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Haïti Country indicators National policy on health technology Health technology (medical device)

national policy: No Policy is part of the National Health Program/Plan: No Website: — Language(s):
— MOH responsible for health technology policy implementation: — National lists of medical devices
National list of approved priority/essential medical devices, (including IVDs), for procurement or
reimbursement: Lists available: No Unit: — Website: — Nomenclature systems used for devices and
tests: — National list for different types of healthcare facilities (hospitals, laboratories, etc) Lists
available: No Website - hospitals: — Website - IVD: — Nomenclature systems used for devices and
tests: — National list for specific clinical interventions/emergencies: Lists available: No Website: —
National health technology assessment unit Designated unit/department for health technology
assessment (HTA):δ _ National unit/department that includes HTA for medical devices: No
Website(s): — Contact: — Email: — Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — National
regulatory authority Presence of national authority responsible for regulating medical devices: No
Name of regulatory agency: — Website(s): — Contact: — Email: — Name(s) of other regulatory
agency eg. for radiation equipment etc.: — Other agency’s website: — Population 000s (rank):a
11,403 (81) World Bank income group:b Low Life expectancy at birth (years):c Approved devices lists
comments (...Annex 1): — Health care facilities lists comments (...Annex 1): — Specific lists
comments (...Annex 1): — e HTA unit comments (...Annex 1): — National regulatory comments
(...Annex 1): — Under-five mortality (per 1000 live births):d 62.8 UHC - Service coverage index (1-
100):h 49 Probability of dying aged 30-70 yrs of NCDs (%):e 26.50% UHC - Population with household
spending >10% (>25%) of corresponding income (%):i 11.5% (4.0%) Human Development Index
(inequality adjusted HDI): rank:f 0.51 (0.3): low Global innovation index (rank):j — (—) ICT
Development Index (rank):g 1.7 (168) High-technology exports (% of manufacture exports):k — a UN
POP WPP 2019 (2020 POP) b WB FY21 2019 c UN POP WPP 2019 (1990-2020 MOR) d WHO GHO
2019 e WHO GHO 2016 f UNDP 2019 g ITU 2017 h WHO GHO 2017 i WHO GHO 2010-2018 j WIPO
2020 k UN and WB 2017-2019 δ Latest (2015-2021): WHO HTA/HBP 2021 survey or WHO HTA 2015
survey or WHO 2021 survey α Latest (2013-2021): WHO GHO/2021 survey or OECD (2017-2019) β
Latest (2013-21): WHO GHO/2021 survey or IAEA (2017-2021) γ Latest (2014-2021): WHO GHO/2021
survey ε WHO GHO 2010-2018 n/a not applicable/not available 151 Medical device nomenclature
system Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified Website:
— Medical device incorporation Procurement Policy or guideline: No Website: — National level
procurement: No Website: — Donations Policy or guideline: Yes Website: — Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes Publically available: No Website:
— Medical equipment management unit Unit present: Yes Professionally trained biomedical/clinical
engineers: Yes Unit/Department: — Unit website: — Contact name: — Contact email: — Website
with publically available technical specifications: — Number of regional/state offices/units: —
Inventories and medical equipment management software Type of inventories available: — Website:
— Use of management software: Yes Software name: GMAO. Medical devices workforce Density of
medical doctors (per 10 000 population):ε 2.34 Number of biomedical/clinical engineers
professionals in the country:γ 50 Contacts MOH focal point Name: Mr. Roland Palme Department:
Service de Genie et D’entretien Biomedical Email: Other country focal
point Name: Dr. Duperval Mona Email: A1B2 C3D4 Nomenclature comments
(...Annex 1): — Medical device incorporation comments (...Annex 1): — Medical equipment Total
Density per 1,000,000 population Healthcare facilityγ Total Density per 100,000 population Magnetic
Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a Health posts: n/a n/a Computerized Tomography Scanner:α 3 0.29
Health centres: 30 0.29 Positron Emission Tomography Scanner:α n/a n/a General/district hospitals:
17 0.16 Gamma camera or nuclear medicine:α n/a n/a Specialized/regional/national hospitals: 4 0.04
Mammograph:α,* 11 19.47 Estimation % of health facilities with none or very limited oxygen supply:
n/a Radiotherapy:β n/a n/a * Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old. Software
comments (...Annex 1): Il n’existe pas encore une liste d’inventaire technique national pour les
equipements medicaux. WHO Region of the Americas WHO health products focal point: Name: —
Email: — WHO Representative/WHO Liason Officer: Name: Dr. Maureen Birmingham Email:

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