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"Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Responsive Planning, and Budgeting" are

approaches and strategies aimed at promoting gender equality and addressing
gender disparities in various aspects of society, particularly in policy-making,
planning, and resource allocation. These concepts emphasize the need to integrate
a gender perspective into all stages of decision-making processes to ensure that the
needs, concerns, and experiences of different genders are taken into account.

1. Gender Mainstreaming:
Gender mainstreaming is a strategy that involves integrating a gender perspective
into all policies, programs, and activities across different sectors of society. The goal
is to ensure that gender considerations become a fundamental part of how decisions
are made and implemented, rather than being treated as separate or secondary
issues. Gender mainstreaming encourages the analysis of how policies and actions
affect women, men, and gender-diverse individuals differently, and it seeks to
address and rectify gender inequalities.
2. Gender Responsive Planning:
Gender responsive planning involves considering and addressing gender-specific
needs, priorities, and challenges when developing and implementing policies,
programs, and projects. It acknowledges that men and women may have different
roles, responsibilities, and access to resources in society. By incorporating a gender
perspective into planning, policymakers aim to create more equitable and effective
interventions that can contribute to positive outcomes for all genders.

3. Gender Responsive Budgeting:

Gender responsive budgeting is a process of evaluating how public funds are
allocated and spent with a focus on promoting gender equality and addressing
gender-based disparities. It involves analysing government budgets to identify how
they impact different genders and ensuring that resources are distributed in a way
that benefits all members of society. This approach can involve reallocating
resources to address gender-specific needs and priorities, such as healthcare,
education, and social services.

In summary, these concepts collectively emphasize the importance of recognizing

and addressing gender inequalities and disparities in policy-making, planning, and
budgeting processes. By integrating a gender perspective into these processes,
societies can work towards creating more inclusive and equitable outcomes, where
the rights, opportunities, and well-being of all genders are taken into account and
actively promoted.

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