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ema Curate Oral Communication Quarter 1 — Module 1 Nature and Process of Communication Oral Communication - Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Mode First Quarter- Module 1; Nature and Process of Communication First Edition, 2020 Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shail be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties. Borrowed materials (.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them Published by the Department of Education Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio Development Team of the Module Writer: Jane Aiken A. Villaver Editor: Desiree T. Roberts Reviewers: Dr. Clavel D. Salinas. Marivic M. Yballe [Moderator] Illustrator: Nina Rose dela Cerna Layout Artist: Jane Aiken A. Villaver Management Team: Dr. Marilyn S. Andales__-Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Lean B. Apao Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Ester A. Futalan Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Cartesa M. Perico Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Mary Ann P.Flores CID Chief Mr. Isaiash T. Wagas Education Program Supervisor - LRMDS Dr. Clavel D. Salinas PSDSI/SHS Division Coordinator Printed in the Philippines by: Department of Education, Region Vil, Division of Cebu Province Office Address: IPHO Bidg. Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City Telefax: (032) 255 - 6405 E-mail Address: Senior High School Oral Communication Quarter 1 — Module 1 Nature and Process of Communication DepED Key Message For the Facilitator: Learning is a constant process. Amidst inevitable circumstances, Department of Education extends their resources and looks for varied ways to cater your needs and to adapt to the new system of Education as a fortress of Learning Continuity Plan. One of the probable solutions is the use of Teacher-made Educational Modules in teaching. You are reading the Oral Communication - Grade 11: First Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on “Explain the functions, nature and process of communication (EN11/120C-la-2)” as written and found in the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies. The creation of this module is a combined effort of competent educators from different levels and various schools of Department of Education-Cebu Province. In addition, this module is meticulously planned, organized, checked, and verified by knowledgeable educators to assist you in imparting the lessons to the learners while considering the physical, social, and economical restraints in teaching process. The use of Teacher-made Educational Module aims to surpass the challenges of teaching in a new normal education set-up. Through this module, the students are given independent learning activities, which embodies in the Most Essential Learning Competencies based on the K-12 Curriculum Competencies, to work on in accordance with their capability, efficiency, and time. Thus, helping the leamers acquire the prerequisite 21* Century skills needed with emphasis on utmost effort in considering the whole well-being of the learners. In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the module: Notes to the Teacher! This part of the module gives you helpful tips, suggestions or strategies that will make the leaming process easy and efficient to the learners, ‘As the main source of learning, it is your top priority to explain clearly on how to use this module to the learners. While using this module, leamer's progress and development should be recorded verbatim to assess their strengths and weaknesses while doing the activities presented independently in safety of their homes. Moreover, you are anticipated to persuade leamers to comply and to finish the modules on or before the scheduled time. For the Learner: As a significant stakeholder of learning, Department of Education researched and explored on innovative ways to address your needs with high consideration on social, economic, physical, and emotional aspects of your wellbeing. To continue the learning process, DepEd comes up with an Alternative Delivery mode of teaching using Teacher-Made Educational Modules. You are reading the Oral Communication - Grade 11: First Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on “Explain the functions, nature and process of communication (EN11/120C-la-2)” as written and found in the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies. This module is especially crafted for you to grasp the opportunity to continue learning even at home. Using guided and independent learning activities, rest assured that you will be able to take pleasure as well as to deeply understand the contents of the lesson presented, recognizing your own capacity and capability in acquiring knowledge. This module has the following parts and corresponding icons: The first part of the module will keep the learners on tract on the Competencies, WHAT NEED TO KNOW | objectives and Skills expected to be developed and mastered. This part aims to check prior knowledge on the WHAT IKNOVE lesson to take. 2 WHAT'S IN This part helps link the previous lesson to the current one through a short exercise/dril. % The lesson to be partaken is introduced in this © , part of the module creatively. it may be through ayy Ars New a story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity, a situation or the like. es? A brief discussion of the lesson can be read in © WHAT IS IT this part. It guides and helps unlock the lesson presented. A comprehensive activitiy/es for independent practice is in this part to solidify knowledge and E - WHATS HORE skills of the given topic. This part of the module is used to process == WHAT HAVE LEARNED | learning and understanding on the given topic. A transfer of newly acquired knowledge and skills to a real-life situation is present in this part of the module. This activity assesses the level of mastery towards the topic. [Mish A00ITIOWAL ACTIVITIES given to turtne: grasp the lessons. In this section, enhancement activities will be ¢ This contains answers to all activities in the dye ANSWER KEYS maaiyer At the end of this module you will also find: References: _ Printedin this partis a list of all reliable and valid resources Used in crafting and designing this module. In using this module, keep note of the fundamental reminders below. 1 The module is government owned. Handle it with care. Unnecessary marks are prohibited. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering all the given exercises. This is a Home-Based class, your reliability and honor in doing the tasks and checking your answers are a must This module helps you attain and learn lessons at home. Make sure to clearly comprehend the first activity before proceeding to the next one. This module should be retumed in good condition to your teacher/faciltator once you completed it Answers should be written on a separate sheet of paper or notebook especially prepared for English subject If you wish to talk to your teacher/educator, do not hesitate to keep in touch with him/her for further discussion. Know that even if this is a home-based class, your teacher is only a call away. Good communication between the teacher and the student is our priority to flourish your understanding on the given lessons. We do hope that in using this material, you will gain ample knowledge and skills for you to be fully equipped and ready to answer the demands of the globally competitive world. We are confident in you! Keep soaring high! VEED 10 KNOW oy) WHAT, Good day dear learner! This module is solely prepared for you to access and to acquire lessons befitted iin your grade level. The exercises, drills and assessments are carefully made to suit your level of understanding. Indeed, this leaming resource is for you to fully comprehend the functions, nature, and process of communication (EN11/120C- a-2). Independently, you are going to go through this module following its proper sequence. Although you are going to do it alone, this is a guided lesson and instructions/directions on how to do every activity is plotted for your convenience. Using this leaning resource, you are ought to Explain the functions, nature, and process of communication (EN11/120C-la-2) as inculcated in the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies. At the end of Lesson 1, you are expected to achieve the following objectives: define communication ‘~ identify the elements of communication ~@ discuss the nature of communication and demonstrate sincerity and honesty in accomplishing the different tasks 1 The Nature and Elements LESSON 1 of Communication WHAT IKNOW Directions: In this activity, you are to identify FACT OR FICTIC whether each statement is a fact or fiction. You write the word of your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Are you ready” Let's get started! 1. Communication can be verbal or nonverbal It can happen anytime and anywhere 3. Its process is only one way 4, Itoceurs berween two or more people (the speaker and the receiver) All the elements of communication may not be present in one communicative activity. B. Directions: Rearrange the letters in the correct order to make a word. Then, fad its description on the other side. Write only the letter of the correct ansiver ‘MIX AND MATCH! | EVREICER, a. sender of the message 2. ASESMGE, b. the means to deliver the message 3. PAEKESR, «recipient of the message 4, KACBDEFE 4, hindrance to communication flow 3. NANELEC «information or thoughts conveyed £. reaction or reply B. How was the activity? What do you think is ‘communication? Why do we need to communicate? 6 points) 2 Let's play a little game and see if you get it right! 9 WHAT'S IN A. Directions: Below are the different pictures of communication activities. Tell me what each picture is showing. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. BB, Answer the following: > What have you observed among these pictures? > What do these pictures try to convey? > What do they have in common? 3 ETE ES ASST FR BE RTE BE SS TY CTS TTB I SE PISS WB SEIS SS TORTS PT How was your stay at home vacation? Have you enjoyed your time bonding with your family? From doing household chores to exchanging ideas while working on your plans and projects, are some of the moments you can make this quarantine period. The time you spend with your parents, siblings, and loved ones is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. So today, I want you to recall a conversation with your family that you think is memorable. Were you able to effectively communicate your message? How did you do it? | wut Get to know more about commun the following information: Ye Key Takeaws s Communication is a process of sharing and conveying messages or information from one person to another within and across channels, contexts, media, and cultures (MeComack, 2014). There isa wide variety of contexts and situations in which communication can be manifested: it ean be a face- to-face interaction, a phone conversation, a group discussion, a meeting or an interview, a letter correspondence, a class recitation, and many others, 34 Nature of Communteation 1, Comminication is a process 2, Communication occurs between two or more people (the speaker and the receiver) 3. Communication can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions (nonverbal) or both spoken words and nonverbal actions at the same time. 4 STE SRST FSS BE TE BE STS AVC TB TB SE TISSE WES ESE TS SET ORETSORS TA PPT ‘34fe_ Elements of Communication 1, Speaker - the source of information or message 2, Message the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions 3, Encoding ~ the process of converting the message into words actions, or other forms that the speaker understands 4. Channel — the medium or the means, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or nonverbal, in ‘which the encoded message is conveyed 5. Decoding — the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver 6, Receiver — the recipient of the message, or someone whio decodes the message 7. Feedback — the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver 8, Context — the environment where communication takes place 9, Barrier ~ the factors that affect the flow of communication WHAT'S A. Directions: » After learning about the . findaméntals of Communication, itis now time to let your creative juices flow by accomplishing this ‘word map, Define in your own words Give its synonyms COMMUNICATION Use it meaningfully in a sentence Draw a picture of it How are you doing? Are you still up for another challenge? B. Directions: Think of one fact that you learned about communication and share it with everyone through a Facebook post. [Sl seneue (GR) Photo Ask Question WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND? 5 STE SASS FSGS BE TS BE STS TY CIES TB TB SE EISSE WES BS ESE TS SETS SRS TR PPT 2 SE sri nave LEARNED PAUSEAND REFLECT! | Divections: Reflect on what you have learned after ‘aking up this lesson by completing the chart below ‘What were your toughts or ideas about the nature of communication prior to the discussion of this lesson? ag up this lesson? = WHAT | CAN DO Directions: Read and explain the nature of Respond, Engage, Analyze, and Discuss IT! communication illustrated inthe situation below: The first one ts done for you. Situation: Governor Gwett Garcia issued an Executive Order 17-H reinstituting the border controls as stated in Executive Order 17, Section 8 and revoking Executive Order 17-D, Answer, ‘The situation mentioned about the issuance of Executive Onder by the governor herself for strict compliance. Ir shows that communication can be expressed not only through spoken words but also through written forms, 6 STE SRST FR BE RTS BE ST YC 6 TE SE SSE WS BS ESE TS OE \ Sination: Formal Telephone Conversation Helen: Midtown Computer Solutions, Helen speaking. How can I help you? Ryan: Hello, this is Ryan Bardos, May I speak with Natalie Jones, please? Helen: (One moment please - Il put you through. Helen: Mr. Bardos? I'm sorry, Natalie's in a meeting at the moment, Would you like to leave a message? Ryan: Yes, could you ask her to call me back as soon as possible? It's prety urgent Helen: Of course. Does she have your number? Ryan: She has my office number, but let me also give you my cell - its 472-555- 8901 Helen: Let me read that back to you - 472-555-8901 Ryan: ‘That's right. Helen: And could you spell your last name for me? Ryan’ Bas in Boston - A -R - D as ih dog - O- S as in September Helen: Okay, Mr. Bardos. Tl give her the message. \ Ryan: Thanks @ lot, Bye, ‘Your Answer STE SASS FSGS BE TE BE STS AY CES TB TB SE TISSE WES ESE TS SATE SRS TA PPT 4 ASSESSMENT That's great! Im confident that your skills are improving. You are now reach to take the assessment! A. Multiple Choice. Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer 1. Which of the following is tre about communication? a. Itisa process. b. It canbe verbal or nonverbal c. Itis discreet. . Botha and b. 2. Which term refers to those who listen to a speaker? a. Audience Listeners b. Addresses 4. All of them 3. Which is not a form of oral communication? a. Debates ¢. E-mails b. Speeches, 4, Class recitation 4. Which of the following elements of communication is not present in all communication activities? a. Speaker © Receiver b. Barrier . Message 5. Which of the following refers to the process of converting the message into words, actions, ot other forms that the speaker understands? a. Expressing ©. Decoding b. Encoding 4. Interpreting 6. Which of the following is not a channel in the process of communication? a. Letter ¢. Environment b, E-mail 6. Phone call 7. Anna always ignores the messages of her classmates in the group chat, Which of the following elements is missing from the group conversation? a. Participation ¢. Feedback b. Channel Context 8, The following are forms of non-verbal communication except a. Raising of eyebrows ¢. Smiling b. Frowning 4. Singing 9, Which is not a basic element of communication? a.Soittce Destination by Language 4. Medium 10. You deliver a message about the importance of having an education to a group of out-of- scliool youths. What is the message? a. You ¢. Your voice and language 'b. The out-of-school youtlis d. The importance of having an education 8 STE SRST FSR BE TE BE STS TAY CI TB TE SE ISSE WES BS ESE TS TST TRETA SRS TA PPT B Directions: In a paragraph, write your ideas about the statement below. (5 points) ‘Communicatior isa social interaction through messages, (Mp *woitioNaL activity ‘You've reached this far. Congratulations for completing your assessment! Let’s have our final task to enrich your understanding of the nature of communication, Directions: Explain the nature of communication by making a list of descriptions that start swith each letter of the word communication. The Process of LESSON 2 Communication Co WHAT I NEED TO KNOW Good day dear learner! This module is solely prepared for you to access and to acquire lessons befitted in your grade level. The exercises, drills and assessments are carefully made to suit your level of understanding. Indeed, this leaming resource is for you to fully comprehend the functions, nature, and process of communication (EN11/120C- a-2). Independently, you are going to go through this module following its proper sequence. Although you are going to do it alone, this is a guided lesson and instructions/directions on how to do every activity is plotted for your convenience. Using this learning resource, you are ought to Explain the functions, nature, and process of communication (EN11/120C-la-2) as inculcated In the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies. ‘At the end of Lesson 2, you are expected to achieve the following objectives: + identify the steps involved in the communication process + discuss the process of communication ‘ illustrate the process of communication in one's situation + display honesty and determination in completing all the tasks WHAT I KNOW Hello! What’s up? Today is going to be an adventure filled with surprises! Come on and let's have fun together. Are you ready? Let’sall close our eyes and imagine how life would be like if suddenly we could not communicate in any form, Would it still be ‘beautiful life to live? 10 I'm sure it would not be a pleasing situation since communication is part of our lives as human being. We are born to communicate ‘our thoughts, feelings, and emotions for ‘whatever reasons we have. But have you ever thought of how communication works? In this lesson, we will dissect the components of the communication process ‘APPROVE OR DISAPPROVE? | Get started and unlock the first challenge! A. Directions: Draw peo thumbs up de if you agree with the statement and two thumbs dovin ® ® if you disagree. |. The process of communication follows a series of steps. ‘There wil be two parties in the communication process. The fitst party refers to the sender and the second party refers to the receiver. 3. One-way communication process is better than that ofa two-way communication process. 4, The inclusion of feedback is necessary in the process of communication, 5. Taking turns in speaking contributes tothe successful flow of communication, 6. Communicating is an isolated series of one skill 7. The sender should make sure that the receiver gets the correct message, 8. Message includes content, structure and style. ‘9, Verbal communication does not use words in expressing a message. 10. A good listener or receiver refers to the message in the following sequence: interpret, inear, respond and wnderstand, 11, To communicate effectively means to identify your target receiver or audience 2. Tn the communication process, the flow from the receiver to the sender is called noise, 13. The frst step in learning to listen actively is to respond to the speaker. 14. The use of jargons makes the sender sound smart 15, The elements in the communication process determine the quality of communication. WHAT'S IN @® Keep your eyes wide open and examine the given pictures! VIEWAND CONNECT! Directions: Scan each pleture carefully and do the rask that Sollows a STE SRST FRG BE TE BE STS AY CS TB BT SE ISSE WES ESE TS SST TORETSORS TE PPT > What do the pictures tell about communication? > What are the different elements of communication that make up the process of communication? WHAT'S NEW Wait, this one is a tricky path through the lines! Will you be brave enough to endire the challenge? I now you will (MAKE IT TO COMPLETE IT! Directions: Read each statement carefully and fill in the blank with the correct answer to reflect your understanding of the different steps involved in the process of communication 1.The enerates an idea. 2. The speaker ‘an idea or converts the idea into words or actions 3. The speaker or sends out a message. 4.The s the message. o 5. The receiver or epee the message based on the context. a 6. The receiver sends or provides 2 It’s time to load up your mind with substantial information about the process of communication. ‘The Communication Process The two common elements in every communication exchange are the sender and the recetver. The sender initiates the communication. He or she is a person who has a need or desire to convey an idea or concept to others. On the other hand, the receiver is the individual to whom the message is sent. * The sender encodes or formulates the idea by selecting words, symbols, or gestures with which to compose a message. © The message is the outcome of the encoding or formulating, which takes the form of verbal, nonverbal, or written language, The message is sent through a medium or channel, which is the cartier of the communication. © The medinm can be a face-to-face conversation, telephone call, e-mail, or written report, The receiver decodes, interprets or understands the received message info meaningful information. © Noise is anything that distorts the message. Different perceptions of the message, language barriers, interruptions, emotions, and attitudes are examples of noise 13 ETE SUSE FSGS BE TS BE STS TAY CS TB TE SE SSE WES OS ESE TS TSE TOSETA SRS TA PPT gr WHAT'S MORE Finally, feedback occurs when the receiver responds to the sender's message and returns the ‘message fo the sender. Ir allows the sender to determine whether the message has been received and understood, The elements in the communication process determine the quality of communication. problem in any one of these elements can reduce communication effectiveness (Keyton, 2011). For example, information must be encoded into a message that can be understood as the senider intended. Selection of the medium for transmitting the message can be critical because there are many choices. Are you still up for another adventure? Take out your FIND IT AND FOCUS ON THE GOAL! magnifving glass and be tilled! Directions: In the box, you can find the necessary elements of communication. Place each element accordingly in the diagram to show how communication flows Auditory Receiver Feedback Message Encodes, Decodes Channel Technology Visual 14 STB SRST FS BE TS BE STS TAY CS TB TB SE ISS WES OS ESE TS SAT OSET SRS TR PPT Ewa WHAT I HAVE LEARNED NOTE IT AND POST IT! Directions: Answer the question thet follows. Pause for a while and have time to reflect ‘Why is it important to get a full grasp of the process of communication? WHAT I CANDO Directions: After learning about the different steps iT CONCRETIZE YOUR IDEAS! | iVolved in communication, it's about time to illustrate a personal experience, an observation, or ‘aplan that depiers the process of communication. Take it on! Iam confident that you can get through this Example: Daphne loves Rico, her suitor, as @ friend, ‘She thinks of how to tell him tsing their native language. She tells him, “Rico, uiahal kita blang keibigan.” Rico hears wliat Daphne says, ‘He tries to analyze what she means based on the content and their relationship, and he is heartbroken He frowns and does not say something, because he is in pain ‘Your answer 15 =6 ASSESSMENT Finally, you are one step closer to your most coveted goal ~ 3 10,fntsh your adventure with a bang! Break a leg! A. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE Directions: Write TRUE ifthe statement is correct and FALSE if itis incorrect, change the tnderlined word or group of words to make the whole statement correct 1. The process of communication starts with the sender. 2. The sender is responsible for decoding the message. 3. Cellphones, laptops and televisions are considered as channels in delivering the message 4, Message can be conveyed through verbal form only 5, Feedback determines wivether the sender and the receiver successfully carried out their individual task in the communication process B EXPLAIN IT Directions: Consider the following diagram and discuss the process af communication. mas] Msg_{ Receiver Context f Msg. Encoding Channel > Feedback ©. THROWBACK! Directions: Think of one proud moment in your life wherein you were so excited to tell your mother, {father or guardian. How did you inform him/her? Share it through am ilustration. a 16 STE SASS F SSS BE TE BE STS TAY CT TTB BT SE TISSE WES OS ESE TS SST TOSET SRS TR PPT Your journey in this lesson is about to end. So, let your thoughts be known about this quote. ‘Communication works for those who work at it! = John Powell 7 9y ANSWER KEYS ~ LESSON ‘Ged eA SO Gone Arey sansay 9 e , my ses) stn 9 masonsovea || cn sinsty a-rannvnia's uss dE ‘i vor s-OVEEL F iss se ben sans y fe PVaNS open , Pe > apyssint aod mow SaLvitat 2 2A 25 sonsey sas y a pus vr bat NISALVHA a vont Pe wt PT pery v SONY LLVHAN ANANssassy Ang seosy Aimy sisuy Aina sos Awasensey AMIAMIOY-WNOLLIGGY —_OGNYOTIVHM —_GINAVETHAVHTLVHA —_ MaNS.AYEY LESSON? pep 9 pens (wud) 7. ‘poss Stone Amasmeny 2 oe me spo {simod §) aac nO enon Amasnoaiy “a a ze S008 91 “F een seat 5 ue t amu.’s : Seowt san 28 ea] La avsuaven Spon pun estou 6 ~asive'r —- aMOW SALVA anal ore auipand mee ~asiva'e oa? raLt-V vr" ANAINSSASSV € eR: xa sony fnnsaneey eae ANALY TwNOUIaGY oa xvo TAH {seq smnsuy a sonsuy MOSS T VHA eaNavalAAVH LAH NISAAVIIN Notes 18 to the Teacher! The teacher will check all the Answers Vary Part Referenc Electronic File Department of Education. Curriculum and Instruction Strand, K to 12 Most Essential Learning Competencies with Corresponding CG Codes. Published Book Sipaco, P. J. & Balgos, A.R. (2016). Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School. C & E Publishing Inc. Ontine Sources Executive Order 17-H. Retrieved from Retrieved date ume 23, 2020. Formal Telephone Conversation, Retrieved from www Retrieved date June 23, 2020. Word Map. Retrieved from hitps:/www.readingrockets org. Retrieved date June 2 20. Communication: The Process, Barriers, and Improving Effectiveness. Retrieved from bitps:/ Communication Schoolin g VINI_2010_paf. Retrieved date June 26, 2020. The Communication Process Diagram. Retrieved from bnps://capecommstudies 1/1 0/communication-process.html, Retrieved date June 26, 2020. Communication works for those» who. work at’ it,—Retrieved from batps://, ph/2015/05/03/communication-works-for-those-who-workat-it, Retrieved date June 26, 2020. Image bmtps:/ www bing com/images/search?view—derailV2&-coid-xWrhdmx? &id-BC40DCAS9604633859 18694097 AD9FB7274237FF6&thid-OIP xWrhdmx2TCRNeNLm#7KO_wHaDf&mediaurl=htps%3a 9402162®2fwp-content%2fuploads9%212018%42f0 1%2ffacebook-post- template-blank-facebook-comment-template-post-share-empty-facebook-status-vector-clipart-icon- ztutscom,jpg&exph-647 &expw=1370&q=facebook post template simid—608048132311155994& k= E888FF037565488689ABBB3ASDSCOF 1 B&selectedIndex—4&FORM-IRPRST&ajaxhist=0, Retrieved date, August 18, 2020. bitps:/swwwbing.couvimages/search?view=detailV2&ccid=t9De2¥ TU &id=E4582C23 7DCDESAOA TATAAS6C82C3BA901F1B873thid-OIP 19De2VFURUAN3SYF20bmbAHAF|émediaurl—hnps%3 %2£%2fimage£7-communicationpptdeliotte-1209210724 phpapp0 1%2f95%2feommunication-ppt-deliote- 728,jp2%3teb%o3d 1 348212438 &exph=546&expw=7288q-the+ process of -communication* ppt&si mid=60805.40936448901908ck-96DF2721 A227 ACEDFEE34AEBCA9DE26ESselectedindex-S&F ORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist-0 19 STE SASS F GS BE TE BE STS TAY CES TB TB SE ISS WESB ESEIN TS SAT OSET SS TR PPT For inquiries and feedback, please write or call: Department of Education, Region Vil, Division of Cebu Province Office Address: IPHO Bldg. Sudion, Cebu City, 6000 Cebu Telefax: (032) 255 - 6405 Email Address: cebu. 20

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