Handouts Econ Finals

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Economic planning A deliberate formal model dividing the Net present value The value

and conscious attempt economy into sectors and of a future stream of net benefits
by the state to formulate decisions tracing the flow of interindustry discounted to the present by
on how the factors of purchases (inputs) and sales means of an appropriate
production will be allocated (outputs). discount (interest) rate.
among different uses or industries,
thereby determining Project appraisal The quantitative Internal rate of return The
how much of total goods and analysis of the relative discount rate that causes a
services will be produced in desirability (profitability) of project to have a net present
one or more ensuing periods. investing a given sum of public value of zero, used to rank
or private funds in alternative projects in comparison with
Economic plan A written projects. market rates of interest.
document containing government
policy decisions on how Cost-benefit analysis A
resources will be allocated tool of economic analysis in Government failure A situation
among various uses so as to which the actual and potential in which government
attain a targeted rate of economic private and social costs of intervention in an economy
growth or other goals various economic decisions worsens outcomes.
over a certain period of time. are weighed against actual
Political will A determined
and potential private and
effort by persons in political
Comprehensive plan An social benefits.
authority to achieve certain
economic plan that sets targets
Social profit The difference economic objectives through
to cover all the major sectors
between social benefits and various reforms.
of the national economy.
social costs, both direct and
Path dependency A condition
Partial plan A plan that covers indirect.
in which the past condition
only a part of the national of an individual or economy,
economy (e.g., agriculture, Shadow prices (or accounting
measured by the level of one or
industry, tourism). prices) Prices that reflect
more variables, affects future
the true opportunity costs of
Planning process The procedure resources.
for drawing up and carrying Nongovernmental organizations
out a formal economic plan. Market prices Prices established (NGOs) Nonprofit
by demand and supply organizations often involved
Economic infrastructure in markets. in providing financial and
The capital embodied in technical assistance in developing
roads, railways, waterways, Exchange rate Rate at which
airways, and other forms of the domestic currency may
transportation and communication be converted into (sold for) a Voluntary failure The inability of
plus water supplies, foreign currency such as the nongovernmental organizations and
electricity, and public services U.S. dollar.
the citizen sector more broadly to
such as health and education. efficiently achieve social objectives in
Market failure A phenomenon their areas of supposed comparative
that results from the existence advantage.
of market imperfections
Rent seeking Efforts by Corruption The appropriation
(e.g., monopoly power, lack
individuals and businesses of public resources for
of factor mobility, significant
to capture the economic rent private profit and other private
externalities, lack of knowledge)
arising from price distortions purposes through the use
that weaken the functioning
and physical controls caused and abuse of official power or
of a market economy.
by excessive government influence.
intervention, such as licenses,
Globalization The increasing
quotas, interest rate ceilings,
integration of national economies
Aggregate growth model A and exchange control.
into expanding international
formal economic model
Social rate of discount The markets.
describing growth of an
economy in one or a few rate at which a society discounts
potential future social World Trade Organization
sectors using a limited number
benefits to find out whether (WTO) Geneva-based
of variables.
such benefits are worth their watchdog and enforcer of
Input-output model present social cost. international trade agreements
(interindustry model) A since 1995; replaced the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Income elasticity of demand lower absolute unit cost.
Trade (GATT). The responsiveness of the
quantity of a commodity Factor endowment trade theory
General Agreement on Tariffs demanded to changes in the The neoclassical model of
and Trade (GATT) An international consumer’s income, measured free trade, which postulates
body set up in 1947 by the proportionate that countries will tend to
to explore ways and means of change in quantity divided by specialize in the production
reducing tariffs on internationally the proportionate change in of the commodities that make
traded goods and services; income. use of their abundant factors
replaced in 1995 by the World of production (land, labor,
Trade Organization. Price elasticity of demand capital, etc.).
The responsiveness of the
Primary products Products quantity of a commodity
derived from all extractive demanded to a change in Factor price equalization In
occupations—farming, lumbering, its price, expressed as the factor endowment trade
fishing, mining, and percentage change in quantity theory, the proposition that
quarrying, foodstuffs, and demanded divided by the because countries trade at a
raw materials. percentage change in price. common international price
ratio, factor prices among
Rent In macroeconomics, trading partners will tend
the share of national income to equalize.
going to the owners of the
Export earnings instability
productive resource, land (i.e., North-South trade models
Wide fluctuations in
landlords). In everyday usage, Trade and development theories
the price paid for the use that focus on the unequal
earnings on commodity
of property (e.g., buildings, exchange between the North
exports resulting from low
housing). In microeconomics, developed countries and the
price and income elasticities
economic rent is the payment South developing countries in
of demand leading to erratic
to a factor of production over an attempt to explain why the
movements in export prices.
and above its highest opportunity South gains less from trade
cost. In public choice Commodity terms of trade than the North.
theory, rent refers to those The ratio of a country’s average
excess payments that are gained Synthetic substitutes Commodities
export price to its average
as a result of government laws, that are artificially
import price.
policies, or regulations. produced but can be substituted
Prebisch-Singer hypothesis for the natural commodities
Export dependence A country’s The argument that the commodity (e.g., manufactured
reliance on exports as the terms of trade for rubber, cotton, wool, camphor,
major source of financing for primary-product exports of and pyrethrum).
development activities. developing countries tends to
decline over time. Vent-for-surplus theory of
Current account The portion international trade The
of a country’s balance of payments Barter transactions The contention that opening world
that reflects the market trading of goods directly for markets to developing countries
value of the country’s “visible” other goods in economies not through international
(e.g., commodity trade) and fully monetized. trade allows those countries
“invisible” (e.g., shipping to make better use of formerly
services) exports and imports. Comparative advantage underutilized land and labor
Production of a commodity resources so as to produce
Capital account The portion at a lower opportunity cost larger primary-product outputs,
of a country’s balance of payments than any of the alternative the surpluses of which
that shows the volume commodities that could be can be exported.
of private foreign investment produced.
and public grants and loans Product cycle In international
that flow into and out of the Specialization Concentration trade, the progressive
country. of resources in the replacement of more
production of relatively few developed countries by less
Free trade The importation commodities. developed countries in the
and exportation of goods production of manufactures of
without any barriers in the Absolute advantage Production increasing complexity.
form of tariffs, quotas, or of a commodity with the
other restrictions. same amount of real resources Returns to scale How much
as another producer but at a output expands when all
inputs are proportionately Quota In international trade, and the discouragement of
increased. a physical limitation on the private foreign investment.
quantity of any item that can
Monopolistic market control be imported into a country. Import substitution A deliberate
A situation in which the effort to replace consumer
output of an industry is controlled Subsidy A payment by the imports by promoting
by a single producer government to producers or the emergence and expansion
(or seller) or by a group of distributors in an industry for of domestic industries.
producers who make joint such purposes as preventing
decisions. the decline of that industry, Export promotion Governmental
expanding employment, efforts to expand the
Oligopolistic market control increasing exports, or reducing volume of a country’s exports
A situation in which a small selected prices paid by through increasing export
number of rival but not necessarily consumers. incentives, decreasing disincentives,
competing firms dominate and other means in
an industry. Gains from trade The order to generate more foreign
increase in output and consumption exchange and improve the
Increasing returns A resulting from current account of its balance
disproportionate specialization in production of payments or achieve other
increase in output and free trade with other objectives.
that results from a change in economic units, including
the scale of production. persons, regions, or countries. International commodity
agreement A formal agreement
Product differentiation Balanced trade A situation by sellers of a common
Attempts by producers to in which the value of a country’s internationally traded commodity
distinguish their product from exports and the value of (e.g., coffee, sugar) to
similar ones through advertising its imports are equal. coordinate supply to maintain
or minor design changes. price stability.
Enclave economies Small,
Risk A situation in which economically developed Multifiber Arrangement
the probabilities of the various regions in developing countries (MFA) A set of nontariff
possible outcomes are known, in which the remaining quotas established by developed
but the actual outcome is not areas have experienced much countries on imports of
known. less progress. cotton, wool, synthetic textiles,
and clothing from individual
Foreign-exchange earnings
Uncertainty A situation developing countries.
The sum total of all foreign
in which neither the actual
currency receipts less expenditures
outcome nor even the precise Trade deficit An excess of
during a given fiscal
probabilities of the various import expenditures over
possible outcomes are known. export receipts measured on
the current account.
Growth poles Regions that
are more economically and Infant industry A newly
socially advanced than others established industry, usually
around them, such as urban protected by a tariff barrier
centers versus rural areas or as part of a policy of import
highway corridors in developing substitution.
Outward-looking development
policies Policies that
encourage exports, often Official exchange rate Rate
Industrial policy Deliberate
through the free movement of at which the central bank will
effort by governments to
capital, workers, enterprises, buy and sell the domestic
guide the market by coordinating
and students; a welcome to currency in terms of a foreign
and supporting specific
multinational corporations; currency such as the U.S.
industrial activities.
and open communications. dollar.

Inward-looking development Overvalued exchange rate

Tariff A fixed-percentage policies Policies that stress An official exchange rate set
tax on the value of an economic self-reliance on the at a level higher than its real
imported commodity levied part of developing countries, or shadow value.
at the point of entry into the including domestic development
importing country. of technology, the imposition Free-market exchange rate
of barriers to imports, Rate determined solely by
international supply and reduce erratic currency fluctuations. overcoming market failures
demand for domestic currency through government policy to
expressed in terms of, say, U.S. Flexible exchange rate The encourage technology transfer
dollars. exchange value of a national and exports of progressively
currency that is free to move more advanced products.
Nontariff trade barrier A up and down in response to
barrier to free trade that takes shifts in demand and supply
a form other than a tariff, arising from international Economic integration The
such as quotas or (possibly trade and finance. merging to various degrees of
arbitrary) sanitary requirements. the economies and economic
Trade diversion Shift, upon policies of two or more countries
Nominal rate of protection formation of a customs union, in a region.
An ad valorem percentage of the location of production
tariff levied on imports. of formerly imported goods Economic union The full
from a lower-cost nonmember integration of two or more
Effective rate of protection state to a higher-cost member economies into a single economic
The degree of protection on nation. entity.
value added as opposed to Wage-price spiral A vicious
the final price of an imported cycle in which higher consumer Regional trading bloc An
product—usually higher than prices (e.g., as a result economic coalition among
the nominal rate of protection. of devaluation) cause workers countries within a geographic
to demand higher wages, region, usually characterized
Value added Amount of a which in turn cause producers by liberalized internal trade
product’s final value that is to raise prices and worsen and uniform restrictions on
added at each stage of production. inflationary forces. external trade, designed to
promote regional economic
Undervalued exchange rate integration and growth.
Exchange control A governmental An official exchange rate set
policy designed to at a level lower than its real or Customs union A form of
restrict the outflow of domestic shadow value. economic integration in which
currency and prevent a worsened two or more nations agree to
balance of payments Trade optimists Theorists free all internal trade while
position by controlling the who believe in the benefits of levying a common external
amount of foreign exchange free trade, open economies, tariff on all nonmember
that can be obtained or held by and outward-looking development countries.
domestic citizens. policies.
Free-trade area A form of
Dual exchange rate (parallel Trade pessimists Theorists economic integration in which
exchange rate) Foreignexchange- who argue that without tariff free trade exists among member
rate system with a protection or quantitative countries, but members
highly overvalued and legally restrictions on trade, developing are free to levy tariffs on nonmember
fixed rate applied to capitaland countries gain little or countries.
intermediate-goods nothing from an exportoriented,
imports and a second, illegal open-economy posture. Common market A form of
(or freely floating) rate for economic integration in which
imported consumption goods. New protectionism The there is free internal trade, a
erection of various nontariff common tariff, and the free
Devaluation A lowering trade barriers by developed movement of labor and capital
of the official exchange rate countries against the manufactured among partner states.
between one country’s currency exports of developing
and all other currencies. nations. Autarky A closed economy
that attempts to be completely
Depreciation (of currency) Trade liberalization self-reliant.
The decline over time in the Removal of obstacles to free Trade creation Shift, upon
value or price of one currency trade, such as quotas, nominal formation of a customs union,
in terms of another as a result and effective rates of protection, in the location of production
of market forces of supply and exchange controls. from higher-cost to lower-cost
and demand. member states.
Industrialization strategy
Managed float A fluctuating approach A school of thought Trade diversion Shift, upon
exchange rate that allows in trade and development that formation of a customs union,
central bank intervention to emphasizes the importance of of the location of production
of formerly imported goods Union. debt.
from a lower-cost nonmember
state to a higher-cost member Hard currency The currency Macroeconomic instability
nation. of a major industrial country or Situation in which a country
currency area, such as the U.S. has high inflation accompanied
Uruguay Round A round dollar, the euro, or the Japanese by rising budget and
of the General Agreement on yen, that is freely convertible trade deficits and a rapidly
Tariffs and Trade negotiations, into other currencies. expanding money supply.
started in Uruguay in 1986
and signed in 1994, designed Deficit An excess of expenditures Stabilization policies A
to promote international over revenues. coordinated set of mostly
free trade. restrictive fiscal and monetary
Amortization Gradual payoff policies aimed at reducing
Balance of payments A of a loan principal. inflation, cutting budget deficits,
summary statement of a and improving the balance
nation’s financial transactions International reserves A of payments.
with the outside world. country’s balance of gold,
hard currencies, and special Debtors’ cartel A group of
Current account The portion drawing rights used to settle developing-country debtors
of a balance of payments that international transactions. who join together to bargain
states the market value of a as a group with creditors.
country’s “visible” (e.g., commodity Conditionality The requirement
trade) and “invisible” imposed by the International Restructuring Altering the
(e.g., shipping services) exports Monetary Fund that a terms and conditions of debt
and imports. borrowing country undertake repayment, usually by lowering
fiscal, monetary, and international interest rates or extending
Debt service The sum of commercial reforms as a the repayment period.
interest payments and repayments condition for receiving a loan
of principal on external to resolve balance of payments
public and publicly guaranteed difficulties.
debt. Brady Plan A program
Structural adjustment launched in 1989, designed to
Surplus An excess of revenues loans Loans by the World reduce the size of outstanding
over expenditures. Bank to developing countries developing-country commercial
in support of measures to debt through private
Capital account The portion remove excessive governmental debt forgiveness procured in
of a country’s balance of payments controls, make factor and exchange for IMF and World
that shows the volume product prices reflect scarcity Bank debt guarantees and
of private foreign investment values, and promote market greater adherence to the terms
and public grants and loans competition. of conditionality.
that flow into and out of a Special drawing rights
country over a given period, (SDRs) An international Debt-for-equity swap A
usually one year. financial asset created by the mechanism used by indebted
International Monetary Fund developing countries to
Capital flight The transfer in 1970 to supplement gold reduce the real value of
of funds to a foreign country and dollars in settling international external debt by exchanging
by a citizen or business to balance of payments equity in domestic companies
avoid conditions in the source accounts. (stocks) or fixed-interest
country. obligations of the government
Cash account (international External debt Total private (bonds) for private foreign
reserve account) The balancing and public foreign debt owed debt at large discounts.
portion of a country’s by a country.
balance of payments, showing Debt-for-nature swap The
how cash balances (foreign Basic transfer Net foreignexchange exchange of foreign debt held
reserves) and short-term financial inflow or outflow by an organization for a larger
claims have changed in related to a country’s international quantity of domestic debt that
response to current account and borrowing; the quantitative is used to finance the preservation
capital account transactions. difference between of a natural resource
the net capital inflow (gross or environment in the debtor
Euro A common European inflow minus amortization country.
currency adopted by some of on past debt) and interest
the countries of the European payments on existing accumulated Debt repudiation The 1980s
fear in the developed world to the branch offices located in over domestic savings,
that developing countries low-tax countries (tax havens) causing investments to be limited
would stop paying their debt while offices in high-tax countries by the available foreign
obligations. show little or no taxable exchange.
Odious debt A concept in Foreign-exchange gap The
the theory of international law shortfall that results when the
holding that sovereign debt planned trade deficit exceeds
used by an undemocratic government the value of capital inflows,
in a manner contrary Corporate social causing output growth to
to the interests of its people responsibility Nongovernmental be limited by the available
should be deemed to be not self-regulation by foreign exchange for capital
the responsibility of democratic corporations or consortia of goods imports.
successor governments. corporations (possibly with
consumer group representation), Fiscal gap Deficiencies of
Foreign direct investment to attempt to ensure government investments
(FDI) Overseas equity compliance with acceptable including infrastructure
investments by private multinational international norms of ethical and human capital that are
corporations. practice such as avoidance of complementary to—raise the
Heavily indebted poor countries cruel, coercive, or deceptive rate of return from—private
(HIPCs) The group of labor practices. investment.
the world’s poorest and most
heavily indebted countries as Foreign aid The international Technical assistance Foreign
defined by the World Bank transfer of public funds aid (either bilateral or
and the IMF, which status in the form of loans or grants multilateral) that takes the
may make them eligible for either directly from one government form of the transfer of expert
special debt relief. to another (bilateral personnel, technicians, scientists,
assistance) or indirectly educators, and economic
Portfolio investment through the vehicle of a multilateral advisers, and particularly
Financial investments by private assistance agency such their use in training local personnel,
individuals, corporations, as the World Bank. rather than a simple
pension funds, and mutual transfer of funds.
funds in stocks, bonds, certificates Concessional terms Terms
of deposit, and notes for the extension of credit Absorptive capacity The
issued by private companies that are more favorable to the ability of a country to absorb
and the public agencies. borrower than those available foreign private or public
through standard financial financial assistance (to use the
Multinational corporation markets. funds in a productive manner).
(MNC) A corporation with
production activities in more Official development assistance
than one country. (ODA) Net disbursements Tied aid Foreign aid in
of loans or grants made the form of bilateral loans or
Foreign direct investment on concessional terms by official grants that require the recipient
(FDI) Overseas equity agencies, historically by country to use the funds
investments by private multinational high-income member countries to purchase goods or services
corporations. of the Organization for from the donor country.
Economic Cooperation and
Global factories Production Development (OECD).
facilities whose various operations
are distributed across a Two-gap model A model of
number of countries to take foreign aid comparing savings Nongovernmental organizations
advantage of existing price and foreign-exchange gaps to (NGOs) Nonprofit
differentials. determine which is the binding organizations that are often
constraint on economic involved in providing financial
Transfer pricing An growth. and technical assistance to
accounting procedure often developing countries.
used to lower total taxes paid
by multinational corporations Commitment problem An
in which intracorporate inability to make a “credible
sales and purchases of goods promise” to honor a contractual
and services are artificially Savings gap The excess of agreement due to
invoiced so that profits accrue domestic investment opportunities the presence of incentives to
renege; sometimes a “commitment
device,” such as posting
a large bond, can be implemented
that automatically
invokes high penalties on the
reneging party, thereby creating
a “credible threat,” allowing
agreement to be reached
and honored.

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