Elkous2017 - Key Distribution and The CHSH Game

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David Elkouss

Key distribution and the CHSH game NAW 5/18  nr. 3  september 2017 195

David Elkouss
TU Delft

Key distribution and

the CHSH game
David Elkouss is assistant professor at QuTech at TU Delft, where he works, among others, Alice and Bob have a binary-input bi-
on quantum key distribution. In this article, Elkouss reviews the relation between the vio- nary-output box. It receives respectively
lation of a Bell inequality and device independent quantum key distribution, by departing x, y ! {0, 1} and outputs a, b ! {0, 1}, see
from the so-called CHSH inequality and linking it with a protocol for key distribution. Figure 1. We can imagine a box with two
buttons and whenever the player pushes a
Quantum key distribution (QKD) [3, 8] al- probability. In a real experiment, one nec- button the box outputs a bit. The rules of
lows distributing information-theoretically essarily only encounters a finite number of the CHSH game are as follows. The inputs
secure keys to two distant parties. The samples, hence the winning probability can x, y are chosen uniformly at random and
only required assumptions are the validity never be estimated with certainty. There- Alice and Bob are free to choose any strate-
of quantum theory and a characterization after, we argue how it is still possible to gy for their boxes to output the values a, b.
of the devices used for implementing the make a rigorous statement about the type They win the game whenever x $ y = a 5 b,
key distribution protocol. Hence, whenever of strategy played by Alice and Bob. Finally, where a 5 b indicates a + b mod 2, and they
the characterization is not precise enough, we link winning probabilities beyond the lose otherwise.
it can be exploited via side-channel attacks local strategy limit with the distribution of Let us first focus on local or classical
that do not break the distribution protocol secret keys. strategies. We call a strategy local or clas-
but profit from the device imperfections. An sical if there exists some shared source of
alternative paradigm is device-independ- The CHSH game and its classical value randomness (possibly trivial) between the
ent quantum key distribution (diQKD) [8]. In this section, we describe a non-local players such that
In diQKD the required assumptions are game and derive the maximum winning
milder, i.e. it is enough to assume quantum probability for classical or local players. Pr(a, b | x, y, m) = Pr(a | x, m) Pr(b | y, m)
theory to be correct. However, in contrast This game was first introduced by John where Pr(a, b | x, y, m) is the probability that
with QKD, the implementation of diQKD Clauser, Michael Horne, Abner Shimony, the boxes output a, b given x, y and m, the
remains elusive. Recently, the first loop- and Richard Holt in [7] and thereafter has outcome of the shared randomness.
hole-free Bell experiments have been im- been known as the CHSH game. Before we analyze the maximum win-
plemented. These implementations prom- First, let us introduce the scenario. The ning probability, we may wonder what is
ise to bring diQKD close to reality. CHSH game is an example of a bipartite the role of randomness. A strategy is de-
Here, we begin from basic principles non-local game. That is, a game played by
and review the relation between the viola- two parties or players. We call them Alice
tion of a Bell inequality and the feasibility and Bob. Both are located in two separat- x ∈ {0, 1} y ∈ {0, 1}

of diQKD. The structure of the article is as ed locations such that during each round
follows: We first describe the setting of the of the game they cannot exchange infor-
CHSH inequality as a non-local game [5], mation. This locality restriction might be
and how the winning probability achieva- enforced because they are spatially sepa-
ble by Alice and Bob is limited if they play rated or because we assume that we have a ∈ {0, 1} b ∈ {0, 1}
with a local strategy. Then we introduce well characterized their laboratories and Figure 1  In the CHSH game, two space-like separa-
the formalism of quantum information can conclude that they do not leak dur- ted parties, that we call Alice and Bob receive two bi-
nary inputs x, y ! {0, 1} and produce two binary outputs
and show that with quantum resources Al- ing the game execution. For a review on a, b ! {0, 1}. Alice and Bob win the game if x $ y = a 5 b,
ice and Bob can achieve a larger winning non-local games see [5]. where a 5 b = a + b mod 2.
196 NAW 5/18  nr. 3  september 2017 Key distribution and the CHSH game David Elkouss

terministic if Pr(a, b | x, y) takes only val- A qubit represents a two-level quantum The natural question is if all two qubit
ues zero or one. Any non-deterministic mechanical system, for instance the polar- states can be written in this form. The an-
local strategy can be implemented with ization of a photon. We can describe the swer is no, but whenever this is the case
shared randomness in such a way that state of the two-level system by a vector in and we can write the state of a two-qubit
Pr(a, b | x, y, m) takes only values zero or C 2, that we can write as state as the tensor product of two one-
one. Hence, the winning probability can be qubit states we say that the state is a
e o = a0 e o + a1 e o
a0 1 0
written in the form product state. Otherwise, we say that the
a1 0 1
state is entangled. A very important con-
pwin = / Pr(m) / 14 / Pr(a, b | x, y, m) with a0, a1 ! C and such that | a0 | 2 +| a1 | 2 sequence of this definition is that it is not
m x, y a, b: x $ y = a 5 b
= 1. The reasons for restricting to unit vec- possible to describe the individual qubit
where Pr(a, b | x, y, m) is deterministic. Can tors will become clear later. systems of an entangled state with a ket.
non-deterministic strategies help Alice and The so-called ket notation introduced by The individual qubit systems of an entan-
Bob achieve better winning probabilities Dirac allows for a more compact descrip- gled state do not have a definite state. Al-
than deterministic strategies? It is easy to tion of quantum systems. We can rewrite ternatively, if a qubit system has a definite
see that for any probabilistic strategy we the state of a qubit | z H = a0 | 0 H + a1 | 1 H state (can be described by a ket) it can not
can upper bound the winning probability where be part of an entangled state. We call a
by: system with a definite state a pure state.
| 0 H = e o and | 1 H = e o .
1 0
The next step in our brief introduction
pwin # maxm / 1
4 / Pr(a, b | x, y, m) 0 1
to quantum information is measurement.
x, y a, b: x $ y = a 5 b
Of course, there is nothing particular about We only consider a subclass of measure-
where the right-hand side is the winning the canonical or computational basis. For ments called rank-one projective measure-
probability of a deterministic strategy. any orthonormal basis given by v and v9, ments. These measurements are specified
Now we can investigate what is the we can find the complex coefficients by a measurement basis and can be under-
maximum value achievable with a local b v, b v9 such that | z H = b v | v H + b v9 | v9 H. stood as reading in which element of the
strategy. From the argument above, we A two-qubit system can be described by basis the state is. The outcome of such a
only need to consider deterministic strat- a unit vector in C2 7 C2. We can write its measurement is probabilistic. Let an arbi-
egies. Alice and Bob have only four dif- state using ket notation in an analogous trary d-level quantum system be given by
ferent choices for choosing their outputs. way to one qubit systems. Let
Either they fix the output to zero or one,
|z H= / ai | u H i
either they output the input or they flip KK0 OO KK1 OO i=0
it. Hence, combining Alice and Bob choices | 0 H A | 0 H B = KK OO, | 0 H A | 1 H B = KK OO, and let us suppose that we measure this
state in the basis given by "| u H i ,i = 0 .
there are only sixteen different determinis- d-1
0 0
tic strategies. For instance, let us suppose JKL0 ONP JKL0 NOP Then, the probability that we obtain meas-
that Alice chooses a = x and Bob chooses KK OO KK OO urement outcome i is | a i | 2. The restriction
K0 O K0 O
b = 0. Then, they win whenever the input is | 1 H A | 0 H B = KK OO, | 1 H A | 1 H B = KK OO, to unit vectors guarantees that the sum
(x, y) = (0, 0), (x, y) = (0, 1) and (x, y) = (1, 1) KK OO KK OO over all possible outcomes / i | a i | 2 = 1 as
0 1
but they lose when (x, y) = (1, 0). Since all L P L P expected.
inputs are chosen with equal probability, be the ket representation of each vector of
Now let us show how entanglement can
they win with probability pwin = 0.75. Can the computational basis. Then an arbitrary
help Alice and Bob obtain a winning prob-
they do any better? It is a matter of check- state is of the form
ability in the CHSH game larger than the
ing the remaining fifteen combinations of | z H AB = / a ij | i H A | j H B . classical value. For this, let us assume that
strategies, but it turns out that it is not i, j ! {0, 1} Alice and Bob share the following quantum
possible. The best winning probability that Now, let us assume that we have two state, known as the maximally entangled
can be achieved by a local strategy is three one-qubit systems A and B with state state, before the beginning of the game:
over four. We call this best probability the | z H A = a0 | 0 H + a1 | 1 H and | } H B = b0 | 0 H
classical value of the game and we denote | 0 H A | 0 H B +| 1 H A | 1 H B
+ b1 | 1 H. We can describe the joint com- | z H AB = (1)
it by p win . 2
posite system, | ~ H AB, by taking the tensor
product of | z H A and | } H B: Let us define the following measurement
The quantum value of CHSH bases:
Let us do a detour to introduce some rudi- | ~ H AB = | z H A 7| } H B
ments of quantum information. This is nec- A 0 = "| 0 H , | 1 H ,,
= e o7e o
a0 b0
A1 = & 0
essary in order to talk about the quantum a1 b1 | 0 H +| 1 H | 0 H -| 1 H
, 2
value of the CHSH game. We first see how JKa0 b0NO
KK O B 0 = {cos(r/8) | 0 H + sin(r/8) | 1 H ,
to represent quantum states and then we Ka0 b1 OOO
= KK - sin(r/8) | 0 H + cos(r/8) | 1 H} and
discuss a class of measurements known KKa1 b0 OOO
KK a b OO B1 = {cos(r/8) | 0 H - sin(r/8) | 1 H ,
as projective measurements. We point the
L 1 1P sin(r/8) | 0 H + cos(r/8) | 1 H} .
interested reader to [11] for an in-depth in- = / ai b j | i H A | j H B .
troduction to quantum information. i, j ! {0, 1} The strategy of Alice and Bob is, given the
David Elkouss Key distribution and the CHSH game NAW 5/18  nr. 3  september 2017 197

inputs x and y, measure in the bases Ax The solution is to perform a hypothe- Key distillation
and By. Let us compute the winning prob- sis test where the null hypothesis is that In this section, we relate the winning
ability with this strategy. the experiment is run by a local strategy. probability with the possibility of distilling
Then the CHSH game is played some pre- secret keys. For the purpose of this dis-
Pr(win | x = 0, y = 0) defined number of times n and the num- cussion we say that a protocol produces
= Pr(a = 0, b = 0 | x = 0, y = 0) ber of wins c is recorded. With this value, a perfect key of n bits if it is distributed
+ Pr(a = 1, b = 1 | x = 0, y = 0) it is possible to compute the probability uniformly at random over the set of strings
= cos2 8 . of obtaining the same or a larger num- of length n, Alice and Bob share the same
ber of wins under the assumption that string with probability one and the proba-
We can also easily verify that the null hypothesis is true. If this prob- bility that any third party guesses the val-
ability is below some number decided in ue of the string is no better than a random
Pr(win | x = 0, y = 1) advance, the null hypothesis is discarded. guess, i.e. the guessing probability is at
= Pr(win | x = 0, y = 1) Let us now make explicit the computation most 2 -n. This definition can be made ro-
= Pr(win | x = 1, y = 0) of this probability. Let Ci be a random bust by allowing close to uniform distribu-
= Pr(win | x = 1, y = 1) variable that takes value one if Alice and tions in terms of the variational distance
r Bob win the i-th game and zero other- and close to random guesses.
= cos2 8 . 0.85.
wise. Then conditioned to the occurrence Let us assume that Alice and Bob share
We do not prove it here, but it turns out of any sequence of outcomes in the first a maximally entangled state (see Eq. (1)).
that the strategy that we just analyzed is i - 1 rounds of CHSH the winning prob- Then, we know that since it is a pure state,
optimal. That is, it is not possible, within ability remains bounded by the classical it needs to be in tensor product form with
the formalism of quantum mechanics, to value [4]: any additional system that belongs to Eve.
achieve a larger winning probability [6]. Moreover, if two states are in product form,
Hence, in particular, there exists no quan- Pr(Ci = 1 | C1 fCi - 1) # p win . then it is not possible to infer information
tum strategy that allows Alice and Bob to about one by measuring the other. You
The intuition behind this statement is that
win the game with probability one. More­ can convince yourself by writing a product
the previous sequence of outcomes can be
over, the maximally entangled state is state and computing the joint probability
regarded as an instance of shared random-
unique in achieving it, this will be crucial for distribution after measuring each state in
ness. Building on top of this it is possible
the purpose of key distillation. More pre- some basis. Moreover, if Alice and Bob
to show that for all local strategies
cisely, if Alice and Bob achieve the optimal now measure the state in the computation-
winning probability then they can conclude n al basis they obtain a uniformly random bit
that up to a local unitary transformation Pr(C $ c) # / e nk o(pwin
) k (1 - p win
) n - k, (2) and in consequence they share a perfect
they share a maximally entangled state. secret key.
This result can be made robust. That is, if where the right-hand side of Eq. (2) is the The problem in practice is that it is not
the winning probability of CHSH is close to tail of a binomial distribution with param- possible a priori to know what is the state
the optimal value, then Alice and Bob can eters n and p win . This tail, which is the shared by Alice and Bob without relying
conclude that their state is close to the probability that the binomial takes a val- on additional assumptions. However, as
optimal state [10]. This closeness is quan- ue equal or larger than c can be comput- we saw in the previous section, if Alice
tified according to some distance measure ed numerically. In practice, if the winning and Bob observe a frequency of wins close
between quantum states that goes beyond probability is above the classical value, the to the quantum value of CHSH, they can
the scope of this introduction [11]. right-hand side decreases very fast. For a conclude that they share states close to
fixed frequency of wins above p win , the tail the maximally entangled state. Hence, if
Non-locality with finite data decreases exponentially fast to zero, see Alice and Bob have access to some source
In the previous sections, we have derived Figure 2. A similar result holds even if the that provides them with maximally entan-
the optimal winning probabilities under the inputs of the CHSH game are not chosen gled states they could try to distil a key
assumption of local or quantum strategies. uniformly at random but they have a small as follows. In each round, both Alice and
In particular, we have seen that there are bias [4, 9]. Bob decide randomly whether they play
quantum strategies that yield strictly larger the CHSH game or they try to distil key
winning probabilities than local strategies. by measuring in the computational basis.
This is a fundamental theoretical state- After n rounds, they share their random
ment, but by itself, it is not very useful. choices and compute the number of wins
In a real experiment, one observes a fi- in the CHSH game. If the number of wins is
nite sequence of inputs and outputs. With large enough they can conclude that they
this finite number of runs, it is possible shared maximally entangled states with
to compute the frequency of wins, but the high probability and that the values meas-
true probability is beyond reach. Is it then ured in the distillation rounds constitute a
possible to decide that an experimental secret key. Of course, making this intuition
Figure 2  Evaluation of the right-hand side of Eq. (2) for
implementation is governed by a non-local different values of frequencies of wins above the classical
rigorous is rather challenging, see [1] for a
strategy? value. recent proof.
198 NAW 5/18  nr. 3  september 2017 Key distribution and the CHSH game David Elkouss

Even if the protocol that we describe outputs a string of measurement out- es for further reading. First, we present-
below is dubbed device-independent there comes B = (b0, f, bn - 1) ! {0, 1} n. ed the CHSH game and showed that the
are some assumptions that need to be 3. Alice and Bob communicate to each oth- maximum winning probability with local
made. Let us go over them. First, there is er the measurement strings X and Y over strategies is 0.75. In order to discuss the
some classical information that Alice and the classic communications channel. winning probability with quantum resourc-
Bob need to exchange during the proto- 4. Alice chooses a random subset of es, we briefly introduced some rudiments
col. This information, although not secret, S 1 {0, 1, f, n - 1} of size | S | = n/2 and of quantum information and showed that
should arrive undistorted at the other sends S to Bob. Alice and Bob compute the maximally entangled state achieves
party. For this, Alice and Bob can use an the following sets: T = {i ! S, yi ! 2}, a strictly larger winning probability than
authenticated classical communications U = {i ! S, xi = 0, yi = 2} and V = {i g S, the local value. We point the reader to
channel. Alternatively, they can themselves xi = 0, yi = 2}. the review paper [5] for more information
implement an authenticated channel if they 5. Alice and Bob compute the number of on non-local games and to [11] for a thor-
share in advance a small secret key. Sec- CHSH wins and mismatches on the sets ough introduction to quantum informa-
ond, both Alice and Bob’s laboratories are T and U: tion.
assumed to be secure, i.e. no information | {i ! T, xi yi = ai 5 bi} | Then, we argued that in a real ex-
leaks during or after the protocol. Note, fwin = , periment it is not possible to observe
|T |
however, that no assumption is made on | {i ! U, xi ! yi} | probabilities, but it is still possible to
ferror = .
the measurement or preparation devices |U | conclude that Alice and Bob are imple-
that can be completely uncharacterized. If fwin and 1 - ferror are not above some menting a non-local strategy. Moreover,
In this sense, the protocol is device-inde- predetermined threshold the protocol for a large enough number of games,
pendent. aborts. if the frequency of wins is close to the
The following protocol is a version of 6. Alice and Bob perform a sequence of optimal value it is possible to conclude
the Ekert protocol [8] proposed in [12]: classical postprocessing steps to distil that Alice and Bob share a state close
a secret key [13]. to the maximally entangled state. We
1. Alice generates a uniformly random concluded by introducing the concept of
string of measurement bases X = Using this protocol, for n large enough Al- secret key and arguing that the maximal-
(x0, f, xn - 1) ! {0, 1} n and measures se- ice and Bob can distil secret keys at a rate ly entangled state can be used to pro-
quentially in the basis given by Ax. The that scales linearly with n and is a function duce a secret key. Finally, we presented
device outputs a string of measurement only of the frequencies of wins and mis- a protocol for key distribution that ran-
outcomes A = (a0, f, an - 1) ! {0, 1} n . matches fwin and ferror [1]. domly intercalates rounds of CHSH and
2. Bob generates a uniformly random string key production. We point the reader to
of measurement bases Y ! {0, 1, 2} n Summary and further reading [13] for an in-depth discussion of (non-
and measures sequentially in the basis We introduced several topics. Let us sum- device-independent) QKD and to [1] for a
given by By, where B2 = A0. The device marize and point to appropriate sourc- security proof of diQKD. s

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