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The First Week

The third days, I went to college in 18th September 2013 at 01.00 PM. My
English lecturer of finance and banking named Mr. Wawan, came to class 1 KPC.
He sat and greeted us with smile. In my heart, I would give the best first meeting
with my English lecturer. Then we ordered one by one to introduce ourselves in
front of Mr.Wawan and the other friends. After we finished it, then Mr.Wawan
explained his biography and I didn’t supposed that he not get married yet. He told
little bit about the college. And finally, the time was out, he gave us a book which it
had to copy by us. He said to us that next week we had to study about first lesson,
and actually English lesson for first semester was “English For Banking and

The Second Week

In this second week, there was reference book for us. First chapter was
saving banks. Because of our program was finance and banking, so we studied in
this lesson was about banking.

In second week of first college, one by one of university student read and translated
vocabulary and expansion from first chapter and Mr. Wawan also told us about the
meaning of those words.

Next, we did vocabulary practice. He gave us the time to did it, and after we
finished it Mr. Wawan invited us to discuss about the practice together. Then, we
went to first text which the title was “A Bank Manager Speaks”. We ordered to
understand the text then we translated it. One by one me and my friends we
translated the words that we didn’t understand it, so I wrote translate above the
words. After all was done, we and Mr. Wawan discussed the text. Then, after the
discussion one by one the practice from chapter 1 we did it and discussed it
In the fact, time was almost over, finally Building Sentences become
homework that we had to did it in one sheet. Beside that, we had to presented
Banking Conversation next week.

Third Week

In this week should presentation about “Bannking Conversation”,

but this week I could not follow this lesson because of I was sick. While we
finished preparation everything. Finally I just entrus my homework about
“Building Sentences” that I wrote it in one sheet to my classmate.

Fourth Week

In this fourth week, actually this week was the busy enough week
for me, because of I didn’t present this lesson and did conversation, so I had
to it the conversation.

Not only memorize the conversation for this week, but I also had to
memorize 30 words of irregular verbs with past tense and past participle.
One day before the test day, I only memorized 30 verbs and the
conversation, because of I also had many work from the other lesson.

First, I didn’t sure to memorize everything just in one day. But I always
retry it until I could memorize it everything.

Fifth Week

In this fifth week I thought we could calm down for a moment,

because of there was not difficult exercise from Mr. Wawan. Last week Mr.
Wawan just ordered us to read chapter 4 about mortgagees.

That day we just studied English lesson, because of the other lecturer
did not teach us. At this meeting, we just discussed about chapter 4, and did
all its exercise.
In the end of lesson, Mr. Wawan told us that next week all of us had
to presentation about tenses. He gave us the materials for presentation.
Actually, this was a new challenge for us, after last week we had to
memorize 30 verbs and now we had to memorize and explain 16 tenses.

Sixth Week

It was a week which we did not waiting for. This week we had to
presentation about 16 tenses and we also had to explain it. Like usually, in the
morning there was many of us who memorize tenses. In fact, Mr. Wawan gave KP
A and KP B this work.

KP A got first position to presentation it, so I came forward in front of Mr.

Wawan. I tried to said everything what I memorize before. And finally the value of
this presentation it was not too bad for me, because of I could memorize 10 tenses
with its functions and its examples.

Seventh Week

This week there was not English lesson, because of the lecturer attended the
seminar. So, he gave us some exercise to did all exercise from chapter 5 until
chapter 6.

Eighth Week

This was the first meeting after mid semester test. At this meeting, on
Wednesday, 20th November 2013, Mr. Wawan entered the class 1 KPC. He always
came first than us. At that moment, we discussed about lesson 7 about “The
Accounting Department”. Like before, Mr. Wawan ordered us to translated
vocabulary in lesson 7, and of course we read the vocabulary one by one. There
was some vocab that often we found in accounting such us: credit, debit, journal,
ledger, etc.

Then, Mr. Wawan gave us the time for 5 minutes to did the practice
vocabulary. That begun from vocabulary practice, comprehension, check, and
buiding vocabulary .After we finished it, Mr. Wawan and us discussed the exercise
together, and for the next exercise Mr. Wawan ordered us to did it at the home.
Because of Mr. Wawan had the other business, so Mr. Wawan teach us until 02.30
PM. Finally time was out, so we went home.

Ninth Week

On Wednesday 27th November 2013 at 12.30 PM, I studied English

lesson and also I met Mr. Wawan again. How embarassed I am to met him,
because of my value at mid semester. I believed that my value was so bad.
Then, Mr. Wawan gave us our value of mid semester to our class
leder,named Rafi. When the value in my hand, I spoke to myself like this
“Ya Allah… why my engliish score always bad but I already tried to studied
hard before this mid Semeter test. I was embarrassed with my friend, but ya
Allah… I already tried to studied hard but why I always could not do it.
Then, I tried to do the exercise in my book by myself, but why I still
couldn’t do it, Mr. Wawan?”

The most embarrassed I thought on 27th November, I was the first

person who Mr. Wawan choosed to read eighth lesson and I was wrong
when said the word “policy” and all my friends laughd at me, and of course
Mr. Wawan tried to correct my false. I wanted to say thank you to Mr.
Wawan about it. I would remembered that his kindness to corrected in
every my false.

Tenth Week

This was the tenth week on 4th December 2013. Yesterday, we

studied English lesson like usually, we did the next exercise at 01.00 PM.
On last Wednesday we discussed about ninth lesson. At that day I was
happy, because of Mr. Wawan choose me to read the vocabulary and he did
not gave me correction about my false because of my English skill little bit
better than before. And for once again, I wanted to say thank you to Mr.
Wawan for his correction about my false. Because of my false I had ever
did before, I tried to study hard to corrected it. Until finished ninth lesson,
Mr. Wawan explained about future tense until at 02:15 PM. After that Mr.
Wawan finished his lesson.

At 11 December 2013, we leasrned lesson 10 about “THE

INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDS”. We read vocabulary along means.
Then, did vocabulary practice for 3 minutes and mentioned answers one. Then,
translated a discourse at 93 page and did exercises of Comprehention Check part
A, B and C for 20 minutes, Building Your vocabulary part A and B for 5 minutes.

The dozen teached about comparative form and superlative form. Then did
exercises of structure practice part A, B and C for 20 minutes. Tasks else did at

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