1000 Word Form Thi Chuyên Anh - Olympic 30-04 - Otto Channel

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OTTO CHANNEL Keeping the fire of Passion A ‘Tai FREE tai fanpage: “HQC VOI OTTO.-CHANNEL” Luyen thi Chuyéa & HS 1000 a Beli dei Ll THI CHUYEN _ HSG & OLYMPIC 30/4 Dap an trén kénh YouTube \ Otto Channel ) ¥ oom + oH. ~e~ ~~ We , fm _ ~~ * Than tang cac ban Ung hé thay Otto YD rotfrom | Teach from +E] > —-<] > <1 CHANNEL OTTO MENU he APPETIZER 41. Lép A1 (Thi Flyers & HSG Ip 4,5) 2. Lop A2 (Thi KET & HSG l6p 5,6) ad = MAIN COURSES SPECIAL COURSES cee. (Thi chuyén, CAE, HSG |ép 9 HCM 3. Lop B1 Va cdc tinh thanh cé d6 KHO cao) (Thi PET & HSG I6p 6, 7 & DH Chuyén) 4. Lép B2 (trir) 7. Lép C1-HN (Thi FCE & HSG Ip 7,8 & DH Chuyén) Cn ncn en sllgpe2 va cdc tinh thanh cé d6 KHO cao) (Thi HSG Iép 8,9 & cac tinh thanh KHO vira) DESSERT 8. C1C2-HSG cap Il (Thi HSG Lép 10, 14, 12 & Chuyén) Dé chuyén, HSG bdo thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brakets. 1. The duty of the police is the (MAINTAIN). of law and order. 2. Our tomatoes are (RIPE)... they'll be ready to eat in about a week. 3. Look at this picture of Bill and his father — you can see the (LIKE) clearly, can't you? 4. He said “Good moming” in a most (FRIEND) 5. _ Playing for the national team for the first time was an (FORGET) experience for Hong Son. 6. “This is not a good essay,” said the lecturer. “I find your arguments (CONVINCE) 7. It's lovely old house, | agree, but can we afford to (MODERN) . it? 8. _ Inwinter it is important for farmers to provide food and (WARM) ... their animals. 9. Pele (COURAGE) Ronaldo to take part in 2002 World Cup. 10. (FLEXIBLE) is one of the qualities required of a social worker. 14. (ENVIRONMENT) .__ uuu. af@ doing their best to make people aware of the danger of air pollution. 12. Novelists are among the most (IMAGINE) 000 2.. the world. 13. George and | have been friends since (CHILD) to live next door. 14. Secondary education is (COMPEL) ...._... 15. The song has (OFFICE) . been selected for the Sea Games 22, Vietnam. 16. Actually, there is no shortcut to (MASTER) .. 17. Leonardo Da Vince was a (SUCCEED) and scientist. 18. Your father is a bit (WEIGH) .. _.a foreign language. _.. story of an artist | think he should go on a diet. 19. The police should impose heavy fines on those who drive (DANGER) 3 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 ww. and free in many countries. Dé chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” vi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Voi Otto Channel” 20. He is OK, but quite (RELY) at times. 21. (ORIGIN)... Charles Darwin didn't intend to publish his book On the Origin of Species. 22. (ACT)... _. Speak louder than words.” 23. Visitors said that the (HOSPITABLE) .. Vietnam was most unforgettable. _...of the people in 24. The explanation of the accident is very (CONFUSE) ___ _-aedier 1e1 AM TEL 25. One of the (STRONG) . ow Of English is that itis becoming (= simpler and simpler. <3 Ba 26. Arright amount of calcium added to our food will help to (SOLID) eS our weak bones. a g r 27. Inancient Greece, the owl was a symbol of (WISE) S = B 28. Laser beams can kill cancer cells while leaving the surrounding ones (HARM) | go ei 29. Freedom of (SPEAK) Qs is one of the fundamental rights. 30. What old people fear most is (LONELY) 31. This volcano is dead; it has been (ACT) century. ..... for more than a 32. There's a serious (SHORT) _. Of food in the disaster area. 33. He's the only child in his family and hardly enjoys (BROTHER) .. 34. Nobody is happy with their (CONVINCE) nn €Xplanations they gave for the failure. 35. In nursing, women tend to (NUMBER) men by four to one. 36. “Bye-bye” is a more (FORM) . onsen. word than “Goodbye”, 37. Tests are often carried out to detect genetic (NORMAL)... before birth. 38. It's very (SENSE) of you to bring your umbrella today. 39. (ADAPT). to a new environment is a difficult thing for old people. 40. The result is impossible to predict with any degree of (CERTAIN) . 41. Teaching and medicine are more than (OCCUPY) . they're professions 4| KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Dé chuyén, HSG bdo thay “thom lay” vdi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 42. My history teacher has a vast (KNOW) .. _. of past events. 43. You are never too old to go to college and gain some (QUALIFY)... 44. My greatest (ACHIEVE) ____ 5 _. Was graduating from the university. 45. Some old laws are no longer (EFFECT) 46. He was caught shoplifting so now he has a (CRIME) . record. 47. Despite her severe (DISABLE) life. she fulfilled her goals in 48. Being (EMPLOY) .. someone. is the worst thing that can happen to 49. If you buy presents in the summer, your (SAVE) very high. 50. Due to the pilot's (GUIDE) . safely. 51. It's important to also see the less (DESIRE) . the job. 52. I was surprised at his (REFUSE) 53. Children are by nature (AWARE) .. _ of danger. 54. She is always (RESPECT) .__ _.. towards her parents. 55. The hospital has the best medical (EQUIP) _. and fast ambulances. 56. You can relax in the comfortable (SURROUND) _.._........ of the hotel. 57. The (ENTER) __. 58. Artists must be (CREATE) . what they see or hear. 59. Why are you so (CRITIC) 60. He's too shy to look people (DIRECT) 61. Have they put the Christmas (DECORATE) 00 an wu. 00Ked dark and there were hardly any other guests. otherwise, they just repeat _... Of his work? He's just doing his best. _ when he talks to them. yet? 62. They put too many unnecessary (ADD) 63. | (HONEST) Just ignore him. 64. Extraterrestrial life has not been (SCIENCE) ____ 65. Music and television are forms of (ENTERTAIN) ,, think that there's no point in arguing with him. proved yet. 5 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 8 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 66. The concert didn't live up to our (EXPECT) 67. The electric company admitted their (RESPOND) the blackout. 68. Did you use to have (ALLOW) ___. as a child? 69. | don't like those trousers, no matter how (FASHION) .___ they are. 70. Life (EXPECT) 71. We need to find a (SOLVE) . _ varies according to country and gender. .. to the problem as soon as possible. 72, Juan speaks English fluently and makes very few (GRAMMAR) ... mistakes. 73. The teacher keeps a record of every student's (ATTEND) .. 74. Air-conditioning is a (NECESSARY) _ like the south of Spain. 75. Don't be afraid of the dog. He’s absolutely (HARM) if you live somewhere 76. The company is trying hard to improve customer (SATISFY) .. 77. Measures were taken around the world to (TIGHT) airport security after the 11 September attacks. 78. We're going to change our suppliers as they have become very (RELY) __ in the last year. 79, Patricia's very (CREATE) . and makes mosaics. ... She writes short stories, paints 80. We need your (SIGN) at the bottom of the page. 81. The index at the back of the book is in (ALPHABET) order. 82. The fans waved (EXCITE)... the limousine. .. a8 the film star stepped out of 83. Chickenpox is a highly (INFECT) oon censscueneee disease which many people catch as a child. 84. Matt is very (COMPETE) .._. everything. 85. Harry loves cars and he’s so (KNOWLEDGE) ... them, 86. There is little (LIKELY) .. ww. 4e wants to be number one at . about __ of the president being re-elected 6 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 6 chuyén, HSG bdo thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 87. The prime minister thinks there may be a (CONSPIRE) overthrow him. 88. In (COMPARE) . relatively cheap. ... to with Tokyo, London and Paris are 89. The police were unable to (PROOF) .. that she had committed the crime. 90. The president's speech went on for so long that | almost died of (BORE) 91. Naomi and Kurt have three children. Naomi also has a daughter from a previous (MARRY) 92. The film was so (PREDICT) .. going to end. . You knew exactly how it was 93. The government is concerned about the significant rise in (HOMELESS) 94, It has been (SCIENTIFIC) lower your blood pressure. _...proven that stroking a cat can 95. Thanks to the large (INHERIT) inal ..from her grandmother, Paula was able to buy a villa in the south of France. 96. You can (SWEET) ... 97. You need to (CLEAR) ..._. your tea with honey instead of sugar. the final point of the presentation. It's rather confusing. 98. The film turned out to be a big (DISAPPOINT) It was really quite boring. 99. The (RIVAL) oc asnnensnnenee between the city’s two football teams is often quite fierce. 100. Lizzy has just won a (SCHOLAR) ...t0 a world-renowned university. 101. It's (POINT) sss. @fguing with them. They are not going to change their mind. 102. You will need your parents’ (PERMIT) if you want to go on the school trip. 103. Thank you so much for the flowers. It's very (THOUGHT) ... you. of 7 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 D6 chuyén, HSG bdo thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 104. I've (PLACE) ..__. 105. Don't forget to (CONNECT) finished using it. _.. my wallet. Have you seen it anywhere? _u.the modem when you have 106. Ben sulks like a child when he doesn't get his own way. He's so (MATURE) | _. He's bound to get the 107. Oliver's CV is truly (IMPRESS) . job. It's totally (UNDERSTAND) you were sick. 109. Don't laugh at his stupid jokes! You'll only (COURAGE) him to say them again. 110. That sidewalk is (SLIP). 1 108 ® that you stayed home when ., almost fell! After Monday, | will no longer be a foreigner. | am receiving my (CITIZEN) ___ ! 112. Arthur will be very lonely unless you (FRIEND) 0. him. 113. Every afternoon, the cooks (SHARP) . preparation for dinner. 114. | hate being around Mary Lou, she is so (FRIENDLY) 115. The stock market crash of 1929 left my great-grandfather (PENNY) 116. | have a class at 8 a.m. but | always (SLEEP) _ 117. The groom may (VEIL)... have been exchanged. .. the bride only when their vows 118. | think we should try something else. That strategy seems way to (RISK) 119. My father’s death left me with a great (EMPTY) __ Saat my heart. 120. George W. Bush is pretending that he attacked Iraq to (LIBERTY) the Iraqis. 121. Americans fought hard to earn their (FREE) one from. Britain. 122, When you work at a nuclear power plant, you have to be extremely (CARE) 8 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 6 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 123. Every time | think I've beaten you, you (DO) ... me! 124. | had to take three months off when | was pregnant, but my boss has been very (UNDERSTAND) . 125. He will (CORK) dinner. 126. You need to work on your orthography so you don't (SPELL) these words. 127. The weather (CAST) . windy! 128. You're in a (CHEER) 129. The service offers young people (PRACTICE) ... connunneun adVIC® On finding a job. 130. Could you give me a quick (EXPLAIN) .. 131. | thought the film was really (EXCITE) 132. Sonya is the most (INTELLIGENCE) girl in the class. 133. | never get (BORE) . _...With watching football 134. My sister's hobbies are quite (DIFFER) from mine. 135. My boyfriend is very (ATTRACT) 136. My watch is old but it’s stil very (RELY) the wine as soon as we are ready for looks bad for a picnic — rainy and mood this morning. _. of how it works? 137. If you want to work as a stuntman you must be completely (FEAR) . 138. Astrologers charge a lot of money for their (PREDICT) 139. The mother punished her child for being (OBEDIENCE) 140. Flight attendants need to be (FLEXIBILITY) _.. because they work irregular hours. od 14 142. Unfortunately, their attempt to reach the North Pole was (SUCCESS) . Jim's a good teacher because he has a lot of (PATIENT) .. 14; Ss ‘Students who study hard will (PROBABLE) grades in their exams. 144. She fell off the horse but (FORTUNE) 146. | tried aerobics but it was too (ENERGY) 00... forme. 146. Who can resist the (GLAMOROUS) _... of Hollywood? 9 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU’ LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 get good __she wasn't injured. a 6 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 147. | adore sentimental love stories. I'm very (ROMANCE) . 148. My cousin used to be rather silly but he's more (SENSE) these days. 149, (LONELY) .. 150. He will never get to the top because he lacks (MOTIVE) .. 151. This year's harvest was one of the most (SUCCESS) .. since the record crop of 1985, 162. It's cool and quiet everywhere (EXCEPTION) .. is a problem most teenagers have. 153. The Sultan spent over fifty million dollars making the capital city’s main hotel the most (LUXURY) in the country. 154. Police working on solving the bank robbery have by chance (COVER) _..@ plan to murder a leading politician. 155. We should go and eat at “Franco's” which is (SUPPOSE) great little restaurant. 156. | left the house at 8 a.m. and stared at the empty garage in (BELIEVE) My car was nowhere to be seen. Someone had stolen it! 197. If you have any problems finding things, just ask Roger. He is very (HELP) _..and will tell you where to find what you want. 158. You paid $25 for a simple breakfast?! They have certainly (CHARGE) _.. youl! You should go back and complain. 159. The gang robbed three banks in the same city and all at about the same time. Not (SURPRISE) . they were caught by the police during the fourth attempt. 160. Sarina is only my half-sister because we have (DIFFER) . mothers. 16" . This queue hasn't moved in five minutes. I'm getting a bit (PATIENT) 162. Politicians should spend some time living on the streets like (HOME) a people have to and then they would understand better the problems they have. 163. Carl was calmly taking a photograph as this (ASTONISH) ._ ae large bear walked towards the car. It was a terrifying experience... at least for me! 10 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 6 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” voi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 164. If you go walking around the factory, ensure you have (PROTECT)... clothing on. 165. Are you sure you have cleaned the kitchen? There is still a pretty (PLEASANT) _.. Smell coming from it 166. Be sure not to put more than three (SPOON) __ into the mix, otherwise it will be too alcoholic. 167 a Finding a cure for cancer will be a huge (MEDICINE) . breakthrough for mankind. 168. Buying and selling antiques can be a very (PROFIT) .. hobby if you know how to find a good bargain 169. We were left without any money for the last part of our holiday because we had (ESTIMATE) the cost of the train ticket to Norway. 170. Mr. Transom stared (CROSS) talking in the corner and they shut up immediately, _.at the group of students 17 . Jennings is so (WONDER)... enthusiastic about the game that his enthusiasm spreads to his teammates and the result is usually a strong performance. 172. | think | was (FAIR) . company to court. sacked and have decided to bring the 173. Have you seen my handbag, John? It seems to have totally (APPEAR) 174, You know, your father is the most (FASHION) .... person in the world. He is sure to be wearing one of his old sweaters to the party. People will need to see (SCIENCE) _.. provable information before they can believe in something like lfe on other planets. 17! a 176. Itisn’t very (LIKE) oo that Paula is at home, is it? She usually works at this time. 177. Megan was told by her dietician that she was becoming (DANGER) ._ thin and should eat more. 178. (VARY) is the spice of life, says the proverb and everyone should try and do new things and meet new people to avoid becoming bored. 179. Harry had a difficult (CHILD) . an aunt and uncle living in the country. _. and was brought up by 11 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 6 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay" véi nhal Messag page: “Hoc V6i Otto Channel” 180. The whole dispute began after a small (AGREE) _.over the money needed to finance the new company 181. The introduction of insecticides in the 20th century (REVOLUTION) agriculture across the world. 182. All the coastal towns in this area are (CHARACTER)... by strong tradition of dance and there is a festival of dance that takes place every August 183. My company has spent a lot of money building a new, (COMPUTER) _ factory which will nearly double production. 184. | was just trying to be (FRIEND) accused me of wanting his money! towards him and he 185. The southwest of England, for example Devon and Cornwall, is known as the (SUN) _.. Part of the United Kingdom. 186. What you may think is (HOSTILE) _ enthusiasm. He would never harm anyone. 187. Anyone being rude and (ABUSE) to leave the premises immediately. 188. Men have more of a (TEND) to put weight on around the waist and stomach areas, and this is something they should be aware of. _is really just over- to our staff will be asked 189. Three weeks after winning the lottery, Daniel Perkins had the (FORTUNE) ... to lose a court case in which he was being sued for nearly $2 million. 190. The pharmaceutical company's (SEARCH) discovered a better way of combining medicines to create a flu remedy. . The babies were put up for (ADOPT) mother was jailed for her part in the murder. 192. Herbert has been a(n) (DISPENSE) company's staff. | don’t know what I would do without him! have 19 _.when their _..member of this 193. The food at the restaurant was simply delicious. | just didn’t think there was enough (VARY) 194, Even though the actors did quite a poor job of bringing the book to the stage, the (PRODUCE) .. was of the highest quality. 195. Even though he is only 17, he is a very (PROMISE) __ tennis player who could have a big future in the game. 12 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 D6 chuyén, HSG bdo thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 196. The stock market has risen (CONSIDER)... months and now is a good time to invest. 197. The (INVENT) . of the printer is often believed to have been ‘one of the most important of the last 500 years. in the last six 198. My brother chose that university because it does a very well recommended (JOURNALIST) ___ course and that's what he has always wanted to do. 199. Hamish had the (FORTUNE) to lose his job only three weeks after getting married. But things turned out alright in the end, 200. There will be a special (SAFE) 7 morning at 9 a.m. which everyone has to attend 201. The modernisation of the factory (DOUBLE)... productivity but unfortunately, many people lost their jobs. _Meeting tomorrow 20: 8 All students must take English and Mathematics. Then they must choose two other courses, but the course in International Relations is (OPTION) 20. 2 It is my dream to work in the ship-building industry but unfortunately, there is so much (EMPLOY) ._. around that | may have to alter my ambitions. 204. Too much of the food we eat nowadays is full of chemicals and other (ADD) 205. Come to my house tomorrow, (PREFER)... a8 early as possible 206. | do like your new friend Jasper. He tells the funniest jokes and seems to be a very (ENTERTAIN) __ young man. 207. He has just asked me for money again. That's the (THREE) _.__ time and he doesn't seem to understand the word “no”! 208. How long do we have to sit in this police station waiting? It's making me feel very (EASY) . _.Watching all these criminals walking past. 209. He did a good report on the future of the shipbuilding industry but | didn’t agree with his (CONCLUDE) ...atall, 210. I'm afraid Mr. Perkins is (AVAILABLE)... _at the moment. He seems to be in a meeting. Is there any message you would like me to pass on to him? 211. People with (ABLE) have been demanding better access to the local government buildings downtown. They want a wheelchair ramp built and electric sliding doors. 13 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 ‘8 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 212. | don’t speak Spanish very well but | can read it quite (EASY) 213. | accepted the job without (HESITATE) .. what the wage was! 214. Stop sitting there looking so bored and (ENTHUSIASM) Get up and find something to do! | don’t want you sitting around the house like this all summer. ...when | heard 21 a Yesterday, the government announced a $10 million increase in the town's budget to try and tackle the (HOUSE) .. problem that exists. 216. The act of (FRANCHISE) _ should be prohibited under any circumstances. Everyone all has equal rights to vote. 217. The boss ordered his staff to be (LABOR) .. other in dealing with the company’s end-of-year burden. ... With each 21 @ . Itis such a (LUCK) _... Story that the mom lost her child when her family immigrated from Africa into Europe 219. The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to (MYSTERY)... _.. the murder case. 220. The government stressed it was not abandoning its tough (INFLATE)... policies. 221. The woman detected her (CANCER) ae, COnditions soon after she felt ill in her body. 222. | cast my eyes (HEAVEN) . line. (SERVICE) ... ... Programs are offered to those who want to do professional training while being paid to work and saw the geese flying in V- 22. 8 224. It is inhumane to sell (MEMBER) ___ . limbs of the animals, ‘such as rhinoceros or elephants, in the | market place. 225. He was regarded as a(RUN) opponents in three straight sets. .. winner as he beat his 226. Although some hold out hope for a sea wall and land reclamation programme, it is admittedly nothing more than a mere (STOP) A(n) (MAKE) She is (DIE) 22 22 S ... i implanted in the body to prop up the heart. 2 _.. gorgeous in that gown 14 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 6 chuyén, HSG bdo thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc VGi Otto Channel” 229. His behavior at the party was (ERR) .. , which went beyond everyone's expectations. 231 s The advent of computers was one of the (NOTE) ___ milestones in the mankind's history. 231. His condition was so serious (MUCH) in hospital for a month 232. Pending the (TAKE) on a huge number of backlogs. 233. Itis IRK) neighbor's house. 234. Like many other (TECHNICAL) . use hi-tech gears. _. a8 he had to stay of KFC, the manager had to catch up to be woken up by the noisy music from the of my age, | dread to 235. Bacteria derived from (MENINGES) oo... _ disease can be contagious among people having reciprocal contact. 236. The woman is getting older. She is now in the (LIGHT) . year of her age 237. Chemicals are easily (ACTION) .. the atmosphere for a long time. they are laid open in 238. The spectators booed as the referee did not disallow the (SIDE) _ goal. 239, The government must work at full tit to promote the economy and reduce the (EFFICIENT) . 240. The Earth is experiencing a major (HEAVE) . in the climate. 241. My (MARK) . is the unique thing that distinguishes me from others. 242. Children who grow up in peace tend to be more (ADAPT) _.. than those who grow up in war. 243, My mother (VOUCH) after | got bad grades in my exam. 244, He is a(n) (WILL). his family. _.me a great deal of encouragement man. He does not gain any ground in 245. You can look at the (ADD) .. elucidation of these new words. ..... Of this Chinese book to see the 18 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 ‘6 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 246. The reaction that occurs within the cell is called (CELL) reaction. 247. He was (TANGLE) ___ he moved to this rural area. 248. | (SHALL) __ ... from the hustle and bustle of life since _.. Over Whether to go abroad or not. 249. Many people nowadays want to indulge themselves in (KNOW) .__ industries such as finance and the like. 250. Please accept this (REMEMBER) _u. 8 @ reminder of your stay here. 251. A(n) (WOLF) .. ...i8 the one who tums into wolf during full moon 252. Nitrogen oxide is a(n) (ATOM) .. compound of oxygen and nitrogen. 253. The story broadens the horizon of the children about their (BEAR) __. 254. I met my old friend at the supermarket this morning, which was quite (FORTUNE) 255. The mall has intrigued a great number of visitors since it was (GRAND) _ last month. 256. She cast her eyes (STREET) man looking at her. _and saw a mysterious 257. The girl excelled herself at the exam and came (THREE) ... to the two boys. 258. Scientists from Russia, America and Japan have recently filled the periodic table’s seventh row with four (HEAVE) . chemical elements. 259. It is a misconception that (OXYGEN) ___ human blood is blue. 260. The house is painted in such a(n) (SAVOUR) ..... _. style, 261. In this modern day, you have to keep yourself (DATE) _ 80 as not to lag behind others. 262. This book is (EMBRACE) ..... - You ean find information about the varieties of plants around the world here. 263. The little rainfall (BODE) village. _...@ poor crop for farmers in this 16 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 ‘8 chuyén, HSG bdo thay “thom lay’ véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc V6i Otto Channel” 264. That word is such a(n) (JAW) .. pronounce at all. 265. (SEPTIC) to kill the bacteria. 266. Due to the prolonged (CONTENT) . than we had expected Found in (DOWN) demolished. (DOCTRINE) __. television 269. He laid his desk (HEAP) _ of stuff. 270. Itis (ODD). Nothing can prevent him X-rays, known as a form of (RADIAL) . utiized nowadays to diagnose medical conditions. It is not easy to and disinfectants are widely used in hospital ., the goods arrived later 26) g .... condition, the house is intended to be 26! @ of violence has been possible by means of _. It is untidily filled with all kinds ....that he will press ahead with his project 27 are widely 272. His misunderstanding of the situation resulted in his (COMPOSE) _ Everyone could make out the embarrassing remarks on his face. 273, The minister (ACCENT) .. opening speech 274. Even the most (ART) the teachers in the future. the fight against hunger in his _.. ©quipment cannot replace the role of 275. America is considered one of the biggest (POWER) the world. 276. The water (FILL) .. can damage the walls if not managed properly and timely, _ in the building is of great concern. It 277. He took off his hat and a pigeon flew out. It was (GUILE) trick. 278. In a (DOUBT) manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his voice. 279. You should not assess a situation from such a(n) (LATERAL) . side. 280. The homeless woman pleaded for a shelter from the rain in a(n) (PASSION) tone. 417 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 ‘D6 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom ly” véi nhal Messag page: “Hoc V6i Otto Channel” 281. The man reported than he had seen a(n) (EGG) which might well be a UFO. 282. The coal cellar needs to be equipped with (VENT) . system in order to prevent suffocation. object, 283. The advent of Internet is an important (MARK) history, 284. His face showed the remark of (FLIP) were talking about seriously. 285. What you know is rather (FACIES) just through a cursory glance. _. And it is unfair to judge 286. Moving (CLOCK) .. osu i Moving in a direction opposite to the direction the hands of the clock moves. 287. Reta is studying animal (GENE)... 288. The crews fortuitously discovered a (STOW) ship's cool chamber. 289. The man was (STOW) . child out of the burning house. _.. at the Oxford university. in the _... on a medal for bravely taking a 290. The report has (POINT) _ the past decades. the cause of global warming in 29 . It may take more than a month to deliver our car from Germany to Vietnam as it is (SHIP) 292. “Titanic” is an example of (SHIP) van FOMaNCE. 293. The machine cannot work properly as a direct result of (ALIGN) __ 294. There used to be a (HOLD) now become a historical site. 295. Andy was (COMMUNICATE) . group due to his poor attitude. _..in Quang Tri, whose remains from the volunteer 296. | was so (KNEE) 297. The government (NEGATE) of confidential information. ... that even a spider scared me. _..its responsibility in the leakage 298. Try not to be (VAIN). even if you are tremendously successful. 299. Bob is a(n) (TYPE) _... of an intelligent student. 18 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 ‘BB chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 300. The government's policy to soothe the anger among people was (CHRONOLOGY) . . It should have happened earlier. Tom's collection is such a(n) (MASH) connection between things 302. | was completely (MUSE) get married. 30) There is no by the fact that he was going to 303. Sleeping during day and working when night comes sounds seemingly (SCIENCE) 304. | question whether a spectacle so fantastic and impressive was ever dealt with, even in the pages of (SCIENCE) , fiction. 305. Adam's gait is a(n) (WORD) .. 306. The apricot blossom (GERM) for his strong personality. _ during spring, 307. In an (EVOLVE) ._.. into the swing of the environment. world, people have to change to get 308. | (RECK) the distance from my house to the Ann's hospital and arrived there rather late. 309. Harry Porter's personality is successfully (LINE) Rowling throughout her series. Your (SENSE) ... cectntnnenee saying last night could hurt other people's feelings although you might not intend to say so. What Thuy Minh said has provoked violent (BLAST) from critics as well as celebrities. by JK. 3 3 3 312. You are becoming a(n) (LAY) what happens. 313. A (SPECTRUM) _..i an instrument that separates light into a frequency spectrum and records the signal using a camera _.. Just go outside and see 314. Cindy showed (FALTER) always believes him 315. Securing a (CLERK) 316. This place is an (EXCLUDE) to people who work in the Parliamentary House only _.. Support at Josh's project. She job is most people's dreams. Zone, which is restricted 317. He was (NIGHT) forest. by the darkness and got lost in the 19 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 6 chuyén, HSG bo thay “thom lay” véi nha! Messag page: “Hoc V6i Otto Channel” 318, He was (ENDOW) make up for it. Any (MALICE)... competition. 320. Surely all women must have (MOTHER) ._ human race would die out. with intelligence but he tried hard to 31 2 cau gimmicks are forbidden in this _.instinct or the 32) Putting up with noise coming from the neighbor is probably the most (TO) . thing 322. The leader was taken into custody, which brought an end to the (SURGE) 323. The spectacular view of Sa Pa has (RAPTURE) _____ visitors. 324. Andy has received such (WONT) himself in the school's play. ...many _.fame after he tried 325. The aridity in that area (TOKEN) evseeennee @ POT CFOP. 326. Some people argue that money has (BASE) 327. This remote village bore the (PREDATOR) .. 328. “People” is a (SYLLABLE) . 329. The young boy was (WAY) asked the innocent for money. 330. Taking that old lady for a ride is (CONSCIENCE) 331. To achieve the (SENTENCE) nme logic, you have to employ certain techniques of using connectives like “and”, “or” in the right place within the sentence. 332. This chair is almost too (ANNUAL) one! 333. Underground nuclear (TONE) been carried out. $0 replace it with a new ..are believed to have 334. The opponents of nuclear power may object to the scheme for some (MENTION) ce _...feasons. 335. Every point in his speech is (PERSPEX) _. Which allows the audience to follow easily. 336. The (MICRO) .. _... i$ used to measure the smallest things! 20 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 6 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” vi nha! Messag page: “Hoc V6i Otto Channel” 337. His (TERMINAL) 338. Many (BUSINESS) the economic development. 339. A(n) (ARRANGE) talking annoys the teachers a lot. Policies have come into force to boost schedule assists me in passing the day smoothly. 340. Allowing yourself anything you like makes you a (INDULGE) __ figure. 341, Mary (POSTULATE) with her husband about his budget this month. 342. Itis impossible to (SAY) _.. his excellence at work. 343. People in coastal area live mainly on the (CULTURE) which allows them to earn a great deal of money from the sea products 344. People felt a great pity for the time spent to see such a(n) (ABYSS) film. 345. Every book has a (WORD) . about their masterpiece. _... including what the authors say 346. | cannot imagine why there are such (HEART) _ . people in this world. Don't they feel any sympathy for the homeless? 347. | will bring my umbrella along on the (CHANCE) . _... that it rains. 348. The dramatic decrease in the (PUT) __ can be a direct result of underpayment. _of this factory 349. The contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan can cause (LIFE) consequences. Itis a (KNOW) .. were invented during World War |. His recent unpredictable mood (STRANGE) his friends. Iwas (LOVE) . sight. 35 3 fact that the vegetarian sausages 35: ... him from 35: » _..and fell in love with her immediately at first .. cloth. 353. The camera must be clean with a soft (WRING) Otherwise, the water will permeate and cause damage. 354. His recent ups and downs made the criminal more (BITE) than ever. 21 | KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 6 chuyén, HSG bao thay “thom lay” voi nha! Messag page: “Hoc Véi Otto Channel” 355. John Gena used to be in his (DAY) . in WWE but since his dislocation, he had to leave for operation and it would take him a long time to make a full recovery. 356. Bats use (LOCATION) hunting prey. _..to navigate in the dark when 357. He was lying, indicated by the (TELL) hands were shivering. .. Sign that his 358. Thanks to the (NOTE) . at the bottom of the page, the Chinese — Vietnamese poem becomes more accessible. 359. The dog seems rather (SEE) fed for days. 360. (VEIN) ; it must not have been injection is the most common way to inject drugs. 361. (ACT)... medication brings about a quick relief but it is not recommended for long-term treatment. DSH 9 wey KH WANT TANNVHO OLLO 190A 90H» 362. Ivan's camera now (FUNCTION) ... dropped it into the pool. _.because he carelessly 363. Mary told the doctor about her stomach’s (FUNCTION) __ didn't seem to work properly. 364. A cockroach can continue to live for a few days even if itis (CAPITA) 365. Their house is decorated in such a (DESCRIBE) that it fit in with other houses. 366. (BODY) : make a living on their own. way SO — people are strong and healthy ones who can 367. I spent the whole evening (CLUTTER) .. house _my messy 368. Remember to read every (PRINT) __ it can be a trap for the unwary. in the contract because 369. I did my project in my own way, not in a (TREAD) one. 370. From six o'clock (ON) _._. sees... 1M home! 371. Some of the (DEPEND)

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