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energy to for
fromElectric Energy
energy industries
selection cOnservation
generated reduceEnergy is
manufacturing techniques. quality or
efficient conservation
motor Maintenance
eneray motors:operating
ensure of thát motorsloading. Proper
berating Process for drives,control
Variable Compared In efficient Energy
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equal main 20 Use be
In summer, ceiling or table fancan be used against heat. Compared
to air conditioner (7-10 Rs/hour), ceiling fans costs about 1-2
Rs/hour to operate.
If we set temperature to above 220C, then we can save 3to 5%
energy for each degree above 220C. It isalways recommendable to
set the temperature of air conditioner at 250C to have the better
comfort at least energy usage.
Generally air conditioner cool and reduce the humidity levelof room
in less than half an hour, so use sleep mode or timer and keep the
air conditioner off for sometime.

Remove dust from filter every month, it help in proper airflow. It

also enables the unit to cool down quickly and use less energy.
West and south walls exposed to sunlight during major part of the
day in summer. Therefore, it is always recommendable to place air
conditioner in north and east.
Refrigerator: Refrigeration is a common need of every house. Proper use
and precautions can save considerable amount of energy.
Do not keep your refrigerator and freezer at very low temperature.
Energy usage may go high up to 20 to 30%, if we set it to 2 to 3
degrees lower than required.
Never place refrigerator against west and south facing walls which
are exposed to direct sunlight.
Before placing food items, always letting it cool at room
Always lid off or cover the liquid items in the refrigerator. It is
because liquids may get vaporised and can add load to compressor.
We can reduce the amount of time the door remains open. If we
think about what we need before opening refrigerator door.
Clean the condenser coils reqularly to make sure that air can
circulate freely. Otherwise, the motor will be more loaded to
circulate the air and will consume more energy.
Washing Machines: In this 21st century, washing machine is a common
need of every house. Energy Consumption for washing machines can account
for as much as 20% of the electricity bill.

Each cycle of washing uses many liters of water. For efficient use,
machine should operate on full load and should also plan periodic
wash to save on water too.
Do not use to0 much detergent. It causes more time to wash
may require more energy for extra rinses.
Soak or pre-wash the cloths for effective cleaning and to save time
of washing. It indirectly saves energy consumption.
Seyser/Water Heater: Heating water in ageyser can be an expensive
task if not done correctly. Awater geyser requires a lot of energy to neat
his high consumption of electricity shoots up the electricity bill during
winters. Therefore in order to lower the monthly electricity bills, it is very
Important to use water geysers in aright way.

nere are two types of geysers available in the market: One with
thermostat settings outside and changeable, other where
thermostat is not visible from outside and cannot be changed. Most
geysers available in market have a default thermostat setting of 60
degree or high. This means that water in your geyser will be heated
tllit reaches a tenmperature of 60 degrees or high. Water heated up
to this temperature becomes extremely hot and needs to be mixed
with lot of cold water before use. According to many energy saVing
groups, water that is heated up to 40 to 45 degrees C is good to
Use. S0, if you have a geyser with outside thermostat setting,
change it from 60 degrees to 40 to 45 degrees C.
Do not keep water geyser ON for longer duration. Many people have
a tendency of leaving the geyser \ON' all the time. This tendency
leads to lot of electricity wastage. Once the water is heated the
power supply automatically cuts off. After some time hot water
begins to lose the heat through the body of geyser. This way the
temperature of water comes down after sometime. Once the
temperature of the water is down by certain degrees, the
thermostat switches on the power supply and water heating prOcess
starts all over again. This on-off process repeats all through the day
and consumes electricity.
Select the right sized geyser as per your requirement. An over-sized
geyser means heating extra water that is not required
Install solar water heating system.
Use BEE labelled product. Five Star rated geysers consume less
electricity for heating water as well as have much less heat loss.

What Is an Energy Audit?

An energy audit is completed at a residential or commercial building to determine
its energy efficiency. Simply put, energy efficiency means using less energy to do the
same job. The audit will provide you with a complete electricity consumption
and energy efficiency assessment.)
Youcan obtain important information regarding your energy usage and Energy
Star ratingfrom the audit report. With this information, you can identify and correct
any energy usage issues to cut electricity costs(It's advisable to always undertake
an energy audit before implementing a renewabl energy system)
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How DolConduct an Energy Audit of My Own Home ?
If youdon't want to pay for the services of a professional energy auditor and preler to
take a do-it-yourself approach. you can conduct a DIY energy audit of your nome.
It Will be helpful to keep a checklist of the areas that you have audited and note rie
problems youfound. This list willassist you with prioritizing the energyefficiency
upgrades you need to consider.
Itsessential to remember that completing a do-it-yourself home energy audit will not
be as reliable or credible as hiring a professional. Also, leave it to a pro if you're not
sure about how to inspect or remedy a problem.
Step One: Look for air leaks. The irst step is to identify any drafty areas. Air leaks are
often foundat junctures between doors, windows, electrical outlets, walls, and ceilings.
Should youlocate aleak, consider sealing it with caulk or weatherstripping.
Step Two: Evaluate your home's ventilation. After you've looked for air leaks, evaluate
your home's ventilation. If you burn fuel like natural gas, propane, or wood, you must ensure
an adequate and healthy air supply.
Step Three: Check your insulation levels. This step is pretty simple. You need to check
your home's insulation levels by examining the insulation in your attic and around your
heating and cooling systems. Lack of proper insulation causes higher energy usage,
especially during the winter.
Step Four: Evaluate your lighting. It might not seemlike a big energy user, but the lighting
in your house can cause sky-high energy bills. Switching to LEDs, energy
saving incandescent bulbs, or CFLS can help.
Step Five:Check your appliances and electronics. One of the best ways to save energy
in your home is by using energy-efficient appliances. That's why when conducting
your energy audit, it's important to consider the types of appliances andelectronics you
have. Are they Energy Star-certified? Or are they old and less efficient?

HowMuch Should an Energy Audit Cost?

Ahome energy audit will come in at an average cost of just over $400. Costs can
range significantly, depending on where your home or commercial building is
Ultimately, the cost will depend on whether you're auditing a residential or
commercial address, the size of the property, and the type of energy audit you have
If youchoose to have an energy audit done, you could potentially
receive energy rebates to cover much of the cost.
How Long Do Energy Audits Take?
The time it takes to complete an energy audit depends on the size of your property
and the number of appliances and electronics you have. It willalso depend on how
climate should. Anchanges,building
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