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NST 021: National Service Training Program 1

Lesson #2 Student Activity Sheet

Lesson title: The NSTP Law (RA 9163) Materials:

Learning Targets: Student Activity Sheets (SASs), Pen
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
and Paper, gadget for online
1. Identify the provision and policies of NSTP
Law (RA 9163).
2. Appreciate the importance of implementation
of NSTP program.

A. CONNECT (5 mins)

Hello, everyone! How’s everything going?

If you feel that you're bombarded with tasks, don't forget to protect yourself and your overall
well- being. Just take a few minutes of quiet time before you start again. You just have to recharge
yourselffor you to become efficient and productive again. Take a deep breath in, breath out!

For today's CONNECT question:

Instructions: Please provide your honest response on the following questions. Limit your answer
tonot more than 3 sentences.

1. What is NSTP for you?

2. Why do you think it is necessary to take the NSTP course?

B. COACH (Do and Think) (40 mins)

Take your time to read and understand all the information you need to know about NSTP. Don’t
forget to highlight important information you need to remember.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

NST 021: National Service Training Program 1
Lesson #2 Student Activity Sheet
*What is the National Service Training Service Program?

➢ It is a mandated program in the curricula of all baccalaureate degree courses of at least two
(2) year technical-vocational or associate courses in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs),
Private Higher Education Institutes, and Technical-vocational Educational Institutions, and is
a requirement for graduation.
➢ -It had been signed into law by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in response to the
public clamorfor reforms in the Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Program. *What is the
purpose of NSTP Law?

➢ NSTP aims to promote and integrate values education, transformational leadership, spirit of
patriotism and nationalism and sustainable social mobilization for youth development,
community building and national security.

➢ The primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote the role of the youth in nation-
building. As such, it aims to encourage the youth to become civic and/or military leaders and
volunteers whom couldbe called upon by the nation in cases their services are needed.

*What are the program components of the NSTP?

Reserve Officers Program Civic Welfare Training

Training Corps (ROTC components NSTP Services

Literacy Training Services

• Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) refers to the program component designed to
provide military training to tertiary level students to motivate, train, organize, and
mobilize them for national defense.
• Literacy Training Services (LTS) refers to the program component designed to train
the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school
youth, and other segments of society.
• Civic Welfare Training Services (CWTS) refers to the program component or activities
contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

NST 021: National Service Training Program 1
Lesson #2 Student Activity Sheet
community or the enhancements of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving
health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation, and morale of the
citizenry and other social welfare services.

*What are the two provisions under the 1987 constitution which serves as the guiding light of the NSTP
• Article II. Section 4. The prime duty of the government is to serve and protect
people. Thegovernment may call upon the people to defend the State and in the
fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required under conditions provided by law,
to render personal or military services.
• Article II. Section 3. The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation building
and shallpromote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social
well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism, nationalism and encourage their
involvement in public and civicaffairs.

*Who are required to take/undergo National Service Training Program?

➢ All incoming freshmen students in any baccalaureate and at least in any two year-technical
and or vocational associate courses.

Skill building Activity: (15 mins)

Instructions: Make your own output about the importance of each component of NSTP in the
society in particular and country in general.

They can use the Following type of output;

• Poster Making
• Venn Diagram
• Flow Chart
• Infographics

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

NST 021: National Service Training Program 1
Lesson #2 Student Activity Sheet

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

NST 021: National Service Training Program 1
Lesson #2 Student Activity Sheet

As a student, how can all the knowledge and skills you have learned from NSTP course help you in
becoming a responsible citizen of this country? Limit your answer in not more than five (5) sentences.
_ _ _ ___
_ _ _ ___
_ _ _ ___
_ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _

C. CHECK (15 mins)

Check for

Understanding: (10mins.)

Instructions: Write T if the statement is true or correct; F if otherwise.

__1. ROTC was designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to
motivate, train, organize, and mobile them for national defense preparedness.

__2. The NSTP Law or Republic Act 9164 is a program aimed at enhancing civic
consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service
and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its three (3) components.

__3. Article 2 section 4 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution emphasizes that the government
may call upon the people to defend the state and, in the fulfillment, thereof, all citizens may
be required to render personal or military services.
Think about learning/ lesson take-away (5 mins)
__4. Through CWTS and LTS, the students will be required to carry out projects and services
contributory to the general welfare and betterment of life of community people as embodied
under the objectives and program of instructions of the curricular program.

__5. As stated in the NSTP Law, all incoming freshmen, both male and female, enrolled in any
baccalaureate and at least two (2)-year technical-vocational or associate courses, are
required to complete one (1) NSTP component of their choice, as a graduation requirement.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

NST 021: National Service Training Program 1
Lesson #2 Student Activity Sheet

Lesson take-away (10 mins)

What have you learned from Instructions: Now that you have accomplished the
lesson, take a few minutes to reflect on the quality of your work and effort by answering
the questions below.

a. What did you like about this lesson? Why did it make you feel this way?
How does this feeling affect your work?

b. What parts were challenging for you to do? Why are these parts challenging for you?

1. Am I allowed to take different program components for my NSTP 1 and 2?

Answer: No. You have to take six (6) units of the same component to
complete NSTP. According to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of
the National Service Training Programs mentioned in Rule III, Section 4, “you
are required to complete one (1) NSTP component of your choice as a
graduation requirement”.

2. Am I allowed to take NSTP 2 before

NSTP 1? Answer: No. NSTP 1 is

prerequisite for NSTP 2.

3. How much time is needed to complete the NSTP?

Answer: Each of the NSTP program components shall be undertaken for an

academic period of two semesters (NSTP 1 and 2) or an equivalent one-
semester integrated (N 1-2 ) course. The allotted time for NSTP classes per
semesters is 54-90 hours. The whole NSTP program weighs six units and
should be taken for two (2) semesters, three units each semester.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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