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M: So, I may continue. I’d like to get to know you briefly, Mr. Dedi. If you
may, you can tell about yourself, your name, your daily activity, and your

R: You may. Okay. My name is Dedi Irawan. I am 25 years old. My daily activity is
teaching as an instructor for a cooking studio. My hobby is cooking.

M: An instructor for a cooking studio? That’s why your picture profile is about
cooking. Where is the cooking studio?

R: I teach in Senayan.

M: In Senayan. Okay, I see. For me, I can’t even boil water.

R: You can’t even cook water, so I can teach you later.

M: Mr. Dedi, today we are going to talk about social media, and trending stuff
like video call.


R: Okay.

M: Do you like to make a video call, Mr. Dedi?

R: Yes, I do. Especially, I make a video call with distant friends, where they live in
Malaysia and Singapore. Because it was not that enough if I only sent them

M: Okay, so you like to make a video call with friends?

R: I do.

M: What application do you usually use for making a video call?

R: For making video calls, I use LINE, and WhatsApp. That’s all.

M: LINE and WhatsApp, anything else?

R: In addition, to connect with many people recently, I usually use Zoom.

M: You use Zoom as well. Okay. You use many applications, but which one is
your favorite?


R: My favorite from the three applications is Zoom, because it can accommodate many
callers. LINE has the same feature but Zoom shows better result.

M: What do you mean about the result?

R: The quality of video. Sometimes, it lagged a lot on LINE ma’am.

M: I see, it lagged a lot. Okay. You may call me miss, it’s fine Mr. Dedi. I’d like
to show you some examples for making a video call. Then, I’d like to ask
your opinion on it. I show you on the screen. Wait a second.

R: You may.


M: Why is it gone? Okay. Can you see on the screen?

R: Yes, I can see.

M: You can see. This is it. Imagine when you open Facebook. Do you also use
Facebook? Mr. Dedi, do you also use Facebook?

R: I use it.

M: So, imagine when you open Facebook, the first page shown is like on the

R: Yes.

M: I’d like to ask you, what do you think about the meaning of the post on


R: Okay. As what I can see on the Home page, we can write status update, or upload
videos. If I scroll up, there are other people’s Home pages, and status updates.
Someone can also write comments, add likes or share the posts.

M: Then, what do you think about the post: ‘stay connected on Messenger
room’? What does it mean in your opinion?

R: ‘Stay connected on Messenger room’? Probably, it means that the user can still stay
on the Home page.

M: Still staying on the Home page. Okay.


M: If I may ask, when I click the button ‘create room’ with blue writing, what
do you think will happen next, sir?

R: For the button ‘create room’, probably someone can create a community, or sharing
forum. If there’s a specific topic such as sharing about culinary or traveling, someone
will know easily.

M: So if we click ‘create room’, we will create a community.

R: Correct.

M: Could you read the small writing below indicating ‘stay connected’? In
case, there will be further information.


R: “We know how important it is to feel close to those...” It’s too small to read.

M: Too small to read?

R: “…to those you care about when you can’t be there in person. Messenger Rooms
make it fast and easy for groups of friends and families to hang out together on
video. We hope this helps you stay connected.”

M: Is there any further information, sir? Now what do you think will happen if
you click the button?

R: Yes. On the description, we can make a video call on this room by asking people. So,
people will feel close even if they are far to each other.

M: Okay. So, someone can make a video call with many people. Then, if we
click the button ‘learn more’ next to the button ‘create room’, what do you
think will happen, sir?


R: On ‘learn more’ section, there is an information how to create the room on


M: Okay, if we click the button ‘learn more’, we can get the information on
how to create the room.

R: Correct.

M: Okay, understood. Now, I move to the next page, sir. You can see how the
next page, page A2 looks. As you can see now, what is the difference
between page A2 and A1?

R: Was it already changed, ma’am? Wait a second. On this page, someone can make a
video call. While the first page showed about the information of Messenger room,
this page shows about how to make a video call with friends.


M: How to make a video call with friends.

R: Yes. On this section, we can just click ‘start’.

M: If we click ‘start’, what do you think will happen, sir?

R: When we click ‘start’, we can have a video call with friends whom we already invited.

M: So, if we click ‘start’, we can be able to communicate or have a video call.

Is there any further information from the description? From the small
written description?

R: “You can start the video call by inviting your friends to join and get your friends
together on the Messenger room.” Yes. On this room someone can invite any friends
to be able to join the call.


M: So in this section, we can immediately invite anyone to join the room.

Okay. I’d like to put side by side between page A1 and A2, so you can see if
there is any difference between the left and the right page.

R: Based on the pictures, they are basically the same, but the difference lies on the
description. On the first page, it contains information about ‘stay connected on
Messenger room’, and on the second page, it contains information about ‘make a
video call with friends’. So, on the second page it describes how to make the video

M: So, do pages A1 and A2 offer different services?


M: According to you, do they have the same feature?

R: Actually, they have different descriptions, but have the same purpose. On the first
page: ‘stay connected on Messenger room’, it has a purpose to make the user stays
connected on the room. While on the second page: ‘make a video call with friends’,
generally it means someone is able to make a video call.

M: I see. According to you, between the left and the right page, which one has
the clearer description, sir?

R: The clearer description?

M: According to you, which one has the clearer description, the left or the
right one?

R: I see. Wait a moment.


R: Based on the description, the first page is more detail and comprehensive.

M: The first page is more detail and comprehensive. Which one explains the
point more detail, the left or the right page? When we read briefly, which
one interests you to know more about the feature, the left or the right

R: The one which interests me directly is the right page, the one that contains of ‘make
a video call with friends’.

M: I see. Why does the right page interest you more, sir?

R: Okay. I think because on the right page it explains directly the purpose of the room
to make a video call with friends.


M: Okay. The one has clearer description on the purpose. Now, I’d like to
show you what happens when we click ‘learn more’. When we click it, one
of these pages will appear. There are two options of descriptions after
clicking ‘learn more’: the left and the right options. Please read all of
these, and we may discuss about it.

R: Wait a moment.


M: Okay. Which one has better description to explain how the room works,
the left or the right one?

R: Okay. I choose the right one which contains of learning how the room works, the
icon which describes ‘choose who can see your room on Facebook’, the feature about
‘who can join your room’, and ‘how to manage your room’ feature.


R: I chose all of them, because people will understand easier the one entitled ‘who can
see your room on Facebook’ compared to the one entitled ‘room visibility’.

M: Okay. The right one has clearer description and is easier to understand. On
the small written descriptions on the right and left pages, which one do
you like better? On the left page, the room visibility contains of feature to
manage who can see your room on News Feed by choosing who are
invited. Then, on the right page, it describes about who can see your room
on Facebook News Feed are only invited Facebook friends.


R: Based on the description, I choose the left one.

M: The left one, sir?

R: Yes, the one which enables the user to manage who can see your room on News
Feed. By using the word ‘manage’, it means that the room creator can control friends
who join the room.

M: So, you like better the header: ‘choose who can see your room on
Facebook’, and for another description, you like better the description
about ‘manage’ on the left page, because it is clearer to understand.

R: Yes.

M: Okay, understood. Then, I will click the next button.


M: Sorry, before clicking the next button, do you want to know further
information on ‘how the room works’?

R: On ‘how the room works’?

M: Is there any more important information should be added to make people

know ‘how the room works’?

R: I think that’s all, because people can be able to invite friends, and share the link. I
think it’s alright.

M: Is that all? Nothing else? Okay. So, I will click the next one. Then, these
pages will appear, left and right. It will be the same as before, I’d like to
ask you which one is better, the left or the right one?


R: Okay. On this section, I choose only ‘create room’, on the left side. I chose the left
page, because it is more simplified to create the room for a call immediately. While
on the right page, the user is asked to manage the video call. So, when it is ready to
create a room, someone can directly make a video call.

M: Okay. So, you like better the ‘create room’, because when the room is
created, it will be ready to make a video call.


R: Video call. Correct.

M: Okay. For the buttons, do you like better the ‘create room’ or the ‘next’
one? As we can see, the left and the right ones have different buttons.

R: Do you mean the icons?

M: The icons? Let’s…

R: I see. The ‘create room’ and the ‘next’ one?

M: Yes.

R: Sorry, sorry. I like the ‘create room’ better.

M: What about the ‘next’ button?

R: If I click the ‘next’ button, there will be other steps on the process.

M: Okay.

R: Here the user has chosen who are invited, so the user can directly create the room.


M: Okay, no other steps. I’d like to discuss about every tab. Here it is written
‘room activity’. What do you think will happen when we click the ‘room
activity’? What will see on the screen?

R: On the ‘room activity’, as what I see, it will be the title of the room. For example, if
the room discusses about culinary, the room activity will be in line with the topic.

M: ‘Room activity’ contains of the topic to be discussed. Okay. If I replace the

title ‘room activity’ with the title ‘room name’, do you think it will have
different function?


R: ‘Room activity’ and ‘room name’. The ‘room name’ indicates the name itself, for
example: ‘culinary’ in general term. It means the culinary to be discussed is not yet
specified. Then, in the ‘room activity’, we can discuss the culinary more specifically,
for example: ‘the Japanese culinary’.

M: I see. The ‘room name’ is still general, it doesn’t contain of the detail yet.

R: Yes, it doesn’t contain the detail yet.

M: Okay. When we click ‘who are invited’, what will appear sir?

R: Okay. ‘Who are invited’ means any friends who will be invited to the room.

M: How about the ‘start time’? When we click it, what will appear later?

R: Okay. For the ‘start time’, the user can manage the time for the room discussion.


R: The time can be arranged now, or at 11 or 12.

00:25:06 – End of Discussion

00:25:06 – End of Recording

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