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1) What are the advantages of travelling by train?

2) What are the advantages of having a private car?
3) What are the advantages of zoos?
4) What are the advantages of playing team sports?
5) What are the advantages of being famous?
6) What are the advantages of watching films in a cinema?
7) What are the advantages of living in cities?
8) What are the advantages of using a public library?
9) What are the advantages of spending time in a foreign country?
10) What are the advantages of getting news from newspapers?
11) What are the advantages of online shopping?
12) What are the advantages of listening to radio (compare with TV)?
13) What are the advantages of advertising?
14) What are the advantages of hand made products?


1) Well I suppose that there are quite a few benefits.

2) But I would probably say that for most part, the one thing that really stands out is that
(a) trains are really cheap.

3) This is obviously useful because

(a) you can travel from one side Vietnam to the other for some hundred thousand Dong.

4) I guess that another obvious plus point is that

(a) it is much faster than travelling by road –

5) this can be an aid since

(a) we can save time by travelling on trains.

6) Along with this, a further merit is that

(a) you can sleep quite comfortably on long train journeys.

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