Wang 2013 Psychometric Properties and Practic

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Research Report

Psychometric Properties and

Practicability of the Self-Report
Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire in
Patients With Pelvic-Floor Dysfunction
Seeking Outpatient Rehabilitation
Ying-Chih Wang, Dennis L. Hart,† Daniel Deutscher, Sheng-Che Yen,

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Jerome E. Mioduski
Y-C. Wang, OTR/L, PhD, Depart-
ment of Occupational Science &
Technology, University of Wiscon-
Background. Pelvic-floor dysfunction (PFD) affects a substantial proportion of
sin–Milwaukee, PO Box 413, individuals, mostly women. In responding to the demands in measuring PFD out-
Enderis Hall 971, Milwaukee, WI comes in outpatient rehabilitation, the Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire (UIQ)
53201-0413 (USA), and Focus On was developed by FOTO in collaboration with an experienced physical therapist who
Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc, Knox- has a specialty in treating patients with PFD.
ville, Tennessee. Address all corre-
spondence to Dr Wang at: Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate psychometric properties and
practicability of the 21-item UIQ in patients seeking outpatient physical therapy
D.L. Hart, PT, PhD, Focus On Ther-
services due to PFD.
apeutic Outcomes, Inc, Knoxville,
Design. This was a retrospective analysis of cross-sectional data from 1,628
D. Deutscher, PT, PhD, Physical patients (mean age⫽53 years, SD⫽16, range⫽18 –91) being treated for their PFD in
Therapy Service, Maccabi Health-
care Services, Tel Aviv, Israel. 91 outpatient physical therapy clinics in 24 states (United States).

S-C. Yen, PT, PhD, Department of Methods. Using a 2-parameter logistic item response theory (IRT) procedure and
Physical Therapy, Northeastern
University, Boston, Massachusetts.
the graded response model, the UIQ was assessed for unidimensionality and local
independence, differential item functioning (DIF), discriminating ability, item hier-
J.E. Mioduski, MS, Focus On Ther- archical structure, and test precision.
apeutic Outcomes, Inc, Knoxville,

Results. Four items were dropped to improve unidimensionality and discriminat-
Dr Hart died April 11, 2012. ing ability. Remaining UIQ items met IRT assumptions of unidimensionality and local
[Wang Y-C, Hart DL, Deutscher D, independence. One item was adjusted for DIF by age group. Item difficulties were
et al. Psychometric properties and suitable for patients with PFD with no ceiling or floor effect. Item difficulty param-
practicability of the self-report Uri- eters ranged from ⫺2.20 to 0.39 logits. Endorsed items representing highest difficulty
nary Incontinence Questionnaire
levels were related to control urine flow, impact of leaking urine on life, and
in patients with pelvic-floor dys-
function seeking outpatient reha- confidence to control the urine leakage problem. Item discrimination parameters
bilitation. Phys Ther. 2013;93: ranged from 0.48 to 1.18. Items with higher discriminating abilities were those
1116 –1129.] related to impact on life of leaking urine, confidence to control the urine leakage
© 2013 American Physical Therapy problem, and the number of protective garments for urine leakage.

Published Ahead of Print:

Limitations. Because this study was a secondary analysis of prospectively col-
April 11, 2013 lected data, missing data might have influenced our results.
Accepted: April 4, 2013
Submitted: March 27, 2012 Conclusions. Preliminary analyses supported sound psychometric properties of
the UIQ items and their initial use for patients with PFD in outpatient physical therapy

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this article at:

1116 f Physical Therapy Volume 93 Number 8 August 2013

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

elvic-floor dysfunction (PFD) tutes of Health,11 Food and Drug and collect pilot data for the initial
affects a substantial proportion Administration,12 and World Health item bank. The additional validated
of individuals, mostly wom- Organization6 are encouraging the surveys included the PFDI, PFIQ, Pel-
en.1–3 It is estimated that up to one medical research community to use vic Floor Prolapse/Urinary Inconti-
third of adults experience one or PROs to support intervention effec- nence Sexual Function Question-
more PFD conditions during their tiveness13–15 and monitor patient naire (PISQ), and Pain Disability
lifetime.2,3 To improve functional management.16 Index (PDI).
outcomes and reduce PFD symp-
toms, many patients seek outpatient In 1998, the first International Con- The psychometric properties of the
pelvic-floor physical therapy.4 In a sultation on Incontinence (ICI) was initial FOTO PFD item bank have not
previous longitudinal cohort of held,6 and the ICI Scientific Commit- been studied. The purpose of the
2,452 patients with PFD receiving tee recognized the need to develop a current study was to evaluate psy-

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outpatient physical therapy ser- universally applicable questionnaire chometric properties and practica-
vices,5 most patients (92%) were for wide application across interna- bility of the self-report Urinary
female, and for most of them the PFD tional populations in clinical prac- Incontinence Questionnaire (UIQ),
had been present for more than 90 tice and research to assess urinary as part of the FOTO Pelvic Floor
days (74%). A majority (55%) had uri- incontinence. Since then, many Dysfunction Assessment, in patients
nary leakage, and combinations of questionnaires measuring urinary with PFD seeking outpatient physi-
urinary, bowel, and pelvic-floor pain incontinence have been developed, cal therapy services.
disorders were common (37%). such as the ICIQ-UI Short Form,17
Incontinence Impact Questionnaire Method
To assist in clinical care planning and (IIQ),18 Pelvic Floor Distress Inven- Data Collection
outcomes assessment in patients tory (PFDI),19,20 Pelvic Floor Impact The platform used for outcomes data
with PFD, there is an increasing Questionnaire (PFIQ),19,20 and Uro- collection has been described.5
demand for patient-reported out- genital Distress Inventory (UDI).21 In Briefly, patients with PFD were man-
comes (PROs) to be applied in this responding to the demands in mea- aged in outpatient rehabilitation clin-
patient population during routine suring PFD outcomes in outpatient ics participating with FOTO, an
clinical practice and research.6,7 rehabilitation, the FOTO Pelvic Floor international medical rehabilitation
There are several reasons that stimu- Dysfunction Assessment was outcomes database management
late this demand. First, individuals designed by Focus On Therapeutic company.22,23 Prior to initial evalua-
with PFD are commonly managed in Outcomes, Inc (FOTO) in collabora- tion and therapy (intake), patients
outpatient physical therapy servic- tion with an experienced physical entered demographic data and com-
es.8 –10 Second, to assess the PFD out- therapist who has a specialty in treat- pleted self-report surveys using
comes, many health indicators by ing patients with PFD. Questions Patient Inquiry, a computer program
nature rely on subjective patient were designed that would be sensi- developed by FOTO (Knoxville, Ten-
reports. For example, PFD symp- tive to change in the issues of great- nessee).22,23 Demographic variables
toms commonly include urinary est concern to patients with PFD of interest were age, sex, symptom
urgency, urinary frequency, bowel seeking outpatient rehabilitation acuity, surgical history, number of
constipation, pelvic pain, and sexual therapy and to develop an item comorbid conditions, exercise his-
dysfunction. Functional outcomes of response theory (IRT)-based item tory, and payer source. Data on age
PFD frequently involve whether bank suitable for computerized adap- were collected with age as a contin-
patients have reduced urgency and tive testing (CAT) application for this uous variable and categorized as 18
frequency, less restriction doing patient population. One part of the to 44, 45 to 64, and 65 years and
daily activities, or more ability to par- development involved an assessment older. The participants’ sex was cat-
ticipate in social events. These of face validity by collecting feed- egorized as female and male. Symp-
assessments strongly rely on back on the initial item bank (item tom acuity, which we operationally
patients’ perspectives, instead of lab- description and rating categories) defined as the number of calendar
oratory tests or physical examina- from a small group of physical ther- days from the date of onset of the
tion. Third, because PRO measures apist clinical experts. In 2008, FOTO condition being treated to the date
provide information related to added various patient history– of initial therapy evaluation, was cat-
patients’ perception of their health related questions, along with 4 addi- egorized as acute (⬍22 days), sub-
status without interpretation from tional validated surveys for patients acute (22–90 days), and chronic
clinicians or a third party, several with PFD to facilitate research at the (⬎90 days). Surgical history was cat-
institutes such as the National Insti- Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago egorized as none, 1, 2, 3, or 4 or

August 2013 Volume 93 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1117

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

more surgeries related to the condi- UIQ respectively) for those category
tion being treated. Number of The UIQ was designed to evaluate choices and challenges in analyzing
comorbid conditions was assessed urinary function in patients with PFD responses with 2-digit width.
using a list of 29 conditions common seeking outpatient physical therapy
to patients entering an outpatient services. The UIQ consists of 21 Unidimensionality and local inde-
rehabilitation clinic (eg, arthritis, items: 17 related to urinary leakage pendence. To assess IRT assump-
asthma, diabetes, heart attack, AIDS, problems, 2 related to frequency tions of unidimentionality and local
sleep disturbance, cancer).24,25 Exer- problems, and 2 related to retention independence, we conducted
cise history prior to receiving ther- problems. Each item has its own Lik- exploratory factor analyses (EFAs) of
apy was categorized as exercising 3 ert rating scale structure and opera- latent trait variables, followed by
times a week or more, exercising 1 tional definition (Appendix). confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs)
to 2 times a week, or exercising sel- utilizing Mplus (Muthén & Muthén,

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dom or never. Last, more than 15 Data were selected from the data- Los Angeles, California)26 on all
payer sources (eg, preferred pro- base if patients: (1) were 18 years of items.
vider organization, Medicare) were age or older, (2) were managed for
listed for patient to select from. their PFD problems, (3) received Unidimensionality of a scale means
outpatient physical therapy services, its items represent only one con-
When clinic staff recorded patient and (4) responded to FOTO Patient struct.27 To test for unidimensional-
data into the software and the staff Inquiry computer-based UIQ items at ity, we analyzed (1) the factor load-
selected “Pelvic Floor” as the broad admission to therapy between May ings and (2) variances explained by
heading for the reason for treatment, 2007 and January 2011. each factor. As suggested by Nun-
PFD-related questions were adminis- nally,28 we eliminated items with fac-
tered to the patients. Because data Analytical Procedure tor loadings below 0.40.
were collected in routine, busy out- We assessed the UIQ for its unidi-
patient clinics, we used a branching mensionality and local indepen- Local independence means that,
system to administer questions to dence, differential item functioning after taking into account patient abil-
collect data efficiently and reduce (DIF), discriminating ability, item ity, patient responses to the items
administrative burden (ie, reduced hierarchical structure, and test preci- are statistically independent.27 To
the number of items administered). sion using the two-parameter logis- test for local independence, we ana-
When PFD surveys were adminis- tic Item Response Theory (IRT) lyzed (1) the residual correlation
tered, patients were instructed to approach. matrix, (2) the magnitude of the stan-
select disorders that might apply to dardized coefficients, and (3) the
them (ie, urinary, bowel, and pelvic Data management. Prior to data percentage of absolute residual cor-
pain). For any selected disorder, sub- analysis, item responses from all relations ⬎0.10. Model fit was eval-
sequent subtypes pertinent to a spe- items, except item 17, were uated using comparative fit index
cific disorder were given. For exam- recoded, with higher (more positive) (CFI), the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI),
ple, if patients selected “urinary,” responses representing higher func- and the root-mean-square error of
they were instructed to select a more tioning. As an example, the original approximation (RMSEA). The TLI
detailed subtype (ie, leakage, fre- rating categories of item 1 were and CFI range from 0 (poor fit) to 1
quency, or retention). At any time, reversed (ie, the rating categories of (good fit). Values of CFI and TLI
patients could choose one, more 1 to 6 were replaced with those of 6 greater than 0.90 are indicative of
than one, or no subtype. Patients to 1) so patients with higher scores good model fit; RMSEA values less
could skip any question and proceed were those patients who never have than 0.08 suggest adequate fit.29 To
to the next question without expla- urine leakage when they are awake. our knowledge, there is no empiri-
nation. Based on the subtype Based on our preliminary analysis cally substantiated standard for the
reported by the patient, only items using a 1-parameter IRT model, the cutoff of residual correlation. We
relevant to that subtype were given, category thresholds increased in eliminated one item in each pair of
which led to 7 possible branching order (ie, there were no disorder items with a residual correlation of
routines that produced groups of thresholds). For item 17, we col- 0.20 or more.30 Items that had a
patients with different numbers of lapsed 2 of the lowest (1 and 2) and higher number of residual correla-
items asked. Patients received the highest (10 and 11) responses tion (⬎0.10) with other items were
full 21 UIQ items only if they because of low frequency counts inspected and removed if necessary
selected all 3 subtypes (leakage, fre- (11% and 5% for items 1 and 2 and to improve the model fit.
quency, and retention). 7% and 2% for items 10 and 11,

1118 f Physical Therapy Volume 93 Number 8 August 2013

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

Because the minimum covariance ware (University of Washington, from the item pool because of low
coverage was not fulfilled for all Seattle, Washington).41 The difwith- discriminating ability.
items using the original data set due par software examines 3 ordinal
to missing values, for the purposes of logistic regression (OLR) models Item hierarchical structure. Item
assessing unidimensionality and for each item and each demo- difficulty hierarchical order was
local independence of the 21 UIQ graphic category selected for ana- inspected via estimated item diffi-
items, we generated a set of data lysis: sex (female and male), age culty parameters. Item difficulty
where imputed values supplanted group (18 – 44, 45– 64, and ⱖ65 parameters were expressed in logits
missing responses, as described by years), symptom acuity (acute, sub- with higher positive values indicat-
Hart et al.31 To generate the imputed acute, and chronic), and number ing a more challenging task that usu-
values, the original data set, which of PFD comorbid conditions (1⫽ ally is accomplished or endorsed by
contained actual responses and miss- patient reported only one urinary patients with higher functioning.

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ing values, was used to generate a problem, 2⫽urinary and one other
simulated set of values using Masters’ symptom, 3⫽urinary, bowel, and Test precision. We assessed the
partial credit model (PCM)32 and pelvic pain symptoms). As described test precision using the test informa-
WINSTEPS software (Winsteps, Chi- by Crane et al,36 items were exam- tion function (TIF) and standard
cago, Illinois).33 Once a complete set ined for the presence of (1) uniform error (SE). The TIF27,42 indicates the
of imputed responses was gener- DIF by examining the relative differ- level of information or score preci-
ated, each missing response in half of ence between beta coefficients in sion provided by the scale over the
the original data set (ie, 50% of the the regression models (ie, a 10% dif- range of the construct’s continuum
patient records) was randomly ference) and (2) nonuniform DIF by and is the sum of the item informa-
selected and replaced with the comparing the ⫺2 log likelihoods of tion functions (IIFs) at each patient
imputed value for that patient. The 2 of the regression models. Uniform ability level along the construct’s
simulated data set was used only to DIF exists when the probability of continuum being measured (ie, uri-
assess unidimentionality and local answering the item correctly or nary function). The amount of infor-
independence utilizing Mplus.26 The endorsing the same rating category is mation provided by a scale at each
original data set was used for the greater for one group than the other ability level is inversely related to the
remaining analyses. uniformly over all levels of ability. error with which functional status is
Nonuniform DIF exists when there is estimated at that level of ability.42
DIF. All patients at a given level of interaction between ability level and We plotted the TIF generated using
ability should have an equal prob- group membership (sex, age group, data from the UIQ items. The shape
ability of scoring positively on symptom acuity), with certain com- of the TIF provides a visual compar-
each item regardless of their group binations having a higher probability ison of the level of test precision for
membership (eg, sex).34 Items are of answering the item correctly or UIQ items. To quantify measure pre-
flagged “significant DIF” when this endorsing the same rating category. cision at each ability level, we plot-
requirement does not hold. Mea- ted averaged SEs of functional status
suring DIF was 1 of 10 recommen- Discriminating ability. We con- estimates from the UIQ item and
dations for advancing patient- tinued to use Samejima’s 2- superposed with the TIF.
centered outcomes measurement35 parameter GRM39 to estimate item
because if items in a health assess- parameters. The GRM was selected Results
ment instrument are biased, detec- because it is a model for polytomous Data from 1,628 patients with PFD
tion rates can be overestimated or ordinal data,39 and it allows items symptoms receiving outpatient reha-
underestimated.35 to have different slopes (ie, dis- bilitation in 91 clinics in 24 states
crimination parameters). The slopes were analyzed (Tab. 1). Patients
For the purposes of DIF detection, allowed us to assess how well each were primarily female (93% female),
we followed a method developed by item is able to discriminate between with 75% of patients being under
Crane et al36 and described in detail patients with different abilities (ie, 65 years of age (mean age⫽53 years,
by Hart et al37 and Nilsagård and high and low urinary function), as SD⫽16, range⫽18 –91) and having
Forsberg.38 Specifically, we cali- well as to estimate item information chronic PFD. Of 1,628 patients
brated item responses to Samejima’s functions for each item. The slopes who reported urinary problem, 58%
2-parameter graded response model were expressed in logits, with higher had solely urinary problems, 15%
(GRM)39 using Parscale (Scientific positive values indicating a better had both urinary problems and pel-
Software International Inc, Lincoln- discriminating ability. Items with a vic pain, 14% had both urinary
wood, Illinois)40 and difwithpar soft- low slope of ⬍0.40 were excluded and bowel problems, and 13% had

August 2013 Volume 93 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1119

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

Table 1. urinary and bowel problems as well

Patient Characteristics at Rehabilitation Intake (N⫽1,628) as pelvic pain. Most patients had uri-
Characteristica Percentage
nary problems affecting leakage
(82%), with fewer reporting prob-
Age (y), X⫾SD, range 53⫾16, 18–91
lems with urinary frequency (60%)
18 to ⬍45 (%) 31
or retention (27%).
45 to 65 (%) 44

⬎65 (%) 25 Unidimensionality and Local

Missing (%) 0 Independence
Sex (% female) 93
The EFA indicated that the 21 UIQ
items tended to represent one dom-
Missing 0
inant factor, with the first 3 fac-

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Acuity of symptoms (%)
tors explaining 42%, 6%, and 5% of
Acute (0–21 days) 3 the total variance. Preliminary analy-
Subacute (22–90 days) 8 sis showed no item pair had a
Chronic (⬎90 days) 75 residual correlation of 0.20 or
Missing 14
more. The results suggested pos-
sible local dependence between 21
Surgical history (%)
item pairs (10%) with absolute cor-
None 64
relation residuals higher than desired
1 14 (⬎0.10). After inspecting the pat-
2 3 terns, we decided to remove items 2
3 2 (How much urine usually leaks for
ⱖ4 2
no obvious reason when you are
awake?) and 11 (How much urine
Missing 15
usually leaks when you are physi-
No. of functional comorbiditiesb (%)
cally active or coughing or sneez-
None 30 ing?) because of redundancy, but
1 14 kept other items based on clinical
2 or 3 18 reasons to cover different types of
ⱖ4 24
urinary incontinence. In addition,
item 18 (What is the frequency of
Missing 14
your daytime urination?) had a low
Exercise history (%)
loading (0.4) on the first factor. We
At least 3⫻/wk 37 felt item 18 was more descriptive
1–2⫻/wk 18 than functional and thus removed it.
Seldom or never 31

Missing 14
The remaining 18-item set was rean-
alyzed. All remaining items met the
Payer source (%)
evaluation criteria. The first 3 eigen-
PPO 44
values were 7.81, 1.20, and 1.02,
Medicare part B 16 with the first 3 factors explaining
HMO 5 43%, 7%, and 6% of data variance. Fit
Medicaid 2 statistics for 1-, 2-, and 3-factor mod-
Indemnity insurance 2
els were CFI values of 0.88, 0.94,
and 0.96, respectively, TLI values of
Medicare part A 2
0.97, 0.98, and 0.99, respectively,
Other 25
and RMSEA values of 0.07, 0.05,
Missing 4 and 0.04, respectively, supporting
HMO⫽health maintenance organization, PPO⫽preferred provider organization. unidimensionality.
Functional comorbidities are medical conditions shown to affect physical functioning.

After removing items 2, 11, and 18,
the results of DIF analysis using the

1120 f Physical Therapy Volume 93 Number 8 August 2013

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

18 UIQ items with real data values Item Hierarchical Structure potential items for single-item
were suggestive of no DIF by sex, Item hierarchical structure of the screening purposes. However, the
age group, acuity, and number of final UIQ items is presented in Table TIF curve shifted slightly toward the
PFD comorbid conditions, except 2. The numbers of patients who left (lower ability measures), which
the presence of nonuniform DIF by responded to specific items are listed implied more difficult items were
sex for item 12 (What type of pro- in the “Frequency Count” column. needed to increase test information
tection do you use for your urine Items are ranked based on the item and thus reduce the measurement
leakage?) (P⬍.0001) and uniform difficulty parameter, with more diffi- error at the high-functioning level.
and nonuniform DIF by age group cult items on the top. Item difficulty
for item 15 (To what extent do you parameters ranged from ⫺2.20 to Discussion
feel your sex life has been affected 0.39 (logits). Items representing The purpose of this study was to
by urine leakage?) (P⬍.0001 and more difficult tasks to be endorsed evaluate psychometric properties

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change in estimate ⬎0.1). Detailed by patients with a high level of func- and practicability of the UIQ in
inspection of item 12 showed female tioning were related to control of patients seeking outpatient physical
patients tended to use underpants urine flow (item 21), impact of leak- therapy services due to PFD. Overall,
liners or mini-pads, whereas male ing urine on life (item 14), and con- the results showed that the final UIQ
patients did not. Temporarily remov- fidence in ability to control the urine scale produced reliable and precise
ing the response category 2 from leakage problem (items 16 and 17). measures of urinary function for
item 12 by treating it as a missing Items representing easier tasks patients at different levels of urinary
value eliminated the DIF effect. Item endorsed by patients with a low function. The results indicated that
15 was split into 3 new items by age level of functioning were related to the final revised UIQ items met IRT
group: age group 1 (18 – 44 years), the amount of urine leakage under assumptions of unidimensionality
age group 2 (45– 64 years), and age different situations (items 6, 4, and and local independence and were
group 3 (ⱖ65 years) to account for 8). free from DIF for the variables
the DIF effect. However, due to low assessed. Measures of urinary func-
frequency counts on response cate- The patient ability distribution was tion were free from floor and ceiling
gories of age group 3 after splitting, bell-shaped, with no ceiling or floor effects and covered the functional
the convergence was not achieved. effects. The mean of the patient abil- continuum well with good measure-
Because we were unable to obtain ity estimations was 0.00 (SD⫽0.83). ment precision. Item difficulties
stable parameter estimations on item Patient ability parameters ranged were suitable for patients with PFD
15 for age group 3, this item was from ⫺3.61 to 2.87 (logits). Com- with different levels of urinary func-
removed from the parameter estima- pared with the patient ability distri- tion. More challenging and discrimi-
tion analysis (described below). bution, the UIQ items were slightly nating items are recommended to
easier relative to this sample’s overall expand the existing item bank. The
Discriminating Ability ability level. Figure 1 illustrates the data fit the GRM measurement model
Item 19 (How often do you urinate at item-person map of the UIQ items. well. Findings from this study will be
night?) had a slope of 0.28 (⬍0.40) used to develop an initial pelvic-
and was excluded from the item Test Precision floor, body part–specific CAT appli-
pool because of its low discriminat- Figure 2 illustrates a bell-shaped TIF cation to be used in the outpatient
ing ability. Table 2 lists the item char- curve with one peak located at the physical therapy services.
acteristics of the remaining UIQ middle ability level. The SE values
items sorted by the item difficulty were small in the middle range of To our knowledge, this is the first
parameter. Item discrimination patient ability measures but study designed to develop an IRT-
parameters ranged from 0.48 to 1.18. increased as ability measures (logits) based item bank suitable for CAT
When comparing the item discrimi- became extreme. The average SE application for patients with PFD
nation parameters, item 14 had the value for all patients was 1.84, but seeking outpatient rehabilitation
highest item discrimination value, the average SE value for 90% of the therapy. Our results suggest the UIQ
followed by items 16, 13, 7, 1, and patients with ability measures scale represents an adequate first
17, implying these items were able between ⫺1.4 and 1.4 was 0.71. step in the development of multiple
to discriminate between patients of CATs for this population, particularly
different ability within a narrow For individual item information (IIF) because we analyzed data from a rel-
effective range around their item dif- curves, item 14 had the highest atively large sample (N⫽1,628). Two
ficulty parameter estimates. peak, followed by items 13, 17, 7, previous studies used IRT methods
16, and 1. These items could be to examine the psychometric prop-

August 2013 Volume 93 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1121

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

Table 2.
Item Characteristics of the Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire (UIQ) Itemsa

Category Parameter

Item Description Freq Count Diff Diff SE Slope Slope SE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

21. Control urine flow 440 0.39 0.09 0.61 0.04 1.57 ⫺0.38 ⫺1.18
after starting to urinate

17. Control urine leak 996 0.19 0.04 0.92 0.03 1.71 1.17 0.74 0.34 ⫺0.36 ⫺0.69 ⫺1.12 ⫺1.79
(0–10 points)

14. Leaking urine 996 0.15 0.03 1.18 0.04 1.49 0.44 ⫺0.31 ⫺1.61
interferes with your

9. Urine leak when you 1,004 0.09 0.07 0.48 0.02 2.22 0.84 0.38 ⫺0.89 ⫺2.55

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are physically active

16. Level of confidence 996 0.07 0.04 1.00 0.03 1.61 0.09 ⫺1.70
(4 levels)

1. Urine leak while 1,326 ⫺0.09 0.03 0.95 0.03 2.53 0.19 ⫺0.24 ⫺0.86 ⫺1.62

20. Delay urination after 439 ⫺0.24 0.08 0.65 0.03 2.05 1.11 ⫺0.08 ⫺0.85 ⫺2.23
feeling the urge

12. Type of protection 993 ⫺0.55 0.05 0.79 0.03 1.18 0.36 ⫺1.54

7. Urine leak before you 1,006 ⫺0.57 0.04 0.96 0.03 2.13 0.44 0.03 ⫺0.79 ⫺1.80
can get to the toilet

5. Leak urine after 1,028 ⫺0.78 0.06 0.62 0.02 2.07 0.29 ⫺0.12 ⫺0.72 ⫺1.52
finished urinating

10. Level of activity that 865 ⫺0.86 0.06 0.76 0.04 0.81 ⫺0.09 ⫺0.72
causes urine leakage

15. Sex life affected (age 294 ⫺0.87 0.11 0.67 0.06 0.83 0.02 ⫺0.85
group 1)

13. No. of protective 724 ⫺1.38 0.05 0.97 0.04 1.19 0.51 ⫺0.32 ⫺1.37

15. Sex life affected (age 451 ⫺1.40 0.11 0.60 0.05 0.93 ⫺0.09 ⫺0.84
group 2)

3. Urine leak when 1,024 ⫺1.71 0.06 0.82 0.04 1.39 0.38 ⫺0.12 ⫺0.51 ⫺1.14

8. How much urine 791 ⫺1.93 0.07 0.58 0.03 1.65 0.61 ⫺2.26
leaks before getting
to the toilet

4. How much urine 349 ⫺1.99 0.12 0.53 0.04 1.51 ⫺1.51
leaks while sleeping

6. How much urine 651 ⫺2.20 0.10 0.52 0.03 1.52 ⫺1.52
leaks after urinating
Items were ranked based on the item difficulty parameter, with more difficult items on the top. The first column lists the item number as listed in the
Appendix. Freq Count⫽number of patients who have responded to a specific item, Diff⫽item difficulty parameter, SE⫽standard error, slope⫽item
discrimination parameter. Items 2, 11, 18, and 19 were removed from the analysis, and item 15 was split into 3 items by age group: age group 1 (age 18 –
44 years), age group 2 (age 45– 64 years), and age group 3 (age ⱖ65 years). For item 15, age group 3 was dropped due to low frequency count and
unstable parameter estimations.

erties of urinary incontinence ques- stable and precise estimates of item impact of urinary incontinence on
tionnaires: Handa and Massof18 parameters for patients with PFD in social life (eg, hobbies, ability to do
(N⫽27 women with stress urinary general. Comparing our results with household chores, going on vaca-
incontinence) and Bower et al43 the findings of these 2 studies was tion),18 whereas the UIQ emphasizes
(N⫽156 children with bladder dys- difficult because the questionnaires urinary urgency and frequency, as
function). Compared with these 2 used were related to the quality of well as severity of the urinary
studies,18,43 our larger and more life in children (eg, body image, fam- symptoms.
diverse sample should produce more ily and home, self-esteem)43 or the

1122 f Physical Therapy Volume 93 Number 8 August 2013

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

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Figure 1.
Item-person map of the Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire (UIQ) The item-person map was derived by analyzing the UIQ items
using Samejima’s 2-parameter graded response model and Parscale. The map illustrates the relationship of the person score
distribution (right) with the hierarchical order of UIQ items (left). Both person ability and item difficulty are expressed on a common
metric, which is expressed along the central axis in logits, with higher positive values indicating a more difficult item or a person with
a higher level of functioning.

We were unable to run Mplus26 to

assess unidimentionality and local
independence using our original
data set because the minimum cova-
riance coverage was not fulfilled for
all items (insufficient frequency
counts for all items). As a result, we
generated a data set in which each
missing response in half (50%) of
the original data set was randomly
selected and replaced with an
imputed value. Such replacement
may lead to better results than using
the original data set with real values.
We explored such an effect by gen- Figure 2.
Test information function (TIF) and standard error (SE), illustrating a bell-shaped TIF
erating 2 additional data sets where curve with one peak located at the middle ability level. The SE values were small in the
25% and 100% of the original data middle range of patient ability measures but increased as ability measures (logits)
set were randomly selected and became extreme. Overall, the TIF curve shifted slightly toward the left (lower ability
replaced with imputed values and by measures), which implied more difficult items were needed to increase test information
conducting the same analytical pro- and thus reduce the measurement error at the high-functioning level.
cedures. Comparing the CFI, TLI,
and RMSEA values of these 3 data

August 2013 Volume 93 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1123

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

sets (with 25%, 50%, and 100% In the process of developing the unadjusted and fully adjusted ability
records supplemented with imputed questionnaire, we administered the estimates was 0.999, similar to the
values), all 3 analyses demonstrated same questionnaire to both male finding by Crane et al,45 suggesting
that one factor was sufficient for ade- and female participants. In the no practical DIF.
quate model fit. For 25%, 50%, and future, as we continue to collect
100% imputed data sets, respec- more data, we intend to develop sex- We used the GRM measurement
tively, there were local dependence specific surveys because urinary and model to perform the initial exami-
relationships among 35 (15%), 21 bowel structures and sex functions nation of the psychometric proper-
(10%), and 3 (1%) item pairs (out of are very different between sexes. To ties of the UIQ items because it is a
210 item pairs), with absolute corre- examine the sex factor, we used a model for polytomous ordinal data39
lation residuals higher than desired method developed by Crane et al36 and it is a 2-parameter model con-
(⬎0.10). Because the data set with for DIF detection by sex. Results sup- taining both item difficulty and dis-

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25% imputed data revealed too many ported clinically relevant findings in crimination parameters. In a
large correlation residuals to exam- sex differences in using type of pro- follow-up analysis, we analyzed the
ine the pattern, and the data set with tection (item 12) and age differences same data set using Masters’ one-
100% imputed data showed unrealis- in sex life (item 15). In a follow-up parameter partial credit model
tically good results, the data set with analysis, we inspected data from (PCM)32 and WINSTEPS software.33
50% imputed values was used. item 12 that appeared to be geared We found that most results were sim-
toward female participants. We did ilar. The item hierarchical structure
To make the decision of removing observe that female patients tended remained, except item 12 became an
items using the IRT methods, differ- to select “underpants liners or mini- easier item compared with the esti-
ent criteria existed. To test unidi- pads” (14% of female patients who mate using the GRM. Similarly, the
mensionality and local indepen- responded to item 12) and that rela- distribution of ability estimations
dence, we chose a selection cutoff of tively few male patients (3% of male was normally distributed, with no
a correlation residual of 0.20,30 patients who responded to item 12) obvious ceiling or floor effect. Find-
although a cutoff of 0.25 has been selected that response based on the ings suggested that the UIQ data fit
used.44 We used a more restrictive frequency count. However, both the PCM well, with no items show-
criterion because we expected bet- female and male patients responded ing misfit (all infit or outfit values
ter results using the imputed data set to item 12 under the predicted were ⬍1.4 and ⬎0.6). The results of
than using the original data set with hypothesis that patients who have the TIF analysis also showed a bell-
just real values. To assess the dis- more severe urinary incontinence shaped TIF with one peak located at
criminating ability, we decided to symptoms would rely on more pro- the middle ability level and indicated
remove items with a low slope of tection. Although removing the that the UIQ was reliable and precise
⬍0.40, although a much higher cri- response category 2 from item 12 by for measuring most patients at differ-
terion of 0.70 has been used.44 On treating it as a missing value resulted ent levels of urinary function. Lastly,
average, the majority of UIQ items in no DIF by sex, the current male with the person-separation index (G)
had relatively low discrimination sample size was small (only 48 male equal to 0.95, these UIQ items sepa-
parameters. Lower estimations of patients responded to item 12). rated person ability into 1.6 (ie,
discrimination parameters may sug- Therefore, we should be cautious in [4 ⫻ 0.95 ⫹ 1]/3) statistically dis-
gest: (1) modifications of wording of generalizing our results to the male tinct strata, indicating the need to
the question or rating scale structure population, and we will continue add more challenging or easier items
or (2) challenges in quantifying the monitoring item 12 in the future. to distinguish patients into different
urinary function accurately because levels of urinary function. As a result,
the leakage, frequency, and reten- To account for the DIF effect, we the PCM measurement model
tion problems may partially depend split item 15 into 3 new items by age seemed to be a better choice,
on the details of daily events (eg, group. There seems to be a general although the item discrimination
beverages a person consumes in a tendency that the impact of urine parameters were varied among UIQ
day, a sudden cough, heavy lifting). leakage on sex life decreases by age, items (0.48 –1.18).
Keeping items with low slope values where the younger group feels sex
in the item pool should not affect life has been affected by urine leak- There were several limitations of this
the measurement, although these age the most. However, there was no study. First, because this study was a
items would have a smaller chance perceptible impact on urinary func- secondary analysis of prospectively
of being selected in the CAT tion estimates when adjusting for collected data via a proprietary data-
application.44 DIF; the correlation between the base management company (FOTO),

1124 f Physical Therapy Volume 93 Number 8 August 2013

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

we were not in control of the data in analyzing responses with 2-digit Yen provided consultation (including review
collection procedure, and there was width (ie, item 17 with response of manuscript before submission).
no specific timetable for patients to categories of 1–11), we collapsed The institutional review boards of Focus On
be assessed, as no training was given 2 of the lowest and highest Therapeutic Outcomes, Inc and the Univer-
to therapists prior to the data collec- responses. Although the real impact sity of Wisconsin–Milwaukee approved the
study procedures.
tion. Additionally, generalizability of is unknown, we did monitor the
results may be limited because differ- potential influence on the item cali- This research, in part, was presented at the
ences between participating clinics bration of item 17 by comparing the Combined Sections Meeting of the Ameri-
can Physical Therapy Association; February
and clinics that do not collect data results derived from the 2-parameter 8 –12, 2012; Chicago, Illinois.
using FOTO may exist. GRM using Parscale and the results
derived from the PCM using WIN- DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20120134
Because data were collected in rou- STEPS. The results were similar, with

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tine, busy outpatient rehabilitation item 21 the most challenging item References
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Dr Wang and Dr Hart provided concept/ vices FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and
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data analysis. Dr Hart, Dr Deutscher, and Dr
ues. Similarly, due to the challenges

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13 Hart DL, Connolly JB. Pay-for-Performance 23 Swinkels IC, van den Ende CH, de Bakker 35 McHorney CA. Ten recommendations for
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1126 f Physical Therapy Volume 93 Number 8 August 2013

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire (UIQ)a

Urinary Leakage Items

1 How often does urine leak for no obvious reason when you are awake?
1 Never
2 Once or less per week
3 More than once a week
4 Once a day
5 Several times a day
6 Continuously

2 How

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much urine usually leaks for no obvious reason when you are awake?
1 A few drops
2 Enough to make underpants/pads wet
3 Enough to wet outer clothes
4 Urine runs down legs onto floor

3 How often does urine leak when you are asleep?

1 Never
2 Once or less per week
3 More than once a week
4 Once a day
5 Several times a day
6 Continuously

4 How much urine usually leaks while you are sleeping?

1 A few drops
2 Enough to make pajamas/pads wet
3 Enough to wet all clothes and bedding

5 How often do you leak urine after you thought you had finished urinating?
1 Never
2 Once or less per week
3 More than once a week
4 Once a day
5 Several times a day
6 Every time

6 How much urine usually leaks after you thought you had finished urinating?
1 A few drops
2 Enough to make underpants/pads wet
3 Enough to wet outer clothes
4 Urine runs down legs onto floor

7 How often does urine leak before you can get to the toilet?
1 Never
2 Once or less per week
3 More than once a week
4 Once a day
5 Several times a day
6 Every time


August 2013 Volume 93 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1127

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire


8 How much urine usually leaks before you can get to the toilet?
1 A few drops
2 Enough to make underpants/pads wet
3 Enough to wet outer clothes
4 Urine runs down legs onto floor
9 How often does urine leak when you are physically active, including coughing or sneezing?
1 Never
2 Once or less per week
3 More than once a week

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4 Once a day
5 Several times a day
6 Every time
10 Describe the level of activity that causes urine leakage.
1 Vigorous activity, such as running, exercise, coughing, or sneezing
2 Moderate activity, such as household chores or lifting
3 Light activity, such as walking, bending, or rising
4 Leak even without activity
11 How much urine usually leaks when you are physically active or coughing or sneezing?
1 A few drops
2 Enough to make underpants/pads wet
3 Enough to wet outer clothes
4 Urine runs down legs onto floor
12 What type of protection do you use for your urine leakage?
1 None
2 Underpants liners or mini-pads
3 Maxi-pads
4 Incontinence pads
5 Incontinence briefs
6 Diapers
13 Select the number of protective garments for urine leakage you use per day.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 ⱖ5
14 Overall, how much does leaking urine interfere with your life?
1 Does not interfere with my life
2 Minor inconvenience
3 Slight problem
4 Moderate problem
5 Major problem
15 To what extent do you feel your sex life has been affected by urine leakage?
1 Has not affected my sex life
2 A little
3 Somewhat
4 A great deal

1128 f Physical Therapy Volume 93 Number 8 August 2013

Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire


16 Describe your level of confidence in your ability to control your urine leakage problem.
1 Complete confidence
2 Moderate confidence
3 Little confidence
4 No confidence

17 How well do you control your urine leakage? (0 being “no control” to 10 being “full control”)
1 0 (no control)
2 1

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3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
10 9
11 10 (full control)

Urination Frequency Items

18 What is the frequency of your daytime urination?
1 1– 4 times per day
2 5– 8 times per day
3 9 –12 times per day
4 ⱖ13 times per day

19 How often do you urinate at night?

1 Do not urinate at night
2 1 time per night
3 2 times per night
4 3 times per night
5 4 or more times per night

Urinary Retention Items

20 How long can you delay urination from the first time you feel the urge?
1 1 or more hours
2 30 minutes
3 15 minutes
4 less than 10 minutes
5 1–2 minutes
6 Cannot delay urination

21 After starting to urinate, can you:

1 Stop urine flow completely
2 Maintain a change to the urine stream
3 Partially deflect or change the urine stream
4 Unable to deflect, change, or slow urine stream

The Urinary Incontinence Questionnaire may not be used or reproduced without written permission from the authors.

August 2013 Volume 93 Number 8 Physical Therapy f 1129

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