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TPTB519 - Teaching Practice - II

Assignment Lesson Plan (Spring 2023)

Student I’d

To assess the students’ understanding of concepts of teaching and enable them for implementing
lesson planning practically.


 Late assignments will not be accepted.

 If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
 Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work
done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from
different sources and expressing them in your own words will be encouraged.
 No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
 The solution file should be in Word document format; the font color should be
preferably black and font size should be 12 Times New Roman.

List of Activities
Lesson plans and teaching will be assessed in google classroom. A sample lesson plan
assignment is also uploaded in download section. Please read it carefully and prepare lesson plan
as per format provided.
(Check DOWNLOADS section for schedule uploaded by your supervisor. The schedule will be
named by your assigned supervisor. Check Announcement section on daily basis).
You should prepare 06 lessons of subjects you have selected in your first assignment as the
number given below:

1. Students need to prepare SIX lesson plans for each subject within the due date on
LMS. Lesson plan needs to be submitted within the due date.
i.e. Subject 1 = 6 Lesson plans
Subject 2 = 6 Lesson plans
Subject 3 = 6 Lesson plans
Total lesson plans = 18

2. You will prepare 18 lesson plans on different topics in this assignment. Subjects
should be same as mentioned in Subject selection form. (If Subject selection form is
not approved, get approval via email).
3. You need to upload the 18 lesson plans in a single Word Doc. File on LMS within
the due date. However, you must start each lesson plan from a NEW PAGE of the
solution file. DO NOT start a new lesson plan from the middle or end of a page.
4. Carefully check all 18 lesson plans before uploading on LMS.

Note: You have to teach ONE lessons in online class from these lessons at your turn. Keep
visiting LMS for updates about your turn.
5. Also fill the following table:

Sr. Grade/Class Subject Topic

1 6th Mathematics Least Common Multiples (LCM)
2 6th Mathematics Highest Common Factor (HCF)
3 6th Mathematics Describing a set
4 6th Mathematics Classification of Data
5 6th Mathematics Whole Numbers
6 6th Mathematics Perimeter and Area
7 7th English The last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
8 7th English Our Village
9 7th English Eid-ul-Azha
10 7th English Traffic Sense
11 7th English Pollution
12 7th English Rain in summer
13 8th Science Genetic Engineering
14 8th Science Biotechnology Products
15 8th Science Acids
16 8th Science Bases/Alkalis
17 8th Science Cell Division
18 8th Science Central Nervous System (CNS)
Lesson Plan 1

1. Subject: Mathematics

2. Grade level/Class: 6th

3. Text Book: Mathematics (Punjab textbook board)

4. Topic & Sub Topic: Least Common Multiple (LCM)

5. Time Duration: 45 minutes

6. General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Understand L.C.M

2. Know different methods to find L.C.M

7. Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Define least common multiple

2. Find Multiple of different numbers

3. Solve real life problems related to L.C.M

8. Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board

2. Board markers

3. Duster

4. Mathematics textbook of 6th class Punjab board

5. Charts

9. Procedure:
a. Introduction:

At the start of the lecture I will tell students about the concept of common factors by

activity in which same student becomes the part of two groups and students will

understand about the common term with great attention.

b. Teaching Procedures:

Lecture method and activity based teaching method will be adopted for this lesson in

which I will tell students about multiples for each number and least common multiple in

detail with the help of examples. After that I will provide daily life problems related to

L.C.M. I will also tell students how to solve LCM using prime factorization.


We get a multiple of a number when we multiply it by another number. Such as

multiplying by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc, but not zero. Just like the multiplication table.

Least Common Multiple (L.C.M.):

LCM or least common multiple of two or more numbers is the smallest of all their

common multiples.

There are two methods to find LCM.

1. Prime factorization method

2. Division Method

L.C.M of two or more numbers by Prime Factorization Method

To find L.C.M by using prime factorization method we use the following rule.

L.C.M = Product of common two or more prime factors x Product of non-common two or

more prime factors.

I will give task to peers to discuss how the problems will be solved and which method

will be used for the solution of that problem.

c. Student Participation:

Some problems related to find common multiple and L.C.M will be given to the students

and students will solve these problems on their notebook during the lesson.

d. Formative check:

For the process of assessment I will asked about the questions related to common

multiple and least common multiple from different students in the class.

Find the common multiples and L.C.M for each pair of numbers

e. Closure/summarizing:
I will end my lesson by quickly summarizing the concept of common multiple and


10. Assignment or Homework:

I will assign homework to the students in which students will:

11. Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different

questions related to topic to students and students will answer these questions.

1. What is the relation between common multiple and L.C.M?

2. Find the least common multiple for each pair of numbers.

Lesson Plan 2

1. Subject: Mathematics

2. Grade level/Class: 6th

3. Text Book: Mathematics (Punjab textbook board)

4. Topic & Sub Topic: Highest Common Factor (HCF)

5. Time Duration: 45 minutes

6. General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Understand HCF

2. Know difference between LCM and HCF

7. Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Define Highest common factor

2. Find common factors of different numbers

3. Explain the difference between LCM and HCF

8. Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board

2. Board markers

3. Duster

4. Mathematics textbook of 6th class Punjab board

5. Charts

9. Procedure:
a. Introduction:

At the start of the lecture I will tell students about the concept of common factors by

activity in which same student becomes the part of two groups and students will

understand about the common term with great attention.

b. Teaching Procedures:

Lecture method and activity based teaching method will be adopted for this lesson in

which I will tell students about factors of each number and highest common factor in

detail with the help of examples. After that I will provide daily life problems related to



We get a multiple of a number when we multiply it by another number. Such as

multiplying by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc, but not zero. Just like the multiplication table.

Highest Common Factor (HCF)

HCF or Highest Common Factor of two or more given numbers is the common factor of

given numbers which is the greatest of all common factors.

There are two methods to find HCF

1. Prime factorization method

2. Division method

Formula for finding H.C.F using prime factorization method:

H.C.F = Product of common prime factors of all given numbers

I will give task to peers to discuss how the problems will be solved and which method

will be used for the solution of that problem.

c. Student Participation:
Some problems related to find common factors and HCF will be given to the students and

students will solve these problems on their notebook during the lesson.

d. Formative check:

For the process of assessment I will asked about the questions related to common

multiple and least common multiple from different students in the class.

Can the highest common factor of 8 and 64 be greater than 8? Explain the reasoning

e. Closure/summarizing:

I will end my lesson by quickly summarizing the concept of common factor and HCF.

10. Assignment or Homework:

I will assign homework to the students in which students will:

11. Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different

questions related to topic to students and students will answer these questions.

1. What is the relation between common factor and H.C.F?

2. Differentiate between HCF and LCM

3. What is the H.C.F of any two prime numbers?

Lesson Plan 4

1. Subject: Mathematics

2. Grade level/ Class: 6th

3. Text Book: Mathematics (Punjab textbook board)

4. Topic & Sub Topic: Describing a set

5. Time duration: 45 minutes

6. General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Know about set

2. Understand different types of describing a set

1. Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Define set

2. Explain different methods of describing a set

3. Differentiate between descriptive form and tabular form

8. Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board

2. Board markers

3. Mathematics text book of 6th Punjab board

4. Duster
5. Charts related to set

9. Procedure:

a. Introduction:

At the start of the lesson I will ask them about sets that we have used. Students will

answer it. In this way students are attracted towards the lesson and take interest. After

that I will give the introduction with the definition of set.

b. Teaching Procedures:

First I will start brainstorming and ask about Set from their knowledge. I will use lecture

method and discussion method in which I will explain about sets and other types of sets

by giving different examples related to real life. Next I will teach students about different

methods of describing a set.

Describing a set

Mostly a set can be describing in following forms.

Descriptive form:

In descriptive form of set, we simply describe a set in words.

E.g. A =Set of all vowels of the English alphabets

B= Set of first five odds numbers

Tabular Form:

In tabular form of a set, we list each element or number, separated by a comma and then

put curly brackets around the whole thing. This form of separation is known as tabular


E.g. A= {a,e,i,o,u}

B= {1, 2, 3,…….., 10}

Student Participation:

During the lesson I will arrange an activity in which students are asked to write 3

examples of descriptive form and 3 examples of tabular form. Every student will

participate in this activity.

c. Formative check:

To check the understanding of students about the set students will have to answer the

question which will be asked by the teacher that will be:

Define set with daily life example.

d. Closure/summarizing:

After delivering the lecture, I will summarize the whole lecture and allow students to ask

any question about the topic.

1 Assignment or Homework:

In homework students will:

11. Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different

questions related to topic to students and student’s will answer these questions. Students

will be assessed by:

1. Explain different methods of set

2. What is the other name of tabular form?
Lesson Plan 4

1. Subject: Mathematics

2. Grade level/ Class: 6th

3. Text Book: Mathematics (Punjab textbook board)

4. Topic & Sub Topic: Classification of Data

5. Time duration: 45 minutes

6. General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Know about data

2. Understand about different types of data

7. Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Define data

2. Describe different types of Set

3. Distinguish between grouped and ungrouped data

8. Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board

2. Board markers

3. Mathematics text book of 6th Punjab board

4. Duster
5. Charts showing data

9. Procedure:

a. Introduction:

At the start of lesson students attention can be grasped by asking about data to the class

and types of data. Students will try to answer and in this way students will be attentive.

b. Teaching Procedures:

I will use lecture and activity method in the class and write question on the white board. I

will arrange the students in groups. So they can solve the questions easily.


A data is a set of information and facts which is represented in the forms of figure.

Data can be classified into two parts.

Grouped data

Ungrouped data

Student Participation:

Students are divided into small groups and each group writes different grouped and

ungrouped data and also shares it with others.

c. Formative check:

During lesson I will stand student one by one and check their knowledge and

understanding about the topic.

d. Closure/summarizing:

After delivering the lecture, I will summarize the whole lecture and allow students to ask

any question about the topic.

2 Assignment or Homework:
In homework students will:

11. Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different

questions related to topic to students and student’s will answer these questions. Students

will be assessed by:

1. Define data
2. Differentiate between grouped and ungrouped data with examples
Lesson Plan 5
Subject: Mathematics

Grade level/Class: 6th

Textbook: Mathematics Punjab textbook board

Topic & Sub Topic: Whole Numbers

Time Duration: 45 minutes

General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

Recognize whole numbers

Understand about natural numbers

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Define whole numbers

2. Differentiate between whole and natural numbers
3. Enlist few examples of natural numbers on their notebook

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board
2. Markers
3. Duster
4. Mathematics text book of 6th class Punjab board
5. Chart showing whole and natural numbers
6. Number flashcards

a. Introduction
At the start of lesson students attention can be grasped by showing number flashcards to
the class and asked them about numbers.
b. Teaching Procedure:
Demonstration method and pair work will be used in this lesson. The graph paper will
show to the students and by drawing the number line on paper students will look at the
whole numbers and also concept of natural number will be explained to the students.
Natural numbers
The numbers 1,2,3,4,…. that use for counting the objects are called natural numbers.
Whole Numbers
The number 0 together with natural or counting numbers gives us the whole numbers.
The set of whole numbers is denoted by letter W:
W= {0,1,2,3,4,……}
It can be noticed that the smallest number of set W is 0 and we cannot tell about number
in set because the elements of this sets are infinite.

c. Student participation:
For the better understanding students will write whole numbers less than 10, greater than
6 and discuss these with their peer.
d. Formative Check:
Some numbers will be written on white board and students will recognize the type of
number. By this activity students understanding will be checked.
e. Closure/Summarizing:
Quick review of whole and natural numbers students learnt in order to end the lesson.
Assignment or Homework:

I will assign homework to the students in which students will:

Write definition of natural and whole numbers along with examples and also draw on
number line.

Assessment of Student Learning:

At the end of the lesson the students learning assess by asking:
1. Explain natural numbers
2. Which is the smallest whole number?
3. Draw a number line to write the whole numbers:
i. Smaller than 7
ii. Greater than 15
Lesson Plan 6
Subject: Mathematics

Grade level/Class: 6th

Textbook: Mathematics Punjab textbook board

Topic & Sub Topic: Perimeter and Area

Time Duration: 45 minutes

General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Know about perimeter

2. Understand about area

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Define perimeter
2. Differentiate between perimeter and are
3. Find perimeter and area of a square and a rectangle

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board
2. Markers
3. Duster
4. Mathematics text book of 6th class Punjab board
5. Chart showing perimeter and area


a. Introduction
At the start of lesson students attention can be grasped by asking about area of rectangle
to the class and asked them about perimeter. Students will try to answer and in this way
students will be attentive.
b. Teaching Procedure:
I will use lecture and activity method in the class and write question on the white board. I
will arrange the students in groups. So they can solve the questions easily.
Perimeter and Area
The surface covered by an object in a plane is called area of that object and the
measurement of boundary of the surface is called its perimeter.
Area of rectangle = length x breadth
c. Student participation:
During the lesson students will write find area of the rectangle by using formula on their
notebook and participate in this way.
d. Formative Check:
During lesson I will stand student one by one and check their knowledge and
understanding about the topic.
e. Closure/Summarizing:
At the end of the lecture, I will summarize the whole lecture in detail with example.
Assignment or Homework:

I will assign homework to the students in which students will:

Find the area and perimeter of following squares and rectangles given in exercise 11.1

Assessment of Student Learning:

At the end of the lesson the students learning assess by asking:
1. Define Area
2. What is the formula to calculate the area of rectangle
3. Find the perimeter of the square.
Lesson Plan 7

Subject: English

Grade level/Class: 7th

Textbook: English Punjab textbook board

Topic & Sub Topic: The last sermon of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

Time Duration: 45 minutes

General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Know about values we should embody in our relationships with family and neighbors.
2. Understand about characteristics of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) to be ideal personality.

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Find the values did Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) embody in all his interactions
2. Analyze paragraphs to identify sentences that support the main idea through examples
3. Understand the use of dictionary and thesaurus

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board
2. Markers
3. Duster
4. English text book of 7 class Punjab board


a. Introduction
I will give Introduction of the chapter by reading the statement and explanation from the
textbook and then after one by one reading the sub-headings and translate the paragraph
into Urdu. I will explain the meaning of words to help students understand the lesson.
b. Teaching Procedure:
I will use reading based lecture method which involves the student’s participation. A
group based demonstration about Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) sermon. Students are
encouraged to ask question about the topic and I will answer it.
Islam covers all aspect of human life. It is not only a religion but also a complete code of
conduct. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Allah. At the occasion of
performing hajj, he (SAW) delivered his last sermon on 9 th Hil-Hajjah, 10-A.H. He
(SAW) addressed more than one hundred thousand companions and advise them to
devote their lives for the service of Islam, so thay they might gain the glory of Allah.
c. Student participation:
Students are allowed to ask the question which they cannot understand. They are asked to
underline the word which they cannot understand the meaning.
d. Formative Check:

In formative assessment students learning about the topic is checked during the lesson.
During the lesson the understanding of students can be checked by asking questions from
students about the topic that what you know about Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) sermon.

e. Closure/Summarizing:
The lesson will be concluded by recalling all main points of the topic.

Assignment or Homework:

I will assign homework to the students in which students will:

Assessment of Student Learning:

At the end of the lesson the students learning assess by asking:

1. What have been left by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) for Muslims?

2. What aspect of human life does Islam cover?
3. What are the criteria of superiority is Islam?
4. Why should we treat women kindly?
Lesson Plan 8

Subject: English

Grade level/Class: 7th

Textbook: English Punjab textbook board

Topic & Sub Topic: Our Village

Time Duration: 45 minutes

General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

 Know about village.

 Understand about problem of our village

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Explain about routine of villagers

2. Analyze paragraphs to identify the problems of our village
3. Develop a descriptive paragraph using a mind map

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board
2. Markers
3. Duster
4. English text book of 7 class Punjab board


a. Introduction
I will give Introduction of the chapter by reading the statement and explanation from the
textbook and then after one by one reading the sub-headings and translate the paragraph
into Urdu. I will explain the meaning of words to help students understand the lesson.
b. Teaching Procedure:
I will use reading based lecture method which involves the student’s participation. A
group based demonstration about our village. Students are encouraged to ask question
about the topic and I will answer it.
A village is a peaceful, calm and quite place. In a village, a life is refreshing and inspiring
as there is no noise and rush of traffic. Pakistan is a land of villages. Almost 70% of our
total population lives in villages. The population of a big village may go to 5000 to 6000,
but a small village usually has a population about 2000 people or less.
c. Student participation:
Students are allowed to ask the question which they cannot understand. They are asked to
underline the word which they cannot understand the meaning.
d. Formative Check:

In formative assessment students learning about the topic is checked during the lesson.
During the lesson the understanding of students can be checked by asking questions from
students about the topic that what you know about life of village and different problems
faced by villagers.

e. Closure/Summarizing:
The lesson will be concluded by recalling all main points of the topic.

Assignment or Homework:

I will assign homework to the students in which students will:

1. What kind of life do the villagers live?

2. Write a paragraph 80-100 words on My Village.

Assessment of Student Learning:

At the end of the lesson the students learning assess by asking:

 Why do we call Pakistan a land of villages?

 Explain the daily routine of villagers.
 What is usually the population of small village?

Lesson Plan 9
Subject: English

Grade level/Class: 7th

Textbook: English Punjab textbook board

Topic & Sub Topic: Eid-ul-Azha

Time Duration: 45 minutes

General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Know about Eid-ul-Azha

2. Understand about different festivals celebrated in Pakistan

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

 Explain in detail about Eid-ul-Azha

 Analyze paragraphs to identify topic sentences and supporting details
 Use thesaurus to find out the words of similar meanings

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

 White board
 Markers
 Duster
 English text book of 7th class Punjab board
 Pictures related to different eid ul azha

a. Introduction
At the start of the lesson, I will show different pictures related to eid ul azha. I will ask
students how do you celebrate eid ul ezha . In this way students attention will be grasped.

b. Teaching Procedure:
I will use the lecture method with group discussion method in which I will tell about Eid-
ul- Azha and share it with the class. Students will be encouraged to take part in this group
Eid ul Azha is celebrated on 10 th Zij-Hajjah, the last Islamic month. We celebrate Eid-ul-
Azha in the memory of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Ismail (AS). Allah told Hazrat
Ibrahim (AS) in a dream to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ismail (AS). He became ready for
that. But Allah sent a ram. Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) sacrificed the ram in place of Hazrat
Ismail (AS).
c. Student participation:
Students are allowed to ask the question about Eid-ul-Ezha which they cannot
understand. They are asked to underline the word which they cannot understand the
d. Formative Check:

In formative assessment students learning about the topic is checked during the lesson.
During the lesson the understanding of students can be checked by asking questions from
students about the topic that write the 2 festivals of Pakistan

e. Closure/Summarizing:
The lesson will be concluded by recalling all main points of the topic.

Assignment or Homework:

I will assign homework to the students in which students will:

Assessment of Student Learning:

At the end of the lesson the students learning assess by asking:

 What is the importance of a festival?

 Write about different festivals celebrated in Pakistan


1. Eid ul fitr is a ______ festival.

a. local

b. historical
c. religious

d. none of above

2. Eid ul azha is festival of _____

a. Muslims

b. Hindus

c. Sikhs

d. none of above
Lesson Plan 10

Subject: English

Grade level/Class: 7th

Textbook: English (Punjab textbook board)

Topic & Sub Topic: Traffic Sense

Time Duration: 45 minutes

General Objectives:

After this lecture, students will be able to:

 Know about traffic signals

 Understand about cause of accidents

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

 Write about different traffic lights

 Describe the causes of accidents
 Explain different traffic rules

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

 White board
 Board markers
 Duster
 English textbook of class 7th


a. Introduction:
I will write the name of the topic on the white board and ask the students if anyone know
about the traffic rules. In this way students will also take part in the lesson and they want to
answer the question.

How do you come to school?

What things do you care of when you are on the road?

b. Teaching Procedure:

Lecture method will be used in the lesson and students also participation by reading the
paragraph from the textbook. Then group based discussion will be done to know about
different traffic rules and signs.

Many big cities have traffic lights. Always obey the traffic lights for road safety. If there is a
red light, you must stop. When the light turns yellow, you must get ready without moving
your bicycle or vehicle. Move on, when the lights turn green. Violation of these rules may
cause serious accidents. Many more traffic rules and roads signs are there for you to develop
a traffic sense.

c. Student participation:

I will show picture of traffic signs to the student and ask questions about those traffic signs.
d. Formative check:

Student understanding with topic will be checked by asking the question from the same topic
like do you understand the message of road signals?

e. Closure/ Summarizing:

I will recall the main points of lesson focusing on specific objectives at the end of the lesson
which include summary of the lesson.

Assignment or Homework

The homework for the students will be:

What are the causes of traffic accidents?

Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different questions
related to topic to students and student’s will answer these questions.

 Write the main points of the lesson

 How can we avoid accidents?
 What is the importance of traffic lights?


 Zebra crossing are for the safety of ________.

 When the light turns yellow, we must _______ without moving.
Lesson Plan 11

Subject: English

Grade level/Class: 7th

Textbook: English (Punjab textbook board)

Topic & Sub Topic: Pollution

Time Duration: 45 minutes

General Objectives:

After this lecture, students will be able to:

1. Know about pollution

2. Understand about kinds and cause of pollution

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

 Define pollution
 Identify the causes of pollution
 Explain the kinds of pollution

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

 White board
 Board markers
 Duster
 English textbook of class 7th
 Pictures related to pollution


a. Introduction:
I will write the name of the topic on the white board and ask the students if anyone know
about the pollution. In this way students will also take part in the lesson and they want to
answer the question.

What is pollution?

How is pollution harmful for us?

b. Teaching Procedure:

Lecture method will be used in the lesson and students also participation by reading the
paragraph from the textbook. Then group based discussion will be done to know about
different kinds of pollution and causes of pollution.


Pollution is the addition of any such constituents to air, water or land which adversely alters
the natural quality of environment. Pollution is serious problem of modern age. With rapid
increasing industries especially in developing countries, the problem is of great magnitude.

Kinds of pollution:

1. Air pollution
2. Water pollution
3. Noise pollution

c. Student participation:

I will show picture of pollution to the student and ask questions about those kinds of
d. Formative check:

Student understanding with topic will be checked by asking the question from the same topic
like what are the effects of noise on our health.
e. Closure/ Summarizing:

I will recall the main points of lesson focusing on specific objectives at the end of the lesson
which include summary of the lesson.

Assignment or Homework

The homework for the students will be:

Write a paragraph of 80-100 words on pollution.

Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different questions
related to topic to students and student’s will answer these questions.

 What are the bad effects of air pollution?

 How can pollution be controlled?
 How does cutting of trees add to environmental pollution?


 Smoking containing poisonous gases is cause of _______.

 Sewage is major source of ___________.
Lesson Plan 12

Subject: English

Grade level/Class: 7th

Textbook: English (Punjab textbook board)

Topic & Sub Topic: Rain in summer

Time Duration: 45 minutes

General Objectives:

After this lecture, students will be able to:

1. Know about rain in summer

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

 Analyze the poem for main idea

 Identify lines and stanza
 Explain the summary of the poem

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

 White board
 Board markers
 Duster
 English textbook of class 7th
 Pictures related to rain


a. Introduction:

I will write the name of the topic on the white board and ask the students if anyone know
about the rain. In this way students will also take part in the lesson and they want to answer
the question.

b. Teaching Procedure:

Lecture method will be used in the lesson and students also participation by reading the poem
from the textbook. Then group based discussion will be done to know about rain and how its
look beautiful in summer.

c. Student participation:

I will ask students to read the poem from book for better understand and ask meanings of
words if they don’t know
d. Formative check:

Student understanding with topic will be checked by asking the question from the same topic
like when does the rain looks beautiful.

e. Closure/ Summarizing:

I will recall the main points of poem focusing on specific objectives at the end of the poem
which include summary of the poem.

Assignment or Homework

The homework for the students will be:

Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different questions
related to topic to students and student’s will answer these questions.

 Where does the rain water pour?

 Who welcomes the rain?
 Write the summary of the poem?

Lesson Plan 13

Subject: Science
Class: Grade 8th
Text Book: Punjab Textbook Board, Lahore
Topic & Sub-Topic: Genetic Engineering
Duration of the Lesson: 45 minutes.
General Objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
1. Know about biotechnology
2. Understand about genetic engineering
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lesson student will be able to:
1. Explain about genetic engineering
2. Describe the importance of Bacteria in genetic engineering
3. Define Biotechnology
1. White Board
2. Text Book
3. Board Marker
4. Projector
5. Small Video Clips
I will use step by step method
I will speak on the topic very shortly but I will also keep in mind the suspense of the topic so that
it will seek the attention of the students. I will ask some questions to know the prior knowledge
of the students.
1. What are bacteria?
Then I will tell the students that today we are going to discuss about the important biotechnology
that are making the life of man easy and smooth.
Teaching Procedures
I will use lecture along with demonstration method to represent this topic to the students. I will
tell the students about the biotechnology. Biotechnology techniques are the utilization of science
to tackle issues and make helpful items. The most conspicuous area of biotechnology is the
creation of remedial proteins and different medications through hereditary designing.
Student Participation
In order to engage the students in the class I will demonstrate the video related to the topic in
front of students to explain genetic engineering to the students.
Formative check
In order to check the knowledge of the students about topic I will ask the following questions
like what is biotechnology.
Before summing up the lecture I will recap all important points of the lecture and ask the
students if they have any confusion about the topic. After rectifying their mistakes I will tell
them that we can use biotechnology techniques in many ways and get benefits of these
technologies. Nowadays these technologies are making our lives comfortable by solving many
problems. At the end I will also share the list of modern biotechnology techniques with the
I will assign the following as homework
Explain the genetic engineering process.
1. Define biotechnology
2. Explain the importance of bacteria in genetic engineering
3. Describe gene into bacterium
Lesson Plan 14

Subject: General Science

Grade level/ Class: 8th
Text Book: General Science (Punjab Text Book Board)
Topic & Sub Topic: Biotechnology Products
Time duration: 45 minutes
General Objectives

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Understand about biotechnology products

2. Use of biotechnology products in different fields

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Explain Genetic modification

2. Explain bio technology products
3. Describe about insulin and vaccines

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board
2. Board markers
3. General science text book of 8th class
4. Charts related to Vaccines



People have been changing the genomes of plants and animals for many years using traditional
breeding techniques. Artificial selection for specific, desired traits has resulted in a variety of
different organisms, ranging from sweet corn to hairless cats. But this artificial selection, in
which organisms that exhibit specific traits are chosen to breed subsequent generations, has been
limited to naturally occurring variations. In recent decades, however, advances in the field
of genetic engineering have allowed for precise control over the genetic changes introduced into
an organism. Today, we can incorporate new genes from one species into a completely unrelated
species through genetic engineering, optimizing agricultural performance or facilitating the
production of valuable pharmaceutical substances. Crop plants, farm animals, and
soil bacteria are some of the more prominent examples of organisms that have been subject to
genetic engineering.

Teaching Procedures:

In teaching of this lesson deductive method will be used as students will be involved in general
information to specific conclusion with the help of charts and diagrams. Students will be asked to
discuss in group about genetic modification and bio technology.


Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for allowing glucose in the blood to enter cells, providing
them with the energy to function. A lack of effective insulin plays a key role in the development
of diabetes. Hormones are chemical messengers that instruct certain cells or tissues to act in a
certain way that supports a particular function in the body.


Vaccine, suspension of weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or toxins of

antibodies or lymphocytes that are administered primarily to prevent disease. A vaccine can
confer active immunity against a specific harmful agent by stimulating the immune system to
attack the agent. Once stimulated by a vaccine, the antibody-producing cells, called B cells (or B
lymphocytes), remain sensitized and ready to respond to the agent should it ever gain entry to the
body. A vaccine may also confer passive immunity by providing antibodies or lymphocytes
already made by an animal or human donor. Vaccines are usually administered by injection
(parenteral administration), but some are given orally or even nasally (in the case of flu vaccine).
Vaccines applied to mucosal surfaces, such as those lining the gut or nasal passages, seem to
stimulate a greater antibody response and may be the most effective route of administration.

Formative check

During the lesson I will ask different questions related to the topic and students will answer these

What is insulin?


Genetic modification will be summarized to the students

Assignment or Homework

Student will be asked to write the answer of these questions.

1. Explain biotechnology products

2. Define vaccines

Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different questions
related to the lesson and students answer these questions.

1. Describe about insulin?

2. How vaccine works against diseases?
Lesson Plan 15

Subject: General Science

Grade level/ Class: 8th
Text Book: General Science (Punjab Text Book Board)
Topic & Sub Topic: Acids
Time duration: 45 minutes
General Objectives

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Explain acids
2. Describe use of acids in daily life

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Explain acids
2. Illustrate the properties of acids
3. Describe about use of acids

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board
2. Board markers
3. General science text book of 8th class
4. Charts related to Acids



I will start lesson with definition of acids. Acids are hydrogen-containing substances with a sour
taste that form solutions with pH values less than 7. Common examples include hydrochloric
acid, sulfuric acid, citric acid and Ethanoic acid (vinegar/acetic acid).
Teaching Procedures:

In teaching of this lesson deductive method will be used as students will be involved in general
information to specific conclusion with the help of charts and diagrams. Students will be asked to
discuss in group about acids.

Sources of Acids

Acetic acid (HC2H3O2)

Acetic acid is found in vinegar as well as products that contain vinegar, such as ketchup.

Citric acid (H3C6H5O7)

Citric acid is found in citrus fruits. It is also used in jams and jellies and to add a tangy flavor to
other foods.

Lactic acid (C3H6O3)

Lactic acid is found in milk and other dairy products.

Ascorbic acid (C6H8O6)

Ascorbic acid is Vitamin C. It is found in citrus fruits as well as some other fruits and juices.

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4)

Sulphuric acid is found in car batteries and some drain cleaners.

Formative check

I will ask different questions related to the topic and students will answer these questions like

What is acid?


Acids, types and sources and their daily life use will be summarized to the students.
Assignment or Homework

Student will be asked to write the answer of these questions:

Define acids

Explain the use of acids in daily life.

Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different questions
related to the lesson and students answer these questions.

1. Explain the sources of common acids

2. Describe the properties of acids

1. Bleaching powders chemical name is

a. calcium hypo oxychloride

b. calcium oxychloride

c. calcium chloride

d. calcium chloro oxide

2. The ratio of the water molecule in plaster of paris and gypsum is

a. 3:1

b. 1:3

c. 1:4

d. 4:3

3. Baking powder is

a. sodium carbonate + sodium tartaric

b. sodium bicarbonate + sodium tartaric

c. sodium carbonate + tartaric acid

d. sodium carbonate + sodium benzoate

Lesson Plan 16

Subject: General Science

Grade level/ Class: 8th
Text Book: General Science (Punjab Text Book Board)
Topic & Sub Topic: Bases/Alkalis
Time duration: 45 minutes
General Objectives

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Explain Bases/Alkalis
2. Describe use of Bases/Alkalis in daily life
Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Explain bases/alkalis
2. Illustrate the properties of bases/alkalis
3. Describe about use of bases/alkalis

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board
2. Board markers
3. General science text book of 8th class
4. Charts related to bases/alkalis



I will start lesson with definition of Bases/Alkalis. Many compounds have properties which are
contrary to acids. Such compounds are called bases.
Teaching Procedures:
In teaching of this lesson deductive method will be used as students will be involved in general
information to specific conclusion with the help of charts and diagrams. Students will be asked to
discuss in group about Bases/Alkalis.

Formative check

I will ask different questions related to the topic and students will answer these questions like

What is alkali?


Bases/Alkalis, types and sources and their daily life use will be summarized to the students.
Assignment or Homework

Student will be asked to write the answer of these questions:

Define alkalis

Explain the use of bases in daily life.

Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different questions
related to the lesson and students answer these questions.

1. Explain the sources of common Bases/Alkalis

2. Describe the properties of Bases/Alkalis
Lesson Plan 17

Subject: General Science

Grade level/ Class: 8th
Text Book: General Science (Punjab Text Book Board)
Topic & Sub Topic: Cell Division
Time duration: 45 minutes
General Objectives:

After this lecture students will be able to:

1. Understand the human Cell

2. Know about Cell division

Specific/Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to:

1. Define cell division

2. Differentiate between Mitosis and meiosis

Resources/Materials A.V aids:

1. White board

2. Board markers

3. General science text book of 8th class

4. Charts related to cell division


I will start the lesson with the general discussion with the students. It is more common thing and
in general observation that living things develop and grow and increase in their physical size. All
the living things made up of cells. More cells are needed for development of living things. Where
from these cell come? Answer is that existing cells are divided. In this lesson we will study the
process of cell division to from new cells

Teaching Procedures:

In teaching of this lesson deductive method will be used as students will be involved in general
information to specific conclusion with the help of charts and diagrams. Students will be asked to
discuss in group about cell formation in human body

Division of cells

Cell division is a process in which cell divides in to two daughter cells. Dividing cell is called
parent cell and produced cell is called daughter cell. Before the start of cell division parent cell
pass through interphase in which chromosomes are duplicated and copies are formed of all the
chromosomes. Process of cell division includes nuclear division and cytokinesis.

Types of cell division

Cell division is of two types which called mitosis and meiosis.


It is a process in which parent cell is divided in to daughter cells.


It is a process in which nucleus of a cell divide twice to form four daughter cells in such a way
that number of chromosomes in each daughter cell is reduced to half as compare to producing or
parent cell.

Formative check:

Students understanding will be checked by asking different questions related to the topic

What are two types of cell division?

Process of cell division will be summarized to the students at the end of the lesson.
Assignment or Homework

Student will be asked to write the answer of these questions.

Make a chart of cell division process?

Write down the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Assessment of Student Learning:

The students learning will be evaluate at the end of the lesson by giving different multiple
questions related to the lesson and students answer these questions.

Copies of chromosomes are formed in which process

a. Interphase
b. Nuclear division of meiosis
c. Nuclear division of mitosis
d. Cytokinesis

Chromosomes are made of

a. DNA only
b. Protein only
c. DNA and proteins
d. Fats, DNA and proteins

Reduction of chromosomes takes place during which process

a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis 1
c. Mitosis 2
d. None of these
Lesson Plan 18
Subject: Science
Class: 8th
Textbook: Punjab textbook board Lahore
Topic and subtopic: Central Nervous System (CNS)
Duration: 45 minutes
General objectives:
At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
1. Know about central nervous system
2. Understand about brain and spinal cord
Specific objectives:
Students will be able to:
1. Explain central nervous system.
2. Illustrate the significance of CNS.
3. Describe different parts of CNS including Brain and Spinal Cord.
1. Textbook
2. Marker
3. Computer papers on quiz related to working of CNS
4. Video clips
5. Projector
6. Model on parts of CNS
Teaching procedure:
I will start the lesson by writing topic name on the board. After that I will ask students what they
know about brain. Students will answer this question.
1. What is neuron?
2. From where your body gets data for working?
Teaching procedure:
Address strategy with expansion of exhibition to tell about the model will be utilized.
Central Nervous System:
I will let the students know that Focal tactile system goes probably as a control focal point of
the whole tangible system. It comprises brain and spinal cord.


a. Students participation:
To stand out enough to be noticed of the students I will demonstrate before them the model
with regards to the pieces of spinal cord
Formative check:
To check the learning level of the students I will inquire.
1. Explain the parts of the brain
2. Define the place of hindbrain.
Process of central nervous system will be summarized to the students at the end of the lesson.

I will relegate a few inquiries to the students
1. Explain Central Nervous System
2. Write 2 elements of Brain and Spinal line.
3. What is the job of spinal rope in our body?
1. _____________ is the piece of CNS
a. Brain
b. Spinal rope
c. Both A and B
d. None of these
2. Brain has ___________ parts
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

1. Make a stream diagram of CNS working.
2. Define central nervous system and furthermore clarify the pieces of CNS.

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