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Ref No: CRBC/BM/ 145/12 Date: May 9, 2012

To: Construction Design Sco.

Attention: Ato Gizachew Kergo, Resident Engineer
Ref: Bole Ring Road RBT to Meskel Sq. Project
Subject: Material Testing for Nature Sand and Medium Aggregate
Dear Sirs,

We hereby inform you that, we have jointly with material inspector taken
the sample from Kality Batching Plant and CRBC’s Bole Airport Quarry ,
therefore to request you in order to test as follows:
1. Nature Sand
 Sodium Sulfate Soundness
2. Medium Aggregate (5—14mm)
 Clay Lumps & Friable Particles (AASHTO T-112)
3. Crushed Sand (0-5mm)
 Sodium Sulfate Soundness
 Water Absorption

As soon as possible please give us priority to perform the test and submit
the test results.

Thanking you for in advance your usual cooperation. We remain

Sincerely yours,

Wang yang
General Manage

 Project Manager
Mr. Peng Huan

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-4-391971 Fax: 00251-4-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub-City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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