Worksheet in GEC 103 - Science, Technology and Society

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Worksheet in GEC 103- Science, Technology and Society

Topic 3

Name: James S. Maca Date: August 31,2022

Questions for Reflection:

1. How did society shape science and how did science shape society? (16 pts)

-I always believe that almost everything we do is affected by what is acceptable in our society. We follow
the norms that the society depicts and it determines the way we see the world. Religion is one of
example, it plays a significant role in several nations. In this case it becomes a standard of hierarchy and
sources of beliefs. It helps in preventing the curious mind of several scientist. With the existence of
religion it has stopped them from pursuing such creative and extraordinary discoveries because they
were provoked and judged by society.

Today, science have played a huge part in our society. It helps us to do our daily tasks with such ease, it
provides knowledge that we use in our daily lives, it keeps us connected to one another. We can
definitely say that “science is our society”.

2. How do social and human issues influence science? (16 pts)

Social and human issues influence science in the sense that the application of scientific
knowledge helps to satisfy several basic human needs and wants and improve living standards.
Human circumstances supply the drive for scientific research. Desires, anxieties, shortages and
the like sparks off investigation and thorough inquiry in attempts to unravel human issues. In
any case, our social interaction and the issues we confront can also color interpretation of the
results of scientific inquiry. The advancement that we have in science and technology are due to
the contributions of various individuals, in diverse cultures, at different times in history.

3. Do you think thought experiment is still useful in science in the present time? (16 pts)
- The thought experiment is so useful in all aspects of life, not just science. It allows us to
explore possibilities, scenarios, and by applying of what we already know about the
world. It may be useful in developing a hypothesis and insights.
4. Do you think the Church should intervene in scientific activities? Why? (16 pts).
- I think that the Church would not intervene in scientific activities they should give
respect and support those people who are involved in science field community. By
giving them support they make use of their knowledge and expertise of finding the
improvements and advancements of the current living of us.
Science activities is so very broad topic, since science can be fall into different
categories. The Church would also focus to God and its people, which improves the faith
of person whose a belio to God. Both of them have different perspectives.

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