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Primary- 3
Social Studies
Tutorial- 2
Time allowed- 45 minutes Total- 15 marks

Answer ALL questions.

1. Read each of the following statements. (4 marks)
If the statement is true, add a tick (✓) in the box and, if the statement is wrong, add a
cross (X).

(a) The boys and girls look the same. ___________

(b) Everyone has different eye color. ___________
(c) Blind people can play musical instruments. ____________
(d) Human beings are different from animals. ___________

2. Draw a line to match the descriptions to the words. (4 marks)

(a) A person who cannot speak * Paralyzed
(b) A person who cannot see * Dumb
(c) A person who cannot move * Deaf
(d) A person who cannot hear * Blind

3. Fill the gap from box to complete each sentence. (4 marks)

wheel chair hear speak guide dog

(a) Hearing aids help people to __________________ better.

(b) Michal is blind and uses the __________________ to find his way.

(c) Rosemary can’t walk and she uses____________________ to move around.

(d) Mary can’t __________________. She uses sign language to communicate.

4. Answer the following questions. (3 marks)

(a) What makes you glad?


(b) Who is your hero and why?



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