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Canterbury Business College

CRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554


After assessment, the assessor and participant should sign the competency record. If competency is not
achieved at the first attempt, strategies to address the performance gaps need to be identified and a time
for re-assessment organised
Qualification SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management
BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace policy and procedures for
Unit code and name:
Trainer’s Names: Salman Murad

Student’s names: Papinun Chaithaweewaranon

Student’s ID: 6654

The Evidences Supplied Are:

Valid Sufficient Authentic Current

The participant is competent, has shown competence in all of the following elements:

□ Develop workplace sustainability policy

□ Communicate workplace sustainability policy

□  Implement workplace sustainability policy

□ Review workplace sustainability policy implementation

Knowledge Question

Assessment Task 1 – □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory

Case Study : Written
Assessment Task 2 – □ Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory
Case Study : Project and
Role Play

Assessment Decision: □ Competent □ Not yet Competent

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CRICOS Code – 01899K RTO Code - 6554

Student Signature:

Assessor Signature:

Assessor Feedback to Student:

In case student is Not Yet Competent, strategies to address gaps in student performance:

Date For Re-Assessment:

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Unit description:
Qualification Title SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management
Unit of Competency BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace policy and procedures for

Assessment Tool Knowledge Test/Case study

Student must fill this section:

Candidate Name: Papinun Chaithaweewaranon
Candidate ID: 6654
Privacy Release “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the
Clause: auditing, assessment validation & moderation Process”
Plagiarism and
“I acknowledge that entire assessment work is done by me”

Student signature: ___ Papinun CH. ______ Date: ____09/08/2023____

Feedback to student:

Assessment Completion Status

Non- Assessor’s
Attempt Satisfactory Date
Satisfactory Signature

Initial attempt  

2nd attempt/Re-assessment
 

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Information for Candidate:

 All work is to be entirely of the candidate.

General Information for this assessment:

 Read the instructions for each question very carefully.

 Be sure to PRINT your FULL name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
 Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
 For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, ESSAY reports, etc.
The student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
 All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of
 If the candidate doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to
interpret the assessment.

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Re-assessment of Result & Academic Appeal procedures:

If a student at Canterbury Business College is not happy with his/ her results, the student may appeal
against their result via a written letter, clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the MSS / DSS. This
should be submitted after completion of the subject and within 14 days of commencement of the new
Re-assessment Process:
 An appeal in writing is made to the ACC / MSS providing reasons for re-assessment /appeal.
 ACC / MSS will delegate another faculty member of CBC to review the assessment.
 The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
 If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is
formed comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge, the ACC, the MSS and the DSS OR if need be
an external assessor.
 The Institute will advise the student of the appeal decision within 14 days from the submission
date of the appeal. The decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
 If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent
advice or follow external mediation option with CBC’s nominated mediation agency.
 Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-
enrol in that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her
judgement based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair,
practical and valid.
Academic Appeals:
 If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the assessment marking process, he/she has a
right to appeal the assessment results.
 The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the MSS / ACC and submitted within
seven days of notification of the assessment results.
 If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand as marked.
 In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, the student must
forward a medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made
within three working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
 The decision of MSS / ACC will be discussed with the DSS and will be final.

For further information please refer to Student Handbook.

“I acknowledge that I have understood all the above rules and guidelines for the assessment
Papinun CH. 09/08/2023
Papinun Chaithaweewaranon
Full Name Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

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Assessment Guidelines
Part A

Assessment instructions
Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and the
terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with your
trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and adhere to the
terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task. If any assessment task is not fully addressed,
then your assessment task will be returned to you for resubmission. Your trainer/assessor will remain
available to support you throughout the assessment process.
Written work
Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of the
overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment tasks, please ensure that you
address the following criteria:
 Address each question including any sub-points

 Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly

 Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner

 Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed

 Your assessment tasks include your full legal name on each and every page.

Part B Case Study / Project

Task 1
Task 2

Part A Knowledge Questions

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1. What is a trend? Give an example.

A trend in this context is a pattern or general tendency appearing in the data. For example, you may
find that people are being rewarded for recycling.
For example: staffs could be performed better.

2. You have found a problem with a procedure. How could you find a solution?
 Collect the complaint
 Act
 Inform all the staff about the new policy
 Follow up procedure again
 monitoring

3. What is the scope of your sustainability policy?

 Green office program
 Green house challenges

4. What sources of information have you gathered to help you plan and develop your policy?
 Regulator legislation authority (sustain policy)
 Steak holder, ask them to get their advice, how you will deal with green policy
 Account department, green office program

5. Who are your stakeholders?

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 Government
 Investor
 Customers
 Regulator
 Suppliers
 Employees

6. Choose a stakeholder from your list above and describe through what means you would consult with
them and what you would discuss.
 Green organization: To consult every policies that should and can be applied in our kind of
establishment scale. Maybe, corporate with them on doing this policy.

7. What strategies could you include to reduce toxic material and hazard chemical use and employ life
cycle management approaches?
 Looking for a substitute produce for the nontoxic one. Start to implementing Green Policy in
the establishment.

8. Demonstrate how you can make recommendations for a policy based on likely effectiveness,
timeframes, and cost.
Recommendations Duration Cost Effectiveness
Reducing wastage Immediate $ 100 Satisfaction
Selection of the good suppliers A month $ 200 Satisfaction
Paying fair wages A month $ 500 Satisfaction

9. How do you propose to demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to sustainability?

 By showing people what our activity and policy implemented on sustainability using media.

10. Prepare for a meeting with your supervisors. Brainstorm ideas for appropriate methods of

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- Hold a staff meeting to discuss sustainability (if you are a part of a large organisation and you
cannot all feasibly meet you could meet in departments/groups)
- Meet with staff again for the discussion of changes to responsibilities (again, do this in
groups so that people understand each other’s responsibilities)
- Break the overall sustainability drive down into individual components
- Think about what you want to achieve
- Introduce implementation in phases so that staff do not feel overwhelmed
- Discuss the time limit for the implementation and if you have decided to implement in
phases, the time limit for each phase.

11. Why should you promote your workplace sustainability policy?

Because, it is good for company image, shareholder, environment, and it’s proven.

12. What do you have to think about when promoting the policy and its expected outcome to

- Reduction of costs
- Improvement of reputation
- Increased government recognition
- Compliance with regulations
- Financial savings which can be invested in other areas (e.g. a pay rise for new staff).

13. In pairs, act out a situation where you have to convince your key stakeholders that sustainability
policies will benefit them.
Mr.A ( Sustainability manager ) : hi I want to inform you about our organisations sustainability policy
and request you that we want you to order the product in minimum plastic packaging .
Papinun : Oh ok so you want me to remove the packaging completely ?
Mr.A ( Sustainability manager ) : yes please or you can use recycled material or may be bio
degradable packaging . Or you can opt for packaging less option as it will not only save you cost but
also decrease the carbon foot prints of your organisation.
Papinun : yes that a great.
Mr.A ( Sustainability manager ) : we all need to work together to achieve sustainability goals.
Papinun : sure.

14. When informing those involved in implementing the policy of the outcomes you expect, why is it
important to be specific?

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- Be specific – set specific targets that are achievable and measurable e.g. we want to reduce our use
of paper by 50%. Our current usage is 50 cases per month. The aim is clear here; you are aiming to
reduce paper to 25 cases per month. Do not set too many all at once as this could result in confusion
for both staff and managers. Once employees have become accustomed to one or two changes you
can introduce more. This ensures a smoother transaction into the whole process and allows time to
tackle any early day problems.

15. Give an example of an activity or activities that you would like staff to undertake to help achieve a
target (also specify the target).
The target is to create green kitchen
We ask the staff to separate between the recycle waste and food waste. So, that we can recycle
plastic or cardboard waste and use food waste for compost.

16. Using your example from the previous answer, get in pairs, and tell your partner what
responsibilities they should have as if they are the supervisor for implementing your target.
Pino (example), I think you need to communicate to all staff about our new policy on kitchen waste
separation. I bought 2 new garbage bin, and everyone need to follow and high attention according our
new policy

17. What is a procedure? Give an example below.

Procedure is set of continuous task to do one after another
Example: washing hand. Wet your hands with clean, running water. Apply soap. Rub the soap over
the front and back of your hands, between your fingers, and under your fingernails. Rub your hands
together for 20 seconds. This is about the amount of time it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song 2
times. Rinse your hands well under the running water.

18. What different methods of communicating a procedure are you aware of?
Whether it is an email, a memo, a report, a contract, etc. all forms of written.

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19. You should now develop a procedure that will help to implement a workplace sustainability policy
and communicate this to the next of the group. Think about the method communicating this
 Using Power Point By using power point we can make step by step of the material more clear
to audience. Also, we can put video to get better understanding for visual audience.

20. What is continuous improvement?

-Companies need to continuously improve their products, services, and processes to remain
competitive, yet many companies struggle in this area. Making use of a continuous improvement
model eases the process, but perseverance and persistence become necessary. Improvements take
time, and small changes will be needed to see major improvements with time. Continuous
improvement strategies help significantly throughout the process. Strategies for continuous
improvement provide the desired results when implemented properly and used regularly.

21. What qualities should staff have for this?

 Attention
 Instruction

22. What qualities should supervisors have to help staff achieve this?
 Leadership, firmness, fearless, motivational, passionate, approachable

23. First, write a list of all the tasks that need to be done to track continuous improvements in
sustainability approaches.

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 Periodical meeting
 Internal audit
 Checklist
 Timeline
 Regular check

24. Next, explain how you propose to assign people to those tasks. Do you need a large team? Explain
your answer.
 Pick someone who has quality and responsibility.
 Big or small team it is depend on the scale of the task

25. What might you have to give feedback to stakeholders regarding?

 Audit
 Monitoring results
 Vision and mission
 Complaints and suggestion
 Reward
 Changes of procedure

26. Think about your stakeholders – who would be interested in each of the above examples? Assign at
least two stakeholders for each.
 Audit: Investors, Regulator
 Change of procedure: Staff, Supplier
 Complaint: Customer, Manager

27. What should you research when investigating successes?

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 Audit, checking to looking for an improvement
 The staff follow the procedure that we make

28. What should you research when investigating areas for improvement?
 Need more training
 The main issues doesn’t solve


Task 1 – Written Exam and Presentation


To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance evidence and determine
that you have the required skill and knowledge for this unit.

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Referring to the given below Case Study Scenario and based on your research of various resources such
as your organization sustainability policy and procedure and internet, your response should support the
development of a workplace sustainability policy, as well as consulting and communicating with relevant
stakeholders to generate engagement to create, monitor and improve strategies during policy

Part 1

Task Summary:

Read the scenario and answer each question in as much detail as possible within 100 to 200 words, to
demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the environmental or sustainability legislation,
regulations and codes of practice applicable to an organisation, identify and explain how internal and
external sources of information can be used to plan and develop policy, explain policy development
processes and practices including outlining organisational systems and procedures that relate to
sustainability, and typical barriers to implementing policies and procedures and possible strategies to
address them.

Your answers should be based on the research you have conducted on your organization as well using
various other resources such as internet and information contained in the scenario and what you have
learned in this study unit.

Case Scenario: Transforming our world - Sustainable Development.

In September 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
– 17 global goals which lay out a path to 2030 to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and
injustice, and protect the planet.

The SDGs apply to all countries at all stages of development, including Australia. In fact Australia
has long recognized the role of sustainable development in ensuring the well-being of the country
and its people. Government legislation, regulation and policy already drives us towards many of
the environmental, social and economic outcomes idolized in the Sustainable Development Goals

So what is the role of business in SGD agenda?

While the scale and scope of the SDGs is unique, the fundamental ways that business can
contribute remain unchanged. In particular, companies needs to do business responsibly and then
pursue opportunities to solve societal challenges through business innovation and collaboration.


In the rush to transform business models and systems for the future, integrity and values will have
to play a huge role. For companies wanting to advance the SDG agenda, the job starts by acting
responsibly – incorporating the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles widely into strategies and

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operations, and understanding that good practices or innovation in one area cannot make up for
doing harm in another. In addition to this, global challenges – ranging from climate, water and
food crises, to poverty, conflict and inequality – need solutions that the private sector can deliver.

What is the business case for engaging with the SGD’s?

There is a strong business case for understanding and engaging with the SDGs. Key elements of
the business case include :

1. Identifying future business opportunities. The SDGs aim to redirect global public and private
investment flows towards the challenges they represent. In doing so, they define growing
markets for companies that can deliver innovative solutions and transformative change. 
2. Enhancing the value of corporate sustainability. While the business case for corporate
sustainability is already well established, the SDGs may for example strengthen the economic
incentives for sustainability as externalities becoming increasingly internalised. 
3. Strengthening stakeholder relations and keeping pace with policy developments. The SDGs
reflect stakeholder expectations as well as future policy direct at the international, national
and regional levels. Companies that align their priorities with the SDGs can strengthen
engagement of customers, employees, civil society and other stakeholders, and those that
don’t will be exposed to growing legal and reputational risks. 
4. Stabilising societies and markets. Business cannot succeed in societies that fail. Investing in
the achievement of the SDGs supports pillars of business success, including the existence of
rules-based markets, transparent financial systems, non-corrupt & well-governed institutions. 
5. Using a common language and shared purpose. The SDGs define a common framework of
action and language that will help companies communicate more consistently and effectively
with stakeholders about their impact and performance.

1. What is the purpose of a workplace sustainability policy in an organization and what does it
- Sustainability is the capability to equitably meet the vital human needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs by
preserving and protecting the area’s ecosystems and natural resources. The concept of
sustainability describes a condition in which human use of natural resources, required for

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the continuation of life, is in balance with Nature’s ability to replenish them.
2. Why should you promote workplace sustainability policy including its expected outcome?
- Promoting workplace sustainability policy is about getting support, recognition and
building a good reputation and strong links with other organisations involved with yours
e.g. suppliers. Think about your key stakeholders and how you can promote your
sustainability policy to them.
- Such as…
- Does it reduce their costs?
- Does it enhance their reputation?
- Will it lead to recognition from the government?

3. Outline three (3) environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice
applicable to your organisation.
- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
- Green office program
- Greenhouse challenge plus (Australian government initiative)
- work health and safety (WHS) Act.

4. Identify two internal and two external sources of information and explain how they can be
used to plan and develop an organisation’s sustainability policy say “Reducing Carbon
- For internal are employee and the management so, they can provide the information by
consult with them to get information.
- For External are stakeholder and supplier Write letters, emails or newsletters to investors,
customers, suppliers and staff to keep them updated.

5. A business practice that is economically viable, socially responsible and environmentally

friendly is usually regarded as being sustainable.
a. List policy development processes and practices of your organization
- Recycle as much waste material as possible
- Avoid the use of paper wherever possible. For example, sending invoices and quotes via
email as PDF files.
- Recycling equipment that is no longer of use to the company. For example, giving away
items such as computers and printers that we no longer use.
- Keep energy usage low. For example, making use of low energy light bulbs throughout
b. Outline the system and procedure that relates to sustainability goal for instance
reducing resource use in your organization.
- Recycling means turning an item into raw materials which can be used again, usually for a
completely new product. Reuse, in contrast, refers to using an object as it is without
breaking it down.
- Reuse is preferred over recycling because recycling consumes more energy.
- Examples
- Both side paper print

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- Use solar cell panel

6. Identify typical barriers to implementing policies and procedures for Water and Electric
Conservation in an organisation and explain what strategies you would use to address them.
- A lack of staff motivation
- Incoherent policies and procedures
- Lack of communication of policies and procedures to all staff
Strategies to help motivate the team include:
- Train staff appropriately; this will help to encourage new ideas and motivate employees.
- Use constructive criticism to help staff achieve their full potential
- Rewards should be in place wherever possible for staff who develop ways to improve
- Promote the reward structure – nobody will be motivated by it if they do not know about
- Staff progression should be highlighted; successful stories could be turned into case
studies for others to aspire to.

Part 2

Task Summary:

Referring to the case scenario and employing the result of your research which you have conducted by
identifying, analysing and evaluating complex textual information of your organization as well as using
various other resources such as internet, you are required to prepare and deliver a presentation to the
stakeholder on the scope and development of organisational policies and procedures that comply with
legislative and regulatory requirements and support the organisation’s sustainability goals and agreed

Presentation Activity

a. Assume you are the new Business Manager and entrusted with the responsibility to develop and
implement a workplace sustainability policy referring to your organization goal of reducing
environmental impact by developing all packaging to be recyclable or reusable by 2030. You are
required to develop a PowerPoint presentation that may include graphics to support your explanations
of the content. Plan your presentation to last for at least 15 minutes. You should also consider
stakeholder’s different opinions and positions when tailoring your presentation

Your presentation should address:

1. Importance of developing organisational policies and procedures that comply with legislative
requirements and support the organisation’s sustainability goals.
2. The scope of your proposed sustainability policy
3. What sources of information have you gathered to help you plan and develop your policy?

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4. Review your organisational structure to determine and identify the appropriate stakeholders whom
you need to consult for policy development process,
5. Describe at least two ways how “you would consult with them”.
6. State at least five benefits of the proposed policy for the stakeholders.
7. Strategies and life cycle management approaches that would be employed in your organization to
reduce toxic material and hazard chemical use.
8. Recommendation of at least two other options for development of direction and focus for the
proposed policy based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost of implementing the policy.
9. Explanation on the importance of having a good understanding of environmental and sustainable
legislation that may affect the organization.
10. How your proposed sustainability policy will demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to
11. If sustainability is to be an integral part of all business planning and opportunity to improve
economic efficiency, list ideas for on appropriate methods of implementation, outcomes and
performance indicators.
12. Importance of being specific when informing those involved in implementing the policy of the
outcomes you expect.
13. How you will assign responsibilities and address activities to be undertaken to promote and achieve
the outcome by implementing a specific policy.
14. Why promoting workplace sustainability policy including its expected outcome is important for the
organization sustainability performance indicators.

b. Lastly you are to present your workplace sustainability policy presentation in front of other students in
the role of staff members.

Deliver your power point presentation to the staff members (students) addressing all the required
content. Advise your staff members that they may ask questions at the end of the presentation.

During your presentation, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
1. Speaking clearly and concisely
2. Responding to questions as required
3. Using active listening techniques

Task 2 – Written Exam and Report Writing


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To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance evidence and determine
that you have the required skill and knowledge for this unit.

Referring to the given below Case Study Scenario and based on your research of various resources such
as your organization sustainability policy and procedure and internet, your response should support
implementation of a workplace sustainability policy and reviewing to modify the policy to suit changed

Part 1

Task Summary:

Read the scenario and answer each question in as much detail as possible within 100 to 200 words, to
demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the implementing sustainability policy and procedures
including documenting agreed outcomes; performance indicators; activities to be undertaken; assign
responsibilities; record keeping, review and improve sustainability policies.

Your answers should be based on the research you have conducted on your organization as well using
various other resources such as internet and information contained in the scenario and what you have
learned in this study unit.

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Case Study Scenario 2:

The feasibility of an automated monitoring system to improve nurses’ hand hygiene


Inadequate hand hygiene (HH) by healthcare staff results in increased rates of hospital acquired
infection in healthcare institutions, considerable waste of resources, and negative economic
impact for the healthcare system. Toronto Rehabilitation Institute has developed an automated
HH monitoring system that detects HH opportunities, generates HH reminding signals when it is
necessary and enables hospital management to monitor individual and aggregated HH
performance on ongoing basis.


To demonstrate that HH improvement is feasible with the proposed technical solution and that
technology is acceptable by potential users.


The technology was installed in four rooms on a nursing unit of a larger complex continuous care
hospital. The rooms were selected to make it possible to automatically follow the same nurses for
the duration of their entire shift. Eleven nurses were provided with the wearable electronic HH
monitors as well as with the instrumented personal wearable alcohol gel dispensers. Stationary
gel dispensers installed in the unit were also instrumented with technology.


Over 145 hours of testing the system automatically recorded a total of 1438 events of entering
and leaving monitored rooms and indicated an average of 6.42 HH actions per hour. The baseline
observational study indicated 4.2 HH actions per hour. Approximately half of the HH actions
recorded by the system were performed using personal wearable alcohol gel dispensers.


The results obtained when testing the embedded HH monitoring system demonstrated the
feasibility of HH improvement and proved that proposed solution merits a larger and longer
clinical trial to measure the degree of improvement and the sustainability of that improvement.

► Automated hand hygiene monitoring system was tested in a complex continuous care setting.
► The study demonstrated feasibility of hand hygiene improvement.
► The results confirmed previous findings on acceptability of technology.

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1. Policies and procedures are an essential component of any organization

a. Explain what a procedure is.

- A “procedure”?? is a term used in a variety of industries to define a series of steps,
taken together, to achieve a desired result. Procedures explain how to accomplish a
task. A procedure is sometimes called a work instruction. If you are preparing an ISO
9001 quality management system, then the term procedure is used to describe a
process, whereas a work instruction is used to describe something more basic like a
specific step in a process. For example, how to fill out a form. Procedures are known
in other ways too.

b. What are the benefits of using procedures?

- Access information to quickly solve problems and reduce downtime.

- Easily onboard new employees.

- Be following norms/certifications.

- Improve quality.

- Make sure everyone is on the same page.

- Reduce risk & improve security.

- Improve

c. Give an example of a sustainability procedure implemented in your organization as part of

sustainability policy.

- Waste prevention to reduce the amount of solid waste generated or resources used,
without increasing toxicity, in the design, manufacture, purchase or use of products or
packaging. "Waste prevention" does not include reuse, recycling or composting.

- Recycling - Any process by which solid waste materials are transformed into new
products in such a manner that the original products may lose their identity

d. In the case study identify the procedure adopted by Toronto Rehabilitation Institute.

- Toronto Rehabilitation Institute has developed an automated HH monitoring system

that detects HH opportunities, generates HH reminding signals when it is necessary
and enables hospital management to monitor individual and aggregated HH
performance on ongoing basis.

e. Why is it important to develop and specify the best method of communicating a

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procedure for implementing a workplace sustainability policy?

- To ensure sustainability initiatives are successful, an organisation needs effective

procedures that staff and others can follow to make sure everyone involved knows
what they must do.

- While most people will generally agree with the idea of sustainability and the need to
monitor the organisation’s environmental performance, they may be concerned
about their own responsibilities and the impact of the policy on their day-to-day tasks.
Provide people with checklists or procedures to show what is required in order to
meet policy requirements, and make sure they understand what they need to do in
addition to their current responsibilities.

f. List three methods of communicating a procedure that could be used by Toronto

Rehabilitation Institute that will assist in implementation of a workplace sustainability

- Training = Can be used as a way of introducing the new procedures, either in a

formal training environment or on the job with appropriate support materials being
provided for participants

- Meetings = Held in appropriate groups and used to inform nurses of the

procedures and how to implement them

- Schedule assessments of your policies and procedures at regulars’ intervals-

evaluate how nurses are implementing them and they are the right measures to achieve
your stated goals. Make changes as necessary, and provide your employees with honest
feedback regarding their performances

2. Improvement is a major ingredient in the process of attaining sustainability.

a. What is continuous improvement?

- Companies need to continuously improve their products, services, and processes to
remain competitive, yet many companies struggle in this area. Making use of a
continuous improvement model eases the process, but perseverance and persistence
become necessary. Improvements take time, and small changes will be needed to see
major improvements with time. Continuous improvement strategies help significantly
throughout the process. Strategies for continuous improvement provide the desired
results when implemented properly and used regularly.

b. Provide at least two examples of commonly used strategies that can be implemented for
continuous improvement in resource efficiency in your workplace.

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- n my workplace always uses Lean & Continuously Improving for continuous
- Because Lean continuous improvement is a strategy designed to help eliminate waste
throughout a company. Waste is anything that doesn't add value for the customer. In
many ways, this continuous process improvement strategy works to eliminate
problems rather than directly improve a process. The results are similar, but by taking
a waste-focused approach, it is often easier to come up with goals from which
improvement strategies can be developed.
- And we’re also using Value stream mapping is one of the most important continuous
improvement strategies because it can be used within almost all others. This process
looks at the design and flow of processes within a company to see where value is
being added. A value stream map can also be a great brainstorming tool for areas that
could be improved.

c. Why is it important to establish and assign responsibilities for recording systems that will
track continuous improvements of sustainability approaches?
- When assigning responsibilities, it is important to indicate who is responsible for
tracking sustainability improvements and recording achievements and other
outcomes. Capturing data is an essential aspect of the monitoring and review process
for continuous improvement. Such as achievement of organisational goals and
targets, including the overall reduction in the ecological footprint and how this was
achieved (e.g. reduction in greenhouse gas emissions)

d. List five tasks that needs to be done to track continuous improvements for example for
green office sustainability approach. Explain how you propose to assign people to those
- Reduce nonproduction energy use: Employees who work in the office, use the
tearoom or use the change room facilities and showers.
- Decrease greenhouse gas emissions: Senior executives, production department and
operational area, and quality control personnel.
- Switch to ‘green ‘purchasing: Purchasing department and all employees authorised to
- purchase or procure goods and services.
- Convert reports to GRI compliant: Senior executives, managers, supervisors and all
employees writing reports on finance, social or environmental issues.
- Introduce waste reduction initiatives: All staff

e. Did the study done by Toronto Rehabilitation Institute prove that the proposed solution of
HH improvement would decrease resource waste?
- Yes, it does because the nurse will less sick if they follow the policy and it will
make the company reduce waste of resource.

3. Documenting the outcomes of sustainability initiatives is an important part of the

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continuous improvement cycle.

a. How would you document and communicate outcomes?

- Outcomes can be documented in specific sustainability reports, in financial reports, an

- annual report that includes triple bottom line reporting, a shareholder’s report, or a

- for an external body such as a regulatory authority. Common report types are
outlined in

- the following information.

b. Why is it important to provide feedback to stake holders and key personnel? List three
forms of feedback you can provide.

- It is very important to give feedback as it helps them to get valuable information

about their performance so this will help them to improve their work.

- This can be given via

- Complaints or suggestions

- Audits

- Changes to procedures

c. Identify at least two stakeholders of Toronto Rehabilitation Institute who would be

interested in the outcome.

- Stakeholders could include patients who receive treatment at the institute, medical
professionals who work there, government bodies that regulate healthcare, and insurance
companies that cover treatments

4. Keeping up with trends and continual Improvement are essential in the process of
attaining sustainability for a company.

a. What is a trend? Give an example.

- A trend in this context is a pattern or general tendency appearing in the data. For
example, you may find that people are being rewarded for recycling.

For example: staffs could be performed better

b. Why is it important to monitor records to identify trends that requires corrective action?
- To determine and avoiding risks act intensely. Also monitor the continuous changes in
the world like changes in stakeholders, customer perceptions and opinions.

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c. List three records you may monitor in your organization to identify trends.

- 1. Observing the processes by self-i.e. Feedback

2.Identification, reduction and elimination of unsatisfactory processes i.e. Efficiency

3.The focus of (CI) is on incremental, continuous steps rather than giant leaps i.e Evolution

d. Assume for the duration of an entire shift, a nurse finishes one personal wearable alcohol
gel dispenser priced at $5.00, calculate the cost for the personal wearable alcohol gel
dispenser for all nurses per shift.
- $55 per shift

e. In the study done by Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, did the proposed remedial action
promote continuous improvement of HH performance?
- Yes, it does because the system demonstrated the feasibility of HH improvement and
proved that proposed solution merits a larger and longer clinical trial to measure the
degree of improvement and the sustainability of that improvement.

Part 2

Reaport Writing

Investigating the successes or failures of a policy ensures that you learn from it and consequently improve
it. Reflecting on the current work sustainability policy and or procedure in your organization, w rite a brief
1/2 page report for analysing and evaluating success or otherwise of a particular policy and modify as
required to ensure improvements are made.

The report should start with an executive summary, introduction, the main body and a section containing
your conclusions and or any recommendations. A report writing structure template (Appendix) has been
provided as a guide only to help with formatting your report.

The report should reflect upon the following:

a. What is the current sustanability policy and or procedure.(chose a particular policy relating to
either energy management, water efficiency & conservation, waste reduction or green office)

b. How will you measure the success or failure of your Sustainability policy?

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c. Based on the outcomes of your review, you found a problem with a policy and or procedure.
In this scenario :
I. What should be the desired situation?
II. Propose a list of solutions that you could consider to close the gap between the
current and the desired situation.

d. After researching areas of improvement, suggest your idea or plan how the policy and or
procedure could be modified to ensure improvements are made including :
 How will your plan contribute to environmental sustainability?
 How would you determine performance expectations?


The Structure of a Report

Requirements for report structure vary, however, as a rough guide, you should plan to include at the very
least an executive summary, introduction, the main body of your report, and a section containing your
conclusions and any recommendations.

Executive Summary:

The executive summary or abstract, for a scientific report, is a brief summary of the contents. It’s worth writing
this last, when you know the key points to draw out. It should be no more than half a page to a page in
length. Remember the executive summary is designed to give busy 'executives' a quick summary of the
contents of the report.


The introduction sets out what you plan to say and provides a brief summary of the problem under discussion.
It should also touch briefly on your conclusions.

Report Main Body:

The main body of the report should be carefully structured in a way that leads the reader through the issue.

You should split it into sections using numbered sub-headings relating to themes or areas for consideration.
For each theme, you should aim to set out clearly and concisely the main issue under discussion and any
areas of difficulty or disagreement. It may also include experimental results. All the information that you
present should be related back to the brief and the precise subject under discussion.

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Conclusions and Recommendations:

The conclusion sets out what inferences you draw from the information, including any experimental results. It
may include recommendations, or these may be included in a separate section.

Recommendationssuggest how you think the situation could be improved, and should be specific, achievable
and measurable. If your recommendations have financial implications, you should set these out clearly,
with estimated costs if possible.

A Word on Writing Style

When writing a report, your aim should be to be clear. Above all, it should be easy to read and understand,
even to someone with little knowledge of the subject area.

You should therefore aim for crisp, precise text, using plain English, and shorter words rather than longer,
with short sentences.

You should also avoid jargon. If you have to use specialist language, you should explain each word as you
use it. If you find that you’ve had to explain more than about five words, you’re probably using too much
jargon, and need to replace some of it with simpler words.

Consider your audience. If the report is designed to be written for a particular person, check whether you
should be writing it to ‘you’ or perhaps in the third person to a job role: ‘The Chief Executive may like to
consider…’, for example.

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Sustainability policy
In the below report different aspects such as Investigating the successes or failures of a policy
review of implementation plan and monitoring strategy get discussed. It became very important to
review the plans so that any gap or discrepancy get identified at the initial level and help in
resolving it. Implementation plan is that plan that helps in implementing the strategy prepared by
the management in order to attain the sustainable targets. With this monitoring strategy help them
in monitoring the activities performed by them so that they process the implementation plan
accordingly and attain their set targets.

Review of implementation strategy

In the implementation strategy the major focus is over the reduction of the miss-utilisation of the
electricity in my company. There are various aspects that get followed in order to reduce the usage
of the electricity as it my procedure to ask all the staffs turn the light off when they have to leave
the office. The foremost factor is the unnecessary utilisation of the lights in the Green rooms by the
performers. As they leave the lights on while going out. As per the implementation strategy they left
the green room by switching off. If they find anyone guilt then they can charge fine over them. Their
second motive is to minimise the use of the gas as it increase their cost unnecessarily. During the
show the crew member make inadequate use of the gas but sometimes it can be avoided. So as
per the implementation plan they limit down the usage of the gas quantity in order to reduce its

Their ultimate motive and improve is to record the resources utilised and also render adequate set
of training that helps in reducing pollution or assign the manger to monitor the result every week or
motoring the electric bill quarterly.

In order to implement the plan it is highly required that their employees make effective and active
participation because in the absence of this they are not able to execute their plans accordingly
and attain their results.

For the purpose of monitoring over the implementation plan their management prepare a team that
helps in implementing the activities in systematic manner. The team members are highly focused
over the set activities that need to be performed by every employee. They are authorised to put
fine or penalise them if anyone of them is not following the activities mentioned in their
implementation plan.

As per their target they need to minimise the usage of the electricity by 2% in the whole year and
for this purpose they need to strictly follow their implementation plan. As per their plan they need to
switch off the lights of green room when it didn’t get utilised. Further they need to install the system
that automatically switches off the Air Conditioner if they forget to switch off it after working hours.
The non-renewable resources like water can be utilised minimum so that wastage can be reduced.
With the help of the show they also focused over giving message to the others in context to
minimise the usage of the toxic waste and other harmful materials that damage the environment.
The employees need to manage the food stuff and other renewable resources.

The team is also liable to maintain a proper record of the resources utilised on the monthly basis
that helps in meeting their set sustainable target. The recording of resource utilisation helps in
setting goals for the upcoming month and with the help of it they attain their set objectives.

In the end it get concluded that with the help of the monitoring team the implementation plan is
effectively implemented and helps in getting the set sustainable targets. If the implementation plan
is implemented effectively then they attain their sustainable targets.

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Create a five to ten-minute presentation to communicate your research with stakeholders. How can it
help you to create your policy? Show how you will implement and review it. You should also consider
stakeholder’s different opinions and positions when tailoring your presentation.

Sustainability policy
A warm welcome to one of all those gathered here.

Today I wish to introduce these two concepts that increase our company's productivity and efficiency. I think
if you are familiar with the terms "Supply chain management" and "raw purchase".

Have you ever considered efficiency in supply chain management? I believe that if there is good supply chain
management it will lead to eliminating excess costs and we are able to deliver our products and services

Supply chain managers in our company need to be more connected, co-operative, computer-aware,
empowered and efficient.
By adopting a green procurement policy, we can become economically friendly and reduce health issues.

By purchasing raw materials, the company can provide products and services with reduced impact on
human health and the environment.

By implementing Green Purchasing our company will achieve financial savings, improved employee health,
environmental protection and prevention of climate change.

Continuous evaluation and collecting feedback from customers and employees will help us measure success
or failure to use and accept suggestions in the event of any changes.

Do you believe the company can get better results from the successful use of Green Purchasing and Supply
Chain management?

We look forward to your great support and valuable suggestions.

Thank you all

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Ensure you prepare for questions from the audience.

Audience Questionnaire / Feedback form

Topic Very informative Informative Need Improvement

Topic and information

Presentation style

Delivery Methods and


Aids and materials used

Your personal attributes

as a presenter
Suggestions for
improvement etc

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