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PaperCut Grows Planting Projects

All the projects available to customers in the PaperCut
Grows program interface
Effective as of: 1 September 2022
Please use this list as the source of truth for all available planting projects as of the publication
date. This list will be updated quarterly, in line with updates to the PaperCut Grows program for
MF and Hive. The latest list will always be available on the PaperCut Grows program page on the
Partner Portal.

Please note: not all projects published on One Tree Planted’s website are available as part of the
PaperCut Grows program. Over time projects are closed and new ones become available. This list
is the source of truth for partners and should be referenced in your customer discussions.

Project Name Web Link Project Overview

Australia Australia's forests range from ancient Gondwana rainforest and
oducts/australia tropical mangroves to extensive bush lands made up of native
acacia, melaleuca and eucalyptus trees. Your donation will help
to plant millions of trees across Australia to recover forests
affected by the 2019-20 Black Summer Bushfires and restore
native habitat vital for wildlife.

Brazil The Atlantic Forest, also known as Mata Atlantica, once spanned 130
million hectares across Brazil. Now, this tropical rainforest ecosystem
covers only about 12% of its original area and is home to more than
half of the country’s population. Centuries of deforestation for timber,
sugar cane, coffee, cattle ranching, and urban sprawl have contributed
to its current state. Nearly all of the remaining forest is in western São
Paulo State, including the Mooro do Diablo State Park, the Black Lion
Tamarin Ecological Station, and many smaller forest fragments.

Canada (British Notably, BC is home to incredible and iconic biodiversity like the
Columbia) Canada Lynx, Snowy Owl, Moose, and more. Forests cover two-thirds
of the province – an area of almost 60 million hectares. Sadly, insect
pests and diseases have decimated enormous areas of forest. These
dead trees became fuel for wildfires, and in summer 2017 B.C.
experienced its worst wildfire in history, with over 1.2 million hectares
burned. You can help recover this essential wildlife habitat when you
plant a tree.

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Canada The Whaelghinbran forest falls within the UNESCO designated Fundy
(New-Brunswick) /collections/canada Biosphere Reserve and is situated within a critical wildlife corridor
connecting Fundy National Park with New Brunswick's interior. The
surrounding Acadian Forest is one of the most ecologically diverse
forest types in Canada, as well as one of the most endangered. With a
moist climate and a historically very low risk of fire, it is ideal for
storing carbon and a prime region for focusing climate change
resilience efforts. The Acadian Forest is recognized by the World
Wildlife Fund as “critically endangered,” the highest risk category for
extinction. Less than 5 percent of the Acadian Forest remains in
pre-colonial condition. Whaelghinbran's 700+ acres of mature forest
will insulate this newly reforested site from many of the vulnerabilities
plantations experience when isolated from healthy forest sites.

Canada (Ontario) Given its remarkably large land area, Ontario's forests are incredibly
diverse. From the northern lowlands around Hudson Bay, through the
Boreal forest, and on to the deciduous forests in the south, Ontario is
home to a wide array of unique plants and wildlife. However, many of
Ontario's amazing forests are being pressured by natural resource
extraction and encroaching agricultural development. On top of this, in
April 2019 the Ontario government cut funding for its tree-planting
program, which intended on planting 50 million trees by 2025.

Canada (Québec) The majority of forest coverage in Québec comes from the Boreal forest
- the world’s largest intact forest ecosystem - making Québec forests
some of the most ecologically rich ecosystems on the planet. They are
home to more than 225 species of bird, 50 species of tree, and 60
mammal species including moose, black bear, fox, and caribou.

Colombia Sustinere and its partners' reforestation project is in the Choco,
Colombia, one of the world's most biodiverse areas, with more than
8,000 species of plants and 600 species of birds. In the 2000s, the
Choco suffered 60% of the deforestation in Colombia, due to mining
and logging.The location of the reforestation project is in the
municipality of Tadó, in the department of the Chocó, which is the
pacific region of Colombia. More specifically, the 5 village-areas in the
municipality of Tadó where the project will take place are: Tapon,
Corcobado, Angostura, Playa de Oro and Tabor.

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Côte D’Ivoire This project will bring trees back to cocoa farms to create agroforestry,
a sustainable farming practice that will support both the environment
and local cocoa farmers. Restoring these cocoa regions to better
ecological health will have a direct impact on soil quality to prevent
erosion, will provide habitat for biodiversity, improve air quality and
climate, and benefit women smallholder farmers to support gender

Denmark Due to historic deforestation, only 14.5% of the land area in Denmark is
forested. Our respected on-the-ground partner will work with 550
landowners to get 1 million trees planted on over 350 hectares of land
to benefit the climate, biodiversity, and the local community. This
project is part of a nationwide effort to grow Denmark's forest cover to
25% by 2100 and will establish a multi-functional woodland on
marginal farmland in western Jutland. The best part? It will be
protected in perpetuity by the Danish Forest Act.

Ethiopia This tree planting project links environmental restoration with income
generation, providing the local community with the knowledge and
tools to conserve their land, protect their water supply, and create a
sustainable, diverse economy for future generations. It focuses on the
Loka Bedelcha Kebele in Southern Ethiopia, and the Amhara region in
the North. Both are areas where environmental degradation is
threatening livelihoods and biodiversity. These regions face challenges
like dry and unpredictable climates, poor soil fertility, ineffective land
management practices, and lenient resource regulations.

Ghana Ghana is known for its diverse animal life, miles of sandy beaches
along a picturesque coast, and beautiful forests covering more than
21% of the country. Since the early 1990s, Ghana has lost more than
30% of its forests – approximately 2.5 million hectares. With a
remarkable 80% of Ghanaians depending on forests for their
livelihoods, deforestation has a major impact on communities. To
reverse this trend, Ghana's government is focused on improving land
management, planting trees, and protecting forests. This project is
also a part of the AFR100, an initiative to restore more than 100 million
hectares of land across Africa by 2030.

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Guatemala Guatemala has one of the most extensive and diverse
merica/products/gu forest systems in Central America. Its name is said to mean
atemala-forests "land of the trees" in the Mayan-Toltec language. Sadly, the
country is losing these precious forests at a rapid rate.
Because of its topography, Guatemala is susceptible to
landslides, floods and other natural disasters. However,
the biggest driver of deforestation has been population
growth and economic disparity. With more than one
million hectares of land that could be harnessed for
reforestation, this project aims to bring back the healthy
forests that have characterized the country since ancient

Haiti Reforestation is a major challenge for Haiti. Centuries of over-farming

and poor agricultural methods have destroyed the region’s soil.
Erosion makes it very difficult to grow food, and dramatically increases
the impact of natural disasters. Planting trees here will help restore
nutrients to the soil and teach local farmers how to use the land
responsibly and profitably.

Honduras Plant a tree in Honduras to help restore beautiful landscapes with local
communities. Since 1990, around 45% of Honduras’ natural forests
have disappeared. Miraculously, Honduras is still dotted with hotspots
of biodiversity, providing homes for macaws, jaguars, and giant
iguanas. Within the forestlands of the mountainous Nombre de Dios
region, deforestation has put these hotspots under threat. In addition,
Honduras’ dry corridor region is highly vulnerable to extreme weather
events. But now we have an opportunity to restore some of the areas
that have been damaged to help the forests thrive again! This project is
a collaboration of One Tree Planted, Rainforest Alliance, and local

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Iceland Introducing a new afforestation project in Iceland! While Iceland used
to have up to 40% forest cover centuries ago, deforestation has
reduced this to just 0,5% today, and since so much time has gone by
that's why this unique project is categorized as afforestation as
opposed to reforestation. This 150 hectare area will involve planting
trees on the lower, south-facing slopes on the farm “Dragon's Nest"
named after its former owner. The area is degraded former grazing
land with low-growing and largely non-continuous vegetation, and a
lot of ecological potential to become a forest once again. The main
goals of this project are carbon sequestration and soil conservation.

India India is a vast land full of contrasts. Moist and dry tropical forests,
temperate and subtropical montane forests, alpine forests and
mangrove forests are all found here. Recognized as one of the 17
“megadiverse” countries, around 8% of the world's flora and fauna is
found in India, including species like Bengal Tigers. With nearly 3,000,
India supports the largest population globally. Additionally, India's
forests support the livelihoods of almost 275 million people, who
depend on them for food, fuelwood, fodder and other forest products.

Indonesia Indonesia is made up of over 17,000 islands, including Borneo and
Sumatra, the third and sixth largest islands in the world. Extensive
mangroves, carbon-rich peat swamps and the third largest reserves of
rainforests left on Earth are all found across this sprawling archipelago.
Recognized globally for its exceptional biodiversity, many rare and
unique wildlife such as Sumatran tigers, elephants, orang-utans and
over 1,700 species of birds are found here. Your donation will help to
restore ecosystems in this biodiversity hotspot that has experienced
profound degradation caused by rampant deforestation for palm oil
plantations, damaging peat fires, and extensive logging.

Kenya Kenya’s Kijabe Forest is a highland mosaic ‘Afro-alpine’ forest that was
once dominated by trees, such as the East African pencil-cedar and
African olive. Roughly one-third of the original high-canopy forest still
stands and provides important habitat for biodiversity. The forest is
only about 5,000 hectares, but a community of almost 200,000 people
depend on it for water, wood, and agriculture. Increasing pressure for
land poses significant threats to the region, leading to the
over-extraction of resources and illegal timber harvesting. Planting
trees here will help protect this vital ecosystem, promote
environmental education, and foster sustainable livelihoods through
seed collection and ecotourism.

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Malawi This reforestation initiative is working with local communities to
restore native forests across the landscape at a number of sites across
Malawi. In many village areas the need for fuel wood forces local
people, often women, to walk long distances. This has led to forest
degradation in nearby areas, fragmenting wildlife habitat and
presenting hardships for local farming communities. That’s why your
support will go a long way! This tree planting has a huge impact by not
only restoring forests and all the benefits they bring to wildlife,
watersheds, climate stability and more, but doing so in combination
with sustainable development. This project will restore indigenous
forest trees to the landscape in cooperation with communities while
installing water wells and pumps, as well as fruit trees. Planting in
combination with sustainable development goals tackles the roots of
deforestation by taking pressure off mature trees and educating local
women how to build fuel efficient clay brick stoves to save firewood
and improve their lives.

Mexico This project focuses on both farmland conversion and forest
restoration to improve biodiversity habitats in an essential migration
corridor for numerous species, most notably the Monarch butterfly. By
densely planting native species with the cooperation of local
landowners and indigenous communities, we can make sure that
Senguio and Ocampo's natural beauty is restored for future
generations of people and wildlife.

New Zealand New Zealand is home to unique forest ecosystems, including kauri
forests, kahikatea swamp forests, pōhutukawa forests and mixed
broadleaved forests. These support a diverse flora and fauna that
evolved in the almost complete absence of land mammals and are
almost entirely made up of native bird species found nowhere else.
However, native forests like these have suffered from centuries of
logging, forest clearance and invasive species that have reduced them
to a fraction of their former range. Your donation will help to plant
thousands of trees to restore the island’s indigenous forests and create
habitat for wildlife, while stabilizing hillsides to prevent erosion and
protect local watersheds.

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Peru Peru is home to one of the 10 most-forested areas of any country in the
world with more than half the country, approximately 260,000 square
mile, covered in trees. Making Peru one of the 10 most biodiverse
countries in the world, with iconic species including the Jaguar, Black
Spider Monkey, the Poison Dart Frog and so many more. With over
330,000 people who depend directly on Peru's forests for their
livelihoods, One Tree Planted has made it a priority to protect, restore
and reforest Peruvian forests.

Philippines The Philippines have traditionally supported some of the most
spectacular primary rainforests in South East Asia. In some islands
such as Mindanao and Palawan, remnants of the great rainforests
remain, though deforestation has decimated old growth forests in
many areas. In addition to tropical rainforests, unique bamboo and
mangrove ecosystems exist across the archipelago. The diversity of
habitats in the Philippines support an exuberance of life making it one
of the world’s seventeen “megadiverse countries” as well as a global
biodiversity hotspot. Endangered wildlife such as the Philippine Eagle
and Philippine Tarsier, as well as almost half of the country's 1,196
known species of amphibians, birds and mammals are endemic and
found nowhere else. Your donation will help restore the Philippines'
spectacular forests, protect the island’s biodiversity and develop
sustainable livelihood options for local communities.

Romania Climate change and shifts in agricultural practices have left large
swathes of Romania's lowlands abandoned. Without people to
manage the land, soil erosion and degradation of the landscape is
starting to take its toll. Our planting partners in Transylvania are
converting this abandoned land into healthy forests and raising
awareness about the importance of proper land management to
ensure these forests are well maintained. This planting project takes
place around the picturesque UNESCO world heritage site Sighișoara,
made up of 13th century Romanian Saxon villages.

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Rwanda Rwanda’s forests support a wealth of biodiversity and natural
resources. The Gishwati-Mukura forests of Rwanda once spanned
253,000 hectares, covering the land with over 60 species of trees and
providing habitat to chimpanzees. Due to illegal mining and the
resettlement of households after the genocide in 1994, overgrazing
and tree cutting reduced the forests to a mere 3,558 ha. Smallholder
farmers feel the impacts of that degradation and understand the
importance of landscape restoration for water, energy and food
security. This project will help a women’s cooperative, led by local
farmer Agnes Uwifashije, to revive land in Mukura.

Spain This reforestation will work to rebuild the forests of Undabaso. This
area is located in the municipality of Muxika, in the province of Bizkaia,
in the Basque Country. The area is included in the Urdaibai Biosphere

Tanzania The International Small Group and Tree Planting Program (TIST)
supports Small Groups of subsistence farmers in Kenya, Tanzania,
Uganda, and India to combat the devastating effects of deforestation,
poverty, and drought. Farmers come together in Small Groups of 6-12,
forming Clusters of 20-70 Small Groups. Clusters meet monthly to
address agricultural, HIV/AIDS, nutritional, and fuel challenges, as well
as to discuss tree planting. As TIST expands to more groups and more
areas, it ensures more trees, more biodiversity, more climate change
benefits and more income for more people.

Uganda Uganda has a rapidly growing population, which is putting a great deal
of stress on the country's forests by increasing demand for firewood,
pushing agricultural expansion, and expanding land settlement. As a
result, Uganda now has one of the highest rates of deforestation in the
world. In Northern Uganda, much of the forest has been cleared for
charcoal production, degrading wildlife habitat and presenting a
hardship for local farmers.

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USA (Appalachia) Appalachia is one of America's most beautiful and renowned regions,
stretching from the state of New York, all the way down to Alabama
and Georgia. Home to the namesake Appalachian Trail, more than 150
tree species can be found in the region, making it one of the most
diverse ecological regions in North America. Unfortunately, the
resource wealth of the region also means much of the forest has been
degraded by mining and timber operations. Over the years, an
estimated 83% of habitat has been lost. However, with an ever-growing
tourism industry environmentally conscious organizations and
businesses are stepping up to return the region to its former glory.

USA (California) If you happen to venture into these pristine landscapes, you'll find
yourself immersed in majestic forestry where giant coastal redwoods
take the stage, often surrounded by rare plants. Unfortunately, five
years of drought and large-scale bark beetle infestation have seriously
damaged these once-thriving forests. Not to mention, 2017's
record-breaking wildfire season burned more than 1.3 million acres –
an area the size of Delaware. 2020's fire season has consumed close to
3 million acres, resulting in hundreds of millions of trees that must be
restored. Together, let's restore California's forests so that we can
continue to enjoy their natural beauty for many years to come!

USA (Florida) Florida is home to 37 state forests, covering over 1,070,000 acres.
Healthy forests provide citizens with sustainable wood production,
fresh air, wildlife habitat, clean water, enjoyable outdoor recreation
and quality of life. Yet in recent years, unhealthy forests have been
major contributors to Florida's disastrous wildfires and unprecedented
outbreaks of southern pine beetles. The region is frequently hit by
strong storms and hurricanes, contributing severe, long-term damage
to forest resources.

USA (Oregon) Deforestation isn't just happening in well-known global hotspots like
Indonesia and Brazil's rainforest. A new analysis says forests are also
shrinking on state and private land in Oregon, where an estimated
522,000 acres of forest cover have disappeared since 2000. That's an
area six times larger than the city of Portland, equal to more than half
of Oregon's designated state forests.

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Vietnam Vietnam’s diverse forest landscapes encompass karst mountains,
lowland plains and coastal mangroves. These diverse tropical
ecosystems are home to over 1,500 known species of amphibians,
birds, mammals and reptiles. Much of the local population also
depends directly on forest products for subsistence. However,
over-exploitation of the land has endangered many native species of
plants and animals, and increased the impact of natural disasters.
Vietnam is slowly regaining its forests through tree planting and
natural reforestation though. Your donation will help restore Vietnam’s
forests, protect threatened species, regulate climate, provide economic
stability for villagers, and safeguard watersheds that serve local

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