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June 1, 2015 / Vol. 40, No.


Scanning balanced-path homodyne I/Q-interferometer

scheme and its applications
Seang Hor Eang,1 Seunghyun Yoon,1 Jun Gyu Park,1 and Kyuman Cho1,2,*
Department of Physics, Sogang University, 1 Sinsu-Dong, Mapo-Gu, Seoul 121-742, South Korea
Interdisciplinary Program of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University, 1Sinsu-Dong, Mapo-Gu, Seoul 121-742, South Korea
*Corresponding author: kcho@sogang.ac.kr
Received March 18, 2015; revised May 2, 2015; accepted May 3, 2015;
posted May 5, 2015 (Doc. ID 236471); published May 19, 2015
The balanced-path scheme of a heterodyne interferometer proposed by Yoon et al. has been applied to the scanning
homodyne I/Q-interferometer. This provides an 11-dB improvement on common vibration rejection over the hetero-
dyne scheme and, thereby, allows high sensitivity and high stability phase and amplitude measurements for high-
speed scanning interferometer applications. It is shown that our new scanning interferometer scheme is very useful
for diagnosing a sample that requires complex analysis. As an example, our new scanning interferometer scheme
has been applied for obtaining phase and amplitude images of the protein biochip samples prepared by using the
sandwich ELISA. The amplitude images are used for diagnosing homogeneity of the sample, while the phase images
are used for measuring the phase difference between samples treated with different concentrations of IL-5. © 2015
Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (120.3180) Interferometry; (120.5050) Phase measurement; (130.6010) Sensors; (170.3890) Medical
optics instrumentation; (180.5810) Scanning microscopy.

Many authors have shown that a two-beam interferom- on the same stage [11]. They were able to obtain ∼19 dB
eter, either heterodyne or homodyne, can be used for rejection of common longitudinal motion by mounting
high-resolution sensor applications [1–8]. In particular, the sample and the RM on the same stage, where the
an in-phase and quadrature (I/Q) interferometer is ideal common lateral motion was deliberately applied. It
for sensor applications because of the following reasons: should be mentioned, however, that the PB and RB paths
(1) it can measure both the phase and amplitude change cannot be truly balanced in a heterodyne interferometer,
induced on the probe beam (PB); and (2) it can measure because they have different frequencies.
the phase difference between the PB and the reference In this Letter, we are presenting a new homodyne
beam (RB) without any calibration procedure [9,10]. This I/Q-interferometer scheme, in which the PB and RB are
scheme is particularly advantageous in such applications exactly balanced. It will be shown that the new scheme
as the scanning microscopy, biosensor, and so forth, can provide a 30-dB rejection of vibration noise in the
because it can provide more information than the scanning interferometer application. In addition, al-
conventional two-beam interferometer [9–11]. Various though a homodyne I/Q-interferometer requires two
I/Q-interferometer schemes that can be used for these ap- optical balanced mixers that have a 90° phase difference
plications can be found in [9–13]. The major drawback in with respect to each other and, thereby, add some com-
these schemes, however, as pointed out by Yoon et al. plexity in optical arrangement, it has the following addi-
[11], is the susceptibility to environmental perturbations: tional advantages over the heterodyne scheme: (1) it
since the sample and reference mirror are located in two does not require two beams with different frequencies;
separate locations, it is highly susceptible to environ- (2) can avoid 3-dB signal loss in the RF mixing pro-
mental perturbations such as atmospheric turbulence, cedure; (3) signal processing can be performed in the
temperature change, acoustic noise, and so forth, and baseband; and (4) relative intensity noise of the laser
vibrations of the sample result in phase noise. can be rejected by employing the balanced detection.
In principle, lateral scanning of the sample is indepen- This new scanning interferometer scheme has been ap-
dent of the vibrations along the beam-propagation direc- plied for obtaining the phase and amplitude images of bi-
tion and should not cause any interference. In practice, ochips prepared in different concentrations of antigen,
however, pitch and yaw of the scanning stage in conjunc- interleukin 5 (IL-5). It will be shown that both homo-
tion with a spring-loaded adjustable sample mount are geneity and the optical height variation of the sample
responsible for the vibration noise during the scanning. can be measured. It will be shown that our new interfer-
The vibration is not only a major source of the phase ometer scheme can easily identify the optical height
noise but also limits the scanning speed. In all, interfer- difference between the biochip treated with 1-pg/ml
ences caused by environmental perturbations and vibra- and 0-pg/ml concentration of IL-5.
tions of a scanning stage have been major drawbacks of A schematic of experimental arrangement is shown in
the conventional scanning interferometer scheme. Fig. 1. Output beam from a stabilized, single-frequency
Recently, Yoon et al. showed that the interferences laser diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser operating at 1319 nm
caused by environmental perturbations can be minimized is split into two paths by using the beam splitter BS1.
by employing the balanced-path I/Q-heterodyne interfer- The reflected and transmitted beams at the BS1 are used
ometer in which the PB and the RB paths are geometri- as the RB and PB, respectively. The plane of polarization
cally balanced and running close to each other so that the of the output beam from the optical isolator (OI) is
sample and the reference mirror (RM) can be mounted properly oriented at the angle that gives the maximum
0146-9592/15/112457-04$15.00/0 © 2015 Optical Society of America
2458 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 40, No. 11 / June 1, 2015

where R is the responsivity of the PDs, and E PB and E RB

are the amplitude of PB and RB, respectively.
In our new scanning interferometer scheme, in order
to make the interferometer immune to vibrations and the
other environmental perturbations, we let the PB and RB
paths be as close as possible to each other. As already
shown in the previous work [11], any acoustic noise
and atmospheric turbulence that have longer character-
istic lengths than the beam separation, ∼1 cm in the
present arrangement, may cause negligible interferences
on I/Q-measurements of the interferometer. In our
present work, it takes less than 5 min for each scanning
measurement. The average RMS phase noise during the
typical measurement interval is obtained by using the
same procedure shown in Ref. 11. The measured average
RMS phase noise is 8.71 × 10−5 rad.
Fig. 1. Experimental arrangement. The portion in the dotted
rectangle is the homodyne I/Q demodulator. One of the major noise sources is the vibration of the
sample in a conventional scanning interferometer scheme
operating with the reflection geometry where the PB is
transmission of PB and RB at the polarizing beam split- focused onto the sample and reflected back into the inter-
ters PBS1 and PBS2. The PB is focused onto the sample, ferometer: pitch and roll of the laterally scanning linear
and the reflected beam from the sample is recollimated stage can induce vibrations of the sample along the beam
and sent back to the PBS1 along the incident path, for propagation direction, which can appear as the phase
which a concomitant phase and/or amplitude changes noise in the scanning I/Q-measurements. In our new
are induced on the PB by the sample. The RB is reflected scheme, in order to remove interferences caused by vibra-
at the RM and sent back to the PBS2. Because of the dou- tions, the sample and the reference mirror are mounted on
ble pass in the quarter-wave plate QWP1, the plane of the same scanning stage. The vibrations of the scanning
polarization of the PB and RB are rotated by 90° and stage are common for both the sample and the reference
reflected at the PBS1 and 2, respectively. A half-wave mirror, which results in the same induced phase chirp
plate, HWP1, is used to rotate the polarization of the on both the PB and RB, and, thereby, the interferences
PB by 90° so that the PB is transmitted through the caused by vibrations of the stage can be rejected. The
PBS2. The orthogonally polarized PB and RB are then common vibration rejection ratio was measured by using
combined at the PBS2 and copropagating along the same the same method used in [11], and the results are shown in
path. The phase and amplitude change of the PB are mea- Fig. 2. The red trace (gray trace in black and white printed
sured by using the homodyne I/Q-demodulator, which is version) represents the vibration measurement result
specified as the dotted rectangle in Fig. 1. The details when the vibrating sample and RM were mounted inde-
of operation principle for the I/Q-demodulator can be pendently, while the black trace in the figure represents
found in [9] and will not be discussed in detail. The I/Q- the case of both the sample and the RM were mounted on
demodulator consists of two balanced mixers, for which the same vibrating stage. The results show that a 30-dB
one of them suffers 90° phase shift between the PB and RB rejection of common mode vibration is ∼11 dB improve-
induced by QWP2. The PBS3 and 4 are oriented at 45° to ment over those for the case of heterodyne version of the
the plane of polarization of PB and RB so that they can mix
the PB and RB at the corresponding PBSs. The output sig-
nals from the differential amplifier DA1 and DA2 are re-
ferred as vI and vQ , respectively. These output signals
are digitized by using the A/D converters and processed
in the computer to measure the amplitude and phase
change of the PB. The phase difference between the PB
and RB can be determined by the following operation
in the computer:
Δϕ  ϕS − ϕR  tan−1 Q ; (1)
where ϕS and ϕR are the phases of the PB and RB, respec-
tively. Therefore, it does not require any calibration to
extract the phase difference Δϕ  ϕS − ϕR , which is deter-
mined by the difference in the effective optical heights
between the sample and RM. The amplitude of PB and Fig. 2. Frequency spectra representing common vibration
RB can be obtained by rejection: the gray (red online) and black trace represent the
q frequency spectra when the sample mirror is mounted
RE PB E RB  v2I  v2Q ; (2) independently and together with the RM on the PZT stage,
June 1, 2015 / Vol. 40, No. 11 / OPTICS LETTERS 2459

Fig. 3. Protein biochip: (a) the schematic of cross-sectional

structure and (b) the SEM image of the bare gold pattern
(the spacing between each tick mark is 10 μm). Fig. 4. Scanning result showing (a) the phase image and
(b) the amplitude image.

interferometer, which has 820-MHz frequency imbalance

between the PB and RB. As a result, we can significantly and the pattern. From the bottom to the top (light blue,
improve both the stability and the scanning speed of the blue, green, red, and black curves in color online), the
scanning interferometer. traces represent the measured phase values of untreated
As an example of scanning interferometer applica- bare gold pattern, biochips treated with 0, 1, 10, and
tions, our new interferometer scheme has been applied 100 pg/ml concentrations of IL-5, respectively, which
for obtaining phase and amplitude images of protein bio- show clear dependence of measured phases on concen-
chips that were prepared on the array of 10 μm × 10 μm trations of IL-5. It should be mentioned that in order to
gold patterns by using the sandwich enzyme-linked compare measured phase values at different concentra-
immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The samples were fabri- tions, the traces are parallel shifted so that the initial
cated in the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and phase values, which are not the same because of small
Biotechnology (KRIBB) for other purposes. The samples but significant height variations introduced in the mount-
used in this work are the bare gold pattern, biochips ing procedure, are started at the same phase value, 0 rad.
treated with 0, 1, 10, 100 pg/ml concentrations of IL-5. Each trace represents the effective optical height differ-
The details of sample preparation will not be given here ence between the corresponding biochip and substrate.
because it is out of the scope of this Letter, but the sche- For example, the measured phase difference between the
matic of cross-sectional structure and the SEM image of bare gold pattern and the substrate is 0.93 rad, which is in
the gold pattern are shown in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), respec- good agreement with the theoretically calculated phase
tively. Each sample and the gold-coated RM were care- difference, 0.95 rad, for which phase change at the gold
fully aligned and glued to the slide glass that was firmly surface and SiN film are taken into account. This result
mounted on the scanning stage. It should be mentioned shows that our proposed scheme can be used as a high-
that both the sample and the gold-coated RM can be pre- resolution optical microscope for quantitative analysis
pared on an optically flat substrate that can make align- of optical properties in the scanned surface. The details
ment easier and may provide better performance. The PB are not shown here, but dependence of the optical height
was focused and reflected at the gold surface of a sample, on the optical thickness of the sample can be calculated
while the RB was reflected at the gold-coated RM. The from the sample structure, and it can be shown that the
spot size of the focused PB was ∼2 μm. The RB was phase difference between the substrate and the pattern
not focused to the reference mirror to make the scanning increases as the optical thickness of the sample layer
less sensitive to any local defects that may be present on increases. Therefore, it is clear from the results shown
the surface of the RM. Both the focused PB and the RB in Fig. 5 that the effective height of a sample treated with
were scanned over a 32 μm × 33 μm area of the sample sandwich ELISA is higher than that of the untreated bare
surface and RM by use of two axes of a precision motor-
ized 3-axis translation stage (Suruga Seiki D70). It took
less than 5 min to complete the scan.
Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show the phase and amplitude
images of the biochip treated with the 10-pg/ml IL-5 con-
centration. The slope is removed by using proper soft-
ware. No significant defects are observable in these
images. The same scanning measurements were made
on the other samples, for which the images are not shown
here because any significant differences were not observ-
able on these samples except for the optical height
differences between the different samples. The uniform
amplitude images show that the samples are optically
homogenous at the wavelength we used. The line-scan
images, specified as the dotted line in Fig. 4(a), of the
samples with different concentrations are shown in
Fig. 5. The bottom parts and top parts of each curve cor- Fig. 5. Line-scan images for untreated bare gold pattern, bio-
respond to the measured phase values at the substrate chip treated with 0, 1, 10, and 100-pg/ml concentrations of IL-5.
2460 OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 40, No. 11 / June 1, 2015

obtaining the amplitude and phase images of the protein

biochips prepared for various concentrations of IL-5. We
have shown that the true optical height variations of the
biochip samples due to binding reactions can be directly
measured by use of our new interferometer scheme. We
also found that there are strong correlations between op-
tical heights and concentrations of IL-5. We were able to
see clear phase difference, 0.07 rad, between the samples
treated with 1-pg/ml and 0-pg/ml concentration of IL-5,
which is much larger than the average phase noise,
8.71 × 10−5 rad, during the measurement interval. There
are no clear correlations between the amplitude measure-
ment results and the IL-5 concentration. From these
results, we can say that the concentration-dependent am-
plitude change or reflectance change, in other words, at
Fig. 6. Phase difference between biochip treated with 0, 1, 10, 1319 nm is too small to be distinguished by the amplitude
and 100-pg/ml concentrations of IL-5 and that of 0 pg/ml. change caused by misalignments. The uniformity of ampli-
tude image, however, tells us that the samples are homo-
geneously prepared. In all, we have introduced the new
pattern, and the sandwich ELISA pattern treated with a
interferometer scheme that can provide both the high-
higher concentration of IL-5 has higher optical height
resolution amplitude and phase images of samples, the
than that of treated with a lower concentration. The aver-
protein biochips in this case. The amplitude images were
age phases of the corresponding biochips are obtained by
used for diagnosing homogeneity of the sample, and the
taking averages of measured phase values of the data
phase images were used for measuring the changes in
points in the top 80% area of the images, and so it does
optical heights due to binding reactions. To the best of
for the average phase at the substrate of each sample.
our knowledge, it is the first time that both the homo-
The difference between the average phase of the biochip
geneity and optical height variations of a biochip are diag-
pattern and the substrate of each sample is plotted in
nosed at the same time. We believe that our new scanning
Fig. 6. At the present moment, the number of data is
interferometer scheme can be applied for high-resolution
too small to find the exact saturation characteristics in
complex analysis of a surface, diagnostics of semiconduc-
binding reaction, but the results in Fig. 6 show general
tor wafers and devices, high sensitivity readout sensing of
trend in saturation. There may be sudden height change
a biochip and fluidic channel, and so forth.
that may result in π-ambiguity. The amplitude and phase
signals at the boundary between the substrate and sam- The authors thank Dr. Joohyung Ahn and Dr. Mingon
ple, however, show the same dependence as in Ref. 10 Kim at KRIBB for providing us the biochip samples. This
which tells us that the average height in the focal spot research was supported by National R&D Program
varies gradually across the boundary so that the standard through the National Research Foundation of Korea
phase unwrapping algorithm can be applied. From the (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT &
results shown in Figs. 5 and 6, we can say that our Future Planning (NRF-2014M1A7A1A01029956).
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