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Chapter 05 Motivation at Work


1. External theories of motivation give primary consideration to variables within an individual that
lead to motivation and behavior.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

2. Adam Smith argued that a person's self-interest was determined by the government.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

3. Frederick Taylor's goal was to change the relationship between management and labor from one
of conflict to one of cooperation.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

4. Theory Y assumptions are appropriate for employees motivated by lower-order needs.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)
5. Theory X assumptions apply to employees motivated by higher-order needs.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

6. Theory X assumptions have inspired employee participation programs.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

7. Alderfer classified Maslow's physiological and physical safety needs in a growth need category.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

8. ERG theory explains both progressive need gratification and regression when people face

(A) True (B)


Answer : (A)

9. Work conditions related to satisfaction of the need for psychological growth were labeled hygiene

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

10. Work conditions related to dissatisfaction caused by discomfort or pain were labeled motivation

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

11. Eustress is a negative response such as frustration or fear which leads to unhealthy and
unproductive results.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)
12. Distress is a positive response to challenges that generates energy and motivates an individual
to achieve.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

13. Organizations with high levels of employee engagement do not perform well financially in
volatile economic times.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

14. There are no cultural differences with regard to Maslow's, McClelland's, and Herzberg's

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

15. Security is the pinnacle need for Americans in Maslow's need hierarchy.

(A) True

(B) False

Answer : (B)

16. Self-actualization may be the most important need for people in cultures with a high need to
avoid uncertainty.

(A) True (B)


Answer : (B)

17. Expectancy theory does not hold up well in cultures that value individualism.

(A) True

(B) False
Answer : (B)


18. of motivation give primary consideration to variables within an individual that lead to
motivation and behavior.

(A) External theories

(B) Process theories

(C) Internal theories

(D) Route theories

Answer : (C)

19. of motivation focus on the elements in an environment, including the consequences of

behavior, as the basis for understanding and explaining people's behavior at work.

(A) External theories

(B) Process theories

(C) Internal theories

(D) Route theories

Answer : (A)

20. The encouraged hard work on the grounds that prosperous workers were more likely to find a
place in heaven.

(A) psychoanalytic approach

(B) Spirit of Socialism

(C) Protestant ethic

(D) sociocultural perspective

Answer : (C)

21. The can help explain irrational and self-destructive behaviors such as suicide or workplace

(A) behaviorist perspective

(B) psychoanalytic approach

(C) humanistic approach

(D) sociocultural perspective

Answer : (B)

22. Adam Smith formulated the invisible hand and the free market to explain the motivation for
individual behaviors. The invisible hand refers to:

(A) the variables within an individual that lead to motivation and behavior.

(B) the desire to influence others, the urge to change people or events, and the wish to make a
difference in life.

(C) the work conditions related to satisfaction of the need for psychological growth.

(D) the unseen forces of a free market system that shape the most efficient use of people, money,
and resources for productive ends.

Answer : (D)

23. Frederick Taylor, the founder of scientific management, examined labor efficiency and
effectiveness. His goal was to change:

(A) the relationship between technology and labor efficiency.

(B) the relationship between management and labor from one of conflict to one of cooperation.

(C) the work conditions related to satisfaction of the need for psychological growth.

(D) the motivation factors that relate to job satisfaction and the hygiene factors that relate to job

Answer : (B)

24. In the context of external incentives, considers both psychological needs and external
incentives to motivate workers.

(A) psychodynamic theory

(B) industrial psychology

(C) psychological ownership

(D) organizational behavior

Answer : (C)

25. A distinguishing feature of Maslow's need hierarchy is the .

(A) need for achievement

(B) need for power

(C) regression hypothesis

(D) progression hypothesis

Answer : (D)

26. In the context of Maslow's need hierarchy, the progression hypothesis suggests that:

(A) people progress up the hierarchy as they successively gratify each level of need.

(B) people with a high need for achievement seek performance excellence.

(C) it is more crucial to gratify the needs at the highest level and then the ones below it.

(D) the lowest level of needs represents the external incentives of employees.

Answer : (A)

27. Managers can make the most of Maslow's need hierarchy for success in their teams by:

(A) recognizing that each individual has a unique set of needs and therefore gearing incentives to
meet various needs.

(B) organizing each individual's needs into the categories of existence, relatedness, and growth.

(C) recognizing individual's needs for achievement, power, and affiliation.

(D) focusing on each individual's needs or the rewards or punishment meted out in the work

Answer : (A)

28. Drake, a technical support executive at Zenk Corp., has good managerial skills and a keen
interest in organizing team strategies. This earns him a promotion to a senior position where he
manages a team of 40 people. According to Maslow's need hierarchy theory, which of the following
needs is fulfilled for Drake?

(A) The need for power

(B) The need for affiliation

(C) Physiological needs

(D) Self-actualization needs

Answer : (D)
29. McGregor's Theory X assumptions are appropriate for:

(A) people with a high need for affiliation.

(B) people who are not by nature resistant to organizational needs.

(C) employees motivated by lower-order needs.

(D) individuals motivated by higher-order needs.

Answer : (C)

30. organizes human needs into three basic categories: existence, relatedness, and growth.

(A) The ERG theory of motivation

(B) Expectancy theory

(C) The two-Factor theory

(D) McClelland's need theory

Answer : (A)

31. Alderfer's growth need category encompasses Maslow's .

(A) interpersonal love needs

(B) safety needs

(C) physiological needs

(D) self-actualization needs

Answer : (D)

32. Clayton Alderfer's regression hypothesis suggests that:

(A) as one level of need is met, a person regresses to the next lower level of need as a source of

(B) people with a high need for achievement seek performance excellence, enjoy difficult and
challenging goals, persevere, and are competitive.

(C) people are frustrated by their inability to meet needs at the next higher needs in the hierarchy;
hence, they regress to the next lower category of needs.

(D) the presence of motivation factors is not essential to enhancing employee motivation to excel at

Answer : (C)
33. According to McClelland, which of the following is true of people with a high need for

(A) They set goals that are moderately difficult yet achievable.

(B) They like having external events interfere with their progress.

(C) They always prefer to work alone, irrespective of their task.

(D) They set goals that are very simple and easily achievable.

Answer : (A)

34. According to McClelland, high achievers:

(A) prefer to work alone, irrespective of their task.

(B) often hope and plan for success.

(C) set goals that are very simple.

(D) like having external events interfere with their progress.

Answer : (B)

35. According to McClelland's need theory, the is interpersonal because it involves influence
over other people.

(A) need for achievement

(B) need for affiliation

(C) need for safety

(D) need for power

Answer : (D)

36. According to McClelland's research, the best managers have a high need for .

(A) personalized power

(B) achievement

(C) affiliation

(D) socialized power

Answer : (D)

37. According to Herzberg, which of the following is a difference between motivation factors and
hygiene factors?

(A) Motivation factors include security and status, whereas hygiene factors include advancement and

(B) Motivation factors lead to negative mental health, whereas hygiene factors lead to positive
mental health.

(C) Motivation factors include extrinsic factors, whereas hygiene factors include intrinsic factors.

(D) Motivation factors relate to job satisfaction, whereas hygiene factors relate to job dissatisfaction.

Answer : (D)

38. Joe has a keen interest in his present job, but he does not get along with his boss, Martin. Martin
never appreciates Joe's achievements and gives him unreasonable targets to meet. This has made
Joe unhappy with his job. According to Herzberg's Theory, which of the following is a reason for
Joe's job dissatisfaction?

(A) Motivation factors

(B) Manifest needs

(C) Hygiene factors

(D) Existence needs

Answer : (C)

39. In the context of Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following is true of hygiene factors?

(A) They relate to job satisfaction.

(B) They directly affect a person's drive to do a good job.

(C) They challenge people to grow and invest themselves in an organization.

(D) They are important to a certain level but unimportant beyond that threshold.

Answer : (D)

40. is a negative response such as frustration or fear, which leads to unhealthy and
unproductive results.

(A) Distress

(B) Inequity

(C) Eustress

(D) Valence
Answer : (A)

41. Which of the following best describes eustress?

(A) It is the value, or importance, one places on a particular reward.

(B) It is a negative response such as frustration, which leads to unhealthy and unproductive results.

(C) It is a positive response to challenges that generates energy and motivates an individual to

(D) It is the belief that performance is related to rewards.

Answer : (C)

42. The idea of encouraging eustress is to focus on an individual's:

(A) negative response such as frustration.

(B) interpretation of or response to events.

(C) ability to meet the need of achievement.

(D) perception of the performance process.

Answer : (B)

43. Which of the following statements is true of equity theory?

(A) It stresses the role of energy recovery in overall performance.

(B) It challenges people to grow and invest themselves in an organization.

(C) It is concerned with the social processes that influence motivation and behavior.

(D) It assumes that people expect certain outcomes of behavior and performance.

Answer : (C)

44. In the context of Amitai Etzioni's categories of exchange relationships, which of the following
statements is true of alienated relationships?

(A) They have high positive intensity.

(B) They have low negative intensity.

(C) They have low positive intensity.

(D) They have high negative intensity.

Answer : (D)
45. are based on the notion of social exchange in which each party in the relationship demands
certain things of the other and contributes accordingly to the exchange.

(A) Committed involvements

(B) Alienated involvements

(C) Calculated involvements

(D) Dedicated involvements

Answer : (C)

46. Adams's theory of inequity suggests that people are motivated when they:

(A) find themselves in situations of equity.

(B) have a very high need for socialized power as opposed to personalized power.

(C) satisfy organizational demands through a range of contributions.

(D) find themselves in situations of unfairness.

Answer : (D)

47. According to Adams's theory of inequity, which of the following is a strategy for restoring

(A) Rationalize the equity

(B) Alter a person's inputs

(C) Include a hierarchy

(D) Stay in the organizational situation

Answer : (B)

48. Which of the following statements is true of benevolents?

(A) These people may be thought of as takers.

(B) These people may be thought of as givers.

(C) They are comfortable only with an equity ratio greater than that of their comparison other.

(D) They prefer equity based on the originally formed theory.

Answer : (B)

49. A(n) is an individual who is comfortable with an equity ratio greater than that of his or her
comparison other.

(A) equity sensitive

(B) benevolent

(C) entitled

(D) inequity sensitive

Answer : (C)

50. Victor Vroom's of motivation is a cognitive process theory that assumes that people expect certain
outcomes of behavior and performance, which may be thought of as rewards, or consequences of behavior.

(A) two-factor theory

(B) expectancy theory

(C) equity theory

(D) inequity theory

Answer : (B)

51. In the context of expectancy theory of motivation, which of the following is true of evaluation systems?

(A) They are meant to enhance a person's belief that effort will improve performance and therefore lead to
better pay.

(B) They are based on the notion of social exchange in which each party in the relationship demands certain
things of the other.

(C) They stress the role of energy recovery in overall performance.

(D) They consider power and exchange important in understanding human behavior.

Answer : (A)

52. Expectancy theory attributes motivational problems to:

(A) disbelief in a relationship between effort and performance.

(B) a desire for the rewards offered.

(C) belief in a relationship between performance and rewards.

(D) one's own self-interest.

Answer : (A)
53. Which of the following is true of the expectancy theory of motivation?

(A) It takes into account the irrational choices that individuals may make.

(B) It is easy to test because of its simplicity.

(C) It is time-consuming, and the values for each construct change over time for an individual.

(D) It ignores individuals' perception of the relationship between effort and performance.

Answer : (C)


54. Briefly explain McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y.

Graders Info :

Answers will vary.Maslow's need hierarchy has been applied to organizational behavior in two key
ways. Douglas McGregor strove to explain motivation by grouping the physiological and safety needs
as lower-order needs and the social, esteem, and self-actualization needs as upper-order needs.
According to McGregor's theory, managers can make one of two sets of assumptions about an
individual depending on the factors that motivate his or her behavior. McGregor's Theory X
assumptions are appropriate for employees motivated by lower-order needs, while Theory Y
assumptions apply to employees motivated by higher-order needs. Please see the section "Maslow's
Need Hierarchy" for more information.

55. What are some of the characteristics of high achievers?

Graders Info :

Answers will vary.McClelland found that people with a high need for achievement perform better
than those lacking such a need. Such individuals share these three characteristics: First, they set
goals that are moderately difficult yet achievable. Second, they like to receive feedback on their
progress toward these goals. Third, they do not like having external events or other people interfere
with their progress toward the goals. In addition, high achievers often hope and plan for success;
may be quite content to work alone or with other people, whichever is more appropriate to their
task; and like being very good at what they do so and, accordingly, tend to develop expertise and
competence in their chosen endeavors. Please see the section "McClelland's Need Theory" for more

56. Briefly identify and explain the two new ideas in motivation.
Graders Info :

Answers will vary.Two new ideas in motivation have emerged in the past decade. One centers on
eustress, strength, and hope. A second new idea centers on positive energy and full engagement.
Eustress is healthy, normal stress. Stress is the energy we experience when confronted with
challenging or difficult situation. Such situations can produce distress, a negative response such as
frustration or fear, which leads to unhealthy and unproductive results, or eustress, a positive
response to challenges that generates energy and motivates an individual to achieve. Eustress leads
us to invest in strengths, find meaning in work, display courage and principled action, and draw on
positive emotions at work.
The second new concept in motivation, Jim Loehr's full engagement idea, uses lessons learned from
professional athletes. The central tenets are that an individual should manage energy rather than
time and should strategically disengage from certain activities to balance the power of full
engagement. Please see the section "Two New Ideas in Motivation" for more information.

57. Identify the seven basic strategies provided by Adam's theory for restoring equity.

Graders Info :

Answers will vary.Once a person establishes the existence of an inequity, she might use a number of
strategies to restore equity. Adams's theory provides seven basic strategies for restoring equity:
alter the person's outcomes, alter the person's inputs, alter the comparison other's outcomes, alter
the comparison other's inputs, change who is used as a comparison other, rationalize the inequity,
and leave the organizational situation. Each of the first four strategies could involve a wide variety of
tactics. Please see the section "Social Exchange and Equity Theory" for more information.

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