Basic Tactic For Listening

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i (renin lor ACO OP em ThA ae aad 1. Getting Ready © Put these names in the chart. Then add one more name to each list. David, Kennedy, Susan, Cindy, Wilson, Nancy, Bob, Cruise, Bri Abrams, Jackson, Smith, Steinberg, Tom First name Last name Davie Kennedy @ What name is te hotel clerk looking for? Listen and check (/) the correct name Ja. Mary Carter 2a. Suzanna Smith 3a. Harry Wilson b Maria Carter Bb. Susan Smith b. | Harvey wilson 4a Joseph Abrams Sa. Louis Jackson Ga. Marlene Cruise b Joseph Abramson b. Louise Jackson be Marley Cruise © Cindy's not at home. Her father is taking phone messages. Complete the forms. 4. Let's Listen @ We usually use a title (Ms., Mr., Mrs., Miss, Dr., Professor) with a last name, but not with a first name. Correct: "Incorrect: Good morning, Mrs. Smith. Good morning, Mrs. Mary. @ Are these greetings correct or incorrect? Listen and check (7) the answer. Correct Incorrect OVER TO you I | vw Find out more about | your classmates. Turn to page 52. { Pro OR OR OR OR OR OR OR PRE Describing People 1. Getting Ready © Put these words in the chart. Then add your own words to each list. blond, about 22, about 170 cm., in her teens, dark, long, short (can be used in two categories), tall, curly, about average, straight, in his twenties Age Height Hair abet 22 about 170 cm. blend © People are describing other people. What are they describing? Listen and check (/) the answer. . Age Height Hair B~ 0 RH ORD ORD OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 3. Let's Listen @ Listen to these descriptions of people. Check (/) the correct pictures, la, Ba. © Some parents are looking for their children in a department store. Listen and complete the chart. Age Hair Poe. ight brown . 2 ee 3. — SSeS 4. be Oe el ‘Try describing a class mate. Tum to page 53 os - 1. Getting Ready © Match each word with a picture. Write the correct number in the box. [jeans [_ldress shorts scarf ue windbreaker ' [sandals sneakers [tshirt skire [7 jacket blouse 2, Let’s Listen (=== | @ Sandra is describing the people at her party. Which person is she describing? Look at the picture. Listen and write the correct letter in the box. 1.! David 2. Janet 3. Ron 4. Barbara 5. Andy 6. Falty 7 Mary 8.) Ken BO OR OR OR ORR ORR OR OR OR OR OR 3. Let's Listen | @ Look at the pictures. Listen to people tying on clothes in a department store. Number the pictures as you listen. 4, Let's Listen | © Notice the difference between these sentences. ° Positive statement Negative statement She's wearing a scarf. She isn’t wearing a scorf. © Are these statements positive or negative? Listen and check (v) the correct answer. Positive. Negative Lv O 2 il I af Co a | Lo 5. | [ 6 [ C1 x. oO bel Tt ee eI a OF O ‘Are you good at remem- bering things? Turn to page 53 and find out. 1. Getting Ready © Match each time with a picture. Write the number next to each picture. ‘ 1. Twentyto two 2. Three fifteen 3. Ten after ten 4, Two twenty 5. Three fifty-five 6. Six forty- € 7. Two o'clock 8. Ten oh five © Can you say these times? L 2. Let's Listen [:- f Listen for the times and fill in the numbers on each watch. — e~ mS Rr OR @ RR 8 Re FY 8 Re *& RR eR 3. Let's Listen @ Listen to these radio announcements and check (/) the times you hear. qa | 750 bw, 7:15 sa! 655 Bb! 16:15 2a/ (10:45 b.| 10:05 ga liao ob! lta ga [so pl 205 7a.) b.) 9:13 4a, 11110 b.! 11:02 ga. 15:55 b. 5:05 4. Let's Listen (i: ten to these show times. Then listen again and write the times you hear. ] Times Times Times OVER TO you Find out the time in different parts of the world. Turn to page 54. El Te eae 1. Getting Ready @ Match the dates. 1. 3/2/91 _____ November first, nineteen ninety-two 2.6/11/99 May twentieth, nineteen ninety-five B. 11/1/92 March second, nineteen ninety-one 4. 5/20/95 ____ February twenty-eighth, nineteen ninety-three 5. 2/28/93 __-___ June eleventh, nineteen ninety-nine @ Now write out these dates. 61/12/93 2. 8 1293 7. 9/16/96 9. 10/10/80. 2. Let’s Listen ':==/) @ Listen to people talking to visitors. Write the date they arrived and the date they are Jeaving. Arrive Leave a =i Pe —S a | Bo 6 2 Pa 0 RH OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 3. Let's Listen © Donald is checking messages on his answering machine. Write the date and time of each event. 1. dental appointment: 2. Cindy's party: 3. aunt arrives: 4. tennis game: 5. meet Francis: 6. rip date: 4. Let's Listen © Notice how we can talk about past and future events. Past Future | I visited my friend in January. Tm visiting my friend tn January. ® Listen to people talking about events. Are they talking about the past or the future? Check (/) the correct answer. Past Future 1 Vv CO 2 [ bl 3. |! I a 0 3 j Cs aoe el | i ~ Find out your f classmates’ birthdays. zt) [ Tum to page 55. RO ORD OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 1. Getting Ready ® Match each job with a picture. Write the number next to each picture. 3 1. business person 2. actor 3. taxi driver 4. chef 5. sports instructor 6. flight attendant 7. construction worker 8. tour guide a. 10. 2. Let's Listen [== People are talking about work. What job are they talking about? Listen and check (/) the answer. 1a.MI salesperson 2a. {_] waitress 3a.[_ teacher b.[officeworker —b.! actor b.[_ | flight attendant da. |_| chef nurse 6a. |_| receptionist b.[_| nurse b.|_|business person —_B, _| construction worker RH © RY OR 3. Let's Listen (== @ Listen to people talking about their jobs. Do they like their jobs? Check (7) Yes or No. Yes No Lo Oo 2 Oo 3. La a Oo 5. I 6. \ iw a 8. Oo 4. Let’s Listen @ Listen to people talking about their work. Check (/) the correct information about each person. Isn't working now Has anew job Has the same job 1. Ted oO [ E’ 2. Sonia C b i 3. Bob oO [ 4. Marie l 5. Suzanne Ul 6. Martha I 7. Fred 8. Sue EI OVER TO you Play the game “Twenty Questions.” Tum to page 55 Ren eR ROR ORR ORR Sports and Exercise 1. Getting Ready © Do you do any of these things? Check (/) your answers and discuss them with a partner. Yes No windsurf oO G playtennis [| Oo gotoagym § [) Oo play volleybat! ] a . play baseball |] Oo play golf oO i) swim Oo Oo * other Oo ao Example: A: Do you play tennis? B: Yes, do. Do you? A: No, don't. Z. Let's Listen @ Look at the pictures. Listen to people talking about sports and exercise, Number the pictures as you listen, 3. Let's Listen |(-="' @ How often do the people exercise or play sports? Listen and check (/) the answer. 4. Let's Listen @ Listen to questions about sports and check (/) the best response. 1a. V7 Yes, about three times a week. Sa. |_| I ike tennis b.__ Where do you play? b._| No; on the street. 2a.| | Actually, Hike a pool. ~ Ga.|_|No, P've never tried it b.' | There's one near my house. b.| No, itisn't. 3a.| | Basketball and football. b.! lt can't play it very well. 4a.| | That's interesting. oan b.|_|Yes, 1 do, but I'm not very good at it. Who plays sports in your class? ‘Turn to ~ page SG and find out. 6 a 1. Getting Ready @ Work in pairs. Find these items in the picture. 1a plant 2. the skis 3. the bed 4. the golf clubs 5. a book 6. the newspaper © Write the number of each item next to the phrase. {behind the TV [5] under the table [. between the bedside tables [S next to the window TF in front of the window | on top of the bookshelf 2. Let's Listen © Some people are asking where things are. Listen and check (/) the correct picture. @ Tom never remembers where be puts things. He is asking where things are. Listen and write the number in the correct place on the picture. 1. keys 2, tie 3.cap 4, belt 5. wallet 6. glasses 4, Let's Listen |=" @ Listen to the questions and check (/) the best response. Ta. [ No, it isn’t. b. i No, they aren't, 2a. [1 don't think so. b.|__ Yes, please. 3a, |_l Yes, they are. ay b. [7 Under the bed. fa. Yes, itis. b.{_ it’s behind it. sa. |_| Yes, they are. b.[No, 1 don't. 6a. |_| Look in your bedroom. b.|_ yes, have. 7a. (Yes, | do. b. No, it’s in the dining room. ‘8a, ["| No, it’s under the sofa. b.|_1 ves, | have. esd hee iol) How well can you draw? Tum to page 57. The Family 1. Getting Ready ®@ Write the correct word gext to each family member. > uncle, cousin, aunt, grandparents, niece, nephew 1. my mother’s sister is: 4, my uncle’s son or daughter is: my auat . - os 2, my father's brother is: 5. my brother's son is: 3. my parents’ parents are: 6, my sister’s daughter is: 2. Let's Listen @ Look at the pictures. Listen to people talking about their families, Number the pictures as you listen. 1 EY EE ES ES EE EY EY 3. Let’s Listen | == © People are talking about their families. How many brothers and sisters do they-have? Listen and write the number. Older Younger Older Younger brothers brothers sisters sisters \ I.bonna _6 6 z 2. Steven 32Bob 4. Rosie _ 8 5. Tina _ a 4. Let's Listen © +@ Listen to questions about family members and check (/) the best response. ta. |_ Yes, he is. b. 7 Yes, we are. Yes, Ido. p.! | Thats ight. 3a. |__| live with my parents. b.| Yes, Ido. 4a. Yes, 1am. Sa. He's retired. b. No, they abn’, 6a.| Yes, she does. b.| She's a lawyer. 7a.\_ Yes, tam. b.! Yes, she is. CT SOR Ba. Yes, we are. r - Find out about your b.|_1No, they aren't. clossmates' families. Turn to page 58. EY NY a are Cac i 1. Getting Ready What do you like to do on the weekend? Check (/) your answers = and discuss them with a partner. . go toa movie rent a video tt « play computer games play sports eat out go shopping watch sportson'ty | go toa disco Oo other, 2. Let's Listen Look at the pictures. Listen to people talking about entertainment. ’ Number the pictures as you listen. PO oR OR oR OR OR OR ORR OR OR ORR 3. Let's Listen @ These people are calling friends about the weekend. Listen and check (/) the correct information about each call. 1. Penny agrees to go to a movie with 4. Anne and Mike are going to sce a Bob on Friday. football game on Sunday. CL (tne [False Ci true [i False 2. Anne can't come to the party. \.5. Wendy is going to Jyck’s house to creas’ (Sl pales! watch a movie. 3. Nancy invites Ken to 4 movie. | true False 4. Let's Listen [=| @ Listen to these invitations. Does the person accept or refuse? Check (/) the answer. . Accept Refuse oy ew ye OVER TO you Invite a classmate toa movie. Turn to page 58. 1. Getting Ready @ Match each phrase with a picture. Write the number next to each picture. | 1. one ‘ent or a penny 2. five cents or a nickel 3. ten cents ora dime 4. twenty-five cents ora quarter 5. a one dollar bill or one dollar 6. a five-dollar bill or five dollars 2. Let’s Listen | @ Listen to these people asking about prices. Write the price of each item. ° eo) @ Listen again. Did the person buy the item? Check (v) Yes or No. Yes No Yes No wo I ah C 20+ s. (1 3 UO a eo (J RD ORD OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 3. Let's Listen -="| ® Listen to people paying for things in a store. Write down the total amount each person needs to pay and the amount of change each person received. 1. total —_ 410,00. change #/000 2. total change —__. a 3 total __ change — 4. total - change 5S. total change 6. total __ change @ Now figure it out, Each person gave the cashier $20. Did the person receive the correct change? Check (/) Yes or No. Yes No Yes No wv C] a 2 0 Oo s. | 3 UO E 6. { 4. Let's Listen [== @ Listen to people talking about the prices of things in stores. What do they think about the price of each item? Check (/) the correct answer. Reasonable Expensive [ [ 7 OVER TO yOu What's the cost of 5 living like in your city? ‘Turn to page 59. oy ewn ep ooooos 1. Getting Ready @ Work in pairs. Put these words in the chart. Then add your favorite food to each list. apple pie, coffee, carrots, steak, peas, fish, cake, tea, chicken, ice cream, broccoli Main dish Vegetables: Desserts Drinks Z. Let's Listen © People are ordering food in a restaurant. Listen and check (/) each person’s order. Menu @ Appetizers 1 Vesetale soup Oo hovee rare ean fichos 1 oagt eieten 1. Spaeth eat eauce Desaorta Cl Agee O71 tee cream Drinks El tea 150 D Soda 1.75 0 cottee 150 (1 dtice 200 or & bd \ s 1 RRR FR OR ER ER ER OR ER OR © A waitress is bringing customers their order. Listen and check (/) the correct picture. €3 § = } I a) s SS Ja. bl, 2a.L_| @ Listen to the waiter’s or waitress's questions and check (/) the best response. ta.[ | Orange juice, please. Sa._| Yes, I did. b. |_| Yes, 1 did, b. "| the fish, 2a.!_| Yes, please. 6a. |_| Coffee, please. b.[_| No, tdidn't. b./ Yes, did 3a.|_1 Yes, we did. b.[_\ Yes, we are. 7 Cl a 4a. |_| No, thanks. a . ‘Try being a waiter or b. |) No, radiant. waitress. Turn to page 60. @ Look at these expressions. How do people use them in conversation? Check (v) your answer. Greeting someone Ending a conversation Hello. Nice to see you again. Keep in touch. [_| wv How have you been? ty iz; Well, it’s been nice talking to you. [ H How's everything? 7 Hope to see you again soon. [ OQ Well, talk to you later. ] Oo 5 Oo Cc Hey, how’s it going? [ @ Listen to the conversations. Is each person greeting someone or ~ ending a conversation? Check (/) the correct answer. RY OR OR OR OR OR OR OR ER OR OE 3. Let’s Listen @ Some guests are talking at a party. What are they talking about? Listen and check (v) the correct answer. ta. |_| the guests b. | the music 2a. la guest b." | the music 3a. (| the music b.! Ja guest 4a. |_| school b. (Ja job ——-&, Let’s Listen | sa.|_| food be the party 6a. | the guests Bb. food b. a vacation - @ Listen to part of conversations and check (/) the best response. ta.! Yes, have. b. |_| Fine, thanks, 2a. [1 hope so. b.[ | No, thanks. 3a. | b 4a. | Ives, 1am. b, |_)No, thanks. Thanks very much. Nice talking to you, too. sa.! b. Oh, nothing much. — No, J haven't. Ga, _ Talk to you later. b.! Ta, Ba. - How's it going? ' Fine, thanks, b. | Yes, they are. ' Since January. b. |_| About two weeks. beni eye cole] Practice making small talk. Turn to page 61. TN NY NN a NN i Ce 1. Getting Ready @ Put these expressions in the chart. Then add your own expressions to each Not bad. So-so, Ihad a wonderful time! Terrific. Very disappointing. Fantastic. Nothing special. — Pretty boring. Awful. Really great. It was all right. ‘Terrible. Liked ita lot * It was OK Didn't enjoy it Not bad ® These people didn’t have a good vacation. What did they do? Listen and check (v) the correct answer. [went away 5.[_| went to the beach W/stayed home LJ went to the country 2, [went to Hawaii 6.1 went skiing (Clwent to Okinawa EE stayed home 3.[_lwent away 7.[_ stayed home {_|stayed home [J went to the beach r 4.|_linvited relatives to stay 8. went to Las Vegas. (| visited relatives [went to Los Angeles PH OR OR OR OER OR OER OR OR OR 3. Let's Listen [[:= © People are talking about their vacations. Did they enjoy them? Listen and check (/) Yes or No. Yes No Yes No 1 oO vi s. E] Oo 2 oO 6. [1 ET xy O oO a D @ Look at the pictures. Listen to people talking about their vacations. Number the pictures as you listen. OVER TO you Find out about your partner's last vacation. Turn to page 62. TAR Re Re ROR OR OR OR OR OR 15 Apartment Tits 1. Getting Ready © Where do you find these things in your apartment or house? Put the items below in the chart. Then add your own items to each list. toilet, bed, dresser, shower, plant, refrigerator, piano, TV, stove, sofa, coffee table >@ Look at the pictures. Listen to people describing their apartments. Number the pictures as you listen. PR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 3. Let’s Listen @ These people are describing rooms in their apartments. Listen and check (/) the picture they describe. 4, Let's Listen [=== @ Look at the picture. Listen to this person talking about things in * “his apartment. Number the items in the picture as you listen, © Look at the picture again. Write the name of each item/ sofa 1 2. = 3. 4. Do you have a favorité room? Turn to page 63. a Reem OR ORO 1. Getting Ready @ What kind of movies do you like? Check (Vv) your answers and discuss them with a partner. Love Don't like. cartoons comedies horror movies science fiction Westerns 1OeoOooOF action movies IC JOO0oOoo0oO epic movies love stories Of Oooo HO musicals 2. Let's Listen [--»' @ These people are talking about movies. What kind of movies do they like? Listen and check (/) their answers. ‘awe Zi 0 f oOo: ow 2. Bob uo oO . [ “Do 3. Andrew [| oO oO oy o atin [| oO oO u Oo @ Listen to these invitations. Does the person accept or refuse? Check (v) the answer. Accept Refuse Accept Refuse 20 v1 s & oO 2 0 Oo « oO a Oo | oa oO a O 4 a O qo 4, Let's Listen [ ha LOT ran HOliday “@ Notice how we agree with these statements. Positive statement Agree ‘Love horror movies. Sodot. Negative statement Agree I don't like musicals. Neither do I. @ Listen to statements about movies and check (/) the best response. Sodol. Neither dol. ». w 20 M 3 oO a0 o s. O C bey eke A 6 fo oO ‘Turn to page 63 and z O @ talk about movies. a Oo BR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR ORO Tt Lit 1. Getting Ready . @ What's the weather like in your town or city? Study the words below and complete the chart. Add your own words, if necessary. rainy dry wasm cloudy” cold) humid = hot, sunny cool windy wet snowy 2. Let's Listen [=] @ Listen to these weather reports and check (/) the weather for each city. City Weather 1. Betjing Vicoia Viwnay Lisnowy [1] 2. Mexico City I dry [iwarm — | leoot O 3. Tokyo Clbuma Elaougy Clwinay [1 4, New York Cisuny Elwindy - Clwet G 5. Taipei Lletoudy — LScoot Ciwet i @ Listen again and write the temperature. City Low High 1, Beijing ee 2. Mexico City’ 3. Tokyo ee 4. New York 5. Taipei . — cool wet rainy cold hot RO BR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR ORR 3. Let's Listen [== : © These people are asking about the weather. What will they wear or take with them? Listen and check (/) the correct picture. ww =CS™Y 3a. O Sa. 4. Let's Listen : © These people are talking about the weather. Is the weather getting better or worse? Listen and check (/) the answer. Better Worse 1 & Oo 2 4 oO 3s T] of a O a . s. YJ oO 6. O a) 7M oO ern! sf) Oo Plan activities according to the weather, Turn to page 64. Br ORY ORO ROR ORR ORR ORE i] Shopping 1: Getting Ready @ Work in pairs, Where can you buy the things below? Match each item with a store. Name one more thing you can buy in each store. 1.cD [1 jewelers 2. magazines {bookstore B.tie IF record store 4. necklace [- clothing store 5. vegetables grocery store 6. envelopes [3 sports shop 7 running shoes [© stationery store 2. Let's Listen @ Look at the pictures. These people are shopping. Listen to their conversations and number the pictures as you listen. @ These people are asking about items in a store. Listen and check (/) the item they ask about. wy la. b. 2a. ~ Sa, b ) Ga.| 4. Let's Listen [== , @ Customers are talking to salespeople in a store. Do the customers make a purchase? Listen and check (7) Yes or No. Yes Ho0000o oo Find out where you can get bargains. Turn to page 65. wes 1. Getting Ready © Work in pairs. Look at these expressions from telephone conversations. Match the questions with the responses. 2. Let’s Listen 1. May I ask who is calling? 2. What number did you want? 3. Do you want to leave a message? 4. Is this 691-2168? 5. Can I speak to Michael. please? [|319-8216. {lyes, just a moment, please. [|1No, it isn’t. 1 think you have the wrong number. (No, til call back. Thanks. (Di this is Tom Foster. @ Do you know the expressions below? Listen to these telephone conversations and check (/) the correct information about each call. ta, [Joes busy. 2a, [| sandy is not free. b.[_] sandy is not in. 3a.[_| t's a wrong number. b. [| Brian ts not home. b. /lit’s a wrong number,” 4a. [_| sa wrong number, ~b. |_| Sylvia is out, sa. (_| Mrs. Brown can't come to the phone. 1b. |_| Mrs. Brown is home. 6a, |_| tony can't come to the phone. b.{_| Tony is in. BN ORS ORD OR OR OR OER OR OR OR OR 3. Let's Listen |---»! @ Listen to a part of these telephone conversations and check (/) the best responsé. La. i" This ts Cathy. Sa.|__ No, you must have the wrong number. % b [1 Ne, it isn't. b.. Sorry. She's not in. + 2a.|_INo, itisn’t. 6a.|_ | No, I don't. b.|_ Yes, please. bb. 561-2316. 3a.! | This is Rex. Ta: — Yes, itis. b. | |T don't know. b. _ Yes. Please say Rod called. aa. |_ Yes, itis. 8a. _' Would you like to leave a message? b.[_| No, thanks. * sb. |_| Yes, just a moment. _ 4, Let’s Listen © Read these telephone messages. Then listen and correct the mistakes in each message. N OVER TO you ‘Turn to page 66 and practice a telephone ye call, SE PEELS orn 1. Getting Ready ®@ Work in pairs. Find these items in the picture. Write the number next to each item. Then discuss your answers. (La briefcase with initials [a backpack with a striped design [Ta large suitcase with wheels (Ja small suitcase with checked design (Ta handbag with a leather strap [| a wallet without initials 2. Let's Listen [==] © These people are describing items they left in a taxi. Listen and check (V) the pictures they describe. & & ral] nL] meme eR eRe ROR ORR 3. Let’s Listen © Look at the pictures. Listen to people describing these items. Number the pictures as you listen. Le, /f , , [ oO w AE \ a a p.Lt el] - : rE] / 4. Let's Listen © People are talking about things they lost. Are they talking aboyt what they lost or where they lost it? Listen and check (/) the answer. What Where LW C z l a Oo fl a |! oO s. L a 6 1 B wz D is 8s a OVER TO You Turn to page 67 and practice describing : things. Ree eR eR eR ER ER ER ORS 2 \ 1. Getting Ready ‘| @ Match each direction with a map. Write the number next to each map. 1. Go straight up the block. 2. Turn right at the light. 3. Take the first street on the left. 4 4. Go straight for two al Bt .G a = blocks. Then turn left. 5. Go through the Intersection. 6. Take a right at the corner. 2. Let's Listen (==) @ Look at the maps and listen to these directions. Then listen again and check (/) the correct map. Ti s rE + + @ People are asking for directions. Listen and write the name of each place they are looking for. 1. bank a zo 5. 3 6 _ @ Look at the map and listen again to the directions. Number the Places on the map as you listen. 4. Let's Listen |[:=") @ Listen to these questions and check (/) the best response, © ta. |_| The post office. sa. |_| On the left. ~ b.W That's right. b. Yes, it is. 2a.["|Yes. Turn right at the corer, 6a. | ‘Yes. Its b.|_| Can thelp you? b.. I No, turn right. 3a. (_| Thank you. = [lon the comer. 4a.! The first. Yes, that's right. - OVER TO you How good are you at giving directions? Turn to page 68. f MARR FR 8 RY OR OR OR OR OR OR OR | 22] People We Know 1. Getting Ready @ What's your best friend like? Check (/) words on the list that describe him or her and add other words of your own. Then find a partner and compare your lists. Dishy Ci smart [hardworking LI tatkative (sociable Lo generous [i serious [easygoing 17 other: (fanny [Ja little crazy at times - 2. Let's Listen @ These people are talking about new friends. Listen and check (/) the best word or phrase to describe each person. ta. (serious b. 71 funny 2a. [_! shy b.[_] talkative 3a. |_| serious b, |_| a little crazy at times 4a. |_| smart b. |_| shy sa. [_| serious b.[_] sociable * 6a, [| generous b. [_] hardworking FO ORO RO RR OR OR ORE 3. Let's Listen © These conversations are about people. Are the people in each conversation similar or different? Listen and check (/) the correct answer. 1 Oo vi z2 Cl O 3. [I i a [Ll O s. [] o 6.. Cl B 4, Let's Listen © These people are talking about other people. Does the second person agree or disagree? Listen and check (/) the answer. Agree Disagree 1 vi 2 Cl oO 3 1 0 4a U1 | s. [] QO 6 a OVER TO You What kind of person are you? Turn to page 69 and find out. “a 1. Getting Ready @ Match each city with a country. Write the correct number next to each country, Cities Oo |} 3. Sydney i 1. New York City [England 2. MexicaCity [2 Japan ustralia Cities 4. London 5. Kysto 6. Vancouver Countries Tl canada |_| Mexico [A the States (the U.S.A) Can you match these statements with the cities above? Some statements may be true for more than one city. a. |/ | it's a noisy and crowded city, but it's never boring. b.{_|it's a lovely city with some famous old temples. [_ it's an interesting city, but it’s very crowded and polluted. a. [its a pleasant city surrounded by mountains. e. |_| thas a famous opera house and very good beaches. £. [_iit's an old city and it has great theaters. 2. Let’s Listen [= © These people are introducing themselves. Where are they from? Listen and check (V) the correct answer. 1.V ithe USA (canada 2.[_] England (canada ” 3.[ spain L) Mexico 4.” lEngland (the u.s.a. s.!_| Japan (I china 6.| Australia Citmeus.a. @ Read the words below. Then listen to people talking about cities. Check (/) the best word to describe each place. 1.\Z interesting 4. [__ expensive 7.1. safe (| boring [not very expensive 1 \dangerous 2.1 noisy s.| crowded 8. large quiet Ll quiet [1 small 3._|clean 6. beautiful 4 Tpolluted [Suey 4. Let's Listen ®@ Notice how we agree with statements. Positive statement This city is very big. Negative statement This city isn't safe. Agree Yes, it is. Agree No, it isn’t. @ Listen to the statements and check (/) the response. Yes, itis. No, it isn’t. bet me cele] Prepare a travel brochure, Turn to page 70. [An a 1. Getting Ready @ Find each word in the picture and write the number in the box. bh. | teeth “Neg 1. C)stomach m.|_! finger @ Can you add any more words? 2. Let's Listen [==| @ Look at the pictures. Listen to people talking about health problems. Number the pictures as you listen. © These people are talking about health problems. Are they talking about what the problem is or how long they have had it? Listen and check (/) the answer. What How long 6. [| z 0 8. LI 4. Let's Listen @ Notice how we respond to bad news or good news. Bad news Response I've got a terrible headache. Oh, that’s too bad. Good news Response I'm feeling much better today. Pm glad to hear it. @ Listen to people asking others how they feel. Check (/) the best response. Oh, that’s too bad. —_ I'm glad to hear it. 1. oO i 2. o o 3 Oo ao 4 O j 5. Db Oo 6. 6 oO ‘ OVER TO YOu Guess your classmate’s health problems. Turn to page 71. OL SY OY OW TY 1. Getting Ready Match each\word with an airport sign. Write the number in the box. {_\ transportation i (o currency Exchange or & a [1 Restaurants 3. [2 Telephones Elaapgage ctaim ian jo| (Z. puty-Free Shops a 5. 6. 2. Let's Listen == Look at the pictures. Listen to conversations in different places at an airport. Where are these people? Number the pictures as you listen. Sara | Reno + POOR OR OR OR OR OR ER OR OR OR 3. Let's Listen @ Listen to the flight information. Write the flight number. Then 4 listen again and write the departure gate. Flight Number Departure Gate 1.205. © Do you know the expressions below? Listen to these airport announcements and check (/) the correct information. ta. |_| flight departing Sa.|_’ go to white courtesy phone b. | flight delayed b. go to immigration counter ¥ 6a. \_ flight delayed b. first call b. flight arriving 3a. |_| meet at baggage claim Ta. | go to check-in counter b. |_| meet at lounge b.__ go to baggage claim 4a.|"J flight departing > Ba.| carousel 35 b, __| flight delayed b. |_| carousel 25 OVER TO You Tind out what you can 1 \ do at an airport. Turn to page 72. Unit 1 @ Talk to three classmates. Find out their names and telephone numbers. Ask these questions and write down their answers. Excuse me. What’s your How do you first name? spell that? What's your What's your telephone last name? number? First name Last name Telephone number ant. Ske eR RO RR © Work in pairs. Take turns describing someone in your class. Can your partner guess who it is? Example: A: She's about 19. She's got long hair. B: Is it Ketko? A: No, it isn't. She's tall, and she wears glasses. B: isit...? its ORO Re eR ROR Oe © Work in pairs. Look at each other for 30 seconds. Then sit back to back. Try to describe what your partner is wearing. How many things can you remember? Example: A: You're wearing glasses, aren't you? B: That's right. A: You're wearing a brown belt, right? B K B No, not brown. Black? : Right. it4é eR ROR RRR Re @ Look at the time in each city. In New York In Paris In Tokyo Its 10 a.m. on Friday. Its 4 p.m. on Friday. Its 12 midnight. 1. What is the time difference between New York and Paris? __ 6 ___ hours Paris and Tokyo? —__—______ hours. ___-New York and Tokyo? hours 2. Work in pairs. Take tarns asking about times in New York, Paris, and Tokyo. Write the answers on the chart below. Example: A: It 10 a.m. on Friday in New York. What time is it in Paris? B: Its 4 pam. on Friday. A: So what time is it in Tokyo? B: Ie 12 midnight. New York Paris 10 am. Fri 4 pm Friday —— | __2pm. Saturday _ — = \ Spam. Monday —__ _i _—hoon on Tuesday __ “s a 54 © Ask your classmates about their birthdays and write their answers on the chart. How many people have birthdays this month? Exampt A: Cindy, when's your birthday? B: It’s (on) June 16. When's your birthday? A: It'son... Name Birthday Cindy Smt 16 it6é Ok ae RR © Work in groups. Each person thinks of an interesting occupation. ‘The other people in your group ask you Yes/No questions and try to guess the occupation. Groups can ask a maximum of 20 questions. Example: Do you work inside? Is it a dangerous job? De you wear @ uniform? Are you a...? Deep-sea diver Dog groomer tT eR ROR RO ROR @ Talk to your classmates about sports. Find someone in the class who does the activities below. Write a different classmate’s name for each sport. Begin: Can you dokarate play golf water-ski = = windsurf ski play tennis other: _—_ Gnit'8 SS © Work in pairs. Take turns listening and talking about locations. 1. One of you is Student A. Your partner is Student B. Look at your picture and your list below. 2, Think of a place in the picture to draw the items on your list. Then draw them on your picture. 3. Now tell your partner where to draw your items in his/her picture. (Do not show your picture to your partner.) Your partner will draw the items in those places on his/her picture. 4. Then change roles. Example: Student A: Draw a cap on the floor under the coffee table. Student B: Draw some keys on top of the TV. ‘Student A's List Student A's Picture acap glasses a wallet apen Student B's List keys a book atie some shoes @ Now compare your pictures. Are they the samme? 1 @ Talk to three classmates and find out about their families. ‘Write the information on, the chart below. Example: Do you have any brothers? How eld are they? Do you have any sisters? How old are they? Classmate’s name Number of brothers Ages. Number of sisters Ages i Total number of brothers and sisters Git10 ee RRR OR © Work in pairs. Number the ten sentences in A and B to make a conversation. Then take turns practicing the conversation. A B [_Jcreat. See you on L- Let’s go to the 7:30 show. Saturday, then. (| Potice Academy 10. 'Z sure. What movie do you “ want to see? [at 7:30 and 9:30. CF tet’s meet at 7:00 in front of the theater. [Fl would you like to [ Great. What time does it start? see a movie this, Saturday? (ok. What time do you [) Yeah, see you on vant to meet? Saturday. '® Invite your partner to do something with you this weekend. Arrange a time and place to meet. Gnith “STARS TR TR ROR RR @ What is the current exchange rate for U.S. or Canadian dollars? Figure out how much the items below cost in U.S. or Canadian dollars. Discuss your answers. Cost in Costin your eurrency US. or Canadian dollars a fast-food lunch = ss a movie ticket ~ — — a haircut pee —s aticket toarock concert | a hamburger @ pair of jeans Pe ee acD see eee Examp! A: How much do you usually pay for lunch at a fast-food restaurant? B: Oh, about A: How much is that in U.S. dollars? B: Let’ see. That's about - . What about you? How much do you pay for ——_—_—? dnit12 ORR ORR RRR @ Role-play. Take turns being a waiter or waitress and a customer. ‘The customer orders and the waiter or waitress writes down the order. @Use the suggestions below or use your own words. WAITER/WAITRESS: | Are you ready to order? Would you like ari appetizer? What would you like for your main dish? Would you like something to drink? Any dessert? CUSTOMER: ‘Unit 13 ES TASS Te PEST ee © Work in pairs. Match the sentences in A and the responses in B. Write the number next to each response. Then take turns practicing small talk. Example: A: How's your family these days? B: They*re fine, thanks. A B 1. How's your family these days? [J on, not much really. 2. Thaver't seen you for ages. What (Zl They're fine, thanks. have you been doing? 3. Great to see you. | hope to see you (Yeah, let's. Talk to you soon. again soon. : A. Hey, it's been nice talking to you | hope so too. How about lunch Let’s keep in touch. next week? a ante eR RRR ORR OR @ Work in pairs. Ask your partner about his or her last vacation. Ask these questions. Then think of two more questions and ask your partner. 1. Where did you go on your vacation? 2. When did you go there? 3. Who did you go with? 4; How long were you there? 5. What did you do there? G. Did you enjoy it? 7. What did you enjoy the most? 8, Was there anything you didn't like? @ Use some of these expres: Oh, really? That sounds interestin, ‘That sounds like fun. Oh, that’s too bad. Great Isee, Gnit 15 © Work in pairs. Ask your partner about his or her favorite room. Ask these questions or questions of your own. What is your favorite room? Why is it your favorite room? What does it have init? How much time do you spend there? What do you like to do there? Unit 16 © Work in groups. Talk about movies. Discuss these questions or ask questions of your own. Do you often go to the movies? How often do you go fo the movies? What kind of movies do you like? What kind don’t you like? What's your favorite movie? _ 4 “Who are the stars in your favorite movie? i Who's your favorite actor? Who's your favorite actress? Do you prefer going to the movies or watching a video at home? } Git NOR ROR ROR © Work in pairs. Think of two interesting activities to do on the days below. Then compare your suggestions with others. Which suggestions do you like best? Begin: A good thing to do on a cold, wet day in the middle of winter is... Day T Activity 1. a cold, wet day in the middle of winter 2. a hot, sunny day in summer a 3. a cool, pleasant day in the fall Gniti8 RRR OR RRR TR © Work in groups. Where is a good place in your town or city to buy the items listed below? Give suggestions for each item. ‘Then compare your suggestions with the suggestions of the other groups. Example: A, Where's a good place to bu B: Well, you can buy them at.. C: You can also get them at. D: I think the best place is... : L think so too. books shoes 1 birthday cards computer software cakes a cameras. sports equipment flowers. Jewelry 6 @ Work in pairs. Number the sentences in A and B to make a telephone conversation. Then practice the conversation with your partner. A B [1 OK. Il give her the message. [J Yes, she does. (_lrm sorry, She's not home right {_| Good-bye, now. Csure. Just let me get a pen Li can you tell her that Bob called? And and some paper. please ask her to call me back. (Dntetto. (Z| Hello. Can | speak to Cindy, please? (you're welcome. Good-bye. [J oh. can I leave a message, please? (Ipees she have your telephone — [_) Thanks very much. number? Unit ZO © Work in pairs. Take turns describing one of the items in each set of pictures. Can your partner guess which item you are describing? Example: A; It’s a leather briefcase with the initials MGL on it. B: Ista? A: No, it doesn't have a long strap. B: Oh, then is it b? A: Yes, it is. or ht OOS ERR RRO @ Work in pairs. Take turns asking for and giving directions. 1, One of you is Student A. Your partner is Student B, Look at your list below. 2. Ask your partner for directions to the places on your list. 3, Listen to your partner and follow his or her directions on. your map. (Do not leok at your partner’s map.) Your partner will use the Rey to Buildings on his or her map to direct you to the correct place. 4, Write the letter or number of each place in the correct box ‘on your map. Then change roles. Example: ‘Student A: Excuse me. I'm looking for the Grand Hotel. ’ Student B: The Grand Hotel? OK. Go straight up Ist Strect... ‘Student B: Excuse me. I'm trying to find a hank. Student A: A bank? Lets see. Go up Ist Street... ‘Student A’s List a. the Grand Hotel b. the bodkstore cc the nearest subway ai the coffee shop Student B's List Student B's Map 1.a bank 2..a post office 3.a drugstore 4. the public library © Compare your maps. Are the numbers and letters in the same places on both maps? Unit22 RS RR RROR R @ Work in pairs, What kind of person are you? What about your Partner? Check (/) your qualities on the chart. Then compare your charts. How similar are you? Example: A: think P'm very soctable. I think you are, (00. B: [ think Im a little shy. A: Really? Very Alittle Not at all shy im sociable C [J quiet 0 L talkative | 4 serious’ oOo easygoing [] oO LI lazy Mel Lt O hardworking | ~ |_| Li other: UO L] Git 73 OSL RRR @ Work in pairs. Complete the travel brochure below about a place you know. Then compare your travel brochures. Is there a place you want to visit? —_—_—_—_—_—_——————_— EEE IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS! Have you visited ately? Come and visit us soon. We promise you a great vacation. We've got great places for you to visit, such as ‘Our hotels are good too. You can choose from And there are lots of interesting things to do and see here such a3 ‘And you'll like our food. Don't forget to try ms Shopping is good too. You can buy ‘So come and visit us soon. We look forward to seeing-you i Gnit7%6 NR ROR ORR © Work in pairs. Take turns. One person acts out a health problem. ‘The other person guesses what it is. Use the suggestions below or use your own ideas, a headache acold the flu \ abackache a stomachache a toothache an earache Unit 25 PLEIN DSP MOORE WO © Work in pairs. Where can you do these things at an airport? Match each item in A with a place in B. Then talk about them with your parmer. Example: A Where can you change money? B: You can change money at the currency exchange. rN B 1. change money newsstand 2. buy magazines restaurant 3. have a meal duty-free store 4. have a drink Preurency exchange 5S. buy gifts bar 6. pickup baggage —([__ baggage-claim area Where can you do these things? Discuss them with your parmer. L.findataxi | a 2. get flight information = __ 3B. make a long-distance call (ow many letters are’ * )inere in the alphabet Feats the best dav’) (nae the beach? that carrots are good for eyesight? ‘Well, have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses? Sorry sir. The moon is full just now. re B)_(Hostic because — Nit stretches. | / Whats the \—— \ | { longest word in J y | \ the dictionary?_/ Don's car mi cuss Don's wesre ow your Desk Don't racx ourane #6 cesson Don't unrer pm: between 12 noon and 12 midnight etween 12 midnight and 12 noon |

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