Functions of Communication Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan in Oral Communication

Grade 11-Senior High School

I. Objectives: At the end of the session, the students should be able to:
a. discuss the functions of communication (EN11/12OC-Ibe-8)
b. respond to an effective communication considering gender roles in
home and society through a role play.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Functions of Communication
GAD Core Values: Acknowledging and respecting gender roles in
home and society
B. References: Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School
Learner’s Material, pp. 6-7
C. Instructional Materials:
a. Pictures
b. Word strips
III. Procedure:
1. Show a picture of family and ask the students;

a. What is the picture all about?
b. Do you think that effective communication can be achieved if all
members of the family respect gender roles in home and even in
society? Why?
Group Activity
a. Group the students into 5.
b. Let them pick one picture and explain how communication is
being used in the picture. This will lead them to the function of
Explain how communication is being used in the picture. This will lead them to
the function of communication
1. Emotional Expression

(Retrieved from on Aug 29, 2018)

2. Information dissemination

(retrieved from Aug. 29, 2018)

3. Motivation
(retrieved from
9anYBg&q=motivation on Aug. 29, 2018)

4. Control

(retrieved from

advice-4-ways-that-work/ on Aug. 29, 2018)

5. Social Interaction

(retrieved from on Aug. 29, 2018)

c. After presenting their answers, process it.
d. Post the function of communication on the board and ask each
group to match their picture to the function of communication.
e. Process their answers and let them discuss the functions of
Functions of Communication Basically, there are five functions of
communication. These are control, social interaction, motivation, emotional
expression, and information dissemination.

1. Control – Communication functions to control behavior.

2. Social Interaction – Communication allows individuals to interact with others.
3. Motivation – Communication motivates or encourages people to live better.
4. Emotional expression – Communication facilitates people’s expression of their
feelings and emotions.
Analysis dissemination – Communication functions to convey information.
5. Information
a. How can we distinguish the function of communication in the
context of communication?
b. How do gender roles in home or in society affect functions of
Ask the students to discuss the five functions of communication.
(The teacher should see to it that both genders are represented
1. Do you think that we are using the five functions of communication
daily? How?
Respond to an effective communication considering gender roles in
home and society through a short role play.
Group 1. There is an Acquaintance Party in school wherein
students are coming from different places.
Group 2. Parents are talking to their children about the house
Group 3. Children are complaining about the house rules.
Group 4. A teenager motivates the old ones.
Group 5. Class president shared about the plans for the
IV. Evaluation: Discuss or explain the functions of communication in the
following scenario.
2. Vice-Ganda and Charisse personally thank their supporters
3. The President presents his plans for 2019.
4. The husband and wife agreed to have shared responsibilities
at home.
5. The tourist guide orients the guest regarding the rules while
they are in the vicinity.
6. June greets Rachiel and they start talking about their plans.
V. Assignment: Cut-out at least five pictures which reflect the gender roles in
home and society, and identify what function of communication is being
portrayed. Paste it on a short bond paper.
Prepared by:
Sigaboy Agricultural Vocational High School

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