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St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez Inc.

498 M. H. Del Pilar St. Brgy, Sn Rafael, Rodriguez, Rizal

SY 2023-2024

August 10, 2023

Sr. Marivic A. Galamay, SFIC

School President
St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez Inc.

Dear Sr. Marivic,

Good day, Peace and All Good!

I am writing to formally request your approval for the establishment of various clubs and organizations within St. Joseph’s
College of Rodriguez. As we strive to enhance the overall educational experience for our students, we believe that these
clubs will provide them with unique opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and community engagement.

The proposed clubs and organizations have been carefully designed to cater to the diverse interests and talents of our
student body. We are confident that these initiatives will contribute positively to the school environment and foster a sense
of belonging among our students. Below, I have outlined a brief overview of each club and its intended purpose:

1. ART CLUB it holds and supports the personal, social, moral, spiritual, and creative development of a child. It
helps the child to participate and explore the visual and tactile experience. It further helps the child to recognize
and communicate the unlimited and variant ideas and meanings.

2. DRUM AND LYRE CLUB the inclusion of a drum and lyre ensemble in a school setting can have several
important benefits, enriching the educational experience and contributing to the overall growth and development
of students. Incorporating drum and lyre programs into a school's curriculum can thus have a positive and lasting
impact on students' holistic development and their overall school experience.

3. RED CROSS YOUTH ORGANIZATION it educates and empower the students in the spirit of Red Cross
through constructive trainings and effective leadership, and provide opportunities for directing and harnessing
their energy and idealism into worthwhile humanitarian activities.

We assure you to put together a dedicated group of student leaders and a committed moderators for each club. In addition
to the benefits to students, we believe that these clubs will also reflect positively on the school's reputation and create a
more vibrant and inclusive campus atmosphere.

We kindly request your support and approval to officially establish these clubs and organizations. We are prepared to
follow all necessary procedures, guidelines, and regulations set forth by the school administration to ensure the successful
operation of these clubs.

We look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to contribute to the continued growth and success of St.
Joseph’s College of Rodriguez Inc.


Ms. Cheryl Marie Bassig

Officer of Student Affairs and Welfare

Recommended by: Approved by:

Sr. Gracia O. Abejo, SFIC Sr. Marivic A. Galamay, SFIC

Principal President

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