidylserine on target apop- tissue and skeletal muscle. Nonetheless, we urge caution,
totic cells and their subsequent internalization.54 Similar as even in the aforementioned examples the presence of
to apoptotic cells, exophers present phosphatidylserine structures similar to exophers have not been reported,
on their surface13; thus, these findings demonstrate that and the functional impact for putative client cells has not
phagocytosis is the key process mediated by cMacs that been examined. This raises the critical question of what
regulates mitochondrial and metabolic fitness in cardio- defines bona fide heterophagy (transfer of material, deg-
myocytes, rather than any other of the multiple functions radation of cargo, type of cells involved, etc). Even the
assigned to macrophages (see section Macrophages definition of what is an exopher is currently under debate,
as metabolic regulators above). It is noteworthy that the since degradation of cargo or the presence of support
same receptor, Mertk, either alone or in combination with phagocytes have not yet been described in the C. ele-
other TAM (Tyro3/Axl/Mer) receptors, plays a major role gans studies.119,137 Clearly, identification of the molecular
in the uptake of photoreceptor outer segments in the drivers of exophergenesis136 will be needed to provide a
retina (by epithelial cells128), pyrenocytes in the marrow rigorous response to these questions.
(by central macrophages148), and residual bodies in testis
(by Sertoli Cells130,149) hinting to the presence of recep-
tors dedicated to heterophagy. ARTICLE INFORMATION
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III, Spain (J.A.N.-A.,
PERSPECTIVES AND OUTSTANDING L.P.-C., P.M.-C., A.H.). Department of Experimental & Health Sciences, Universitat
Pompeu Fabra, CIBERNED, Spain (P.M.-C.). ICREA, Spain (P.M.-C.).
While the discovery that phagocytosis is a major homeo- We are indebted to members of our labs for discussion and previous experimental
static process in the heart is conceptually striking and work. We are grateful to J.A. Enriquez and many researchers at Centro Nacional
exciting, it is clear that the unknowns still far outnumber de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) with whom we performed critical ex-

Circulation Research. 2022;130:418–431. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.319812 February 4, 2022   427

Nicolás-Ávila et al Heterophagy in the Heart

periments that led to the concept of heterophagy. We thank Monica Driscoll for environment establishes microglial identity. Neuron. 2018;98:1170–1183.
kind and open discussion on exophers. The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio e8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.05.014
de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)  and the Pro-CNIC Foundation and is a Severo 21. Cronk JC, Filiano AJ, Louveau A, Marin I, Marsh R, Ji E, Goldman DH, Smirnov
Ochoa Center of Excellence (MICINN). Illustrations were created by adapting I, Geraci N, Acton S, et al. Peripherally derived macrophages can engraft
templates from Servier Medical Arts ( the brain independent of irradiation and maintain an identity distinct from

microglia. J Exp Med. 2018;215:1627–1647. doi: 10.1084/jem.20180247

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A. Hidalgo is a paid consultant for Flagship Pioneering, Inc on topics related to the deciphering similarities and differences at steady state and in diseases. J
content of this review article. The other authors report no conflicts. Leukoc Biol. 2021;110:771–796. doi: 10.1002/JLB.3RU1120-773R
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