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Nama : Rustam

No Prakerja : 7250202313481125


Costumer service : Hello, welcome. How can I help you?

Costumer : Hi there, I am looking for a new laptop for myself.

Costumer service : You’ve come at the right time! We are currently holding a sale on some
laptops. May I know for what purposes do you need a laptop?

Costumer : I need a laptop that has high specifications for designing. Because my old laptop
suddenly broke.

Costumer service : for designing needs I recommend this brand laptop, It fits perfectly for your
basic needs. It’s also compact and very cheap too as it is on sale right now.

Costumer : How much is it?

Costumer service : Originally it is $250 but right now this is on sale for just $200.

Costumer : That sounds like a good bargain. But does it comes with official warranty?

Costumer service : Absolutely. There is a 1 year official warranty included and if you have any
small problem with it you can just bring it here.

Costumer : I’ll take that one along with the setup.

Costumer service : That’s a good choice. I’ll set it up for you now. It will takes a few minutes

Costumer : i will wait for it

Costumer service : This item is ready, thank you for shopping at our place. Have a good day.


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