Day 2

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Daily Lesson Plan in English

Grade I
Quarter 4-Week 4-Day 2

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of story elements and text structures for
effective oral expression.
B. Performance Standards
The learners correctly identify elements of literary and informational texts to aid
meaning getting.
C. Learning objectives
Identify effect of events (EN1LC-IIIa-j- 1.1)

II. Content
Identifying effects of events

III. Learning Resources

A. References
Teacher’ Guide:
Learner’s Material:
B. Other Learning Resources : pictures, worksheet, teaching chart

IV. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Identify possible cause of event shown in the picture.
a. works whole day
b. wants to shout


a. sleeping
b. playing


B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Game: Act It Out
Have each group act out what could be the possible effect if :

Group 1- You lose your pencil

Group 2-You come home late
Group 3- Your mother bought you a new shoes

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Say: Today, you are expected to identify effect of events. What you act out earlier
are actually effects of events given.


Ask: What could be the effect of the boy’s love for reading?

D. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Have pupils listen to a short passage.

Reading is Fun
Rico is a Grade 1 pupils who likes to read every now and then. He finds reading fun.
In school, he can answer questions easily because he can read very well.
He understands what he reads so he can study on his own. He is a good boy that is
why his mother loves him very much.
Ask: Who likes to read every now and then?
How do you describe the boy in the passage?

E. Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Have pupils read these sentences.

He can answer questions easily because he can read very well..

He is a good boy that is why his mother loves him very much.

Ask: What is the effect of Rico’s ability to read well?

What is the effect of his being a good boy?
Answers to these questions are the effects of events. These refer to the end result of
the given events.
Teacher shall give more examples on identifying effects of events.
F. Developing mastery
Encircle the letter which shows the possible effect of the given event:

1. Raining Hard
a. Flood
b. Fire

2. Studying well
a. failing grade
b. good grades

. 3. winning a race
a. happy
b. sad


G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Differentiated Activity:

Group 1- Match the situation with its possible effect

Group 2- Fill the blank with its possible effect. Select from the choices.

Group 3- Underline the effect in each situation given.

H. Making generalizations and abstraction

Ask: How do we identify effects of events?

I. Evaluating learning

Identify the effect of the given events. Encircle the correct answer.
1. Liza is eating vegetables and fruits everyday.
a. She is healthy.
b. She is sickly.
2. Ben is always playing video games.
a. He will have damaged eyesight.
b. He will have a clear eyesight.
3. Rico takes a bath everyday
a. He smells bad.
b. He smells good.
4. Nico is reading his books as often as possible.
a. He becomes a good reader.
b. He becomes a poor reader.
5. Tess waters their plants everyday.
a. Plants will die.
b. Plants will grow.

V. . Additional activities for application or remediation

Draw the effects of planting many trees.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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