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Name : NA
Matric No. : NA
Group : NA
Due date : 22 March 2020

Read the dialogue below and construct an appropriate response for each language function
indicated. Your responses must be in complete sentences.

Ali, Krishnan, Nina and Leia are discussing the impact of media on youths during their
English class.

Nina : Good morning, everyone. We are here to discuss the impact of media on
youths. As we know nowadays, media is very influential in shaping the
way young people think and behave. Media here includes television,
computers, video games and social networking sites. 1. (To invite
opinion) So Krishnan, what is your opinion about the impact of media
on youths?

Krishnan : In my opinion, media develops awareness about society and the world
among the youths. The youths usually live a sheltered life; thus, with
the exposure to media, they become more informative about the world.
It creates awareness about important issues such as political issues,
cultural issues and other news that will make them realise there is more
to the world than what is happening in their areas.

Nina : Interesting point, Krishnan! So, you’re saying that media can open the
eyes of the youths to see the world issues. Leia, what’s your opinion on
the media’s impact on youths?

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Leia 2. (To express opinion/view) In my view, I honestly believe that media

can improve the knowledge of youths which, they are the major users
of the modern day media. For example, infotainment such as YouTube
comprises educational videos, step-by-step videos and tutorial videos
which would provide them with beneficial and interesting information.
Besides, youths can watch movies, documentaries and other
entertaining videos to relax and have fun. In addition, media will…

Ali : 3. (To interrupt) I’m sorry Leia, may I say something here?

Leia : Yes, please go ahead, Ali.

Ali : 4. (To partially agree) Well…for me, I’m not sure I agree completely
with you. Although media may affect the youth positively, it also has a
very negative influence on them, as they tend to believe whatever is
shown on TV and social media.

Leia : 5. (To ask for clarification) Um…, I’m sorry Ali, but I don’t quite
understand by your statement, “they tend to believe whatever is shown
on TV and social media”. Could you elaborate more about that?

Ali : Videos especially from YouTube or TV can have strong influence on

youths. Sometimes, small incidents or events in the lives of celebrities
and other famous people are hyped up to make them more sensational.
Not only that, the rise of violence on TV and social media is worrying as
many youths are unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy. This
makes violence ‘normal’ for them. For instance, the number of school
shootings in USA is an indication of this very fact.

Nina : I get what you have said on how media can be a negative influence on
youths’ behaviour. Now, how about the impact of media on the social
skills of the youths?

Leia : Parental involvement in determining desirable programmes as well as

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what is seen on social media is the best safeguard. Parents have to

monitor and control their children’s viewing habits, and they also need to
limit the exposure of their children to social media by spending more
quality time with them.

Ali : 6. (To keep the discussion on track) Yes Leia, that is absolutely
correct but it actually raises a different issue from what we’re currently
discussing. Let’s move on to the next point shall we. I think the media
helps youths to establish and maintain friendships which is apparent in
the social media. Social media provides fun and interesting ways to
interact with peers other than seeing them in person. Social media can
also help to nurture and strengthen existing relationships where the
youths could learn to have meaningful, face-to-face exchanges.

Nina : 7. (To agree) Yes Ali, I completely agree with you. I like to add more on
your point. For example, social media is a platform for sharing thoughts
with our peers especially our age group. This platform means a lot to
youths as it encourages self-expression in the interaction with their
peers. Besides, some close friendships are formed through social
media and have benefited each other in multiple ways.

Ali : 8. (To take turns) I’d like to say something here. Media also helps
youths to keep abreast of what is happening, and it gives them the right
platform to express themselves in a manner that a public place would
not permit.

Leia : 9. (To paraphrase) Ohh…., in other words, you’re saying that media
can let the youths know about the current news on what is really
happening in the present and could help them to outright themselves
freely. Is that right?

Ali : That’s right. Another impact of media can be seen in education. Media is
used as learning tools to enhance learning, to make learning more
interactive and to ensure active learning as well as deeper engagement
in the classroom.

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Nina : Krishnan, you have been very quiet. 10. (To encourage participation)
Can I know what do you think about the points of the discussion that
we’re having right now?

Krishnan : Alright. I believe that media can give positive impacts to youths in
various ways. However, content developers for the media have to make
sure that their materials would not have a lasting negative influence on
the youths.

Nina : Okay. I think everyone has shared their opinions on the impact of the
media on youths. Let’s now bring the discussion to a close.

Submit the completed exercise in PDF format.

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