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Breakthrough Plus Intro_Unit 6: Lifestyles

Wednesday, November 14th 2018

Conversation – Grammar – Vocabulary – Pronunciation
1. Class description : About 15-18 students (Ss)
2. Time allowance : 90m
3. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Basically identify the general meaning of “lifestyle”
- Use the simple present tense (with “I, you, we, they”) in its affirmative, negative and interrogative form.
- Recognize some given vocabulary items: study in college, live in an apartment, etc.
4. Teaching aids : Textbook, Macmillan Education digital book, blackboard, handout, Powerpoint slides
5. Detailed procedure :

Time Stage Activities Notes

15’ Revision + - T asks Ss some questions about their interests. Crossword key:
Warm-up - T requires Ss to answer several MCQs
- T divides Ss into groups of 3. T provides each group
with a crossword about food and drinks.
- T shows crossword hints on screen and asks Ss to finish
the crossword. The group that finishes first should shout
“Bingo” to get the speaking right.
- T checks Ss’ answers and provides the key.
 Keyword: Lifestyle

20’ Topic Intro + - T shows Ss pictures of different people and asks Ss the
Conversation following questions:
+ Who are they?
+ Where are they?
 T concludes that people with different jobs have
different lifestyles.
 T explains the meaning of “lifestyle”: the way/
how people live, work, study, etc.
- T introduces the conversation between a receptionist and
Breakthrough Plus Intro_Unit 6: Lifestyles
a student to Ss. T asks Ss to make a guess about their
- T lets Ss read through the conversation and underline
new words.
- T explains new words to Ss
- T lets Ss listen to the conversation.
- T calls some Ss (2 pairs) to practice the conversation in
front of the class. Suggested questions:
- T comments on Ss’ pronunciation, then asks chosen Ss 1. What is your job?
comprehension questions about the conversation. 2. Do you work/ study/ meet people from all over the
world/ read books all day?
- T checks Ss’ answers and concludes that a receptionist
and a student have different lifestyles.
20’ Grammar - T provides Ss with 2 groups of sentences and asks them Suggested sentences:
to odd one out. 1. I meet people from all over the world.
- T checks Ss’ answer and explains the key. Do you work?
- T introduces simple present tense and 3 types of Do you study?
sentences: Affirmative, Negative and Yes/ No question. 2. I speak Spanish, Japanese and Russian.
- T lets Ss look at Grammar Reference in p.107 and I don’t work.
explains to Ss. I read books all day.
- T asks Ss to make sentences, using simple present.
- T lets Ss complete some grammar exercises in p.107.
22’ Vocabulary - T asks Ss to look at pictures and complete each phrase Error correction:
with a verb. 1. study in a job
- T checks Ss’ answer, provides the key and explains new 2. work a pet
words. 3. live English
- T asks Ss to close their books & do error correction 4. have in a house
- T calls some Ss to retell the learned phrases
- T asks Ss to think of some other phrases.
- T corrects Ss’ answers.
- T asks Ss to make sentences about themselves.
10’ Pronunciation - T lets Ss listen to the recording, then explains how to
have a correct pronunciation.
- T calls some Ss to reread the sentences.
3’ Wrap-up -T summarizes the lesson content.
- T assigns homework

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