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Creating a custom Dark Magician deck in Yu-Gi-Oh! can be a fun and strategic endeavor.

Magician is a popular archetype that revolves around summoning and supporting the iconic Dark
Magician monster. Here's a basic guide to help you build your custom Dark Magician deck:


1. **Dark Magician x3:** The heart of your deck. Dark Magician is your main monster and can
be easily summoned with various support cards.

2. **Magician of Dark Magician x3:** This card allows you to summon Dark Magician from
your hand or graveyard by banishing a Spellcaster monster from your field or graveyard. It's a
quick way to get your Dark Magician on the field.

3. **Magician's Rod x3:** This card helps you search for Dark Magician-related spells. When
it's Normal Summoned, you can add a Spell/Trap card that lists Dark Magician in its text from
your deck to your hand.

4. **Apprentice Illusion Magician x2:** This card can be Special Summoned from your hand by
discarding a Spellcaster-type monster. It can also gain levels based on the number of Dark
Magician or Magician of Black Chaos in your graveyard.

5. **Magician's Souls x2:** This card lets you draw 2 cards and then discard 1, but you must
send a Spellcaster monster from your hand or deck to the graveyard. It's a great way to thin your
deck and get key cards in your graveyard.

6. **Dark Magician Girl x1:** An alternative monster that can be useful in certain situations and
has synergy with other Dark Magician support cards.

7. **Palladium Oracle Mahad x1:** This card can be Special Summoned from your hand if you
draw it while you control no monsters. It's a strong beater and can provide some additional
drawing power.

1. **Dark Magical Circle x3:** When a Dark Magician is Normal or Special Summoned, you
can banish a card from your opponent's field. You also get to look at the top 3 cards of your deck
and add a Spell/Trap that lists Dark Magician in its text to your hand.

2. **Allure of Darkness x3:** Draw 2 cards by banishing a DARK monster from your hand. It
helps you dig deeper into your deck.

3. **The Eye of Timaeus x2:** This Spell card lets you fuse Dark Magician with certain
Dragon-type monsters to summon powerful Fusion monsters like Dark Magician the Dragon

4. **Soul Servant x2:** This card lets you draw 2 cards if you have a Spellcaster monster on the
field. You can also discard cards to send Dark Magician or Spell/Trap cards that list Dark
Magician in their text to the graveyard.

5. **Illusion Magic x2:** Discard 1 card to add 2 Dark Magicians from your deck, hand, or
graveyard to your hand. It's a quick way to gather Dark Magicians for summoning.


1. **Eternal Soul x2:** This Trap card protects your Dark Magicians from destruction and
allows you to Special Summon a Dark Magician from your hand or graveyard when it's

2. **Magician Navigation x3:** This card lets you Special Summon a Dark Magician from your
hand or graveyard when a Spellcaster is Normal or Special Summoned while it's in your hand. It
also allows you to negate a summon and destroy the monster.

3. **Dark Renewal x1:** This Trap card lets you Special Summon a Dark Magician from your
hand, deck, or graveyard by tributing a Spellcaster monster your opponent controls.
Remember that the above deck list is just a starting point. You can adjust the ratios of cards
based on your playstyle and preferences. You can also add other Spellcaster or Dark Magician-
related support cards as needed. Be sure to playtest your deck and make adjustments as you see

Certainly, adding more trap cards to your Dark Magician deck can provide additional control, protection,
and disruption to your strategy. Here's an example of how you could adjust your Dark Magician deck to
include more trap cards:


1. **Eternal Soul x3:** This Trap card is a key component of your deck. It protects your Dark Magicians
from destruction and allows you to Special Summon a Dark Magician from your hand or graveyard when
it's activated.

2. **Magician Navigation x3:** This powerful Trap lets you Special Summon a Dark Magician from your
hand or graveyard while also providing disruption by allowing you to negate a summon and destroy the
summoned monster.

3. **Dark Renewal x2:** This Trap card is another option for Special Summoning a Dark Magician and
can disrupt your opponent's plays by tributing their monsters.

4. **Solemn Judgment x2:** This trap allows you to negate a summon, spell, or trap by paying half your
life points. It's a versatile card for controlling your opponent's actions.

5. **Solemn Strike x2:** Another powerful counter trap that lets you negate the summon or activation
of a monster effect and destroy it.

6. **Torrential Tribute x1:** This trap card can be used to wipe the field of monsters, allowing you to
set up your Dark Magician plays without interference.

7. **Mirror Force x1:** A classic trap that can clear your opponent's attacking monsters from the field.
8. **Bottomless Trap Hole x1:** This trap can banish a monster that's Special Summoned with 1500 or
more ATK. It's a good way to remove threats from your opponent's field.

9. **Dark Bribe x2:** This trap can negate your opponent's spell or trap card and allow them to draw a
card in return. It provides disruption while potentially giving your opponent a less advantageous card.

Remember, the number of traps you include depends on your preference for control and disruption. You
can adjust the ratios based on the overall balance you want to achieve between monsters, spells, and
traps. Playtesting will help you determine which traps work best for your playstyle and against the types
of decks you commonly face.

Adding "Maxx "C"" to your Dark Magician deck prototype can be a strong choice, but it's important to
consider how it fits into your overall strategy and the current state of the Yu-Gi-Oh! metagame. "Maxx
"C"" is a powerful hand trap that can provide you with card advantage by allowing you to draw cards
when your opponent Special Summons monsters.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to include "Maxx "C"" in your Dark Magician

1. **Metagame Consideration:** The effectiveness of "Maxx "C"" can depend on the metagame and the
types of decks you frequently encounter. If your opponents tend to rely heavily on Special Summons and
swarm the field with monsters, "Maxx "C"" can be a great disruption tool.

2. **Synergy:** "Maxx "C"" works well in decks that have a focus on interruption and control, as it can
discourage opponents from overcommitting to the field. Dark Magician decks tend to focus on
summoning Dark Magician and related monsters, so you need to ensure that "Maxx "C"" doesn't hinder
your own strategy.

3. **Consistency:** While "Maxx "C"" can provide card advantage, it's important to consider how
consistent your deck is in terms of Special Summoning. If your deck doesn't frequently Special Summon
multiple times in a turn, "Maxx "C"" might not give you as much advantage as in other decks.

4. **Deck Space:** Consider the number of cards in your main deck and the space available for new
additions. Including "Maxx "C"" might require removing other cards, and you should evaluate if it's
worth the trade-off.
5. **Matchup Variability:** Some matchups might not heavily rely on Special Summons, making "Maxx
"C"" less effective in those situations. It's important to weigh its impact across different matchups.

6. **Playstyle:** Your personal playstyle also matters. If you prefer a more control-oriented playstyle
and enjoy disrupting your opponent's strategies, "Maxx "C"" can be a valuable addition.

In summary, adding "Maxx "C"" to your Dark Magician deck can be a strong choice if it aligns well with
your playstyle and the metagame you're facing. However, be mindful of how it fits into your overall
strategy and whether it synergizes with your deck's focus on Dark Magician-related plays. Playtesting
and adapting your deck based on your experiences will help you determine if "Maxx "C"" is a good fit for
your Dark Magician prototype.

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