2nd Group - Glossary

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Submitted to fulfill one of the assignments of the Sharia Business English course taught
Dr. Ina Sukaesih

Arranged by:

Alya Febrianti 2204411049

Azzahra Mutiara 2204411052
Galuh Hanifanissa S. P. 2204411047
Tarisa Asmarani 2204411054

No Term Meaning Definition Sentence
A financial institution that offers I need to visit the bank to
various services, such as accepting withdraw some cash from my
1. Bank Bank
deposits, providing loans, and account.
facilitating financial transactions.
To give authoritative instructions or The sergeant issued a command to
2. Command Perintah
orders to someone. the soldiers to stand at attention.
To put money or valuables into a bank After receiving my paycheck, I
3. Deposit Deposito or financial account. will deposit a portion of it into my
savings account.
A record of financial transactions and I check my bank account regularly
4. Account Akun balance held by a bank or financial to keep track of my expenses.
institution for a specific customer.
An advantage or positive result gained Regular exercise provides
from something. numerous health benefits, such as
5. Benefit Manfaat
increased energy and improved
Answers, reactions, or replies to a The survey collected various
question, situation, or stimulus. responses from customers
6. Responses Tanggapan
regarding their satisfaction with
the product.
Ready and eager to do something. Sarah is willing to help her friend
7. Willing Bersedia move to a new apartment this
To observe an event or occasion with We will celebrate our team's
8. Celebrate Merayakan festivities or joyful activities. victory by having a party at the
To guide or direct a group of people or As the project manager, she will
9. Lead Memimpin an organization. lead the team through the
development process.
Having made a choice or reached a After careful consideration, he
10. Decided Memutuskan
conclusion about something. decided to accept the job offer.
The customs, beliefs, values, and social Learning about different cultures
11. Culture Budaya
behaviors of a particular group or can help promote understanding
society. and tolerance among people.
Approaching or arriving at a place or The new batch of smartphones
12. Coming Datang time in the near future. will be coming to the market next
In the context of communication or The team decided to move
progress, "forward" refers to the forward with the new project after
13. Forward Meneruskan direction of movement towards a careful consideration of its
particular goal or the act of sending potential benefits.
something to another person or entity.
Reorganizing or reconfiguring a The company is undergoing a
14. Restructuring Restrukturisasi company, organization, or system to restructuring to streamline its
improve efficiency or address issues. operations and reduce costs.
Engaging in social activities and Alya enjoys socializing with her
15. Socializing Bersosialisasi
interactions with others. friends at parties and gatherings.
To raise or move something or The movers used a forklift to lift
16. Lift Angkat
someone to a higher position. the heavy boxes onto the truck.
Extremely pleasing, excellent, or We had a wonderful time at the
17. Wonderful Luar Biasa delightful. beach, enjoying the sun and the
To communicate or express thoughts, She can speak four languages
18. Speak Berbicara
ideas, or feelings using words. fluently.
To verify or establish the truth or Please confirm your attendance at
19. Confirm Konfirmasi accuracy of something. the meeting by replying to the
A gathering or assembly of individuals The department heads are
coming together to discuss, share scheduled to attend a crucial
20. Meeting Pertemuan information, make decisions, or meeting to discuss the budget
collaborate on specific topics or allocation for the upcoming fiscal
objectives. year.
Individuals, institutions, or The bank's lending criteria have
Pemberi organizations that provide financial become more stringent after the
21. Lenders
Pinjaman assistance by lending money or recent economic downturn.
extending credit to borrowers.
The management of money, assets, The finance department is
22. Finance Keuangan
investments, and liabilities to ensure responsible for analyzing financial
efficient allocation and utilization of data and preparing accurate
funds within an individual, business, or reports for the company's
organization. stakeholders.
A legal entity formed by individuals to The tech company has seen
conduct business activities with the aim significant growth in the past year
23. Company Perusahaan
of generating profits and providing due to the successful launch of
goods or services to customers. their innovative products.
The money or earnings received from She reported her freelance income
various sources, such as employment, on her tax return to comply with
24. Income Pendapatan
investments, or business activities, the regulations.
during a specific period.
The additional amount charged or The bank offers competitive
earned on borrowed money, interest rates on their savings
25. Interest BUnga
investments, or savings, expressed as a accounts to attract more
percentage. customers.
An individual, organization, or entity The company strives to provide
that purchases goods or services from a excellent customer service to
26. Customer Pelanggan
business in exchange for payment. ensure customer satisfaction and
To protect or make something safe The IT department implemented
from harm, loss, or unauthorized stringent security measures to se-
27. Secure Aman
access. cure sensitive data from potential
cyber threats.
The measurement or quantity of some- The interest rate on the loan was
thing in relation to another unit, often fixed at 5% for the first five years.
28. Rate Tarif
used to describe speed, frequency, or
The act of keeping something safe and The family entrusted their
29. Safekeeping Penyimpanan well-protected, especially valuable heirloom jewelry to a bank for
items, documents, or assets. safekeeping during their vacation.
A risky or daring undertaking, typically The entrepreneur embarked on a
involving a business initiative or new venture, aiming to disrupt the
30. Venture Usaha
investment, with the expectation of market with innovative
significant returns. technology.
To request or ask someone to join an The company sent out invitations
31. Invite Mengundang event, gathering, or activity. to all their clients for the annual
gala dinner.
A tangible item or service produced The new smartphone model is the
32. Product Produk and offered by a company or business company's flagship product,
for consumption or use by customers. featuring cutting-edge technology.
To promote or publicize a product, The company invested heavily in
service, or event through various advertising campaigns to increase
33. Advertise Iklan
channels to attract potential customers. brand awareness and reach a
broader audience.
To carry out or perform a plan, action, The project manager delegated
or task with precision and specific responsibilities to team
34. Execute Eksekusi
effectiveness. members to execute the project
To visit or go to a place regularly or The café is popular among
35. Frequents Sering repeatedly. students, who frequently visit it to
study and socialize.
To make a process, system, or The company streamlined its
organization more efficient and supply chain, resulting in faster
36. Streamlined Dikusus
productive by removing unnecessary delivery times and reduced costs.
complexities or steps.
To suspend or end a meeting, session, The chairman adjourned the board
or gathering with the intention of meeting, stating that further
37. Adjourned Ditunda
resuming it at a later time. discussions would resume the
following week.
The process of discussing and The two companies engaged in
bargaining to reach a mutual agreement intense negotiation to finalize the
38. Negotiation Negosiasi
or settlement between parties with terms of their partnership.
differing interests or objectives.
Leveraging The strategic use of resources, The company succeeded in
influence, or capabilities to maximize leveraging its brand reputation to
39. Memanfaatkan
the potential outcome or gain an attract more investors.
Rewards Benefits, incentives, or prizes given in Employees received monetary
40. Penghargaan
recognition of achievements, rewards for exceeding their sales
contributions, or as an encouragement targets.
for desired behavior.
To gather or meet again, usually for The committee decided to
41. Reconvene further discussion or action after a reconvene next week to address
previous meeting or adjournment. unresolved issues.
The process of promoting and selling The company's marketing cam-
paign boosted sales significantly.
products or services, including market
42. Marketing Pemasaran
research, advertising, and distribution
To gather, collect, and organize The researcher spent months
43. Compile Menyusun information, data, or resources into a compiling data for the study.
comprehensive and cohesive form.
Sensible, fair, and justifiable based on The company offered a reasonable
44. Reasonable Masuk Akal logic, facts, or circumstances. refund policy for dissatisfied
A method, strategy, or way of dealing The team adopted a collaborative
45. Approach Pendekatan with a situation or problem. approach to tackle the complex
An Islamic finance concept referring to The bank offered an Ijarah
a leasing or renting agreement, where arrangement for customers who
46. Ijarah Ijarah
one party provides the asset while the wanted to lease equipment for
other pays a fee for its use. their businesses.
An Islamic finance term representing a The entrepreneurs formed a
partnership, where two or more parties Musyarakah to jointly invest in a
47. Musyarakah Musyarakah
contribute capital and share profits and new venture.
losses based on agreed ratios.
An Islamic financial contract where the The bank offered Murabahah
seller informs the buyer about the cost
financing for customers
48. Murabahah Murabahah of goods and adds an agreed-upon
profit margin, allowing the buyer to purchasing assets such as vehicles
pay in installments.
and homes.
49. Wadiah Wadiah An Islamic finance concept referring to The bank provided a Wadiah
the act of entrusting someone with account, ensuring the safety of
funds or assets for safekeeping or customers' savings.
investment, where the custodian
guarantees the return of the deposit.
Arranged in tiers or levels, often used The membership program had
to describe structures with different tiered levels, each offering
50. Tiered Berjenjang
levels of access, benefits, or pricing. varying levels of exclusive

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